HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-22, Page 8.Twa appo!ntmenta
by the o Goi,ern 0 the 5
Division Oourt of the County of Bur
toibe' eElliott, of Exeter
to be clerk.
-Thtl-Sleterttf*-rttl-will-gtve an -op
sir concert In Vietor*4abUee Fa
on Friday .vetting ne*
will be -taken-. at the.. gate or
benefit of the bandEverybody co
Out -and enjoy the utnetw-
Surely:to one P*4 eetwolentiously
orwish for any wet:titer *Whet than
.we have been homing during the put
!week. Very warn), indeed! Whflc
not ,x&cUy eittufortith* Ahet weather
luta been whattbe countrr wasneed-
ing. The grotto" and iram. are mak-
ing very ropid growth under . the . be,
nign inlluence of the warm sun_ an,
the boutitilul-rai .
. . ,
At a. itoketttitig for the Organization af
aJcr�.eecIub, It reday evening
foUow1n oMcera were elec
they are 'the best i
GotoWnl. Mitelsell. Batter. for the
most up-to-date muffler for guy
beets and other roots.
TAree Ng epedal Itargains i* Mae
r-,Svit„,,(a5D+96V end
Hon. PLeL, W.0.Blieett; rteL
W. PreL, 11. P. Bel
Sec -Tree*, John
W. J. .,tathanu. n
cos unititlarreard.e d 01
" to thooe suffering from tender, pore,
or Wog feet. Sold hY C Lutz4
to are your prin
tationv-in the very newest style, of
per, type and workmanship.
Take aU our fiutter gad Eggs to
Ststrart's, they are sist in the rembirie-
„prices itzU be rn raw evor.
Dr. Butler, London, will be at the
Central Rotel. Thuraday, June 2004
talon*. EyeetAietedandglaseee
Chia 11.010-Procisaraties..
11. n: the petition et F Wood,
r1tng Bermt4` 1(1,1141"*., n_Mt
ins, Sainueraartin and thirty
n , Gifleepie. TomCarliug.
.with COT
e lpfereveas flxed
utrhaseverr pros.
un.cfl wi • wer.re careof0 -
.4 with aUznattera pertan-
ing thereto, other theit Where guma of
amounting t� *50 d over are
Luti.arid Wood-
Levett, the offer of 0eo Vora to build
a wire'fence 'SOWN the trOtit- or the
Wirelenoing for $10, he stecented,the
council to SuPP17 one barb wire ter the
op mid* gate...440104. • 'Accounts
were ntetiland ordersdrawn on
til; per Levett-,Wood.-,Oarr ed.
Le -
vett Muir *diem' to .cell Reeve.
• 1 Senior, Clerk.
lacrosse Sotck.
turn friendly- licroeut .niatcb
two iuontbs ago be
cough, whie_
monia, and durng
weeks had,
tion. 'Mr 1 Mrs.
sympathy of their
the demise of the litt
illness, of the other
tenitly--‘ighoAre suffei
ging cough;
tween the iteasall tuul .Ezetertoam.lNelson were
ok lace 04 Monday evening.' .414. cemetery on
g enthusiaotic crowd wee In
tendance. The Exeter Ovid march-,
- Rioter, t do hereby proclaixrx Thur.-
day'the Oth day of ef *.a*7
observed by.the citizens of Exe.
teras a eivic. holiday. - Let- all good
citizens govern thenseelvee according.
1y God Save tbe King•
80e. for adults and 40c. for children
will buy *ticket tor the Masonic Ex-
cursion to Goderich. July 41th.
et. sea
, - fool them all the time. We dori't
claim met:* infallible 'bat *Mail in.
and invitation to
otter In
etitutee to their annual•picnc to be
held nest .month. The .1.00:1*04*
officers for the ensningyear was held
d reeulted as ,follows:.--.Pree._, Mies
Hall.; Vice.Pree., -Mrs. P. Knight;
; Mrs, Itaittio ; Libra_rieno.
Meedamee Gurne and skins; Vireo.
Stewart and lam W. 3. eau:1AM
Auditor* Mr* Treble- antl-Atra.1.4L
Pao' pass. .
The orgorrtodiout(readence_of X
Caroline Robiere• Enquire at premises.
Cori! 01411,intaism
• Mrs. Vito& Dearing' and funky de -
gift to thank the friends and neigh-
bors tOr their 'kindly assistance and
41-ntialAiy-during- the illneee and
'deatb of the buaband.and father,. Mr.
Ckisrck Not.e.
Mr. David Wren„ divinitY-ettident,
of Henson, occupied the ilatut* Street
hile on Sunday- mobil* and even.
• r.,7Wren-will:churgutake-tlte--oer-
day. -The P
nd---tt-nd-enlivenet the
ith * few choice Selection*
te was well played by both
tearni with the result that at the close
e score stood 8-2 14 favor of the
Exeter .boYn Very little plaY of a
rough nature war Indulged in, .conse.,
„th tars enjo
ayid-itt r
moone and It it '-vof
cation •te know, .th4 .boya
averevived the goodold gaMe.. than
11, re
neetion it might be mention
y can sport be enco
h a_ &toney doatIonby
w u. or
grounds; and by the patronage of the
good citizens in turning out to tbe
gamee. When a town allows hock
scrooge, baseball and other sports to
-die a native,' death fretn lack of a
little assistance, the town itself le not
far 0003 the tame fate. Encourage
the boys in a . healthy and enjoyable
.---eitlYW-Presbyterian.Church Tea and
trawberry Festival Will be held on
edileadayof text week in thecitUrch
lawn., A
from London.
Mrs, Aquilia Shiere, 018t. Thorium
is visiting hire.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lutz retorn to
Montreal to.day.
Inspectr1oin le visiting the ichoolti
'One 0
Ione l7tb, i
man, relict
garthe Itt.
ae nr-
emne time 11
eve the
not only in
Ieooebutin the
children of the
frOm whoop,
aams o( ,Artitur
in the Ratter
Mrs.' Hogarth
of Stephen, at
wasaimoot tot
and it was neci
way in front
- Miss Cora,Puke, of Chicago, is vIsit
ing relatives fti tOwn.
Miss rowler, of Toronto, is ,viiiting
her sister, Mrs. Giedman.
: .
The wedding Season la at its height.
People altout to go housekeeping *mid
ealton- us as we purpose. m�idng
Spiolal 021 j alt
V.( -3wwwr .wwwwwwimmu-araLm waxwmar,wnws.-
• in Order to helpi along those who haVe
accepte. each o "hei- "IV* -better- or for
to. worse.
iPTIVitt*13E FOR BETTER,” we
roughout her life
speate4 by all who
was 13, consistent
by a fasnhIf
elude ftlf
/entire; of
We °sun tbe largest stoeic of furniture in the County and will quote you
Prices that cannot be beaten in 'Ontstrio.
- h
04ito-. .
ItOlut.. _ The funeral 'look _place -
her late residence. lot 13„-coutession 2;
Stepheti, to .the Exeter cerneteryon
Monday afternoon at Lo'clock, and
smcouree of people.
• lonx nowcwrra
week, sees smother of our Oldest
h hly Item/ems laid to
John - Rol way-otth. -death of Ur.-
reit; , to -refer-' 0_
months, 4 days. Onshire„
at tbeaec( year,, 2-
England,. in . the year Misek *deceased
aline . to Canada eleven years. later.
settling in the township of Usborne
where be made his ..hoose continuous-
viret.rsoNlght GovnissIlte.
're wade carefully and -with
.Skirts made Of Pine Cotton with deep
Plorence, three rowelace insertion .et
IN wltb deep lace frills, sage -
at ...
Skirts made of Fine Cambric, trim.
hmtottwo tows. lace insertion with
thirteen rows very floe tuckings and
frills of very deep lace, size'frorn 30 to.
44. Price • #1.75.
Sitiaisor Muting asi
eeeas000fhotwestberis a
. try-
ing time for Most every one, pa ti
lowly the housewife, upon whom a
vends in a large measure the
ing and good nature a ber. lam
Bet weather.-htellit andconrt le
discueeed, with
mend -alma b leabel
in the July bausta.ron; the paper
being *chapter its "The Making of
usewife."- 0:ber seatottable
SM gives m 'A Snow 1
n." 211 "Milk as a
The membereof No..0Company. 33rd
Regiment, who returned from 'CAMP
at ling's Heights on Saturday, at-
tended divine eervice at the Trivitt
Memorial church on Sunday meriting'
lase Fariningat the Msz4on Rouse.
and beaded Irithetteterlitsaa 'Boat
they' marched: up Main street to the
Church, thaB' and playing deCtriti Icottau.
tifuteelettions 04 an appropriate na-
ture. The Rector, Rev.; R..e1 M. Per-
kins, otatipied'the pulpit ainidelivered-
*very littingaddr.eatbat livaslietened.
to with a Zreat deal -of interest by the
born the" *dare* was
in fortUrtliwg freak 144
ebureb the band again headed tile pro,
sneak* and discoursed Several more
beautiful Alec *.
itAi.P. Metal Werelds,
Pot 'many
custom nt the
ter.No. 328. lodep.nd.ut Order For.
„ Summer csinap
ideas are other
lerof the 10
ticubtr interett
ler'iim hereattended the Neve.
Elintuff wedding at Clinten
Ur. Itobt. Sandie* returned Thur.-
day-'frokt *visit "With friends In Tol-
do and Detroit.
Mr. N We Creech, of Brantford, is
apending few dayi at the home of
his parents hem. - . •
re, '0)4) Bothwell and child, of
Stratford. are Via/tort at the home of
Mr. *nest Dunsfo4, of Marlette,
ieb;, spent,* few day* with relatives
and Mends -in tOWIU
and Mrs. Biter. of London, were
gifietit,of-Mr. end -Nr-Ouore-end
lift friends for a few. do*.
Mr. lolin:Mclutosh'*; Who his been
lark at the orWs'nierelal difouse, has
turned to home -In Lovelon.
Mr, Vir. .10, -Smith, .N*001;41;44 by.
hitt two ester* left Tuesday on the
tosraion Crew, Ooderich to Detroit
an the steamer Greybotto
re. Burk, who hat Ternelned here
"Wisher father, Mr. Tito* Demi
the death Of her mother. zturn-
IR. 1. M. 1erkfne and N. D.
ent,- ere alibis trouble'
was sop disordered gtorasch cbupled
with a weak .heart. The deceased
'WOO i4ell 01 strUng paati
• • e a Matt
ed by a, la t,
here and in the Thiborne
where he was test known. He Was
consistent tuentber ,01 the Presbyter.'
Id his
lan church and altelotalatrip
He leaves -
sons and one
demise. Rohtirt, 3
Mrs. %owlet The funar
place to the Exetir cemetery
day morning last.
This commuiity 111141 very turas
the sn&kn azid msexpected d
Jame. Cite, wbo paesed away.
"Mb year other
Oke was
• the ordinart con.tkndoca, .c
*Vet knOvelOg
#0** She, ho
folks iitat unweilI s few de
(omit* aatth. bqt she never
and, 'continued
ber donate%
taken dollen froi
h vital ep.rkl
ineertion- set in down the front, tile
price 25c.
Corset Covers made Of tine Canibric
-with four rovr ineertion set -in, low
neck, with deep lace and silk ribbon
tritniningse Pricitairont... „ .50•to 75c.
Ilighterioitnituadefrillikeof-laridery„., fteeerm
wa tockliALelioAxjj52 to 00 Good values,trhn
ed withlaceinsertion. tucking., etc.., sizes, from 31 to•88. Regular price rom.
lines now Open.for.„yogrinfipeCtIon."15. iretivtwt• 12trl,
3vat errs
Lace Glove* Lace Mitt* all the leading 'color* Taffeta Gloves, Silk
Gloves. Black, White, Tan and Brown.
...Corsets in summer weights, whits4,41.dritt4 in long,..ihort and Maium
n rice; that Iced.
a a our Amor
neb flutM ig, full extention.
&vs small chairs Leithir