HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-07-13, Page 40400 NusaitftraS 'victory tend dem* hortlY Wee 10 4"40*M-44144110# P#R,Vt (*IV contfineri . • I. larnou uebeer,We npy wy thLt ronienade.tao be found- on .'th iftent 'ef .4.tneriva '• than -that 0 000 tfi,e4mil,:e.t. and the still 'high ur faviie 1! erlod somewhat These e "'I* day* with:their ' duriuj ce a t, and bag' never . '- leather, til Sent tint ,b the been very:111 ' f4'111,t tk.111, 411001 v 110,111 #4 Qt6 ' tiv oeatittet 'care o 11.500140 ‘1, r the entire ,,S,33*tei O The Out nt 1041)00 /000 reigbt f. I new einOttreas attune 1 et plea is ecOlp thoronglitY wi 4 re protection the ventilation done, h osean's of fan,. Which give \ cdmple e Change of air in the buil ings once twenty minutes, , orzigrouna occur)* la 4700 f ong ,..4,-,M,11.W4eet#4,1s wen are at resent employed anal t scene ,is Ind ed one of great interest the person f a mechanical turn.. mina.- . After spending a few hours at Mi • id we leave for Montreal, and g arrival take up our. quarters at t e Place Vigar Hotel, another of the e P. Rep famous and magnificent stru 1) tures provided for the tra,vellin s A few minutes walk lends'us at th City Hall where Mayor Laporte de- * 'Isere an address of weleoine,sto whic4 Messrs. McNee. Downey and Young ver ably respond. The Mayor 000 e visitors the freedoms) city. abs are furnished, -and accom panted by one of the Aldermen, all g • for 4 drive around the Mountain. . Afterlutrebe-on phiatagraphs of th oLthePJa war and also while, on hoard th Montreal Street, Railway's new o servation car which had been plac at our service'for the afternoows-and- which afforded a eplendid opport;init ,of-tim„ city. In the evening the excursionists ar nvfted into the parlor of the bote when President McNee, on behalf nd os; s tr. the 44 t "04; '44 Bar and Duntek. Or Ord 7. ruter.lb.4 04-14"redille Vtnty !WV/ I I tkl Lan 1.40,IttAl :11) ROYAL' WARRANT:. fiioinje *alb� a the eitade • river lies the odd -loo old- shien is singularly, fe,selna ng.- '411.eTkss t ed town a xigvitietwItti ite VIVA:411W Ist*,-,4t11440rtakegittkilf ---..-VMMA—LS13,147-rpg.,NIASY-147-4 .groufid. Al e We east I the beautifully green Island of Or liar's, a favorite resortlor those, who, during the summer days. seek a caltis and pleasant retreat from the city' heat and glareand dust and -weariness With its shady grove and purlin brooks, its gentle undulations, th aonga of birds in the trees and th murmur a waters is they leave- it beautiful ehores-indented with. pic turesque bays --Orleans is a delight 64 Va. Neareltatill we see the rive St. vharles aloviing calmly on ite sip uous course through a vale of wonder ous fertility and beauty; here and •t.herc we Hooper IV.-ssNian mitts /35. Clayton Cliftian Prouty . Sr. 111.,Nelskon Stacey 30; Nora:cum' tet 'Mtg. e 4rs Norintm F ,reetrnot he 'nation. Sr, °race Pfaff 50, to Gnat Tiooper 40. Jr. If -Annie Green. Of Sr. Pt. IL -Ethel Smith, Emile Smith, Jr, Part IL -Willie Hooper. Sr. Pt, I. le Lena Stacey. Jr.'..rart -01s.risee on. .11oeper, Freddie Smith. . he V. Grehain, Teacher' 0. c-- at° late ter lest Week) o Mr. McClean end' sister, of Detroit* were visiting thole parents fora few dapsAll are glad to see Leyte's smiling face .onee more. -Mise Katie enrit,le, who has been home ter tirm tier ruotnertvw age, AU nzlifity- spire 0its modest chnrch shining in the light of the stunnier•sun; or perchance Iftsseestbe-pretty the fartnerpeeping out from beneath nselie-This leafy map e or the majestic elm; Within easy dista,nce of Quebec there_arema ity4elecea_ofsnete_ersa thestouristsehopld-see-that 14 if h —has tho time-tosepar set -buts if not, **111-W better for 'him to content him- self with leisurely visiting two or three a them rather that* rushing over a great number. Herm h how v r tak possible, or tlareitttervi • a beaotiful cascade nearby; then there . Is picturesque Lake St. Joseph, which affords pleasure in abundance. Of coarse, no one would think of spend- ing even so short a time as tr. couple of days at Quebec without visiting the world-renowned ehrine of St. Anne de Beaupte, slartne which has such a reputation as the scene of wonderful works of healing and curing the afflict- ed, that it has drawn. „and continues - was very is back • to her -Work at o Ithive attainalk. Darr Collins and Mr. John..Melsaac-and-fmn1134-4*-1Eletredt.: e 'at:preeent-ileiting their grandfath- rilins.-Bites Maggie_ Barry e has returned borne after a couple Of b- weeka,visiting with her sister at. Low td don,. -Master Fred. Canninghani; who etswith-the-misfortanwritgettirs brcikerra-fetr-daysargb a An - ..- Lan;gblintAf Dashwood. -Mr. Sylfer, e of London, was visiting .at Mr. W. Wftzers for b, tete days. -Quite num- f ber from here s. nt Dominion Day- at Inc. and others from all parts of the con- tinent: We wonder if there is any -trutlign-yhe- • miracles: Well, when one sees the collections of .crutches left there by cripples, tivho, when they came to the shrine, wete unable to walk without their aid, and when one listens- to the --statement seems to be of the most unimpeach- able character, What can one say? - To be sure the sceptic will t'u'n awa witkustetsiand- fray thiats-stuel- works are absolutely impossible, that they are contraiky to the laws of -nature, - andthat no miracle has ever been per- formed at St. Anne de-Beaupre or any.; *here else. But, may there not be ' • rearned-tat-evwhyt •. er Caron, brother of Sir Adolph P. Caron, --received-as-ntststre-selst rat- alid trios es ge,111-ita explanation ot the intsresting surroundings. • Returning from Beaupre we call at the Duke of Kent House and °are very • les,santly entertained at luncheon. ery-beatt • ful. an interesting feature being_the collection of Wild animals placed 'there by Holt; Tlefrnew & Co., furriers • of Quebec. which ' include buffalo, raorise, deer, bears, beaver, fokes,ett. • After several hours of an outing as guests 0 the Quebec -Light & Power tupany, we _again land in goebe *Tow more hours -of pleasurala sight-seeing 16 spent in the quaint old - capital -that ancient and historical cityefQuebee, vrith its majestic mem- .. Foster of the C. P. R. ee cif the & 0„ and Secretary J. R. Bone, each with an elegant tra- velling bag and a handsome ebony toilet set as tokens of appreciation of their efforts during the outing. These tokens were indeed merited and could not have been bestowed on more worthy reeipiente. At 9 o'clock Wednesday morning we again take possession of our 'porn- fortable ears and land in Ottawa about noon. After taking luncheon at the usse ouse the party proceed to the parliament buildings. These are indeed-anagrad- the chief glory a Ottawa and the principal objects of interest to 'strang- ers. Other objects of interest are the Rideau Canal., Rocliffe and Major Hill Parks, the city buildings, the Roman Cathelic Cat • edral, the Get& icat on16: and Body More Strength. No flour n the world is •so nourishing, so vitalizing, so rieh in all the Ifrelernents of body. bon'e and toil' building as pure, well-bilanced„ *lite flour, c. Bran in bread is 1114 so match wood fibro—so much . extra work for the aarnach..thete is no nourishment in it for man, Cattle .digest it anti 'get nourishment from, it Izetause - - noire - ati-thern--a--fennenting-Iplant,ancklouble4cw----- ing faciliiies, -----But:man--inastmates once and digitsone For that ieoson, he gels nothing_ whatever _out,. of . anything, but the gluten portion of Wheat—the inside of the grain.zthe:patt s_proteisil—Andle-gets-inore-vut,of Royat Houseliiild-FtairVairse moref the brann portions are removed m malting it than from any other flour., The Royal Household Mills eliminate more bran and oiller-milL-Agrefore-RoY• iiensan Miss Hatton, of Mitchell, visited the home of Mrs. A. Murdock during the week, -Miss Alice Petty, 0 Lon- don, is home on a visit. -The Misses Thompson of Blake and Toronto, are enjoying a few holidays here. -Mrs. A. Brandt has herrnother, Mrs. Ger- onset Ailsa _Craigvisiting her. -- Rev. Mr. Baughwife and t4wily are now conafortably settled in the s , •n e a noon, ac- compenied by several of Ottawa's most prominent citizen, a drive oundsthe city reveals the beauty of many. driveways, perks, and -street, and a visit to the works of the Eddy Company in Hull andalso the Experi- mental Faro prove of great interest. In the evening ther party is invited T. Stithelands fit . writ an employee of t e foundry, met .with quite a painful accident the otherday, He was engaged in wheeling a steel truck when it was etruck In such a manner that the handles inflicted some inju to Mr. Witsonatatide.- • u es t • ong painful were not found to be as bad.as at first supposed and apart from a severe shakieg up.no sea - Miss result& are- (eared. -'b�' straw- berry -festival, held -under the auspicea 0 $t. Paul's -church on Tuesday even- ing in the skating rink was very large- ly attended and most successful in eve respect. The Hensall hand gave areAtf4he-oceasions-21% At-AO:tit 11 o'Cloe the excurs onists again occupy the sleepers, and return to the.„Queen City, all carrying pleas, - ant Memories of the Presto excursion 0 1905, the outing being pronounced e of-fterhest in the history of the Association, , thanks to thew) in charge and likewise to the generosity of the R, et'0., and the C. P. R. Ootn- �anies. son's manv friends hereabouts* will join in wishing her a safe journey. • • Premier Balfour proposes to reduce •the -number -of .....1r.elasidat seats. teren.ty-two. England will thus gsin seventeen seats, Wales one. and Scot- land. feur. • This is the most successful Cominers cisi and Shorthand school in Western Ontario. The courses are up -to --date. and ' practkal and teaching is done by experiencedinstructor*. During the sciml ear we have had man more a ka. •eons trom nese uses • n ire 4tudents graduating. Write for tree catelOopc . - ELLICYr1' & McLAOHLAN, . • . Principals, literV FORTY-EIGHT BilANOTIES IN THE DOMINION OF CANADA You/ can depend on Ayees Hair Vigor to resthre color to Sur gray 'halt, every time. Follow directions and It never inns to do diksivartjtitopi ialleara M*ster-(ierald Murdock, of Wood- stock, is here on a visit. -E. Carter, IL A., of the High School teaching staff, Mitchell, arrived here last week to splaid, a portion of the holidays. -The bridge aver the creek near the Lamm Milhing Company has been taken down and will 1* replaced replacedaay a,cement. ---VheMitfee's MLeod, of laindbai.i* ere - visitors at the home 0 Thong }Iennessy during -the week. ---MIM Amlee Arm - tage. of.Minneapolls, Mlnn., fe visiting friends here.-.Tobri S. Wren. rt: A., left Tuesday for Toronto where hehas been appointed an aseociete Examiner at the Departmental, Examination*. , Theo. Bodgin*„ formerly of tbie, place, has purchased livery. Wane** at London.;, -Mise Beulah MeGlineh, after- " pleasant visit here at. the home Of her mint, Mrt. Wm. Rd, left Wed - *Imlay for her home In Minto, N.D. Messy*. William Gilfilian, Of the M.r. haute Bank, Watford, and Reg. Oil- tha-Atame branch, Ingersoll, WiTifacation. . fallittiortbehtlrosilso. There's vett satisfaction. -in-knowing you are not going to be dicey», pointed. Isn't that so? i *at hut *ran !tires eye bottle _11$ to itittofriihre cerestsly 044 a. lacogalt, re41‘.ng for 11. S. Ifialts.s--At the .recent blgb school entrance exAmiruttione for East MiditeSeg, 03 Per tent, of the coussii. were,,-succeestul. • 94 wrote At .0Lucan. 50 peesedi Following is the list: --Fred Atkinson 420..ida Armitage 451; Alexi* Atkineeti 471, Ethel& At- kins 301, Myrtle Brownlee 300, Mary Bell 536, Mary Brown 390, los. nellO 402, Pettltit Benn 439, Janata 0.Carter •: 515. Freetrien Chariton'Alet Christabel Corbett Mit Lelk,Culbert 323 Lucy Cotter 305, Mile Cdematt MO, llsrnb..* lin 00oper433, Philip Do11e.9980 wain 419; Edna Dn1e423, E1ai-EhI. Thema* Oullfoyle 428, Atme Otis ty 449 tstellit i'4l1, VVillor sow is 390, Phil ayo 431, Isabelle etles 411, Myrtle Ntaiderient,405, II Wino% thy Grand Mogul , less are • the prvcnfmts,of the high - They are the real s mountain (lewd -the Orient. q Nature put into these • Highlguld teas a high per- centage of theine (flaw- ing) *rota, lovv per,centage OF tannin (bitters/ q Grand Mptul teas are - - la nerve tonic, a pure fciad and an aid to ife. CHANGED EACH 'WEDNESDAY Wheat (old) ............f0 95, Barley .... 40 40Pes.s• • 69 Potatoes, per bag... 7 fray, petstoss. Flour, per cwt, family Floatslow Wade' per cwt 1 25 flutter Eggs OF/ICE BOUM: 10a. mi. to2 p, tn. imseabavs, too, tn. to 1 p. re„ A MINERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. " Farmer's Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied on application. DRAFTS on all points in the 'Dominion, Great Britain and United States bought and sold at lowest rates 0 Exchange. ADVANCES made. o Farmers, Stock Dealers and Businese Men at lowest,ratettand.ofl akfavorable terms. - DEPOSIT Receipte honied and higheet current_ rate of interestallowed Agents oit Exeter for the Dominion Governinent. imisor & Cottimot,Solieltora. IC D. IttrifilONI Manager, 2 15 VS 15 '15 Live hogs, per cwt 6 25 ;11E0S1 [111SIESSa Shorts per ton. 20 00 29 00. BOLD per ton 10 00 10 09 We *re now in n position to show bne of the Largest and tratet4t Lines in Furniture ever shoviri ru Western Ontario. The Increase in our hnsinese during the last three -yore thaws -that we ere carrying The QUANTITY andtiAt1TY at the LOWEST PIIICESt ere ofall &seri tons (also- eboarcial Kitchen Oabinets,' Iritoben and flinrngoom Ohairei, Extension 'fables,. Centre Tabies, Kitchen Tables, Ease14, Cro ale -Boa Carpet Swee re, Couches, Loiinges, Paper Backs Musie Rack, 11 Minors, Picture Frtrnes, Pictures to be -fratned at sliortest notice, Room Mouldings, ,Iii1(114 tea se Ingle Beds, Childs CH Ilaby Carriages,' Carts,. Wit'gons, Doll Carts, Curtain Polesaiid it riminings, and Step Litdclei.s, h feeding Tcadein %Vinclow Btjnd bushiest,. Eve- ta anteed to work or trill re 0Ye, Over six blindS Wing het'. L. July 'sited;