HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-29, Page 3„From Deadly Peeline 'ley
Pre Wi Pie* Ville,
e*When Tethiog of my 101FORVeMII4
Alen. of liealtb,” says Miss, Winaire
"1 a tuZy 1r
ii„. ,
xiii4 OE 04 .04 'OM C.47
'tont •SiSiVO#S,hcsa.
s iitftrtl�.
' th,-441,4414,',
- ,
;i . . - e'it00
0140 o .,0
eltetera eThUkY
. ..9 plioe en t'
41 4' : I) AI 1ST, tt tilAi . ON C M 1 4
1 ' 41*6 Vigt*F.' 1,41 10 , 0 f 4; ,, irniSie s",0,inf: •Iff'9f, .enie'sijii 4)11.'01010 PUY* rouftQ.
4. o peidir# Iiidue$ ,::141CO'S4 ,hissi014.-, that ','•thOc .ticAcrAtink
ti -day ".• on :
. need' ,ikti • , ' .!,:' li . 0-siitt. 0
' insuittl 'en' aged jlitt loc'iiti4o4 ittutit_
TiTta71.-f.440111-1,Fal: tt -144-4:4°44gar••-t- 444444 ). all'''''
:lie t u4 7Y -'1"--'7417L bo y tfli; ,,iniiiii:W7 . iiiiir
..W..dietnn .14,ni.4 I.., tlagese cried loetillY for belie' . • . , wiato "'s's'Iiit'ill*,j. odor -taro of 1,troptv • '-.1 .. ;It "C4'4414n$* 's
in 414, le40t. Until Il Pegan t .votk A :s0,1tottadd 111*t, Waf) .113/X$0317. by , t yg;.14, , 411(1. row . 30. j oll n AV b ite 15 : , . , • , , ‘
WiPin41°W 1114‘..._ , 11•11S., ,a411.1011,14OURO t' the either' ifffiihint :04; . UP i "i• lue en'eeSPerlenee nininst 6.9 r67. eNtItEit- •• •,
ad taKen a half dsmext 'home, littoa.,,Itetotstr.,,00.40,024,414,, low ,_,_ ___jaire. : . , ,,
' 4446-taimr eiriiirlra41)
UK here and went on a.visit to *.T.;"1„f°reeirl' lib"' 41f1 1.4° 1')°.4Y of bis '1114'''rl think." Mr- white Isa37/-4 r"I Rules for ° Registration of Beiti;d1'
estort. • X bad metie . mistake, v'eLd-n" ' (''''''°111 attc114"ts "Iv eliould \ let the public ene7 of the
ueliertirtiriti forward ',.: and ,cti,:rr,.."ed ,Palle3",,
etecipp _
toOre. and I began to go b . to My °u ...erea,eet. eileAtntee from Dodd s Kidney Subjects.
/inlet, teetelnedst -- cense oes a hi
terroer-coutlition. It m called on a • • , :-' . , ‘... • .._.,_. and neither dectore nor mem i
,- i 's ills. 'I. Th'id-filieuveittism or Tare. itiverY ritieli subject is entitled.
--c-ncs should iie deuire to do eo; to register
Well itnowo.lieeton iloctor, and after uilt. quietly fo.lowed, Astern oui..eme
explaining my case; ti- him how Dr. . Fetereie one thought the danger was did me a bit of goott till last epring, iihnoi, It a Dritish consulate, ails'
I tried Dokidee Kidneer Pius': 1) to obtein,a certificate that /he is so
.. Willitinis. Pink Pills WI helped Tao over, but a succession of terr y ng did me asgreat, deal of good. I feel registo„ed.
_before. Ile told. nie to eantinee their Ariveripetings and- the violent aWaYIng iike recommenlipre rodd.s XidneYi - An applicant of Europeen descent,
_ e
use, sewing I could take nothing het, of the marquee showee that 't,h° Pilis even stronger titan I talg•-•" pet° is not personripy •known -to the:
Ilodd's Kidney r ills efife` the Kide-•coneelee officer, claiming. British .
tere and I got another supply end beast was still in a bed lentor.• . .
Soon began to regain health. I to0U ilitOKEI TIIii,op Oil TF.14IT. nallenality on the ground , of birtiO
about 'eighteen boxes in all, and they news. Sound .1cidneys strain all eeede
Thee there was a te-aring of CaftVas of disease out Of the tdoode,TbeY. within the Ilritish dominions should ;
*fully ...and completely restored my and the elePhant thrust'his head and toee up the body to its highest ' produce a letter from some 'known 1
,heeith, and I. have had no sickness
sineti,* , trunk through the hole he had nuede standard of health and energy.
0...............441;,...11...70,...... . 1 end responsible • persoe certifeleg I
Dr. Williams' Pink Pills cen do Just and again reared. at the audienee. ; . to his identity and Dritish
as muck for every weak servous. . A panic, ensued. The, speetators t litiGIIT DE WORSE. - ' - I nationielitY, or satisfactorer evidence
AskIty.... as the par y a 9 g ofd 0 f 13 owe ether deeeriPtion.
fearing' that the elePhartt would burst
pale-facedyoung, woman, who is stip- ,. _.,_ _ ._..,.. s_ ,,,___. ,,,_e
'' Ping' frOns anaeiniassiiitts-deatifIrs-styess 4494"-ta-u-s UT44.44L a. '.'''44•1: Mah'n. IQV "1_ au: tii6Aric-~glitle4 1 - - I 'Aiwa liritieh_nationaitty is Oahu-
Wag-, They Make new. rich health, .xite. .•It itereinerkable that in the. ed under the statute 4 Geo, 11.. cap;
"vizi blood and that is. wha ever , tempede net one suffered nerinus iii- Krtote--"Yes, he's Perfectly straight
in a crook- e21.1c;ittii.a.;i:scInfattliitlier ' Nee9 0: natural
a'. -•1) eng;agesi
-retain 'their health. It is beceuse An a emp 0,a u 0 . A * le
these piths actually Make new blood 'he anheal. hitt he careered -madly .....:41.1.ekteeett-e-**Whot is the nature of his , ,
claimant 'was born abroad, the fol, -
that they' strike at the root or all ound the edit. arideemituallyeseleett j'',-,ir'C''''''. .. ' *N1(.101160 should be required:
lsnott---"sle- -tnattniactures cork- lowing
. (a) a certificate of the birth of
- ---to'irenort
aliments of life, such ae 'Jr. George- Coleman. the tnanager of
headache and sideaches .and back- he circus, With his trunk, flung ltirn screws:" •
• the applicant.
--eachet-,:indigestiote--palpitation__ef' the o the exeenerie and gored hine.about (b) The marriage certificate n.f the
eakte-Mdne9 . troubles. • sciatica, ptlet body With his tueks. f,......„--........
TPI4l. . .
parents. - .-
' .shetunation,„--s.neuralgia,„--St •17-ituarellitleantelgethe-ani-inal-Weee...4ecified • - , ' - - - eel 'The birth certificate of the- fa-,
Y /14-ani-L'yer''thi'd in ir°411-- -- ,To---eCielifor-nia--elenet------Lewie -seade-tre--
genuine • pine can do this, and - the , Medical assistance weir obtained Where, the, nationality if,,,7 Claimed
tick one _should see that • ,ther full,. and the injured tritiner was removed .
Clarke Elosition. Porte \
• by descent front the paternal grand-
nattle "Dr.- Williants' Pink rills ar 1 to the inerinarv and the manager to ' . 1°41 a thCeg412! father ender tile statute TS co.G111.
Pete _People" is printed on the wrap- hi; hotel. Thesesafe"in a critical con- A. personally • conducted ex,c4-mion caps- 21, evidence in addition to that
-per-eremutlefereer-balee-eDoiftelkteatteeeleee te, .
*one Persuade you. to take anything go .e.eteeeeeeeeee. should be sminircd as to- -
, ••_ • Trunk itailway ,sisten, and connect%
iso• --, - • b c ..1 t1 v 5, and . ( r • f ti e tarnal •
mail at 500 a box, or slit boxes for te grand -parent s .
2.-50, 1)Y writing the .The Williams. A firing party from tile local ea, 'SI -entreat and' Toronto July 0: .
(e) 'rhe birth of the paternal
Medicine Co., Dr.ockville, Ont.. - unteers and Yeoreanie who are en- ."ute' will lo *Via Chicago, Oleic° 1
grandfather within 4the British doe
ceinped• in Chatsworth Park 'was af-
Pcnver and Colorado Springs- St°Ps minibus
through Council. -Mutts to Omaha,
terWards. procured. They formed a
. row of kltaki-cl.ad men. A ehort will he 'Made at eecti of. thee() p:aces1 ',
0 II 0 • • II • • • • .1. ,. distance away the dotal/lest elephant and tido trips taken to Minium,
Sheffield Is Going 'to Turn Out a was secured With massive chains witt eriP131° Cr" -44' (714/tr4len bit (ho Geld5;
repo.' - . ' etc. From there the party will con-
,.-Acces,--,. tttre14.0,,,14,,e„tti.e.._.,,,rea .tinuf. tiirou h -the fitWous scenic
ujoumnd.9. of townspeople as_d _vit. ' roUte 76f---tke, eiWee-r iiii-ir Trfeletirliffir .
I ers •stood. _ Intently gazing on
' -10e. 1#11.18A1-111fi'0-eitartitrlie'13
pliant was forged to his knee% the
order to fire Was given, and a mo -
meld later- he roiled cos. 'dew', '
opg fait tAr4r.e:gulte4 put; •St'gru,•,e'
-1.,,,,seeeet. 'i r' but 1c tub the Olg'n •1
o -the -Pacc--eo ' in- paragraphs (a)..f. tle) and (0- above:
Mal474191115---44 _Of
Every one -knows that to sharpen
- af_IX_Reeiteeisebad_for_theeraeoe-_-the
ordinary razor, -
13'14 a:day is coming when' a Thatt
will be abie-to shave himself, cut the
icaVes of the latest magaeinee except°
un a . le ee en r ..• CU
-4/own, ereeSe eeith a_pen_4e314ethet Inv
be carried in the, waistsoat poeket.
For in July- Sheffield 19 going to
hardening tool steel capable of main-
• taining a keen cutting edge longer
. than anything •of the kind hitherto
produced.- A blade of this steel will
not only remove all traces of a three
dayee bearttemi caeve a railwey buf-
fet' Sandwich wit4 equal facility4 but
a in Iteetiennwreet.--witii. iron-
k „ It, Will elso eut
' wk.
--tiotelnereaeo its- popularity -with pro-
elieltItAiwriereeeniereept '
Files made from it wear tour times
as long. Hay the makers. as those
from affllit'r ind of steel,
lous-product -of modern invention will
be -saleable In hulk at about sixpence
a Pound._
With a areali blade of thy. remark-
able .steel an expert recently shaved
some hair from his arm. and then
Madre1 a knotty billet of reels -wood
sseslissway-whish hare-roduced
orebeary knife to the eeMblitnee
-f -s saw. But on rceteetine, the edge
%aft found exactly as et the outset.
;without te dent. " anti juse-,the
for an "es.:4Y ehave,"
• s,
Mrs., ar'ouch-"If I should die you
would never get another wife who
would look after you as I have
through _the Royal gorge to Sart could help it
eheacce..,,teefit-neeles„ _ _
Sin riancisco, Alt.;--ShieStee Poe - c *Misstates- iteet-e----trittel
land floeregon„. Seattle. Spokane, and nem is la' awvork to 'do for every mita
hi?ious_orne thit;Ohungttilf caut Mianbnoeuts-t im earth. there function 'to per.
otrt fiFt„ei.roarytt.sa.hing. on earth trutaixnat:
and the mission of Dr. Thom.
. ..........,
Let •Liblasr . ' •
Serve Your Soup. .
. .
Tcmalo„ Julienne, Cops'Omate, Chicken, Mel' ligatawney. or Oxtail will please the In*t)C -
fastithocit. -Spey are quickly prepated-sieliciows to cat-elvtays satisfactory. . •
WO .-___
Libbyllt'''INI*3vr*3 Food Productsn
eii:ireeetilifif Beate, SonelesteChieteete ' Vierina St3i.ttaatta
-TriCinglie!" Teur‘ ,O-SrOZPI611444 ;hen \ .
1 ilidbbY• T.4,10Netil tti. tibbv. Chiceto
During -June, Jelly-.-sVugust- -----and
September the Chicago and _North- "
round telp excursion tickets to Naar
Francisco. Los Angell...a, Portland.
Ore. (Lewis & Clarke Excursion), Se-
attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very
satsS• _ CAsresiltsissilna,4 chga,,
fares from all points in Canasta.
Choice of routes, best of train se!.
v co, •yo a asooe •rt ant
retorn limits. flutes, folders and
full inforination can be obtained
front B. - Ilennette General Agent,
2 East K. St.. il'oronto, Ont. 31,
• "Irt)t-AifEvi
"I admired that fast piece you
played, professor, inurtensply," -said
Mrs."-CrasiVelf.-"It lia I a kind- of
".'wild freedom about it, you know -a
sort of get up and go that just suit-
ed me. Was it a'compesition of your
"Madam," frigidly responded -the
eminent inusician who had been hir-
ed for the occasion. "I was putting
new E --string on ray violist" -
--Piessay ecoyly_e-e-Tsaer„
tests-paintingsstosda,y-sa 'f-thosser
what is the name of that little god
that represents matrimony? ,
, Timtnid-Well, now you've get
the Peteific coast.
The price for the round trip. in-
cludleg Wilrorid -fare, Pullman tour-
ist 61e:opting car& all. meals in the
dining car.-kotels,altle trips„ eteeels
S105.50 from Quebec. or *160.50
from Montreal and. $150.00. front'
l'oranto, This first trip is designed
an a vacation trip for teachersal-
thOugh many who -are not teachers
will trnproVe the opportunity of tak-
ing tho trip at the remarkably low
-price Afforded.
Demi-ice. Cower& Agent, and Conduc-
_ •-4 • , _
Mr. ' Goodart--Ahl , yoe've heard
r then? She certainly hits the gift
ItliSS Chellus--Well, I hoefe that's
what it is. I should- hate to think
she paid anything for it.
Peed the Domini(' Right and the ASSURANCE CO-.
Sernions ate
- • Tftis-gontleopertlngtteinenmny plecket-
A conscientious, hardworking and in Ontarie for Agcnts,
eminently successful clerounanwritel * The high 'profit -earning poiver of
am_glad to bear teetintone` to the
pleas -tire end increased meatier° of rates, makee• it attractive to both
„he' Company coupled with its Itiwer
efficiency. ;and health_ that liceqs: COMO ft/km.04' dritp-Agents. •
to me from adopting Grape -Nuts an 11- you have never. been canvaseeli
ofein, 1,-Arti.. '..!... °I. eelp.lifie ..=,---. 10-insurte-elle--4,,Peee,c_eenele- -
-...veral.geterttee_ereefeiniieil afee ehereelo-agent------10-leour 14w--
' it"literarer man- in Vienna. posses,- ,tresseel daring the -early part et each write for particulars.
or of the learned degree of doctor, day by indigestion. My breakfast, J. O. McCART/IY, •
used take his midday refection at usualiy coneisting of oatmeal, milk
a well-knoWne-vale in the _..Austrian and egg's, seemed to turn sour -and _M_n_nsger -for-Ontar10.
capital. One wet day this'place was failed to dieeet. After dinner the 13 Toronto St., Toronto
lege fully- attended than usual. and
'the Inisere0e state of the weather
Whited WOOL of the vi tors to seek
• their various einployineots as speed-
„,,,, eXedierrees.
-ily- asspoisible. "Ifaviatic heard -of firapee-Nuta-fo-od-,
-finall- eoncludSdsttessivessit se;” fat
wounds -of • every description aud cure
coughs, colds. croup and all affections
of the respiratory organs.
. .
First Paesenpr-eAre theyea hap-
py 'family?" -Sedorid- Piisgenger-z-•-
not The old man is seasick',
but his wife and the girls have mai-
de-trter.'t - -
naught Yeraterday --Cured Ta;Day.
-Mrs,. 0. C. Dart, of 26 Broadway.
New York. savs• **I am surprised and
delighted :at the change Tot `the -he
Cstrital Powder. It
-for-ft-person suatiring pain wi
Fuddy-Miss Grimes doesn't look
se young QS she did a few years ago.
(hi " , at.
0 yliffeteitleitletyoir-ege
the appointment?'', " The Oat -of,
Work-"Efo; I got the disappoint-
itattnovCS all bard. soft or calloused
lumps and_ b!eruishas- *ore -horses; blood!
spavin, Cu-rbs, splints, ringbone.
-swollen throat. coughs.; ate.-- Save $50-
,by use of one initilie.-“Varranted the
luost "Wisfideri al Dietaish • • CUriir ever
"Ile says he will never marry if I
iite -trine" --said etheeimpressionable
l'eWell" answered Mis ' Cayenne,
Weifitereleertirr enteworti
• A small boy, writing a tomposition
pa Quakers, weund up by saying
hat the **Quakers never quareel,,
avh other,and never jaw back." lle
es1„4,Xassasas.. u _ .
don't think ma can be,"
. _ .
ecper-onscumbers and melons are "ferlsuldere
fruit'to many constituted
-that -the ..,a.t isautesseeni sonseiesed__by,
st al,,--dSW,errMi.11P mg. ..., ,
Ste. :Mese,persons ,are not *Witco that ,
ttiey can indulge to their beart*$ content
have on hand a bottle of Dr.
Kellogg!, Dysentery Cordial. a
lee that Will give iniiiieffratrti-reitef,- 1-- - -- -----,,,,----
a & sure cure for an summer cum..
Judge (in the court-room)-1'rve
lost my hat."... Counsel -"That's
nothhig. I 10St & Suit here yestere
Wash greasy dishes.' pots or pans
wItive'*1)zySnup it-pive•der..
Widest ease.:,
Do not delay in • getting toilet f ithe
tittle •fotke. Mother Gra-vele WOZ 1 taiVy seemed very glad to see the -
teruiinatOr is a pie/omit and su moogre hairs in tny bead..
lt you,. love your child why do • you
eeitesetier-es eressittiyetee-
t,t4.* Ilolidw s Vora Cure *ill re -
°linger. accoinling, to her own storyo
. a
Ilestit Ohmage Relieved in so Oalnutes "f want to buy a ' (10K .solliar," End. and get a ttla at "ce• \
-Dr: Agninv's Cure for the Heart gives said the customer. "Yeisir',/le- r—,.....
-Sympt thette Heart liliteitiie hi an min- plied the absent-minded 'salesman, A WICKED WORLD, BUT-- •
perfeet relief in all eases of •Orgatilc or
utea and Speedily eiTectit a eine, It who had recent! b n t f k 1 t It's a wicked
y ee rens er CA 0 world, but there isn't
le .a-petriess • reincile for Petrel/Wee, that department; "what eieo shirt' a bishop ;
Shorts -maw of 'Meath. Smothering:41)01s; do erlifi Wetter! - ' i'te who lwants to get out of
• - in any or ai. Call -on. your- drug* _
-Plan--hr---1.4)it-Side„,---ami---nit--sytoptonis.---oi --- --- -,--,---------..-.....---_----,----:',.....-„, ____ ......... ____. .. )
0, Diseased Ileart Ond doge c nilnces _ . _
' - • 9-- - ' - -The Pall of Rheum's:tic Patine, What lanisets- Yew& -nc*Pondlint?-
absorb a ,quart -------of ;ea' ter. 1"he.'17:er- .-Wibeo & sufferer tinds pe.aument re- the stomach gone wrong? Ilave the
South American ',Rheumatic Csare. WoW Are you; thrtateized with nervous pros -
feet brick of- the human Variety. how. glad he Is to -tell It C• W., Mayhew-. :Mg:: -..er°111AglaTnehrer'eroce,
ver, although he j9 alwayo - .' ,ea IT-hamcvillt. Ont., couldn't, walk •6"r right, irltes a world ot torte. kfeita fir.
Or.liff --titerorieie- uerteo -water- - = -- - • -cr---4104-nthsHeinnr-Viikcs-e4. 4. -- "'lag° tillf;sks A retular c"I't /14
The Off:ninon, brick, If very (ley, fent lief In Etteb Is meritorious niedicitte • as _nerve centres grown tired *ad listless/
year's Aiririking. I eia is seen the rail ° ° lad '• "I owe illy lifrecal
,says •
superiority of mind over matter. hint -not a pain since -Isn't that en
headache and -other symptoms fol-
tOwing the breakfast would wear
nway, odly to return, •however, next
-When-proceeding "to -Velma- -Mat.
xaMple, the learned doctor leas as- trial. --- quit the Alec of oatmeel and
, Snit 81101M .121244111SXON.S.
'the Lackawanna will sell tfcicets at change of views they separate 1 inclak
others in that , the audience can't,
If you are going to Asbury -Park; 'body of men meet for ao interestin
greatly reduced rates- July 1, 2, "3, they met, each With his own vie a .,_ out in the middle of it.
via Now York. Choice of routes.' unchanged. ...e,--..
booklets can be W3titined it. tweet a* %force -Theft ate thousentia
is-eieseeeceities---tette ediedeme -
A Recognized wiriatiuri;a0,trtn.it the who IlvAi Miserable Jives bereeese eye -
Finest scenery. • Full particulars tkild , • Er--!--..
' I tried werke _lentil the cloud of dePrettsiolni
t (ifii: -T Ite vapota t/ott--bc-
' couragement for ri=1 a ic suffer:re-8' GOT T9, ,..LISTEN.
We have usually found that. When The curtain lecture differs. front
German stony are, now liVing ha Zng-1 St.. Buffalo.
timt-13Urgaut_.282.,„ tr-ttlint: oft-neptIA=-whe*-the 'ver-thip.
And a Patio/A flu *flea_ fro etomarh arder t eta a courbe at Parateleeti
--1-01/141e4 •t•O• •11-ndi 111 Place -PI -101-eggs,- send „made; my breakfasts of land,: Holism& atut Belgium enduring Irregubtritlesi. end tor mix looms* they r which. nre eigs ng she b
ITOCIDOGED. Melee.' Vegetable be d ars meet ellleatious In their
taintr_brinizines....rner..coutitt„imprv,,L4 health tatat_...autt4tio ,taffith_r_30 Ith Pectic! t,lue unitickit, man on. etrrtag, ii,„„weegeigeteleseseee &fears
gh The result leas surprising, le fetches tO *uttering the brutalities te pleatemt swede. offzeitepecie. A trial of them will proVe
„covering, a real `Paris e hat.? ine
shabby and weather-beaten heaSi- ortipte.Nets, cream, toast 'and Pos. Privation. 'even eteie"vittione it pro- • rairmrepiertb-4---soP111 wllkhlt tht -bett e-,--thae-• -Par- table- knentar ng estr.Y._ _
Iy attlibille ILLS qUiltrilragival d gt h h I f iong a is one of the otateitetit-s eartbin_ --- • into_tablection.,and restorsni ban to
moo . low ifutoied folioered the•Morning ince). My
to the delicate attention of the i rem; t a or so
.which Ar thur KoWei,koWalei hizrelf d'.serter 0 Visbatts up now, °Id 'chap/ normal *mein, is which con urea
-t ,--11,41111!thlOn. ‘vith 110 littleldigc4f031'. 6C4.61130 once mom satisfae- MAU* Igt. -"We 'beet, "the Ridia Fred4Pi-6.1 -called .00 _my_i*t_sided zcraii _timer parf?rsa.,thsir sititles proper y
•-t0' his (wilily.
,tru.it now. trotting. lest night and. her father's tkee bi.t
_ day is zrount ac... 0,14 .ee.ing of tit -woo rtuarnod. sirico sensatiOn oughout the empire, • 0
I ir Cho ."Pr 'rt
t‘i. the cafe 'and Politele? :that' 14)ar Yertr's ago. I haveetle hOOk tetrrible Indiettten q,pif oughp oldr They were neither of hem brittle*
, ways brut Grapct.ltet food cox ,my of the briftfelitY Of tilt Oernfeet Freddy -1101d on; that's net, all- *Oholars, but they "a to -Move*
r, to` Otani mit ife-Atfall - • tokry,sfort_ sn.a. is C011kinilti011 Now' the girl 'refuses to •marr Inc tittie$ akt regards t eft knowloi
to, apologize for the apPari.1 tvos delighted to rod also, tliot, 14()11."(3 aki'm awn P"-r*°"1--e4t./ bt"11"1 1-hriug'.bYditc /jr eurt*Ilt-:tvtlit*"'50 4"LilY-t*:*/
ate. The 'Act wes. however. whereas before I began to ttse Otope-
-0 'umbrella. and you had °rte.!, tquiet food T vas /Olio terVous and
id not know what to do to pre- ,'Tietame caSity ,the 'work
lasw itoit from being spoilt • of preparing sernisss aid' in etudei.
he Join, airad Ian ktew yOre'te. marked ittrproVeretnt in this rould tot be made vfirr,e than it is,,epect resulted trete' the ehenge in my
_ botte:tel It, mid •now return it, j4 1_ arn• eoeivireed that Gra
With th40011.." 11Sts .food prole:et-4 reeult 'are
001:11190. Et
ie not cohneed, b
reriord the stern
eleyercelY Improsssi
oti satiety' it you tlo
see tOneidees etirthe
litterleS1 tor n -,Ore ete ry
kat thil 1060(.10%ifle
11.001teime e'ttrlieisteerifetre*ineWtictiretif-
mental' and ttrentth.
have 'known,
who -Were
Let -
lave been, oy t
fotill,, (ii "U.&
u mow. he _
missi to Phitte.”
Nerve' elven« Iry Posturn Compan.
TlAttio fro*. Vie
'14hisrest it, Tomtit.*
ileac, the, little 1,0014
to Weiiellice*"' "pkg
the!, ite
perience, graphicalky telling thb sys-.P ft •113(0 theiafluIIy.
eetaatia ertieity which drove hinl
desertion from an infantry regitnento
',litre he wiks SeririOg
',setoff titi frontier' into Switeeiland
last year. and the tales of his fellow -
deserters Whom he eteomtered, in
Swit!erlenel, ePtnnee,„ Itolland and
'0 • - -
ty of i1ertet& he mit were
o dee hy the abuses el GerEttan ni is.
..pappf waS ',regularly delive
their htinible domidle,
i6flifle*Of OlitY to read Out therin
Inlcakfast time -all tize luefit ' hiti(!to
ing Keiusef the day. Otto
after Wading though the iatest
telligeitce from the front, ttie
to ik'nottirt page. of the paper/ 438(1
_eeeeee _
ViflhiPfit bate ter* Ills,*
'the rriiio of Motet° irt
'f •tils'deeP se* itialiiug• itt
ratitatti il'hey live at a!
1,100- to 107,00 fathoms*
are stiiddett with sznalli phoS4.
throu h the gitioltn.Y. dePtitse. '
ei.dur and 'even atievation are fare
preferable to ithe 11141ccittnient they
'recer•paubletted;to winI. uu*uibera of
tlist 4:401#.11-n.ltnilY0 .
he assots. are tow sooltits:n the
French, forVirn legions' in Met
to *bids no
but one *rho tittle, nothing fr Ma
lite *lit *evince
NE 1
they' no
attics You never
y're dying,
f - '-ows
oat, we
r't*tid why be
- 15 hnrdei to 1
ow act