HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-07-20, Page 3LINEVITC11 A UNIQUE 44, Dee of thc, genteel's most pe,telieue POseeesions is a message from his Sovereign. congratulating him mem ' AUS SHOWN .13alltSEIX TO II the '1'allid ttecuPation't of Pekin and • A., 7 t Lett4Heetelt. * :. St. -Gettrge. It Is thought that the :erring linen' him the Order of Plunde T.',.,d 5uitt:114T ?Atte° et I A•1:1.7.4tatt1"tkilliteltiVithH. BY attlizt SttritenotTe-rettittrittttre e krne„Tiltele Compleeiteed 4le-co-itt eilnee•th, war begarn have hhela•Pletor , 'titre .ItteeplietOi'tel7g4otleit uty. oti.Loot. ' ' .iiony. I'lxkt.t4d.(1 - bettettin' Kouromethile • , t gg"*.r.dtelttotr.ott- t C le:bet:40ot Itusslik 4itd hia teitOttets'or. • tie •contintied Per` at4,; -• .. pti• x:ttr$Zyt,Np.. 0117rtilIct 41V't'%iikl-ti:enSeXtrntotill;)t 18 el‘'4fP.°.59tillq.'' .... -rof..-0 0 , ... , 1,11 A, "-ttei 'et- ' , ti• PAster..0 '''0101,04,1rie,s *00112 . ,dally .teiele intilett e .'4t. the te, et ' ' b itt it* eterel s ' • ion , WN DETEGTIIVE HOW Kwas *RE 013.0t, vro rumtzpowns 444•4444444 4. , • 1 ' .7•, ••..:;,t. - ,, at 1 t. Pe. '-'10 . ',WI)) r tt , .1 Y i•. ei 0 etintand 0 " '' ai,,,:t!etNi-e, u4Slided Ittt It moSt Alto, staft btey," suer , h'•Myrn t llifiViteitatthir-, , • 4 •• • r ' 1 1 °I Vr.t ,hly, bk , 3,1t) nOuli . ok. gi. Ayral. uu:Velzor' X „ iL ropatki e ter . , .441'14ctr. : ' '4,sn' It •litt_•-•vi iii, Wtaild have hittleteheette of 14.0,t, Sage lifrOlnittli1S, itave..nOtirolv,:* been, - t , °00 I theetJapetteste L. As for the %tape heitVier than! theett;etheee Itites - are Y,,tri.*Itiiit r'itaik..• ' aerie' a ese„ , they , wilt be alighted- ,to hette„ lald lit 'eat:diet-. plaeittet I 'hart len.tt l'ted sePeratteeetateetated„-•at' Vladi.Yestiee ''• variably - said that any Aft liCiVia e a o raliotadons*.,...,itte,-troit* ,etteteltWOttette4401er __Bi- La VIIIItlitiZIgItinibteltitc.litt 't etneed to seree en -. •tho, him; because ehe treated * thou.-, with . •-•.:trtt-t-teeet . e -e e NOw his 'enetitte 'bee saccertied hine, mato 'would be settive\ it$r tt 0 Hare tti.-otir-nneeit 'Popular instttptien. our and ' General Ietneviteh /4 I8.. cola71opeatt generals, as though the, Jap- king end his late mother -lattatehtt0a A Of the entire' Ilussisinteataesett. ttontite„, 4„,Iettlitt,t_cittaited_444.4Wbe onaloved Itts,',Iuerrr_ seett alai t r t it Dance- inalieS:'-fOreileaTiottiett-; it is -trtet; - by ItirellitereetteM 4Velle-,131aGT9Ikkiii **-1 -1*--ISS R la. fo,r4p Or for 11Wversttniatity4q*Veener,t71&---111-0---t Either -tee taireiseiLidgetteek.aetltg.--1)rktel04-441ilt-- Al "'witch is ‘litterest-ing in Ulu *The troops. from West. Sibertwe -itii4- '," •OuArtn- myrtle -is tiffiii4.0; .extreme. ° • I from European 'tussle as 4 geneeal about - General lainevitch (Nikolai Petro -1 thing know compara,ti/vely little vita) is an infantry officer, who-ltas 1 , seen none of the big-calupaigns of -........„........f...-.---.... 1 • the test half of the Inineteenth cen- tury, but he has acquired a. great rzEra AT IbtfailtE. dee!, of experience in eonductiog and ' being associated With smaller; mai- Gossip About Interesting. Men a. d 'Cary operations. Whether he would • Women. etVOlve as a serong, figure lin a cam- paign in which nearly it million men Lady Mereus Ileresford. who found - are said to be engaged on both Bides ed the Fneeish Cat' Club. has about IS something. no man can. tell. 150 felines. NOT A POWERDUL MAN. .. „ The Illehap of Ripon travels about' --..---"---47-.X ---•-• 1*--5.-1frit Moo° miles a Year to,carry out hie, Ilia full face, where it is'elein. Amy- dutteu• ' - t- ee" has often been compared to that Lady Barry is the • registrar of of toed Roberts. but in profile his births and deaths in South Melbourne ediStinetey • Muscovite -tipped nose: an appointment whicitis worth abed • ' the-easembianee. Ile is in no .4750-iter-ittue18te _____t ii,4y.-a- powerful man to look. at, but Mrs, Fllis Bowan, the famous flow - lean and of slight build. Apparently er artist. hes been oftered $75.000"by . he has led a .less rapid life than most the German Government for her live - Iteisitian ofileers. t He was, in fact. huadred Australian flower pictures. 'et_Alite few officers of his forte the condition being that she shall le, eiletteeetaa be said by tae sportsman I take, up IntieiLrittaidenee in. that "cotinery ette,..10,--14.-!.."..10„..gterAelettinhtge7_•- . „. • -..„---eanied•ettettetettefelelelets.., ex•el.nesttfelY.„,„t° , .• That he is dashing and itrav-e is ..Germanyli,' undoubted. _General S-toessel could l. Mark Twain once missed the train •not- he inducted • to adVaitee towards Pekin i which should have taken him to " his in *Julty,, 1900, but Linetetch. work, He ,did not wire any excuse? When ha arrived. was ilisgirsted at His tile ram to his employer tite the delay, and concurr at onc this form: • tra n t a -•, ea_ tite neat tete Americatui*• '' 1 arrived at they station at -7.31„taild and Japanese generals then. at Tien- could n9t catch it -tsin. ' , •• Lord Minto is. prohahly the best all.; Of the behavior of the troops under round seortmean In the peerage. Ite Ltrieviteh's command en route for Ite- kin it is needless to etity more than is not ouly a fine shot and a remark- ably his -:-that---they-showed. are. Chinese all of skilful Os -herniae, but in the horrors of. war. That Linevitch younger days he rade in the Grand in his deepatehes is little worthy of National on five- occasietes. and on . credence is shown bythefact that one occasion, at lancet's seacceeded in 1.,t,,,,:ttetett,t,steettetee_____t_ _ .uttet.,tytt„ntAstin where riding five winners at one Meeting.' theIrussian casualties 171i I -tad - did- hirt.lor-tratr'-et ttatingettrataher ittuttne- • not exceed fifty. he telegraphed the;:his aCOttraillishment5- .43zar.esaylegethatehe-had hist tilvatPrince „Hltilhaff,, _who has acquired -hundred in killed end wounded.- and fame in conneeiloii with OW Trento - =Ruth • exaggerated ' the' attogethat:"Siberian Railway, renounced his title • • minor Part pfaied by his forces on and estates' when a young man and • that day. _ • -. AN AMAZING SPEECH. ' At the assault at- Pekin on August 14th, 1900. A0-145--tre0p5- 1144."-1. eventually became a railway teen - him to the attack._ he made an remaz- ager in Ventzuela. tasech _t,eaw„ttatai giviag them 14,4. ble• I have no space to „tea of the numeral** alleged Plots v,Lfth inVeetigeted 10044 on ditty, Ili the 'eaptatity -of guardian to royalty. It was.a.meet -aneranit titelte wee * great reeponsiltility to report that ine my opinion there was li ..41011.41**PrAkill: -sonAe • Attxt tihtediyh Suale genuine Pert- of foreign C4 ii t# CO local cereal/era- ..tiettAlitttniteth% waSi t10.4 d6ire',"041 .1,b0 4P-7'1.'46:tee t� V BRITAIN'S BIG OVERFLOW' 444414.444 C9UNTItIES WITEPE 04 -ANT , A 4*.frfc3, • VPILT. • Ali•„'inteiest t-tr, tsis -t_tio.t131.4- ratfiptit front 041° latte tariette e ye4t Kt.? ifearet r, tion' and henna #,Ts. -Kbeir dit'ilett_lt. for for7:9,!lisit.iiit,a,c4r.sto,,..)ittirer..,, 4 9, (PIP • - it; ' .tlit'...ti'*17.i....1.--f-f,.......r...- .,1$8;,...14,11,0-4::::.$:.1,14:70:43:it.u,')1:4s)104:.:1:;:iti.1:80..t).:7,4,13:.4-e.i.n- i 0...,:: 7 0:1) 14) $04); . t't*i),,,, a iloit:' 'Ita; . ' 0244- Wiliotb-lt,-AlettAlt atip,-Niti., 1; nort.hert.4, 0400400ii, ..., .,., . --..-_-, . Toronto. July 18. ---Wheat The terkettat4teregOtitatio.--etheat ttlettatIttlt -tt:e A ebnisni7,1tAtit141:11,ttetel.t._..740i1_26.9..,144.111".3arke,.d, g'ivi!hoit:: • ‘" oYerS:. afecli's4.easi and. +1,4:*ta liie to, .200 .:Iiiere. ,101' Chni,c* ' ' Matlitoba:"t • , YieSty iiniti.91t,s,. 45.30 to *5.60. seer," on initents. at $5 to 5:;o, bakvrs' atittillkftleetliT--•t6ISr$44n-p:1);;Aii...,56'.. t'O'. . $10;...; giltiltrtx., , $A8 ,to ' $1150...' Atonit,-,:ibo .• t.t; 'zitioti.E*, $19, ite Toronto and equa ion • e t tart • st' 019r . frilo ylt.kar 10.01 biw1etil 41: n diffieult fart, them, to fli.40 Enillit,Oni4e.rt tetal pos$enker su etently:: pegratted ' to asidst • titem- te?°413,11glaiui),•!and I OM bout 1,0, suy are: - that . !hat this:wee • the Ete,?st In Ilt.90'tni Zeus •xtral cearipa, came toad,' Irvin ementriea out . of Itetrolie e• both oativard mill iittivaett, - tehe itsie : d1i/4-1 te41r8.'ii'AVfrITT., -totesfor :orut., ),.e.ars lot, pra.v„eiters to v an. tpus. .r. • . ,r. . , ,-. 1001. 1903. 106 tat has • many pleasant, 1 twies kar InWarsi .t.241,896 . 199;685, Alattinei,tit-2,01,ttliar,47,2.4„...V.M.'. 4494116 ' „II • me but tit tt I t 't wa. 'Bat ce bat- ' :,,t a perfect nightmare. 'Th,e reeeot his- \ sleeted, ••N211.9_81. 249,321 215,903 •215.9°5 'who etiettandtritn . eteltenn'tstetrrdettatettengettse at-flya 1 -b -o oticed-that--for-:eaCh---,0 heethrek. yearie'ther0-•lis 'a -balance. o*TA-r- ergiisliric,:, jfiel_B-Ittrics. d 'etlittet- ettertit`t.tetteritte 4 with the news of our own agents however. te the case ,when, it comes Queen. Victoria Was in the habit oil who reported mysterious movemente to' passengers to and from rturopean ' from three distinct centers, all added countries:- , -remarking' that, there was one cotin- Ardi. • • v try in the world where monarchs and to et ir worries. To folk)* the Czar tit° monarellY were, aafee and to this wherever he went was in itself a might be addedlthat •itee perfionalitY sufficient anxiety. and he. was never bad much to -do with making this left 4tione. Shooting, walking. riding generalization true.- But if monarchs eating and even sleeping, he had ale are safe •In England. and if, as. I ways close at hand one of our most believe, they have nothing to fear trusted ,oflicers. generally Supt. Mel - from political tutu•derers. there as al- ville or myself -we indeed , often weys the chapter of accidents to con - sitter. Sena" stray lunatic, a men- tally diseased doctrinaire, 'an al.en misanthrope, may cause royalty in- 1 Then. again. paradetical it -7-4 1001. 1903. 1902. Outward -718.500 699,9,01 636,811 Inward -802;949 814,441. .773,624 Balance int ward o. 81.389 114.540 137,313 9t the 443,877 persons who sailed from the United Kingdom for coun- tPhiredezar°'aerseealrvrTage0a..e aa each s.ide ot grants -271.435 were native -borne of whom 65 per cent. were English, 14 tries outside Europe-tha.t is, emi- i The mar never seemed millet ittehis per coat. Scotch. and 21 per cent. ease -his eyes twitehed „'Itervousty. Irlsh- 8 81 85 trenthlath_artet he- Feld MALI?' OUTSIDE Seca; tme-ofthe reasons- teltY meta -WY glances right aud tette, wherever he grants- mese to places within. the ITslatzied f6i'' long 61°11/ 4141XX:6:16 OrtY40Air per cent. of these enti- emigrated to Aurteriea, where he at- a totteuralLiiig leaden a salary of 80s, per week, Ile then got- a, _position a_teinetdrivere and ., 1. licence to behave 10 savages. hilion to 0 become an actor when a youtig Man. v siting are ma e was *Linevitch. too, who, after lay- ITad i i_ it, ire het, atigiied, ARMY CRITICIZED, 0 - Ing at a conference of the allied ken- he !ant. detective investigation Benne . terals, decided that the thirteenth ot "'rill hay(' swill1"1 'he' list a num- days befoke, during. and after his 44# 4 Oat -.-No. '2,. c to 46e outside. ellar.,14e-itematel -ttettea_, ee,t, .4e5e, tet, etteteareorretweectepealityeteentstelaree. By Nominate_ 60e. Outside. 'at 4 ham freights. • Arnertean, 643e tor No. 2 yellow and 64e for 1407 3 Yel- low, lake and rail freights. l'eas-71-c to 72e for N. 2, weet and -eaf.t. 75e for milling,. , ItelledeOats-45 tor ettrie-'of barrels on tree& here and $4.75 for cars of hags; 25e more for broken lots here and 40C outside. . -e--- COUNTRY PRODUClie butter -The demand for all kinds continues actiVe. Creamery. prints 19c to 2le teelfic„. Dairy lb. rollit -good ' - choice, „.15e •17-ee do medium • I4c'' 15e -do- tubs, gtiodeto cltaire lite. .1410 o Inferior . .1.3c 14e Cheese -Quotations are tinetta,aged must be watched by detectives as, to protect arty, ass -admit or madman of suspected persoin, 7-91-r-ta went. I had on this occasion many op ortenities of comparing notes tit embers of the RUSSiall' secret mob, righteously' indignant when it gervice. •Overeoming the difficulty .of sees any, auspicious movement whicht understeediate their exeeddingly bad it fancies is, antagonistic totv'ards the I English, and at length thavring a British India and CeYlort 2 Per cent- at ,10ie to 101c per lb. Thirty per ,eent. of them avere Eggs -Quotations unchanged at ratee:tvcilttf,tartlits tdeinvt_htlittistsrteic ipti;auiduittige: little of their native and official re- laborers, 20 per cent. were skilled ate-iant, tecenete-.--A, learixta many_things ot "me ttenteheetre. pee eeesttetmetraeworkers oni eatteesettalees are In _goal &Maud latent. A -fool -ehottatug• the- inftineHe. • I, ereNt4 -from -essociationt-lor--1-wate thirtiancht-and-10-per--centttbefon -and-the rearket-bolds-ap-welleat oistieprocessiont4o-preseaL•a•Iteltittletent their...temporary-host.........Their_metk ..0...4,0mrearee-and..,tha.profestitonst $2,15_perbarrel and...J.30c, to British Empire. British North Ara - lea teat& - -26- ' per -tent:, - -Brett South Afri a,10 per cent.. and New Zealand 5 per cent.. and might be torn in pieces by a pardon- ods were astoundingly extraordinaryonly 26,81-8tnt Itteeseeette atteleat, ably sensitive crowd- of loyalists- to ,my British inizid, bat not More against 50,206 in 1903.. but 69,1181 There is particularly, good reason so than o ted to theta, They went to British North America, for these Precautions in the enee lof .never ceasuerd taoPPiepress their eurpriso altin tehed We-4ga visitor pass Treed9m t'hiett %tie bee're ng agll'inStr 59 d52 in 1903' ng in S ate t roug tiona1 life. - ' ' P After the deduction tif ,teattetel- our s ree •,,,,. se regar •as co n ace norant of our national laws and cuse , 0 our nue gra ots and seamen, , • train tams. and. a deStre to express some pa 4Ess vi__ __ tow. . rants weretent,eied in the ediees' list. personal sentimentse of Welcome. or , The'Empress FrederUirek%Rviisits were. to draw atteittion tao faureriegarilerorTaaim; perfectly rileasant in . the duties they agthery grievance, press his -way through a crowd and eeairLe:Uwedisheeda mheer...bNaorma.aeanieta hEaergliattavde be seen enaking for -the_ royal car- rtage with an uneEnglish ardor sere of :her native' land was ftathetically beautiful. She told me once that she to be attributed by an Engligh crowd could, never feel , at . home anywhere to an unfriendly intention. 'rho, re- 131,1,11txart tle emit ly ,faxpsOn., At is; to but in/ gagland. 1 01411' never for - prevent all such tinpleasarit contra'. ftoth"-trtar-when- 18.490%,--a• 18O9-• visit she left England temps that. deteettees never leave °ire° ulmit 5* tlietimmerlitit-e ---presencer,of-rayalties at.1”,t_In. Alas! that WaS her last borne t irlir- at/ such times. ' RULERitl' SECRETLY SHABOWED, yacht Hohenzollern have aereessitated When' at' rival -visitor. or •the pfesi- extraordinary dtaties. I hare had tie ent, of -a -friendly republic, -issitt-th. - tetteseas--to--heard-eiuspleto • country, front ette• moment he atrivea his moVeznents are watched and fol- lowed by the „Most 'Skilful edetectiee force available.: -lie is never left un - nestled, ar d the 'places 'he`inteeds for 1904, In 1903 the number was, 69,168, and in 1902. 613,471. The inerease is largely ',due to an influx of Russians and Poles. mostly Jews. The numbers were 46,005 in 190‘ 80,046 in 1903, and 28,511 in 1902. Some of these, however left the country during. the year. The number of immigrants of near- etvereteattherellAttopality_ dnished in 19,04. • ' The kaiser's' visits to 'England on Only Six • Come trucher That Head- . Different Varieties. / gels, and generally to - -are' -only sits---Preei . "an teld salt? But a detective Who ;mown feendon dealer. the diamond. *nuke' myself stones." said Mr. Streeter. the well- prohission. eirterald, ruby, sapphire. opal and IS Mit UblqUittli '4 is unworthy or his cats -eye. 'I he sapphire is really on_aztat blue ruby, and thoegh ittra- seeses tetreelt -has-no-at t to it. 'I he rest are seeti-precious. August should be devoted to recoil_ lets in Iteration, eetaajessattgesahate4th toteoneentretion, stature would dotibtlese have eteene_ eated to_the pence in advance of• its nod the X5th to the toesatilttinCtio-fri-7gPfratt-ltitutt-' weal -known- ace- °Lula eccuccin- •titt The latest severe- critic„ -of. the arms Most, people will he surprised to although his, big arrival. Ills program is commeini- Col. Gonzgh Says British Cavalr7 pearbe of course. rank with precious Is Weak. etones, though they are not stones, becoming From that moment even if precious." ter, whotn the great soldier consult- 411Y iS LieUtentUtt.-COlultel It. Ile la P.. hear how high- the, catts-eye ranks, n tried to steal a march on • -.. eete-witlitin tbeePlaces'ttetnsitUnt'ItY ri*P414- titough. of• the- elritisheartnee In -tee at thriretheY -will -ioe-..surprised - • • 11 • ••14 II, forced his„td the ngineere in particular. The • wey intopelin, and an , le ' 1* t e. - . troemt ',E.r..-aweetti-eldetorterretittla . ., ong rutottortru. 11.1 RIR .22-., - 110 WO- 11110Wed to bear the burden .1711-5T-REMt. - , and the heat 'of the -day on the i , Mr. Israel 7nrug10ill, the stealth au-, march up from Tientsin; but be thor. was at a dinner in Bessie. found'the Chinese on the leokout-for1 when a man was caught in the act •him, 6and was rather severely'itt aaeelirig a valuable bit of silver. handWd.-- - 'I be hot. says, 'Vv. Zatigwitt„ IT - • When the triumphal march through st ra tett, "with hi rn . and the init. who the Forbidden (tits tdok place. 011was iitotii pi nit( nt , orler,d this emus.- - August 28th, 1900. (leneral Line-, intT excuse. ..11y tv:a1;ng r 'heal", -the 'witch, having previously dgreed with .t.ti,,,,a,th ea nmatriment. which says, other generals that no war :orres- pondents were to accompany the .rorces, gave them permission to do gat after 't -W had, In amordanee a 'Thou thalt not covet? As Tiled to wlUt ltle laWri inStrUctions. been re -if ,., a one channandlnent either er -fused pereds.sion by the etaft. of their/ 1.1" eel( own cotiotcy,s forces. This 4ct .give I thought I might as wt11. have the ater To Much unmerited complitint ---eargainet th.e other generats in coin- , Mend. AN ARTIFICIAL FA Cal• A COltOSSAL LIE. "Choir ehalt not Steal.: But if I refrained from .eleating broke the Tenth Caentnentiment, which gays. An' old soldier 4-4 1810 hits bei goe ineraorable incident took iWit're inettebonteitarerfortthirtereyeare with • thiS tluie - At., a •conference or aoo features -a -eyes. -theelts, lips -ant gerterels (teneral Linevitdi nose. ho'. In' euffered severely by the. etatett. thet,t he had 18.000 men in explottion of a shone Afoditra science and arpund Itekin. whereupon Gen- has restored his face. A mask was eral t'haffee. the 'commander of Um American forces, slapped the table with his fist ,and said, '"Illuit'S a CO"lossal lie„ anyhow?' This teas an rept to Linevitch, who knows ' go- other than. his_ owe., but. eeidt '"Ba-dit‘da-da.• , ,gitentner ithierift-tisis,- tete Carded tfeneral 1.inetitth and the "Superintendent of the Russian 'tee' • Cross ,SocietY (specially deptttcd by .,theXtzar)eatriflited,...--ite.s4,-Praakit everything worth taking, and 'shortly • quiries V noted. Atm aterivW suspicious par- • 11114414MI e which ita criticized.' Col. 'Gough says -.1,444*--earrrittra4 afterwards liinevitch •compIaineel to ''ONT/botly that he feared that he 10116 it, ruined because there was Otte Stalk 'of lettying restores duties at rort, Arthur on the loot that he tisAl This--Ite,gbmplained. if exacted* would aniount to, so' r -SeStr-S'uni that -the wow tze- hope- batikrapt., 01-D, .Linevitch any:thing lint , . an. Ildrisi.-.41901.1. nearly' 3,1ears of age. Katiepatkin be- ing bus hy ten years, Ito he-- gan his Soldier's life in the Crimean Colaspienoes by 1 -•is° t it ) tit made, tail of Bilve'r, part of wax, which will devolve on cavalry in the neatly 1: nted. two eyes in enamel. an itihirty rears, ,where, under the Eng-li sh po aws. wehave be even more important et,eelh et. nose and serviceable lips in failed to: future wkil' rubber. ' An it. .„4,4,,,t,osr -L--- nients of strangers are not overloo - most eseential parts 1 an army. eBnd Peas -oiling. 5.1 07* -1-----ro .per ed. All these- thinke have to be done as such it is the special instruneetat bushel (60-lbbags included); No. 2, eith the utmost circumspection. We in the handeeeof the chief of the in car lots. 80e to 85c. are not living in Russia with all its whole force. Col. Gough sari that ' Honey -White clover, in comb, 121e abominable and utterly ineffectual system of es -tit -image tina-fio ice .4 W.f. "e-lialPeetir 11'1713:---niThe market IS quoted unchanged at $7.50 to $7,75 per ton for No. I timothy, and $6 for No. 2 In car lets on traCk here. Baled Straw-Uachanged tat $6 per ton for -car lots on 'track hero. 4444444• • moyrity.Ati .mAntims_ - Montreal. July 18.-tOrain-The do - mend for oats for local consuinption being steady at 50tc for No. 2 white in ear lots. A few lots of sample' oats were sold for 490 per bushel.' There is sortie demand °for barley at. 54e per bushel ex store. FlotarteeManitobiertieg-whe. ---eteeettee- teeth, $5.30 to $5.40; strong bakers' $5 to $5.10; winter wheat patents. &r -c) ..0.'""straight----r-011erst. • and in bags.,$2.45 to $2.50. Millfeed-Weaker feeling for bran. prices having declined frtine 55e to -SI per tote Itioilittobit isentewe'quotad± at 515.50 to 516 per ton, including bags. and Ontario at $14.50 to $15. Manitoba shorts, $19 to $20 e'er ton; Ontario shorts. 519 to $20; mouille. $21 to 524 per ton, accord- pg_to quality. Otitltentand feat •rollect-oatse,still„ limited and prices are steady at $2.- 40 to $2.42t per bag. There is also only a limited demand for cornmeal at 51.35 to $1.45. per bag. 1. .50 to 61945; 2. 47-25_ _to .$8.25; _clover, eneleted, .$0 -- r() to 7.23 and ere clover at $50. precious' stories.' U., toe _111111111411•44444o.,41414•.441, our-littleett amethyst of the same site for 5s., and thence upward. through all sorts of unheard-of stones, to the topaz at e • -' • 4 .(111 .40 ice-eitnesettlefe(LteateSitete._ lir 4.4 .7E1E2 ?HU • t 1 4 . PP ttn.R.er, er section, in 1 -lb sertion; 'extract. l• tex .. b.great campaign andcrtaken „titat4. - - rank only• as 8:nut-precious stones at In 1 b tons.-"ZWiTril . erafr--) .- tins. 6c to ale; buckwheat, • 6c to which would' beset the army- in the papers. Our methods must always 1. t lishmen to travel free from Suspicion tvvhould a the tatimalling weakness in phire 7 itiehes aer0S.S. AN lxich . only 64e. as to quality. Vor •instance. here is a sap -- be eonsistent• with the rights of Eag- required front eight to ten ' mane en s'„e ranks as seiniepreeiCPUS ton b cut pork. $20 to $21; light short l'rovisions-iterivy Canadian short and unynolested with impertinent in- e °cavalry. .lie said that the army quiries from °Metals. it Is a not p-roperly' crysteatizede". cavalry regiments. Another draper- --taI i cut, $1.8 to $19; American cut clear INQUISITIONS uNNtimprit). , (taut matter ' which demanded tit - ci•tti‘t as the back of ‚.our hand. ix not te cut -and a ruby aS 4. ' fat back, $18 to $18.50; compound ThatEnglish police_ have no rights+ careful consideration of the •chiefs taX„rai.' itteenanieetbeirt-ana . twe have- - - eqert armies and their, headquarters Stall" jit'r ivere- the rtml thing they would ghteauclightittet- Gave .- . the econotoical %era lettnient or be worth uettoLl golk1. well trained detectives have proved cavalry, which/ should be used only •et Streeter In England that we are abbe to cope When there was soine 'useful object it pointed out, was that it was tact use with ell our investigations without could fulfill. - • .i. . trYing to say what stoztes a jewel infringing the spirit tir.the letter 'of , Col. Gough is in reetipt of an in- was by its color. All jewels are all perfect freedom: I have never knretee teresting letter from Lord „ Roberts. cobtrsei Atteamplainteee/trise under this. head., Itaithie. litter Lord Roberts.; says: Then.' too, .ft jewel may he black i•-• 4 -Ard- w- x• - ' -- - '-- . The Int.-. --bendre. late.tdee.--ea just.,ate•evelteas colored.,A, blikak-opoti to the authorities hmeings our friend. opt, time that the introduction- of isi far more) beautiful' than t„,,„Ifititit ly rivals in. the detective foces of Jong range *reopens weadd render one- ' e e " 4-• 0 Berlin, Paris. and Vienna: (an they cavalry less...1160.34 in war' formerly. This had led to it ,great, deal of int to sin le e se the last whereas the tact is that the duties trickery, and, nut:there of people are gobtg about. /wearing stonesi Which aro' hot at all what. they imagine. There is one well-known member of the Dritleh. aristocracy who fondly imagined that her rubies were worth about T..410,000 tut she *hawed theta- -to Mr. Streeter..., and fairdied in the oireeo-be-eritig thittethistitlirmnot rubies at all. "'Me -mai test of precious Stones.'" as Mr. Streeter quaintly, put it, -is •ttia.t.,1110.tch..,.4.01,-nttliet-ell,_ the' wate down- the BA. The diatom:id stratches th emerald, and the enier-, .*id scratches the ruby and Sapphire. and PO, 4:10Wri AO- the SMIII-prtcious stoat -Mr, 4iraItio•onS,-- hidditne Rate zirrons, and innuinerable ethers.. Ilut the sonii-precious stone is hav- ing, lite etay just- now. 1* -6, present taste Inc "art-notiveau** kivell'in, the came. People ore brgiening to boy jeWeltere for its beauty quite as cell eh l'ot Its obtain informations and dee,* end in(ban in the past11. nill bo more which tiwr boasted. stiperierl„ powers, ' Wilk/tilt ta obtain information of 'the of search would have bettered our elleMy's •Movements, which, as you actinide Repeated proofs to the con-lsittr, Is the main, re et ea-valrY; 3,0014, atet I have proud reas- greater distances will have to he illtift-toe-erille a beittteehipt St4CUI3 dre trarY stilled to ever • increase. A few years °senotini-andkil,°;!..11.0.:(cf°rfo:1„,icet faicoi leagta'rdthetti Imr40-70.174-ca4trei- ''' luTlitilly 11-orttedhurs4.aftelcr; „at:it-all ago it rose from 53,000.000 to 50.- ranks must he more earefally U*111- °00,000; then the Secretary to the throUghotit ' the• World as the Most flieloot staff of detectives in the tut Anu6tt' with,* lnallerri rine caw- Autos.#4. ststted that the .K.IN3 ° i , , . airy has an independence hitherto un - 1 *PAT- lwrazarrtvg- - Edward fr-litittleitiiiti vietairiti0-e'ost,""t" you rposselmes---- 51.800,000. Thus it seems -likely I I, OVARY/FM MANY itt;ri-rus• the power of defenee or of Attack on _ • 1 that hernia long the value, of 4 bat.* chartpar at. different tittles Wive -loot without in the least degree los- ing any of its Offensive 'value when Wanted.-- I• •agrete-ettithe-INthat You urge about a greeter proportion of Cavalry \tieing required than in the past, itgl'econelit4Vem lOymut, aid - the flCeoSIty, tot' 00 rittriniite"'knov,t ledge on the part of comraandzts of the proper • use to Make or, their tiettalryet At,- • , tleehip wilhbe llttle under\ $10,000,.- ,- 4141404404.4•••••••14•444.4444 FANeSIIAPEI) CLOCK. Lfoiltertag., teatellitialtettelt-OWte in his window a novel clock. It iS oped like a fan whose leaves are beettrie - The= loft -vett -of the- fan -be- ii to open at 6 end gradutilly 'Xpeed until at 13Pan. it is fully included; beeidee t our own„, king, and the:late •qtleen, tthe preseet kids his late mother, tbe czar aritCczarine the king' ef Italy', and renehres Of other royal princes and prittees.s' es. Ltitabet unit titteitY other ferrolitia/ °potentates of exalted rank. It is naturally gratifyhig to tner to he the-pOseetseor of• theetnany, waled:hie soaveitirs1 Wive received at, the hands of so ,ntany of those to opera. The, fan then eloeee, eteid he- whom I have acted as ternporary gins to open again in the same !nen- beergened in this Way. It'ts Only - ser. the simplest truth and justlre. hotr- , 434•4644sormo ever. to add that I have elweys been led with ' ,gratifirel to rkeii-e ra 14 4-.V4.127tj Mt- spiciati release. by .1*Airliserer arrefutz;attel,:paintitilaing,,,awdety,,,- areertain 'of fily fade. That .1 however another • orv 1 te • 'eitottetts, ItEIVEItt4.• Tito frame of 'thests- tit hid deal in TiltANTS. .! liteaeurricultutt lifltnisian • sachOolo. • No Many, years ego .a few pairs of London's birth-rate last year aivr- English starlietes.were imported int0 eged 334 pet day. The Acatherate Austrcalia as allies to the formettriai at , . A rIZ,r,',WiTkAl.Aft,M-P.Mg,..i;v,',......,,,,,.. , A, iittics, singinto was to be iteltitgett ai i self ma tit ons. in by &Otte cf ther 'members eit 41-,4:4-AciVe ewaundsee -by `4Thirlitiiiilietteefee •-•ti -gotitervittivittgratftrimatzli 1, tbe,Tnrks to retire from • down° the P&O 4k1115 the innate positiont. Linevitedi served, '''''lld g""t15-TtS" 'Ill indo• lost . Mist; MoteMyeltrottee Citigured. Mat of the eStUraseg., and it was he el•'( --111'411 86-41°C.' , hOtrow, uhen th3 time' cent() k b • Wirt tirtt led the Russian army into Best . ceek canes • f ' -hurl& Ile raised the ,first bat- !There carp 4,500.009 :acres ,of ,,, ecrlit The itelice do'net undertatO 4o.' In- to ,stiOpear a rnmenoe arrivoe io . -_,..tiglitome-_,01_,Slberion. sLarkshonterskjerents int that ceimtry. _. i vestiges:et every• niieged plot brought KO that thi--% fatly wits suffering --trent 41,e'auriens of the sibcrian 'Maw A mast trim hail irzetirrotl a eerie-tt-o -their litititrittatittnntlttitt'or1-!-• oitt-ititet-itterecort-,;045,,ewiortiowitat: emit . E.,ail, r„4.4.ouveritud 0! thee teece of penal sorviiude• for forotry ; otfticr enereepotrat4tte. :Slit tchell6ier.,,,hatt to exceso it.lr to Cbg_aldierree,; Itutsian ttonfy .ut tt raid et tlie; referred to the 1).-,rietl, when addreliA-; the Ilk t't 3n .gtr•P'Irtant:110,6•_.'"val-t41 "I'l•iliol tirld P"tic ' 11.7„„146.11.1", " lolneVitt -that do OW r -4 ying, tbitt h' . . ., , ....;* tlftfr . 1 e Won. cs ',this sevt'n l'e...1.414 at*" 431. ii,r7ors., :\)1.,:rt 74s9ii.jac or ebreat are II htt Tinalthe to sl is t\ o* ,morms,tielmtl, 't'll ilte.reitiettlef lig `,taPtcrui!* tifflea sind 011,tatots:lat ro-- la thereqre,,,Vtr. it satrovitdrk, 'ttititicaVere to ttk reevent 04. '4 8oug- t Illiatilt4th St ..41. zeri • t ' **471: cl:IIVI:lifiti ' * g friqri ing arly•hle fanorant kf hie invitreer.i is•roylem,eii, itote0'.47er. ,r,..ftrotesy the .b.leezit \to herettleite • )t,egtailan iet eigraa. . N , envoUnCeit, e 4•11., , .47 1')44-1".4t ttoe birds haVe inereaseit to taiilitere, inato herrn:her thetnSetws pe H,he:-iItILI4 • Il• (flame nd-birdeds, Itree-,t3•s tree-creeperS, are tleiveti trorn uats, by *Warms of starling*, doyen'. fruit So voratitettelyt cone Of tire farmers deelarie that' Alley --wilt_ titt.,,,torof*J1 toillattOr4 frttit.griWita Vide** cau, be (105 bet .t 1 fu in a.imir. lard. 5tc to 6te; Cenadian lard, tile to JOic; kettle rendered, Inc to lie aceordinb to quality; hams, 1.2e tie P a AO sine bacon. 12e to 14c; fresh killed abat- toir hogs. $0.25 to $9.50; alive, $6.- 50 to $6.75 for mixed lots and $7 for select, e Eggs...straight etoek, 16e, to 161e; 14tt --- Butter-Choice -ereamexee 410 to 211e; Utidergrades. 201c to 201e: dairy. 161c to 171e. cheese -Chatted°, Oft to 91e; Ole CO" giC. 4 404.444444•444 111,114tALO MARS:MTS. r Buratto. N.Y.. .1* 18 -Flour -- Steady. Wheat -Spring, No., 1 Nor- tthern. $1.141. Corn -Strong; Ner. 2 ellat'llte: No. 2 earn. mop. Oats ettelte d 4 white. 371,e; No. 2 mixed. 341c. Rye -Dull: No. 2 In store. 77c. Canal freights -Steady. Termite...July 18.--4luatations were atilmxptirirrfttem.rtiteetetkhoietell4.75 $5.15 v • Do,”, medium, -- 4.50 4,75 Do.. bulls ..-. ......... 3.00 3.75 ‘eowe 00 3.25 Butchers', picked --- 4.50 4.85 Bee. choke .. 4. 4,50 - Do- medium -3.75 4.00 c6nitnott ;. . ... 3 50 3.75 tows. ehoiee....s-2. 3. - Do., common . floo • 3.00 Do.. bulls .......- ...... 2.50 3.50 Eteiedere.' shorf-keep... 4.25 r 4.50 • noseineditina' 4.00 Doe light 0.40 4.00 , ko4, ehoko - 2.15 3:50. 2,25 s t pvt* cwt. • 4.01) 3.2 al p prirg Icont s flogs; 4 tro,to W.e. *to 4,7 yod., Tito8utl 'A (-13Vo e. ttociations' 8*0 5,50 10.00 0.25 n0.hi lights and WS 0.00 the gova tk, 1,4 trota tiftt hdlittei ng to rita 0004 •I