HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-29, Page 5TtijtbbadtJ Im*totune tiadrive a WWI ttLOU Otter Ur» •Seaforth; "Miss Edith Menu * tutted With bawls from the hospi ot the ollouiirs. of the good Sam*rtiii ileeePti913 , on TIrsd#f .e'retitio , lilted nts •*P*14,99, D.' S.. UOF graduate of ToroU DENTIST. eitracts without any pin., or auyi.434 eseem le raesoo. Met1 vest side Win atm% It ,was o ,.0 tpt 40yt untrY" h -4 00.00, t 11 when Very ef.clalzAlt;' yo7trigit*41410esrtit/Ing. tei.1421:1°Hel 1411".413 out* a t Vent' At1 tttteOded' h • sutTerings, but tIie is now 'ne rat riebeirdSonle feu:01'P Gederich.tp,:- One ofeur *1de/it and _ firowtbiLlife ' 00e , in the 1e3 ). .jui• .Clinton; Chitrile'kee Dint( Whir rin•-t"fs"esPee44 tal_denta away - - whohas .lately been in, Woodstock, con. The deceased badbeen 10 failing has retort/W. to town Inti reopened on bewth for some yearrit but his, anal Huron Street. Ineser-wasonly .of about- two weeks"- " ,Mitebell; Mr. • Hebden, former- duration*. He hid reached the age or iy .maneger of the Mitchell branch, or It years, and the whole of his long the Mereharit's Dank, bas been alP• life had been scent as 9.a resident of. rotated acting general manager of c„oderich township. . ° onr—fib—rsa more experience in treatb 'fornale Ilis ,than any livingi?ersprt. TOveronslinudred-thonsand-eases-of. female diseases come before 1),frs; Pink- hani every year, some Persona -U.1', . others by mfl, and this his bean go. ing On for twenty Vier., day later dair. Surely women are wise in seeking vice from a woman of such experi. rice, especially when It is ateloIntely • %ate of Toronto University and Royal - surgeonof Ontario. Also Post ; CIile*ga Sebool o PoiUettc uenuery hie rn. .Uon). anite.-Pistesanadela-th ist teeitilva. oftemiriarizteit-iite, one UFA for painleasextraction of teeth. IMine ose 4001. MUM Ot poling Erofsstore. Exeter, MOWN, Winolselses. Mena :Auctioneer • for the Counties of Perth and Middlesex. stietor_thelmorehip 01 370p3ne. aiLes Prolultdi attendedto and :terms reasonable. Wes arranged st roetOitioe Iffinehelsep.. „ ;•••••••••••••••••••••4••••••;•••••••••iiiiii‘i • ferPEG.-4AD1t8 AND OltliTliESIEN in VY this county endikAlOinbitterritories, _to -temp, to -re - Hat the Wholesale and Edneational Departmente an old - **Wished business, house et solid iinancial standing. „Waxy $1,50 per day with aspen** advanced etch Monday by cheek. direct' lrixu rioters.itereemet-helee-turnishewiv en ralanent. AddielsBIEWA , free. • • Mrs. Pinkham *ever violsAtis•the con- fidence of eromen, and. ever); .thirthfio- nisi letter published is done so with the written consent or request of the. writer In arder OlIteralalt-Ittltaatt; may be benefit iitaftlierix-sy Mrs.. Prod Seyilel. of 412 Nortii64 Street, VONA rhiladelptilisii Past write*: Dear1011;ihtlduraii.-- Oier a ister slot wrefiiiyou or War advice, as Lead female iles and could marry a child to Maturity. I meette4 your .—,lettarotlintruetkomisindlo advice 1 SIM not oely s Wali women aft- seeuenee, but have a wishav -write you for ed -hate dome so -much t�r ma.T' list -at ' surely es Mrs. Seidel was cured, will. Lydia E. Pinithanes- Vegetable Compound cure twee: -ornau suffering from any. form 01 • . • No other medicine in *11 the worLi has such a record of cures of female _ Seaforthz . Miss Wien Wilson, 'v Ingham: A quiet wtdd-ing took daughter of Mrplair at the residence of JAL ley, . . Wilson . has TO paSsed her musical ezsmioatton.s . in Mary Waa tunerled to Lieber horn- rorouto very creditably, of/tattling. ton, of town. The bride's little niece. honors in Piensif and, organ. , Miss Merkley, WAS flowers girl, while E.Vitateanoshr 31410 Laidimv Imo the wedding march was played ..by XisullauiStord=re married at. tbe Miss Bezel Brandon. - Only the itn. 1 4,n,U1r.10 ou hkt t, fcnowthe tea you , ,10.$ not bcn touieJ by huinmsince it ri-the_1:44,414. 000 . n fkt$:;iLLVIUti ou :get ,tki ed Rose Tea. The, `old method .of roiling and' -packing` tea by hand has beri entirely doOe-awity with on the •teba• estate* where,Red *iur packii rooms, Nachinery, scrupuloOsly clean • f machincry—is used exClusively. • ' - • --- Red ROSO Tea is never too had by • hand after being 'Plucked. , -- This fad alone will help you enjoy drinking The Blue Label is recommended. - T. 11 ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. samemes z *two, day. Rev. T. lit con -plait of Ad' ness the ceremony winch was perfor-- place bon. performed -the - ge cere- byltet; find -.600.4 A quiet Weddin .dayat the mme-of-Mr. s Davidson, when -their Winghanw,--Frank-,-WOuire„--who Jlaughter became the bride Hallett: W. T. 1feney, who recent. for some years has held a position in Lir. Percy T. Couptano. The bride lv bought the SnelitarmchaadiePG" the WinghaM officer,: of the Canada was unattended and only a ,few neer of his eightracre farm on the 14th Furniture ,ftinnufaetuirs, left Thurs. relatives of the Young, couple were odneeiston amunett.-to John- Me- day-for-Winnirg. Joe to leaVing present. The _Rev. A. Mc _ titian" UM .0f- $1,0110. . ..... ---/- Grey': Death hes_attain visited our urs church, in ...appreilatitm....of. his. stIo_p_lart. -ani_o c cia----ana the neightwh.A.W.and,eiarmed„,as its own, servicet as vestry clerk. A number bridal couple left ou the * &Oar:k- iss Lizzie Carr, - line. She hid a bilivung friendilir fiiiiii itITo-iii-se: iiin on irbinaeyoloofitt -beeis- a very patient sufferer for the seated him with ar travelling suit case. 'Niagara Valls and other places, astayear, consumption being her St. Marys: A very grilet wedding • ,Linchey. of Virest WaVranosh, for the .he was presort ed witli a- handsome pastor of the. First • rrisbyterlan ga-tvateh by the -congregation of . .Tte ceremony rou e. But through %all, she rested. took _et the lime of Mr. and n • in* ht artnikof Jesus.. aVr Odet Wedneed June J. ..lIellett; Thomas Cathert, bas en- al;lifheu. er, a , tered St. Joeeplfst4lospital, London, •CA1110 the bride of Mr. Clinton Smith, Vegensble Compound. Therefore no prudent woman will accept any substi- tute which a druggist may offer. If you are 444 write Mrs. Pb2Ithoun, Lynn, Mato., for apeclal Advice. It is free and always he ful. capital violet Up • 6,000.000 gridlitide4 Pratt s----3.21800! t ite'itirrent7ral- tee_ ,tviror011 tdste nontont, ,otflZX which ,InaasJty iinErsin Veleitd titrair -"ThiTiliiiiii.trt at "4-0115aringil'imuiratoOrinposit Recelpts-znsaige ,orio Coinmereld Letters of Credit Wu:4 Chtsa Japan and utherforsign con _trim _401 parts anthrutaaot...;_wott4. cromiamag.to_trayellertin....cart‘ general nuking businesi SAVINGS BANK. CREDIProN BRANCH W. S. CHISHOLM. Manager., n delvdiirnest-for-tradeart the volume of it that comes our way. is roof• that our • emeut and Lime That money can buy, also COAL or Everybody - at 'the -Iowa prices. Jos. Cobbledick ael; we sell Canada's best raakes„ And will make the Prices and terms very attractive. A few • special bargains in second-hand Piano% Organs *1.14twJng Maqtings_1114.417.P bound to suit you. Call and -see US. health for some time, and recently took it trip to the old country, on the advice of his physician, returning much improved, He hes since been ,failing and decided to undergo treat - meat at London; McKillop: Each • member of John aalbraith's fantily recently received a Christopher Galbraith, who is at pre-' sent phi mining in, Nevada City, Cal feeenta.are-landfetimay.,,M9Wit", ed gold -nuggets, / and are the fittest and largest it has been our pleasure 6, see. • Beware of Ointinentsitor Catarrh that Contain Mem as uteri:Ivy will surely destroy the 43euse-of-sunill: anitcornplately-ileram the whole system when enterin it hrough-the-mecous Aurf articles should never be used except on prescriptions from reputable phy- sicians, as the 'damage they will do is old -to -the -good -you -can_ possibly. derive from them. Hall's Catarrh Cure manufactured by F.J-Cbeney Toledo. 04 contains no mercury, and --rterintertodlyractintrzli -owtlse'zhkbirtrastdAnueoua-sur ItretwItzetor„,444tto , a few near relatives werepresentat the ceremony at which the Rev. R. 0, Ralph was officiating minister. The bride who was unattended was given away by her father and after lunch the bridal party left on the afternoon train for their home at St. Thovaes. .St. Marys; Little Robert Ha.retone Win c erk, had it °erre* eiicape-froTti cpmingsontact,with a wire _Oa . attatuti...1 sudden death Saturday evening by. With electricity.-TUliffifel ow grasped the wire with both bands and could not let. go. Be' WAS severely oeked- but- sustained_ no. per . injuries.--F-ortunately-thetultcurren WAS.not,"9 on at that early hour or there Weald probably have been it tragedy. AtSit‘tves the boy's, hinds were slight- ly burned but he has now fully recov- Seaforth: On 'Wednesday at high, re-er-pretty-wedding--4v, as -salmi ized in the Methodist church of this town, by' the pastor, Rev. A. K. Dirks. The contractiog parties were Mr, - -rryA. Hessian- and F. Edna Button, both now of Toronto, and bottriormerir-ot ---Wingbatm .Alimapareh *vats artistlesal rend'. ered by the. •orfsanist-71074171lat we . g • Cure. bezurnyou- istaken interoallyandra e in Toledo Ohio by F. J. Cheney & Co, -lreot - mon , Clinton: Mist Jean Matheson._ one of the clerks at,the Dry Goods Maw and e. popular and most estimable young ladyleft here -rrn Wednesday for-Motth-Oregon.--f-ifike-wiltjte-m in °Wag° by MA lerank_Stalths, & former employee of the New Era, who is now manager of the Moro Observer. and the t will be Married in that city. *rich: Inspector Askwitli laid he happy coupre--tt/Or 1-th-e-taainuo-' ram for 4ronto,•4shere-they-,4n to make their home. • • •h of Mr. S. G. .1=4"• occurred tit the residence of his son, James, itt Hullett, north. of- Clinton' y on Tuesday Morning, there was removed one of the first settlers of the Huron tract and one who during the early days was it conspkuous figure in the &Mika of thelluroutritet. Kid- ney trouble was the-Callieot bI deal but-hettad.:only.been,_iteriausly 111_,10 about week; At the time of his death be *as 93 yeatiritittat days 4-314. ,„ 116 leaves a large family, 8t. Marys: One who hard been it sufferer for some Hine passed to ber rest and reward on Wednesday. Sun 14th,inth- iiidow_of „the „Iatelerniii Hatnllton. Sherand-her-Itusliand. many years on the homesteadon ',the 10 con. of.Blenshiard and enjoved the respect and confidence of a, large &Cie of fiends. She was bort/ atAvondale. Scotland, of Which neighborhood, Mr. Hamilton was sde0 a native. Eler bend died four yeatv ago the 6th of lost April. •Mrs. Ileroliton has not been_welltarsome_tirire.40, her death _ . Dublin:, St Patrick"s choralwis e of, very y .vreddin on rieeday ase.----durinft-the- excurstonliom Goderich , on, Monday light., The ease was beard before once Magistrate Humber, of Qodet4 eh, who imposed it Mitt of $50 and toots! Clinton: W. Slowman, Sr. received word fras* his son _James. 1;4 Week, nvelyhtg the lad intelligence that hia ifertratineehild-UCdied ,fratti herne4 Yaldeth _Wnikukstp. Two other eirildum are also seriously 11 but hopes of their returery,are .ett. k (odevicb:close o choir practice at -TroaTit -Chirret Thrifidair— — evening. Miss Evans, who has been 'Al valued-member-of-the-ehoir.• was settted by the other members with a handsome writing portfolio. Several of tbe members gave expression to regret that -WAS shirred by all et the severance of their pleasant relations; Avrtir-illise-Evaneraretehe-made-a-fit. ling reply. ..i.Mrs.7 and Miss Evans, left Muesday-toorning.--via-Ohkago.-11.-.: where they will reside in future. The Most Wonderful 'Discovery .4 the Age. . who does Oaydonor do/ It giVesthe bOdy as Malty for Ori0101. and makes it absorb natures revitallein force-oxygen-throu h ever. pore Meese tAteply cAnnot eta? In the Wittent Ott is lure gen. Veils 04 abivuntaern. Fever, indivstion, Itusoul nia and a disissao nply vanish re oxYgen—and Oxydonot. gleto the 'hods nvgee. Reid . Whiskt those who; NOM it say.: . , . .:, , .,. , NEURAUiMt,;,101 ,g1IftitT1S111.; , R.13.- mato, FeaIILL J. Ire Anautt3lat, 1001, 14 -experience with Otydonor ha* teen meet eattereztory in eve reepee Personally I ran vouch tor its adiciency in acute mom smeh se Ia grippe and seVere ,Ititotkinitatteesits aCtialt„beia,g: irmirkabl/ quick and the results 4,151`realge ilud -Tretinitient. _ - ' - - --- ,. , - - ---!--, - for more chrome affections, such AO neuralgia and .ritenmatism, __nay iviteLitsP.. eltPe:l'i-'; v grea.tdosietenelit. and svotild not be without an Gay -donor tor many times its we:g 1. , • eintralmireen. -re_snaiseeriiiisLarkliee iiiiir send you our booklet "I" fully aviikii4ott wor 01this wondertialinaturneitt. • - _ ,,.. . - DR. ii. SApICHE 6: CO. • -' .. - 61 ritiltStreett:Distrolt, 1,11.01t. 2268:StiCatherlasi St. , Mtiistreal. WilrITIC,P1Mervirsorifirifiniersergarfteltarventinirlfrigrvriatlist cement paying large CommiSsion. -Go yourself and locality.. Our harrel contains as rattny cubic inches as any other .eentent, and as Cetnent le gauged by measure-, *tot by weight, your cement will go astfar. Wfite us for information. freight rates .and ete. tirlifit,es cheerfully given. 70 cents per barrel, Strict-. ly cash1 f, o. b. vire, Queenston. Go in with your neighbor and get 'benefit ofrarload- rates. „ cough`ueous ay, the wheezing ceases, and aftershort trea inety £!. cent of patents areured a I -