Exeter Advocate., 1905-07-20, Page 5,-ea,:e„ '1 ations nuder tbe nwe
,ttp.im inttbe higber.„.
&IUI tU1PY-OVI e ow ,
untitterr,,te pp*re fOYtheiLeYaniin,,
*tion In'Irri4tten,*fling4,414o, in OW'
o000.0tt, 9 yCX*fl)ifl!l,UU0tthe '.
th e iflid In leilt40114"t.::0-
0,0 An r ,frem %).10-Pekigulo .. 1
lalf.144(0 inCre8QOf fronkl tn","TA 0-4, '
Er year.
Catd ,glIt! ;t1)011W, S; *WMd
ba 1
000 10' ' 441„ '''' a .1 '.
- ,eOr I-OW.011101 l* -140 , ssib
beforelhe ree • nln ''.0 ,,,. ,
Dfl A. a,1NMA$. ti
norm grsdusto o1T�txpo,
Tot&dostraetal withi*.voy On, co
.001(re r44. SOWS Block. wok
raster. .
rift r1i; ALTOS ANDErtilON- 0:04 14.D.11
Honor Gridootrrot Toronto 1,Intrinay aid neyst
concee et Dcats,1 Suwon, of Orltarlo. Also Port
0 Moat* of Clblogo BosomoT Prolith.". Dentlatmr7
, (vdtb honorable roraton2)
Alloollowo, Goki nd voloardtri Pio* voider In the
__Iteettioutvetwaiw rat 4=A-Pelit4it i-iblom4.141-141'7
OftSos ono door tiouth Osrliog 1$401. ot•Ore,
Iliteint, Wloelrelmook, LleerodAluctlormor
&As -tor-the Vomtlaio og Perth sztd: Anddlis
ilo* forth* tomb,* al Uaborne 8&Ies promptly
&trawled to imdterms rot000amo. 8Iea arranged• i
ot resteince Yortotheloo*. •
VY countiorid 40,141klwte1sitorIcft to.raPl*,
emit and rotroorawth Arid a4001434
-•,11)speAtImentior ow, ortialAshod btaluto bone
• PtriOuir ilmmololotorollag, Sitars 43.50sdertlit
orprattrutdrsocel- eikb Idoodiy bY 114 dl!set
yropswdysrtes. 4ororsid Witt Z7csirt.
Of lioalaMdfcM.M.
matints itittotonaia
, 00000,004
Alit* Unclivitted•Prefits 3,210,959
IatSr.t &t moat tarcirable current rase from date.
daixaltld 4114111.tork2orlits '_bardrucounte sod Iht.
lotto* of Crrdlt rowed_ oyrallibli
and other oomaraa •
TrtnlUn 'at Cr.diti.sued to travollem 1.
-flpartapI-tM world.
tbatbusI&Ns tramitted;
TflOa ifaldii-GIMINEAL *Ammar -
.r.11Z131MNI, Seri or throcina & Csiir 1$10110.1011
The number% and'
_wee 818.•., Of these 1.0.havet n 1"10°Irie
Wgniv,. of
fleigh eare
00e tharvi1jng,....countoolukopt,
ysteloack,.149,a. left, Iat
• r hee future borne, in
Oxishe4-In_ 1114-1144--9711"
obtained in ease • au je .
Reading -Jean bfallough, 48.
Writing -Irene Nicholson and Thera
S eiling4a-Theinas Elliott 48.
. a terature-Lillteo Jones 48.
ear rrectirea, ,Arithmetic-Ityytie Proule and Mabel
e patient .seldorti survivevlidelore
when once the docese is fastened u orammer--Thornas Elliott 95.
her. Lydia E. Plukhateli Vegete Geography --Lillian Geiser 79.
a fa t,40 moat ,afaciant ?omit. Corn osition-Irene Nicholson
end in the onl medicine eaPeel*Alr, Total -Mary Edna Pack, 558.
lire fdr ttrotibled with
urP°4414 "• HAYFIELD
isaeromen . Pelt
af Um— sae, Tifeet. swelling 'un- der the Ante TriPett-$84,1„aeorcOee-300,-,'
wit4 Lydia Mildred Braun 899. Ida pvaita. 439,
Cattignr"ctuirgitroohedr`firg:040. it alwabsY Blee:L43rtliii:Larint kr:neadtter 391..462;maMer:
n 472. Lillian GaiseF503. Idella Men-
ent,ii-VegewanieCon-Peunwy' ,55-8 VieirtiejShort 500- Arein
.8 •
.catia4 express tharterrible4effrebsg1 402. Wilbertloada.450..
twat* endure. -Adenialtiall.PtPttholoinak .HENSALL- •
kidney irdu'bia doctor a
"sulear701:iii year but I kept ' • g worss,unICI 414,14ary Ilabkirk 407, Milton Ortwein
fry lodia-M: Pinkberalsi
a veaertrandlare-tvtdata
wesearo. 1 cannotpraise Meadow,
tell every seiteringiromon about- my tame
Mrs. *mem Sawyer, Conyers, Os.
"'Mrs. Pinkham gives free advice ,to
women ; address In oonfAence, fasms.1
Daelrivood, la epbdiug the, vacation
labia home here. The many friends
of Arthur Walle will be Pl„.ealie,,,t9,
leant- that he as recovering item. P
attack of typhoid fever. Hia place at
J. Pmeter's otore is being filled by 11 -
Faust. -‘The Misses- Voeiker, Lorenz
Decher amd Mrs. Jac. Shoemaker, of
Pigeon, Mich., are visiting relatives in
this vicinity. -Phil. Sipple is buildin
* cement porch in front of
dence. -Wm. Kyle, who was kicked
by, 0. horse he was shoeing and obliged
to lay off work, is around a ain.-Dr.
Geo. J. Schein*, a ibriber Zuricbite,
eer ,4tr
• n d
Messrs. Edgar and Clayton Fau8t. of
Rena Der01,031,AVAthilcirm...of Pert
Ur.**re..on..a.voik-Wriends hire;
-Mrs. James Laidlaw eni Miss Mlle
,Sehnell. of Santlac Centre, are spen
ing a few days with- friends here.-
Sullivanhas returnedtkullitrol
iiit-er a fe-vi-doW-Visitrat1110-tom
„herVarents. Mr* analfre.,.1L. Zinunert
. 4 -Gordon King, who has beaten-
gaged- with O. -Mb -fag arillaker for tile
past six mouths..hos returned to his
home in Clinton. -Our baseball boys
drove bt---et-tircticirro
Lois Birney 454, firifirrilion
Katie Collins 479. Anna. Dow 440, Eileen
Farmer 440, Douglas Godwin 424. Ethel
liark74 807, NbrIbiltt Bodged 408,141y
Hodgert 410, Beatrice Howie 401, Win-
nifted Huston 460. Lillian Jones 401,
Bertha Mack 477. Lizzie Mack 480.
'Clarence Miners 431. Earl Spackle:Om
415, ICittbieetx Stewart 442, Douglas
Stewart 468.
'S.S.-No, 1 -Annie Drysdale 421. No.
-Irene_gicke435,7*Innie Johnston
301, .rtieTroulei-49rAmitirl-Sterdy
ale: No. 8 -Viola Woeds 400.
earnest for trade an
the volunae of it t a comes
our wayis proof that our
Good Prices and Methods are
Now ready for use the best you in Pianos and Sewing
Machin -es. In new Instruments
. _ and will, Make the races and
That money can buy, so terms very 8,ttmetive,
A few special bargains in
secondhand Pianos, Organ's,
that 8,re
f . ... gvevii".7----.hnav.. at the lOW;est "Id Sev,b1g-Michilleti. ,,,
"--vIces -- -- ;bound to-4mit you.. - -COI an
. _ , see llit, . - • - . .
Union No. I--Norroan Johnston 415,
DavidStelk 420, (North) No. 4 -Mabel
Stinson 410, Eva Stinson 870. NO. r
s 1ivPo1Iock301; No -C --Willie Dar'
idson 304. No. 7-Evelyn.,,Workmen
407. No. 9 -Irene Douglas 414. Mar-
garet Eider SO% Bulb :UT& 300.... Seth-
ronisfilierritti99, Joseph Bechler 883,
athaniel Ester 415. No. 1O -Lizzie
a E All C • 1141 r
sonI12, osep_ rr Irma
No. 2 -John McMahon 440.
No. 8 -Ethel Hill 875. No. ,4 -Alvin
Snrerus 407. • No. 8-lloroth *Truem-
Wesley Col.man 452; Arthur Co!eman
805, Roswell Dougall 380. No. 1
Chas, Dunsford 301. No. 14 -Mary
Fee 415,- •
S. S. No:1--Willie Sims 308, Herold
Duplin 418, 'Wilfrid Hodins 880, No
2 -Eva Hirtzel 881, Rora 111452. No,.
'4 -Nora Browne 887, to:- IfArdrtia
Pinkbeiner 8011, Losers Betz 4391 WA.
Henderson 300. No. 7 -David McKen-
zie No.. 11 -Lily Ehlers 451,: Nor -
mem , rovvn School No.
Mamie Sullivan 807, Sara Stewart 887.
BlatQhford 800. No. 2.-1Andsey Oat
er 27. S.S. Caves 404,
Alice Davis '485, • Pearl Hunter Mei
Floosie Hunter 881, Vedas, Luxton 802.
No. 0 -Wm. Mord 445, Alroens, Hey.
wood 421, Vera Washburn 440.
St.,Jette, Torten% WieuiPet
Meeere‘ coursey Brae. and T. Kelly
have sold their Clydesdale stallion
-"Golden Thistle," to Mr. Chyle Steven-
son, of Staples, for a good, fl re and
L.1 . hat*if
. ; ; •f 4
their countenance we think they ere
'eeat 'evermin' , a
luck agaln.-Dr. E. 3. Hagen as lo-
cated at Emerado, N. D. Michigan's
portion of Uncle Sam's dispensers of
ills skrid bitters have not been just to
lam, they havint refused to allow him
t� qualifyse an M.D. intbat stat,e and
as li result helves forced to go West.
De, Hagan is, howeyer, quite optimis-
tic as to his fame, and we trust he
fession in dile time. 110 • matter where
he may hang out his shingle.
e gre-vpruraciwa--
Sattirday lightning otruek near Oook
-Son's -"leaded power.honse a'
ollowing_the wires into the power.
ouse rgsrd1euof lightnlng arresters
the armature of the. namowasturn.
ed out. The lights mediate' went
out and at the time of writing are.otill
"Ildge-tited-of-our -younr-menrOiva-- n
IkleComb,mul Vrn. Stewait CamelterT
near toeing their. lives. It ap a
they -made. an ati*-mpt to mos the
river at a point where the water was
running rapidly and was over six feet
• y Iuidgonealerrfeetir ,
he of the turbulent
ream. .A. SflIe'
lid went to their mistauce,- but the
two young men were so excited. that
hey, grasped hold of him and he
was in danger of his life, Mr. Ed. Me-
an was also present and realizing
he danger of the struggling men
hed in and 'weeded in landing ,,the
the three, but none too soon for tile
rot two.forin a fewsecondemorethey
Ingham: A happy event took
place at the residence of Mr. W. 3*
emierson, Winghern Junction... co*
Tuesday evening. when • his motet,
Mise NeUie Henderson, became b.
'bride..01/11r, Thoo,_441,
township boy; proprietor
theSannery hotel, Owen Sound, dita
suddenly last Uturoday.
-yeartroVage-andleavor-a wirer areit-',
daughter -to mourn his loss. Mr. Guy
for many Years keptanhotel at Tara*
winghapn„A pretty rrearld ng
livenatlx a
5th,„Whentheirdanghter,„ Miss Minnia,
became the bride -of Sas. A. CUM
of ---Listowel, formerly of -Win
Rev. D. Perrie tied the nuptial knot •
Colborne; „Olen Alt, the infant
of " Jew -0' -
away OTI u
funeral taking place to Colborflece
eery. •e r
fellow Was .2 ckett witty whoop'
cou and -bronchitis set in, vesulting
n • eath. - •
forsome years 0, foreman in the local
organ factory, and left, here to acc'pt
the position of superintendent of
furniture factory at Meaford, has re-
ed from the manufacturin business
1ver Furniture Co., of Park River,
Ge(leelelt1 *Iv Nell MaCInne- North Dakota. Before leavin z Mea.
formerlY-MiseEmilylbtle.dieditaridaT ferd-Ide-Itorlm---1003-Vreeent
morning at her residence, at the age an aflame and a gold w tttbs
of oe year* and five months.•
cured y-Mairs Catarrh Cure.
.• .3.0HENE'ir at CO., Toledo. 0,
e, e MidereWned.havelcnown_ .
J. Cheney for the lest 15 years, and be-
lieve hhn perfectly honorable in- all_
lesinegAtapsse4i9ntand financially
able to carry out any obligations made
by his firre.
' WArzero. Knortat; &MARVIINT,
\ Wholesale Druggists. Toledo, O.
thdt'b tAitkor
*den, Mabel Browu, Doan
John Centex**. CluiT Davkhson, Lelia
Ford, Frank roeter,,Ainy
Glbhlnge,Q1 a laierlte
-e, :
McMatb, Inex MflIsr, Alpbon-
tes Ithtelee, MeIvlhle
net Jeanetflut-
Twiteheit jobb W
Tedd. salisioWt4ir Mar
Tiro in
man, El
tel Wil
Holtand. Ituby Hill, Rob
Myrtle *Meath EtIa Mays
earl Wore, Della Sunderoo
Teta, Milo; Taylor,
Oscar Tebbutti
• • liiltArOlart
. „
...SI I I I lit
in n'runaway accident the ot a er
is able to be around 'again. -Dan Mo -
met with a petard accident a few
days ago, while at work at. Wm. Tay-
lort's barn. He was carrying a heavy
stone and in some way lost his balance
and fell off the scaffold and fractured
his ankle- - This wihl necessitate him
layinitaffirarktor st. tem days.
than Peek and family have 'MeV"
Egmendville when they Intend resid-
Incr.-Met. Mcileath's se* mill had
_narrow escape from' destructionlyfire
recently. While themen were *way
at. dinner tbalire broke_ Out,.140 was
noticed by neighbors, who immediate:
" 110440'7 ark4UF''
of every peraon.a POPti011 of the build-
Ingan ail theinachinery was saved,
but help Watt at hand just' in the nick,
of time. Had there been adelay of A
few minute. longer 'nothing eould
have stayed the flames at: the entire
mill, rischinety and all would have
been deetroyedg* it is not' koown holy
flitter) 'started but it is supposed to
hevetbeen-canoeciby a toperktroin the
famine& • lift, Ifottenth did not have
any ineurante but fortunately tbe- lose
wili not tioneY. Ile is deeply grate -
lid to hi* neighbors for the wey,, they
• toed out, and for the Toduabto
bey rendered in .aving bis
tDDZD.-Tbe bfetbodiet
was on
. .
A. Mfllezl, of thl Rpdngs, Ont., and
Mia. Margaret 3. Olazk. d*ugbter of
tbe sacred70Otte,
unon of.t40414 150111* 'In m*trImonlal
WO beloved by tho
measure, not by weigh your cement -tell -
Write us for information. Freight rates -and -es, ,
timates cheerfully given. 70 cents per barrel, strict-
!' tisou
neighbor and get benefit of carlorid rates..•
It is a fatal waste of time to trine with snuffs,. powders.
;Waists, or tither4arverousnostrums, With • the idea of twin
L_of 'tia Stomach./. Once Catarrh -has reached -this
stomach it can only be eraic*ted by creating pure,
a rifldisease. The stomach and
fllS thern. They m drivenout
e no: -on--
tamped, the blood
swami". tinite,ithet aearisorst fiorm oatarrb, by n
g the
prevalent malady, tl*rotigh this.renutritable ‘14s.