HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-07-13, Page 6. , .',Tesectiee 'elAieeiset, ..‘Ye are ..e*tt to l7e'tlidniehttide`7, .011004; tett. .lie ineietre that ',tie v nt' cete he',Peokiled. for liY 'anXie h.,>'... .,;''fretting. over it. fie.fere-;'ite einfske l'init :".,tlte .PeOP.le ttee :our .• etnkreetn_:. leeicene ..' though life, • .corts.* husinein; ',1.1s; hard to find'. a .te• ed tOoking Man or. woman. °WeerrY 4e4\c s t/LQ. valise\ of therie their wbetonsi si ep- 4 a ware. %Cry make; the WrinAles; its the de,=.414:01VTI latICii ' ' ' 41lPe4G'Ver-lrf'*rriW:44 diS(aSO Of our Itiliiileit4 tilalef)). _ CaTe is eortagious; it • is hard work being cheerful at a funeral, and it is a good dee' lia.rder to keep the frown from your face when you are in the throng of the worry worn ones. Yet, we have no right to be dispensers of Elooro; no matter how heavY our loads may seem to be we have no .• right to throw their burden on. ethers nor even to cast the shadow of them on other hearts. Anxiety is instability. Fret steelsaWay torce, . if 'who dreads to -mar - telly treintiles to -day. Worry . is weetness, , The: succon, ful men may . ", lee-ealeiae, Ye Wit1eeewalekebut,41,1ey nem ' • worry'. ' Fret , and fear are. like' ° fine leand thrown into litire &IIT'Ciete me- - chafes:le they cause more than hale the friction; - they steal half the power. eee-- 7- . _ _ _ CHEM IS STRENGITE. , Nothing is so well done as that which is (lone heartily, and nothing cOhthat the Mcsiih As to e0Mterfer tied, a priioner ill; related ot s PtirPfese of hi* OM' is. orener turnkey. Who rnen to neee etifeeniee a ..14 • x 9 0 r,es nsibl esitiesen, Use one if bare tbe WM. hell' be 44'00. Mei ielite, Were tr4ngTossier'S th,rbuth ereesSionls 1-11'01 ntfrfr:11t1113Zte-sdesOirth .1,0x4..setrs4.4wdYtneublr.,:reer4.4igH0i41.41,etlitti:;sit7,-,r1::eotstrilailm000lli.'7.1;74.791 ' , ho poi of Alto,. thsteeehe Nese*re- titJte " **fate Il*Ving 40 'fritlui*P„ o",u?hony,ahe iould for eiSiSt" 0., 'eothMfttc,e1 «nothr• th ilet .estts'°rien(tti it• •--',,ites*l ..• . la 11 e i iaistr4te. e,ii.„hlinlAnti-fn4ns i pet ave 00"..fltitiinOlt,,a ifett441'sent,e,tiefe 4 .1s'inza(1-...tutitruetions-•that 't -he Vase hizuild he 'bre-eight ,under ,the netiee •",ol :the Oftirt, tnnieionary, ''.1.11.0 %latter' . al.71:WIlat k gr;i4r14rv:itl e .14. 1)'hriale c3Ftl'e''kev4C4:ieri• ot t";:ti eilisx61;', pre. in the dock. and 7WhO coafessed that he had beetles° Moved by the. distress of the girl- aiiil admired her •IMIFYIkettre pee); le worry themselves into ma- detention.. And thus another . that he %you d wiiIingly marry -be !aria over the ineequitoes they may ;mance has been added to. the history she would. consent at the expirasion nieet next sunamer. I of the Nev York police force alreastee• of her sentence. „ Coming events cast their ehadows well - stocked with romances. Pet , Naturally, the missionary advised before; they cast their sunshine, too,the case does not create a precedeet, the wardee te consider the matter if wt. look at them aright. . As a sirsce it was anticipated sonar yealrs for a while longer, and to snake no etrong man rejoices to run, a ripe, as ago by the love -story of a Varisiun bast Y • propiseal on 'account of his a *ce oung man anticipates with Joy ' milliners' apin ...etite. /Lula leachaces. pity for the prisoner., In the me:in- the coining struggle, sdoes the 1 th1 In consequence of e frequent dis- time he offered to see that the 'girl e brave heart face to -morrow, not ony .business where 1111e. Le,thatei vaqUi was supplied witli food, clothes. and l • 41p/se/trance of sundries used in the without fear weirk. The warder did not'cliange Illyr EVEN WIT11 GLADNESS. employed, and of complaints froin his mind, hciwever, and the upshot of ;Mistaken ideas of religion are re- „ customers. of being robbed, a young the affair was that be proposed at ponsible for a great many of the'detective arrested the apprentice on the end of six months and duly led. e ' unnecessary wrenelea 00 the helium suspicion. ' end. on marching the to the altar One who had been more fete. Too suaey thouht rooms where she lodged he discover- sinned against then *inning. have. git et would-heelitsposelblieteee-heeltapmei--, t a4torthett-tethee_stelenepro V,,___ . .: .-`17e77. ref.e."---e. el - ed.- two weather. andso, have% eeeeted There was aome (0016110 n - the - ELEntitlITS-ZUMITEMINT happiness in The one Which they 'OW. however,. atht the young woman theuees would last longest, they., remained in custody three or four Remarkable intelligence Shown by have no choice but to be unhappy in I weeks before it was -settled; and due- ._ . 'Meet, Animals. ' Allis -one.-- -Ineffecte--sosifeesteest to -el= that -Perioft-it Laff--gr stvw mov-tv--, 4--illse-elephants_rauml 25 WCr0(Ira of her. freeuently having to conduct suppose) that the greater their ads- ging the logs to the ini 1 to be sawn, her to and from the prison where she ery here the more intense Will their They were.harnessed for this with a bliss be there. If heaven is to be was lodged and the °Mee of the Coln- broad breastband and heavy chains. atiXt iliat_weketeeettitily uneasseetieremi, snorer,- . -IV -nutive--looped---the-ehains-round ng-itill--priee•-for-Itz--------1-. .sVuzs Ogs.., eiiii, the -.0,10117' 1114-7,14,PEOVii -11rifirens- we-all---ratist-Tieiire-7bliV omoito -try lindergeeenine months' ires- -ea withetheme-an& deposited -Llicn& Wy newel not break us. Sfirratra We. Pe.ISOtIMent. .itut on the way from on the trolley. Others were picking the coart to the prison eh -e and the upthesawn planks with their trunks all must share; but they need .not . and carrying them across the yard unmake us. They will not if we Jailer -- - ve learnA the 'Teachers .seeret of 1 NTRIVED TO "DISAPPEARt°,b° l'il°d" ' vier, he, the man of sorrows, was the man who Conic &pica -,,ei 1'.neti,tte-"J9f,, i se „oulil "•'...‘ti l)ttt..: tai*ke the e4ltn, tinatt,elttitie thielight, ' sel."eeer 1)tiSielki42',:.;,000r. '4Ptli3OCk•:*00 151- , 11 ii:i 0,1,00 ttes," ; -our „. ' etigatiiiiiisitenent •.010. . , 0 .4104 0u. oi' thlogs `tblo 04*, 14ivp c„Tot 0744, '141.)$.4,4..1` ' You,dear ,otel YAO- Will V.414 , , , , .. . ;•,. 9 . . Y,01#400 44Ughila ...0 A, PPISV s 0 1,b4.,,,41 A, , A. 'eiik, or two egOea wo.num, wua. in tiong? -u s-il1,*,T; %.1)1,4 .1riends, in% a, led isi;Jlrool.Iyn eui a eherieee, el disgideee and in ;ethers puny foes bigamy. ,51eii '0,as iung, tirettee'entt declied out as giants. : \ Ma. h9#P. eharraki . it. • is. stdd. and slue 14014 to dread them,. brood \over •theine her .atteibutee, to Such purpose that look at thean with eye* prejudiced. she Octaves.' from eustedy by 'eleping with fear, and the least difficulties With the jailer who had cheree of fir -9% so heartily_ done_as-that_iihIEE...is„. ----eletiee-happilye-elleehappyeeiseetn--in-- -initetIon not imptnisibie ot tun -fit- -meet; Pleasure nifty but happinees conies in definite ways. It is the casting out of our foolish --,_....fesereet.bateseeeneag.. few of our common,e9ye. It is the telling our werrses to wait until we get through appreciating our bless- ings. Take a deep breath; raise your chest. lift your eyes from the • ground. 'kook up and think how many things you have for which to be grateful, and you will find a smile growing• w.berc one may long have been unknown. Lesson nr. The Suffering SaViOttr. Golden Text Isa. 53.6. 1....ESSON. WORD STUDIES. _ Note -These Word Stu• dies for this leseon-arse hetet" orsethe... texteof-th - Itevirsest Version.' . The Servant of Jehovah. -Our ie - son passage for to -day is the last ---tisidegreettestetof--iessreeso•tesnedreelle , vant passages" (Cony. 42. 1, 17.; 49. 44) .T1ie rete,reece to the- geed,rUlet Oita pla 14.. 14:11uPt .sinurrik an"44 414"rsug*i," it. ite that they had plunged to elope to - friends his Joy. To-btoelife gether in the event of her being sen - anxiety, beeauso the chief things of towed to imprisonment. whieh he life were not food or raira&a. or had endeavored to prevent by appeal - even isocline standing, but manhood ing to the prosecutors not to pets ami unselfieliness to men; and the ceed with the ca, and offering bin.- possibilities of theee were as easily to make full compensation for realized in need and adversity as in self riches and prosperitythegoods which had not been re- covered. Fnfflng.iir this captor and captive eloped. Whether the aa- anc shennedeaseundean.eenoe. clean_ thorities really exerted 9themselvee, to eei ew'-elles'euee-.-ereretireisetree, ofe-tif - many nations. '-'4` erses 1-9 Of chzi.Oet 53 present elautic epiesele appealed too StrOng a view of the Messiah's muter as be to their sentiments, it is manifeetly appeared to hiS contemporaries at impoesitle to saynut no sorrowful the time of his great hurniliatibn-' 'seettrI spoils the story. that is the period of hie life among It was a French detective whom' , the ebarms or an alleged murderess • men. Our .message-ellterally.,that Which captivated, and, strangely enough, in we have" heard. The things now this case also the .woman` was a spoken by the prophet, who, as one milliner's apprentice. She was tie- niong PeoPle, speaks of Mussel/ -etsteed-of elcurdering her !over, who as receiving with them this mossage had deserted her, and the detective reporte-- A -negatennsw ecmbowagdtiitit4afl• 'ft -victim- to - folio implied by the queetion, Too her charms was one of the first to strange and wonderfUl to be believed suspect her of the crime. The evi- has been the t message concerning the deace against the prisoner, however, is....and-subsequi=t-44141134,-aLtirever'etivillgtirnymmiTilyt- the •Alessials. It ifi Uot believed be': guilt, was purely circumstantial; and cause to none- has the arta of Je,- them ixllttledroutilt nu:trill. the nu. , a•a• •=0. ••••• • •• sages, and more eivecially the refer- - ence to tb,e suffering servant in our Sian. suspicion. On the other:hand the esson or 0- ay, aTva wivr4,11.1111r 2. He grew -The Servant, the Mes- crithe the women...would have escaped ttsi Ircts111111 WIBNITC1111tifilli -111T"-11"11-1 'I" us- --the-verrelsouse ofetheetrialeitewas- elirecW t conseese etireleffth eey of e vineeeneerneathereesethe-husbarsdinateetiniwe t.n r* a )04 Le'nee • Father's will the Word became flesh, Lesszi"trotIdebsreedged-guilty-or at first n. helples_s. child attaining. \a0t. Very early alter arresting his prim - gradually unto ,strength and man- - 4ner;-4t-seemseethe-detective-fell-.4n As a root out of dry ground -A eve wi her, an so s rere y precious plant in unpropitious soil ha -urge -t' the authorities that she I Was innocent that the cabe was taken and surroundings. 8.1/0 was deseeeeir-Nate the east' out of his hands. as it Wan feit'that tense used throughout by the prophet, he was too prejudice, d to deed With who sees all this suffering- MKS Ittk-At PrOPerlY. OrretIPOn he resigned • quires that the term "servant" shall transition of the Christ as airea0 .and dei ated lzirnself to • • .in every ease heetaken to have' the- accomplished. WORKIIIG hP TIM 1/L7E14CM - same meaning. Ot1ars-Uni tlntt Mecetett-13vtter forest en. the conception in the prophet's mind Grief -Literally, sieknIlut He Met with little slimes, andess. becomes niete and more deer and As one from whom men hide -them it was Senol'albc felt that the no - definite as the Prophecy advances face -Or, "he hid•sts it were his face cused owed her acquittal more to from one -stage to Ibt- itexti heginn- herrn us." The- reading of the Beye.e her attractive personality than - to hag with the thought of the Servant sion bn 'Mite case seems to eve the' anything else., A few weeks,lateterhe • 1marricil the •exeletective, and then aatio4,• advancing to the iconception better seane ----ef-theAdeal nersOnal-eepresentatev _Eseeemed-vee_net„Literallee held there were net wenting :elite to hint of that nation, and gulmioating in a him of no acCount, that 'the deteetivf had; lie 'MS in - clear antlecoruacioute conception of- personel Messiah. Possibly the lat- ter view may not. be far from repre- senting the actual'. facts. We know that the prevairit view- of the Chris- tian church regarding this last and greatest of the Servant passages, is a A. hamst-tIns-provnient-vim some have argued, explaining the Servant as a collective idea repre- senting either the mitten of Israel or Ina - nation, as for example, the prophetic order, the faithful remnant, or the Ideal Israel. Since in many portions of this ,eatne prophecy Isrft is re- ferred to as the Servant, VS* argued 'L --that eetesisteney of • pretation re - pp b ie . 0 ul,,, otucr cln7,04 jahm.t:.' . Add tl it!ex7:9:0,..tet,ip id Milk.. One-half:>4.,' and out,lohrth teoipuozdu1'.62 A ,:the milk Low1y, btirring ail% the.- tirno, .40,'C.,let At ,epOk '.'fiv m700400 it item% tite tireetend littid tent' gwelle, ' 4 eg - irito cutiiol, -or nValt'Agu4 OM ttd m teapot1ut of chopped parleleYe Line .0. well -butter- ed baking dieli with the reinaiiiiier of their: aoperagua 'tips; , pour. in :the es- aregenitess!lan#71. , icat.0ooak i ,:ith ealu 0 With egg 'sauce. teen minutes. White Sponge Coke. --Sift together well one cup of /lour, one cop of granulated sugar, and one teaspoon- ful ef baking -powder. Add to flour andl ,huga,rone-half cup of sweet milk, 'the‘' %vell-beaten Whites of three eggs, a pinch of salt, and one teaspoonful of almond flavoring. Young lieets.-The beats should be about the ;size of hickory nuts. If any of the outer leaves are rqgged or rusty, remove them, keeping those that ' are tender and. whole. Wash well, taking care not to break the skin of the beet -root, and cook in boiling water slightly salted, un- 17tentieree entelellethereleavlere .. to the roots, drain in a, colander, and chop fine, seasoning with but- ter, salt, pepper, and lemon juice. Set in a saucepan of hotting water, • ..3zery__hot.,_seittle_you_ sera and trim the beets. When the leaves are dished, lay the red beetlets about them as a, garnish. "PineaPPle-Onteleteeeleive-leggsee-orter CUP _ cp lied jeeffseappre pulp andeteiV.-e, •-e er eta espotiTa-itaiire-ttese-tiefil spoons butter, one-fourth teaspoon salt, 'Beat yolks Ond whites separ- ately, and add salt to whites. Cook flour in butter a few seconds, but do t etst te. , elte al , )al,, Ukrdir, '':. '14itt'1,:iwtitille" 4,tn"i",14k,e' •,!..tt litflieti..ek ' •,5tesete i,•' ' * ,;1.1`1*-trelet ente of thiS Sort'. fore using a newgletqS lib.14'4.i"VII ISO 'it: 114a. nsOp.a- it froui (Ctret iegi;.teint it ltsetS +Addy 40.1ent,T.°' .,,Dieltelotha'aro ,4CklY fii.*". and Sweet boiling ig:elean %Vette With a good lump- of twin: added...? .clean oily "eruct bottles, 'ete. put a few strips of blotting the bottle with a little vinegar, chd eiglessafeeeteateiseeeteekeeeeeeeseeee i 656-67 atle3r.few 11.):weithesi'"antl'ahrllinsilir-t) in wenn' laevc ae Watermix in ga is :ntr e quito 3 addnes 'aanray b t many m ilk in tstances cake is lighter if made With water rather than milk. When you boil Milk, grease. the saucepan with butter before' putting In the milk. This will prevent the granules that gather on the batten of the saucepan, that are so -hard to . wash off. If you have not a glass for meas- uring medicine, get one as soon as possible. Spoons of all kinds so much in size that it is never safe otra1.7t _tvary . _a- the various doses marked can be There -is nor- need eto -look-untkry, even if you are working about the house. You cannot be so cheerful nor so self-respecting_ when you. are carelessly _Cresseit-as when_you are neat and pre,ecutable, end eve • owe -worker who has no -help, --with- a little good masmgement, cars be both. If gloves eere worn to do the fl!rty work in they can be drawn off at he-tredt.-- . . ' . ' ands-free-fromedirte-A-cleau-clestir- juice, and cut and fold the whites in wound round the head when sweeping y_omelet, and serve :iigyparenvdesidtustrstye, and dir iftroamn bbece oernanlayg • il•er,e-heaves-loga ta he -Pushed jr none hp. would, take hW ease in the iriarch over, and deposit them beside epike, that two might go toN thatl load. Then, grunting, the elephant • the pile. always returning for an - finite delicacy of balance, turn, other load NO 19ng ' an there' Were° crumbs and, fry. sun, and wait. Or perhaps there would pick up the. second. With 10 of to another; and if pushin i wit.h powdeied sugar sifted (+ter ... omelet. Garnish with h few :sprays gristle and dip small rounds of. veal of parsley. may be stewed and served next day. The homeworker has a better op - into egg and seasened cracker Are good baked iseeramekins with Veal Cutlets.-Triat off bone end gh13-43easonerle-w' hittr-Aatuc------- ter- .--.... L t v • rehe- trintrain eufteend dust. - display a neat dress, quite free fronit removed in cage of an unexpected visitor. A good plan for the home - worker is to have a large overall to work in. which, when taken oft, will portunit of keeping her 'good looks! , , . stratirtif.travan clir,;_letreee- ....,_ _ _....._ would dowith his 'trunk curled solid bananes. Peel and cut into sometimeS dirtycarsand through against, the log, no elephant would halves across. Let stand covered smoky tunnels, and often muddy or give himself the trouble of picking with orange juice and juice of one dusty streets. She can always de - it este any more Wan a housemaid in 'ea ter- ererira"r1idtreir-Tiffe#510117- Ora ..o Ili r-pirellsTrer- an will pick up a chair on casters. ters of a cupful -et juice required. Dip cooked meal, while the business girl - "More • fceecinating it was than I in eegg and shredded wheat biscuit must put up with what she can get, can tell to see the jungle patriarch cruilibs, and fry In deep fat. Swc...etttn but there is np reason why she kneel down to a heavy log, twist the orange juice, heat and w thicken should not pay attention to - her his trunk around it, place it on the• 1 with one heaping teaspoon dour rub- dress, the keynote of which should top of the pile4 and then rale bed into one beeping teaspoon but- be neatness, and she should be e.s position, and push and pull until niece, The.odde ter, erve In nelaarlete 1 e es 'ye ti 1 dy ta t1PPearsenee 444,-. is, Pesblsie._ • - t-Avas square, in its est, because 1,40 m" oor reasonable sauce poured over banana. It you have never used shredded wheat bisceit thing, was to see the elephant. push- ing against the end of a very heayy Crumbs for dippingyou hav,e a . .• . e. nt ur "se in store as _the , retelteouteoseeleindeaage himself balance, and purchase. That seer/tett to bring him, somehove, ve.ry. , our Work-, but he was doing it in our way. eresentiv-witheeneenecord plank the brown and 00 so misc. bet er t u cracker crumbs- wholesome advice to farmer -v. employ -help -ow the 'form- **.ltecife--ow- 81 41, quart ot berries take one pint sugar and pne-half pint water. Doll the' *HMO, 0 • • 4.1.4 • ••••••,../.. 41106.0111111111111111 Treat him well so long as he is in your em los. and if he does •not de - spooti_13-alika-tid_eeoiellYi"iv.----thee..4nnePainutt-tha. -do-nortapprortatekeepelfinegnutigonstenitrari4ne: dropee.d, work...an& moved_ "That' meartif it's eleven o'clock,' Have n. large platter or equere cake kind favors and pay for them lay the said th-e foreman.. *Dittner-hour. Not Tame -pour the berries- on the platter extra amount and better quality of for FAZing `Edward himself could we or intr. the tins and set its the tright services. It is courtesy to treat. all get them to do a. stroke of work sun. Do this for two moxe_ days, un- moo Accently_ the_eaF,a 4)u -syrup 'no no reil-men-,--itolierand-eerar.---- omy. liberal- with 'him, not. only jheelalyt tgleassbee;rieseo.idb.ut speualt tthheem tionytos et the table. but give him occasion - with paraffin°. The berries will te ally a spare day, for amusement and firm, keep their shape, and he deli-- recreation. Any intelligent ° hired man swill work harder and perform the i oauns aLlaqvuoarri aDto an toittnrythtiso do Ton" hie labor better /schen he feels that you will find it very hard tee his employer appreciates well do - age. ;reg."- .-......-... 4+ ..•••••• ter, one-fourth cup sugar, otie egg, WIIAT CllOWNS ARE W,011T11. three4ourths cup milk, one and *oie half cups flour, one-fourth cup cocoa., The lightest of European Crowns two rour.ding teaspoon, baking NSW- " • is the State Crown of Great Britain der. flake in quick oven about which was emtde for Queen Victoria. * , Although ,it weighs only 21b. 7or... t7ie,ontittyt4.71ThinItlega:oh_ lettuototp_out, roar. potato balls arid cook in boiling salt- mons sapphire come from the signet ed water/until tender. Care muut be. of rdwaed 'the 'Confessor. In Alle taken not to cook until they - lege r Petit treasupe-house ere two Crowns *bleb are valued at $2.000.000- Ono, libelee. The trimmings may be cook- ed in separate Tomei and served next of, them .was two gift ot apOIeon to day, Wake white *loco ef two table- PLUS VII., and contains the largest ?spoon?' butter,' two tiOlespoork$ cl emerald in the world. , The other,. flour, sodspoon -salt*, and dash of the gift Queen Isabella of Spain/ white" PePPer to ono cuP cream (if to Pius 1X., weighs, pijk.„ anti ia Milk. Serve eiech plate separately; irotua iL000.000. - as potatoes look -better en • lettuce leaf. with a"sPoolatul of dress, Ing over pot/Abe/L1am ,are e ally daloty forjoricheonee. 5. The chastisement of our peater-.- fattiation, suppressed bits of evi- The pain inflicted for moral ende, Acme-. But this was 'absolutely di, - ter • remedial intent,..and rieetiful to: proved when a weltsknoWn. criminal Procure tor Mt Peate and pardon`.confeemed to the Crime. In the. mean - (comp. Prov. 3, 11, f.); so, however. the **pert ahd the sPise not the chatterting ot.,,lehoVale detective bad settled down in Canada for Whern Jehovah loVeth, he so- and had alillost succeeded in forget - indorsed in. the New Teetement peoveth.." tini the tragic episode yehich had So (eituntr. "Acta It'k-381, etat-eanno •IN-er,F3ttrar tet- Isycov/t WaV-r9,1: straWifiebriOde tifenT•nifir End Wire. ---thertiore-bt04% b000 I And lowing individual selfish ireintilsea:liteli Languiebing & prison at Ilion. certaht it is that, all Messianic pro.' interests. „,„ FrAtite. La a Belgian woman. whet. pbecy of the Old Testament reaches ()Petted not bit mouth -Did ere.theeeenrse oe remarkable-et/0feet ' ctilinination in, this Ility-Ithlrd nfinenur por tempisfiti. - I AUL immaerliaticeirteintlier;,:luts_fidleteltie ,Written centuries 8. ePPtessien *Mr Tolootrit he to the hands of Continentat,polles Were the advent of the Messiah WAS taken awaY-The Hebrew of this toretlLtwir otos. it is stsserte&thid -whont it as; vertainly-portraysiet endther--good.lookTicir -nor -0. reading ia every line ntil Written *the sense is that oppression and tritative, but _shops:Inseams remark - under the very tebadow. of 'C'ellaty,„ prated -0i.* ng a b- ' able power to ceptivale men. Which' it must ever. stand SS the most" death. The rentlerirs. of this entire she has used to such nmeked effect wonderful instance 'of divinely in- verse In4be Ilevision gives the Pr0,: en: three oeceetens_ehe has, spired prophecy of a pereoital Mee- liable -se -Pie, bribe oeiginar and le- _ semi cuistcdy; with the ten. siah who Was to be the Saviour . of 'great improvement •Ver the render- nivente of her etteteittlatie. tles ene Sintul men. , • ing.of the Authorlted vereioit. eloped. *ith. the polfee, Verse 13. -Shall deal wiselyeeLiter- - shaii peosper. Ilis career ehall. be 'crowned with complete sitcoms, Fcadted . . . lifted -op' voy 9'. TheY mottle tIS OTLY"Th451/6'Af men Who Was coneltecting her to trial is that of the passive th-wiStrnetion. etterittims.takiing the •,iatile3t loppor. 'gib; Areve was Vitale." thi. PronOtm trinity of slipping fewny ito!r, hicii.7- tlieS,/-liciag` itidetaito. . „ i. ,,,,. hi e I i ' *le flak to eavin ;n er exp a re 0 a high --The coining ekeltrition of the Wieleed- • • rich 1.61/A1-"*APPcIfitgY 188' ILLS serperiors in ' the if -wit- PrObtte'-le Servant in contraet .to Isis past: sedated in ,thoitgis,t since the rich are , elieSeinent is. %A forth, in this .and iirecluelitly arraigned 4.1..1 the Old Tes- ,*a,v,._116,„„e..,,aLaacitHloyed some ,yeati' e 1.1 • the tteo , -Sueteeding. verses (1h-15).1 tarnent iiropliets OS eSPOially guilty ii_f____117 ,;',"'n ty When tit she WAS nrretted • -.*Viiiels verges ate introductory in' of violer.cp and .. Ldeeeit, neither ot Hili" cliaracter briefly 6tating the ituvort 'which were' flips"' in hi's Inbuilt. ish0 1)o/est:eel that no prison guarsied of the entire paeeage. • . 'When t thee -Jehovah. • :by nen was strattg enotigh ..to held i - ' ..Theeiseeeetrers-efrees .. single totuponnd tvut ngio'n $if iw. , 1) Uv the knoWledg y,,,eferrieg to he pro 'Ili a tiroingh1ii-1f and ble:es latelt t'ollows e*plaln slop. the r/pugnanee 1ITt'IL*. ulf She StorVatit 14 lui hies uf ostitiOlt. Will I4 -•.i, IeliOVS r,tb' teritkretl ,,to ItiVIN'±t:11$ tiPtltltig* ' ‘ *lly 4ato 14k `tort Dfride hint a iiortion kC' 4114 not eteape.ra wh nth' gainst , t,*ipet wlth • 44 . time. At three they begin again, and work till dusk. and they start about six in the morning, but they don't Understand ov,ertime.' "-Pall -Mall Magazine. LUSH LE/LATINC1 11021:E. Eraigradan Tigures Shaer -Vran - of Depopulation. The emigration statistics for 'Ire- land for the year 1905, ispued recent- ly, fureish nielenchoiy reading, in that they show 'hew Ireland con- tinues to lose some of the best of tier -Population: - tacit -Year 86,4302. natliva of Ireland, a number equiva- lent t� 8.3 per thestmend of the popu- lation, left their homes, the vest dile- jority to go to the 'United States Cenada. The total of 86,902 is a alight falling oft ae compared with 'several recent yftre, and is indeed the smell. tat aggregate since 1898. lint tin, Toilainetely the outward floW hat continued, for slate 18.50 no fewer than 3,9974913 of the -Irieh people re lette tbeit jiame land. A letege proportijn �t these sere deeong the flower of the rate, foe It is almost- ,tttraltioreeineIrithehistoriVieft---the ,enerIPtic and entecinlOrtit..s.0... while The kilowlet aro "tried and triso!'10.rs: the more helpless .rernain. . redoes for lei creams. They are so, .*And, . don't forget tp hie* How the province/0 have lost may eatilly made that the tamer's table' lirother Cluirlie, and make should °Ito') reed.* them.for dessert. 'g0.0d a boy as 1 atif.- Chocelete--Melt. 8 isithIetiPoone grated chocolate and half cop efogar. . _ • Into 1 pt., ..bolling Milk. atit. 2 tfigg: Uas-4 fly the way, wbo Ives which have. heft beaten fight mini:the best !lien t our wedding?" halt cup attitat. IleMove from Wiltewb3r: ••The •parmon, I think. and'bent the two mixtures together. You *c 5t ival air Iit'Otit for him iteptare on stove and heat until it end no risk whateverr*, :thickens'. When thoroughly cold add ne-“Pobr. dear 'George niAtst. 41eviating,hiluseitioduslint sLrIzt then treero. Florcoce--"What stalks tni 'Strairberry-rree I: qt. rich Inlik thlnk 904, &ail" • rIeleno-uVihy, be add 4 egg' loAttEn Until light. fitereete) only !writes to me, twice a, -day notir.'t eh very put , in freezer. morn When nearly 0 I re* and Other humns • 'vat- 4rzyr_ctoont:._.•__ as rig e zogo r te -- Inembers'Of the household, the sMall jiGrWgili—C#LE1b.S--‘ bof eceencideresT pr-seleWetsjie'UiF, be briefly. stated: .• AAA, A En 30111111§ta I • • • •• •/. • • • • 44,4tW,014.1.41. Connaught - 659,141 -Ulster- -,-,-1,121,13-11- Leinster — (590410 Unclassified - 110,139 41,0.97,613 This total is equivalent to 14.1 tkr, edit. Wile: aVerage potridaittid; - „.• when bery was entrusted malt Whit I to use her With any ertett on (ilk* Ills suited ut01 trbu1*tion, IUMAN 1tAllt The human hair listlustry is a tive one in, .1zionc0, thb depar -trfr -_\00W7proireittc--..,1 Dordogne,i fore freezing: verage price, it to curdle. d of hide smooth, fleh quality color. The girls of the, 1. districts tierttiOzved abovc. which' Arai 11 preeettluttliir poor, stipulate that theirr ti heir shall net cut short, th trout d.torkeeat the *jpearanc. *1' bark b 1 hie to*dants.- yatt 1001C tediart