HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-29, Page 7et1, . upor hint' sand' :paid:
4/1 Iwu rt'ttiste-„tw., t hi ente•Of,'44-41:114
t he Callen ,tteithatt,
Otte' oche:" .101in
421, . -• •
•eiettFentieniii- ,
Irina Ate vh tite priaclkere; yeses
'0 titerotinisty els:ideal,. lint
the--fleople- have o1,W4Alpfik teed a 1.41011
'.1leellieg fur hine vet tly statist) he
•.tteI,1,1eheretiniteeleartie...,,I1 leneen.e.•,•„,Altt
nersuien tilos the , reet f • US.
11 that overY net4on bad ite own god
or undbi. 011.itiii.:,,nerefere beettme with
O( '. taltiXtrtthey lieltt thn
between tho "0-al-61-tVe
/11=9tion of ,ntrieteth anti
., . • •
bet On Word reii4ting
'ro» tlitt tqtru lien .uf teet.t. Ilenren
lteiltite; 041e ‘insMning "f:eiedt end the
blithe betrignabec'exeoper .itneatk ilitlete
'OrttIvOtr*ttat.tri.tleiteel;titt.• .41- ' 14
`.- e, ,., • .. • ',10r0A.40.., Oliffii,-1 need' •OrtlY cat
to his eireinnetattr4ttt. IttA t:IW.;;P". jai:17 , fil.411,1tA ,it.i..;i,,1:71110",rtt41'47c(),:r. kill3t11.-b:71,1111.i'.tn.;1•11013'Iti
,nivvesn• iirtactiiietie Prete e tritatit. t li tit •
'OW -op 3,-. elte is ',at , till Veld.. Ikllite.e.:
that nue are. WhollY avi.d An r 't'r'-''ily • •teteerd" ''t OA -donate: ter ethe ,,Prollef
e411 ten iiisappisint you. 'levere' n-'4",. naeite •,Valf..1t;.• ,inVen itts. notatiNel'ed
unite oi achece. .1, oe !sail oeiter „nunn.„,4,ateeet, in peinkettatelttV0' .1/k6(7,1:/''.0
r.-141!"ft-..,„:3"-4.1";151),, . , . *!e't,,, - - AM-m7.00.0L, 4 .11.1t .1 -Td•
Ones, • mita( , lebeeew ,pln
opei ee nO
, ,
tonger a Oaken langtiage, it liettaInte
neeensiery •te 'intlittat el the VOWC1 .1ft.
. 444tAll•aait trw_teutlAlkiletettiti;aattlitHx"ellhi•-siNT-11,we. 91:
• ,
1f1itc,S,f.terf3t1 i.):''Pfift,/;ii.6 11,1i* !C11:06,'Iltke,
"altent'ea'tteitelltitti'd 'the `.lt"cd'd
.rlainsi mail til .p. tic -keine el Wet,
yeitiwr a ehurcli ritte,' ';111(11ridt1t1,1,
cditelselp tisie erliee they have
teore contirei•ttce in the leaver -ell evil
httlt!MiIe'-itit'perrersivn-.4 n" ,tbeeet heel
M Iti •-hato melee .his tit4
' eleaus Mean his oriel:11mi for ordinav purp OS, s .4. s in . every h. art as
Thert• lite cultured 1 harimees, the. 04 he nte, ',3 his aun to eltine On' the Adona• ,, VMS 10 Le SnOken. 'These
Phlioteehical Saddueees svern te inat-- *MA 1:0- 411-11t. Tlet eiturch costeseeetets ef the weed Yahweh to -
have 'much 1....:3S attiactien to bine Cr st Consigns min -to prediction and getber vwe
tith the ole of the Word
• than the elide . fisherman ¥lld the i len e once rs tby thy , e elei tent AtiOnal; if pronounced ns written, as
, toiler, 'these wen 11,7ere teen meat., to wt: '‘. with I th.Lt• v av. (-10
netinata cowardly, obstinate, dull, bane ae e'ou have faith In total de-
Meditirree yet he eammittt d his king-_,InetviitV Yee will Cnd souse facts to
edoul ta them; iv. honeyed ;in tie7in substantiate. it. .
'Before tient had • fa it h in him be had BUT Tilt:dile IS A 1101"rielt W AY.
-faith in theen ri.ittl that ultimately SYllenethy with men vcill ' do snore
made•,them men. • for thern•then Setenous on their sine.
It •-eouritled emelt like cruel nal' leeik for the L4rSt in. Mien and YOu
cam '.'efiten he told that, weel, e i t,
ye -4;4710a .1. ad things hater then ,Y0/11* ex-
a..).OW . Oat he wns- At raek. ' te,:ted_ '11T aro rower beds as well
door into the office. ilere the • Pro-
perty the n from tilum on beine
received, its reetored.
Iterinteetterilig. 111Ventetu
ell if/corner end enteritt,t. the pr•
pet•ttr of •the'epideett. . ittg
(wit the$0
piete. tte mast enens- enei,4 -
,.eetteete presperty,' ' 411-,iwekys,eisee Viikst1.1,
hdo ,1
it5:11q)pirf;1n4110!1 t'`.1;014,."10
t ,•
S Thrt
eiii101(111% .o,44* tenvta
prieute. ,tet Atte steetedlt. iiiittan•ntinelf
with *thciee hau •un,own .uns4or
eirotiltatiti,,a, and. '010.i4icio,
„lag thaw fult brunt. 1- of,
, kjitirti •
respectability 'front. wItich he ha
dropped. Another .keen Indiretlon 1
hie desire, er the reverse. bo given:
"l'ark*I'It-ISONEItS •' InT OBS
The.„keteoneteitv.etedeet ssenitet,Icuna,ni
the SalvatioArray both have age&
provide a job for hint who will ac -
dept it; or, if the sna,n tvislies to go
fttrther away, he is guarded past the-
cte of the pron, where den -
they -soon %Nese by p:rsons ignOratit OroL1S companions none and net up
of theereel facts in the taee, give rip- s'ell,h a room and board ter a, week
proxiteateey tho nerd Jehovah., Tile so, or taken directly to the rail-
worcijehevalt, rtitinsugh resulting road station. Officials discourage re-
frotn •tell error, must now Le ennsid- feeesed iseisoners remaining in thi
ered tie be good Faintish. s
City, considering it, unwise tO c010-
20. Istelith the prophet-t'otneere tan ex -convicts.. Any limn thet
Word Studies on leeeten fer Sunday. Itishes a job can get it. :axed it is
80,41 that very few refute the chance
J1.3211Y. 9L1*.e't: off All the innaightY nntenl. ot, to earn an Itonest living and avoid
''Ctlorte-f,itX- 0 retn'titlrehin it••-illg-M ftteedellf,S, tee neceshity of spending more time
'''''''.'N4ert6;:-.1114"1*''''.'119e'l‘r''''reiat-11414'gtAi-lri"&eitilitis--'titrrs''''riltey'ertt'll?.attl'-'4114' 19.teSe'lli'et,traelltiOnsethe-eendinges4-0-..., helkindethe.,„haese5-t.Whethen4line,:iseate
, or. attended, hoWe'ver. '6766i-4'11:614°*4i61t7F1d1"I''''''''*&61:11'.--
•,. 'have ternilcd; he was more lite' a jetty- i i- 4-1
i 'a ri,, ...acre are spot s where' seeds' 44 let ter by .tiennac Ler its to lintel . Itt h , gots, out atom
fifill. jIllt jesItt Pnui '1 li-tl the' basL 14i...obey, ifte. irt st• f otters of.. tenet en asay be making another demand -fitr surren,t he is heeter physically than when. he.
der. C onclzadvziern trig, It is 0 se,,t.... up ex111 liitescatec.1., elite.rzedi.. liav Ing pt('potClOiL1:11Cti.z...
a Irian 110 detected e en---- ------ _____ _e_
dee Food iltivee in Pea a
" J4c Voli do not have to hs• a. fool to
es ltis own goodnefis by count* found on Ballylonian tent. ts. ear uses much the same fornaula with
hi' have f sith in ,your n !lows. You do
ith In the good lit every neegna; not n eil to tate the jaeloeks off is silent. That he failed to‘take Jer... alI departing guerits. .
tcr, when Peter Tells ltittlir Iltl stl" eoer /IOUS 0, but vou do need to -tate issalem 19. howeeer, implied in his
elievna in the Lettcr Peter. le, _ •
There -rimy be own _vague statement that ho shut
iicniiii_iti..ioire_ v(i_lard_rt: _may _ii.o.744 3 tliii 4 eekeya it, wood be wroner to IL' ileigsal-44-atil----lia,h_imintulaa'14"4-11-1--a ret -q-'°'- ch;a(,1'tojondt:41a.,-et,)::oug-taId.,01Abt..°47d
ittbniewhere ,41,1)ti eVery Iran fli-pm;-klrutt 01 ..), our heart .
.trust with tour cash' bee; but 'it. 1.,1 - -e-...e._noe_ria- -en,--- refers, to
-StffrFr":""1-Cr7:-11U1711157:-11F---13-rEtug-r- 0,--("1-1.-cr- --ii-i--„tr,--t-trwitirtn,h1_4„mm,_ . the (lest ruction of the A:,......y rian army 'Ph ere is not a men on record of
grown out of tvrong •and suffering spThs ot it as tieing prole -db.. 1 onn'of-thiti-eetttilltiVraeared-beltig,
111 em v ma' k hid ii.: ss. You cats show aiiq
'' pereleerre; • ---- ;,,-; ft;,-. - - - - ••-. , .
&tern that you believe -the beSt 11r--- .
,Aneans may have le'eri "version *ten -oven tcasionally a vita or- nro-ther-wilt Le
due to a oatvo What et. cr the met by friends with a earelage. Oc-
--s ' Faith in this and sympatlinn',4theee "The Gnat Teacher told men that , _camp nf on "atm or A, 3.i.iii, ,
theelY the Dula leslyea-tha-WEtan •gatea Mein in a buttered- putedengti s -dietteand. _ride end nlong_ the bottom of the
I Pare and core eight apples. • Put plareea line of tar rotted the bar-
ne - -:-------".1)ll'r STILL rr. TS T uffIRE • - St eat! Of t he o' -4t of there. . .
employed to %cork distsaster in the , on hand' when ho gets out,.lett usua1-i-
-- snentinenLnildien-kehtehetroloati-Lilt, 1-41-coadt.'3"---- 1.'"t to eimpress.tioieeanade--unatta.e_Seeenanleerilei-annetteein-aolannins-titatedtetuSteed_eakt aitarneeeeeenee4E-eetrettratife-letinnetnet .33.7,0,±,/4.,.. _I: ine nil' not ("tette- Ithnt tine-, -, -... ta::
. .. • have hl'et •• 1 ', u holl newspapers inta tar, and with
was sueh that, though be lived for his release ravening libertY, it ie-' but Aftesely-chopeed Fiaglish walnut Dip
doors to where. the 'good lies ',Period.. gi:e life. tins f !lowers have too
Ith.feellittit new., Intei4te..4,
SkItt t to fl!t,
drawina toyi,ards. tho t
4$ ,04 'the 11(10. "tigiris;4aftt!'l
y hived •stiee, ef•
onteartirrtiVirfi rosy . s
t h the littler bubble*, 'rtilw
Jet 'tn't/ tatilespeoilfulas:•01.. hour ' tend
add, tnoce • or, weter Mahe a
crearny conntound. Season. anti -add
the juiee_of halt a yawn anti netlf
the ,fish on a buttered baltinee, tin and
r it S'irinlile
with breadcriniabs, put • bite ot butter
over. and hake in a quick oven fOr
1,%%7111,3,-.11vo minutes. 'Comet° Battee
Lo recommended with this.
Ibishn-There is a .rieht way and a
wrong way pi making hash. tette is
he,ve a Dice brown oblong sort
of leaf, a.nd the other is a watery
meet like relish. Ilse twice as much
finely chopped poteto an there is
meat. Season With salt. pepper, cel-
ery salt and a 'Bele AlTorceeter sauce.
Put • one tablespoon butter or beef
&Owe and gravies with vininigar.
Stead Of eherry. Very little dieter -
;tee lie &teeter*.
remoti tiles eluetald alrentfe
to etrin.rftrairs„MiWriti p or u t..
to ,Rtily ilieh %het „Mutates 511C11 flav-
eing,• ae they: .havo .04 'part Jett!
• „
A ordengni,prvIt oliqt to.inash,
gix out viivutvrocit, 0934. It will ,.
peo•ve. lust As wezfol exPenslVe.
••• %.441•11 raiN'Gt1;.'Lf itcmlfie end -
gets -ate' -keen% Om 'der censideeatime.
riateeirsiliven, that', title,
Aseile,.e, tee:even .ev 'vont loon lerigier.
Peek' cetets laftre,Ireatta • Ita,ete
K oppo i . ‘
31 tithe -valme .6! arainh .ece a 'drying
,sigetilcattoll,ItS ,n,1?,titt,e'ritrl,ealtiteril Ltri,(14r4e:tetsiattiet1.1.010..t•
Galt front lumping. 't- se One •eart to
eleven Q1 ,11. These. proportiona
e tneeessree witha spoon.
Vnrl'i•eviiitle;er or SViit:-:-rate' ti''
ft of COMMAM salt.' pour It over . .
of soot in the chimney vivtlnill liltrbe irrrnibpro7"---"""'
c on
c-leetattne.d. and the taniter parts of the
stove in wrath it is used will be horst
Te;•isi litatcr.-Tvro parts of cold
water to one part of boiling water;
ties is the right, terevereettre of tepid
water for mixing wi li yeast to make
bread. It. shoul•1 0 used at onto..
for it will quickly get below thlai
correct degree of heat by waiting -
Art muslin curtrinte should fleVer
drIppiilgs in a frying pan. liVaen i te was,hed in warin water. rut them
melted, _put_ In the leash Which has into a lathes". 0 /tersely cold water .
the hottorn Of - the pan and hea tie vinogar. it Aline or pirin a. tittle
slowly, stiri ing occasionally with a anurms la. Sett will set the • colors
potato letfe, A very little water of black anti white', muslins.
iiiiiy-M-6--TattliFir-dift-trieesete ,. ry ttnove . rettike.-1"Ttaitrirstriattt--1101349. -!----
from getting ettinthltr. t• After it has -Lay on and under the spot a little
.ncen well heated throngli. Lorin into powdered prepared chalk or mag-,•
a loaf shape With the knife 1,11d allow nesia. Put a warm flat -iron over It.
it to brown slowly on one side. Isis Will melt the grease. which will
',Winn serving, Slip. to t'ite *file iaf-th re fibscsreeels -by: tite -penvde-reetued- elits- -
Pen, then 'turn over iiitiet ly on a ii.ii'."e'r 'eterli- lie -Tens clean. - t- -- -- - -
hot pitieter:- --tutsete-ateieftil-efor-detld.rue-
Rice reed Apples. --11011 090 teacup away isiseets. If ants or beetics. are
tice hinnite eletiert elerne- -omit -vow. trotshiesonte in the store-etipboard,
with condemnation an' then Nvon(14,r-
ed 1 hot their sent( nIes• torved ,none.,
Every .F.0e1. knows its ow.n sentence;"
w hat it needs, to feel is that God and
'Snen.;' if you loon for the beauty that ael geol.! 'men are With it. helpirig it
itetin above you will fnd it.. and to shin... on that sintence, to arise
it Will ',lees you. There are 'reform-. Deal return to the, Father, that, k-
ers NV1,10 call Ertl ittete,the children ef steal Of all things •conspiring to
devil tiennteenenever • tildt1C0 kto/ keep Limes down. there ie, a cloud of
Venome theneetse of ,C1137: -*-1171s list \VITringe74-7-/VEfl'iig--tleiriininfrensetsetittitte
•as necessary to have faith in man rtS choke,' invisible _inspiring hiS heart.
Al_tt:r_hriye faith , in God. If men Anti there is nothieg 'any inan ean
tannot .sdo greater--WaithAtenthee-w-gt'Itet"1"'
W ,11131
a -oil in the e.,nse ,of a power •that than to (sheer nn another by his faith .
• t.ria,lies 'for goodness.. 'IThe ontitnist hie high expeetation of .
'••:,ilt0t-ortly, believes' in the 'best. ha-crite Ida *tee blincin.fais .10. Some little
• ,•etes th3 better. and propagatieg approval
' Sense. t ere e rp uc an , . _heermings orally good.
Mit thet ded i$ little better' than .sefon" ere tho. eaviore y
"they 'are, thotigh that. may be, due faith in. Men.
' nttte•teaats---killag _, i. h 1 of mice nd rats
lain 11c si nal for fresh s osecut on and
' teen those who looked for tho best entered Palestine or besieged derma- itnprisoninent. a, such cases the
in it.' if you go through life seeking'L- matt is no sooner given his freedom.
the hertet in man, you will find it, . ' LF..--xii- 1 ted in the sight of all then an Officer from some other city
• and the chances are It will 'devour. net ions from henceforth -The victery 1 here or across tthdodebr,otaeittedr, wcalaftpss hilitioS.
of faith achieved by Ifezeldah wan heed on his silo
-mainly due to the influence of Isiiirth,
but tho glory Of that victory feu
also on the sovereigni who tshared
the prophetis lofty spirit and conn-
Fill the .seitcee -between the apples and ' the occupants will immediate
with the cooked rice, and put a layer' forsake the haunts.
of it over the .top. Brush with the When cooing new- _potatoes.. serape
whipped whjtts of an egg, and 01 the skins, put on the potatoes in
away to ansfweet addittonal chargeis. sprintle teal) powdered segar. Bake boiling - water ' with, a little salt, .
TUVE A LITTLE itoNEY. in a moderate oven for .three-quarters when tender drain thein. Arrange lit
of an hour. Delicious with plain or, a pyramid on a dish, pour over them
some oiled butter. and sprintle with
finely chopped parsley. A sprig eif .
. deposited to the credit o! the'100weng__.- . tang_ a pound • and a 'half,' is- . n
coesideeed ..an improvement by many .
S*p.c.' rtY of '1:titIrtis -$11Cst?i, (31'11-!IsLi hilinntas Pric),:'4'ckn'thwilltaleklY-ta---a---ErYing-Onn with._7_• . Examine -eaeli Illaittreme • during tile ..
centlY captured. in Ca -I -1----•ald--1*onT-a out • any • butter. The Surface eliould I Spring-cleaning, and „remove . all
—.... „,:. be ouictle s-areil. . Take out of the stains as follows'. round starch fnely .
AND TrtE PTITSON= Wit-le_XS 'gambling joint. Men a Jew, or n. - • , '
'it &am pp i ti n - i pan -and cut in pieces alsout ate inch and make it into• a paste with cold ,
OUT A • lRE MAN. ofneee the officials look to find money , and •a, half tentare. "alahe the curr3,-
ter inembere of these •nationalities / Sante att follows:- Pity.' two 'raked
give it over to the ctistody-artitir7M-ta -
etit •iint ettionn in -hal-f--Ateetipfid-e31" butter
ta..theteei 1 not clean repeat tthe procese.
Tins.:: apfie to their Own Alla
e. ortiOiii4
Prisoners take All si4ts of articles
with them to the inetitution, 1)01.1 \' eneft7:-111Thaiusjrctscnigpare Is used at
TittlenetnertereetektetthenerreeenV-ett , .-Tynterentreentegreetnereefereereterreoneenfne
Ithe. bursar has about $400 in Money .....A slice of Veal half an incil tiiielk
gates. _
other son, Asnrhaddon. who nt the n
tinie of the murder commanded the 'very day in the year two men
• • • lk frke out at the precincts of
water. Spread this on the 9taina,
first putting the mattress in the sun:
In an hour or two brush- this off,
butter the meat, half a tgblespo'on- Briish the m
ho maattresses. and beat be -
as t;cirity do
PANG -felt bi,, 3161,-,:flyi
-- 114--rit'--cuTrro e. -Pr.. cgvilcer;ooi:,11:1-iy"utlfrvg-ntit'.lc:tc-Tnt"4Thr .1)".. 4 h.'"; bed&-1111Itlin''
water to c v
Assyrian army in a campaign the. -meat is tender.- Thicken when i
There formerly existed a system -of
againgt Ararat, it f et 1 th
brother (or br,othersie took Ninevenel Central prison, at Toronto; two gretuities by which a workman could
i (lona wait flour Mined into cold ' EcoNomv IN TIIE USti. OF ICE. 1 .
more men walk in to tales 'their earn wages which at times amounted
tyter nod seasop 'with salt, cayenne
\ ,e.e_wei'. -....e rebel,
a squeeze of lerreari juice. Serve A pieee of iee seeigbfne, ten PoundS
allit Alicep,,,jeft his fallwr .1.7,,e1,6pit.t_. plae(13. 'laving paid the penalty by to quite respieecitt.ablthe ocuraisk.utthatnd.e.11 a Id
on the e hrorte of A 'ssyrio. (comp 2 incarceration ' foe Itis offense against4 lifin .whenn.hoe
ne ova. hendecel poonde Of ice once or
. - rooms a -1.A 'cut oft the thick. hard- •
lwayenb•-nenneese, thorough:
'ee•-----enee-.. a - L.,:,... --J.,--;—:_-,.-,::_÷,,,,. • ....._ diSiiii) t ' ' T--tr-f-"e ' '' in ane-dte--e-dtst-nsanstrierectiti
. heite-i iteee-14( rd- . tut P /11--=--- - tn- -- IN' VrArr'FOrtiMIF.;147 -- iiita kmi_41}_his ,14,,,--_-_,;eitririirt_v,ni, ni.1 to.e.e__Ttiatr _wine_ thenr 4rear _4,7st::_u_shitr,(1 ow . ice will not mai` so
—...i—vpio)-iwitt-fift-q7.7--- ig_:.. --Algovca_ thieteYAtve„eng tbir- _ __ '
. cmitt,..;_pri, cre ,71.145muu .t. eirepjety. _ 'the ilooe_ iretiiiihe kept ''
lesson nro based .on the text of the allele' Ii°14te- tr" A'n-l'ar. and fur; c'' - -.-----L-7-rr'- u t - .Taw-cti
tent varied greetly -at different thins. slouchy, hard -looking characters in muCh better physical trim than ' and if they are quite toe t h eftl'Irr'lliztf--4.'he' :. irttiriVratiies-s---st=t----
Before telehistanen iimpetenet. ainn.1 tooling aboat. the• radroad.,crasPing- when -they entered?" .one of lhe_ Ale-lenuehrootim. in halves eir quarters. Many holtsetvives, with a false idea •
neither be scrubbed nor scalded.
Introductery Note. -Tho Old les - ea . city tuesity-tive miles south f I on Strachan avenue. or keeping,
putiee was asked. • 'Dior half a pound of neu.shrooms put
of ch aril inees; scrub out and scald . . .
- IteviSed !Version. . , .
roat...416,41y into_the Ica box or r.efrig-
re4)0444.4,04,......eme,..beewireelLeo remains° %Vas found that tho poesession of anyt with a border" of • tier.
- erator Is of littleter no use. Put
his life at the dietateS*01, °Wit nicine2t, fiTnenecetes .---Steteedeltushroonas.-TO stew -11111911-
f/t startod a Part o t es enas; put, letniusti
na t 1.7-111F-aligiraFf—i3k1Tilerollreror
this tion ot which ny k•lentiricherib is de.4 ' le Ili le to meet alt.' i.iuit ,'Mien
,...menth,....and whiCh will ,b4 citi dinned .) regular habit s here ext.,: else a most 1 saucepan over , a *low fire.
scribed on an A asyrio.n tee lei tablet jute ii . . with 1 beneficial effect on theme' was the i the butter . begins to bubble put in
throughout the . remainder sfreed from durance. v.
year. take up. again the thread of now in the British. Museum. Sennae- ' aorne of them are tarn ter 1. , anstver. -Those who eenle in heavY. 1 the entositrooms, Old: lpt Merle Mite/tee
Jewish, history /*wen!. p04331. J'. which Lunen's_ totimato °uneaten ',new the irtsthe of many prisons. Otters and of coarse bulk from beer and • ire , for about fine 'Minutes ' in the but ter,
' the Ittet Old Tes. tamenti" leseons fort n. . st, . tho ea stur . of I chi,. I rregular habits, ta.per down, and the
. w., are strategists tn crime, who con-
shakine the pan to and fro to keep
n grita er suportancetceive and direct the operation of a, thin, emaciated specimens talie on
1004 dropped the study. Samaria, to him of eve i. t i.
gain strength.'' i the mushrooms frotn sticking and to
the capital of the northern kingdom; three the capture of Jerusalem. . pesb . without incurring liability theuel &nil and
!allow .them. to he well moistened With
fau-'6.11 th4 Year 122 I" .1 1114t. 74:kt Selves. 'They can spot at a glance, "Is nof. this goodephysierd condi- the butter. After they have 611111ter-
"andi 1.1 tor cif'
eviter4Sargekry, generuLaaf _the etetiefrians Teo_mehvihit try( t'relftljlig 11
P *-nort i tion e y o de ere lent trd faun or five, ..tirvot
artny,had ascended the thrOne of As -I g n i the long -tem convict is a clear in-, tenting
.• teepth eovereign f/f the, rein:trate king- further depredat
IA's -Sargon bed
many thousands of the people 01 , !ern of Judah. Ills father watt 1111
nit would if physical t.raits Pte.' tire
pepper, and thin pour in hal
wick( I Ki A veals otto to ditother, thou& not to ducZA criminals, but that 19 not the! black When the. cream
Uod-fearing king and strenuous rte. the liberated man. they may con- m
ease. 'Crime is the result, of environ- Pint. of crertin.
Israel. At the seine t into lie /et. late ng Inez. and his son the
tics less wicked Manasseh. Iletv..een ; an outsider. If they do tult, know'
hubblee, thicken it with ti level table -
en .
t 'rho effectS, of an improper
11 with salt and freshly ground
• dex. Tho prison cut of the hair re -I
such- circumstances the refrigerator
lxtsrueoeutnclant esiti,itentadeitasa rsaoponidlyasth
out thriewirie down the propel
amount- of cold air, and it retitle
takes twenty-four hours to bring the
refrigerator ha.clr. to the_point of re.
fegeration. 11 anYthing 18 SPInet*
wipe it up at once vc-ith- catT water.
A teaspoonful of sweet spirits of
nitre in two quarts of cold watet
:nay be used now and then on 'the
bottom told tho sides of the refriger•
thatt -Me -great prophet- and': atifre- froeurrshle'---lilitht.--- -- --"-- v..- ----,-- -with- whith thes--peisors----anthoritles=aansna-oe society--.-but-theAmper.,11414.,fronce-after-tlar-thickertittg-ta len-then
„J`lise_ehief_ counselor was notte ' -other I
former* Was .,.on the_:hronlof_e:udaht, . 1
Imany reform.% stands out in a most / wheedle out of him the ilollar-or two•
tent theitiselvee with endeavoring toi
q rtow-a-days
hotne 'training ..,pire seen every
not only with the rower
dant 1 spoonful rf New dineolved in a
, of rich milk. Let th,3 whole boil up
Fill I ator.
. these two I lezekiah , Who inst 1 tute,1
- - -trodlill_t.' ilifhen in the -year 174)5 10. In t_he alege--Perliapie -better ,aft iaave --provided .1ilin.. , sone -of. -wealthy wad respeetable Deo. / wrve in a hot % Pgt Libre (MIL
. ,,,
rgon died land- as d y in the---mirr~.-resatenee,- ta the-- toe- iltAY BE PARTNERS. - Pre liave come here in tituriber-stits-i-ts--1' Thrt- trinint- 1101.1att Inn many tide
entititherib the.provinces of western tres,s, or fortified City. The nattiral - t tonish one. Modern conditions of P Valattgert'cie n farm irtvestment.. ,It
sia--BantascUS, Tyre. Philiet la. and
others---consideved this, an opportune
Moment to declare :awl reeeetablish
their Independence. Judah also was
ittentintilly a 'dependency of the As -
ird judge of an oven', heat. try thi
position as well as the fortification Often t o. e n a ng pa oven every ten minutes with a piece
of Jerusalem tees very strqng. sicle were 'partners in the eritne for life seem to be producing criminals' adds permanent value to the property of White parer. If too hot the paper
11 . To die by famine and hy which the man has Piet terminated.! from tins higher grades of society .in i as a **hole a.fid • if ors:merle' loc ted '
thirst -The beeieging general virtual -1 his sentence. They.'will not let hire!greater number than ever before.' and built With reasonable reeard to
' - - - a will blaze or blacken. When the
ly admits that to- take thek city bylt want awaY and begin life anew. if Toronto Telegram. -., comfort and immanence, ft reitziont paper beeennes dark brown-ratheY
!darken than ordinary meat -pie crust
' he-. 'o desites. They greet him
the farm more valuable purposee _tho oven is fit tee small pastry.,
Syrian, monarch though retaining a storm was ou't of tho question.' A
iy lead him to the nearest sa-
- oftopolivision, if•sitch disposition be-
degree- of independence not enjoyed, long siegn 'dose contd. capipa I linneetennertantens LPI teleFA4P--FortsneAtetenTlettel IMAMS f0111C% neemaary. It tiecerea for , the. paitieg, Et ee eokety .reittero.
oatt, an *lien light brown. the color of nice
bY the neighboring provinces. In the' surrender.
;I themselves with his money, or with Dee tferbst of Bremen hat; made a
etetif 101 Sellnaeherth. after snbdu-I 12. llis high placeteaOutdoor etencevilnir own if he is a onetime le I
e'vvere careful study of the 'case of -the
In Minilur revolts in other parts of tunnies of .lehevah, located on hill-
. wOrker or flee showed nigns of it... tee daughter who recently-
katignont, undertook a ea.inpaign er" tr,ar 1- ingel
Before the man knows it, the rittolu-'
againet, ralestinedin oteie_r to bring f d ; not neceetarhy places of fdola- awoke after having slept Frt'Vereteerl
bjetticlin gain the revolting trous worship. yet, because of their wit!) which he has steeled hint- •
'.' veers. The subject, he says, Is now.
prOvitteee. Alter quickly reducing heathere eesoelatiretna, flaws. in Witten- 4A--:---nwallta-4-4r-tv
IT ?submission the kingdoms to the the temptation to idoiatry was es- '
duced into the fosy ternptatiorss laid worse for lying helpless so long. The
before int y ma a -
and, an hour after leaving jail he is I'4501 01 her teatif, all di Which With
1 arming "(Abet"' &Or -initial -GU" itt 'eery the-excePtiett-Of--- three -fell
sight of the forbidding. wall* . and SpOke and wcakea with difficulty ati
'north awl west he invaded Judah, peeially strong. these "high place.; • thi1II1.1 on,Y injury she has sustained Is the
, _ ,
took inds11 of its tenvid -cities. Tett Neeekiah ternoned from all parts Of
--iitray----nntny-- -captivesi-- and. -Ole- leete,--Itise kingdom__
atieceeded• in capturing Jorusaietit it, -'i Yo shall weireltifr before one Sitar
self, At. this .polzit our Watson for ily Prohibitieg idolatry and by 'C4fl
, k..„.• t iday ifikee up the *tor'. ; tralizrng Ike national _worshiP.
Verse tr,--Arter the-Ticat IS, -niu4.14'de....-4-tr-01ri-g- ti,'.1 irtuadtl. li (oar! ..
. 'preparation for the • defense et the out the, borders of Judah. ITezekiahbe discharged. one may rice the war-
. derr's buggy drive to thtioor and
city (Jerumalem) had been completed paved the way for another and trt e
(etititlY. YriEes 1`.•8)* • i more thorough reformatien eariietuni-I', vtliot:ivrtairdoenti 4hhefintootselft .seutst itietheijoeleaSeattritt
'Sentlacherib,rASsyr. "Sineekhi-er-, out by King Josiah in the nest cene .'
ha," Sife (the. tnCiOn gotti bath in-thlvsieepilekly past the tempters to, tury. • , ,
iinive sortie Isolated pot in the city, or to
ereaeti(r' the brethren. Son of Sarni 13. What I anil my fAthern , • ..
oll; kilig of iisayria (705-6S1 111. ('.) i denr.t:-Sennacherih's tailwr,'Samoa, fr, 411.1chhe
o,tthecn go homeor be at rii_ iltoicd stations. .' from
a, '
!During einost Ids. enticre rein& Pithy; i had, been a 'great and ttecessan wan, war
i t free- far a thno from the society,
Ionia . was in a . state .01 'Alit,. rior, ,,,atul lie st lb hint elf Null i critia,.-- •
thr! .kr; an itc rid ' IittO!!tt 10 '
le WANT° -0 di : ;lit ,
left t t3rIshrl in it's iridepentlent; etaten.
' As e,' 'ruler Sennacherib -,,,,,ilicted
Tic-Trer--- a
o t1.Sterling traits o die-
\iiiiini father. Ile built the. groat
iatilli_o iciveb. eight miles in e i 0- voted." The ifebrew_ word trie,a4
luzfoLL--,..'aiscr,-.11-fittnemw-AlFa iiefotflittrit-ttifidst--11reqi ,
, patine ef Konyunlik, 'Po him stlee: utterly dentroy, to extertnitater. It
is wrilt.;11 tho retteneive repairing oi„,,tvqg Si,.4.: c5.4trtfally of rifle";
nen-n-0 otitsetlitete and theeletestruct" their 343)' 1334* (eornp. Pant. 2..11
tion pf briek embattlement:0 eiong the! josh F1„10; :Yee. ra. ztl. \
\10034.0 k,,./., tho Tigrip iltirini.. • ;ie. Wit*t Id., 110* \rntu'Illesa ahall ,`.•ile
\ ta4ril6r0 to On it c,, isy bill sou 4orititelitott yOu--41inlahe lit the icee of
\et -ease, tete) hint lean ell at rtonellion , the !+-...,*yritku ritontirehy utti-q iil e3114.
eigiiinqt•\ IP 0 tithor and. autt c'etitd igt' rvsrtmto fineerlor to otiter kingdom:1
shOtiAlg, sl'§iittetee. for *it 'week*. , At• already brought into stibmivticon. Tho
00 4t6d )311 that titge. bOirevero hAt.w" Atillyriatni Is eet pegytheilti- belieeirs
ninhrnent, fna
as an ex-
IfttOtly destrv;ed-Viteraily,,
and, in• the m rglnal rending, **ee-
•Not -.very many for,oafitks attend
the' release of a pri4o1cr frwn the
mtritt,Xclanti,____I-,Xo`244minthir- -before
his tinge is expired ollicials 1l* lsi
close -cropped hair to begin to grow,
in_pyerckration (fir_ tho ,v4*.pt _On
s the uneal i_leite,„ hut he flat not lexvo
til1Oh Cr the workshop at wood.
Ittshad ef tho priSOrt garb, a now
alit of einthee 114 )1(iirel
tit'adit by liti101* tathrfs.. Intik
he other co1viet1 cl're i!ezpatched to
heir tlay'S tthrk, on aiiciaL coil 1\
it those to be retkiss411 that dey
d parelivs titatt (C)1'1 arid
tito Inge Piatted
rhat. China, led .by Japan. Will
'heroine in the next fifty years .310
Mittt cell tell, but that, the victor s
of JePart have i4.ected a great
botivecti the Orient itod Ocerdent
more formidable than the one built
1 tho lipundantngy,
Or A
_ _
40 you like tny 110
11, • .
"Illg prices! %IA 1. made
it, tnysehr." •
stqlog• tho idon of Pating 'big prim
for, jowly inonstrositica • as tlits tlUIltfl
E 11# 4r0 9%0071110 NOW*your bat le
tit'Orlt of art. Lools. m$ if it +ottne„
strifg14t troth lit'fautitul,
farm tho eervices of a innrried man tho paper tueiis dark yel ow ytiit can
"° 19 11:Lws' itY dr wtikic- bake bread, large tni..itt- pres„or
.ing somewhere, and so cannot quit canno caeca; while 11 11. to Net tingod
the oven /9 flt. for Wenge COMO Iltne
the farm' simply to spend an seen-
MUIrited $10 or $20. and Set 41.
not only thutei the necessity of sleek-
ing continuous emplOrnent,v but in
likely. to- keep more regular hours.
nti to be every. iertv more settled,.
and reliable in h1• habitsthan the
unmarried MR n.
A very delicious &Alert is banana
rough ft river and mix with
SyrUp 711adi3 tfi two third, of. a' cap
Of sugar melted An a deal* boiler,
with the 'nice of a lemon. VlavOr
with vanilla and a tiny' ryinch of
salt. Ileat pint of cream and beat
gradvalle into tide the leenara, nix
Uwe. Set. aside° to become thorou
irtz,Je n • ; reid
anteurin; es
hooped file are an , t
alres a gee& filling tor -,arlotte
A liam f groatiy ittip7ov;041 if. tttoi
'Witt.: Lolled3 it i wrapped in butter,.
ed pp:erttittl baked for At hour.
*hen bttYing clit)vt? ,t
of ,•nteditint th1ettr.<4
!fella`, ritekid griC1:t4 bzo soft,
and eitAttf,t.
ork,r.r.tat ran
fabbjitr, with 4ttltthOpta.
tit(On011141: t»tj Et
ror glisealoresi or etained faiger
native teiVillartila of lemon !Wee
in a cup of warm, soft:water fro
Tbis one of tho very
best man:cure acids. It will looeen '
the ceititsrte Veilirttferetellli
wen aft remove (discoIoretioree.
tie reiPs nay be cured by teoaking
th-nss Attaily for a re* mit-Mien in
lileod-t4.nes sechet, oil. the
OAK; daily ielth tirt clutmois-sleire
polisher to, lutprove the circulation of -
mphrts them clear am*
No paste le needed, Aftet
hag, taucfs
!El G:ofzE,ott.11
?tet 11 ZU 4gin, In elltain-
(verve111111 w ncorty sixty ,A
=r. It bas bco tnatie 143 oW
n, Li, logtli
(rad ).1t steel 'Vt'Or-01' VIttC(4,,,tt ,
e.fovett Calt40:etei tittle fortgiive‘
1111, Eli raw 0(4 6pwid