Exeter Advocate., 1905-07-13, Page 12 A, heek ifty -h* 10 ltttittiAle fONGOAPti, ce And withdraw Wirea e&44 intered t4 the. • Ilt414" (Ati 31 01. ow 'diAettita er t Mtn 1,41-11-604e, :Ite4 ftienda-in London ever Sunday... Mittalsottle'flyndrnan returned froM .1111114013erg Vii sat. aftee. templet., .1* the millinerratit$00 in that town. rt Muir leaves sliorti for 00*in. 4.-11.--X.;toLapeedrsionte._ thpr.Roberf. and to &ttend acb�ol, With 400rtIi1nkIng. - raw es in Huron County id !MEL ounarrom Disawoon. rigssALL. ZURICH!, CLINTON. THE SOVEREIGN RINK OF CANADA Viler rtiTilitetirtherininiihip Of 8 6 younty of Iluron, re- tired , deceased. • teses-i traaereeraarearso use Moil the riled • _Se StetatecolOntatio, ti4t Alt olahnottgehist.the. tate of the wild Ctriitoplker Willed, who died on or 4heottlie401 AV of itairi Mk are. ea orhefere the San DA IL' OF AUGUST, 1.90ts•re(loired ,� rer. to Snell. ot co blacksmith. of Llfgan, and travel er oj oron o respeitleeryripentifir-01 ay at there home here. Mr. John Gardiner and sister, Blise Nettie, returner! Friday last from Cleveland;Ohlo, wheu they were atw. tending the nuteringe of a 660sits. Mimeo Mary AO Bannah ParaBonli of London, who, have been visiting friends . and around Exeter. are Camping at Grand Bend this week. Afe.B 0. Samuel left Wednesday evening ou-a two weeks' holiday trip east and wilt spend the time fishing; He was *corn r. tuts- w o s ot y tig with bre parents her, received word last, week from headquarters of the laaamport-for-Outy-itt-th Ilidgetowo. branch, Monday morning vest, :Mise Nettie Walters' who has been attending Coll e atToronto has re urn ome, av ng . comp t t e ursewith--seeeess-and-secared--he dIPIom:'She entire satisfaction'. tr^,1""7") riTan r-1Ti digt kat akkontsaid the gild executore will proceed to distrihate the assets of the said 'deceased among the parties oatitied Omer.% hawing regard only to such • oreice-shall-have-bear-givert. sa not ber lerthe saidassets or any , Leave Youthersef Your Order at teeny or persons of whose ' notice , shall *Where bets received by them at the time of Chet -1401e* Fair. Exeter.. tech ,fistramthem.- . . • , ' . JOSEPH- SNELL „............... • • OAVID SCHROEDER } Executors. ALBERT WILLERT CHARLTO . . reec o ran a , atno g- et other things, says:-"Arn pleased to note the starting of the agitation for an Exeter Old BoyeRe-Union. and congratulate you on the happy idea and the article. I hope it may be the Means of creating great enthusiasm over the popular scheme." F. W. Tont, of Toledo, Ohio, says: - Your suggestion that Exeter hold an. Old Boys Re.Union during the 111303" The old town has given to the mei' mercial and professiona ra,nksof Cash reand-Vni - talent of young men. and I hive yet to meet one of them vrhb does not reflect witkprida_upolvtheavameLotaris. Famay back occasionally, het we straggle in II seasons; of the year, and the town -hardly radi*ele what regale she is held by those who are paned to rail her 'mater'. Give us an o rtuni toallmeet together on "the ol stern _ , -strikesur-VW-4-d-in 'See W. at 'rime' has done for us. I hope to have the 'opportunity of meeting many of my old irked* sonaethne dur- ing next July or .0 rgar/.” LutberT. Gill, ALI:X.0f Glbsonhurg. Ohio, an Old Exeter Boy, says in parr regarding it Re -Union: -"These Re. ltiolicitort 'tor hiolsons Bank, ete. Illoisoy to Lea* at lowest rates of in 43-AALtrel- ,L IL Duissos WHET- TO 1#011:21. ye sr large amount of private- itsidirti . fares and vithoge properties at low rates of inter- Tarallikaii•--itsTS7este ooe • LLOYD P. .TONES --- Ongsakit and Choir Muter of the Trisitt armorial thareh. Teacher -Piano, Organ. Voke, Harmony. "Aleders methods. Thorourhaese Worweirs bastitette masa, The regularmeeting of the Woman's institute was held in the Town Ball. ay, 1iiW411.---Virs. S. M. -Ban ers tare &reading on -Jellies," which was allowed by an interesting discussion. Sairtig,to ttueahsenee-owho----w to have.contrihuted it paper on "Pre. • and Cirmaing Fruits," it -was taken up in the way of toiim. • rt-zngeaaents irnia been completed ftwapiezaic to he helrl in the Exeter SehoolgroarndsonTbmuiday,- to which all areinvited. Sarocesetal Worsaalltes. London Normal School students for the past year Were all successful in whole or in part. Miss Elsie A. Me- , caienfltheliver. who obtained honors in all subjects. Others7who pissed were: M. Alice Duff. Bluevale; Janet Goiter!" k, Sea. Two *Mkt* Acres -The cream at the *that lands of Western QM& Puttee peethao- ilitt sow Are-tives until us June to select their had. leo Ore*. rte; oPPlif to 1311NE5T ELLIOT, As ----r-1 1e,ter Stray Steer. .Ther* etraedoato the presnises of Silas Strada, Lot fi, Lake koed, Hay Township, en or about June ISO, it red steer, ywiing, with a ring in the right °welters* hare same by paying expe trees sad preiag "ftt_ Ail-asu1t4gake. thkr eying kr tals' that valuebli og . being Lot 111, Owe- isa red serer 414'8CA:1ota ned. There is ee the press - bars, deed, aed other eat- -lass hardwood hook an irate, voter and ether - eolvew, gives in ran. ear partlesiars 11, C. VANA, • 44 Adelaide etreel. Lawlor Bit-yikli. Granted interim certificates.- v'ahd for two years, to take a final ex. amirtritieu at the end of one year: Amens', McLean Blyth; Anne Murray, • hable l)orrti er a p her 110Me . ot Toron of 10 v herue. Of lier grendfatheri , who bas teaching in eastern. On-. tart% t borne SPettdunt her be Ida Idioms MeKenie, of Fargo, Mith.,.srigted at the ' beam of lit. -ft ased..-to learn that she hae4Inished-her-threeeeeer-courseit the Ways; Victoria Heepital.. Rens ftew. At the graduation exercise.Mise Matey: Was presented with her diplo- Ma and Medal. We pin in extending our eoegratulations.-Mn. J. F. Ale- lesy:isn' last, week 013 kt trip to burgh. She will' embark on the Do- minion Line Staimehip Southwark At Montreal. We wish her a !tale voyage ittel a platitant, visit. --Mr. E. Eat, who has been in Australia for emit tirne. is visiting at his . home ,In Cor bett.-Thos, Vine, who was injured at at barn raising at Alollard's-recently, is . • • • la ec*pe with his-lirti waa a. fortun. ate Ind COL -Miss Ablate Bllek, who heti been- attending -The' ,Foreat. Olt item College for some tlme.paased her..eaternine tions third highest. .with. 'honors, having third standing in her chum. obtainin 626 marks out of the ili eisat-pemes ed in the office at J. H. Chapin/to :thiygorebratortrat London. ---Mr. John -Erriery4ritossurehaiserizThourassFaiel '- farm con. 7, for $4,450. Hewill not -Robert KeoWn-hrslowly racriverhag° from the effects of his recent Accident. While at IX R,osser's barn . raving he _ .s ,w rendered unconse ons. OedleAt skill was At once procured, and kta examination made, It WAS found that no bones were broken hutt he was haft shttken up. Mr. Noyeep of Lon. don Tp.. was also slightly injured. n us to adv4 ce.ft Wbijj ii. riET-wtithbut"--7tirtiiiirfacturers' -twO thus saving the 20 per cent. advance. We are in a position to sell Lace Curtains at as good value as ever, and Much Better to the Cash Buyer, because we give 10 per, cent dr for Cash on Every.Pair of Lace Curtains. Dont forget, us bi Dress Goods and ilks In Boo and-Sliii-es.-- -well-a-ye-The best Don't forget our Men's New Hats I lit I. For we can- you gorid, Cretliton Rev. And, Illrs4 J. A. Schmidt and son. of Berlin, are the guests of Mrs. Oiattreicher. - Mrs. Firikhel,_rier, of • reiffia2VNiWtirvisit gbet side r. Bfre. (gets) John Staehler.-Mr. Att- est Hill is_having a ba. catty, built in oret7=1,11-..s. and dautilitir, Ella,- left. on Wednea. dit (41r, AU extended visit with friends ettif-antl-petrol of one. tratterlded-the Childre Festliat eld in the Evangelical, ehurek Oashwriod, last/Sutidaz-Att- tomobiles are istilte a here 4 Lite. -Several parties pm:wed ereweek- route to Gra Manz° and_griAptl- **Mere...of Tavistock, are visiting , Mr. -and Mrs: Daniel Oestreicber.We - are pleased to hear of the recovery of 'Mr. LIeter Hoffman front his recent nese.--!Mr. fler_Liaz_B`ilber • .P.P. left fir a tishing-telp in etew 1 n r o on Wednesday.- The souvenirs publish- ed in honor of the SOth anniversary at the Evan elical t3hut h have v . e mar. tiajte of her' brother. Mr. Richard Wrtght,, 04 Lisadon. to 3liao Maggi McColi,of Gleacoe.bust„ week. Mr. W. 4. Prance lost shield. of barley ripe and intends to cot * this week. -11 large number of 0.0.8. 2/2, attended divine service Presinterlan church, Corbett, liettothath mornit3g.-Miss stas, sautes rebutted to her borne In 'Unites loSit T'oesday.-The road south or her ha* been closed while Wi andzison have gone to -Clussiiii Curtis visited-hii sister fa Leedom last Tuesday and spent the Mb latheti gxu.-orar Fletcher. Prin. willosittesseolime bonito heM met eland Mite Kirk- st.th*,ey drove down the hill on (banes stteet, ea automobile with two - auka in it carnealong. The horse and plunged forward tit a ineasendatas , swerved to the (hiteriese for suit ireek) Mies Mabel Hicks, who has been at- - tending Airria College, is the guest of her uncle, Francis Hicks. -Mrs. (Dr.) Cook, of Toronto; Miss Gertrude Hart, of London; Mrs. 3. P. Doherty and Mr. Doherty, of Clinton, were guests at W. R. Elliott's during the holidays. -Miss Lona Wilson and friends were at home for the holidays. The Concert given on July lot under ,..t„he„Liat14eexAtdlproyed--,- to be a ecided success. The (Iraq and second parts of the prbgram were ed -with putbo dU by sees Edythe Went and Katie E. Elliott, showing a thorough training in tech - and every promise of bellowing client pianists Mt a -Gertrude -- Hart, the elocutionist of the evening, delighted har-hearers-brexteptiotudly clever interpretations of ber well- cbosen selections. Miss Lila M.Thout- eon proved to be the possessor of a dramatic style was varticularly pleas - to -the large audience. Mr. J. E. DobV erty. basso'of Clinton, rendered his numbers in brilliant and pleasing style. and won for himself an enviable is- --The program • of such an excellent character that the artists were recalled many times and re aired to eir nup . thrown oat stith-grest foice„ and was sevetelthileited.' The horse sped on with thettaskrilowa street. -hut -in atc, ee y_po u Ar an me-wi -Atte easu - once that I must &lye the project nay encouragement,- -ne boys even at it reasonable distance from Exeter have of late years been going home at longs • , cause there are each time fewer hand shakes. The rnen of fifteen yaws ago are not the young men now. Ther are few more than two or three of my heYhood cm:amnions remaining in Ex. leiter. The appearance of familiar Laity - grounds is changed, and while our pretty native townhas grown prettier yet it is not ilirot home._ It is kind- lyth.e. word, the heartyshake and - the Weleanne face that gives nscheer,_ and not plate. But to Meet and ex- change stories and reminiscences with our boyhood associates, and to, receive speciol entertainment and the hosratt. ality of the eftliprollgeteikall_ *01)14-bOdeittafigitielylaidt- ap. preelitte-thetthe event -would be the biggest thing Exeter ever tackled and would entail an immense amount of preparation.. There would he many teal' nett made by the _Old Boys, that. they might rittend an4anake the meet- ing it success. Yon may Omit on rue in this thing and I hope you will get so much encouragement from others that you will soon be sit Work on the sita-angewnts for Better Old Soya -Ilearinotr-itt-4906'- Mate Perecasti tor July. On and touching the 20th. 2Ist and land reaction/try storm forces will again 'make themselves felt, -causing very high temperature, falling barom- eter zand return of threatening weath- er and storms. We wish it distinctly understood that "threatening weath- er." Attended by many. _actual it safer*, *terms is altogether possible at any of the 'storm periods in July,. withisatarvpreciable or satisfying rain- falls. At all events, the rainfall will most likely he concentrated in *dal and limited areas, leaving wide die: trictauttsupgied with^ multi. Miss Leah Rammer is on rorest friends. Mr. W. PrItay, of Mitchell, *as in town Tatsday. Miss Hattie White. of Tilsonburg, trElr4etr,Auf London, *pent taTay with friends in town. 301•03. Rpbintono mfllrner, return ••••,•,•• Johns. Muir. of London, ie ormerla father ere. . rix-- Wirt. BOtittilisri lutVe °One to Grand Bend for the summer. Mos Etketeisaett bas returned from Conostogn. 'aliere she spent the tuillirW. tearoom , Steck from spending the Selman, 'Bowtasardle. Mr. and Ur* WM!. Chesney, ..$01111404 liKtre Vtitit0Vt.itt Mt** a Melieocra tbisweek. . • Mr. Arthur NYona. Of tbe SovereignRank. London.*** epeoding *stollen. id his w c riends. in the. , village. -Mr. J W6odall has sold his dwelling to John Treitz. -Baseball was never so interesting to our people as it has he: en "past-weelc.- irgatne was Owed between the Stara - Duffers. The game throughout was well played and exciting and, at the ninth innings the teams stood 44. The tenth inning was played. The Stars never reached first base and the Duffer* made 4 runts making Meteors! 154. Tiae town went- wild. But "he who laughs-lastaiingbe longest.'! Th Star* promised a ,warrit game tor Mon- day night and it certainly was a . hot one. Te score stood 164 in favor of the Stars. , The Duffere Wade &runs in the -hist innings which chaeett the game. art it score of 164 lo favor of the senior ittrairiLtiome...of WO: ' ye were a1lilli-W1lWo17-0131-yr113 4..t10sAULtdsto itrA . • We trust they have been both satisfied now and that they will kettle down again to ordinary hall. Some of the Ayers- deserve er*Olt- for -their -excel-- eat playing.- The Duffers, especially have some good men. who. -tf, they keep in practice, will Make Al ham. bali players. Allow us to thank the *Aorta committee for erecting . the stand, Sclifth-teitts 125. This t Want iiThrwelitite--- ly appreciate their kindnesa. Zurich is blIJed to play here on Friday even. followl were successful rottio „ sem net one in %Jae. Mime* in order of merit: :Pert' IL .to Jr. 11-..-Ittaxitetitar 806. **- Milted to pees 200.-t Lulu Redden 115, Evelirn Bluett 241,' Emanuel fieitteir 2* Lula Dirtillit 210. -Ji. It, to Si. 11. Itnaitroun 404, required to poet used* liodgitut4M. Lydia Oestrekh*. FranclasItill $87,, Martha Welsh 817. Meleln Brown 304, Som. Wein Sat 'Edith Anderson 21:2„ nolandlitota, 256,...11erbeit Mkt 249„•Itsr1 Geiser tl% Be; IL to 3M11. ,' teqto le aer Se, Mabel Wenzel 472 Iditllrorto 4el3; Lloyd Dnwm-342, 1ktntFlnkbriner 3$2, rend 14.4brot+32 $10i, ellington,Itau tit* irtoo Midostouster .ptinafitatlaita C.10XlitleftelAle• D*imit.-Grad- uatizg--Commereial Clais, ta wbow Diplomas will be granted: Honor*: Jennie Hardy 8,4t; Bertha Willett.% *Ind Taylor 08, Altana Matter St :Post -George WambolO67, Roy . Par. ,rione SO, Garfield Hodgert 61..011ver ,Grityti14, Who tete-t.'4 'it 'positictr-e :Lthe worming or the 04*ton:fatten art4: ,Who was on the Heade Roll etexy :Month, throughout the yeee will Aleo' be granted .Diplonie, The Gradon. tiogANuntnerelal .tinis Wok tilt- • band latthelatie or 100. Wnrdsperrnl • .ute, and the /tinier *Com. *At the rate of 00 words Junkirr Connterels1 ly unners. Mt. Fletcher was taken to David Masser% home, where he was attended to loyDrs. Smith and Knox, and shoed abet removed to his hotne. - Illsonburg OM Boys Re -union. stitTne SELL -1n Clinton, on Jul tieStilletk MIL David` Dorraneei of DEATHS John Street, met vuth it Painful acci- • dent Oa "Wedoesday. She was carry- FtsuEn.-In Exeter...-- on July , eth, logo chia' spot wheo- she fell cutting George Fisher, aged 72 years 7 her has& ow the broken edge. months and 28 days. lloaimn 15c. up. thli"Stoves from 65c. up. Freezers from 0.25 up. Sprinklers froni'45c, lituninocks from $ Green 2&. perpound; A nice size Muth. Pr08. 1ett1e $1.25. A nice si i 13lue *ran. Ketttle 60e. , Tett irlakettitesir neat Ue' the Men neiions �t �air teritie.1 were