HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-29, Page 6" •"," WOO TES WERE LOST Y TIM 0/0;.‘3. AItTErtallA 73ThItAl Itciesteed Street* Wilitp- roarer Cla *Cs Suf.: Itahabita ince •; ., .- • ,yczI•: 1 rC .1.01:140 tbiir .w.0,iy8t . teetniniitiillientS :et' liritlia.'..` 4.44$71. iatec,4- Anay: .h.e firrese,en and ..poroyisi ..... , . ,. -tluide'li74*- ea'AUtttrt4., -,44tri4 She - element ', 0 `taifhltioa.Wiiigkl40,4', the part ',of, tioterelineift 'ate z te, • . •.Poss,11-e. firreetriende* stilt grOpcs. *ninth of the 'at'l•.h i? i' noilveleionS. Jitossiblyngeite- counection .inay .he reared: aa this French aetrenonter, thee •ilas notently arWI '-cen- he* „tudio-;activity of titte. snit . . t I3RICIIAS NItgiNVIIVisrlirift . The reelineftta elf the vir,st ' ,, and ,no,...egth,citerkhas had not yet turned out for piiora34 piode. "1i1-6-tii4Viit. of the two native regiment4 ineurred tlib greater loes. for two cointiaidee ttioic lit,ing in two - \large daulolt›, .storied barracks, The buildines col .1ifiLJR4e4 kPP,...,0a,M17,"0.1":9f,, $1.1g,,griV11,0114i_ , in4lrik t1kr::44tai. iiiv iideecli: 6;10 tail .11 11TATIV-144.t.1---.'-,4ieW ) -IiitTlf.--; c3,40;', .1,1;104,11.1rAd „ OK.C.431's and .inen front' the nelitlilloselbg.„;,-baereelit mite-. 41:24.1 in extricating alilie 213. Ot the iiite.4'-;44t-,titt'ltW100,f-t tOstiva. ter-"theetii.s, 'AniAtionntl mobs COAR ES A 11 T.,--owirttorva-itrmailwr IW m STORY. , Stake Cal) to -A. Buil-Be rtr -1 043: ttiStr ° el/PA Ow other, t.1.4Yr .hY-niCttibees.of ' the, .Nejtr,th, Ainerican 1-04•4",s,0.0 quirt°. !FT' " .to -w -*Ii!ou+i;4tot000tt, blic*r of The .tIttatiOn. Who: ..whs.- on the A3/49A • friteritkr444seseilelatt'Sc.41tret•'"‘ litc4"4x thiAt t,OtY ega Walt. last .'44494'P.‘41•11'' "1'6' ift"tt° is evlielnd two,daughttere, 'Axel 'men," ildee,:ati.,*ells,...„WiAt- Meier ,sotee condi, Ilesititizetisti.. lite, newly:, nitirried "Wife t'It'ifei-"5,1)16:5(' !11144a. 1)EgfulF44.1••fr'gra tier t)llicer; Fariny; Sala 'that if() . of 4 Of a, sidailterii; -Captain „"liiiistrot,t, .47,4'90141r ' fiSyeed,i,e of. Tiew 'Brunswick s•riAirrieer" of - the Indlan tv°Al 4"1414414ited CI141'''° °I -10°°s43 Works Peparttneet ' told Mesere Itt-t"41.14.4•1/1"1 and an °4 far PVt" the e'en slots •ural vo.lcaeac 'disturb- . wawa in the.4•04-0, ittt. the,d,a,ta . ?I` s ers in this tield ofnatural law r ts 'Net iitietaitntle trefinite • estahlish their des itet time as- seven ilc truths. The teetent of the recent disaster In ILudia, the inageittude of ite o;erath ns, the ,puiriber of its viciires and the wid&epread destruc- •, tit e of property it caueed even in an EasIdern t °entry, where MI athers fo little, stamp it as on. of the worst inf lob...els of the Lind, ever sullercd by India. • Ten t hes isand liees at least are believed to • have .been lost, and in. a great tretch of country fifteen hun- dred miles long seareely a building eyes left, stnntlinn or unimpaired. by triee'sirecteSsiten �Tearthrtrttn` • _ADA* the whole, of upper_India dur- •,ing the night of April ,t1-4.•-1'he s -t -id - 'den experience of the inhabitants of - -the litsreist Coveted WW3 the --trtoSt terrible, with;ri lixing memory, sur- -pailing in ioVnee and extent , the • great eartkittake of Jerte 12, 1S-97, which was felt user 'e- large part of • Intlitte.,- . " ---TOMIR-ATP-TITTARMSAL-X. (-jells (if -Thii-pregair Oa Mori _has. ern located, . tairuy itt the- n;i:ditt;olliood of 1 burty,,,ala and the ft•Z'aingra. -itt the southern shirts Of. Ute • tnotint& ange, t weeelel • northwe,t. Lahore was one of t.ho chief suftervs in the Plain of Hindu -7 •sten, the upper end of Bengal, awe,,e• tram the sauthero base of the 1.1iitialaYas. But the' total destroc- tion:ttiihtrrntaIa, a popular surn- -nice resort and the administrative headquarters of the hrangra District, • 0r clan. ,*ere nit. OR • , Further shock ri foilowrd /at ' t ent four minutes- t and at ikvcnty- tii; klUtO ,vta, an.....n. nor Ms were felt later, but the in- hafilt ants had hurriedly escaped from t r clothes thsy could match the totring. houses, and. clad in what e‘te up, were camping out on the teenis courts. In the grounds of the Savoy litstel. at Mussoorie, the sctne was described by an officer on sick. leave as• one of. the oddest Vossible. Like other .% he had narrowly "escaped be- ing •kilied byt _the falling of bricks and plaster. • , Similar scenes 1.vere witneesed. at tain spur 110 trate% reIrtheast-of La- hore. arid some sixty-five hundred feet atove rem level, n-ould show. that the es-elect:a '-of • -theeedisturitenets-WaSeeee to. tliat ,epot. Witli unerring {),CCLir- acy the delicate seismographic in- strumeettof Prot. Milos; in rho isle t he. nyeaWisirrilitc statiCit at the htad of the Adriatic, • and other scientific observatorits • in- tlicittetl the exit. t, thee at t. 8.114.14110.5 took place, and loeated the • centre of dritturbance Mc mute. dis- nra )(nits ave.. originated the -se-lends dieturb.ances Itithe, which titough'ItS% numerous and violent ueaa ineee of drip:in and the, e coast of SOilthO,inpricit. have been • - shuiptee-thu. laet, tea err:tones: great Le. anre been . 1.1 a sure • i;r--..netetlyfres 'I he woes taten anti official_ centres. it • India, v lit•re are large garrison can- tonteentr, as also at Pchara Pun, stially oeetipieTa bV ;Infantry, _arttle- leey, and the body guard of the Vice- roy of India. For :some time these etatiolisewers rut all from •suecoie as telegraphic conteeinirat I On was, brole- ..n- o'f-r-Phiterresata far- Motu- . the- • railway; -the -rieicrest-tine beirrie-sfe Inans-eirts-aSeeteettiereptilicseesettlel--ael • be 9.4)1. 1.2E ON, a cart •roach • Lord itdi-tw'r :tht, , Commander -in -Chief; proitiptly detipatehed troops and districts worst Et I- ro41541*41-c-ttl----ginItc-11-44).--7 riny and the Alritisli public; in aid of the Gurkha regimt•ills, of Whieli many t te 8111 vivors td ost t tetr • priimte. prolierty, and are uo.:Ilijitreil as to be iteettentile., of earning their 111.1n..7, while many witlowe and or- phans of the killed need provision made for thein. Along the hillsidesextenve dam- age was donef. • Though the weather at the time w brieht in! tvariT---t th iiJ1dyoo1ir iiIf. if bird • teen .swept by a tornado. Rocks had been loosened. on the hillsides, and relies, and • making their pasnage- d,angeroes. A number of lariddips' took platee-. am+ stir -fare -of- e..ti th -Ns-an-broken btr. Taping--117iTaircs. ANTINNT 111111,11INGS. Down itt the plain the terribly de- srri-uctive nature of . the eafthouake - c.c it Jilt pat v it_ - loges. imposing rtincient .building etti '.otts-tend.-- OVM-tt.1:0111. At Laliore the Coldes. Mosque and the )$4U? of WaSir suf- • fered great -inittry. Modern, public hailtreags.-prosented eck4-*PPear- ance. Many of.' the pintiarkS. and •htettletrierits---of-the---railwaY -ntatiot -fell nutter thth tipper part. of the facade of the ie • --T "Perhaps 1 Was tbe novelty of the spegta0e° t hcza sitellbound„ but the old caPtrtheloyied no ent*r. nt t.1.40 JJ!!At't'ltiug ride, •whicli was near ibiatT4 - moot perpendieutariy dawlii in th0 direetime of -the Inocise, litrilether his la,1 was geed or not we iitiver had . , .„:',11Pli hi; "had ettal't ticring-lritn,*lf-*tnaier'rflrtr,t-Tttn:t. ight down tbd 1111,1.*'!' Ifr • j,ohn T., Viiiittie Of XtantOat, that 4 in.(msie;. bull when . in - d wo flake. a ni.ait run: $91' tin 'he had' -1044 gut. 4.2otixt; th4t **Ult. ittfelck rtittitlic se,404.. ' Rloo li„nev0 ot .caSe. .*bidi a irack, 'doer itad Keit. into:a stiTet Westmont -it, 11, su.burh:91r. 10110,T -411g a'nd'had atet. :t.apleaet twei Worperet Who erere',re$011eit. ,by the nOtorinaityof pas*ing clar . , •••• $ kgamper,Ontega4ltite: '14E4 --aa tdignidsvvitc,ort. '•ThialeVeristhieerylvaciutfilovartia.tsioloTer. our; 71_0 11;30nwa.• iss..s.i,..,:nletnei. of • •Vertnont. • , f). f a ni his-owneprtivince,e-Mee-IN, VG -Smith- ce3ai 4 frend-r rs 1.14/VT.Iti,X14 "c'e law, sh40_,4_,' .tteretta iiittl iik'in- . lii. '1 *eci'Wel*- thint, SAiew---a- fined -for -the purpose- ot- exami - f r v eacity on who owe told him- gave chase. he had been treed by an infuriated . Some time ago a giant bull 1110i)S0 btlIl TIAGOSO, and- hatl he not trilled undertook to challenge the advance the tree up after him he wouldun- doubtedly have lost his life: -e•-• of an express train on the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, A story told in Perfectly sober lam - near Brandon, .Alitnitobie` • -The en- guage by a Roman Catholic priest gineer tooted his whistle and slowed was a revelation to many of . those up the , train, but the nibese „was present' The priest, nether (layitor, bent upon fight,and tossing his ant - who. is a well known sportsman and lees in the most defiant manner desks naturalist, spoke from his own ex- ed toward the engine. The engineer perlenee in the New Drunsteh....k woods thereupon opened the. throttle. The near Ludgate Lake, within' ten miles fight lasted but a moment. The bull's of the city of St. John, where in horns became wedged in the pilot, compitny with an old sea captain he --eeeeee-teeeeeheeee4eewee-deaeiernda., . ..-endalleesetts-P.Cqketlesten_tl.,k. kited but to evatch. the experiment, of no a, a •• The 'Irani pulled -bp -and" -. the remains were el -eared away. "C`ALLYNC" -A-MCOsr. „-,;_il, ..--.4...-........ %te Season was not yet opcn for 131111Sig-blirname, -so-it had letne well- -slots nt-Ogiositg underst ood that if Ike - good' luck it bull should he "raked" ne harm ' . would• be done the animal unless the SAYS • SO= THINGS ..A.nolyr safety ni the party &mauled it.THE CLERGY. eetleseinie-1 741-ersteeta-- -dispose -of thn _ _ • . AsIttalitru---naikle-144-141ers•Go!ottwe-144‘TIleware-- tr-th*---13/Itek--Chargers- , . . . _......_ . .. . g.1.11m___. „,,A, el,-',,L,t,,-r=ts,,ts„t 4 -114„. V„, °into thefork ofanancent pinebut , . . 7.1 • r • 4. 4•41 Johntook his place on the told of a boulder Within reach of Al de- ra1 yellow s bark shone in the numnlight, tuut sal on the lower limb of the cap - breath, breath, the Indian sounded that. first ; (Meg West.' John was a mas-i ter player on the birch couch, and suddenly a familiar sound breke the: stillness. Again he put the bark , horn to his lips. This tine the call, wan soft, the mere coo of a dove in, comparison, with the previous e1fort.1 $r Away down on the lake bottom "there was a rush and tommotieie and out-, of the darkness came a series of hoarse es omits. -and, -.4:the :•, ediaktrig-' of• antic; s like' the rattling. of, ax -handles in a bags Openly and: Arith ITO- cat -MIA te. tOlkOr the stove' oVs-hts lorits-hip-earne out on ,• thel •plateau of rock. • 'It was now up to John to lure In addressing a chess Of students Df. Oster oara: saids- eskose, or surgeon, no quitlity takes rank with int er urbability. It is quality which is apprec ate by •ie often misunderstood by there, and ^•• S rt. the, physleinn who has the misforteme to be without it, who • betrays inde- cision anti worry and who shows that Ito is flustered in ordinary etner- genciese loses rapidly the confidence of his. pe tic n ts„.. Cult ivat e, • then, gen- tietlitlelesejoellsions measure. of Obtuseness - as-Valreifalafreiii-tia ifieet the exigencies Of practice .with firm- ness • and courage; without, at thc ....,surtne.e-hardening--thee.Antrea heart by .whieh we • - - tier° is one of the great physician's refeectEes eittit4he-e- • "Taeumania is captain af the men of death. It is the CIst man's' friend. It enables him to escape those • cold him to us., expected to- hear' --him gradations-- of debay. • It- Is ft pain - give the Cow call once more, ,.but he 4ess rob' ase front the trounles of life. teit Cefir TWO In - misfortunes.• ' ' 4,4„,,,..0,04.4.4„.„..reverrd.....thruvr.trr-ryar- cal1 of the Cow HOIlle denton tempted ferriage. One foot was in Charon'S him to give .tuit, the hoarse cry of boat hair the time. saline infusions defiance of a bull. Then. without:saved hint. What a disappointment. waiting- to Watch the 'effects, he he -14 must have _been to the old -watch- gen to 'tear diffaing -1 meiv'nni is Ttillaie to)7,0.:Loly regretthathe can the birch tree by which he had sitting. -Mc "Ina de -hit The poise he it again..,*. • e. untie o FOR TIFF: .Eft,G V. with subdued .-------cr-.... - s lesesertigie'slirMisestlgre-eSsete-se.---- • recoreeti is that of i ede, when 30P.-- tants paraded the etreeis Weeping -1" ----e-C1.11=a-F-14111L-T. se -respecting mouse em re- are better esitteated than any other, - _ t. . tttle pereau- is -etre eetirl. to ..haveaperiehe etd-eeisiaterepreeteretee.....AL ..f!!se......1,-..111..11.1-Tafro, of batti°-' With aeyet they are notorious supporters .. of el In Bengal. • Pahl suffered in 1720 Agra people in bed both felt and saw totort and roar he charged up the • all the nostrums and hundiliggery and 180i, and Lahore has Mt fee- the motion. Ilanging Tiothen swayed hill. :Soon the hull was charging m with which the daily and religioes .- •-•••-• Eripa ATE SECRETS LEADMQ 1.111 ma! Agp, 4 SILENT }LEN. , Discretio4 of N. de Blowitz, t ,.‘‘ Ar4..prefteitiv4 .Gree.owoo4., famous ion.rnalisti, entertained. at a banquet iecently.. well:. lensetVie etory wee retettleti of OW ho ettft*Irs'er,itre111;'101-'-'*iulitt-Yk' in pe.rhaPti, the finest jot'. Otix,rotions.. .• • „:- , Ln. flftt- 'Itneident' 1•1441titid:# ,ed treinendinksly;. hi,4 Varly iost: her 4 'Near Wit tit, ,yriiiiee-a *that, Inarkti Se„eret `.1;1.),t; by • thin,titit •:•110.•• the An.011oY' *nicker, -.men lettiteitteh4ve heen„ read titte'le--; • :--frrrtiFill#-C6!-Ififir Y. fter tint --transaettlen had nem thi Due 'lien:tees, the. Foreign- le`stenet.01-etlt.., 411t171,93,r„1-7 _ few friends at fils.„ Irt)EV. t. .2VL,41p.:"..1114. famous Paris eorrespondent of London e'limes.'"Ihe Otte, in fettle, 'vat playing billiards ,a lady guest, who looked like t'ileleutcyttltarnit41. attache entered toute • The Thic read one, turned red. then Pale,. wiped his brow, and suddenly struck 'his cue on the tat le, . BROKE IT ACROSS HIS TtNEE, and threW the pieces into the fire. Then, gulf*. up to M. Blowitz, he said he had just heard of trle'e sale and purchase . of the Suez Canal •Itf.264,4,114.1101.#,:t kept concealed hem the'Frenai Votr- einnient. 1-1,t is an u --4t laiu12-s.-3,v40E-Lot,putiAtig-1 on the • isthmus of Fluee, and toy personal failure has in no' way re- tarded the act. I. authorize you to say ehat 3,;eiii have just seem I even beg you to say it, and to tod, :ithat Lerd Perby will have to .pay .fOr it With that he strode from the room VrI•lleasimnrthat...ha shalt e. prey-_ for it!" The journalist saW what a stir the -'-"TovtinT‘eso:Tifil _11,4 et:oani11.41,aymcre,tatme the -world of information. • Fratre certainly •14041-Pe.as•-at- • great .expeuse. of iabor, genies, and mort7. 'risked and areomplished the huildintr: of • the Suez Canal, which had successfUlly' altered the chatts • of the merehant. marine of every • country of the 'globe; and now', i".:ng- • land had ceally istepped. in in the • deerk.. and possmsed- herself of the th. high with win - w ith • ()Tonto, July 7. a ar The market 1.1% steady to $ for Nu. red and white., east. •witl • -Gouge is iseMinal at Sc ()L M1nttnh-&krnth. wintliipeg, prices ,has fationS-to $1,07A,,, to ,1.08 for northern; *1,104,4'40(41.05 feir. `.2.4tOrtherit anti 01,0 par -'N`01,, "lviltt dalie portsfie irtiore grindin 1, ,...11044.0...0tItiottiOt*-4)1411T, •96,,,per •ke.ftt• Paten -LA.., $444,0" Act 'kPlc4,41,•bt)yet' sacks,. east ain,1 .0 higher 'ler • ehoice..1ilantOlia 'patento,•sell at A5,41) qecOncl patents, $5:10 to .45..2qi.• vii11t4.25te'dt-49 B‘ran, $.12:51,1, to • 813, .Shorts firin 45e‘ 'for • No. 2.. • . .43c for 'No. 2 team: and -41,e for. ' --- No. 1 ,malting outside., sitilsseAo''-'41(Snanilrefitree'outsitte,.' •W01411144 'Wet. 42hate 157'2. yellow, ii2te. to 022e; No, 3.yeflow 62c to 62te, lake anti rail freights. Oats=liales of. No. 2 are reported nt 45c to 45ae outside, and of Mon- itoba oats on track at °weft s000d at 16e. • • - Rolled Oats --$4.35 for ears of has and $4.60 for barrels on track here; 25c more for broken lots here and 40c outside. Peas -70r to 71c for No. 2 west and east; 75c. for milling.. Buckwheat -.-390 to 60c eatit • " or west. •••••••••••••••411. thittere-The market is steady. Inc expected to continue at about pre- sent prices. reamery, prints- • c o • -do solids 18c 19c Dairy...lb. rolls, good to choice 15c 16c - do largo roils 14c 15c •do medium ., 13c 14c ch.) tubs, geed to ch'e14tc 15tc. do nf Cheese -Job . lots sell at 104c to -10-4c..--Exports- continue_to-increase.; Tho ntimber of boXets shipped from Montreal Sinee May 1st is 305,009,. compared with 265203 a, 'Year ago titrift171-MitriV0:17- Eggs-,Prices hold steady at 16103 • - But M. de illowite Saw that, in the circumstances, --such language- from it Forel:Ka Minister of vr.41tc,Lohnt 17,-.5c-atf. ed almost to a declaration of war. So the correspondent tore up Itis,••11- ready wpitten Message, and when the paper-appearet tioned nothing of the .6ccurrence. The Dile, . WIIO• }TAB C90.14J.14 .1"KrWlki, --bar- Me sdeelitowiree-and- thanked- histreentretestruntil. , "You have ,acted as a friend of peace." f-'onte ten years later it appeared that England and !tussie. were about le• resort- In aring. - ;MS1 after • our muddle in the Soudan, enling itt tiordon's death at -Kharto.uni-Flik- a, eettiently thought the time was • r urig.1.2..ttutfuntegg-the-he.9-1.,er s-airerfr-bei n• Inert "trf,..• r,••• , , . 1,427. Its danger is due, feifin")" grarbfirm explain. to its proximity to lo -el elan. et • mighty subterran- ean forces whirli raked th. great ;el- jacent mountain range at a• period eitich in a geological sy,f1Fie. is , t0111- parat b. eh: recent, arid are believed to be etitt in, opecation, liable, to 'RIMS- ,-4114)1040-44X311rrtn.X4-44-1;14--- TWO, RIMIONS, APFECitn. clump of trees conceal -i. his enemy. !away they have wandered from e I splashed over. and natives Eq9.4tt:na , t As tic' swirled in Ittnung us 1 trilii- Council of Trent the more apt they on the ground smoking their cesual i morning hook -oh were turned head e e. a few III re feet0 altitude are to be steeped in thaumaturgic over heels. would, help my ease 'most consider- - and Galencial superstition. was ably. I hastened therefore to elarn-i i "The common ie- lane fibres eiehlom Pella suffered lees, and there nn 'pee of life an at Lahore. hut the • he•wh r beyond his reach, ich brought . n: beto0 'modulated before the age of ancient capital of t t.f °gills' 'shows i ,. tittO elf egeP beer,' n to forty. he earliest. they arc seen evidence of the earth wave. 'the ,roof !rm. 1 -ha Indian at the neRt. onset of lqiert'sccVetillY Vi at ' the ago Of ef th-luarblt!.-11""qt-1-11(-11r ttint"Ithe Moose had sought safety in the t•svt'n-t37' They usnally begin to '01.1- wan-i-kas Ci llapred and the. niinarbirch et treebut the lower stubs.. be_ pear at \the age of trsnty-one." , of the -Lahore- gate Was Iluvwa ' in 1.1 h TI g rotten. gaee way wt him •Thoose a -6'e:els:led .for a wife. Tiro distant regions,"that of the dee.a. Oi the distress oectleioned to the ,te, rustling made bv his excited efforW They are invariably more amiable."' "Punctuality is the only neceasare hilts ao,1 that of the plains). were em- braced hy the reeent opheaval. en' and poorest classes terrible the bull, and be charged on John hub - • a t tweet ed the at tent ion of John', virtue; have this, and all others. will the hills the population ii4 SparSO, be. added." • 7.-- C-COUlltf) 41_ iPeaft4 of a dthooLfizaiter nd 'Vault tt-lA T' 1-4 7-11. °TIT r h ' I 4 • '* 414.4N, • .4 • it 4 • settlewents, cantonments. and sana- '- tvritt .-of -the-white•-•11rittith-residerit's.' *Such places ois I)harersala. Dalhousie,. Simla, and its' surrounding hill gOverning --etape. lAt:1590t2rie Otni Nalni Tat. •• Tgl.,100110, buntliftvis th,,se eettlenicnts have iiiirJeted the nmst, in the catarlyefn, and; the )nmates, mostly._ i_donre O. The "C old early hour ist the. Inortiltig. tionately viatirs.S. freregal :odga it Simla. wax itself mitt en.' ,l.ndy flur7eirs, the .Ifiinericrill %vire of the Viceroy of !Mit.. whose rnt wtts hailed with, pleasure every serelpa ofelb,e ccimmunitY, only e-scapTii-4 es by a trairatle. The greatest loss of life watt inflict - (31 4Thig bitrg2tt1e- ment in the hvadquerters of ttro. regi- ments cf Grieelt,ee, the. hardy natiVo .nfatitry, ' little brown wilusvs ..rzertraeto. end ti,c-Ftfillig qua lit its ardu :much catre QS ttii* fan go. eel/ nebose ibf co=rada-lif ;hap ith tile/kr:bite Ile twirnentso tniltell nient-, frerntiet enenpailerne, tilAVg• 14-41-.1 il,C407, a fOtiUti.:!1' tN*1-,-(4 !;1114 LICA .th-ar ivrZt P:115' 14 4:4;;Als,T$ ttrvAie iteera the e?,,llitnte of the talll elateeee eeitee Wave. Apri" Vier :CT Ciea E.410'," ti $3 felt • •ia • ••• -en r Witt -01s the Tritliiiit g 0( or ti waTre trent:SP" tir irrerarat lyin mintictit. Inlur_l tic efforte toelleiliensiejo_rbse ,hemicr..Aotrent,.; _ the Standard 131 mem Plaeli iscerily for scores of branches, where he could be beyond. StratL" ;Wks at the point of staevallon to the reach ot his adversaryIle clung! "No farmer in this country goes Obtain. thavertutent help frOm,theitti his rifle, holding it. out from him through We without an attack of 'nearest station. Dui; the &oath roll ns he climbed. 'rho split hoofs of cly:spepsia---=sen-no early, gore* late, /would have teen heavier had -riot Vie the moose rattled viciously on the some all the time." populatiorf been alrea.cly afield, stones as he projected hinted, In; "John as known to hltneelf and the cultivator atid leis sons busy in John's direction, and the next tnorn- the -thewomen and thildren eat be was beneath the birch. - out- oledoorseathouglietlie cot.. -Then 1- saw an unusual sight. Tbe to- us.." tageot fluid 101134 Alla thatch roof Indian went up the tree as if smite' '"Ali much Pity should be given t does- not collapne With the sudden friendly hand had given him et hoist, a eornan s tears as a gooue goin peril of the dilapidated buildinge of &id the WiOnse pasted out Into the bare -felts" ' impoveriebed ancient fandlies which lopen. IT° afterward ammeed me that,' ••Jaumlice .thp„ disease your are re feature of tlte cif left of Ben 1. he foiled for a swift second a (00- friends diatnoso for you." her •T�b g kisown to his Maker are to- tally difTefent from John as known n Ice:6 T47i.• iorn Com ro c•ctrioniIsl. tr2rocti f4;7'..eGOITIVZ4,--.1041 tr.-014,0y pcossiOsslatzs, ',horteitke ratiMe pointing• optttird, he Ai; 0374,-tTitrz,,,-,3t9 on, tite, notalor of' ill* Ind*telbCrif of the Itev. plit4.1 his forefeet in, the attempt to to 1 •,the 'thf.11, ae pet unit. The. TotsieseseSe cm-tem-get:lion 1115 Tun-. 4.0141A--11-0h0--Ims-now 1W- -44 - efAr t'tortettrttlV, -.1*IVIVirit. 'to -din :-Ilirtial7by this time .reak 14, .0 their rilitiStktr retekt4to of' valuable ed the -highot, h•raft? that lirba • the northern boundary of A fgrita nis- --colentry we priietleally protect -the liu.slans claimed the district tifgh P*111,4. trito w• ere in • lu/c1:".14c1P" ! cut pork, •810.50 to $l 7.50 iiikht, act na the 'Mare A crisie naturally followed, ' and tees clear fat back, $20; compound $ Potatoesl-Otitario firni at 60e to 70e on track Torontoe New potatoes imported sell at 8,1..25 per bushel. Baled Ray -No. 1 , 1 0 t quot- ed at $7.75 to $8 per.ton for car. lots on track Totonto. Baled Straw -Trude is only nom- inal.. • •,•,,,,,t44:=Ar:44z•=4,714,=21_ 31.0ISTTRVAC- VAIM. Montreal, J une 27 .-Mani t Wire- spriog wheat patents, $3.40 to $5.- • winter wheat patents, $5.50; straight roll nee $5 to $5.15, and in bags. -$2..40- $-.2-,50. -- Millfeed-Manitoha bran, in hags, .... • 3 , to 2t per - ton; Ontario whiter wheat bran ln hulk, $16.50 to $11.50; shorts. $19 , . to $20; inouille, $24 te $28 per- ton, tester /al tv. aersteseee Oats-PrIces rule firm at $222* per bag. Cornmeal is unchanged at $1.35 tO $1.45 'per bag. Ilay-Noi 1, 89 to SO 25; No. 2, $7.75 to 88.25; clover tnixed, $6.75 to t7-.2n;---anct-poro 'clover; $6.51)-: ter 80-75 per -ton, in car lots. • 4learisfroire--dpritnes.; per s , 777.0) cur lots. • e9Z11) L i.e.; • m.o. sew Lions; extract, in • 10 -lb. 7c to fitc-, in 60 ih." tine, fle to 6.1c. Micky/heal-0c to 6..jr, as to qual- ity. .1101 arid rtectipied thernsetrs, short cut-, $16.50 to $17; Anu ricetti ellre'sint°11810. tr..70adirn:osth,‘";hoefc.Pollutfittlrnigesnicetunl: I lard, - 6-,'sc to 7c; Canadian. lard. 62c cerniqr. except at • reduced brie* to rite; kettle rendered, Ste to tete. while iti" the hundred and one . -wci;S'll.r4co;nhlain:fint,e12qciwtiollY1:4ch,anirlces.b‘421ctilletad - that war teffeete tradee loudness was Ilene tseas. helm *o..-no_ta.--no.e.ttee-atie, Itssuned. Dialonlatie, negotlatlotte, t• ed, - $0.50 to_i•jef....6e-75; selec-t, 57 to - - - however, trent on', and as Mr, Glad- " $7,41(5.7 Ione- -wets-.400k-frig -11-t-the---piittii es at iegr.le_,.....s t 'viola eeteaele-e- .,--ree-ere-e- 1 the RaYal Aeademy on May 2r.d, and selects, 17c to 18c; No. 2: lite. *Lord Granville, the 17oreign Sccre- liutt il,r-('' hole° creamery, 194c to tacy, tetnt up to him, 0,nil told him 'line; untlergrades, 18ge to 19e; dairy, itle to 16jc: rolls, 151:e to: ' thei alTair had been satistae- • Had this ron'S again, leaked -0u It IroutiChate -been woe% ri5rroir--4 to Gni odors. They could have bought etockre and shares at the com- paratively low prices th.,77 had gone to, eertnin that tt ri9C would followv ,hut the secret was kept, until it wait too late for anyone to take advant- age of i( -London Answerrs. 41 6 thLdt tiess of ire ei.,er I•1 mself the *necessary Iift upwart '''Tfibercle bacilli ride into the Jun- -tstimaled.• The -SCIdie_ra; /AY own_tenPressitm was that the on black thargers-coal smoke and t to' Inter the cOrinNeit ikt placts trsoese did the lifting and -that John, lionse inft_ttanding;_only bad thItick to 'travel in' Ahe dwit-s° direellon. The bull was nee -491e. -Gt 'at wore obliged to desia on ice ount 61, light white hair. a dark rnoteitaelie• and y,et done with himi however. elrel- the ealuvia from the victims. **orbs - tate t,t, those •,whom a sudden itt, he came hack Ito the charge, tel. ownt/lexisstn" he has served the •kativ,---matifatty_spas/ _ lowing forth tits' peculiar _battlS grnnt, TA, gra.)1114“.1 11g.416-barap., man. 'Again the tosUsua1 lingering t oriel ent 1 branch being crus4e1 thr. dehrin. Govern -• I• bar.prited; We aro_ no t•aprtv. 40 with hi;trt than ,afl'oat. Instead of reelProcathig et NEW BETTISH BA,TTLESSIP. WflICornbhe Character,* Of OrniV • er and Fighting Wesel. tr thium ' • AVM ro ammo provision. was /nada far constructing • only one battleship, but it now ap- pears that. this •vessel wilI ba equal itt fighting power to any ttVo *add* witt-trreet-orr-the---0110.--,611 :bO' 4propriateiy Vented Dreadnought, And 4aVe a speed of 21 knots. or two knots more than swiftest - of her- eonsortS-- 1,77: 7 Olc to Cite' Que.. nr PF A 141 ?if ARK PITS. Ilutralta's N.V., June 27. -Flour. Strong, Wheat.-Speing, firm; 'No. 1 _Northern, $1.161. .Corn -V varlet tied; No. 2 yellow, 61c; No. 2 core. 59c. Oats -Strong; No. 2 white, 35,tc; No. 2 Milted, 3.1e, Canal fjejghts- Steady:' •CATTLE: MAR:CV:T. Toronto. ;.tUirle 27, --The nutrket to- day pract featly unelmng- ed. ere increased •re- • Ifl iho 'gittc54, tthe wit/ have ti:rhinci5 of g3.- nter4 ittm eeeee,e4 a. reer,reilad srenp„o the fatnons rnooml‘,;,tho v'eterinarlan." , "ndiented-ht,orsc■rpow-cee ard-"E fm,,,,1 wid hri.,4 •-ari,,,,,t 1,1,1. nttralcial bur- ;ground knoWn an ils.6' liopile --Ito-411i - "-Thee .are tneuraleTe ettiti-4 ift ',4 „. ,thet. placcd ulnIts its Shotilders..It is 4 In Cian:A4It' a herd ol Monte feeding.: eit1P. " itv,orrigitik vlei's bi di,4.1nitk; ne4.4•iiig" stats that' Wr ortnardent ICI .cotaorine ten te,eive-itich weart- tiiii ft hcit Intder. tit .!, edinieleceetiee ..., }lin ea'rly winter. nr.41 1 tad watched 061 tilItlig5oltti§110 c'tr12,3 in latt7„`• d ectir/tin, twit*. rt4 be74;r7.'"abire" t"04. i theni while tile hoil4 m..20E441.14) aild i - ••Ifore in a KML4111 ,bC47,)," ttr11.0 will 60.. tin, eath ti3rt)wint; 5eo lb. shelift tit ntret tbe oxpem.75) to lie iiieurreti for with their foreFeet (brew down tbe „talk ' i o 'any oce. llo will make . tiV rrkl,,,.ei ,el'ivtat trio a vaintate,, wan tit, rlicf..clf suli,criin tind th.,;,, repara. '„?,hirch-bdiaings ,ivithin reach 01 itito';,tri.c:o wan. Do t134 ftii.'0.11cigp hi .i,1,(1,,ispVerreta„.teitic,•,f,11%ixe31.C.10,0Mfotbtn-toritso. , .., pe;--iotis late j'Ar S•ouirg cown. and straddled the trees to 11U • iika t' t an t aein, bell stoat an 4.That is inst 'what • to a few- e-et:s• p.,ago teivrtheless. 'Standing Inc Trille in peronal feet. his great Irea-d. wi • 0 n to trach and. t think.•• • aed to d his hitt It' its long', 48 t • t catise the 4.11tfli1,111 TI S, 0 ' nre. cjelscls otX.1/4other things,. with to- sustain ,weight nett s•-ct the, tpcht.'s t thy devolcd-P) bruA6 'htt•ctk,him at Chrittitin ' 1 4 i , 1 -1118.grE.--fil.-1,:1,.D6(4I.SZely tit il:.011„.... t,),.,iiia: . ig na worns4ry." • ar only ttt;Fi .stirtn of illy. .titiatt-,-those , w1:0 i)ra:ti.ge wilds' it/Kir traits ati:d thQ1.5,10 F'.,1?.ct rpracWiYtie, icli 11401.-.11:101211.- ** --.....--_,.-... i. it ilt. g btl'Oliii, at 9 13X-;•.t!1":„v 4 ark %cal.)* civil engin.V.t 1 narch 11 .e true'VcS\ 11, ,, ,e • is 25 teale4f 3" Olyria ye that is not readily Knight up. l_gesserrd trade was not the best. 1,t1I port eaffie-Tratie was' rather butegenerelio !mince easerne tin - changed. Buying wan' snov,t1:,,,, at the buyer's own; flores. Prices are still $5 and $3.23 pc,:r r-9 atateral eanier.. wit • nlozr *rfle • 41,10, lair -._ . , calf 5;5 15 for choice .p50-4.4 iotn, . Striekers and rkr,Fcr-n-'11•Irg. was n"t an, 0vormiPPIY, and., •trat!it-p2 tn tliiti line was tot.,.verv tirink. •The br-41` tectreri-J are' rePtIrtefl doun tes eeee 75eated good •istecte•I's 't0 e•sess. with - • 14" and ki zwe nral,q ore' 4:1*. - eP • • .0• • arrnpured cruis,,vn wilt -it ve a rate -of Nteatating , and 'will he c4taippek1 with sinalltr thnn the' 9.2 i P . r. ' ox,vra , k.,' a awed count to' .Corcr tort$ 1,n1 in taitft, Oot ot, itcoot tut ti$1 bi ,. t2ttM til ail tht I tett front MN preiFtat war firiy te. ond o. bitiitr1 c. n . i 4 rAitainet n ca„ ' titeiVorirgn s&4d v.- I. ShiCep and /43.r1hf; Tiler ,o Change in,.....!Ike. q1.41`in „ , --t -Wtft-rminifkrirs rt alfir iThe market ivas \wel ..* \ ' . ittzuctcd , fal • 0 ingn ottlit,it tO it r.6t, rattic•rhs,Ilv.e.• , Ott cold 14.4.1..