HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-07-13, Page 3Q., At It)" N.ed Bich,7100 medigine inorO 0144 --31„-imre , 01.,141YI nythug In Creating GOlifilp AtesUt SOniti 1.27-fe.rt,44,13%.10 The b.bits etnO ,45/t• are inore simp1e4, then rise* *t ix. e.O4P,0 ;VAlgt.t. ,1'041 .0: .X' 11.00, are worth Ifl(EO iban th1r-We „AjLeA‘ !rota 4 teen. to -1191d W '114Z Tbeee,' 11110 act a rich, red1. blond that brings health and ppinese and freedom from pain t» ver -Y- *Mats_ Um what :1 ,i3ay may benefit other suffer -- 40g Women, 1 take pleasure in stat - ng I have found !wonderful benefit from the use of lir, Williams' Vials Pills. When I began Ufa/11g the Pills 1 was so badly run down'tliat , 1 Could scarcely go about; at times • I suffered very much and felt that life Wall a burden. Thaniee to Dr. :Williams' rink Pills. I can now say' am injoytug better health than I ever Willeeted to have again and efin nitist heartily retorinner:d these pills to other suffering women." .Dr. Willie:Ins' Pitt%Filin cured Mee. veins. with the rich-, pure lbo so neceseary,--to the health ansl happi- ness of every human being. It is for this reason that these pills always -,:tiCrutti...J.StVL.-tritenits_ae anaemia, neu- ra_,Igine heart trouble, indigestion. 'rheinnatism, iciatica. St. Vitus dance, paralysia. kidney and liver ---trOubleo.---ttnd--thl;espeeiat ailrnints growing- girls and- women of middle any dealer in Medicine, but sr -45u -- _amid' be careful to we that the full tame,"Dr. iNilliams" Pink Pills for Pale People," is on the wrapper tradseuelistmer--11-yent,-- e* Our 'exer44 'et.fteXnoon.. i,*ingt 01*.II1&iU TnCal for the,Icing In leinWersirnple inAnt11,. Mr. Wasiiingteii, heed of AO treat Ant ikon' *14Obaceo (erretp ny, *Ito ba ustdied in his eighty-11:th.. Si:a:v.' bad: enr"" • • career.. .Originally. a ,planter in • one of the Southern 'States, he found thesAincricaik,smc_i. -Virier,"7-11 A47•714.14'. 0•44$,Pecial).--Amonc the. golcT,IY. ADP n in*thiti 'Part Of ,C044,dkit whom Voddin Kidney •Xilies bavo lived of aches and pains and Weak- tleqe•and nuide otrong,eafti .aidecto do' 0, • T.:713111.1. Lendry. Mr..I...andry'haii numerous. friends here who can vouch' for. the ry 151 tele of his mire. Os, Palpitation or' the heart. gen- eral . weakness and shortness of breath; in fact. I could not work and was a total wreelf. "I could not get' anything to help me till I tried Do(14's Kidney Pills. But they did me good and no...Mis- take. I used three boxes and I in. back at work again," It is the cures the' • make that make Daddie Kidney Pills so -popu- lar. Their popularity has grown steadily for thirteen years. It must be well !molded. Mr. B. Dukehas many' a tale to tell of the rigid econorey then prac- tised in the firm, Mr. Duke was reputed a millionaire several times over, and drew a salary of $100.000. a year as president of thr tobacco company. Lady Derry has jest been PPointed • registrar of births and deaths in South Melbourne. She is tire widow of the late Sir Graham Berry. who was twice Prender of Victoria, and who for six years was the Agent - General for that Colony in London. Sir Grahame who beret the battlz of , draper's shop, wa.s heavily hit in the Aust,rallart banking collapse of a de- cide ages eued during the elsksink yearOf his life eitleyed • on- of 12-050(1-4e.....y successful efiort was made, to con- tinue the pension to his widow. Her new appointment is worth about box or six boxes for, 82.50 by .writingThe Dr. 'Williams' Medicine Co., Brockville, Ont. • A DIMINISMilti COlipANY. A.s. the liner cleared the heads and the heavy swell of the open Atlantic became noticeable; dinner WaT,e served. es -twenty-six- place•s- at the cep - a e . • • and as -the soup appeared, the cap- ---4sdiloiSsiadAtisation1Pan,10 11 trust that all twenty-five of you a',pleasant trip," he said, •"and that this- little assemblage of .1.3e.sentysteur will 'leach port much • benefited by the voyage. I look up- ein the twenty-two smiling •fates,itts _lather upon istii4 kfmily_, for 1 OM re- Viorisible foF the lives of this group of • nineteen. I hope all fourteen of .„37-Citr-Vill-tieleiy-three---teip,--t-beli • we seven fellow passengers are ad- Infrahly suited to each Other.' and I applaud •the, judgment which chose from the passenger list tf!ese -.three poreons for my table. You, and I, The„ German Emperor has among -oilier which he' values very highly. One, whieli is enormous, waS a present. from the Czarand consists of a ear.as_efeajneh, ick It la aved 'with the czar, and consists 0 a crown of Prussia, and is said to be worth something like 51,500. Of course, it is much ttio large for any- thing hut very exceptionaloccas ions, and the one used 'officially is of lapis lazuli, also engraved with the German eagle and the initials "W. 1. II." •'For private corres.pond- ence the Kaiser uses another one. • a very handsome red and white on . • The tarl of Leicester has praeti- -life-teter-tr-notAble--el.t ample of the good results of " the simple`life, that is; not that counter- feit of which self -approving Votaries Welte:to thq._PePers. • Dere whom- any fine day, when he is well, you -may rneet in the fields in o. wont:mit- c will_ be _011.-tOOt _WW1. his gun over IiIS shonklets and ',no array of beaters about him. Or if it d1Thtim;1niikfor- —• - hedge; WI will be there, munching bread and cheese God onion, washed down by a draught .of beer brewed in his own house. Ifewas born nearly e1ght,y4liree years ago, and has been twice mar e . 29 •rs c would go withyou to the -end of the 'earth„" he asserted „ pas- aionately. . --141-ot with Jeav-you woultha,' sfh - ...Why not?" he demanded. '"For two reasons," she . answered. "One is that -I'm not going, and the •othei--; ITAIttit-tiecre-isirt ny When one meets the prosaic new woWTiIr one says Tested by Time. -In , hie iinitle-eek!e brated Pills Dr. Parmelee has igiven to eineSi offered to "tit•ubflc tar to years which could be taken without nausea, and that Would purger without , pain It has met all requirements in that di- rectionand it is in general use not only because of these two qualities. but because it is kpown to, possess altera. • tie� and curative powers which place It in the front rank of Medicines. Mothex-"Ethel,•you" naughty child; what have you been doing to make Charley cry• anr Ethel -"I've only ben •nig cod-liver oil with Kftlaisy flostreh Lights -II aye you back- ache? Do you feel drowsy? Do your the loins? Have you, dizziness? Have !hubs feel heavy?ilave ,you pains in -yew a-Itired--deogging4ecliag ia-the r' - mons of thiet kidneys? Any and all "of these indicate kidney troubles. South American Kidney Cure is a- liquid Istil,r 'nay see -eine and works -wonderful itiree in most complicated cases. -94 • ---Atescereneerslioldenr-eorene Lancaster and the, South Lonsdale district, England, has just celebrated the fiftieth ' anniversary of his ap- pointment to the office. It is an in- teresting fact that Mr. Bolden is the r . ?7%7t'T•01 .14.iteSost*-4.1'. d4a• o '141,div 'naafi inc Of, thietloYe '• • life$90,•.4.1,640,4? in *hat tPxY; reSosif---4-You talk. ` remi. -91F%/5.1 • • oith- • 'If attacked with cholera or innAmer complaint' of any kind send at 041.0 ler a bottle of Dr. J. D. Xelloges tery Cordial and use it trit acerrding to . directions. it acts withe(tercet Ie. pidity in subduing that dreadfol dm - ease that weakens the- strongest matt -- and that destroYes tho. yew) and twt, tate. Aimee who have used tizla cholera medicine say it acts promptly, and flaw es fails to effect a thorough um" • Dobson -"1- tell you what, there's nothing like a bicycle for a man with a nervous, irrita,ble disposition. My wife says I'M a much more agreeable man than was before I got machine." iJerikins-"Whirs that .r4t much'?" Dobsorise"Not only that but whenever I feel like.-bloeg senieleidy` go down andblow up -my tlrei. -and tiren I -feel' bettcL - Yo,u Cannot be happy while you have corns. Then do not delay In getting bottle ot HJJoipy rriAlume. of corne-Without- pain. Failure with It le unknown. Libby'sist= Food Products Ox Tongue. PotteasChickers. Deviled Mum ; ; ,- SOUP% COMA -Beef fleattsell ote g ' they eire wholesome. leieksy to serve. The Booklet, "now £oOaks geed Things to Ear sent free. Address Libby. - fileNcill a Libby rctuca 0 ...What are you crying about; my dear?" I have Just been reading the old love letters you sent rae -before we were married. ' *"I'hat's funny; Rheumatism-. Whprt".0---the cause t -Where's the: Carel- The lien vre ir ritating .cause of this most painful • of diseatnei is poisonous uric acid in the blood. • South American Rheumatic Cure neutralizen the acid poison. Re- lieves in e hours and •cures In 1 to,,,,5 • days.-90- Tti II 'WAY A PRAN opTs" WELL. onva escen • us an rs ereeetitevu A been very ill dear? " Wifo-e"Very, very Suppose it will- be months before I shall be able to get Aggetasts Wile --"Not SO long as that. I hope, dear. liut •you mustn't talk. Try and sleep." Busband (Second day after trisis)- 'You must be tired dut Watching P7i-g!-MSIONS,, Jinid, li1y,August and September the Chicago and. North Western Itywilt set from Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to Sen igentreiseer'ssI-Nre.7.7--Aktigeisstr-P tie• 4:1 attic. Victoria. -Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly ' cheap faresfrom' all points in Canada. Choice of robtes, best. of train ser vice, favorable stopovers and liberal return limits. • Hatesfolders and full information can be obtained from B. It. Bennett, General Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto. Ont. 31 Witcs-"A little tired; but 1 am no thankful the danger is past." liusband-"You just wait until I get out again, and If I don't sur- prise' you with something my name tICHTTATOO 04,it A, dry piseter put mile mind tubes. fl indlaw ionsb wilt foliar:My sitisobit the aloutfsflons5aTsot weeder ell. IWO 11.t.00 szeb.$30 M dos Write f.vr 4 ineriptive circular The Illairmindrary itemise Vire ACEOIT. getkuulsher CC. Miran 5, Ost. alllltire* RECORD EXCURSION TICKET. • It is very difficult' to eonce, ive at, CQ - - from the start. • In lecturing on as- tronomyr Sir Robert Ball has found It hard to impress upon his audiences; this fact, so he now_isskalhis listen- use- the!, d, TatiViray-"-haw been made from London to one of the most remote stars- If only onn penny per hundred miles were eharg- ed, the fare would run into a fabu- lous 9,11111. ---"Afj- an` instalmenrt----wraceount- ticket, the intending passenger might commence with taking to the book- ing -office the whole, of the amount of the National Debt of the United Kingdoni; which, in sovereigns, would TA par/tide of gold weighing one 1- 95,000,000 of a grain is readily dis- ornible to the °Ye. A grain • of •gold cars be beaten out so that it a iuj wire so fine can be drawn that it will take 500 feet to weigh • one . grain. It can be beaten into leaves • Of 1-280,000 of an inch in thickness. BABY'S DANGElt. haill—ler-ii S Int' • 411 a.ziour: .. i •) the King's tl9e, but so far the duties connected with this office have not troubled him. In the time of.. the Stuarts falconry was a favorite Miss Thin -"Don't you think my new' dress is just exquisite? They all Bay Ma." .F0,0010—"Ob, 10VOIYI 1 lisink, that dream er of yours could •A mother einnot watch ler IfttTh OritS tee carefully- during the hot ,Weether. 'Dysenterydiarrhoea, • eliblera infitnturn. and disorders of the stomach are alarnItgiy frequent •daring the summer montlie, and un - lees the mother has at hand an ef- ficient. rerneelscebeelt-itad-'eure• .th# • trouble a little life may go almost before yew T.:01W -the caSe..U-4estr- -Oust. At the first sign of any • of these ailenents _the W190 mother will grse her little one Baby's Qwn Tab- • lib!. Which promptly cure all hot Weather ailments. Mrs. John Lan• - tOte North Portal, N. W. T., nays: wan attacked with diar- and vomiting. -I at once gave it Own Tablets and the next 'day She Was tot well as ever. I am • ineVer without the Tablets in the holm as V find tivey -arc. the only Medicine a, little one needs." Other Naomi° and keep the Tat - fete elWaye itt hand --their prompt lAsheniny *wee a little' life. Sold lay .11WIleine dettli,re or sent by mail at 2ti tents bOx by writing the •Wilititiree' Medicine FO., "frock. Ville. Ont. sliENCES. .,10141 T• don't object so much lasVng•-liCr dog. but I pim- her to kI Me before .and not ere Mr,•ieseel knoW:, but don't you -poste the deg has hiS preference, Channel. het now few people affect -hawking** , as ei sport, though the Duehess of lfarlborough-ahnosc th only well-known owner of falcons - bad formerly an idea of reviving the. aneient pastime at lfl iilri An- other pirVilege possessed by the Duletr-oi- St. Albans- is- -that .01 driv- ing down Rotten Itow on the octal - ion of the Coronation, of a Sover- eign, a right which he shares with RoYilltY, the importance of which is realleed when it is remembered that %Mai Row is really,,the 7ing4s way, and that it haft never been a public thoroughfare.-- ' The Queen of Denmark once paid visit to the 13intsult cotot-TY- 0 efr. land w -here the good old bishop ex- erted himself to the utmost to show her everything that was worth' Bea - trig. The Queen, paid many complie merits to her host; and, having. learned that he. was a family man; .rneieuely inquired how Many chil- dren he had. , It happens that the • Danish, Word l'or ."chiltiren" 19 al- most idcutical in sound with the Icelandic word for "sheer: ni3 the • worthy -bishop-whose knowledge of Daniel* WALS not no complete as it Lever's (Wise. Head) Disinfee- ant Soap. 1 Powder dusted in le the bath. softens the water and dfiln- feet*. _ • ' Doctor (to pressing creditor) -"If yott must bring -Your -hill every•-dsyy at least you might, COIne with yotir head tied up, so that people would think you were a patient," Help your ehildren to grow strong end robust bv counterheting-anything thee rause* ilteieelth. One great cause Of _ditellIte In children is Worme, Ro. •''''tfieree-selt-31,61beritvest- Worm. ,Natesminator. _ It never fails. • SENTENCE SERMONS. Covetousness kills charity. A good repentance needs no encore. You cannot leave the lusts you love. Every right thing loved enlarges the life. Many a homely need holds a heav- enly blossom. It is easy to be patierit with the roan in the inTifor• . No creed that is shorter titan a life Iaong_ enough. - ou Wbu thart despair of him. - takes, more than white tie to t cover a slack heart ,. 1• It ie always cattier to do a . big things.than a little one. _ • Education, is simply Uo art of creating. environment. • try time conceit i punctured c aracter is strengthened. . -The perfume of life comes from the llj*wI?ra of affection.• '• Present vlrtues may .tio more for a people than pat Victories. :You cannot measure the holinss* of Others by. your. own habits. ' , It makes many. a- 'mein bitoi• to :lcokan hensit %horse lit tlie face. ...11 .• -• sr •• worry about such matters.- Let your mind rest." , Husband (third day after 'crisis) - "What does the doctor say bout me _ stys you're doing splen- didly, darling, Iiusband-.'Doing splendidly! Does ho call it doing splendidly to lie here like a leg and pick out faces from the paper on the wall?" Wife -"There, there, don't be un- -rectisonable. Everything that is Los- -able --is---heing-done. -for you." Iiusband fourth' day atter trisis)-- "isn't it about time that idiot of a .doctor was here?". Wife-"Tle wihi be here presently." lIusbanit-i'Presentlyi You. are worse than he is. I'm:going to the nice nen week. 'and don't let there JAtfile? e did • o and then he went Majesty to ask how many sheep he owned, and promptly answered: - "Two hundred." "Two hundred children!" cried tire Queen, astound- ed. "flow Mt you rossifily main - teen such ' a number'?" "Easily enough... Plen„ce your .7itajefitk„4" re- el!el the prelate,. With a cheerful In the sun -aver 1 turn them out .upon thetitle to gratis., rind alum winter • comes I kiil sttidTelt therm!" . and stayed there for six tvee before he cetild 'twain leave the house. • WANTED TO SLEEP. e uisue 0 •would-be excursionist would, have to erinstaintelit 0oireP-V113-- un t "fr r rut s pe thousand milefe one gets a dim no - hien of how far away some of the stare are. - • -20--Ayrsh1 rbntMi- old; Ayrshifer-Freirrelfir- ages; also improved Yorkshire pigs. Apply to HON. W. OVVEN'S, Monte Bello„ Que. Curious __.'4.1Lhat a Tired Preacher Have Sacii. Desire. A minister- speaks of the curious effect of Orape-Nuts food otkrhira and hew it has relieved hmn "You will dinibtlette understand hole/ the euffeiink with. itali ion made my work *n,almost unendur- --shlo ---turdent and silifir„it wthat after my Sabbath (Intuit bad been performed, sleep wan it Stringier to my pilloW till nearly daylight. • 'I 'had to -be Very_ careful as . to what I ate, and 0V411 .ijitl*l1 my CAI* i experienced poignant physieal distress after Meals, and sny food neVer satisfied, me. • "Six months have elapsed since I began to if* Owe...Nuts food, and, the benefits 1 have deriVed' from ft. are very definite, 1 no longer suffer from indigestion, and 1 began to improve from • the time Grape -Nuts • appeared on our tablei lind. th merits that man has' to contend with have their origin in a disordered liver, which hi a delicate organ jparticularly susceptible to • the disturbances that come from ieregularp habits or lack 0. "care te eating and drinking. 'ride ea. counts for the great many liver regu- lators now pressed on the sufferers,. Of these there is none super- ior -4o Parmelee's Vegetable Pills. Their tlent-ttrough icentiels-effettlyet ex -d- e most 'delicate eau tugs tntai. "Ile," screamed the cross-roads or- ator. "who puts his hand to the, plough must not tn.rn • hack." • "%Mat's he to 4o .wheterhe gets the end ol a furrer?" asked a farm HSPAYIWtINI • Removes all bard soft �r calloused leseps and blemishes from horse!, blood gowns., turbo, splints, ringbone, aseettay, attains. *prates, eon" and tserrist. coughs. etc. Save $50 • by use of cute bottls. Nareasited' rUi must weaoteriat Cent, eine • Miss Slitterger--1-111rhat • a self-Pos- sesised woman' Kiss Passay ist" Mis Pepper -t -"Yes; and 1 don't think shell ever - a chance to .dispese the -A wildent danthiii . tho Inprooloo 'People apparently welt and happy 'tattler; to -morrow are striken down. Anti la statt.tAntne' maw Out 0i eve* 'ItUtlarttl the lteAtft is the &lase. 'The 'king of heart remedies, Dr. Agnew* Cure Mt -the _Meet, ls within" 'reach . of _Wt. It =neve" la Zi0 Minutes. and 'dove !nest chronic eases. -01 • • GEESE. Alifi VEATIIER DEDS. The plains of Ilungary aro well adopted tor the ratting of.geese. and travellers in that country are often entertained by skinge from pastint; trains, great flocks of geeee feeding itt.the tieWs and watched by goose-. • Fond Mantraa7,-"Charlie., why 1 were you reading that book on 'Education of the Child' last night?" Charlie..- • .II just wanted to( see whether I have been brought up properly, ,mam- ma - , _ .___4:4,rathar,..ba_fia*„*.than_stnier. avail -tler-Aivrtureet-ofe-tasoratila,palpitatiote- and hervoue twitching of rny mettcles Induced by simple neglect of a little Indigestion.' 'These are the forceful and warning words of a lady who Pro- 4a1ntit that- her •eure by South Ainerl.* sasi Nervine whop everything el& had! was_ aL,_ raoderil,mirer,4". _4„fS_ ves rid * 11 rjifI,, set a i;urj1ar stftS- ° lnst night attdn-tWo eloek pro bly if he hadn't fOund On erson. n ea much, 'tisna the police canOt ' "My dear," . said Mrs. Henpeck, "I'm positive that our George is thireldng serleuely of •,,,snatriraorty." "Well. I only hope po " returned si Ilenpeck, with unu mid spirit; "I wouldn't want any oy of mine . to be so unfortunates to regard, it es... a joke." B.ncfactor to-Alle-rThe soldier, the sailor, tb. 5ahicvaran. the tniner, the termer, thk, nide, and All W.11011*5 111rti of tell speed their eidetenee In the dull retitle* of Iellietze taaka -sad- wha.ara. lei1011-t_fAilt know., will 4 Is irsoinor tee Oil en excellent friend 'and ben*. fatter: Is "Iraq/ it122241 of 0454. Iirarn041.--"Ilear is your ever - intent ofliving in the country suc- ceeding?' Mr*. I1yems-1--It isift so„b-ad is you Might orpisct. It costs IA mere, of course, to . have , -our butter and .fresh vegetables brought out to us from the 'city, but •We don't have to entertain nearly tie stitch eornpany." • Poirverio0 (arranging the new- Ai.foXV5rio Ulte, Itithard, your Y WOW look Vnl ar• 1 red o I read that tOettt 400.10tY Was reornUy fond, in *bra** mua tO bee** 'stc1y J''Qi4"1 bail day by dreai of iteivOn a ight. It is & good sermon' ,titat''stays with a manwhet! he 1., Awappin hOrtes. 'Calitiott is th'e opening of tileys ipittolt the tresing 01 the 'be -art. Mauy men are bituning their luck o ought to may it on their living ' preacher* are trYing to jnn tircir ose 01 Ood,bi tb.tr 1it4m1 ot slecp are enoured atie..1 fee• l that 1 could not possibly do without Grape -Nitta food, now the, knots:, ifit." v*Aut. It is • Invariably' n our taltile,m-We, feel tliat we need , to complae the nital-and our (Jaiidkfl Wilt rat ofrot4tatcrietc:ey," ethy comet be persUaded anything ilSes" NirmO *Ken 4.1Joittletirtelc, re**00. tatmotti Iittl.e book "Tho