HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-22, Page 7--•••• 0,041, ' • •.• ,..t• • eeit tf tf i „Alma . 1.tliyare •.%=. (1 . c t I*ti 4 T. •t ,'•*.e. , .i?''' , e -.t.aini ori4o , ,; .,Le , 1,-le.'',3,i0 -:a, hero 0.0.4.b.larin POWer ,an:d'144 et* V..tirA..atlyeat„0"tivilkati, IMfllNLut9jt :•enitnr6t.';. stroiRi' 'ti *I no' 0,,iielded to 'Cu- fl n:5itt mr,t rt sa Lion' 40:Se teetis Al• • hats.* 8/torte Ztfl *d in'tvo,iyleep /I ,h,t4 , Vies- . ann Of cjtistl,c(i`.t illittitliiata the er Int"..t*''for . the thalifted- suto4e ttut-pit,;(.ikchial Io s1!r 1iOotl. ' , • - . elaV gentierettb,y guilt .•& Q(4* Urxofitotly ass a .virt4.10 yielded evotiol..for L c-0044!4-lor sorer(' o .'iendartence of mind. and leadere of iitySnind; and'•;e• serinkled ertertre, elitist:4 now not for 'mere: soul derive's its Courage directly from teat* ,ot .prowess,-,hUt .tor eetinement litho who ettesietiketse all who,--teelitive tell*Pe" -1-41 Lity I kL141'h_y_trAi si e 1 1 I fits abutAvi -1'14-71.41i, v 1 1$ tftl3orU - t titares to-diamdliStra (4 . atrAttatilittirliarile tbnt bu»u*.greatness does not rim- nu**t - be the 4.4reltea,d of itim who SiSt ,it, battling. witb wild, beasts, in. would use wontuls1 and' death 'from nn ,ttrena, overconting•an 'opponent tit the, poisoned arrocva the. world is ,ti gladiatorial combator outestriPp- hurling in itS everyday battle with .„ tog a co-retest:int fil n. reel. Tinder the virit __ e ,floSpel • disPeneation the streegt TOIS .1x44ittr.,Anz ',,x$ 'CONSTANT. one' la warned "net to slot, la 10•$' ' *elk thee:morally rOltrageetem care oX- Might," for th0 pOWer which "in the pert 6 grapple sileres,41.11 ly At.ith 4g„heeti412,,,,°4 44r°4'ATiN4'.', 14 4k %the inftertal. intrUiPUCeein, itS 10V., I -s-"-"'''"---* ' ' . • . tilled 43Inkit.Y ., and... realotAnc* , 14 (30d. This 'poWer fixes A man. 'tit Ids Prin.- •ri. i eetiorn fromwill inspire us to the -s • , Licin0 out and.th 01 - fl. .*nftUnri t1i0.. a 4 baba -Pit J••e etPe • colaistgy, , sweetened 01'0.* L;trvterry 430WA?..741031 Pita. .444.1i0 ,::°t311•04' ::0".0t• into .ronucis. sainTr., and Spread .hair pleck • With TAVOtenciinalligfi, wbert4ts. •0' ges'of 1)4S -to witlt• while of egg, fold the` oilier half, atlit-phu... A ' f a.rre1. itnct int0 'e crtaS ot upholstered fern two.. bile m4tIre eradicator -for moths, it .bas no -9d9.8%, - Ami, if by am? heroeen „ ould spill on the table4 oilcloth o petee.,eleee; at once 'With bar water ad tee esetwate' oe.irpaniediAttx-lyr... ItelS tiss heetethisg /net 0'.Wsit'41%.'t '.0,Vert'varpetS"tit44:•ArtS•not ; P " ;del )- 4 , • 6 l;?h tile Vet "POO , tr.P, rettnee-to-the'AUSs there •Otiulti. alW.ays' e the halt ready;to Itt0w.cheeilutly t'ha iii74.P:0134041. 44(1d. *a* 011; tg770, iotnit:,t0 be, lighted".the first '.uthing, atiorthe trienirig merit with 'is pretty shade if ORO only wants to :LAW« gold yeeteel. in the centres. And -This Fare of lathp and ready, lightr ei the iitt4r 4.yeenit the eu , RI and fees art tOade Age mo tied kit with almost. a eb.logee ablo efirecta n teutl lasenclera bite Green violet and blue helug tht 31103t, popular.. varlsetiete.vi the *lir iirrtd at Jittery all 1:411\ 4t*Iltcs11.1;31.'"!;0, „ 4-01e.o- '45.10 .*-tre 0.100?•' ' tweete., gretips "of. roAs yartee, tWo• to fh.ree biShe e., iret • " , 7en., de's, , '01 t0At1ier. :411# • neimst toirlifes.01'411Ni•te 57 god ro • than, ,l0ntp-40$3, 1113:00` 'rec7,1).F.0ad•i,than'44,40.yeA•4414 ,10.6 , It.'31.4a114.:,kfree merkiu ',of • " itiltieltte'• Or '?1,0tat3;ra't j lish fashion 411y,,lietni.--'. •1.inen tied `eilsetie and,,girdica • nrc legion; embroidered in blind .ein- oidery or i the •broderiseeeee iffmneti- be embo derst world dewn. IOIn IsitgAlkf40 - ve "e 'see on Q ik ix A • 4,14, M.' A 74 !4:il , S.0.40'Vel f,S1,41 10,4AZIii , E'4190a,o-iiAlAir yotsSePtenee le:Mede Of •14' • t'03414* 04, 01144r; olitio elelitSi, fork - &1311;1143 Ver,ii•ItattO10Xne: Cott4i ltaVo reveal& ',41beei , I h 6 t ' butter -and- sugar, .and bake hf,)t or cold with strawberry sauce Or Whipped cream. • . Bich Croquettes.--Tratoi a cupful of honed rice beat 'the w011-WhiPPed fir f. 1' an. -egga-a 'teaspoonful of Melted' butter. a 4aspoonful of Sager, half as much salt, And enough' Ik to mettle a paste ;that yea c9n. handle. 11,191/40 Pli3 Into croquette1. or into bails, , with floured hands. l'sdp eatit into beaten egg., then into of- the- tiouft- counts let: for . _ • 44,• t• • A ir Apar - -bleat; Shoe i. art ed 'with all kin lis and' trotter* oX women'* Osfords, s,i',i,h three narrow strove and buckles instead of but - tone or laces. .... , -,, a , ,,.. , ,... anything in which the celre are to -be . 4'130 g4eutS 04 .094,4er and ,S1414. COM-, COar9.4), 93 thi9 W.111 •hetit. the air ,iti . "I'll ave von' °c"ievikhle-, anki c0113° ito in:late them. Wheel egg heaters, in great varieties of color. re better tor the- cake that .14' to Very cool and fresh -looking are the have a fin° grain. theeked voile frocks tunde over lawn. • rer hatt(-1 'puddings' aruT popovers , 6iiir ' ctm1 insertml_. generously *with .ciples. It hin(is hint with ta firmness; do 9,11 things.in Him who strong thteis 4 cractter dust. and Set. aside in a coid beat, the eggs little.; For Cro9ta puffe " v .alea9c(IY'101.. .- r.Lar40 InaY be hail which cw'cremiier-5 -the ad -$14,11 .age"nel i es'. It is therefore expected that- our place for a couple Of limirs or -alone d° -n°1- 134'41X them at all. rer- onv-ilrtamY-sialle-- in fqwqr-ttl 441°r°, And let, (thlees It is a soutlie), ttnd Ger-." are .111st ttto thing' to wear in June. .r Ts art art wjth even mnnY experiene(d cooks 9,re not fa.ndliar. Wire egg beaters tole the right sort to use for angel rood, meringues. Ar nel4 sterling. - au4 also 400,011:00110i* g not fail when we stand Then fry in deep, hot fat. to 43, Whialk -tat09109,:t0,- ttto in st -stron---- -Man - brown. - • Kr 44.4 ' ..ide--A---long -in ulna pan-Ithe try b,,ating the eze3 1 A Convenient reesPtacle for hair- ,- - - - trt ellut the---Ave-M7! Is- it Av.- - - - - lett rTaii""a"---his -.014,Yrerions•-.1w-rafined irt ills castle, or w•hen we en- spoon. Lty 44 twitted colantit,tr. end b 'fur .r china. The two sidee almost. meet , the laths into -the froth and beat I I% s g I 41w th ) tiQUI 171/t t -in 'stril g -es• t14.60"1 , or when tiro cut the cahlei ready to "dish them. • h t s lends, 11* t kr. the lawlessness of a re::c1 set in the open OViat Wait, 19tt arn 1,P3W P.114 eat III '1)1 .1 g • n; and then -flare abruptly toward the •of ;die° When „thek„ yery,t e •• that hold it tight in. the comPan1011'; Ric° Saute.- fn fo•rnior ° t Ol'ant tItl.°°34 It' Of cetera leine- g4 •S tO ho as flO11 1L* the w tog -valet% -the-rulers, - thi darkness of the t the w eine,it„i„..941/_..4.13,Lapan a hot platter, 114441°41,it:(4' tw.:-Itieigs4t..m4L1.°1ktox,41.. kr much the rrag? wa$ bir.orte. utast t •-w°114'''' with w ckeane133 'fir4rf' It ts our duty as Christians, places. the intelligence of min must ot. lw it _414ittbe_mquirei.i., and 1"tat into the oven to •dry Tor taxa bat, d ‘rinter . riteee. are seve a pop ar .11 tt-out--.7p-f-:-.41aricniass 4t;)4 4,•PTSPItt-ATION ot ..%Atori and spread the ral,:the,..3.4,000-4440ea40104L Won ,of ite -..tration if it is to arar SueeeskifUlly must -stnr.'d upon,his 8uo*-Th "11014tattst' Oise moral cotirage vacile:. purity that dazeleS and with angelic failurawijjebelheeresults,--e instrumentality tacit° that, increment ▪ if the soul watild be sustained in. Which measures up to Perfect inan- ktinanifold duties the words of the hood in Jesus Christ. Only spa 'a *,proPbet "auettsl in.the next must n * *!iI• words -of prank's°. They strengthea-.. red a .rant and a Silas in the mid.st •.,cif stripes and tihainin. they'sustained ".4 Peter and a James-S-dien -the cross -and Mork confronted them: they have • „given courage to all the raartyrs of Christ to overcome the • physical povvers of • their exerutionere. They: •Could ,lattgh at torture and death mink& killed only the" body and left. co, .That this:moral cour. ago t in. the soul guilt must • e 4,44 4,4 4- t*at d:ning---the---W34414t witStlitottplyT;usror rfol. 3414,410.4_414.00-00. itaft`. orm,Artik corititsteneyi.. Allett411.tX sct. • ..._.___gelaL 4 maydtmaite before beeesiemingeeo aretei Sgue. .. . , . . • ,e, e _ . i Ile 'Itef In frying pan and , fry tlurtril-htlarite-4---------4----------e-e--e-----_, tielmesstide-di.selte:4"in. erbtriee-44; Seem lieu it thvim slices of ollion trout .y4191.....sott.,,,HinettsstpubmSpabetilsivlit, triazz.,han,dito, tiwcbeicterearnolrcearion-inhopildRtTiortMo:mindw'IOtt tine they begin to .solore Take Limn_ out e'P''°'"' " , ) . - and put the rice into the butter, a g'eollatr,ii::iYw'io"etjtee"eon;g'thbl':"top"1-!p;Ttier.6't;itrueaWatte-Qt'chectlherter4es.tite d' FlePlashes in'taltrrsniccsh - - -Tait. Ve-fi---1 -litlY eintl- ificoil)oraiRd, , litilt tho _vhi,,,,,,,,,,e t,Entirinmuftlite, th,hatit eathir _ 1,viiiaptupe____Teartutioiebelvilty., tableseeenful at a time. to teeliptithae4 seirieseke -hemmer beetevalence--.can- -ettee trratia zils144.•31-• and brillg intounitYli• alm---777i71-1-r es • They colorn-stight137 SPirit the diversities tha,t Mar they troubled • earth. Then alt nations talc them up with % a perforated Amy be brought into one harmonious spoon and lay them in A tine colon - •kingdom under • the reign of the der (heated), • , Master. who had in the eerily, of Haddock • in EngliSli conflict •the moral • courage to pro- two haddocks • ia salted water till '-"tuart Of Sin."'t .from skin and bone. and claim the truth- that overt,hrew theicooked. 'rake out. drain. Free the As Tits ,diseiples It renutins us flake into net pieces. -- Note - 'they tomake the .triumph ol • the cress. must not be broken uP ,or Meshed. the symbol of true :courage. -4:.1 Hire* ready:a plat of white 611,14411.14414 toe teotote • StiliDAY S01100L TEttittiTAL LESS01; ITINE 25. lesson ICEIT. Second Quarterly • Review. - TUE QUARTER'S LESSONS. • L The Lesson S; in Time. Dering the First Quarter of the Yeet---iteeeeseteier- wit% cirs*the Only -Begotten tif-thir rather," from the early witness borne of --hint by John the Baptist aarr, -A-7137127Y-Whig-lieglififf man born . blind latter the .Tabernaeles ite. October, o d Quarto'. ,tinout h • Oood Shlipherei, were spOken , tot •e_lpegeettttzer the events of Lesson XII. leirst Quarter.. Fi Cri•t0ter. fOiMitly-X04104411)04-46.,•-1X-29-4.090., •• sen I.), • we leap to February), A. D. 00 tjrssbiL), whrini-ta44, ti..4 ;Arita- • . roxised., Another leap teriege us to : the ,supper tit Bethany. Saturday evening, April (Lesson TILL and after, that: the lessone emne in close attecession, triurephal entry (Lesson XV.,), was, Made ort Sunday morning, April 2. 'The, washing ot "the (ilscfplee feet.' the discourse oft the Viretettrid the branches, and our Lord'ss intercessory prayer (Leone ,. V *n4 V11). are to oe 'dated evenittg._Aprile0.e:Oa Aptil 7, Jeeirs Wag' Tilate• (Lesion VIII.), nd later in the day WaI. criicified eson IX.). The reeurrection (too- ttOtt X.) COMM • on Sunday morning. April (last)* one week After the tri - 0010.41 entry). soul the IINC013N/Oti tarty day* later, Lessons Xt. end COnfetin utterances froin eter- IX; The in Them Ile events or leSeatetaJya • VL, Vase. •VIM, IX., tart X. toolt plarts, And their *or& *ere sPOtert."- let or near to derusaiem. The aerie is Ilethatin CL and Xtr.:Xhe Ont.. thdie t tie wee antd exile ore Tattoos.). - . • lie Coldett- 'Test for the -Quarter is (very properly) I'dentical with -that of the 'First Quarter. john xx..*81. Valli 10100 Is tob:re - ga,rded, first of all, as a testimony or item of evidence that Jesus is the Chriet, tit... Son of Cod. In'the First Quarter's 1e4sons such evidcm-,--zs were given by various people wheats he had and cook, elonly stirring all the time. tor five minutes. Then.- add by d•serces half a pint of, Con- tinue to cook, etirring 'ail the time. ftePPer to tate. and a dessert-spoon- lui or 04`eitee-tit-cifiAttivy: Add 'a ft4rIeeZe of lemon Juke, and use as directed Notts- Piece the.but- __ t te Iran first -nod. let it =it. bleated by miracle or teaching. 'Ihe Imsons WO • now rex iew derive much of their value from ottr pard's testi- irony to himself: His own estimate of his chnracter and vrork is given stetteraertstftrantS. a. once. the. -Boor sof--the- esiheep (the -only means of entrance into the kingdom of God). and the Good Shepherd vo,ho # I.)e that heels thee Vine of which we 47.14 the brarraufelLe-sson W.); that 110-15-mre7trirt1r-tittrim,. posz.9.. -that we .shall be one with him , VITA, By the raising of I.0.7arus (Lessem:II.) he furnishes su. 90,14,C0 pale pinwith ex ovy sauce. this to the liaddockS; MIx. Use the Mixture tofill some, china Soatillies • with. Scatter bread-erumbs and grated cheeee on tepries() a few bits Of butter on each, and hake in a (wick- oven until just set. Serve at once. For the -sauce. tnix an ounce of flo\ur with an ounce of but- ter to • a paste in a smell. clean sfewprin, Mace the pan on the fire. well flavored, and co/erred to • ....tvessarr.A,t,... cce,m, , el—,...ecogestotatta _en yolks beforeeadding the flour and. , e i A* travelling. bag which is .0316 of baking' powder for sponge cake. add the, Most convenient things in the !market is square and deep arid made to the mixture as many tablespoons of boiling water as there. are eggs in I like a bolt: with the cover opening at th° enke' til" 44444° cake t°111 •In the centre. It is lined with kid..and tha whites the Iasi thing 0,N lightly - by Means of straps, and compart-: . fitine910,:tPoarS15LgelifiXbilt.i.:1;nhatt.ettlria:ti at? dgsghs Ect,iorwtitttithrio:I•eartea.ebtriei ' sit ri7leensets!1:811r;hesetr:edeepvii • 4 xtge1:1140'%:*Ii all ilirt hg ti the traps outfit. l 9 rrutolte7t..-: .fore it is to be Used. This is it -de- iega.‘..*Ieui ..tieee.ea.e.0..spas.o. it utietielL ' liotrid mixture for anything whiCk for toiletAcetsories,,,,,.. .... . ... .1.. arAshippe-41,cteacia.,..it_ls,jessc . rtch, and is also a good substitute fashion, and the round length skirts for, the old4eoned iniddIng. PIRAW*, tare 49 midi, as pi!assible, and inttst in which. egg Whites are beaten 1.!1) be very Nit at the bottom, and also with sherry anti sugar, Flavored In 1sufficiently ample at the centre of the -this wag. or -eimply--savetened-witlike the atichtien of a few gratings off 'there are some novel gittileS made ,- . nutmeg, this combination makes a 1 ief wide crepe do chine strips border - g. , . &Belong sa..........tice for . ,little baked bat.' „„„, _.. 4.___ .. cd with colored 'linen tapestry. They ter nuthlins, TI1OSE VACANT Rooms. 44-0.1Kj 4 4 • tell .(tIr idea Jeorrowetle, from leather belts) on the left Mlle. with a smedl flap UT' button &Ave • over Your watch, and so minimize the danget lestine itat luoul:.engraving, by the itraye is on everything that is radicatly new In Jewelry. , sarne eraze for thaf has affected every brand* of wearires apparel. Besides the tittUttreil buckles. Were are, ovals, set across the front in- stead of up the ' idea, of breadth rather than height,- t :‘• -.4 • ' or ribbon:- get it on't . - - but make- your girdle' so that the fastening -Can bia---MOVO us the Silk " •stretches!' 'Bias silk , tattew on softer lines, but it svill. add length' keine Mee to- time', and silk jsi mud* less i Sonte_oti 'theta haul - tett. r ef X Wiri of t . bcirgal " Inra /Otte Stutlfet. -tht--4wtr. ter Ttrte,Allegories% epokert bY„.4Setta. its:-Ithkh tirteurparet himself toethe '(oed tiheSherd Sind' the. Door of the • (Ls$sort t). and to the Viiiit 6 13).. Wo have -studied -One 10'.*rought him, in some re- ar lto greatest ot• all hist 'eseon'I14. \to' ha*eratiiltett flverkts Pri,coded th 140. `1..14e4,911"4..,I11...t.V.,:V. ond s'om Vil. we studW -slots/ Trayer, itt eifixione earl lit , tr:9 St to S:Llati X tion 11; t heavenly , indents of the Le • , 1. 13. 0 • . . -4 • )0vvtri r-ta at the supper at Bethany (Lesson -1-11-4- and _149 ctcceptance of popular hbmage innIngn the entrr (Les -son IV.) he altOWN his re- lation,hip to hunianity. lly wash,ing. OW e..-4* A:et (Lesson V.) he • teaches the spirit or tow Whitt IN eeSeitee of tlie Cluistian By both his silence and his words fore Pilate . (t.cosort vni.), ii,t4 by his- death. -on that cress (I44seiti TX.), he ortaleste himself as tha Tiemb of !Clad whieit taketh away the of the work'. • Lemon. X. far mom eon- ViiLertnif-viii:'-fe-!.eivon.r.orir his power_os'T death% while Leason' XI. gives his at.titeitre at the right hand of the litalosty on high, caring terelerly for his earthly followerts and Leeman Xfl reSeals their hiese eted de4t1ner. Then.. *kedge in_ the dour by degrees the tees Mrs. P. A. Macy, those _sacant....r,00ms at tha t's)ji of -the -stairs, t. - • 'With their tenantless beds and un,- (11.-Arst ° efeWin as 1 eitsfifseTeliorser-s---fice chair, • it t� the door, s made of natural one of those r002047 st,t ilii!710111, Of ,Ainen' bor- ifeeVerecIE:Ci-erolitte-7-Wirair Fre *ties , • th closed eyes I dream, rooms are •, • vaeatat no more, 'l -hough na step's on the stair, no bettal-itt---the-Coo: lua,r net an echo of laughter or . soug: Silt ntly, oh s'.1, ntly pass they elong 'These dearly beloved who in V1,9101,14 .appra re- ChoSte of the abnatt who once lingefed'hge. • t • They eotne with the sunshine ititet the room. The little ones come- with theOr • rheeka all abloom:- • With- their dear trustful eyes „look into my facer CITEETIFTTf."BITIMING.g. Vanedians are world-fampuS far 100'• 0,y I iIstr i heir -0*O-hOttle9;--'3,10..Nt men nte-rrir-nrotli-on--thr--eiPenitms -aft work that can he spent in their own brieht. pretty sittingrooms as they do upon succeseful business eater prises or hann children. Ilut there is little anticipation I tir) home itt dreary 'or poorIS light- ed, Werner' May love twilight, avid • of coUrse young folks -are liouti'd to. btit the averitge 0110n likes ft eheoful sittingrootri in the spring time as lgtoll 99 09 frosty nights. 1 It :le A great mistake to give up eve/gage lights as soon as spring' AsArles. Iltate is no ..reason why- sPrift4 should hot- 116-chmrftil-rtswe .. WITAT WITS SAY WOMEN. lOtitteste.0eat0t.,k6 Mr„as rico can, but what they 'do see 'they ,tire uichererituelde. ee A . man, cannot, possess nothing: that is better than a good woman, nor -anything that is worse' than bed_ estio.nitto jdes. r It tender. atos.kenti 0 earliest *Odes, in9tilling • owe spirits.-Clianning. It is generatip afoluini,e eyo ,t st .deteets the• moral defiel6ocies hidden Under- the„n Oefit” of beatity.--Ctorget tlictLee - - To educate a Man is to form an individual who leaves • nothing be- hind him; to. eilseate, n wonieu fs t forni fature generationsestaboiday - iteeprettyee -- 1 know that -leaps are a, trotible4, and that it he a relief to be rid of the bother of them. I eon hear a chorus of housekeepers all 'reproach- ing me with these scone v:614*. And In. a Way ttior are rightee-lemi es they tire ordinatitt.inana one, Of thr,f Limnos- of rural - They. are allrays riot ty or *tivas.s. needing.* bit of the fixing in -such dirty work. Yet lamps ran be 'done eas/1.7, * few minutes. silverY°. rnorrilng. It You opere_eto knoir theeetteeret of it. • In e 131* -0. IWO-Viet a411 1 broughtare _down. lel the . t.‘toltt. every Mottling4 Ifonte low .n the kitchen: where they are to bo put Then a'•. shelf itt the fro' all where tteth 10:0060. finds his eitdseAt 01' slatiderr t- its -that are neVer tbs1/41 0 , • thing ieleri, and litetee then* ali eire. -t-l'hitost-t;waliaTilidi.il.tt11141if•I'4****•$•In a Pqpittill af Inii-fhtrliimtrupt eown and' rub lightly with t Won, brush. 1Unr In -hot, ' SetitSta istit* paper - Au -i• it ,won't take. litotes 'to do 14 • ei are laced at the backs.witli •velvet ribbon and are shirred and hooked At the front. Little flaw 'capes -and tiny boleros Are seen over thin frocks aini Ilugeria _waists made 'witit short. sleeves to show the Orate cull below.• With• , is- verr-generally wen. the long• wrinkled glove. ' A statement bag, with- brass v- s erifirtht7iiik370'•,-th-ItliTEWTo Ott 4.7 "blirArlitittit intereptitig. GossIxt-. ..k_bout „awns_ _ Prominent People*. _ li -the gtittheot_Persia_were_to_ riir f his incomehe could stilt eke 'sure of being ene p t vie men'in the wortkt Ito would only hovel • to sail his •ornamente, .getas, and precious 'stones to become pos- sessed of 'about $35,000.000. the sum At Which the xnagnifieent collection ks yalued. 'low many people are ri,vrare that MO 'Xing never by any chance par- takes of butter? Another curious feature of •the Royal taste is that -; Staleity-rte with Ittilk; he profera,it itt the HU* • hie inStesd Of milk. King Edward has * small foot, icomiNkra.tively speetk.- .ing. for he -never treara a larger helot thito an .'"eight." His hate, -Mr- the contrares are dratuere• than eve crags Site,' rtinnitig to seven." Itf.* • _ Mr. Graham litirvey, the composer of 4"ihe Glory Seine is a young •man in the early thirties, and was (educated, ,Dulwich College ar.d Cambridge. Of athletic build and happy dispiasition. the „is a great be- liever in outdoor e -Only cheap musk:al composition which gained 40 mulch notoriety as "'The _Mei:7 Sane ware. "_Crossiug-- the metes ihe •setting to musiC„...of Tennyson's Annum; words. ThiSsolti in hundreds of thousands. although • 2!1=innark- that he wrote it in I0'4V mIttatell. • • # • 431.ht1' *t t * tb3 OOP 04 ,entrtt I of Prisdo '1 dminist ation, Perhaps unique in jIS etyi lots- Jett- litenebrotight to i at enrtsigesik, 'Where an old :priorer riaraSei ' 'Illorels0;"Condertitted i 6 o treeiltY•seVS0 's;,- * Ileiiiit .... , are 1t 14; t 1111 171 embrace. - They slip from My . triv chair Stands a beautiful nlaIdcn with soft • flowing hale. And some fun -loving Wee • Tly Mich Wistful face Inew they*te &wattles spathe embrace. abas bn kot in gof! year t• the expt beset rd nt the Sentenee h no I dip • b eeteemieiteriersite...4 •to• • tains fenr.epoe t , and loops for. betties. Clirls who can afford -manes of the • utlitd-et nt t tenia_whir to keep them. Some the Asti? ones are covered with rettv. chintzes *ad Cretenties. 1116e axes are arranged I on a table so that they will pull out • Rep dromrs, • NW ANtt GIRDLES,. reaSh to eogitites them. Ale where are My host, They're gone, from my sight WilliOu • faseettll or noise; t-tlitsi54SirsiFeteee-iifiy•-egda4o bearded men, . -1-14liew MY. feet lioyst • tne *gab. But, the Melded• 1o6ke dowsk volth • *flet$eYe, iLler_16 na tare irk,!141'Hic.4., • 'LT Ilittouthed thelrentseetetteIier, • and her ttroet, lissvo, loved, *tie is nem* trit now. ,o ti 111eyes,. •roOtas At an igial 'boys - , 0, . fbn • fast t t'itv6 4.A Thery tlaY SZCS new girdle. 'Ile revival of (paint Valour Styles IN NNW to be repponsible for some cif it; but, as.a, *littler of fact, there* eat'nerty fad for them, for they are just as Much worn with every other sort of euit_tovi_drtets......_It_isteregly... the tuna °alto** of the utilquitouti wear- ing A itilt-teht;tt ',1;t4 blouse lengthens the 'Waist littev told ohs that matches the skirt shortens it; and* as a long -waisted ettert la radii: ontiy to be desired in these •detysa of straight -front corsets, the girdle snOro ' often' matt** :pious* than ,Sozietimes it doit wither, that lee sxactly.--e•Vor inettenee, flowered girdles' are it tint willtS, •the douse, and so rotithine its length di' rather than the ekirtY10.- °were,. and' colored girdles are ora'inoit of all.-ttoug rather than with soars, 0 ttown*nd ribbout-areir mething like' an old.leatlionc or mado. up tette Airred di(tbetwern:'' sh611rett'111021-wl (rnctints- ;HAW 1,4644* -664,- s set tit the • ho id.14-1444 tad • with- *titMto- tnk or ro not, flhbs1k9 lidrb sr 1.-erza 4The Lid h to ertmli d4te,n., pito 41.1‘1., the tat.C.k. , _ • are seleita- etre • lore, *1-4Ich 'lt the 04:05t, r*rd•thilereteett boitiwo„n thom. rcie t�athr biti d 1c giirilL”k• triule 15,111; - P. a 0 a r ism. but , , 0 4th t ti b.. A • g t9444,9 VOr9 • .94:*,4n"ri it 4no 4111 • 1* -"troilifteSs- 4i1=0 Unusually fond of gay society. but ,pleirso.lter „talented husband sfhq,r enies herself social pleasures and 6 4110 443.1e _ eliste She makes many typewritten diethose of his sksosts-wheetts- publication in Russia Is prohibited. and these are sent through the post to their numerous friends. They have nine children, and all of the family COnVerS0 fluently' in English.' French., and Itossien,_ and mest of them are musician. The oldtest child s ,tin attractive, girl, who •iittempte to carry out her father's Adeas by.' denying herself all indulgences; buy- ing the cheapest of clothinte, and im- itating, so far at possible, the babitt Of the early Cliristintiti; rientnark was receritlyseen-sit-4- bidding adielt to * distinguished tenet. Looking around With ai-bo'riti eltriression,_she...aaw a newspaper re- porter. scribbling away for dear life in 14S note -book. She, too. drew "ft tiny nete-hook front lier pecket, wrote titestage orlon a ltat, and folded ittintO a tiny 'pellet. The rs. ter watched, eVerAt_moti_ort• t ' glitening 8;otoie, issitiortssor of news, lie was '`,0011. *es te: hie given to bine.; 'Siete enough, - the Prine011 threw, the' pellet of ,.paper directly at le1M, With an Artiossueny grnRl ant" for a Women, and brained - User ed itt her hos b e trnightened he 'crumpled lea. it Were norde: "T were a reporter enry tirr..t. The well- kiown Vnglish Leber leader, wore o "thirty -emend year. .fire,1 ai -ete 0 One 43t the VenSaat(st- lir Zfr. Bread* when c I f A k- - ln%1trr1 1* E ' lit, nit '14E0,1 1 949191 • id li w ntJ 1 el 9ii't,-; i.1 t1at-l.ft, A a luAte-S, os to 4d not 'I .1to.„,alr to wimp ..04114.4.„ itancr t .c%attilcz, cOradtt " •