Exeter Advocate., 1905-07-06, Page 81040- het ate reaIy good etiou ler. :Anybody -to wear aniwbete. e owns o around:1RO or $18. AB are cerrect fahrice. _ Will you call some day? If you want tPure Paris Green" for Potato Bugs go to O. Lutz, Central DrugStore, Exeter. For 40 cente. paid in advance, you _ coustaia. otel. Thursday, Jrd- 18t1i, .41 da .„ for Eye, Ear, Nese and Tbroat EVS supp neeresiticos-proisaletrore. Apprentices wanted to learn Dress- making., Apply at Mhos Ballentyne's shim -over Bobier's office. its Cosi ' To fool people once, but We hard to fool thew, all the time. We don't claim to be iufallible, but steadily in- creasing trade is proof that we are do- ing our best for our customers. Exe- ,-terStarWionwrieeitslly. the housekeeper. Tbe I, is, tb. nittini*dvertising like 'tearing out a Vain Ine tbe WatAtir AS low. Either plea will prevent good tittme from corning. • , WS. A. 443 Dobler " has sir west of ,r. Sas. Oreech'stroperty. to The Abvocalit is the proper place secure-your-pri tations-in the very neiwest styles of paper, type and woikmanship, Mr. Wm. Mitchell last Saturday moved his family here from Brantford taking up their residence in thedwell- ing recently vacated by Wm. Trete- thick on North Street. ' C. H. Sanders returned the latter part of last week from his outing with the Press Association and reports a very pleasant and en o able time. sketch of his trip. T. E. Handford ihiPped a car ef horses to -the Wet OD Friday- -Me. Handford will this week ship two cars of horses to Winnipeg for exhibition at the Vale there. Messrs. John Snell and Gilbert Dose will accompany them. While returning frOm Grand Bend on Saturday evening a load of Exeter Gauen sue:des. Council met in the "Town Hall, per call of Reeve, on ThuradaY, June 10. All present. Minutes of last meeting read and -approved. -Own • from Darch & Hunter, Steele,Brlitga Co'y Ltd., Wi—n.ltettnte and 3. -Bruce, seed merchants, refertilizer, were read. -1110.actionealso...froen-Patterson„Ellis „ 110„„at jet, Marys re tiles; and the Sec- retary Treasurer of t re• nadnan Municipalities, re fifth annual convention at Winnipeg. The Clerk to write Patterson Enis Co., that the Council are not in need of tile for this year - Levett-Muir-The Iteeve and Dr. }Lynam:an secure a, nurse for rs. Belback, sick of fever. -Carried. Muir Wood -the Council undertake to teat _down *concrete walk from Station • arrTecV-Le-veftf;-- rr* _ be authorized iiiberitivi one houtian dollars for current expensei.--Carried. Gew. Pacrett and W. C. Welsh on be- -bait WM-Band Wait for trgrantot grant of SIO0 for the Public vary. Muir -Wood-that a grant of $100. $50 payable during July, balance let October be granted the Rand. The Band to an Owe open sir concert every week. The last portion of grant to bp, given subject to the approval of the Connell. -Carried. Levett--ArtitStroteg A grant 'of 4100 be given the ruhisc • Library, pity -Ale in Deter:lb:2r., Carried. Levett- Wood -The follow- ing accounts were presented and orders drawn on Treasurer for same: Prank Knight. supplies for Mrs. Brimacombe $2.60; Saxon Fitton, rare twoclock one year to.lune-21. 1905,.4$4; Mita_ M. Itentrepert isalary._425; Rath. -QuIince, labOr, S1135; T. Webster. 00., $6.V6; T. maw, do.. inc.; Wm. Davis. aro, 4-10-, V; Jerry Knottdo., V. T. Creech. Waiting, $0.74 R. Davi!', do. $8, W.I. • Bissett, part's:Al:try to June 22, 01.26; Do., Mind trifinie fare to London. W.; Do.. meals, 40e.; S. Sanders, telegram to Hensall, 15e. Wohd,Arrneteong • adiourn to call of Reeve. J. Senior.. Clerk. .flgomof. at! „.. freq.- ed'in aquietwy the t versary of their wedding day on Fri day evening at their home on Andrew stmt. Mr. andMrie L ther lleaund *tett hildetieyeerTeTitWu ford. A pleasantreunion of tit II took place. On Monday they, with a few other friends. enjoyed a day at Grand Bend. A rink composed of Mews. Lang, W. O. Huston, Martin and Madman (skip) defeated Mamie DicksoreTausen„ O'Neil and Muir (skip) on Tuesday. af- ternoon in a fast game. The final score was 21)-15. In the evening - Iturdon and Tarnan (skip) defeated Mews. Lang, Perkin:3, . and Muir (skip) by.eshots.--Itidn-prevent- ed the game from being finished. cotseratoit Messrs. E. H. Spacknune of Bien- heinr, and 11. 3. -Spackman ..of town, twin sonsofMr. and .Mrs. John Speck - se fiftieth_enniv' and upftt the cab. Fortunately the ere. hut slightly injured alth • tbe rig was considerably damaged. Another of Exeter's old Bops has one in-besinese for hbrisolf. Mr. e t week. This Is the first like (scow •-o for niany years, and E. had inade for the occasion two beanti- itt .latoek eontainin miniature • 4 the r birth and tbe present ,.year, one of which he presented to E. H., retain- ing the other for himself. The lockets are beautiful souvenirs of the occasion. Mrs. Spackman and -daughter. Miss Stella, accompanied Mr. Spackntan to Blenheinvand visited for a few days. returning Tuesday evening. ,morithe at Flargrave, Man.. -has -moved-. to Pirtle, Man., atat- has started confectionery establishment - "The Boston Cafe." We wish Lorne every success in hie new venture. Mr. Wm. Kunz, while delving in from the country on Thursday night best, net with a very painful accident. The wheels of the rig came in contact - with a heap �f gravel on the road and aria result Mr. Kunz was thrown out, ly. ,...%..--GregoryiLlaw-W. Mesita Gladman & Stanbury..and wan of our esteemed townsman, Mr. Thornes Gregory, bas passed the Law School Examination for the first yr with honors, securing tbe fifib sclio1r. ehip-Itas.a-plessurelonote cess of an Ezetee boy.. • A inarecsign offerte_ a mute inyita. ilou to those Mill -With pass his place ' ,,biretreuhrx-ean-oniy those to whom personal attention is given; but his "ad." in a newspaper goes into the highways and hy.osr iinng customers and exult ine them to consider his arguments. lreininien-DNY- -wW1 -quiet one 1 town. Although there were many visitorateee.--mostot them:with -their friends spent -the day at Grand Bend, lia or Fli'mvitte- Those re eet• emit arm Orssalre. • At a meeting of the quoit players urda ..a noon..bud,..the.fe ng o pets were e ec on.- Hu h 8 koran; Pres., Ed. Treble; • , • res.. Ed.. Maguire; Sec.-freas., Geo. Anderson; Referee, James Weekes; Scorers, Dr. Sweet and James Taylor; *p_gftommtttbe..._Ete,..eiAen lot ce‘Pree., See. -Trees., ing secretary reed his report which ellowetthe-flownbiL AVAditintito_lat amitia: It was decided that the cora- itteseprocuraie-medaimto-int-pla. for by the quoiters, an handicap inateb- es, same tote won three times in suc- cession be.forelthecomes the property of the winner. The first series of matches is now being played. . /- • -31 WIG The following are arno • t Arthur Wood, Ed.. Bisse no; - une. or t e greater part AU- -def was wet and disagreeable. The bay crop in this section, Tatar was thought world be. -rather *inn a -ode Te, -reac proportions than was ever expected and the result will be a very heitty yield. A few straws/taken from Mr. Geo. Mantles ileidthe otherday, which was only of ayerage length, measured ovetfour feet three inches. Whitt is the matter with the Town Fathers and Road Commissioner? See theillegracefoi-eondition-of-soms-of Our streets, with broken limbs and long Moe. A Om Weirs' work With seyt.heaseisted by a littleelbosegrease would accomplish the desired result. If the Commissioner would take a pat- tern from hie Own Atreet corner,, he would -make no mistake. -003L 1464.0enlitt Of Stephen Willett-1'Sn much atamttge wee done trywind a few weeks ago was 'again visited by a :severe storm on Tuesday evening. A, heavy rein fell, viecoraparsted by vio- lent wind. The damage, however, was not ea greet AS tilfit Of the previous vieitation. Fence.wer. Ward clOVvil and the eastern portion of the roof 0 Mrs, John Preeteator's barn was Mown ff Werhavenot- theramnar being done. Stephen and Eihnville football teems played a game on Wes:mounds of Mr, Pehitle ott-IThursdaY evening resulting itt r. scorn of 3.--0 itt fayorof$tpheu. 1Wegalue-tovin Stepben boys defeated (loth -en and Line„ taking at Grand Bend on July lat. Wednesday Of last week leo witneeeez game between- Stephi, boy* and rairfleki, in ,416 " the hornet won hi* dente of 1)-4 The boys of the winning tette' Wilke' one Put* ot Mrs. *owe , The news of the death of Mrs. Cecil- Hooper,- _widow of thelate_WilJJarn Hooper, which -took place in Buffalo. N. Y.,. came as a surprise and shock to her many friend's -here- on-lilendity last. Mrs. Hooper had bean ailing for someniontbs;but her condilion was not in the least alarming or consider- - totea tr41etaHtoueehotddn until about three weeks ago, It was ihen_she_was taken-dowttand_vomeel- le:Ito take herlietlmt uot even t did her ease assume a serious nature and sbe gave promise of recdveryr but - a wise•e en came mos an en- ly. Mrs. Hoopent maiden name was °mills Seen, daughter of Mr. John Snell, who resides with his daughter, Mrs. Bagshaw, and for the greater part of her life lived in Exeter. About four years 'ago sbe moved to Buffalo where she has since resided. Possess- ed of many good qualities the deceits - of a ge ie who will dee I roourn her sudden and unex- . months and $0 days old. Besides the er,Barton and Loraine, (both of wtioni were present at her death). also three brothere--Eli, -Charles and George Snell -and threesisters, Mrs. Bagshaw re. a •ericTritriii1-3tee. Fwd. er--renutitter-t rere-itritinght- here from Buffalo by train Wednes- day MOrtling aid the funeral took • ace ronitlichtatis. of Mr. A. -VOW: - •AheXteter eelneter,.. the :same afterpoon. ,The remains were accompanied here by her son and daughter, and Mr. and. Mrs. Chas.. Ilyndman. - • The wedding Season is at its height* __pleaboutog4iousekeeping ..oxumwr-mt-r. in order to help along those vette have accepted each other, "for better or for "'TWILL. BE FOR tiKrTSR," we feel assured. if our liberal offersare taken. advantage of.- • Weecarry the largeitistock of furniture.in the County and will quote you Ii'crclof friends ed COMInall ed the respect and esteem prime that. cannot be beaten to ontatio. /I:Wand Mis Pearoe, Mr. Dean and daughter,_Beatrice, MiseViolet Flynn Miss Beetricelrriend.-Mies-Edith Dan. iels,-bliss Bessie Welsh, Mrs. Amos Miss Steele, l•Irs. H. E. Tomlinso of London; Mr. J. E. Dignan. Hamilton; Miss Annie Flintoff, Clinton; Wm. Muir, Waterloo; W. Moncur, Guelph; Mrs WON n*Yiss Hamilton; Mr- Pkg. BIRO and son, Reginaki, Norwich; D. Spicer, Mr. and Mrs. Luther Braund of Brantfituil, Miss Laura McCrea and MizzTillie Wilkinson. Itelgrare; Mr, and-illase Geo. Wilitite- St. Thomas; Mrs. Bennett, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. John Coleman, London. *kW? Potociists for July. At the reactionary storm *Tied Otitral on the 'itle*b and Oth.there tegreatrehatillity-that-weicilF4rater -upon a Period of Prolonged -disturb; *nee.- --TWiteiridiceted-1,7- ed Vulcan brace, blended with those of Mercury and Mars in the stollen die: - gram. After storing on the 7th and lath and thh, change to pooler;, fair weather may remit. but the thaupen ere good that continued cloudy and threatening conditions will prevell until we enter the regular Velem, tri:r centrel-on the !Wu. ()may this period wcalid ex- tend from about -the - hut under the combined finences of Mary and Merritt., ths,e normal limits will most likely be Dur. day in London. OM hoer -at -Sarnia, returned home. .."-iarespent-Ataturilay-2--suld Sunday in London. lirs.D. Gillis visited friends in Ham- ilton during the week. Mise Jakkeon and Mitts Sharp spent the holiday in London. Mrs, lteo and Mr. Elbert:, Spent Do- minion My itt L.ctndon, _ Mb* LinkidertskWingh„ato, is visit-, MissMary-Murray., Mee. Vale has returned from a visit itt Glencoe and London. - - Miss Dowitey, Eiceter °North, spent the holidays in St. Thomas. Miss Blanche Sheere IS in St. Thomas, lititlegrher4srotheavAquilluo--,:7-4ic„,.., - Miss Millie Martin, teacher at - Mies Specknent, Of Blenheim,. is the. gueit of Mite Stella SOiekrnan- Leeate on page. anford ready-to-wear clothi vorynornitmormurnorwity Rwixt_, Set Ztine—airt . # # • * lied plate mirror, two ulna enti1e:7- Sideboard drawers, large linen drawers and extra lexge cupboard. Extension Table Heavy4inciflutd leg, full e*tenmon. Dining Chars, °S:r ve small chairs-Leether Tkitetisiete rrutitit15 Itaf. 14 Oak atitit itivitimititti* tarot* tor $25 v."a, fo James'had been and worthily renietubered by the linellibtrO„ of bis eiturcit at Mitchell ThteAdeeteate of that teeth says: - "Monday evening the Bible MO* and time Dspertrnent Of the Methndist storms and rains do notdominate the weather, sueteiniel hest and hertfut dryness .erill be preloriged; of at9rm.and alninrmal weolbt.;0 wjfl be experienced about the 14th to Jtb atter whkkrhlrag barometer and eh:mite to eotiler rIfl eoinerto most Ilettee Vseetetetir. The *AVM weather of Sunday (lid not, pretest large congregetions itt- ten-ding theJames Streetrhorai to beat Ret. A. 11. OA* $1446 the people an tbe oecaision'4,1iis litvt San. dityasptstnrf*newpeilpk. la hie Ing Werke Mr. 0 that thetelatione between iitt, K F. BlITTPAIFIELD, of recurste.N.Y. Believing lb claiCvoy- ereJa.nogainztying fact thAttbo doctor can ex in the source and cause of your-die:we either thental-nrilbyeteittend hat restored to .hteilth keid ,bappinees many helpless iiitelidtailtheir live,. Send lock of bait, nam‘ age and thump to EltPIELD, tad * vtiabed biro autd; In their newfleldoi was *leo mad the eomn*tbe lotk, titod. commurlity. avt then stit bor Mt4tro** bad no intention Inf proot