HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-07-20, Page 2• n , 'of "obedience.. ''AttitYIS:"we must 0 *Metter if We *479#14•.b4ve inatto to one thc ;14** • '0 the, lberanttnesni e'gnattite. titan by ' •''' Pen Pfethx.'Of $qual�r, It* Supers b, come.. ro ,30444.- geOUS StateInClit$, • a digtnlinte• feragliStiline0 With. my , ors • lona dragetuans Ilq wee ,eiet one rumd han . X lied , nhall tot -of' opOtt-pf av 'hesilencean 1111 ftt nd r;7a, i304), • :1'.4)0';'011AF'# • 'e", •• O. Ohe but to .Untee- u) miler Orimite, be • ,� & t O4Ut 1, • men,. iiiev.e an thilin,'evcin..1.v,,.Pt.kin et tek, ite epien d 401 .of. fulfe ilmnt; thrOugit.' victruir$4,-; 'WO at titut*graiiite ova. 4.0:„Ion,u,s‘un thing ;we, -is1Are51er,-; ' cOstaisel eetieveby teeenitteng to t•t4o, elm et Mot VAnibidt ea. t 11 M17:011;•• 1t'IN•*1111•4' . to€'111S, fiogeS, .toa ' , • s a deed Is lattes,-„, 'Ery iiti a_.* snipwrugbt .b:v ze itnd foirge. ‘.•gris, 'AstendieignerrettreitnnAteresszerseent neat, . 18 the glorificalion of obed, Only by .loyaltyto the truth.. of his ience. Only as niatt,er is ductile to being‘ean Man become true man, at, titan's hand can, it ,be_gloritieti"..,inf..4 ti.tining_ a worth which stirs us like ; tiert:-wrjler onlyssrerriteeints:es it et+ter-t y Su mission to -ent thk of Go4,. an artist. So Nvith the .beauty of t There is antyther truth about this holiness by Submission to %%nicht fulfilltrient through subini 6Si011 this man becomes saipt. The greatest glorification by ,obetlienee. Not only search which can engage mah's ener- ' has the iron Awe to be obedient iatto g.es I& tkitie search •for the laws of his ., to th ver7„ centre ciI ebe n - ration -411e sspukbri. to have beep that ot • TO AJ EG- le . ,i, euad now enclosed . „..",rho .1 °Pen quadrangle t eecoPled by native buck* a 4iud endleants, and at the entr e 0 .ol .11tirkish 401d/ens-nein, en, **4 Peet tie uffittulY as the ]dregs of on. Whitschttpeles*tatiened for • the jwr- -t/f PritnierVinle. order . anions the t. = int' up I rfi4of with • citAitel• t40•04,•and ASti)it ..PAJOIA 1„lethaPSthiS ipaptr';‘,41.1•410te 4010100 fati101t X,,cen°Put litteninniS viitor tQ tbe., gOt Land on guttrd ..aand yet • .. • ('XtQflt. ,tlae ask enesbelesontee fables's fl inninine0 U4CUt to 11‘'bc4 pliTt�D1UL1Ltc)gL .• events rt -Corded in the Bible, and bow far they will be- compenseted for the ' tt1-0-lbkt-andetedininesi ii-inerneysfet,om Ort (.oL itege.§4,11Y it A4tr •411 ' 'Man. 411,13' re*, aithOlic$ trght-• with the sts100,tithlestinefits ) sot ':fitroiell wo1s-70; .....1ntert0,0 Is even.„dArketi eniglish ritteel*tms king rinnth auk: . • t.ion be Illadoe oit, awi thero "..,4 te-fnSlinit .the' sietiein ,Of Se1fl-LLUfld groping, 1.1110'.1,i.tnitisPhe're pin• that Of , flubterranegn. ..vatiltse.einst-ladetn, citilly`endseholting, 04111110.1S*114, niches. unlOyely-in .construct -10n, Prc er6.2-trSt4r1 •itrolegui aPidtition. • The area breken 00 into nichen, shrines end' •ehaPelii; the:largest' of which Are nut le few- equareeteetnine *netts- and-seils- ninitsseglower 'il:ti:eiitocAlt..44:113*Intr. voilexetoidrIloethvy "glitOU ; bil wipl Ott(' 01117 itnk re `ere e •., 1h11,:1,HP:fC **,\41:taitri* 0 'Otintle. Of :chaines 3'''. • ,.- rratn.. iron m or iron tri Offensit*.smell WrItliebest. atertinvetbeet'1%4 liowennewonld be Lvodcdtry puttinn ft leW **nail bottom_ of nr ti 1044241 dia4 lkald Jy rzi Lr, twa o 1.* rxr 174:411:1E8..:::.:7":„.r1.11;$4114.11.1"4:171°42:4:11:7741:stoniliFitt4.011:,,:a..CPea,,ddrrY:,°71'1.°11:ti jtIND OEthtth .S.14. • one • C*49.inuntfill b tt.ewc 17.v" ' CAA U4) aud serye Saute. , the ItCP, tiNe a iu01'01-4t tbe p gtIttu), iifiugat; one • t ret iitarth Mix tegetlie, Ith LIoiI tive death and ehange APAI transf'wxna' own,' we I being.. P)sYskai, mPltal; time but tit° tuan who makes the en- moral and spiritual. No holler task 4 gine must be every whit es; oliedient..can ei,g4ge ben than obedienee to ' By no 'idling caprice, by no lawless "'those laws. This obedienc4.) N‘ins the self-will can man make an . engine. 1 freedom of health, the-freedcm of a, Not only- is he obedient to the laws i twist" Mind, the liberty of poieed and 'of hi" own 'hef"g' 11.16 fa" of his . noble character,' the liberty of a awn genius,. but he IS • spiritual iseture its quiet OBEDIENT To Tme ntoN 011r. splendor, mirrors the' beauty of God Thessetbmitienisitmeeltsttrefitannirttitr ima-1theiirli ePttiOtin the s of that ore, the eienditioits NOthing $o . corrtipte peeple este. A greasy, soiemn, Turatehicriattabeeerrking s artller-431:rs- whiesh it is elesnged front motionl.)sselfoolish and unjust laws; /for theyapothecary crawls from his rotten - 's ness --ree-inine jilt() swiftness on corrupt obedience, the very lountain ,'tlinbered wherry, and puilingly steue. garden where Chriet -made :Tfiinself the track. Only by the subridssion of good Citizenship. "1"hey- debase ..g194-upour ship's side. .1.1.0 known to Mary id'egdalenee-"Maryl" of himself tQetheet. conditiens, LAN _moral ourreecys'eritich.is• Wickeeisn'oontintoled by a diabolicai-lookieg 'slily...Lord and My, Godr' these diVArie• laws, can be fulfil hie;..er Allan ,•• to .deba,se vita -at 11,4ry 4 taring a tattered bag, a bat. circles indicate the 'ground, to an desire or an en gine and add to his4e,ountry Nothing is NO much needed tered waterip.4- pet, and a squirt.' eic inch. where it is Claimed the speakers f power. tlo. sawn' liiinself to -the, to:day as lin awa-kenetT obe- tints haudini-cif-wvdeor was It -6100. 1 ol3r-litcPP•Avst4:4-=tunt- Won that the iron may stibmit to ' dieeee, an awakened spirit of loyalty aboriginal dirt? ---from the bag into enter a chapel. Where, according to, Gosienniases---v-ietd-thienseleese'no ' nenee• fee_ ewe,. the.potand over the upp'er deck' legend, our Saviour appeared' to Ws -Without- renervis-for-theegreatness--ofe-loftiest--ideals*- the ide4as in. which, stiftirfs a tiny seilnier-e- wide11 the sor6er-cdrin-the"-resorreetion. Be- ------e,-.himewitoestdsnntsntoeehemesnnzhOt04t4our-nat4oa4 .w.as-cradledr,..the,-„Jdde,als.„.!yetF9JpltAn,py_ ,ftip21,41.Atkii(.1' land 'ITS-Oltiir- IS- a grated- nighty Ant. always unity 'in obedience, •a with which our fathers inotiwps whiele would not i)T-) suffitientlyepoii="L"mialitr lt-fragrfiellt-Ortliestettitin'f"te lowship-of joy enriching the world hallowed our chit/111,6°d years. Theraerittl to dislodge an aphis, from/a,' width JeSUS W418 1)0110(.1 w1lii SCOIlkg. WiL14 S01110 new grace of creationis need to learn that only by sub- gel -an -Mb lea( It leejeoweven, us-theb‘sirvktsh, ailed Silt: 11 1-4 ikr• the laet of achievement, ,tynission - to the truth Ls thelT• lute slimed that we. are now ilisinf‘•.i.cLed. thrust thtough • inconveniences at which, uveserativtiteurritilnneTrwrg,10;0111, into outer dark-. dietniegetineds and stennlide-teiflieg, the SenSikile traveller - I atighs at the ti in e and I l''''' - -- 8 1 OOTSTEP swears subsequently .-7 deliberatety More disconcerting •than Aught else steams pest -our objective point, daf... is the Jostling propingtiitet„,of the al- fa; only 1.1o, utiles from our port sif leged sites, ror example, my drago- embarkation, l'ort .Said, ane Inflicts: man, 'a npruinal - Christian, points tO on 118 the penance of a preposterous on ihoiated slab as the stone -where- farther on. We loll at anchor in, the: 0! eines! on the- body or our 'Paviotievras place when Nicodenitie wa$ preparing it circular route via Ileyrout,'140 [withhaypacig t the suppreened growling of i Proceeding In 4 stre•ight line. is a ', the deck hour , after hour i for the torahFifteen. paves distant, caged animals, and wafting for a 1 small circular railing which indlceten quarantine inspection. 'which at frsti the exact *quare yard whence the • ,,,iii, 1 IV Stk.. . It h - ince,tinAlio*. It to stand In cold water. ter a fe* initukt•ess stir .-in quarter of a 'top of Sugar and • tWO''' -quarts vor mU.. Lcmr-7t/u5zuni.turi,r. , • in When done, apresid butter •oVer_the. top. Any -desired flavor may be med.; Pitl"41pple Pie -For this delleioUta dessert merely' lay slices of tbe pine- ulsnles, Wkich have bccacaret-tall cored and Pared, around in a rich pitvrust. Sprinkle .thicliky with sugar and bake. Wh$pped cream, sweetened and flevored may be heap - • over the outer crust just bolero the pie is served.. , A Simplified Illayonealse.-The 41d. laborious drop -by -drop process :el "'• • if there lint) been anything burnt in the oven throw ealt in, and the smefl. will disappear. If ,salt rubbed On 'silver, china -or •earthee- waio lt take off the stains of teagr • etc, Sallt will 10/1 Weeds if sprintJed on sgrvel W a I ks. '- if, When you. are baking anything, the oven gets too hots put in a basin of cold water instead of leaving the door open, Title cools the Oven. and the ,nteam ring from the 'Water prevents the contents Irons burning, jThen cookineninea gas oven, a basin or ti - • t. should. * be - .. . tion, ,a picture or a business, a v,ise , ideals, the attainment of -noble blo One by one we march •past our gsl- mind or a pure Soul-. ••11 ye e 0)0- t gre• _ ' • • . . - In 11-1,, ,A1. 0. 13,ro knv 0 dieet. ye snail eht of the getod of thet-dient. ye .shall eat the good of the and are pronounced 'ele.an., Now up- land," whatelevt the land -may - be., land," thei•land of ail true and divine pears the true reason for the Weari-, t'N hitch you enter through the. J ordan I desire. :___ ,some quarantine. This- employe of ,,,,,r, ,the rotten Ottotmart Empire demands / a Shilling from each European tray- Tlitil SUNDAY SG1111011 Jehovah inelinie his purpos3. of re - 8. My thoughts -The theinTh . .. demptien; they are "pest fintiltee, out. 1 .,. "I a (11er. Fuli of Ilritieh cuesedness and of fury ,at the prolongation of my voyage by 250 miles and. 34.3 hours for this paltry plienader. I defiantly InITEILMS.TIO JULY 23. tier- Golden Tera Ioa,. 55-.t3. LESSON WORD STUDIES. isTtlte.-These 'Word Studits for thlIl lesson 'are bartv,1 on the text of the e v ise tl Version. - An Invitation to Intlivichials.--In' chaPter 54 the prophet has s -t forth the future joy of 7Aim reunited to ,4440.-Petth of the !salvation brought hy the Mes- siah. Ile now proceeds -to call upon members /of the, Slat ion as ladiv iduale inviting them to make' the fruits of -this-- by personally Accepting the blessings 7 nes.s and sublimity are b ,y ind the power . of the thuughte tif men to „...untig.r4s,m1,(eesenepee.V.Ise 412- Jere' 29. 11). 'The diameter a 3 0,-417-tiri,'T purposes Of,,redemption furnish a mu-, t lye for earner and expect at, t 11013.0 as well, ftS4'1"for repentance. 16. As the rain cometh de . r.m-A detail suggested .by reference to "the heav_ens" in the preceding yeese. , having achieved t.ethip;ee (comp. Seen, 4124- - y- hovah hi ins( If (corap. -1a, 40. 10; 52. 12; Mile. 2. 13). The mountains and the hills . . the treee of the fle4d-h.11 nature shall / AA. 10 10,, e U thirte,:elyeg_eneteestant, are two es m the masonry and tw small depressions in the pavement, babied to be the • stoeks and the footprints of Christ, here imprisoned duringthe preparations for crucifix- ion. Another thirty-six pacesand we reach a cha1, tho fanciful, site 01 a Teal e1'ent-4 he crowning with thorns. Close by Js the Chapel of the Nailing* to the Cross. I forbear to affront kePtiivtjic O- A pinch of sea added to mustard, when miSing, keep It of a bet- ter_ seeler. Wet the !!L1t Oral with tittle vinegar. Then inixit with weirin Water. can thns be Made 'thinner than__when _cold_water fie used andsis more convenient to pour into the mustard pots while it stifTens sufficiently as it coolie Wats crY inu.staril is an_abondriation... of s fitted with_ ercaee *bile ing and You _cannot get it to- polish, a, good way to remove the. grease is tivlowmi trak6 itanld4lrlic11 the peetfre, be putting thein away, i and _rub it well, over- .the • greasy parts. Afterward blacklead as usual i•and you will find the .grease has dis- lieppeared and a brilliant polish will I be the results The care and economy of brushes le (Otte worth studying in an average houeeliold, ae they quickly mount 0 le heavy ltenutn the VeL4'"n• ex-- cally, 'toad •y rtion, nou know you! any detttil of the loealities where can't make Inee"--..And the anotne-. fabulous prolixity declares the 'Ens- tur -or en anc e. a •bine-irush that la left • to soak in a bucket qUielily rots. S'nveepinge_ s'brbeirfsneleinileisieVerrstaifEhliror • , T1:11rfrD-L except when in Actual use; they plies "It is ' true I cannot make cross. vow but if Von do not give 11)0 153) Al1011E' FABLES.•" tanning, I shall- report; you‘.to our itithorities as suspected of- disease, represented, approximately, .L-by.11.wf,y ish and. you will be confined in 'a lazaretto for four ilays.)1' • _flow 1-111(1-8'byfirtY Paces -4 -for better real'. did I deal - with this **poser"?I izati'n• say by the size of an aver - blush to confess -I crawled. age lawn of small .English country IntTTHE house. Within this scope have been ;-en, .1,11.1nst.T.ifl.... nuesjeet to 44414 . - t.t. eavs' thiV tt, Itomeeetournalnby the -method scribed below. it will be a hoon. lovers, -Irr-ct •boveremix ,teaspoon of salt, a dash of .pap• rika and the rawyckiof.-two-- 4; 11.--4-Fg-g--*- -then beat in two table- spocres each Of sinega.r and !einem juice; aid about one ar.dzone-half • ."` a a inora at•-a-tinie, beating-- It --with-I-an-es- - ,egeseheater—Byeadstineeealle.theeennid--,--- ro-thep .and ubing a good egg_ beater, t1 danger of 'Curdling 139 elim- inated,. and the oil can be added in - enerous quantities from the, start. - • . eups each of-tistay- -miteed-hain- and erum -sT-r-ne7-71---1‘• n tins; pour in a little milk. •break an egg over !Lech arid bake in a moder-' ate even. k • ,Strawberry , egg9, t'iVO euro Orr flour, ell.? cup of stramberries chopped in balveS• and dredeed in - • flour, 011,1" cup of milk, one-half Cup- • fel of -sugar, one-half cupful or . ter,_,t rjg_haL.ing- poiec ere * team or our (Stirs an 1.), serve 'with lemon eadeu. should at once be stood on the point of the handle," head upward against iirefikce eit furniture till the kitcheras aro finished, then put aw in the inVOM latiSting.brnpenSi- which are ',suspended by a string from the handle thoulc always Eeir to 1.7n.st Estates Die:covered in a Yonne* Laborer. By the mail steamship Orotava, Trout' Aar4i1etrie, there recently travel, cd from Freemantle, Weed. Aelfetra.iia,. a youth* who was nr....arcr......re..,ibrought up in " ITifspit--and ai,who has ss- . quis of Tualliano. of Italy, and tbe owner of estates worth £20,000 a, year. The life story of the youth. • whe • de been, eenven theennatree of **AM. bras& at the foundling Institution, is a particularly romantie-one. 'When a- I. te c i4:715711Silr t • memitir.Tly the beauti- inary positions of scattered occur - dawdling 'voyage, By reason of the -MAIM er.yA ful, --'Is wor-th some- -penance of a fences, such as sseotirgihg, ment, croWning, %ailing to the cross, anointment, and two separate meet - wealth of its etorieal realities, but Golgotha and the -sepul- mingled with the -charts of its poeti-I lugs. a myths. . id. Pon a Insole • -foe a- Mg111----Astelileii nutlromeda was- falistionsly This • -marshal-4°g on the ateige) • foe the beards, this • I sing localization eth-Compare the similar figure in , The fir trees and t e myrt v treV tk1 reliceraongers, hate mercifully 0 le mos sacre an momen cos - _ -soarsuds directly they are dirty: Ileunineo Purniture.-When cleaning bamboo furniteire use a brush and warm water and enit to prevent it frern t.'Wi v stustin _ carved furniture alwaYe use a pain- ter's brtiali to',_gteLlittis till the cre- ture.-Pour some lemon Juice on the •‘41,7•InttPtittnin14-tin--inTalt---WM r.,* nilitin-nitIfertlfial-7---It.3:, . a n3iraculous fountain opened, by nes1out *future ages us a testimony end 'large marine animal, alleged to fe bovali for the relief of his people. : monument of •TehoVab's gPodnes's end Andromeda's monster, and her re - Come ye --.. Literally, Go. to merry toward his PeoPle whom be puted fetters were long an object of Uri oei t y;,' -here is tbe doubtful E4110 --11-WISA, tend-10Sb thiit -01` "one Simon, a tanner," .where Peter torried; and hero Hiram undoubted.- ly sent ceilars of Lebanon for the bedding Of the temple. Jaffa is closcly 'associated with the cam- paigns of the Egyptian Thothmes. of Sennacherib who "mine down •Iikle a 1 whicir wns printed in Edwerd VI.'s.. Of tit° Crus3de"c (4 S4ladin and 2. Spend moneye-Literally, weigh atichard Coeur de Lion, and finally siNer. liturgios es sktleil,by Parliament': "The earth is thine. 0 Lord, and of Napoleon's Kleber and Napoleon's Your labor -Or earnings. all that is contained therein, imt,,,,poisoning of the sick; it is impreis. That which tatisfieth not -The life its Oriental picturesqueness withstandinn thou hetet Oven pose- eiVe bY apart from Cud and hie ealvatiim is sion • of -it ti) the children of man to and entrancirg by its siihstroplcal pase 'over , the tiiiiin of that' elicits 1'64111V cil "n°5143' Pr " es • -throug' hOUt this chapter.. hath redeem( d. - - No- money-In-eerniy--seft-r------- - , Orient, as in Palestine, water is scarce and therefore an exreptionally A PRAYEn rot LAZIDLORDS. great boon. Access to a well •• has — often to be paid for. This Valvation. The •Plaii.at •of Tenants 1.71 the Time onnred "in the prophet's ineessige,' of Edward VI. thoueh in value like unto that whieh - , Is most preciouri and neceesary, lel The London Daily Chronicle pup-, still to be obtainable without inoney 'Helms a quaint prayer for landlordelr(41 on the fold'" (4 the Maeranees• and without price. A , . it tife•_of ,continual spending nw„itheut _____1„,_nny_real saliAldctio d asti - .....4 es__vn e......01-_-,irriner75.44.‘-'__TiViirk-illitlitti _ beautiful -by At, is -now it n deeds I...et your soul delight 1,tA'el.f,- iKI fat-- We hear fly pray thee to seed tbyt War; hOW spirit iuto the `Inverts of timealar alareY' earriell out ehY the Eng''' nees-"And in this "Mounter* wall that rioseess the areistule, naetur(s lists Afe(ical lilislion itrid Orphanage. Jehovah of hosts make unto all peol ,ind (.17A. iiiiim,riaces- of tho oa-i.th, that 1 IN THE CITY. -- --:-431en. a feat, of _fat _things"- (Isa _2,en.t "-'2 - -- c -'- - - ' '----tlii iTyr, sinnieniVaiiiienttiatiisa.ei) to -le --Irfiti'rallway -froth ..atdrit, cru - 6 ; comp. alt:o Ise. 58..14). . ! thy tentints, may not rac's nor salern possesres the tingle interest 3. Incline your ear -Give heedand streteh out the rents of their botines.of being cleverely engineered aerose come unto me -Jehovah; hear and end lands, nor yet take unrcanennide ' enuentains and valleys; otherwise your soul shall live -The meesage, fines and- incomes after the manner, the three -and -a -half hours' journey and invitation aro cif vit4I IlnPur- of covetuons worlilinseig:, but eo let', trereennn tine steely region' of taller. The -offer inside he that of em them 'Out toCIL . other* that --4 irdutbo, Inereasing desolation, berrenness an everlasting, eoVennnten -.,. -ns - - enreste•-thereenneene-isettliebenni. iltrnston itiffesn. . -givei fil,Te to astaPPoIrIV The ,sure Wiries, of ' llexid'Inig pay the;teats; and also 11000'41-1$ rntrcies promised to T/aViil and hi, to a dismal degree. Thin. the live and nourish their , families an ,rornised Land, ilowing with nail; teed (comp. 2 Sant 23. 5). 'These --- relieve the poor. Give ti era grace, and honesi; 'teeming with the riche enviCt inerciee which were promisoll t� alet 14) consider that ,itiey art. _ bIll__.; eitalltrAl_ard-tha-lnIt‘ntiqnr 'V .. .,_ S CM, ilitgrillehTiti-Inin Ilor _ , time/ li: es,. of a - surety,. oncent hoeing Iwo no oteellinn;-plaer, btiV ego, But. now, "the wliole land is reeking ,one to terries that theY•• 1,;(ns/fsnetle 'desolate„?* ravoged by alt re ineinhering the Alert •tot-atinnAhce rf 'i, iiesited 'waits, nestilence and famind. theirlitel may bor'rtontotted -with that.; 4k:1)ov:dated.. oral eVen essentially dee Which 18 sullileicnt affirot Jilin 14510,•'', teriornted through nitered clitnetic to bkwe anti htful jo land, to tto.'i„eoriditi9/153. Oui depression d'ePene inipoiserislunent of pinere, but so. 1,..1-'w ivizir3n3 we turn an angle of "the hills( 413Vnlr eisre-eot tuei ss %te i -sten *bent Jenne's' xp at the . railway 'station, rituatcI .1-1Fitiinvii-t-fra.- liphighi. • r oven ht ie expectation, • at leeet. ser niece, erill congener this pral:er asi for as eslerval aSPeet, is eoncerged. 11,-.)huld thou, M4 Ksiab.ehaltese It' T-1,, appropriate to-ila. in tize rec'em of feline mole is one at ugly decay and n tull-ina tb-1•1t• tb60 4111t)SVe3t /t!'t-'A-t iliatg lositsurd NIL us ir, titrit or his ,tiitictict, ot raas otti dirt, .tf PovortY hrltion" ttilt '11:1A3 ha'"• net 13q.',113),,U4'.IIISsci Wetleeeseor. /What 1u- tend. rif:41 einem,. "theeelissieVenelt,latle , of le2141,q1 cr Gost 110tIOW n . ',CL,u1016 w,-rzo , lestlissn accoteplie'se-.1 an tnee,e cos- enlivSr,,Ing' baboloof .ehatter amongst es triiitO. '1.i nes'er ItneW' ou. eepart im.fre forr.the gibed ,(.4 who thireteth. "..*131(..sed are they t a hunger and thirst • after rit3hteous- tkss" (Matt. 4, - 4. If im-tlavid,. tot; a witness to the peoples -A man after God's own heart. David occupied in the heathen %nein)) of his time a fepreSentative, nlinsitiestretrentfirentirintrirertretnessof-. Jehovah, tne God' of eightvuugurv; ssnm • spainfutesceptielsein- Mt -air -tell ine such fables; we Will leave: this place and walk to Calvary: is it far -distant?' is my indignant iuterrup- etion-Leif-_--nnyngabblinenhosvmstsnsn-ell - F unblushingly reiterates his ,shibbol- ethe "Whut I have told you is all' 'true and beyond question," adding, "This is the way to Carvary-- up- . stairs:. yeti know the Bilile says -the soulchre (closely adjacent to which,' We are standing) was nigh unto the plar,o,Of ancifixion. Aliis way, first floor to Golgotha.'" Walking up a (OW -Tams, 'about It feet ribove the normal level of the ehttrcis -pavement; we retich an eminence,' partly en- closed. roofed over, and sub -divided into small, mean chapels, it 13 not known: Whether it. natural or ai mei:it-Lit 13 even ' itAuestn tifereds- onit ii-edirtreVeitly iiCiozifeliiihiiii hether or notether genuine kloigotig,‘, 14 in this neighborhood. In „the ape .of , one of . the chapels is ti perture •eparldings-with--4A tel lining; wherein, pbor credulous bigots insiet, was fneerted the cross, that "bitter cross" to ivhich . "those blensed feet, ...nineteen hundeed- years- -Were nailed ur-advantago." 'Yes." chatters my dragoman "and there you see the other two holes .for the crosse_e of the thieve*, /Ker. lierte-wipeeit---off-with-- cloth, nn -1 if the stain haS'not en- tirely disappeared, apply mere lemon juice:. •continue to do this until the sn'ainneareenresnoved-- • Oil I'aintings.-These may be cleencd tluiroughly by taking them out of -their frames and rubbinfe the• surfece with half a raw rotato. The rubbing should be circular, , gentle and firm. When clean. 'Wipe with a sponge and clear Water. This) re- cipe inay be tried with -confidenre, as it. la used 'in the pieturek-restoring liminess. • • It 'the lama etre-in s re of celery after peeling onions, the emell will be entirely nemeined. riekleit should never be kept ' in lazed-nu:tree .the'vitiegter forms a. 143411 - 'A cooiting authority says that' nt few grains of salt sPrinkIed on ref- ine before thes.e..._Water liv.a.dded -will -bring out and improve the flavor.• • Oire does not get ee tired of using the sewing machine if only the right foot ie placed entirely on the treadle, allowinr but the to of the left to rozit eil,e. TO clean a rusty grate, whch beconie so A - in it for some time, blaekleatI it thoroughly and leave th tvet' black - lead to dry on for tWol or three dart „ /ow. it win- poll* bCintififill,e, as, the lead, 1411 bairn eaten oif the: rust. In rnakiii brown robin, tate teeter for A dozen obottlea, acid hall- 0UfltQ of•gIngo.. boil halt go 'hour,. then ,Add balflieund rot twrup, half- poiinti of sugar. teaspoonful of cream tarts.r and tititl tet it mine to mit, 'then empty into a. iveroex d'eeri basin And toOT till' ft whir,./LALIALit_etiprat_.ef • 044: lean Vingert3farts on floor$L- 'tun eritrnerkswitho. ,Plete of flannel dipped in part, 'the rattan *ill disappear like . Afterward wine .trittt a, clean th, ivratil out of 'fiat Water t in„bett4r,.., Ink the left,tjuet as -the sayst.", ',Won't 'talk suck .nonsenser," was; luy wretliful find pained reply, "Can. not. you see that the' intervals be- tween tine alleged pesitioirs are bare- ly fiV teet-,InipoSsibly close for three hunian forms with estended, Arius?" lands. ten . inks end, racery. end as nzielk beeame (tin() after titls, /tiro ti nay 11 ivader, or prin/Cee aed ,ss.remisederneettosseneeneeleennuteen *Alin i1 L 5-1731d-11141744;t1arouti nis(Plitlikt our tot, the .peoplea teverip. 11e41 41p. ". The TiolY One ef lera • hiq ! r e .e'r , , • „ _ •••:ess-L.• j1rtee neeL--,....;=, ,7," •-''• ' tilitO Jul may he found -In ifell 'atecceptabiel thee." in the, "day of ii „ , Kenntion * (eete.p." ',hen, U9. 12-14:1:4, Voro n, Li, tot of.. taini4 \ . . 49. f')'.. .."t:" ' !1.not PitileriStand. Tide itS tbe mese E. ti uhfigri.copS' ina;:,--LitciKatizi" triy-g1erio-u9 are--. now a won-Uus with uj ttic,7444 fieyaL nr,siv„1 I ,_ _ ..., . - , - , IlikcIt,...ai7d_04, i - , iI(V ,D ril,, no'-,4.1".0it, ' ' -------- ,..,,,,. ,. 7 *irthititt.th- . 'aq 41 , i, is roy. 234). .-11Sidor days iteseribee 3- 44th1voir,:rn-riVillzatittar" _ ern-- r ;yes VtidOn. drawo WAIL- -nititig a. route' .whifh, is 'both nerSi" *Yid to this' hotd, where we rien4 tosiSr the !east obtaVittuals ntid *hater. Tat, 8Evettatit 41s4 IXetrailt7-7-ritn "tir4r.,i;V:0 intiOnte ratierat alfact .1_ While he' was yet a teacher in the, Free Seliool, nevigwitinUjeee-e famous neither and playwright, coin-eselet posed some verses and tinildlz. tent ,thein to the editor 'of an Atuellean ttiagazite.\ 'They were proinptly turned. Some • vc1irs later, Whin' Minn bad wine 18 wity, 'the. Maio will di 14114 Arla 7ehritto1 tiutho went on a tour for the benefit ef EMI% 1 ;1 tea IS St 115 gisniitY"-ATM VI:Le:418, skAtt'Sno ,ffie •17-4'a -"Rg4 ttlo eseellent for Ocan f V.ddiniate:Athicti- 'tart ti,'dnOttr y. the serious illuee.s of a distant rela- tive, and/she was killed in a carriage accident. 'I'he child was saved, but as it could not be identified it um; sent to a; at*fril-nwtat loundi-rpg-71h-- stitution. The parents subsequently searched in vain for. the child. About five yearp after the child's disappearance the father, who was heir -presumptive to the marquinate,: MIS kill- eki while hunting, and the widow died at bratenAreart. l'Avelve nuenths age the- eMartinhe -Of -411Uilliano, an uncle of the. ''ss -n out In the ordinary course the estatessetvoilld have reverted to his brother, the father of the missing ild. /t, teea...f at tchi,S. Magi, that e• firm srinenew.k. charge_ •ef the family.eetate„ inecover. the first clue of the missing heir. - 1fe was traced finm the family who _ toned- him -to -tlie atillioritie'if,- adil finally to the foundling home in hichn he had lived tintil about the. age of twenty. It was through the Othorities at this institution that */*ArstrOte," by which name he ' wee win was tracked to Went ituntra- . and 111mill:it to St. John's tiOnd. inn*, loyal handy man. "Ambr,ose," by which nettle he tali teen months IMO, nit the Ineturice ol another. youth, ranted'Frantisco, who setheneStineelitetitsitiorneennen et Who taitesinkrated t� Wenner/3- teen*. 'The flint roirmunication 'ed by a*Atnbrose" hi* rde nee! tor i;ood fortmui reached mon*ngo. but was only in tbe tore Of no inquiry, ond the o /dim was too meagre to turn7sb- tlie Went:With ally slett0e.,efueAs to .,.at was about to trah,,T5pire,. - Other lettevt followed, and it teei th_at t he. jrue.q.fions4AA,,,t4r.e, lit Tgard-to theItsitvp?arastii bo Who Wan the heir to the . I" If ▪ thief:or. I br however; , oniation Rolled teal ent sI 'itchan . thee vntght lio, tonlett Tilt It„ C 'lin salt.; iiiirt6'0:Allito ,nossItinlynAlerineetet4*, 0. rist*Vn left AnStrillitt "Arne tl'ott ix cottag`AttfZIttiOn r.g 1m to. retnat. to Italt Ait right tti 031-44t1ie Of 'it* / • Ytiol lieelx1*telii14ott, '4 wr itt,:..,1i.-.- -. ,'** i 1.14 . to t» 114 4 and &b1J 1:4 C. 1 '''f' .,