HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-22, Page 8.Twa appo!ntmenta by the o Goi,ern 0 the 5 Division Oourt of the County of Bur Lit toibe' eElliott, of Exeter to be clerk. -Thtl-Sleterttf*-rttl-will-gtve an -op sir concert In Vietor*4abUee Fa on Friday .vetting ne* will be -taken-. at the.. gate or benefit of the bandEverybody co Out -and enjoy the utnetw- Surely:to one P*4 eetwolentiously orwish for any wet:titer *Whet than .we have been homing during the put !week. Very warn), indeed! Whflc not ,x&cUy eittufortith* Ahet weather luta been whattbe countrr wasneed- ing. The grotto" and iram. are mak- ing very ropid growth under . the . be, nign inlluence of the warm sun_ an, the boutitilul-rai . . . , At a. itoketttitig for the Organization af aJcr�.eecIub, It reday evening foUow1n oMcera were elec they are 'the best i GotoWnl. Mitelsell. Batter. for the most up-to-date muffler for guy beets and other roots. TAree Ng epedal Itargains i* Mae r-,Svit„,,(a5D+96V end Hon. PLeL, W.0.Blieett; rteL W. PreL, 11. P. Bel Sec -Tree*, John W. J. .,tathanu. n i-yorr Airy cos unititlarreard.e d 01 ross.40.40sti_veli " to thooe suffering from tender, pore, or Wog feet. Sold hY C Lutz4 to are your prin tationv-in the very newest style, of per, type and workmanship. Take aU our fiutter gad Eggs to Ststrart's, they are sist in the rembirie- „prices itzU be rn raw evor. ossolon, Dr. Butler, London, will be at the Central Rotel. Thuraday, June 2004 talon*. EyeetAietedandglaseee Chia 11.010-Procisaraties.. 11. n: the petition et F Wood, r1tng Bermt4` 1(1,1141"*., n_Mt ins, Sainueraartin and thirty n , Gifleepie. TomCarliug. etervo .with COT e lpfereveas flxed utrhaseverr pros. un.cfl wi • wer.re careof0 - .4 with aUznattera pertan- ing thereto, other theit Where guma of amounting t� *50 d over are iggiCouncillor. Luti.arid Wood- Levett, the offer of 0eo Vora to build a wire'fence 'SOWN the trOtit- or the iiiinWit-itround;---.7stipplyirog- Wirelenoing for $10, he stecented,the council to SuPP17 one barb wire ter the op mid* gate...440104. • 'Accounts were ntetiland ordersdrawn on sututtemountin til; per Levett-,Wood.-,Oarr ed. 100e, Le - vett Muir *diem' to .cell Reeve. • 1 Senior, Clerk. lacrosse Sotck. turn friendly- licroeut .niatcb two iuontbs ago be cough, whie_ monia, and durng weeks had, tion. 'Mr 1 Mrs. sympathy of their the demise of the litt illness, of the other tenitly--‘ighoAre suffei ging cough; tween the iteasall tuul .Ezetertoam.lNelson were ok lace 04 Monday evening.' .414. cemetery on g enthusiaotic crowd wee In tendance. The Exeter Ovid march-, - Rioter, t do hereby proclaixrx Thur.- day'the Oth day of ef *.a*7 observed by.the citizens of Exe. teras a eivic. holiday. - Let- all good citizens govern thenseelvee according. 1y God Save tbe King• fleve 80e. for adults and 40c. for children will buy *ticket tor the Masonic Ex- cursion to Goderich. July 41th. et. sea to , - fool them all the time. We dori't claim met:* infallible 'bat *Mail in. of and invitation to otter In etitutee to their annual•picnc to be held nest .month. The .1.00:1*04* officers for the ensningyear was held d reeulted as ,follows:.--.Pree._, Mies Hall.; Vice.Pree., -Mrs. P. Knight; ; Mrs, Itaittio ; Libra_rieno. Meedamee Gurne and skins; Vireo. Stewart and lam W. 3. eau:1AM Auditor* Mr* Treble- antl-Atra.1.4L Mattson. Pao' pass. . The orgorrtodiout(readence_of X Caroline Robiere• Enquire at premises. Cori! 01411,intaism • Mrs. Vito& Dearing' and funky de - gift to thank the friends and neigh- bors tOr their 'kindly assistance and 41-ntialAiy-during- the illneee and 'deatb of the buaband.and father,. Mr. - Ckisrck Not.e. Mr. David Wren„ divinitY-ettident, of Henson, occupied the ilatut* Street hile on Sunday- mobil* and even. • r.,7Wren-will:churgutake-tlte--oer- day. -The P nd---tt-nd-enlivenet the ith * few choice Selection* te was well played by both tearni with the result that at the close e score stood 8-2 14 favor of the Exeter .boYn Very little plaY of a rough nature war Indulged in, .conse., „th tars enjo gsmethovoughly. ayid-itt r moone and It it '-vof cation •te know, .th4 .boya averevived the goodold gaMe.. than 11, re tten-in neetion it might be mention y can sport be enco h a_ &toney doatIonby w u. or grounds; and by the patronage of the good citizens in turning out to tbe gamee. When a town allows hock scrooge, baseball and other sports to -die a native,' death fretn lack of a little assistance, the town itself le not far 0003 the tame fate. Encourage the boys in a . healthy and enjoyable recreation. Seleivid.• .---eitlYW-Presbyterian.Church Tea and trawberry Festival Will be held on edileadayof text week in thecitUrch lawn., A --WrIght-bas-ratnen from London. Mrs, Aquilia Shiere, 018t. Thorium is visiting hire. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lutz retorn to Montreal to.day. Inspectr1oin le visiting the ichoolti 'One 0 To* Ione l7tb, i man, relict garthe Itt. ae nr- emne time 11 theInflimItI concU- cia eve the not only in Ieooebutin the children of the frOm whoop, aams o( ,Artitur in the Ratter ingof-a_boo Som. Mrs.' Hogarth of Stephen, at wasaimoot tot and it was neci way in front tbdkd - Miss Cora,Puke, of Chicago, is vIsit ing relatives fti tOwn. Miss rowler, of Toronto, is ,viiiting her sister, Mrs. Giedman. : . The wedding Season la at its height. People altout to go housekeeping *mid ealton- us as we purpose. m�idng Spiolal 021 j alt Arriatnituria. V.( -3wwwr .wwwwwwimmu-araLm waxwmar,wnws.- • in Order to helpi along those who haVe accepte. each o "hei- "IV* -better- or for h to. worse. iPTIVitt*13E FOR BETTER,” we rtnere roughout her life speate4 by all who was 13, consistent et by a fasnhIf elude ftlf /entire; of master • We °sun tbe largest stoeic of furniture in the County and will quote you Prices that cannot be beaten in 'Ontstrio. , rre:fTtie. - h I;::n"ncour, 04ito-. . ItOlut.. _ The funeral 'look _place - her late residence. lot 13„-coutession 2; Stepheti, to .the Exeter cerneteryon Monday afternoon at Lo'clock, and ibercmalnswexefoUowedbj smcouree of people. • lonx nowcwrra This week, sees smother of our Oldest h hly Item/ems laid to John - Rol way-otth. -death of Ur.- t reit; , to -refer-' 0_ months, 4 days. Onshire„ at tbeaec( year,, 2- listurdsrlstits England,. in . the year Misek *deceased aline . to Canada eleven years. later. settling in the township of Usborne where be made his ..hoose continuous- viret.rsoNlght GovnissIlte. 're wade carefully and -with queue. ,IIITE SHUTS .Skirts made Of Pine Cotton with deep Plorence, three rowelace insertion .et IN wltb deep lace frills, sage - at ... Skirts made of Fine Cambric, trim. hmtottwo tows. lace insertion with thirteen rows very floe tuckings and frills of very deep lace, size'frorn 30 to. 44. Price • #1.75. Sitiaisor Muting asi eeeas000fhotwestberis a . try- ing time for Most every one, pa ti lowly the housewife, upon whom a vends in a large measure the ing and good nature a ber. lam Bet weather.-htellit andconrt le - discueeed, with mend -alma b leabel in the July bausta.ron; the paper being *chapter its "The Making of usewife."- 0:ber seatottable SM gives m 'A Snow 1 n." 211 "Milk as a week. Itee-Ceets-aetist•O The membereof No..0Company. 33rd Regiment, who returned from 'CAMP at ling's Heights on Saturday, at- tended divine eervice at the Trivitt Memorial church on Sunday meriting' lase Fariningat the Msz4on Rouse. and beaded Irithetteterlitsaa 'Boat they' marched: up Main street to the Church, thaB' and playing deCtriti Icottau. tifuteelettions 04 an appropriate na- ture. The Rector, Rev.; R..e1 M. Per- kins, otatipied'the pulpit ainidelivered- *very littingaddr.eatbat livaslietened. to with a Zreat deal -of interest by the born the" *dare* was in fortUrtliwg freak 144 ebureb the band again headed tile pro, sneak* and discoursed Several more beautiful Alec *. itAi.P. Metal Werelds, Pot 'many custom nt the ter.No. 328. lodep.nd.ut Order For. talnngthe IngSuxurnerPte „ Summer csinap ideas are other lerof the 10 ticubtr interett Undone, ler'iim hereattended the Neve. Elintuff wedding at Clinten yeeterday Ur. Itobt. Sandie* returned Thur.- day-'frokt *visit "With friends In Tol- do and Detroit. Mr. N We Creech, of Brantford, is apending few dayi at the home of his parents hem. - . • re, '0)4) Bothwell and child, of Stratford. are Via/tort at the home of Mx.RIcbardOldIe)'. Mr. *nest Dunsfo4, of Marlette, ieb;, spent,* few day* with relatives and Mends -in tOWIU and Mrs. Biter. of London, were gifietit,of-Mr. end -Nr-Ouore-end lift friends for a few. do*. Mr. lolin:Mclutosh'*; Who his been lark at the orWs'nierelal difouse, has turned to home -In Lovelon. Mr, Vir. .10, -Smith, .N*001;41;44 by. hitt two ester* left Tuesday on the tosraion Crew, Ooderich to Detroit an the steamer Greybotto re. Burk, who hat Ternelned here "Wisher father, Mr. Tito* Demi the death Of her mother. zturn- 'ed herhomeirtMettcelotialtich. IR. 1. M. 1erkfne and N. D. ent,- ere alibis trouble' was sop disordered gtorasch cbupled with a weak .heart. The deceased 'WOO i4ell 01 strUng paati of • • e a Matt ed by a, la t, here and in the Thiborne where he was test known. He Was consistent tuentber ,01 the Presbyter.' tiers. three Id his and took' Mon; lan church and altelotalatrip He leaves - sons and one demise. Rohtirt, 3 Mrs. %owlet The funar place to the Exetir cemetery day morning last. This commuiity 111141 very turas the sn&kn azid msexpected d ElUitteAh-ll Jame. Cite, wbo paesed away. "Mb year other Oke was • the ordinart con.tkndoca, .c *Vet knOvelOg #0** She, ho folks iitat unweilI s few de (omit* aatth. bqt she never and, 'continued -0/)towi - ber donate% taken dollen froi tobebeartf*Th h vital ep.rkl made„,i.f,?:'"girttork.°CbwitVE11.14tfroun' ineertion- set in down the front, tile cialpricelt*ettillair price 25c. Corset Covers made Of tine Canibric -with four rovr ineertion set -in, low neck, with deep lace and silk ribbon tritniningse Pricitairont... „ .50•to 75c. Ilighterioitnituadefrillikeof-laridery„., fteeerm wa tockliALelioAxjj52 to 00 Good values,trhn ;27_ ed withlaceinsertion. tucking., etc.., sizes, from 31 to•88. Regular price rom. ie"1" lines now Open.for.„yogrinfipeCtIon."15. iretivtwt• 12trl, 3vat errs Lace Glove* Lace Mitt* all the leading 'color* Taffeta Gloves, Silk Gloves. Black, White, Tan and Brown. ...Corsets in summer weights, whits4,41.dritt4 in long,..ihort and Maium n rice; that Iced. a a our Amor neb flutM ig, full extention. &vs small chairs Leithir 1