Exeter Advocate., 1905-07-06, Page 6WMh1 Sumo14 spot., 04u0%, to havewane reinsivnt inetniegn for these who hetet been thete. TagflIGUT lifT01 Sttelt are thoStt nigna prelis0, by THEI13. /01..E41133TG, J0)1Y." i"Tne -jollY WOteAtnatt,'" the "jolly Viehernume t who .What a WOM111,11 WII On a Trip to „ 'llwi.tasteen•Ok-eirliectigirs•are.vAril 4411Ount 4ite slutintki. •"•• 'tattier- Itt.Onghtt.teeer,;,,Ir.010.---Ung4i.a1',..,,, '- .W(1a.1 wine Air'ett •tt .04` . 44k. ie ilataintentie With' peitliteinsi to • . epuldieuUri,:' like • the ,rural "The l!tilafki. '..1,1Mti,.*t. .cetettratuiii h4vii aUtotueetlenetaisketi•as,1t, e • Njt5 t kitr'd tetke pleasare • • i?leeiti street s tggeete , the ifie,41i: in ‘interested„ .inantry!. The dialect Jeleesee,- teS doe*. •"11she • 'title*. ,• they Osed Wna inetitteittidiflienWe ,tlead," where his birt 'tltitexiatter isitvane'exiter'fOiniiieee-'• used to lee# .•• • „. Probabiy, the. deep04 iW10M0u "The Seated Dog":•t.elongs, to mode by these. sigos was the bleus70 Eugene Aran). "The at Ed - 4F P'tfu1tY, of titne;- of the tnossy Imonton is inseparably ,connected with 'carp ou w • • Piles- ride. , FT0air The • The information he ga,ther a su I41 in (east t ar arissa 01404.204, Shall iccoutlt -for tired on Willes.deneilteto?" ttigti •te,..**It.:1*".10trerin**i, Pails 11.ingt*Uft•••10e...'!?!.•.1.1.10'e,Posie*"..AW.44 AggO*4.1.140144;ft4(e, ":.t.*Atitif40"04:0.( -1/4,,Aet.hf At- Go vtped cittart4tint BMW•- • uannine',8eme Perfumes Ara •wDAW At t. iurtiig ts4 ,1?°.4".1 lof 00160.000$ 'At14,14q or: • Ili ',dant or bon -bon •ahadcs. .004 4.0ft bri 'aid nO In not. 4,itirPriniUn to'lefrinrOet ladiee OtOthete drSt. 14)1(1-‘ ,tuanticti pOSit,ivel- -roek with • Ilte • cheap cloth • Of bright hut,. largelyused by the Middle usi have • been Made ,seriously ill owl.flte to the. dyein their blouses soaking thron h an entering IhneeopealtOres -- • ligitnrs. • Polities. customs and Pre- y.ten" belongS to ile.tnaby nudge and. judiees whielt • had entrenched them- Dickens. "The Three' jolly Pigeons" selves on fading, creaking eignn, tin- we have encountered before in "She *lettered legends and perversions of fe:toops to- Conquer," and Addison language. has introduced no to "The Devil's The colection easily falls into • Fair." • categories"' and periods: Thus the ott- Oxford street is an inn r, "Rine Lions" and **Green Dragons" -which'Ilogarth painXed, the sign face • frequently. encoentered date from the tiously. known' as "A° Man Loaded 'daVs ihivalry. when 'heraldry fun- with Mischief," indicated by o man •nished• the' earliest .oigns. But more carrying on hisiiack a *email and a interesting than these are the ex- monikey: Hogarth, Morland, entitles+ filtered through. the popular Correggie and iloraCe Vernet.- are known et different times to have Mt"- the' Perfeeri •atitriter7-Yotingi, --iritectleve. rristgiSoinet longing to An ancient coat ot arms, this; was done. otit of 'pleasantry, but are familiarly known as "rite Ben more, often front necessity. and. rbi4ttens.** Anit.the iswan .and Of course this -coilection, -neatly portcullis of anatlier family Inas- enshrined in a notebook, hi a humble trier040 -"The , *tiO0Se-TrOt-d-Gri* * iron" At Spitallidds. **The Leo- Crown Derby. lltieen. ADO° silver and ' Pard's Head" of ancient days IS now the like which tnany folks get to - "The Lubber's Ileati,`'. and the "Ted !tether. But it 'has. this advantage, .....J...letecent,ie. not_ 91 curious vegetable It can be shared. •nt nes axe pra4t l hannles� compared to fabric* colored yellow. green. and 'blue. Chrome yellows have been preired to contain lead; greensa arsenic; and blues, nitrate of soda,. Red ‘hosiery.' hottever expensive, •shoujeteneiver be worn until • etkey. ,have ee.n therenghlte wilekted in hot water.. Scarlet socke are generally put on the moment they are bought, and.to this foolish, though excusable 'habit many case s of poisoning have been traced. . BEATH IN OUR IrA.TS. the socks are made is not fait, an •perspirations bringe it out to an ase • tounding degree. -Several-mem have lost their. lives through wearkg red socks --blood poisoning ended -their days. - ----- Our hots have alwaye been consid- • ered a paragon of uglinss, but an American doctor note breaks out wit helix& asteadideints..eitatement (hat- ..srhe cat and wheel,,,, which is to Over .150,000 Have Died in Three . . I/tenths. be referred back to St. Catherine auel ' her wiled. The rig- and whistle -Mr. Brut:trick, 41 . ecretary of SLa 1 significnnce from "rige.7 a ciip, -and reply to be wilt to a correspondent "wassail." to ,Which the cup invites. wh,o drew his attention to an Allege - The .4ufeing suns', and ',Half titan brought against the Government Menus" are lone forgotten reminders -10f India of concealing from "the pub - of Apollo •and•Dinna, but who „hal 11c the real extent of the plague on say whetted CaSteS the "Drum and the Punjab: Monkey" and the "Cow and Snuff- "I am directed by the Secretary , ers," both" el Spitaltlelds; the "Cat • and Mutton." of Ilackney; the **Lamb and Lark," near Bath, and , Followitt4, the heraldic signs are the painted rehuses. The dominant fain'!" of the country, as we know, is usually hmuortalized in the name of the inn. ' With the "Markt; of _ Granby" and hie like we are all fa- miliar. But the reading was not al- ways obvious. _7_n'eH-eneatedee flare and Pottle" was to be understood as referring to the Iheritet tie _family. re, "The Hand and Cock" stood for the itaneocke. "Two Cocks- intimated the Cox family. "The Magpie and Goat" is to be translated into E./got, lords of the manor. ner waT1 olan ordinary house used as a maiden -4 la covered with inicr- ref**. He mallet experiments to 14- lonnine -the number Of micromergain- iernseprenent on the wails of a retitle • well -kept cottege. and discover - cd no les* then 2.871 microbes on a or-inth area situated one onch rom the door. To he perfectly healthy, a; room iihoW bave•U9 IcOrnera.eire.en$.raier. pori3Ons 'Where Ault. 00,,bettue tho UterrY.onticrObe.;cjin,eongregate...: 0, drink. int:hailed lnik is drivin -Ottit nion if Worth tif zerme in a Pg• ., yet wlirn 400 bgCsenfi 44 - There : „bei eiretUnh ceinininPti'Ve bfKl.gr,W:Pl• 'Pert ,Of inilk tO eat UP:,.t110.1P1*4 ,of *a dozen,lnn. 1tot ol us belki'ever, °have. A fildti in Om* 8tuma011;:-Whick kifln ,off these ilestili•etite• •erPOtUreS., but a few unheatther people trtii 'net' Possess this natland theY Might fall victims to consumption., Illihollett Milk is responsible -the • o. Waif tirirests- ev,cr- -an measles P.4,CTS ALIKELIT TE CREWS • 1\11,ND CAPTAINS. One of the Ir t Cruisers Was Said to X* eiUltitisd Some Cudetta GOssip. • 1 _•• OY Cliritiktie tagtS hailte Cgraeo 0 light about the,' 1.114ated Vessels ' of Jetitvenskys'et' ddeated squatir014. - 0,./...ontioneffifr or. 4`-..64 ' ciiraiiiilittiiii,:_„,isora-',-0,6-- 411013Auctit, ' of.. 740 ..inii: it fewer , • ' , .. . . • than • (.4.ttlt ' hotel, eforetan 'wern4taine. W9101 1)9414,* -111,S, $5010 to j.,5,10„i'xi 'or or lt,ieSt,e n'ttg ' " 014t:,1;90YA ',.! S'''' 0. • . ,• 'Ic itv.1:0:0v - eetiit'tarter,:-„$A2. 17, li Intone. iert0 ., , • it ',tiled ',$);* tit •tlieletelgli ' ereenerie , iiiii0bri',' VI „fee :bran taken :r: Pt% "tit' laritingascaiprolfably P.' f.4)i* $1,1Wrts. frnironto' and - POiAlb, • ,', e tee., IlltEADSTUFFS. Toronto, Joky 4.--Wheat-0.0titari0 * red and white, 98c. 00000 nominal stig to sag. ifottol* easier at I.Vincipeg. and lonal W.68 for No. 1 northern $1.05 'Melee No. gy. nertherS,,.. and, fOlt roriliern, -lake .Partsi urre ntg in. .trangtt, • lelotir-4)ntax107-90 pcx Itttjtio.S4e$4,01,4,‘bueterte 144104 $4 tAtratiirlatie letto 4%1*, Xifo, litx,314111 oate--tto: to :41p('; . tor N. "2 'Cute AUTOMOBILE IN THE WAR WILL • PLAY A LAItGE PART' ' FUTURE WARS, ussi 7iras R a Ordered a Large Num- • ber of Machines in Ger- The RuSsian Government hate it. iweJL kno-een. _placed fnal4 largo order's for. war-tittatet 's • trtc4 man tirms during the present war with Japan, says the London 'Ilitnes. Apart from the ordere for gUnS• ear- While 'he was having his. bath. After ttrid"aies wparrtse'Zheisehanhdav:tiblereennect‘levat. ttprbaltaxtrting'bychr ettlitohee serartvawnailte w • dhet-o chiefly iti-lratptuitir•----antl-gad a , burg, the town of Hanover has taken, c ---on-the-thut • and died a few daya later from bloOd • ve.ry active part in the warsupply, polooning. . ifttottri.", •Pensitoi,' 00,6 of the . 00/4iite1. 406 for "tour armored, cruisers tattl)‘• 41' th41' 43e tor -No. 2 eXtra.. and 41c fon • 'engagement , With Admiral' TO,Igia. wa'5 No, •I Malting outside. ltriuwet th,rotittglio' tit the Resseete ren. .. *tile - Rye -to demand; 60e outside.. h - inted tileeT. ltruistr14-- or '. .. Atneri an ad vance No,`1 yellow, 05e; No. 3 • a -Ors ham freights; dreaded eervine, on her, and three sharply; brothers named Varuishincrtn- actual- yellow, 04ie to 65e, lake and rail ly committed suicide at Crtinistadt in freights. - Peasie7le to 12c for No. 2 west - order to avoid being transferred to andt east, Vie for Milling. hmeirp.orStilttiohnaadinongtonthbet"CLaraRPIptillolarsr. •1411ed Oats -$4.75 for cars of bags that en her first long .voago the 'Mid` $5 for -barrels on truck here; 0,mitri Denskol would ge to the 60t- 424% oultiotridet.or broken lots here and tom. ... INFIWIlED INTTII it,tTs. , 11'ho Itriperator Alexander al- dOUNTItir •11RODUCE: t.liough only built in 1901, was salad Rutter -Prices. all round are une to be infested with rats. Lieutenant changed. Lebedieft. In -letter to his parents, Creamery, prints subsequently' published in a, St. Pet- do solids erifburg-WewsffitperTrelatete Sunday evening a large rat intruded on the commander of the vessel -and it may be of interest to learn • lee Bereatovitelia_ et the -.3211A,:eleathereesweatehand .14...all 110-.1„ellt.,-.0 ...tkutfunuhitcs, inchld- r-shiP-4Camnehtttke"--3". "cm" - to be the 6uilty part of the hVitif:tiligll repair parts afid tooliilike 3-irluntmrtrksrtnell---116-446-"le‘lt-v4at iteeount of his habit of boxing the piece. When placed in an enclosed. to be required in 0047 repair durhIG: I ehalnhe: containing sulphur'tedthe use 0I them in a long Campaign, gars' of dieobedient subordinates. He bydrogen the band is said to turn has been secured by a well known "6 A g°1-141 Iingt•II6t- and his two teolor_lart le- the lermation 01-614-411riirlii-IIIWIOVW.7"The Bus -NUM -a tta-we',.Q -educated lieeEngland. pitide of lead. er me `tfilitrItt -. 'The doctor in question put a num- the advantage and make practical din0.- was one Of the most popu ar ber of sweat-ha•nds tinder analysis, use of the autothobile in war. antt, officera_in the Russian navy. and was ther4e4s.- tiekth-Att-them,— 71Wit.CAtte_grairs. delivery of -a—rarge, ......18e to 20c ...18c 19s _ choice .15c 16a do large rolls .14c 150 e . 18c 14e .do tubs, good to ch'e14,4e 1.5it tic) inferior ...... -, 13e Cheese -The market holds steet4? 3.-ix.:qunted -unchanged-at- .-- 10ic for job lots here. Egg's -Quotations are unehanged at -164e to -1-7ce ---el•*ertat-oes-Prietee-itreardereat-7804-';`---"'", Baled flay -Prices are ea..eler at $7.51.1 vt:rs per ,ton for NO. timothy on track here. , Baied Stra4v--9,uotations are urea ear lots on traek here. MONTREAL MAItKIWS. and discovered that they contained indeed, intends t0.11Se It in a-cenritry knovrn to the sailors as "Kasha," -or some thirty-seven grains of lead' Whet -e, up till now, no one Would "Buckwheat Por,ridge."- Tie was very apiece. 1.1e tells us that white lead have believed it practicable: good-natured, but, for all that was ill g 11 t iv th leather a 111 -toy. StuweVe Spent one and a, half of State in Commil to say that in and litharge are often used with To TRA.NSPOItT.'hiOdPS.. n 'excellent ifommender. When a .That the auternobile will play a yeors in Aerterica. And ,Among, fisis In - the months of' March, April,' May, -ghiSSY finish. , More lead is used in the making of large part in future wars is already tintates was very fond of talking 1004, when plague, Weil virulent in ., and accordinly it is English with. an extraOrdinarY You- tho Punjab,. the total number. of bands for cheap bats. than expensive ' ac,knowledged i riced hat natural that the military authorities kee..accent. may iaau-se .1•.te`iii-tio deeefaltretey, - eveuere-otrWit• • • stated; --over-Z50,000. There is reanse*nent are published every month in the of- ficial gazettes of the local Govern- :. . the wearer, a cheap one may brirm interest in its aayancement. liii or- . der 10 ,undetstaT4 -why the -German Captain.-Etchntann„...ntrthe,pret"t..-, on terrible -headaeltes. LE4TIIER GLOVES Govertunent, for ' itestancee-, should 'ed. C'Eti_iser Svietlana, wine like Ad- ment, and are reproduced in the In , are quite as dangerous as leather take auch 1111 fletiVe interest in the Eturat .7-litttrek, knOWti as.414iernett7:1- development of the automobile in- The, ticrinao7-but had he been called is yn esary an Ejlenglislienan it w•oulcl probably dian newspapers. I sweat-bandse They contain about , uustry it i n1 ec s to mee- "It -Ise expected .thatthe disease 0.8585 groins of lead per square h th k f th .Montreal, :July 4. -Grain -No. 2 white oats. 50c; No. white oats,g 49e; No. 8 Manitoba barley, 58e; NO', 4 barley, •52e. • Floure-Manitoba. spring wheat pa- tents, $5.30 to- $5.40; strong bakers' $5 to $5.10; winter wheat patents. - 5.50; straight roliers, $5 to $5.15. tion t at the city -of -Paris is-alene, " En_ _nearer 0 rnar ,_ e will diminish. as in previous yeam. ° inch. unfortunate oflIcer's mother , .casne , capable, in wee of War, of conveying during the cotrrse of the next -fowl - yeilow brown -boot paste in °tithe,' but. Judging, by • past exper- injurious. A CaSe relattil‘-to by automobiles considerably moral ed an old Warwickshire family. s igerous iences, its recrudescence dririfig----t-aft-6--meffectsof . ' this naet ihsn '100,000 men within a few hours ,Captain Eberhardt, of the Alexan- ., athe best dressed - l'.. to the French frontierder IIIws ono of . whitmontbs,Js tiefortueately only which is generally_eaelsi n penny bote tle§ and tins. ,w,astecell Y mu 0P11 await eagerly the evidence of the! a personal friend of tricho as •. a It is not the case that in come lic by the French Academic de utility of the automebile in ', the ,l on more than one occasion the Czar batting plague. the Government of Medecin. Itusso4apanese %tarespecially as is said to have chaffed the gallant India is Without a policy. Every A child wearing brown boots was the cars will be used under condi- I oMcer about his courtly manners and II lifillfeed-Manitoba bran, in, bags, 517 to-$11-6rts, 120- to --$21 per- - Lon; Ontario winter wheat bran, in bulk. 516.1i to $17.50; shorts $19 - to $20; ra Md. $24 to $28 per ton, as to qualt Oatte-Detriand is $2.224 per bag. Cornmeal is quiet and unchanged at $1,85 to $1.A5 per bag. j* Ilay-NO. 1, 50 to $0.20- „ SEt 2k -clover, to $7.25, and pure clover, $6.50 to 56.75 per ton in car lots. Beans -Choice prinms, 51.60 to . $1.65 per bushel and $1.50 to $1.55 HoneyeeWhita_ cleVer, in comb. 124c per section in section; 'extract, in 10 -lb. tins, 7c to 7tc; in 604b. tins, ilc- to Practicable measure that giviee pros- poisoned, and the evil was traced to tions which have never before been dandy. clothe . Eberhardt was not "Thaelloltearal-Tere-n diseloee• pectaeoLeatccesse,..aetletheteit , noLthe_poirsh widely was used to polish lt.gu-eofetheeiltalt•enseeetfanaeof,..uteerlyeeopposedeeteeetiueebahitte-eeittuttthetnr4f--etm-Wnett-a-no'eee•--tieeltn y effarea-in-thg-Ctleut sentiment.Of the people has been. andiroef aniline oil. which had gradually , ties. but the echo of their greatie.Ss -wirroontbatiett-mr-tii:ed,—In-------uvrnri-seaked-through--the-leather-ot- -tho. of r oats an enteredores- o to • .aai_Aatymis orate_ with the skin of the child's foot. autheeit ein_ advising...and as- -Liiares_are___!_°1-1_ °Thria-67-ififfiltnes-: 're c signs in rot re: me 70 0 n11110:Mr=filir-vnrir3 - • TM .1)011' must be _translated 4-iack -4f/flitontlelWa rtral--"The Rag - o" CAT AIM FIDDLE" cones down from "to Chat FRI Ie." "lhe .Cat and Bottle" indiCate's "14 Cequine Ilouteille'* •flitkered through the rustic speech of the time. h-):. Pig end Carrots." is tile per- version of "Le • Pique et Carrertu." Tbo grotesque "Frog in Ariebt'e* CoiriCS down irtnn tire thrilling -"La llogre Afiries,7 while the familiar "Bull end Cate" is corrupted 'front Boulogne gate, dating from Henry. eOltrilltlit in France,. A note aide instaike of tide perversien of ctn.- OXierit street, London, Which eitreriftig- 'Ott- -frOlit 4'1_4 .au- vage.* in transit became • Savage" and is now Savage's -Tav- ern.' 'Prom the period o! Williatri and Mary comes "The (*.eat ana *Bootee' In Fulham read. London. This leg- end accornpanie3, strangely dintigli, the figure of Mercury. The knowledge that - the sign wee "Iter Tikide"-,the me.ssenger -fife 'ket.) plain 'sailing for the underStanding.' • , Anotheri-intere'sting perversion Is --1-41neGereri--tineleforeipiteteet., the later rendertrrg- of '110t1 pattse us" -the Puritan watchword of Cromwell's days. , . Other ot those signs undoubtetily re- fer to some peculiar virtue whieh the pulOte house deeires to make known. That of "A Hare end 'Three Women" Is naiii_to mean deenattAu_wietle.i t of a v.:vv.:4102z. inn. *.•The Padloek and . . Arrteur•' relicat VS 4 ruvt worthiness. "1111- raek coat Telhot" is a reanireier ef the country carrier arid Me -tar* hoeie,'• for treadine" t • MAO Of had ro *14 "nip tureen Man" tvee the retort 4if the Pin.c.";terS rossitlg r.1 Polio flood.' • ' b.,). )1.1 nALKOZ-4„,11,741%;-*.fifcil, -46t,:e7-44112Z5,1"rier' inef And ' evettatieed mail bagtt-n Teos4:4-teetelatitl davs "Ilten," tiod • ;Was se;treliv ctinre7,*:eti to pi -Meiners by removing in the llut *Who ,- eon tramlate -or 'dmiuce the »w*ift it. --111,1 Saar Lost Story oi "The tw 111I41 Irt)TEL." tielelbrates "Tht Shoulderot at' IraptOn . poiit atnen,W-uen,_ SEVERE TESTING. was known as "Blue Mary." ---Thajtu:ssian_war...administratien:1 _ view of this, had the automobiles es e pre AO s • 64- - eCTiiillieriSF,VitiritinttUrr*"Her 111■OLlit Fats.t =it earn, thatecases_. of_ heart long_teurrietese, not upon realise_ but merieen Cu e, ear • _. 'failurareand defective circulation of pore.-retigh • tracks over the Open 155 01 . 1,10e 0 'in fat hack, 518 tlk$1.8,;50; - compound the blood have been tra,Ced.to the in c,ountry. On this account z only the Tools. `, lard. le to 7te; Canadian lard. file (Nene° of violet -scent. - • • • - .. very best of material and high-.. • to 11 c; e t e ren er(VTl c . o c. . oc ors t et. e . L • -• ereverifildet,rnoto . treasure-huntin conemdon. 'has handkevehlef daily sprinkled with :dised. The tests were exeeediely . ,,...i. been, tecered from the Governmen. t o 14c; bacon. 712e to 140; fresh killed the' strong perfume of the fragran't-IIVere. but io spite of this had thafthe Republic of Costa Rica by ' Aug- - abattoir hogs, $9.25 to 59.50; alive. violet willsooner or latercause est of results, andin order to prove, usl J• thssler. an American. It *6.50 to $6.75 for mixed lots; sel- nauseainterrupted heart actionhe strength of the ears, they were! dives Mtn the right to explore Cocos eets. $7 to $1.111. difficulty of breathing, and other considerably overloaded: and -•a• high i Island for buried treasuiv for ,s, Eggs -Straight stockISk to 16c: organic complications. which might speed. period of two years. . . , No. 2. 14c. , ? result iil serious illness. When this instruction. of the corps! The island comprises about twenty Butter -Choice creamery, 10-tc to "-Cold and cOrk-tipped eigarettes are responsible for more canes- of inflneti- sea:fa work, -and for erepreparation of prophylactic fluid. •Ther Plague esett eh edition which has re- cently been Sent to India.. un er, ie Joint direction of the Royal SoCietY anti the- Lister Institute, acting., in communication with the Indian Gov- ernment. should . .regarded strictly .supplemental to, the medical organization already' existing in In, dia, and ,not as superseding it. The rittmetical Strength of the expedition completed. the arrival of the au-ithousand a.cres„ and lies off the coast has been fixed by the Societies which mobiles in ,Manthorin will take of Pesten Rica. Tradition says that centre -I 1ti -Operations, - an- the other caufwg nut to.. lace in_ the ensuing. ivolisiind onc"*Thhry Aforgini, thc buccaneer, buried- ference partly to the nature of .the' gether. Cigarettes of. this kind, will then have an opportunity of gold , and silver to the value of 520,- 00000 on the island and never re - by the atoms." of the preliminary' turned for it. no Steil of the covered with a thin, •. tries over mud, sand and snow will burled treasore7 has been generally xxVisimx MOULD. , be fulfilled. If this should be the known for years, and several • at- eeanelyeis cif the_...mOuldeetnowfi mud, asee thnelaitOMI441"41114- t -t?' 20c; undergrades, 184c; daix-47. ipje to igic. cl&ese-ootarki, • uic to , and - Quebec at 94c to I)c. when kept a long time, get their tips hearing if . the expectit,tions r,a1Sed Investigation, and partly to the as- taistance which the expedition will re- ceive in India from the medical ser- vices them." • - It •tentninit i111111f Atitingtoltitt *grin* , ized •Tanhiirivally aa a: periaamaiit -up to this time aft -40..fiiiiitie.sitte which set ul, infittnunation in the te,ans_itli, Army tsansport. in every been-urtgoecer.stot„. imse and lungs. The luegs are tin- untry. ' tliSsier heti been living' on tho is_ Strainge Death of Miss Grave„, of able to rePel even a solitary influenza Chelmsford, England. microbe when In this state, itmil land for &entre! years past, arid it Is said that he made some discover - '.:Miss Maud Mary artive, a resident should one. happen to come 'along he circumetances. .Miss Grave, who was I.:netted; has died under rentarkahle WY. at Great Iladdow„ near Chelmsford, will .settle down at once and multi* If 3,ou want to ruin ,yeur health. Advertising. is the outgroe th of r-aet frosixess NriCE.SSItIT. . • . les whirls led "him to believe thitirthitoe story of the buried riches was core •Ile suddenly made ft trip to the aged thirty-two. for a long time, and lose your teeth at* the sante time. ecessity. A, merchant buys goods, 2- , had been in indifferent health, Early Just go to •the nearest stationer's te,s etautie the people will want justcati4Lttiltniortiett,', lawittliticliicellottiircetti,) iiirmit ..,.3reeee,e,eie,exppeuelet to Inteeekee shop epileptirchase a bundle of qtaill n, nrie,,,,, ihom, nt_nni. •Until one dey she suddenly Yell into pens ettid !Lek the feathery ends. -"rr-----------' --- --- -- -"="". ittithorities,- anti seamed- the corterls- ow margins, because he must tnove ,e4., A trance, ror upwards Of a , fort- These pens are often kept, in shops a Ahem as rapidly as possible so that ;Ll°,11. . bY, pledging the Government a night. lithe lay lie One denale and thee long thee before a purchaser comes Ike taw eret his mo port or the treasure in the . , .kelv.....434iatis.... jurivakam_ja:Tr:iLpretristion. -Ina-ail4vaecetkiase:ilitkheeeZ 16."14rgnti that --Ii14-'-1°Intif--";* 14.1arim...sccurinr;. the concession Gis- seethed --to show . slog} of' reburtfingl along; and while there a lively_littis.,,:i '-' speak, but apparentlY _SIM did not 1 re-il rani when y011 . .3u7 ceptitity and tt..-eminatz,r trying- tothem. Tie-__. brims__ Is- as- -fast- as -'ho_ . ---eanit--ow wwat re, titis ivart vitnit attrac. *ltr him not& a. trip to the United the pens the sta- , ns they will prove -to theelnelei. Mates, *mt. while there purchased rnagitetii ' ore finders, &line and oilier annaratue. He has rettiened It° t;tetthtt'veigliell.l' :'ir. title nebta nerff7ofrelli:dtcorYkittetivi. engaged,bY tastier have gt,,w to ilw cognize tukvone . aroamd het, She tioner is often able to throw vein n - - - f--,Alual. It is necessity that conipeis 0, contintied in an uncensciotts stole al. at the same price a few colonies eir .t.6-gither for fifteen weeks. • living thinge. Fan to be in imiinese. It is. neces- ity that requires him to keep Lis During her trance Miss tlra-co icas C211111 Venn 8110Uld IX, Well Wantiol, le- hat UP —t0 date. It is nezesaity coriVeyed on April 15 to Guy's Tlos- and rubbed dry Vith a duster, ' dictates the price and nece-sity ital, London. Ifer case. however, fore uSing. if you put Ent unteast:ell it t, • . hot forces the advertisin' of anY l'Sliand from Costa flies.. baffled till mreltettl skill, and she died one ot etn-itT, , . . • 'elarticle. The Plan w 0 tnicst Continue i 13 804:a e reasure iur • without. •having regained conecious. mierolot.s. it they *120 611 th° te11,11('"*It.0 do bt-iriinecs ,sees the necessity et' by MovAan wits talien from Spanish ri. o- the t -ow- ceawlitgr• fit- ' v.4..k,k7 trank-itrensure 'ships ,en vpitte from 'Mexico A,,po«,,t_tAti-trinvi , vxaa,:traziti,or, wiii ,,(7.11tct your lunges Some ef them •:1!„„relbc4,. : mit b, 4,„„ _people pist le . showe•tt that Mitm ilrave had been inlglit SW-, -11 . , . y mud persistently, se, thee 0.4x -ti -to Sprain. (Ina, was1 , f .,i''s eir eTa .. nutrerine* from ineningitie but thel tO Yoqr 11-05-4,, anti Intik...log 5-1111,dtty*s )4C• '4 may he ti stepping fitrttl silver. .:g , -. acteal cause of cleat!) was itneurelania neeee, or getting betWekn your; stoete to the bueinetee of the 'nett day Mitch had supervened.eeth, and Start rtitting them Qt out oni. ,t.c.cek. r...,,re7 blminerag man wht) .'At Otly's Ileepital tfie treettnent usual in n, eitse of catalepsy wa9 Otitis? , followed for three 1, . was evitlentIF a 'victim e of r imor. 1 re was reaste, o be for you, • . • •• rectlizen the itupoftaiice nof catil step One of Tucker Wieee' • dismal . the nccaslL, theorie5 is that -nary oWners arcq in, 'the 13,„ti'''''111. rlut4ne! • nuyilig,.pusaing and seising ruts tipeTte_ o that during seine of he tline she, 'A WII()/,‘E "t'AlfILY was in the hmpital she was rAinsciots$ by w tieking the dust froth its ca of What Avtis paseing aretniti lier and or $ ' 141I1 jtO - beak - old also recognize people. b *lin' n$iaiIS, inLJ.5I 11E44 been known to pullet(' ough she AV6r6 ,OvirMithueti. 411/ air of a drateliig-room in Yo13Vh it line great sorrow, upon which her ,,outatv ivas k1pt. 'tend 'it. is ole mind was centred. (hat it, 'sate' cage; of canaries, 'wait ad* toAlte sueas butitness season. t1tt hold of the • • al &anti nri t ion of Afriea. Scores Success. btfit Z,b:etrt:1t,dii) A (14,,kwlatch from Cape Town. Cape tio.Ofilt'" ' le.eete: A . telegram fromv,Stei n- necrsteral ' am t ..'eSt. eivrral, MAME?. Toronto, July,4.-The run of cat- tle offefing at the .%.'istern Market - Ing was brisk. . 11xport-- tattle-1.Cheice• are -quoted- - at $4.00 to $5.35, good to medium at $4.75 to $4.90, bulls at 14 to $4-.50, and cows at $3 to $3.75. butchers' Cattle -Picked. are quoted at $4.90 to $S.20, fair to choice at $4 to $4.90, cowmen at $3 to $3.- 50, and cows and bulls At $2.50 to Rtockers and reeders-ttochera tyre quoted -at $2.50 to Ita...80, and, :ced- ers at $3 to $4.75. illich Cows -Are quoted undimmed at a range- of 530 To CO ea.en.' CalVes-Quotations are unchanged I nt . t0 -41-e an -71 -$73V -$— each. iiheep and Ltunts-Export ihee-0, - are quoted -at $3 to $3.90 per eivt.i, toils, t,-2,50 to 42450 seat, Artritig iambs at $3.50 to $3.25„t -- troeseeQuotitiorS aro unchangel at 55 to 56.65 per c„wt. for Cleetst in viitit: way ft, PetruS Christ an. the linnkpfat jeAde Opportkinitli;Atiee, reeftillV iiinfoushed the German (..iforce 000 -40s11110 -tel 11' Valor I'd* JUST TIM Mint. "'three inonthe 'ago I returneti Iiis ring,- riaid the :tall brunette. "4104 I vowed then ittul there that 1.41Ouldt. throw. his pleture--and hie. lettera !A.* to the furnace."' ••Atvd did- ilour' d her xprtimiro. • .thvi eattito;of, th6 &nth * SileSian ' 10,4s family of tifelieti 'PerstMS, to • Proiesor *11 isitlos• resin italitr!rrttr? a 1.rc18'f!rrn kfthlng J1 aild ritrier-* labllihmo3crOnnftn, enstornerS 441th ,-at .