HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-07-20, Page 8Grand' joy the rewire of a soc!aI bop. °Peso * inkrra nlgbt for * dance but &jump Ja the aid would: probably of Mesa% Mar.- tin/hove beinaeleded to attend. • High 4-)ourt_sit St. ,Oatharhaes in .olke ust. Mrs. Anderson W04, etioseri attend the same met it.%&,.iss represent. *Ova Of the Oompanion Oourt. • By an err* In cortectingthe type froln a -marked proof sheet loat• *reek Mae Jennie nerdy was credited With, litn and Misi Mead Teo/4m with In the recent'epuninotion; It should 'Misr ylor- • the .adviii4i1itY,Ofae‘ 10. SOWS offer in the purcha2e of the , eectvldlightplant k is not ler. ,u.s..•to • 7.• but thTiewafea y in -themselves cOnapiettoo* by their- scam and th*tmeeting wasnot a refentattee 0116 bY1114 Mean& HOW* ever. Dr. ,Itellins was. assigned to the cbsir And calling the ineettng to order explained Its Object mid set -Worth in.' *brief 141401,4 *One . of his • 'etreenet Views regarding the matter. MO. Jus, Senior, clerk Of the. Village, west then: to sot se secretsr, of thOlt ,P3041' Ing &nd read the correspondence in hie posielaton beating' on. the Subject for _040110n. A. .51r. *ell*, of Goderich. but:been :invited , by. the town coma to make ik vitae** Of .10. ‘lineiri t PASS estimate, **read by the '- log te n---voneul ed to giveuftgure. of a similar t • including_ . Masa% the town solicitor. Len--oalledi-nntl-addressec“h a at SOME!, 1engjb,H. stated he counciLhad.beeigivenati_o ri the old millpraperty. wbi $J0O,butthatTthe thne -limit had recL• He, however, was of the ion that Mr. HOword would ex._ the' wifthetteivn-was-in-s,-pos- close-the -deal.-- He -further from • . ne Jibe' •boixtof 115000tOtreet & d that it coo 1. Ft1 to establish and equip an electric light plant t,bus teceesitating the issui of debentures to the extent of -This he Said the 'council Would not un-". dertake without the sanction.and con- sent alba ratepeyers. and this not being. representative meeting .he would advise • adjournment' to some date in the near future. The council �you want."Pure Paris Green" for tato Bugs go to 0. Lots, central tore.-Exoter. -Vor-40-cents, _paidAtLadvance.. ,or yourfriend wig receive Ton Moo- -the -end, ot 190& Or.-ittnler,--Londort, will--ber at -the- -Csntrsl Hotel. Thursday, julyTh247tro,144 all day. for Eye; Ear, Nciseand, s. -Zyelilitatedwn- - feol-people'onwbutirsitord-ttP • si ime. W don't etailtrt to Infallible, but stead' y in- irsuung trade is proOf that WO are do - lag our best for our customers. Exe• tar Star Flour as easily the first With , the housekeeper. , Reeve BiSsett is cordined to the house, owing to linnets. • corascii Situates. . *di of tteeve. on Iff-nesday, .43 7 12. All fa. Minutes of last meeting and approved. Couununicatkin kora the Ontario Municipal Aseocia- on, re annuatrneeting to be held in %twin toon_WednesdaymitThorsda &ngust-3Oth-aud read and; . Ilteasrs. Burdon and TamOn. waited on **Council askingA grant for the pur- ,,. ipese:ef, seeming the old on groundeitheLatrosseclub having tried tee school grounds and found. the same be too small for lacrosse. Muir secure he old recreation - grounds; payable to me. En (Mrrled. fievett -Muir that Walloon le,cohi he appointed.• ndk f�r 'clifieNorth-enitdffir• id confirming the ;am Atkeelec_tric light plant, exelusiVe of biztldin andlatid to the Ck-lifOra-- Wan vett-Arms. --that bebellintheTownffaH,on •• r July 17, at 8 Thin., to discuss electric -I1ghtpropoition.--0arried. We Armstrong -the commissioner to se. two inch gas rape for useltt the came. tery.-Carried. Muir— Wood -,the Clerkinstructed the town Solicitor to have By -Law prepared, regards new walks on Main -at. from station road to the bridge, -term extending ten years. 14evett-Armstrong-that the stxee **grate be 100. per toot.. .Wood-Levett-the-follow h!gacouuts were presented and orders drawn on Treasurer for same: -Messrs. Sanders and Trleimer,107. beloncedue en walk 1-901, $11; }Utley Itirm, flour forMr. iirimatonilte $175- Dr„ 104nn41006-to date $2t0 1 putt salary tOEJuIyIstj Bissett, Charity to Mrs. Delve, .$10; 76a; mreraver. Am. $tat; Arty Knott igt'Th; likorK teaming, $24803. Hondford.do. #1230o. Sutton, 'street watering, $25 Mrs. White, iscrubbint IX 11. SnelI tiectrie 111115.38. Levett-Wood- liosu,n until Jtily20. 1* -maker The sun has been ht warm. o ram bit. intsrfe Much bey that bad not previously been out, is being _save& , Here and there are foe,* gelds of wheat that am needy ready for. the binder, while some have ofrody comMenced cutting wheat. • • The reserteddethion ofiudge Doyle re the case of .ttle Ross Toylor 0o. and the Vs of Exeter, in the nutter of judge dismissed -the company's appeal with costs. cordirmiegthe aseesement• The town pays the judge's, tArIVI2 sone- itor)* and valuators' fens,.as provided by the Acts Other costs are to be paid bythecompany._ 7-Parentwand-Guardistur_ • see that all town students desirous of entering either of the High School chine* fertile September -term. ter with the Secretary not later than the first day of An/ust. As Only .a Baited number of outside studen can, T -T, n $ o made with the Secrets:lion or fore the 15th 44' of August. The marriage took plaCeat the Rect- WildnesdaY-list,of W 'Homey, totiO r. IL ot7wy. of Vshorne, and Miss .Ferguson u . twalett the homestead terra InVsborne. Their haverthetest--wishasoftheirfriends. ou-thinkotatown„ cil that wili call amecting of the rate! to appear &t the meeting? It Was their duty to be there. much. 'more so than an ordinary taupe:vet. Are they weak or strong as a council? Why don't they strike out a path to follow andstick to le This wobbling, hesi- tating and vacillsting does net. Indic- ate. sErengthwtior sloctitinvite melee.; -the-absentees"- - have had sufficient excuse.`-;-00it.1 At aspecial meeting of the united vestries of St. John's, St. William's ;and 'bah, held in St. Iohteit church,. * W. Sander* B. 4., tendered 4 • 41 • criticism -by ifir...13.4-..-Rbeelana Mr. T. B. Corling. Mt. Boss said it was too bad that the imbued had not prepared somethinginthe way of ak, propositlon .while Mr. caeung_itgeeed with him In tto..Matter and said thett.1- wasuotht -.-betere theptopletto con. saes- ha gen • up the cudgel on l'whiliof the council and-said-the-reroarksof the -ire s were out Of place la ridictd; i council, as they had done all at could )34, expected Of them to r. Connor waspresentand volunteer- ed *ogee valuable information regiird- ing electric lightingand other an tett which prov-W_ of interest and profit to - in vensideringthe'Matt before them. Short addresses were sun mat4,0 4 others present. The • Mrs -Statham is visiting' hersister • near &start!). Mrs. EL Itittnobr is visiting in Bata tle-Oreek, Mich. Mr Joliallarrisou, of Forest, is Vise Itineriendshvtown. ' Westcett.ofPeterhoro.1. visiting at his home here. . Blanche Sheere has 'returned from a, visit in $t. Thomas. • Mr. Melville Martin is home on it :vitikewzatfmniltegiutti-Scaderelh:L---4e3V-ftrtr-Priday-: iirsitin Detroit for a few weeks. ,lifistoes Ethel Homey And. Nellie Fer- guson have gone to -Brantford to llve Memo. Frank- Bisseteand Bert joi. We. of Lostdon, spent Sunday here. Misitalla johns telt Monday to vis- it 'her sister, Mrs. Goodisong in Sank. Mrs. Aw, 1Nlettrelab,, of Galt. I* the gutororterfatker, Rr, N He Garriey'lett Tuesday -tor; she *relit -visit- • her -par Mae Ver* Snell, of Sarnia, levet* lay bet holidays with her parents MyHiiflsnitIrner* - bit. returned to her horn* here for the holidays. • • Bennett, of London,; .apent day with hit wife and •daughter, Mondtera, y to visit t of Oster& Mlcb qple or dayS,With_his moth!. - Miss Edythe /toilette is vieiting Outlyi Vilti visit in London. Mr.-fleo. Knight, ofilderton, span Sunday in Own. Mr.-Thotcjohmiand-children-viii in Sarnia, last week. - -Mr.-.-lierbi-Piekardustritdent at Mon • A. a in at home. ----Mitorm.-vre*,--ouriorenceasosuliev Ltibellotne of logo May Armstrong left ,Tuesday ito visit friends in London and, Pori& • Little Miss Reba, Godbolt, of Win- • le—thliclatelrtutSweeti re.-0:-AEstiglitand-emriAitreft- nesdartovisit1iarVo1lirigwood:--- ..1-41esai,--.11ordy-return from it visit in Manitoba. and Duluth. Minn. • - Mrs. J. Ferguson and .dougliter, 01 London, are visiting in,this neighbor. hood. -7111-1PUtilituie - chane with -the season—as well m our lines as in clothing ° or fling -6100-7-aseoolfurn- nezeeeary tOM-'- fot as cool clothing.• • If you want 01 t,Ot comfort. And - bat Chadra--wide goats, easy back*, id - way thing for veranda, parlor, hall or lawn. Misses Annie and Nellie Ione* re. turned from it visit in Beantsville on Tuesday. ° Mies Ida Windsor of Brown Oft'- ich-hrthergittesUiter=aunti------ht Jas. Gould. Mrs. George Weekes and son. of Waterdown. N. v., are the guetts of relatives here, Messrs. A. Myers and Fred Hawk. show, of London, spent Sunday here at their haloes. - • ' Rev. an rs. e visited-at-thelomoof Mr. Geo. •Lestialthis week. Ea. Hunt and Miss Hill spent part of this' week with the former' , Mr. Prank Roe• s, clerk In \ the Bank daotylOoinmttw. ereensilh . t c,p *thaw. spent Sun- day in and Mildred *trend, of London? are ,guests of the Misses Armstrong. , rs. Norio& and granddaughter, Jr. 64,41. u gum 1 where they visited for some weeks. : tosi.Ssiehe ' Utirlii, are guests of re. ue nut's 'twenty. Mr- *lid 14113- Obas. rerk!nt_L- -Mtis CarriA Dearing 'left Tilesdiy 'inor-Iiin- for IcitigaVille„ ItitoreFiftre-bikw .-• tvtrwithirirrit-Ok . Judge Elliot Of orenogo. Mo., and Mr. Thos. Tric , of Clinton, were vis- itors with Mr. Geo. Unwell Tuesday. Mr. Brooks. of Oftossi. ich., spent art of last week ''••,,Ii!ith ' uncles, 084114 T. C. Brooks and Oh Snell, -,1S Sr. • '''''.-. • .. . Mrs..i. Box,_andloS.Zumeth. and Mr. Chas. Box, who is over ninety frYerenrsdosinesseete0oefttthsl on ll'r. dal to.. vim, it .4 Mr. Barton and .Miss fOr;iniffirmiti. er, and Mr. and Mrs. Max. IlyadMan• Jiave retutiad-to-Baffalo,ofter n• _vitit "tint relatIVes h "Additional '-'14otlit on page. .1 2- • ve DE. E.F. BUTTERFIELD„ of Syracuse. NT. Believing in eittievoy.- ance-or-ribfrilhere-is- nogaainseyingthe -fact that the doctor can source and cause of your di*** sither mental of and hal to .Dining Room -Tables from $6,50 to $q0 Sideboards from $10400 to 2.00. Couohei from $5.,00 14U-SPrqn •„.