HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-22, Page 4-al„; uL A ANA The • Oene hoped that found tisfact that the fur ' the .to form a 'ail ; -&oti A40, efficers, ADDit SS statements eablititted informatieir 110W", atigliratO. CSI11113111 of 1 ' 1760,0M'aril: Lbe eportlep off,'tbe • ffl o own x be. reitultO ‘04•1 VA' ri14:" ':;*- • OiteCtOrti. beg, tO:# tt it1.01; Profit' and „Lees 'AceolM , tc!, t 4et;ir eoded 42.9th ' A ; t- • . anagereent. 1'rovinaI. Govenie and Act, 'acAriuLti itrti• seOrkin ' and largol --Atte *, • The statement Wfl8 veiy satisfactory • shareholders, and shows great s in all departments of the, 'pria &r8 8Q tisfactort that the Dieeetore declded to increase the dividend to r centper quarter. • $50,000 We* added to the Reserve Fool, -and the Bank's total assets increaeed oirer 000.000. duringthe peat yeer71 A Urge put of these *ants is lex:esti anictiln", mediately available, which °ugh to . •••_„ be very satisfactory evident*to rle. nositore of the strength of the Sov.' Anotheratiaf*c'Qvyfab!reiB4h. Widdi&trib- 0000.0... the avorrig Mined to the. cutomera heing,,,orilr $1,400 per heed, • whieli She*, t he 12tarik should not telleltain a, heavy lose through the fait* of anyone of them. The OW* hasi 00W.... some, 88000 tuts. __too bundarrt evidence of It( tosperity an • no alert ity w1W-We pit ho.„7 0 - - 130,111 NOMA* bas purchased an in- * ubstiarMiss „Mary Bliezengtam. of, Guelph IR spending a' montb.. at her hoMele LUtu1eS4-nr. -Tkonlits. efStm-• Uwe of /Tulic Bra.milau •for Solely days during the week. -Mas- ter Robert PassMort, of Lemley, who has been suffering from an. attack of pneumonia,' ts improving daiLy.-Out 0 worthy postmaster, fir. ,Mlison, who underwent ft serious operation a few weeks ago,le.we are pleasetl to state.on the merid.-Mrs. (Dr.) Irving and 'Miss Ratewho have .spent the winter at. the manse, left a few days ago on an - • n oeter •usy- t Kate Rniximel has re- turned to Mitchell after a pleasant vis. ft here with ber sister, Antsiee--Miss a , IthrDetroi is being, brought. home. -Ale, Heide- man and wife-0111as .Arinie Heideman, and Theodore ileidemanoill of Detroit were here last week attending the fun- eral of their sister. -There was no rier- vlee irr-therlaith.erarrehurett-aundaY owing to the parlor attending Confer- ence at Sebastopol. -.T. Merner,who owns a large tract of land* in Alberta, bas dealt git-600Atateto • of Stanley. Mr. blernek now owns Mr. Eider's 181 acre a 'short Aistance- • north of Blake. The latter left hit . week for the above placv4; H. Aser and family fisovist, to Hickson • Untet.1644:Weeki. Wher6:11143 former h4. •-liita-ewreueeeee, freetylivitio.-wr the household effects there last week. spent a few tleye.st, her home bete butt week. -Nicholas Foater, Sr.. is around IND. -The *age] of death erite the home of Mr. and Mra, .1tudolph Beidetheehi on Friday night and took away their second daughter, Miss Hai at the age of 00 years, 2 month* .18 • days. 'Deceased had been aging rim e and while In DetrOlt bad undergone Beveled. opera ens ttiia all that loving hands and best medical ,skill could do was done for tier' but to no, avail. She had lived in Detroit for *owe years but a, few weeks ago re.;,, 'turn. to berilittine here on ao6Outit III health. She Was. of *lovable nature and during 'her life time had snide' Many Warm friends. She leaves toi, bittitiltertletal•--her•-.40,tenta-,,den brothers and three sisters. Tbefiatirl, ts' Monday *14' iswir attended.- irt-- torment taking plane to the Luther/04 vetnetert. The aorrowing 00411 ha** 41;e *Weer*" arnpathy of the vlclnity. bri .„ . ; .splendi tcl but ed the.; h ad no b tat,' e'd hrgiel:$4:e4.0:444:cr:o90101 Wt. arca Oktion*ii, vastitiltion, •v0 uelne d forei ,buslitit”ts ha a tteined. very' lin' ' oas,bibf•Ce.. .ctio • and th reified o *the .new re• than -the. to. Thie ha -a been appoOiated as f lows/ Quatherly-dividends-at-4-per-ceat.--- r-annuur 5`. paid 15th of.Angust. 1904 .4=50.00 0-Vaid -10t-Lt-414veruber-, 1904 ...$10.250.00 No. 7. paid 15th Vebruary. 1905 ... ...$16,250.00 No. 8, paid 15th My, 1905 , .. .416,250.00 ..— • Transferred 'to :Reserve Fund .... Written, oft Bank Premises ..10.000. Reserved for Rebate of Discount onBilla not yet due.. 5.000,4130 00000 00 Balanee carried ferward „. • , ... . „.....$ 10,088,32 , ter the -.11 are.lielders had hove plicatlenA hadbeen •re ived far r Stephen t _* 0. , ? ttil juALUVEApsirelj„wwib. ,..,....:., ....u., ....,, ..w..00,11.11.W.........ro.r......4.. , t 'Branches -or -.sub.-agencies have been °Oiled /4 the joriowing . places le - ---, - •.!, ..,!... .4400,000,00 yulloatyteemenstreianlotttEzeter, Tetal. 29t1 April. 1905 Saards . June title. See -"U." . .. . .... Trita'sx.-the grim reaper death is I during the past year':-Arkona. Dunham. Galt. Linwood, London:'Wcu--/ 4 ever busyftioareommonity. On Mon. ton. Niagara, .1kockland. §t. Jacobs, Thedford, Thessalon, Toronto, Mart, 1 day it entered the home of Mr. Sohn ket, Tweed, VirYeollhip ' . •• -• -'und At ,foUk r of these pointe the Bantook over the business of private . mate„..Deceaaa i3anicers„\-and at all e -f View the outlook is- isatisOstory.', .„-.....-4* o n ili •about ten &ye and _....._ The _ProPAL..4014,3L-ast==year ' itei-tIeiitlfcanietaAjoeosjp,np*e_ee2 oi-st-.--wmter was one-of_the...ta.rd.est_foc.omny_seare tint in spite of thele any friends. she was aged 87 -iiiicaliiiistifilmirifirwVerpar trot nt- o.-titer,--Barilea- -business, 'ilisL-inwlei rgood years and I mouth. of u gentle and -prte5relle and the-outlook-at--the-nresent--,time-ie--distlnetly favoratAe.- -The_ moot- emiable.disposition. _Mrs. . BeriAey , , increase of $2,624,751.50 in deposits and $108,325 in note circulation can- ebd-eatedifbieriielf to /01Whio-kne-vir-Ii(Tri not fall -to -be -gratifying to -,:the, shar'eloiders„. aeltaffo_rdo cenVinetu; 'eV - /mallet death casts a gloom- over the evideoce of a growth .of public confidence in the Bank. of Whiat Itik:Ir • hit.,:Seacidian-institutiort-might-be- proud- __ _ 1 d date_irr 0 There were- oht .,y‘ 212 shares -1-ef,t _ellhittrihttLECUt_near-4.-tere,41003,,, 461617 t , r. Stewart stated that this was the <great. - eat compliment t me -At of the Sovereign Bank could, have and should , bea powerful :italuence in fur- . thereitabliabliii-ae-h-fonriderice • of the public in the institution. - In conclusion. Mr. Stewart said that the reautis achieved by the S011lereiatt Bank were due to his own immediate assistants and the ataff enerally. and he considered the staff one 01 tile bet assets the sham - elders possessed: ' -The urinal votes of thanks to the. directors and staff were made and • efet•red to in enlogistio tarms by 'Me ishareiholders. The following directors were elected _ *UMW& Maiidonald, A. A. Allan, D. M. Stewart, lion. 'D. 51.11Millan,". ° Ion.Peter McLaren. Arch. Cal4bell, M. P., John Pugsley, W. KS blo- • ittent; Mr. A. A.. Allan, First- Vice•rpeesident„ an pond Vice-Preeident And General Manager. ? rm-"onlyhe-dispellett-by-thee----nt--4524,1 ,i, i,„- , hope of a Winn,' reunion in the bettor, amount to $11, 669.005.58. , tuis t ere i iiirifir-e-o-h---6 et -OW-dm- world. A sorrowing husband and a with: our hankers, $1,569,682.5l or more than, the entire tiapi-tal- of the , little son are telt to -mourn the loss of 13ank•• a• true wife and kind mother: • The increase in the "Bank Premises" account is' chiefly due to the Varna nontrea:t• and the erection of a first class ten -storey building. the• purcbape of a valuable site oh the principal financial thoroug are in .........-„............t.—......... „ground /floor of which will -be occupied, kr the Montreal Branch and •the - , Mr. and Mrs. . Will Dennison have first floor by the General Manager and his staffs returned from Thameaville and, taken , Mr. 11. S. Solt, President. and Mr. James Cartuthera, Director, re' up their midence at thegroonfa beau., tired from the Board during the Yearand thevacancies thereby °teat,. tifol home on the north road. That ed were filled by the election of Mr. W. E, McNeill*, one of the orig.. eyapiwlive-Jon_ tieudenley_thelles, , teat ehareholdersaaf. f_t_he Bank, and Mr, D. M. Stewart the General Min* sings of -married life istbesineere iitalt .. a -ter.- The 'Presidency wini--6'llid-bWhc--Iricestiteht-, Mr;------- ittonleip of their men friends. -Ors, James, Maitdimaid; and Mi. Alexander A. Allen' became Viee-Presideht. whilst mon an - sieft4-51r4,-AStevitastio4*.eogiritio _. " services was made 2nd Vice- lis*week for Marlettel.-Mieb.„ to be President as" well as General ---Kintiger. - • • . ------- -- - present at the-Walket,Xeys family re. The number Of shareholders on29th April. MOS. was 687 as colt/Pared union. -The home of Lee McConnell with' 841 in 1904, representing an average holding of 14.64' shares per ntinetlrowin ' icier This is a very' wide distribution and affords satisfactory fever in t elamily. -Miss Jetted,. , of aecuri y to pu a. . . .... • figlogreen, ta,t,. guest of her aunt, The direCtors aealn wish to place on record their appreciation of mes. irihueeii....wite-Theeldsou Is busy . the zeal and energy displayed by thja staff of Mc 'Bank from the junior these days performing June weddings. i cierlfs up.; to and includinl the General Manager .• - COMP.ARATIY.S, STATEMENT - • aanactipb Macdonald, President. -Thos. Brownlee has erected 'a new Ohicago-airmotor.„-pumping-niii d_ , has water put in his house and barn ' LIABITarriEs from his pew drilled well. To THE PUBLIC • 30th April, 1904. 29th April. 1905. • Notes .of the Bank in cit. . - . -- . ..f • A •---, .--''Ziatlattarr-.......,..--- • ..*# . ..<;.. ;,:-'•7.-- -- --41;091-;$01, )(k'-.'---=-'-''-' ---"SAileaii • etedaon Dr. trs'tuowill-bmatifiteCosermm'errIaillotFeti'gzeteer.- 804Wrdskri Suni0146 St t "A4." ;. Rev. and Mrs. Irriatelek; of ruusrton, visited frieraii thevillagetliis "'reek. • Balances dee to Banks in - y (Thursday) is the ',Forest:era' \ Great Britain 148,89111 428.884..93 -- -6 — iltr. aid ni:fars, YAW ; SIIARE110LDERS Deposita not beari-rt; in- ,„"terest, ---$1A-Ma30- • $1.588.94342L - isDeDtt8 bearing interest 4.611 .091.23 --e---$15.891.453.33 #$ 8.3/6,204.183 'WAS to have taken place h- etieeen- o Lu. Reserve Fund, ...... . ... .....,.. 359.000.00 cilia and our boys on. Friday evening _Dividend No: ... Payable • - - ..r ned on aceount of the wet -16th Ma , 1904 ...... ... „ . 16,250.e0 ers-zne-liibiree serit# - -bracreitd. - - - ao • - - embrance of the 50th year annlyer- 15th May 1905 ...... .10,. eery of the Evangelical church in our Former Dividends un - village will eornmence on Friday even- , claimed .,... . hag, Serviette will -also beheld Satur- . Balance of profits carried • ' day. Sendai and Monday. A good at- 8 lic'65 - forward -.... . U. .......-..,. ---$1,072.362,85 --..,-4-..---* tendance is expected. 0 1into40"-%82 of Mr. Charley Ita.rd IltOwn. one --`,.......:k.W...,....••••,,,,,,.., . $8,00L074.09 sa,09.905,5a, ' Dtkatti or Mai: linows.-4t will he ......-........... vane** to zu INirsx.of therleath of our oldest and most burbly respect.- . • ASSETS .ed resident rho pod *lawyers dolt eu Gold and Silver coin .,-$ 151,231.43 Toesdarlest, After about two week* Note -8 at the PPIAInten illness from an attack of jaundice Government, ... ... ... .53&4305O 9 • tainkfit Goveinfaeato ... .......rali $ *funeral will take place Irina bili late residence to.inorrow artithol at Cash. deptalted with iDo- next ---steurity note-ci - tion ...._........ ..., .........., 4,,,...." Notts of and Cheques on v .nottriser DEtizricktos juts, (Cle)".r.,in!: \ '(treeliirag ng bells IOW- *Or' Hanka in Oaitada -.... ... , Balances due by other ' burgh this week. r* _tem--; Due by otter Denial- in . 0# liaison 0 ,14 ref. ‘1at,' Pore git Cormtries . rived • thsr_hoine ofkia pmreiats, Mr- Rail ay, Municipal. - and,. *iclMrst-Ier. .4.1... ilson4-MOnday we- other Donde. -.::.,..... ...-..,.‘ erifiWit also Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Wits Call and other Demand ' ion, of Londom erratotte , Loans atcured,by Bo of Me01111 secured A 4nd, . a new well for L McGregor,. 'Stocks, Grain. 'etc ... ...... of 0.14 No 41',. cpitai Pair. , wit FORTY-EIGIrk BEANOIIES, IN THE DOMINION Oft- OANA.D.A„ ' MICE 1101.TRE4 10a. m. to 3 p, SAilliiiDATS, 0 a. in: tO I P. 41. A timaittRAL aMiStiti9.10ISINESS TRANSACTEio. Farmer's Sale•Notes cashed or collected. , Fornis supplied on application. MASTS on all points in the Daminion. Great ,Britain and United States bought end sold at lowest rates of Exchange. liDV 4.411MS made to Fanners, Stock Dealers and Business Men at owest ratesand on most favorable terms. DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed . epa4-,W0---ixictiti*wfteture-rt---T- ' - pounded titif-yeatly and added to principal June and December alett 1111111011-GOVertUlletlt-,-.,,-- N. D. HURDON, Manager, 111-3 E ,BUSINESS! We -are now in position to -show one of the Largest and Latest Lines itt Trurnitureever show xi -Western Ontario. Theincrease in our bushiest duringthe last thrift years shows that we are carrying the QVANTITY4 and 1:1UA 'MY at the LOWEST /*ATOM le50.00- 287.59 O'S also -- •ers),713, bine , d Dinin s em Chairs, Extension Tables, Centre -* lee-Easeis-erokinole-Boa -* Carpet !ammo --rs;Dauchir,s7W-nrefli"561,-REVC Music Racks, 11 Mirrors, Picture Frames, Pictures to be framed at shortest notice, Room Mouldings, tea"- sets, Single Beds, Child's Cribs, Baby Carriages, Go -Carts, Waims, Doll. Carts; Curtain Polesand trrimmipir, .and S,tep Ladders.. , We do the leading Trade in Window Blind buslnete,- BA4ry blind -guar. anteed to work or will remove. Over six blinds hung free. • We earr7 a *Welt of Sewing Meehlni.a., Pour weeks trod and gueranteed for IS years. $ 276.894.65 • ,48.94840 • 188,1/0,02 Ss 461.459.48 • .t8,741.91 $ 173.207,09 $ 93t.00 sit.;41.7991.$8:4,1 1.0045%76 t\ mosso?. $8,624,405.0 $3,182448.72 riont loans and Bilis Leas Diacouitted - rebate a Ms- 014-111144.goo4 no loes te provide for) -... ink rtemibes, Safes. Of- - flee trurniture• Other Atsetit- Oth April, 160 PitE Y*fl tha ztZoptiofl feltews etei'i6 Of 016 0114\1111t I Inatliutiori, arid it iv wi ita President. SU. and Oen. *km , eeto Ikpott, the Posid r nt Incorpopt*:, etlim -*trod, whith nd nos -now-Isar resent We fully etpecl• ' dom d1t�ni to 'th6 r opera 'tilt tem auctessful in fur 1,74.11r, lOrt6r1 e L1 fl tat. to 101 t