HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-07-06, Page 2be wilt do it t ing of
sislit'ritsiletlY *tut
gFatiernatt loosened
wo can eaily
LE 70U ike talt •414-
• s,
.:-I'.i,..,=•--;'---..,-'•..•-,,--,-..,-•-•-s--4.,,,,•-• Itill.'snthet
:.•,‘ Is' .' ,e''titst fOr. reittnitileil, • OS 14,,' trt•P.-
kwitrit Oinellts•rlo.4„,"' leg no .lOnger, ' YOu hatte'llio gOod
MI n 'the* iiies '"'n' a'''"" fortnne, to :XIV(' in, very ‘lisSittitatil.' sur -
11°4% 9)** :n(''''t'i'Inet''.44 riVendloge, - Z don't, tfiliile I ever Sari
•tary 'oe:.,the:Jacts. Of- tbe, io . ii _lite ..
. N.e er la AP! -
_z_ 4. '41. have', not been lutre•Very ftS,
Of , the...0Oct', • ' •, 'said Norah. -"I only came here last
, 00.ci4d13. ali-awkw.ard Too" eight, 44 have awn Very lit.f,10 Of
. . ..,,,
rah; for. WheR iTOU COMO 44. i• .
- • ' w - la do 11."'
''- e----whi
an at other xPresSimi
r b - Every word 'she spoke
terarcely strike an -at-titude „end ex -t an intense interoit for him.
' • e '" • A*Norah caugbt.. but clid not under
"1""(1. must seem. to your'
"Onty-last night? How_strange it 1
gratified that inn" ithoul
I 'Indeed! I did not notiee. Alt. yes
. . critea, 4. joi4trange, very etrarige, deem pr purely slyvan scenery
"Vomit did itas to look"fiVut -i„ ..ss,,nted. t•-• worthy•trour-attentien, 41r." said the 1 see. Wits she, handsome" One of
And delightful, - 1 mean that a earl in his dulcet tones. "We cannot thti maidti, 1 p.reeumee And yet. I.do
wee to the -other. and then, as 'the - ;1: '-` "
blcicel slowly returned to her bea,ut,i- beautiftil steno becomee 'twice as lay claim to any grandeur, but—" not renteMber her face."
tat fece. to murmur: *1t shasld so like to know who she
..4s, e?" beautiful when it, is one's own. Ile waived hie- white hand :almost
CWIL*,s (ace criinsonfld. "d. ,own"Or •when one can 'make it one's apologetically toward the bea,utitel is said Norah: , 14She has most
13 sweep at woOdit end fkl.is." beautiful eyes and hair."
Wier of the two en. ho ''' a" said
bead for a moment as e "Oh, yes. We poor painters have 4.1 ought to ask your pardon for The, earl raised his brows as if her
stood tbout his hat, which he had great compensations for our poverty. • tresPessing. my' lord." said Cyril curiosity about an interior Was Wm.
We are here to -day, and gone ,to- Bitrne,' "and would de so, but that plicable to him. ' •
lusL presence of mind' to remove at "I regret that 1 cannot inform
leer appearance; but Guildford -BO. :marrow, but we can snatch Seine this lady ims absolved :viol,.
on% •fitos'neerned%to grow paler and I sort of a r(3flection of the heeittle,s , "Ify daughter has „rightly interpret- you." he said; "but here is Ilaruutte
_ which belong to ether awl .more for- ed my (imam, sir," he said in his your maid; perhaps one can do so
dAltsnostriis contracteft.
' t
rts, ' 441144"4"3141406,--441.1k40414
; an q c 7tat - ' • , ., ,, ,.,
on without'ilit- Pert Which orifycliirUrt
I-Ufra, it Iir II; c
Z. _quiet ..the dog. whiph, still, Ufa in it's. " went
ing, and, jrauping at an idea which limes to Acknowledge. 1 beg you will served it a oesturs of adieu to Norah
noistinned to threaten hintsmall . stoopm_down_nnfi_tsmot' oecurred to him. an excuse for kee - consitler ourself free to 'wander any- he entered tho house,
• , Ifaxman, *Ito had coMe out upon
. '
Casper bll
y the coar. and her move- log her beside him ' a little longer. where youi'
hing L CUlnae
yril bowed, and the earl the terrace.- evidentlY not seeing
iencut Woke the spell whieli" ' see „., 'It -w u d
'Norah and the earl, stood shading
to;•havo fallen upon t'..eyril end liertmert, e"141 °tit the 4". itt-,-just there.'"at moved toward the' easel. -
the foot of the elm." And he ,point- "May one venture to ask the favor her eyes With her .hands and looking
tittint. .
1'0_1* gettitliSutatt
of the giatie,r
tattedhisr. ttatr, •
,Eitu 4uir roto .bi W
h. his ace4)-
tOifl(d courtlineett, .itiad the two/meal
looked at pacir'.other; tbe- elder one
with, " veiled scrutiny, the younger
due -to
. *IOW' : °War „
16'164 •
ti ii-
witti hair and, eyeti
blaek $u hue, and Sorah,'
4444,1 looked .after her. ,
pretty girl papal" she
-with the -Ptompt
The third Anima! Meeting of Sharehotdcrs'atithe Sovereign Ban'
-014rgeeajnyetlatittratustloh.eld at the Read Oftee. Toron•te, on lith lent, and was,
, .
. • • • DIRECTORS' 'azroxa,
, The Directors beg to present to the Shareholders the Third Annual
IlePort, ehowing the result ,of the business of Utz Bank for the year ended •
Otlth, April* 1905, - .
Balm:lee et credit of Profit , and 'LOSS Account on 30th April.
i, ,_ $ 6.112.65
Netl-PrIlilasiort.4(t•...sreit*t:mended 29th April. 1905, after deduct-
ing Charges of Maualpnninit, Prov facial Government aid
litonleleal yo,, ali..Ativertisizig Expenses and accrued 33..9754,7 .
cInterest 'Oa .Deponitn, end after;,making full provision, for
all Bait and Doubtftil Debta ,... . , .... .. ... -
itiembeen approtirle,te s o
tatiarterly Dividends . Zor?„000.00
Transferred to Reserve Fund . — 50.060.00
Reserved ferlieba:te, Diecount On Bills not yet duo. 5,000.00
'1,-rnt afraid my horse startle('
ed .te the _spot_en the canvas with. of a sight of your picture. Mr —" after the di.sappearing figure of tho
cu Lady Norah," tho"tNnT
ffot-tricisitelristLeyeir tA -tier itictswfitc_finiet-, ..now.,, _. . ., .. _ ejsttieee.. Area Iiiartersaid Cyril,....._ .. aik. vf,tnt...„UP_A9 -herr._ ,.._...„ . " . '.---, r. 4 • • ----;""" . 0.-088sa
------ -- Dalance-carried-fortrard ect.lthe _end _of , his brush. "lie seeins Ile pawed young -girt -
Ile.lence-At-tredit of acCount, -30tIr April; --1004---.-s-eTris-e-.3507,0900W--
- -.--1LUSZIIVE _ XIIITDC___ _
tbe Amt. glance. "Ilutmelatt.1. "Mtn le t-Wtt,..P_ret.tr, girl. liar- . -
s• " he'paused, slightly before tho
ilia .1. --On' sper--had• -this:nen- hintself down -"Als,,';---murmureil .the, earl.--"/ ,sla
' • alinost at his feet,. and appeared to -not think 1 have• heard the name be- man?" she, asked. /..7,
. and it was evident that he Transferred front Profit and Loss Account ..-‘.... -........ 50 000 00 '
be enjoying e,4' snooze- after his late fore; but, indeetl, 1 have been so long "It is my niece, my lady." '
• just succeeded- in, sinothering t ,. „it ' t. '
, etersed"-"elways feighterted me. It • evo...
Is a savage. ill-tempered brute that ',et"' said Norah. i
. - dy.
%Amid you not skethint trom tnert"Rebecca South, my laWe call
ch '
,_:,_ _:•,,Nttt. to 'have Iteen. Shi21 long - a p. wheteinaiLALLinmktbantrzgt u _. 4.1' am. one, Of _Ite,__Leas_t_fittnatt!_t, my her 'Beet*. Tett, latY lalkt". sly 'is Pot
-. ....1............L.
fume bun with you
Norab patteds
. Casper's‘ head ad- acaatingYat't! ktn,l't
i he led itiva to the reward. beiteve me." retorted_the due." said Norah with a emit°.
know. Casper!" "Then your merit still awaits its "That is scarcely giving her her
utweisbingly. - . ,.• "Does she livo here -at the: Coitrt?"
foot of the elm, and without much
ouble perm eid-d:hliii7tiille down-. -"1-- ought-t_ce-ask-iettr pardon for No ray \lady. Bean lives with
'Will that do?' obit gelidsmiling trespassing, my lord," said the eari,. her granfather in the village, but she
brightly at her succests , raising his eyeglass and examining comes to sett- *no -with tho houSe-
"Admirablyt." he replied teiveittly.- the sketch With the appropriate air keeper's permi%ion-my lady. She's
of you! I of Critical attention. But as he saw an orOhati. my. lady and 1—" she.
Cyril renurned kis packing up. onlia,.... owrontrwtoktee.. p him more than a tninnte the figure of Norah he turned ,his hesitated, "I look alto her as -Lnuel3
glasses upon the artist, and then as 1 can," and an expression of ens-
,____,On-zliteett.a..WItwardiI„..,teTOttIts „:e.ohy.,,,,,:ltelir4nsegOode*----attgarl, IlikOn-lOrn•tt-sitt.414-•ar-veil_0711harf.aes'923 anct--51.1WAtetude_crosSe,4,ber-fire!,
twist-tise-itricili,;.-thi"4-b-e-saidi" Oef-gli-ltliomfattierr nor Metter!
er' eh ea iled hack_atn,I, thialdnivon2: "fi thiS7tho Orit-titite -ifeirlitiVe
--"It-or la--It.Wroondrig-ror- a 'a% ly of the picture. and nothing •of acted as .a-i-Codel.. Nerahr ope be tOttits -to See-yOu-- -often,
of the, estate for the earl. Good- herself, she ,gently Sank down oit the . "Yea,' sho replied. "and'1 did ft Harman. You inust, be proud Of hav-
out of -touch with -the artistic, wotld •'Your n!ete Wiiat is her name
nnocentlY. as to be ignorant -of. Rs most famous. She is a very beautiful girt."
""I don't tbink he Is so savage.-
/ ant not afraid of him." -
**He always .111(st at me," said
Guildford Berton. eyeing Casper side -
"I'm sure don't know why." "How very. very good
There was moznent's silence.
I kave to go over to it distant part
moss. and laid her hand on the dog's ueconsciously now. tar: Blume' was Ing so Pretty a acce.". .
Paintinthe dog-" "Proud? Oh_yeantiss_;bot—"
. .
attormalf' Lady Norah." and,. raising
collar to keephim i t.:Lt
with et swift glance out of tho cor- --tlyrii--.-dhi---ttot-spen--k-agatze-for--so "Art:presumed to•add another fig- 'Harman paii-sed a liniment. then went
-he.sa , .
buttes, Jolt painted rapidly: then nee,' said Cyril; -quietly. "and, with on-a-zi T1exp t---ti—tiung the pariiie. "
1-f ---
--eyest at Cyril, rode oft. he looked up, Yeiii"--diiiigliters-permissionr.,,,,retained * Ar_goottgirlass_girla_go zim lad
Vorah bad gone down 'on one knee
There was a, faint flush on his tan- it on the canvas; but if you have the but inclined to be flighty and light -
!Me better to hold and restrain COS- i ii,„.,1 . _ _ ,
11 B.- !-, eyes.
-4.- lace and a light. halftriumphant least objection, my lortIT.-- He took headed. If people would only not be
per while erton was presentbut haltapprehensivein his
up the brush as he had done Vottire. so ready to tell her to her face thnt
a., . aar' W*1'411 "nw! . °--1211 CY141-1:1, tlirtlY 4:11"43 -*•erve got hind" -he said. . "NO, no," saki the earlevidently she's well favored it would he better
icked-op-Ater-nat- -
s• -•-s.,.- •.- Itii-r-wiwtAttirt-t)44,tesss ,
She took it from him -with a 011414- — r-sinitsesstie •mollitied-„.:by for stick .prompt deference; (• her."
It not, to be vain
ssation of the head and aThank "eeenind-him, ' mod uttered an exelasna- "'pray ,let it -stand. Lady Norals is t must be d
the best judge of the -e)
• -conven- with such hair and eyes . An d 1 sup-
s; i
• to haply that she was the very mirers and is something of a, flirt?"'
iorhen Ciril..said bt a tow and earnest Casper.
Be had painted herself as well ' tut ances"-he said this as if he Meant 'pose. Deem -has it: great rnany ad -
3"0.,*,* .and was turning from Itini,
--y -to apologize to Re looked up at her face, that no* worete-"and it she does not object
Illa1 venture -
Tay share -the lar r. 1 am ettrald- hid 'more rose S than oink lit it, and '"-- --4." - fle-altruggmt- his• shoulders "Her'yottng- bead gets -turned.- 1'ra
v r ii liartijrclt_the matter sere resittg. t -
' said: •
Total, !..9th • A .005,
The crops in Ontario were below e &age last year. and the Amst.-
seinter Was One of the hardest for many yeara, but in' spite of these cir
r , •
gress, and he 0 tlkik at the present time is 'distinctly •fatterable:The-i -
crease of-Sit'i02+:751.50 in deposits and -S106,325 in note eirculation-Fet-
not fail to be gratitying to the shareholders sts it affords-coneincing
dome of 0, growth 0f- ank, of which any' Canadian
institution might bo proud ••
Thd,Aksteta show an intreane of $3.005.831.49 over last year, - anit
ount -to 1.069,005.58. Of this there is in actual cash or at credit
with our bankers $1,,,569,682„57 or more than the entire capital of the Bank.
The increase in 00 "Dank Premises" account is chiefly 'due to the puts -
chase of a valuable. site on the principal financial thorougbfare in Mont-,
rtart,444,',tbeerectipti..pfafir,pte,re„lana_ten7sterey_polldM tite_grintati floar
of which'iiill'ite,Tatenpliid-biltheliferiticia'lifikM iid
-the General Managee-and-his- staff. -
The number of Shareholders an 29th April, 1905, • wsui 887 cons.
Tared with 841 in 1901. representing' an average bolding of 14.64 sintreti''.--
per !stockholder. _This ie_a, vety Wide diStribtitien tind atfOrctS Batiatattary
security to the public. . BANDOLPII MACDONALD, President.
Capital Stock Paid up •
Reserve Fund and Undivided Profits
ds -.
Dividenaccrued, but not due, and tot
• Dividends' unclaimed .-.. -
Sovereign Batik Notes in circulation ...
'Deposits - • ..
Late to Banks in Great Britain
. .$1.'300,000.00
..... 356,112.05 410.088* -
16,250:00 • 16,1(037.50
..• .-. 1,091.865.00. 1,198.1•90.0Q
• 5.691,453.30 • 8,314.204.83
1.48,303.11 428.884.93
"That's it, • my lad13
y," she said. • $,601.074.09 $4.1„009.005,58
tte scene w ch ear you al -.'
.....10M002.7:.-,........,..,.,. .. too trivial for elaboration. "Per- look after her as sho ,t.ihotild- be look- Cash depitsited with Government for secur- '
• w ue te • - KI -e-41-1 * -----,-,4I,--neAte-eirculathnt•-•-...p -.,..,..-ere..--..-.7;.•i'e---27r.e4St.18----54,lit
"I -I don't think it was ill your ---41trir-t4Tentiettl---Prari=1"*Y4 ...401t-'40-------roPeott---clual5"hat 411.---041ktitat----0--4-..
V Sal 1 as 0 a 0 4.0 m talon!. ou will use ay part of Santleigh trumtl blind. and I Can't hatter- hie Bonds and Stocks • 004,458.48 -: i432,031.00
f'Et.you •are angry.—" And he •held . you please .tor your s -e c - „,, r. ,
houldn s -r," but her- lovely____oyes mete- ...his st jarnsh_oatfirAho_vgue - urrie.7„.-jand-Att,„...3.15, • -
4 -Nearly all. I was the offender in ctitre---as-lf- he were going to ----&an ConserWorah," and he -raised his bat ce is i to thThusirriii"-inire t ere
,.... it out. is room enough."
. with a statelY &mace-
14?-.. Lc:2'A instance- I ara treaP"ams. No do, not paint it out. I think Norah -bestowed it bow and it smile "Oh. my lady!", she `said,. "Itut-:
a-.1, atis_sestlemaa very properly re- 4deturaio4hchette1' with ,Ititguasea _upon ac`irsif_ elle_ bout xespotlyIly„ Ilecca doesn't knot.is 'n.reirthing, and
-Ais'elgicesil4le-W.4u1"-:--..----------- n
,, tr-14 untt-a'ir-Mitffenuid7tell-tluirl - . - otetrevrsiktd-alou _-, , ...._ -aie-yO'
-As to that, one does not know. ,.No. For some minute(' thearl was site, - my ladf=iivill 'or nunglei
"Stxely you were doing no harm.' was rne.!, _
Ito it is very gracious of you (writ; then in the softest and suaywit in tbe .Court unless they are properly
. X MAY have tbsturhed the genie,
Isercekd ens a faVorite walk id yottorsr irinogtlytopreaboumanpgtrytfo.n9toor f itmewas exceed of .1rOlitee.. bo said:
. , • . trained."
tae "testance.". "Perhttps it Casper and I bad ma t that ,young "But on* can't.be born an anoein-
shouid tame , rut ouree4ves into a to yoU, do litot -#4PsY it." *owe* trizw_404.. root, could, Aosiirn
4 Should41.14 telt- you-, tifillit tilibir. iltes. ea ftruieit; -but----"
"nifluibetoyroeu.. ever me at
9r 17,11. .i 1441# '4
Norah? Pray pardon filfshed servant," said !ioraii, laugh-.
meter here until to -day."
"Sot of mine." she Said. "1 was known ete were being_ painted, We my curiosity, am* if it if unwelconsi IMF,. e.";044, must learn..nted itirinial.
I am loscrli _luvro sPtlile11*
-191"Arliot t $413vilqr-tv '""'" t "ITO is wonderfully qui
Inth,ed. ita neauty. es I tesid, mutt saf ae ft 0 A
Ise sexy &Sly excuse for intruding. 1
Yrwas so keen...upon My sketch. But
win *Moo gays& as 'quickly as possi-
aittimt :7011
rla any kW); Waif YO-'
.itesa thsisbett,your *ketch,"
- - **You ars Toy kind. 1. shall sot
take neatly. nsisutem.*,
*11$11 diem is no soul fur you to
trister14 peelsaps, spoil itt ant
slime the ellek-Sey fathwould bs
only tee OW for you, to sketch sio
vat a the !dace. May 1 Sos 114"
"irferfabilit;.* -
'1491rak meat ap and looked et
it„, and at encii sed that the
tr--pisiser *as ast e amateur.
"It la very OrettY." • she staid,
tierly. "It Weld lwire bt4exi
tkassaitd pities to hate kit
life seated himself on his camp-
and----toW up tis
pitt.-tto .and brushes. „
. 'quoit a lovely glade" she,
sted. ettsetitly; ...said how welt yott
ritzgitt that beam of li ross
t isn't ditileulti, tricks
tht white and ochre,' Yotif
ow of the earl. ss your
1 ant Lord Arrowdales
et for AO Salk" '"0-131,11V,'"Finiver saw hit* anY
'grant' said N rah who saw there
betore this morning; and," size gmfl
"Ilut .he is not savage -.-at least,
ara. sure he is not. It is only with t
"1 --should not have seen. atUt something behind. •
hen it had not" overheard bint.,:and "Ah. lad.Ve You% think mo un-
gui and lier&. a tool -
led girl, and rm afraid She is, tor
tha stupid child bas got it into her
'Iny jay. Andit's such it pity
at tek, 50 quick _yak Atec-ioeloo.
and s* apt at eittehing up, anything
in the book learning.".
"I don't think any the worse of
bier this, and if you think she
odd 'he haPpi.., why, shouldn't she
corn* *ad itelP You, with isY clothes?
* afraid you Will have, $1- great deal
t tow* to de, and you would like
to /oilier Under your vismge. Would
"You are very
Ifannan said, sdsa
mons- he does not itt.4
"ll'hen he does not like the gentle- stead of “44isarteling."
man who left us it little whilestga. 9.2" "Ohl _Gnildford Berton and' he met
"N -o. Z suppose not," assented meeri-know
Not -0u - • "‘14vidently----not,"' said-lierahr
"Would you think inc • _V(._.-intp.d.tle Mr.:, notion was Warning hint off aut it
:eve if mik-ed youWhohe is?" be treispeaser„
said, gently and resPeettully. "Yeti interpowl and gave hiM Per"
"ins minim is fluildtera, Ilerton," misaten remain, put. in .ths
replied Isforah at once, "and he is a .dryly; "and to recotripensa him' pet
great friend of my father's." Slated him, to Insert you, la ibis
"And ofours?' said -hi a. low, slcetehr
obie. "I carinot tell yon how sorry "'You_torget, papa, that 1 do not
am that I should have quarreled know was 'Oblong me.
with a, friend .of yours." ; taking Caalkes pOrtraiL"
"lie 4* net friend ° of mine; X "Ab, *tilt Your Wendt* les
roti*rs that I scarcely know him. X a, gentlentan—**
saw him for the first tinm last *10 friend, petal!" and eihi
lit;44-1.ura _at-T—wra y
looked away from him, then tow* "%%h' should .
him again, "Hato you been stay- en had. been
trig lott# itt $6106141*" -' . * to make- it kits
'No, be said, "only a **ivy abort it was not lout; s' t he should the
ime." no took Mt hit soft l'ellr,, be 'treated us it& had been.
Vitrar-piiiiheit thil-liiiirtioie --- -4 4 t' a i rMili kliA6 ii a ; 7 but - pardon i nie 11
brolir„stid .turned his handkontio te t Votture to remark •that stet*
toward ;her with* smile.. "I o mire inisapPreliended\ 0MildfootBer- e4
to give stone account of -illystlf.'.." ton. Ire is ineapable of tittles**,
iiOh, it is not ncossary," she mu eottid it. te 005.isible that. this :ea
.1*Ilut it -le tight that you should ,:illtriiete;141e4; , sh"ottkidt"'be4r!Idec'41:11vsiedv6'.bY ..teo"
muted. ' ,
know 'who- it ' b).-.00-0!.,- -: .._ ..- -0 Guildford Dorton? ' ,. i for
- Notal, listening, -with dowocast ',Guildford is ,., young, man o Ailotb
noticed tho sharp pause; igreat'firnmess and, tenacity of pur-h,
averet a card,' he went; on; ',pose. And he is it Model of,•coUrtesy, -
oor' travelin ` b'
al tlir '' strenger-
It6li'al 4-P?ilio#!"1111, 1tear that__ titer,-
- .--_ ._-_:,
my livIng„ sue
sueli ota you SCe# end
the sketch deproati 'arid ,an
staving at the (wain inn tht
enil Tho Cheques. t
be laughed Vietly, eptittg„
his Voice, gtew grave and: learn
, "that Z very, very gratetu
o *wit for yout.41114. petisissiutt t
speeUul ra
ro. 51a7 elt Mrs,:
I Itebeceat*
r at itew much
to, het/ PletWe tell inc*
th,, now!"
Lonna a ' ISCOUnta .••. • • T .0 * •
-S8,601.074.09 S11,669,9057.58
4t. slits1=1TISH .„,„AIK013‘
Montreal 29th A ill 1905.2ndlricet.President n,..Leen Manager.
Li moving the adoption of the Directors* Ileport. the Peesident,spoke
'fis• f',41611111r ettors and Myself -feel that the actual earning" and position of
, •
the Bank are now sufficient to warrant- an increase. in -the- Alvidestd.-- 'The
rate, tor the Prooent quarter will . be ;,(.* per cent.. or 0 per cent. pet era*:
Atn„ ITO tuity,espect,to be able to rnailifitin tills rate' and also make
itiMertirtee iitrengthen the .1lank.- - -
'rho- General Manager iktit -tEreei-truntabli- in Great', and—Mir
Continent; and waS very succeseful in furthering the interests of tits lisstk
In -Eneland. and In the financial 014re* Of r4roiv. •
„ GtilEtrpf.A.10 ItAXAGadtM ADDZOS.S.- ,
Tbe General Manager" Stated' that the siiiPlual (Wee public liabili-
ties wes $1.700.000, and 'over 40 per cent, ot the-- asset* brime1114t41,
timosifii, • -
—The- overau&debtit iveragO•od., :settd-ozzly _temporality. :past doe, t
iv* having written et' _provided for all bad and doubtful debts Out
•-•-af the years profits. ,
.- Bank bad .26,725 depositers and 6483 diticount euetoinersit rei001
-ins total of 82,010, *bleb hs corsilitieftd splendid diode%) to beio
aequired tires years. the deOosite sower) bfit '$311., per customer,
and the leen* shoW at ti avttage of 41,40 per borrower, which. ought to,
...satisfy.theMO4 **Co-0E41kt otoireholder.
11.xtluding direttere, applicalions th;-41eviltiiiiii,-otikeelia".„the tank
receivcd-aihrieriptions for nesirlif
1,40186., ,.ellsero-were- only 212 silisreit lett- after allotwot
titese ve teen oversubscribed for • itetAr/Y Outs- ,Iteferring to these
0. Me. Storer* *tatted that this was greatestA complimear the
taanagernenti of the Soveretga Weak toidd have t.eceived, and it shoOld bo
crini intuenee elidence __tn. public
itt the IWATEIWirt=
0110,11114 d red 0100 wet* •
_ ItandolPh 14:14,0d011teldp h. -A, Allan.
OnA.ttre*t:ru;lt, Ota-ttn, CamPbell,
ogstoit it
f the floard, Me llnndolpbacitcriald• wat
"_rirst ,Vire Pr&!idont nd Jetr.,7
dent. and, General If fusee..
ty 4e; yei;i2.4 sug
iby led said Ilarma
oUld too,. high it wage, vud
iih for so. young ''a-,Airt fl
*have -to spend on dress---
itow wOuld all gol..* slit
d :Norsk, 'timughffully;
s sPecfal Witk6dilei* in
.tarai*n? It earned ottiY MOO.'
inter 'in sat, '
no well teri
-ed. '
Oka to seebI
lier ett She
rt Ug
ti..14eitted Mira a
**AM liak:gooit.°
she got
units, my lady."
'3st14 Watt,
4t.,rititt,riltioffidtt ,IHItEetit;11.
0 r ladritiiP•Ys,pardon 000,
it *W. Volee, t
thg countess'
di4n.'t knot!' you
nndalfe. ttitt4e-y!.
that t -sbonid
Zs tante; the leading
h toed tat riant's#rgicet''inithottf
titus that pti- Wittd,S. darY Oto
'se on,the roots of the hair nh
Iarge and flapping heittle
deaioring to ,sall *Ivey', is :Oneul
the ,fitatlados of is
it women complain atter,s;