HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-07-20, Page 1ishing himself ani
eltappinets the;
Ns Laura. E. daugbte
rcbo1a. of*lira
July AWrn. Dun.Couina per,
n the n
on wbtcb
on Weclw
'united in marriage to '
Can, of Brussels.
fOrttiO1 the cercino
oftibout 100 guests. Tbe
Many beAutiful oese
wo,9 aaptsutitaItarriweefv.
fleopail frleadiu The
will rookie at WOO
Ws.,,.Putira,0 **Or,fri
mtL-M.Peter Mc
(AM ni
Rtimor has t that
ng men are contem
my. -Wm. Winr, 0
town a. tsg visit
e, atways done, through,
thus saving
-poiti :to fl Ihtce Curtains atits goocl-vain
Much rto the Cash Buyer, bccatue we give 10 . per
off fQr Cash on Xvery. Pair of Lace Curtains.
rices range front, 25c. ft pair up to $7.00.
10 Per Cott Off For Cash on £31 Curt,ina.
Is ,
Oke. for 414 few 1111***. .
tn. SneIl,'who has been so-
ng Winnlpeg for some- time,
irretraaton too. 7. -
here is loolted
Powell, or. Zimmer
i$flLii4!iLfrfl**ifl it:L..o
much ..--lietterGuenther nd.hisfat
or returned from Buffalo Tu
where-th were
o e
LotdaMifler� of Whrnipe. re.
teiterwr kV Visit to -f�rni
I•I 11•
'home teams- e or*
At the end of the sizth lnnlngs the
score stood 16-21 in f*Vor of the for.
Men We expect *now wogsto be
played in the near futurivas the Ben*
diets think they can do the Bachelor..
At. the game Friday night- August
Schrader promised tt. et -winning
large" bouquet of tomice ilmeersrand
,sure erten h.bevrert ed Wesley Riwbe r. • • t of t
the proMised. rew . lard who
• tv_ est4tand-ptaitedit-
window of Mr. /Kellerman's Stare for
inspection. --The horror
affair. -Mr. And Mrs. F4 Ed ghoffer,
w avb niTtwo-werviii
among friend* hereileft, for
In . 04.
dialph-ffifert is •ependir&g the holiday*
at hie home, -3 D. undies,
,ett the blacketwitit
Cleland, ot Stratford. -e linattiess
will be tom:lotted by Mr. oetz's son.
trataarlactftr last 'teak)
Mr. Oliver Oraybiel has taken a
e Wish Olivetti's. in_bleAttader-
takingt-Mr., Berman ThelIer-baa mow.
mil I toiliCast -4*
m. 1Zebon, of taft-lloin
•EngineWorks bas made an aaeign-
wentforthe benefit of hi* creditot*.-,
sail is beginning to talk up* Hen*
WI Old BP okbrottion for next year,
Mr, /*aeon. of MOntrealla visiting
at tbe OM*, of his sister, 'Atm, Grit.
hatti.-Mrs, John, Dick WA children.
ofClarksburg. is here vialtiog her.
I4r. Chepnian.-F.
Thit Monett of tbo Township Oflifa
met in the:Town/lall, Zurich, on Jolly
blisfeetinitain I and "e
itch just
'rot that : t4.hat in cote the
ditch Is made deeper and l.rger thol
tiiiieuotrkgstinyaiwniitrutiegrogrepeciiteitoo imall: to lion;
• nut
guard alongside the dram.
number of accounts -were
until adjourned till Tuesday, Aug.
1st, at- pan. e.flage;Sr,, VW
of acre* to his son,
1ZcEwcn we unc
and will"move' there in
ea!o'tb;°FAL Barnet got his 'right-
ei in tbelattory.
and Mrs. Wm Martin a' dough
"DRRaoiInUsborne Con;
Jily 8, to Mr. WA- Mti.c. 3an.:
a dasightor•
_ L•
rt V7V.M171t5
the estate of Chrlsto
er WllIert, late of theTOWnithip
of stepheno County of iltir013.
tired Farmer, dectouted- _
X.Icembeieb1 11N iistassat tete, 38.1umip.
the RevI..d Otstutft,olthatitio. 114r1 Mat
• yds ort
doxafJwi, 1JI,-$fl. on
Miss ,May .Pollen. Of. Bt..
has Nettie Hind, of Elittivil
part.of hot Week as guests of Mr.
ton: -
Mosta. W. 4[1.Auston. DA,
Carling, 3, A. Stewart, W.
J. Beaman and 11. Sanders are at-
tending the . Masonic Grand Lodge
itieettrig *ft Hamilton thltol*telr•• ;
Rev. and Mrs t Godwin, left
morning for- Detroit and from tbere
*ill teethe boat for Chi Mil-
Wat,keeandother -American pointa.
abitetif & few*elks. •
LA, M. and Mrs. Perkins left
ou Oridayi,Mt to: apend-weake
• 'lidays at toe
retitina" pulpit willb000cupkd during
visit Winnipej and tither
tIntbiintorest ot the F
operiitive Saablaa 0o, bth
Mrs. Strode left on V/
Ing for London where she will.
sw days prior to leaving on
visit Vedette polnts
n ted -States. fIr.tvIsItIng her
Oxford. Jdkb.,- then inObFcq
'latercalifornla. `tabs will be
ba, left for their
went ti‘ the* returtilag Ti
*ocompazijed by „Mite Annie
visit here fora, time.
icr of tTshorna toi
4t1ng it. sister m I/
ii,-Creit to thihiA
and two grandchildren, of TiVistock
and Mts. Daniel Oestreichert,of Oredi.
ton. spent several days lit the . viltage
Tv-ith-Triends during-tbe pait
fora! from here attended the races
in Zurich on Friday,. -night.--Farmers
are busy' haying.._ The crop , is on the
whole a heavy oni"-,;441se
leible spending -her vartatfou at her
home here. -Miss LidLa Mug, of
London. 10 *vending the smuttier
ninths with her people bore...Mr,
nak-Vklofter,- wife and ebiM,-of
Pigeon, Atic13., *re spending two Wee**
holidays with, friends here.-.Meetrs•
Atdntw-and &Iowa Birk who base
:been .here attending: the. futterld of
their ttitheri, let for their 'homes Itt
.Seattle and North. Dakota, respeotive-
otter'ilay of thedeath of his.0
which occurred at her hoine in Buffet,'
Guentber and his eon, Henry, left.
on Saturday to beitiattendanceattive
funeral. -Last Sundity tbe anewChildren't Day fle 01406 '
edin the Evengelical ohureb here,,
The day *MAIL
abd the exert each
and• *vett oneperformlng his or bev
part efily.:and ,well. The cuUectlona
r the de* amounted t.o about $2 £
flWng enelitIt to *
leslonary day
Sebool and the collection.
older ,thhrtb
hit& eteI
reW Birk,he
n tire 01
ti bergri
)ii -heri
It* is.ern
our young folks
test of t day on
Grattd Wads and
breese off'
acro.s tbebridgefromB
A gang ofnen f t
"IPalto inakeratleer
'. LW smittiala wi
-e, ofHensaill,
ItbeH days '
0043403, -or
Iece of land
enner'. hotel,
pa lame
It - Is
lin Wm. X. Venner, of
-Ohmselhuiet, iluron Oo., Out., to
Mies Margaret Ellen McLeod, , of
• West. WO '
ottztorr.-rn Clinton,•on 1, Her
riet Elizabeth Pivot, wife of"Bet.'3.
Ibnertrelesbot Yrnttaet.on alr 8.
Mary Giltillan, aged lie years and
nOuthii., • _,-
XATAF-411 )4001Ittiffity,; onJuiy
Alice Ann, widow of the late
Meadd. aged 101.0aft. I 1:0614114
* ParkGeo. M. Shoebottbmibtli,i;$,,ou Juthe
• •
vilAtetr*halett. Mt' .1
n; :11:47116.04ibllbelLu. 454:41,:,rd I0600.
red wife, of, Wino
In Detto