HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-07-06, Page 1r • *00 • .0 tnntsationi o * 0U81 iDv *we irepIeecUo 0fl te&ru eonvaescIng--3auitrti, luuI the,Misfortaii tlngerof Id ieft: ha Pt out .'itf t . . ay; •by, 001,tkjerkiOgaWayn 4'0M blinS.-sThe. t the Woodholn hotel Is Je.id ) er a, ever. Disa is ernitniueity 'loth ebocked over the sad ,0sndden d th''•4 et '..-.M.rskt,',Ioselik iinbee oven' oun IirEarro$;a0IniroOD, IpleSALL. *snafus Oisr„s"roze THE SOVEREIGN BANK OF CANADA • 011104* 030.00 1:4111ritairEtt4e1486"..ril-7•'•-irD1-1. 001041116 1-47054--r — ""wrialreit_ros - Loom mows MIT* satisfaction. Levier. ATILT , )1,0$011, ICKSOIT k CARLING. BARRIS= , SOLICt t°111. Notaries, osossiossis, coassustonon. Bolieltord forliolsess1/104 46" $4,'s---411-11141/#441Aii Ualirsoettimuati, Canto* B.A 11, Damson — kONEY TO LOAN; net. MIN e . , JULY Istb, ____Fultvadleabasizaa.rmatliaa lotto to O. U. tow, Mr.& Too** =seeks ADDITIONAL LOCALS Miss Mlle Handford "1st -tea- friends in Centralhs during the hoidasns, Mew Hatay -atia' asess are viBitTi 1-..0)4101.01,n„fntitk 1.-• II"' her parents here during tbe week • 4110-Sreitli,- 'Min guest of his uncle,. Mr. Vitas. rtemot ot s to In Mr. W. B. Levet •left Tuesday tosinese-trip-hrGlencoesindAlrindso . , -M4- • ea -&-sesissu.,Esetst oet, is spending a vaca • , here. Mr* Rumen Freya% of Bran• tford, is the guest of his parents heretor two • Mrs. Dixon. or Lond:on, is on to her mother, Mrs. Davis, Exeter North. • Mr. Meredith Jones. of St Thomas, is thnipiest of his brattier. Mr. L. P. Wee LLOYD P. JONES sottOsoirlaveset onsiorissitt-msststist Issesoe-risso. 0trao, Woe, liermoDY- Thorourbaws tdtoba.andisjorthwest Lands1orSIe. bewan yetis mantissa Load Cow. eet Land CoropeAy on the pontirient Cen.Akeo-Notthintgail, way=_Land- Acries—The aeon of the Ata,iratergittwontit4ste-so• For tersisietc., awls' to sittnitiSt 10040.1.1t, sleet, Exeter tray Steer. atrayett _Onto the premie. of Silas Statilake, 0, 0 go0,11141; Ts:mobil), Oh or Labout June *4 red steer, yowling, with i ring in the right (*fifteen brie 11141Lt by pitying tape nsee and VISK eteperts• . . • 0 Ouse Stsobeit. nay e. 0. • "- Ile, to Lb* 11/41/e 174 ilttete$ void of IWO reword *MI be given for hie return. J. Ford, Exeter IP. O. Farm for Sale tttellatzsal. 7, esataining one of iirsiVela Orrthe' ; a good bmn, ehed. 'matter out, tlfl 116 *Weds** hardwood bush, sit 1, tWQ good was st asks and other copses. Ltilte14 Wt. For partliteihirs EvAlnis, • 474 Adt1,1,41. tAttatto a se to -Patty-- ragoialtsg 7 room, plugged w-----a064-tutlear t &arable taissity. Miami Soon stet Utter. 6-0 1 ittu,d With,. and re. G. Sheere, who have n viaiti grelativesausifrie ave retu • heir -home e hitter last week *and t rater Tueeday. . rs. Wm. Westeott and two child. who have been residing here for onie months* lut week left for Hain, ton where they and Mr. Westcott *II make the* home. Mies Carrie. "Knight left; Thursday ast en a two wee& plettattre trip to - u Montreal and other points. The waaaccompanied' lirMr,,,iind-Mrsi Kpight, o St. Thouttus • rs, Win. gran' t nic-Vrall I VI' I ave eir , • i $ * OttondOns visiting them. hosenburg will also %lett Mr. iind Mrs. Howkshass this week. Mr. A. Sutton, of Marion, Ind., is nding a few . handers at his old t . • • = Issone-of-the -o It .1) •'• •tillr it 0 i 1 1 e y 'wines Asa most welcome visit- or- regulaw...rly 7Tit:fulte,, .1 oionif interest. rridade' 44.0=11444-32.1 7 ng.sita_pja p y, occasion . being the ofeiresVintable -daughter, • r Maud, to Robert Talbot a tosetiship* The ceremony was per. rosperatirung farmer of , Stanley , formed at seven o'clock p, in., by Rev. Thos. Davidson, of Varna, and ' was witnessed only by a few of the Inti. mite friends of tbe young couple.. At . . the c:ini=of th=rsrrt...... ride and geoom, after wh c = a- , tat, ea, was served. The bride, who was • ownedTn A- ret eraInnei'lre4-6-45' Mise estlakt,• /0/710 alS0 assisted by evenin m • The betaidatemirel; wore a p t 4 t, al down to the sterner' realities Ati li eon the old Talbot homestead land we ttsist,their future may be filled with *sunshine. ok. Ones. Mrs. G. Easterbrook and Mrs. Hurls s nt a few days in Seatorth during t_ week., Messrs. NV, W. Hunter Evans spent Saturday and Sunday, in , . and Mrs. A. J. Fora t tew days during the week in aris and MrirfolinleoPirson-s. Sandell, epeot a few daysiotCon Unite this week. * 14%54 IFS. Sanders and Miss Clara Vosper returned front vialt to Lon- don Tuesday. Mrs, (De.) lifeCtillutn, of emseline, hiss-letlessisest-of bet sister, Mime Addier MorToek• Mrs A. Ottnetingham. and Wife. of London, are guests of the tots4W% sister. Mrs, Yager. Mies Victoria, Bagshaw, milliner at Parkhill, has returned to her home for the holiday., s 1 ° • 47, • ,--harrreturn to.spentl- the vacation* - Mr. L. a Fletning with bis son, Bob- bie, is at (Inborn% this week owing to theillnese of hististez, Mrs. ()ha& Box; siseisti& few days in Brantford with Miss A. .Dor•who is In in the hotpital there. MititsAnki*- Martin- and -her lather. Mr. Jamieson, Are vieiting itt Mt. Forest And Durham* Mr. isirei, HOolier;ie-FU- in the West far some isionthe, ed to his home here la* week. Mr., and Mis S• er44 , '111' • 11, et W 1140i 1k bone ac lifittit Sin* enKs, Exeter. ion • . , 4. 1 a - - Centralia - THE FEHrivar....-Notwithstanding the threatening airiddisagreeable wet weather of Saturday last the Straw- berry Festival in connection with the Miele and ailI thingsconsiderecl was n -co plete success: A large number were, sa.attendance and event Person seem" mselvess----The 1.'9 TO - I I 1 .1 1 1 I — 4, _ X:14 0 .fonty„ 0 e White c. fancy MermisedstripeWhite TL1 tephens wasiq tisiall"hbeitith aud had been attend io ..her usual foully duties, w • e Only She woe Weed witb heart trouble tied without a momenta wain- iug seed away. Truly *In the midst of life we are in death." The deeeased wae anPxoellent type of woman, biih- Iy repected and loved by all who had the p eunre of her acquaintance an I her stAllen taking off will be deeply sssustsed by all, The funettal will tete place to Zion cemetery (to -day) Thurs- day. Sbe leThlrett to mourn her demise a, haslet/id and gro 110, V I 081 0 • • 12 15c. Mercerised 'While cheek Mus- lin for , , 121 25es White Lotus Cloth, vers with glorety finish, hergain for 15 2.3e. fancy Mercerised stripe, besot- iftil finish4 extra fine quality White Musliu for ouly.......... 35c. White Veeting, wide widtb. very fine weave, superior finish, a big cut for 121e, Toadies" Blit. Rose witrranted 14tt.. Black - ...... 10 • i,,, Ifet4).' Virbite:•--Eit Liniiiii. is rellevin Thai. Morrow, of the Merchants Ban whols-spoodinglitirliollibrywirrIttron- to:-.Dominion Day. brought several visitors to our burg. -Th.0 following are- a few we -noticed" Moser& Olias. and jes.,Nichol. 3_00:Wright_asul Mies Lizzie Riley, London; ‘Vitutir MeMur • , onil-MisirEleoni--tmidorer, o die Sehoiir ,iltised on Friday - o -su ee- o yo.- One,ot tbe. . Iady t Mies Susie &miter, re's. , ' Grantor/. I Sidon And WI/attend the' Noranal °rout° next atiiimn.,-. She _ helliewlreertie White aria -Linbiu has. n very sue/manful teacher Lan of Toronto, are *pendia the , • , . atIheir-hsnne--heres-- , f k , I gine fe is • yds. Colored uslins lu $trlpN • r*1 designs, eXtra only.- ..... lain White Pop i 1„,o1o, to n r, • , 21. 40C4 Jauc Tehliog foriWaists in le,--isney design, brit. is. bite finish only. 28 15e, fancy stripe Black Muslin, new and up-teedate 40e. fan ey White Mercerised Pop - 0 lin, crepe effect, very new and pretty for. . 25. fancy stir Mer - feet in stripes for • 21 33e; Ladies' Puritan *cult vests re- duced to . . 26 cerlsed finis with fine lace et; 28 ----10-pereent-olf-fomistrou-slfgotelk---except Grocefiet-and &Oils a 1-FaA, cot in price. .Produeet teken-in-exeltange-for op e)ewtolie 41E GEsirdiiier .13e door north of Post Office. 11 • tan ished itwil one of the neighborliood.-TheSunda tbeZeiin elicalebuts*hel nual pien eat Grand Bend Tuesday. A. game of baseball was played be- tween the scholars vs. , officers and teacher& A. five inning14ause was held and the latter were defeated by a score 11, 3. Holtzman's; pitching Was is re eititiOlf Master Fed, son Mr.- Et Cuuningr-. UM* met with the misfortune of -bus 1 bis leg broken on Friday last. The utilsktieft Jitsitirteek 7tit'o" ntemberstists- dressed --and the--- - lit • tflOflth& holiday trip She willn t in this tter brothels T. E. A.._ betanee ehoolof--Itt; trognolst and will sail on the "AUan sisLisn. liner, "Victoria:" Irons Montreal, on Miss Sutton has returned to her July 7th, for Liverpool, and will tour house in Trowbridge. -:-Mrs. Vino - through the Beth* Wes, up the Rhine hartspent a few days in Chatham and to the lakes and nienntainflOfSVOtzer. Detroit during the week. -Mr. White lend And to other points of interest on -has returned to biz home in Ansa the con tined t. Craig, after a visit here with his aunt, Mrs...As Braudt.--Mrs. Trott has re. Wilted from a montbis visit to Strati- • san_ .forrt Ifortonkwho has been on., oses. Althoughthe lake was rough tff bre. for all hed *pleasant time. -The Liter)* tinter pent the, koli: Tartu Mr. tiointitire a I lieraltall Miss A BOdeffbelaItele-filiaile the Ben 'a -cos wt rterdoy. Trednersdaiy.)-Mr. Frank R. Hunter, with and ride, ef oronto, visited of firtuttfo end jtaresti. 3. G. Wein bad tber forteibestr-i*ea t is ribirlust Week by falling out o a -tree in his orchard, -At the Council meet.' ing beld on Monday our townsman,. Mr. Sam Brown. was appointed Tp. We/viewer. AS successor totes deceaseti littliw-Our band fur-oishisslibeinitele at the Strawberry festival held in Centralia on Dominion Day. -Miss Mary flertrand is visiting her uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. ',Israel Smith, tit -Ilantilton-this- spast and Mr& t: nt the holidays w i h his brother stert=1.4r. 5. Renter is sPeedintra feetslassi with friende In iliticWeywood-tas ocel property south 'the village for the tom of 410.400. - Mr. ond Mrs. Frank Cook. of Yar- mouth spent the holidays with Mr. and_Mrs..M.Elford.-.21Ate..14lowcliffe, of.s er. Mrs. S, PMyw.-rs. Rev. Fair and son, Roy, ore visiting relatives In Stratford. -Rees. Fear and James have arrived on the circuit and took charge Of the work on. Sunday his essissnakin on their hearer& 6' B. Picnic success com4dering the *bowery utayearluta been proinot&d to the, - euntol3ranch. - was A general- faitOrite with the young people here iind•while be will be greatly missed we r.o., ttilate him on his advance - men , 1 Johnston and Zurbrigg, of. Seymore, Wis., are visiting at the borne of their brother, 3. W. Ortwein.-Rev. and Mrs. Shaw left last week for their new home inLyons. Prior to their Fl-aettr, lsisitintewith her &tight- depo.tture 3Irs. Shari WAS wade the -- recipient of a very handsome clock, accompanied by a very flattering ad- dress from the/net:niters of the Rippen circuit, expressive of the very high es - kern, in which Mr. and Mrs. Shaw are isetiLTI,,a-bost of friends not only throughout th-VIWthelr - Circuit, but ;deo in our village and our - 0 IP II. ee of footled and one of aseball. • On Thursday'eve nin tbe Sbi ka boy* an abund ce of strawberries And ream -an etolee:.41elfeadea srhihstbeprtsgramsof,eportisproved,a interesting feature. The baseball match between Crediton and Centrals trwassiot-completed-owing,tothem m ‘ Anitetc-thelevrirw._ g a tie. The concert e e'vening was of a high order and a fitting trib- ute in concluding the day's program. The proceed* of the ireetaval amount- ed to $I05, while tbet of the concert was $55. The Crediton Band furnish. ed music for the day Tilden was it b. ePnytelitted_• , - Zurich Fred Riess, Sr., has' started to wren: eqe for the new dwelling be will erect thss amputee, -Niro Seboellig has gone to Detroit to spend the surname in bis 'brother's dental office. -Ed. Cuevas', of cousin ear Toro Eacritt hae• retuned from two weeks' visit vtith her daughter, AfresAL-Sirrt tMooreirvilles- Mrs. (loge of Wiidsor, aid Mrs. Frannie, of 'u11artn, st.er5 of Mee. lir& J. G. StAn dayv. evening' trout e4eni1 w. visit with he paten Bakeiand few days with hi* turned to Detroit, Taei At the Bend. Mr*. •,,A. ‘reiThan-thertile • orney ttet'$iisters Motto rrnerenghter, , eon, Albert; 21 • - Ing tramp ed --to -death me While getthig his rig out of , the hotel died here.-Mtss Edna 'Worm WAS in town hat weeks ---Mies. Mary Iltiesow, of London, is hOme an a few °tithe viesition.-Henry remit, of Mich. Is here on & visit -Me, and Mrs. Wm. tieleert have ;returned to e home in Platteville, after ,tesntwisjtntthebotneof Mr atid, 1. Preeter.----Mr. and Mrs. Chris. of Hickson. werevisitorshere the week.--Xlesirridaltests the See/nett' "Ordlegiates is . houte for holidays. -Farmers -Farmers hade commeneed to t their bay....11ity. Council intit on i .4 • • 0 t th-e contrnct of puttlngdown a nit ber of cement street crossings in t vM . The MimesLizzie Trot/inner and lee' Marin ore- Mile 00 41.* OW weJks-Slot 1t"--44171tOct t DriTAIS1* Of Stratford visit. i*duringthilweek, . 'recering riVit ro• ,o1 . •••i 4010 one ortteir [lug* r qwkr. They were golng-to abuse u ozgautUtett„ net suStO spirit of our beta in the least alum •toyed good c ean4gatne ;of football, were obli ed to go home after a ystvilialiyiL---,:M011._ day evening the Centralia steloartis came back again with fire in -their eye andltirsting for sweet, revenge sifter the defeet ;we gave them at, beseball last week. The rain 'moiled the , g0233e. And the full innings 'couldn't 14$ **r- ed. • When theganie.-wits called oit the twee stood.144 in our _favor. ' Luean kWh Ninels coming here Orklay, title week. Game called for 4:30 p.o. About two weeks ago Miss Claratlark accormuntied by miss Ida Krause left for Stratbcona, Alberta, on a very In- teresting mission. . It is expected that Mr 'Clark, son of Ur. Jas. Clark, f tbis villege, and mi$3 Krause will place the latter. partof this week, af- ter, which they will leave for their- nevehome, '175 miles distant, which they will have to drive. We Wish them every bappineres-The new pas- tor, Rev. Mr. 14.ndrowa, of the Metho. diet church Arrived laiit week and oc- cupied the intipitiniStitallsos, The at. tendance was letge orit'this betimes appreciated bie dititourse. -711-rior to coming here bit friends from Salemand-Sylversehurches; waited on....hisri at his home rind.presented hint with -ss poriss of inoney. .44 at oo o 0 'fermata barn for the eating. The -Band some- very fine gete-dttorarystr-inr--treenvit-to-ertply themselves deity. The proceeds amounted to over $110.00. o 11 „ , kinertv Wittonsio.---The • home af rottulMts, was- o 'Wedneeday-WaWiiiiiViir tbeiy ,g arid faclfiatinit, llg-fires flitted In itnd out, of the house 'became-, quite dent that something unusual was fAk. ing /Wei Every one happ, and well they might he for On tbat day the 'Ow* were taken that her ' recent operation, Lizzie Lawion inan and wlfe.2 i • o few day* atter bed.. 128 guest* alpeithIed onthe bv the London hospital last week, . .there tOMVotit the corning otthe Studer; who was visiting, at al party. Shoal After the grci rne of het parents,. was tailed to wok/WO Place, followed by• the br me bn Tisvietock, Wednesi1I7. lenning on the *rip at her fittbee, her ..tloott; 'bold* item stood Ws* Florence 1 ing in• Alt. ; or Detroit, andMr. iNturpi: If Nitedneaday, whor Atisisled thehap y it* ' tbey Intend aperiatogthe tryin I ,Su�- 1 a . n tsie. WM t e Know Eden Mr, Paul Costeti o successful dirt bee on PridaY and alp orlierain one'on. Monday.-Mr.And Mr*. Aub Burwell, -qt, South Indiana, arriv !lei*/ Friday to spend a touPle of,weeks 'wittelifts-Ituitled prixentis-Mr. W. A. Davidson left Saturday to spend the vacation at his hoe in Barrie.- Mr. Geo:Rook. who has spent the hist. month visiting his titter. MM. Wm. Trott,. of Ileamiville, returned bon* Saturday -Mr. and Mrs. R. Coates epent Siinda with -friends '112 Meter, MrJoh the Istitt their home in Khiiss- fred Coates and fihirwood 'further en, joyed, the hike breezes on July Why go alone boy? -.11i. -and Mr*. 0, O. Datil-01f Toronto,,visited with Mr. and Mrs. 3. Boor id* Sunday.--Sev- frotri here Attended the picnic At Centralia on SoiturdAy....Two of our luting men foil ht an old time duel on Friday rait- wbe tarried off lathe. order, of,'1 cbild**1 0400 holida Edna Ethel • • 110 • • • i f st -woutallke to know scho�l ring welleerned - Atop, Hunter Wordy, Bilteullaves, Fbosebe And Alice Davis were to -and:233ta rritlng on; the. Entrance wish het* twee& best es of th e cotnatun a.t litrosto with them. They were ac Besate -wilhipenttosteir-t- liere.,Wr-0;---- '- Davie eecoveriog from the effects of his recent accident. While leading a toree4tturnedssuddenlyarinnut:ana Mgt htinlirtheltistontearldurfetir----,--' him somewhat. -Mrs. and lifre. Weis - miller havemturnea from WelIesley6 Where they attended the golden wedd- ingcelebrntion of theforiner's parent.. r. Griggs, of Cliffordils the guest of his daughter. Mrs. Ian McArthur. He Is arsseropenied by his neiee Miss Thompson.- wbolatroni the *Isittid ot ,the Heather:* and Is spending with relativein this cottntry. Trott has gone to Grand Bendfor the summirr-Alonza.Ortwein and bride, af Petrolea, spent a few days ,here hist week. -Mrs. GeorgeTodd has rettirti- ed from -a -three wettevisirwith- WA* acconipankd-lititine-bv her son, who is AIL present. isogegse_ne_e_ • hand professor in the Detroit Busineess-s. University. Mr.o., Todd.after it few weeks* visit here, ptirpooes leaving on an extended trip to Alpena and Team - der Bay Island to enjOy & well \earned • relit .4-44 Erie F Dielby, ag near ChAthani. 11 1 1' $ . ffalo, Jill)? • 41 41 -4 • 4 tig indo 0 ' ^ , ,