HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-22, Page 2:
0414:ntimItiiuoer wri7001' pride'
*MI looleie* at the, waterr'
I renielnher." 'IteSeted Ilirg,a4
74;',wartistoWsittthveolet", a pe:il,nY. With. thk
J'iltd'• getteralle! zieiseealtlee lIaVing
been in the same condition mytielf. 1
pelf the Siztis'And felt a fellowi-ftel-
issg. ' . • * ' ,
•1 "it",,s..rurzaJ
1. Geed night,.old feliovro
teat* t
Left alone. he renumcd at
thelable, and fell into deep thiCeligh
l'reSently he took etiree Motteee from
hie Pocket. and copnted Otat on
the table. was anything...hilt a•
large etitti, but he aPPeered
41)4: rettirned it, to,..b_ijespocketdo-
ing skyi` ha44 Mine nontuet .
striail fusee beer, and he drew 14'
• • , • .
it tt
..!,:i.Y4IfiLith y42:6';(ints.„,tagalika.'t:TISSAh191-11r. 0-81' ;4;1111
silt treskeil ' no triesthitis' and, t
!Mt hav,es.
i• none trot. , ar'te th,ft,il'' ,.-
CgAilDriltt .1„, , ere' iii the ••• hdht '''',"'llatieb2,...:Prukep,' hail liVx.# 4.I.P. 1 1"""
'11er ofc.the.NfoiAl.. 0 0 : 00110)kiite:' 1..be,i'VsYeolk, herit'64.::Iiy , :,..40ther -." T4-411014 ' Ord0.,trag'
're:. '0 .,t • tinee,14eit 'eliOttefa
'. e.tit4eCur Oiiity,,,",.:,po. -ia: 4)'.4c. Ploler
t.xat :1:c. . or, figelt.
is ).‘s,as'.14111.„.ead sterdeilts..iitrs)n,S!!:•11i4n4S,,hia breath.: • :, s,. ' ' ''
, , 1.00e, :Circuleisfaneee,,,, .
, , • , , ,
137nr 1:tiVet the -et eliN to ifis,. 1 ' te4'''" '1?"121t4 ...4.1*°' 14C:44/144". . 4, e -44P.,'41 '4' ili,". filt.)4.!1 '''''''V4Ai' t:°'.41'7.?..Ti'43`.: °ft- Itlii3t'S'1144Ped. rat'' eleee",i. ihe . inUrentire . 'feeling - la.° big'
race atid friont :thence ',to. te.-. teescee, eeh0 eels ielie* 'in `i4." -0ekete'ieesi,. 'ee'" o',' '' in my.';/iVitige- eere,' lit • 'ehert.'
atztithere almost Stnetelee'4:1 Otte', ' aelkiith' a; fejee that. wAa na,' nnlY na'n,l'' ", that earest ',Of '. ,vdi extra' thin ge, .a °Qek1;4.t. 23'. :";t4.4". Iliat'' i-tV4114,1::1;thl"; '' ItI4te
youne loan who was Sittt"pd sztu, ri.'8ieltue: but'pOssessed .of that, Ntinsoine , fi,,,,,„d in . new; “nd. no 4, return for lin, ,• feed; it is .. gonce o . te !Tierce:: .
bailie with. his knees elaeeed ire hie enso And &are. 'which ()ne is iteensteni,... '''''''
allour ,gind.fiee'S. 1 refttee to confide Thert he Was turning' to retrace. ise .
t `0
bo v$o'4k� 4t na, flung .i\
IitUe *0100; and' he•-'S-Ititad
fooking at ',the eirctts.it* 1AS1'
• '001,A/tit* • 0 ' aqtltin
'1:p1PrreceY1'.1eUrft114..tit'.1441-,Phi,;6'4itte,t4,..* e'''rete.0 o?,8-f;
the best
ergkeo eiser.4hAtog,tivetutiseatttoer, 4ittativi
pre,. ere needed. r -okay-hag and
.small etreant to run back into the
tank. I have. a wheel valve to tura
the , teNSettre back into the tank.
whe lever it . is necessary. 'That also
keep. it agitated. The geared
chipeS that pump by driving tho
wttgon • Sire not quite MA satisfactory.*
wok and are feet, ahead of the hand
pump.' lar.go air chatriber in
which he•tiOntiled fele prestlire. :of
kaiere; sbettOur:R' r'tois4tiso,lviegUuiold rri:tautitylti,04,0014„1:440
kiek .,-.. -,,..,,,e-ee------: -- ,--- •,-i-e4eellae.....ver4keeelliiglegfilede-lett-tk lieesieeeettee-see=--__
s you ..,-
ijae,7er •_ he oeefeeteeee • in yet strong -looking; hii-dat es 0,
you upon him after the fashion which • 'en Alueelt Wesley Innked uP.
amazement. "Where on earth tied
come from?
Illeringeth delight to the heart of the Why should you confide in me?
thfriend stareti at lai9te ttia
re i!, tailor. and there was au- ale of corn. he said. "keep your secret, what-
laughed " oz • It .
e .‘
i,.Inand about the datli eyes awl clean. ever it may be. my dear Cyril. I ant
lough.. that watehed the voicc .,a.cd lent nututh, pptieeshle oven when, go quite content sivith my ignorance con-
cerning it. A rnanas a poor kind Of
the face, which was strikiirGDynow. he was In reeese. friend who eva,ntS to pryeinto ,his
spree and meetly. • . 1 The other, Jack weetey,
vins. 43t a ebtinee --prierate afTalt•s, Anil noW,
Why, you were. up Melo jetet =ore comMonplace type. ' Ile
- __ ,,,.vras'i will yeu come back to London_ _t_,,o-
• . e e.„1,ther awkward in-apPearziefe. -:uuxeiiiii,
"Was 'Is? Then I was quite iin.a- bent shoulders, and there Woe that
ware of it. Illy dear Cyrie. 1 have look about 'hint which 'belongs to
nosier. left this bank. / leaoer a , the, 'brain -worker. It. was a . good-
banki naturk13„ ehrewd fztco. though the
." ,
'elio you Mean to say you were mat rie3:es behind the sPec-tiethig-had ne-
wt...Ibexes?" intetrupted C>1.-.41 to=rellablquired,s0methiug of _a cynical expree-
-TonslY• "WILY. waif; 'TT iseasX --,i.S4LE' sten. d ,
"Did yen? Phetraordirtat"! If elierse,, Theset two young men wero fast
you my word I haven't 0irreeedi 1411'1 friends. \ Jack thought Cyril the per -
_lips. 11 I f 001011 of nertnhoodand admired
"Whati'' exclaimed C*•..T.E1- *:"Mnas .hian for all - the qualities which he
ecnno now, Jack. Tim aee pleteelen' g ite(Jacite, lacked; and, Cyril regarded
* 7 W
"No, Jack, 1 eannot."
"Filen I must g� alono, All play
and no work .will inake-,./hcle n hun-
gry boy. You paint down hero as•
well -better than in town; I 'must be
i m books, : yes, ru return but.
- "---1 0 palate.
garde(' the handoomee pene ve face
with a shrewd, kindly smile. "You
didn't isec. the lady•e-old or youtig--
why quoted ShalsCepee7re on the ter -
ace to -night, Cyril?"
a litti" tQa IOW. 4"4 I tell 3* -°'1* hise friend as negenhiS unreeognized as
‘ .,
--- ,liglit woad shine Mit itrightly -sctine what keeps° me here.
„YaIti'llizrettlin' you
heard' y•OU quoting that 'lite tilioUt !vet. by the world. but as ono whose i ;‘)Nie°s'd Igtikinloty.",
You Will -11Xtigh
the Moon front .ilemeo &MAI -Juifeto
prcfound au:Prise. . mad. even it you den% say soi pe,r-
p it. 3r( 11 _think rno
- Tise_ other turned IliiS hilletalkia_ -_L.:111b. -day. .
..-...t.Q. OP hq.08'9111..,,,e...CESe_...',.‘4.P.......°;F19114..1. :Anti...yet •aa:Ziek..regiltded-,Itis file
eat companiori there was a certain haps I tun. Well, en, s n -
"Upea..iny Word. Cyril. Ve's /reel- ','
;rur.ione que.stioning -eitpreseion.-in his noon when I left you for a 'stroll I
muelt for yott. I quoted 'Stakes- eauntered toward the court gates to
ness, or the moon. has .been too eyes.
_ 1 "I. atta relectant to disturb your get 9, view of the house. As 'I was
' ere • .
caret II dear: relidee; r have- 'NU rt. iona o VOliCh no doubt' `AG tending there Carriage eame up.
_ie.: e• 'fate of nations deeeta ss he sal -in 's
°kill°, -.itY Mill au "IL"' .1* * v 1"*A''''' 1, a i s slow, good-naturedly Cynial \Wile opening the gettmeenerdeieseeteette-old
the very finest kind of rheumatism/A more material nature Ls man and a girl ieside. She looked
.here long enough to grow ili, ettiP 01.....bue my
straying for a whisky and soda. and out ,for '41. moment. 1 only caught a
growing Serious. FOr IleaveSea =NO. ,:.
syou.''' glimpse or her faee. but" -he paused
This tnidsturtmer matines of yoers Is .,t ..,_ , _,... , ...„.,,,,,e., eeetee.
elle, euptioaeo is ,eneereeeeeeeyee.e„(:'Ll""u
let is 1tt away while we've a chance. Cyril Marne started slightly and eayTiets"eg1°1cowitie -sritillfhat Iteork47vhilleiniti fJacht8
felloss, - I've been in . too mei&
wheeled' his chair aside. then got .tip Wesley ha never observed in them
About . Shakespeare! Why. my dear
and began pacing the ,rottin with before-el'41 see her nowt Jack. It
era rve fancied ,1 ^ !sad was the most beautiftil face Ibelie
a Intik an the time, foraltmY 114°111- quick. reetiess steps.
- 4 " Jerk Wesley mixed a couple of ever seen.. ' 1 stood reoted to the
,y.u.olk up, r‘i4.41,‘ ,utxt!... he. jawrinutoli spot. She did not see me, and her
'honest watchshag' or a, keeper. or drink% with deliberate -precision.
. gardener, or something, et era •• •
died himself'. . le pauSed agelir.- -"no-yen - know
Conie iibingl" 'And 'ii6 totk- lard- *the lion to now about to he feil-:or
,..4.iont,rjott, it it,_witmji...t 25414i_s, rather &inked.. I wonder how much that picture in the Tete -hand corner
inatiladys-wi f---the-Aarge-wrooln-ALMALX-atkie,
were up .there and Spoke. whq- was eharge for tile carpet; perhaps if Gallery,. Jciek?',.. .,
it?me another,demanded _Cyril " responded , „ tell tOte a `lap'_round the other Jack Wesley noddeil. Ile WAS not
", , „.. •
,i'i 'side 'of the table--"`
-friend with ele-stilitel eave. 1""T"." -*1 Thue adjured. Cyril-. stopped shcirt7 smiling now. . • . .
you have been star gazing or st.00 "They, were Jth( 1;1(1'8 in -th..
' *.and taking up his gless. seated him- picture. but lovelier. Iler hair—
, seasee. Who should he op
raking until you haVe !est steer i ,. ...._ taide. no stoppo aga. .
0.__. 11,,,,,se.1 on ‘ne , ,_ in "If I wt.re to talk
y 04 think if. tiny ono h,d-17347...,m; .-.7.,zvv'es‘srllelya,t's hrttee." remarked Jack foe a month I should give you „no
would have stopped to tall te AreA dropping 'into the ' chair; I idea of the face that haunts me. he
eft,- „„e„:3 "now we can talk -that iS, if you went on in - te-low voice; "of Its
%'. 11.13 N°t-"he?-lk7a-ltat't--" ---7'--ean teareyoureenindeavetty---fr-ont -4110 -WW43et13essr Ate purit.Y. <2_10_ PailleIT.,
• - --I voice on the terrace ; and , 1 should,
the alarm bell, sprung a, rattle or rommr
antic episode .of the ysterious cham! \The carriage went enand I
riddifel you. with a revolver- cii.1
that's what will liaPPen to both ef just like to ask you, nay dear Cyril,
us if .we don't clear out, sued he what you intend,to do?"
almost yawned, hie snettaeloa-66, j
-41;rtop thaffing for is inunglat, Jack:.
1 tell you that 1 saweeetee beard
u a the terrace .1 went_ his pipe and nursing his knee, a fay- "f waS wondering whether youjd
oriteetriek of- lila.. 't-When-4-week4g-0-enlind my -treeing." retorted Janie
up ther.,„„ in the dark and was ratting you came into -burst into would ,be ' Wesley, le a 103, 1.
X 0 06, " 0 , : Il
he '
on ttop Step waiting. ter will the more exact expreSsIon-my them- me, eny dear fellow, love is more of
Inc)" l° Clear* whena-- v°,1''.ce-t*--4f9a-'31 hers with, -theepropostd. e1afe-ta1ould4et-cry-inee-thane.-iteinVeletitige, .n".. ne-t:ter•
as r thought, imatattieg a: Tigglenulc0 Ar-
• • 0 .4-.01;.atJtiii.,tO:plitt- Itifl..4tattill SCOVer WhO Shil was?-
. atteteaU_A-ErietThrer,eicifil
(4,414Me. 1 came --home,
"You are hard -;-herd! Why do you
treat me so? Do you think I am
madesof stone?" t
Then a Man's voice camo. in re-
"Nonsense! I am prudent for Wirth
our sakes, that ia all. Trust -to me
and be patient. Go home no*, .and
don't fret over nothing:"
'rfre-TVoirialiri-Vtilirinurneure c
pliiiningly for a moment, then qi
was silent. .
Cyril "turtle smiled to himself.
"I'm in fer adventuresto-night,"`
he mused.. "A 'lovers' quarrel, I sup -
a• man's quick, firm stePcoining to-
ward him, and instinctively drew
back into thieshadow.
A tall, thin youeg
rapidly, and went gown the road,
glancing to right and .left as if he
were ansiotie to avoid recognition.
gyeil "Berne letiked after him with
f iint.--Nceintet and epeeulation.-
'elf I were. the yomag lady; I-shou
think twice before 1 trnsted you, m
friend," he said. to. himself; "you it
teo caoeioua and careful- in your
_Then be, went back to the_eottage.
Wesley had pointed attracted his at-
tontiOn, and, going up to it. he took
up a piece of charcoal and rapidly
sketched an outline of a . Woman's
Quickly_ as it was done. it bore a
striklog resetnblance to the heed that
he had seen at the carriage wind,oW.
to Lady Norah Arrowdale. -
Ho looked at it for a moraent with
heightened eolor, :then, .muttering "A.
libif#11-"--enitidged: -it -Siiit-Plinalhatiestitl-',
turned out. the tamp, and went to
(To -be Cenitinued).
Interesting Gossili About Some
Prevainent 1?eople.,
President Lotshet was horn 'filth a
pas._eion for music. Ile has composed
Sell/era' oratorios, and plays deligh-t-
-Just woltet" ully on the piano.
"And found yourself in' love with a
ace.'"One of the finest tenniS courts In
at I intend to ies, e e wi a ace
Fin" V& •
"Exactly. said Jack, puffing at Why don't you -laugh??
4My orchards aro All in graSa.
hav.0 quit cultivating. .1 useally cut
the grass end leave it on the ground
Asetee- ;quirk .-plactat If -WWII& tho
trees, especially where they are . nat.
la e. writes N. Sox. AMOY
at nuinure-r jan, where it Is
most needed, but hitYe not used any
fertilizer except, in a very small way
to try it, and Imve moiler seen any
differenco in the results. 1 have
thinned any apples for three Years
d ant.pleased with the 'results. We
leti -buts-meale---
.nc't'd it worse than others. ‘Ne com-
mence on the early varieties about
June 1.- and quit on the late ones
In August. When the fruit Is entail
it is difficult to get enough removed:
When it gets larger -It -15- easier to
determine when. it is properly thin-
ned. -On late apples Mout of • ut-
thinniage,should be 'done in June and
uly, and some- Miite of 'the 6iirl
taken -off--in ugustr-Whew•It
ad remake' he seen f' the trees are.
yet too full. We try to "thin all
bunches of fruit so as to leave \lust
one specimen in a lace unlessI:d
hest _sonkeW_n.L.sto leave two in a
bunchy but the center .90: ihetild' be
taken out, so thatd, 'Other two
will not, tough .ea -Other, if it iz
poseible to ,get
if they bang thspo alil
' 'land .picking is. the otti
a tree
still. Alter° '
evagoa is standing '
as a •putnp 'that
with gasoline slums end • A.fie.
pump, the liquid into it, that would -
be better than any gaSolino power-
contrivanc'e with which I ants_ ferrite,
fiat., 'The pressgur0 wonril--be MV:113-
even, and 'there WQUid be no danger.
of blowing something off in a hurry
when the spray iiltueld-Irti- int- oil
or get stopped.' up. All, the liquid
is. strained through- • a,. tine wire '-
strainer terepteeent the no-4'4es- vie
ging. The_ Hme Water is rnn into
the tank first in diluted form; fol-
lowing this is the blue vitriol solu-.
:ion. -and -then -the -0 /idea-
eat that ,
CL th
waY. to
thinj, Areistsoth ,tierads Must be sited
t� keel) from -breakingtbe twigs orf.
All scabby, stung or "rtOrneef Vert.
melte should tie removed first, knit
thette-thiluont_e_Aheeattlalleee -What
'seems to be a fair setting of pples
atter being thinned in Jane wi ften
ow s terts --101yeineS
as there should be ••
me that 1 was having twice as triany
Picked off as there should 'have been
when the fruit became ripe. The
trees looked" twice as full as they
should have been. The tender-heart-
ed grower would better _give dime -
t ons toedisinterestedelalto tet
the thinning and go oil' and leave
him, to do the work. -.The ground
ok ors had 1een.
-stripped, but the results will be
most .sittistactory. The cost o/
thinning is very sinall. It need not
usually he over 5 cents per barrel
for ti 0 geed fralt-vilicfi--It eit -picked.
'rhe yield wilt be about es much as
when. no tlijusimLis done and the
size ahAjtshitty wi1iiii�r than pay
for the,cot.
know the linea„Aeg.
wen/ talkiite--to you. as711---t...s,
foliiih--,-I-o...resely/f ea,andface -Iry era( lieffare-411-er s
t podr_so_outt atis_pw. were in that Chamber for twenty -sight
East Sin en 1.ot1eee lite Iticlimdnd
Park residence of the, thike or riles
The Duke is a tirst-rate amateur
Pia:Vet, dieir-tilIS orrastormi
conclusions with some of the best
tint ...Fatbers...111-00-...Thilme of
you wanted nio to startle t
market! that it would be a capital
nearness to the hestise-AWA-1114--- chance for my getting a few rustic
- he put his hand to his brow ,c,Great ideas forea poem, a novel, or a play.
`'llealen!" a blush rose to his t31not that so?"
face. "I -L, thinking you. had gone Cyril nodded with rt half smite.
down, uttered some notissese. No. it.: "In It iceak moment, a very weak
Wn$ nOt nonsense; but. Jaek. wes
moment, I consented. I may remark
not alonet Some ?Ise watt there!
Whil Was lt.?" •
ietcho.'s to tell! A tiOrtetiall *mite
you say? Are you sumit"
"Quite sure now," ,
,"Well. my dear Cyril, the ly
seggestion ran Make- _ .111/Y
shouldn't a housemaid quote Shakes-
pe1.•et - • tellslott
nowedayrs, to know WM *Si
tress is.
"Iliehl It was the voice of *
'lrhanks: sou said titst. sow You,
thought it, sees mire. •
"I nald----" retorted Cyr -411;
with a !stifled sigh, he allowed his
- companion. tO, draw kinik alWay.
Keeping in the shadow of the
shrubbery they made • iiiti(ti*ay
tln etitighee -the.---ernament44.-.
cref.zed The Park-terid. eleittbref-
a COniterSation i tilde '
•.i.ii-nd it WAS on the bare chance 0 • 1"-nlaidetisePeech4---The-r
getting a seeded, glimpse oi the fate in "Itanserd" occupied exactly
twenty-one words. •
that you ventured cattle burglarious
,dition to the court to -night?" Josef II0fintUirt, the great plaids. t,
"tt Was," ho assented grimly.
would go through fire and water to
that 'always do consent to your Ge?'Alinedr ayognPti;nag' ,suspeet: that.
proposals. and that 1. never fail to the -yoke yoU, heard Was hertr' Mfg-
rxie my weakness. This instance is
no exrePtion to the general rule. We
have beeri in this,secluded spot two
whole days. Your Sketches are re-
presentettby that insane outline of a
tree," he pointed his pipe at a can-
on An easel, "and my„rostic
-Itave not; yet -sugred...m-
-eS. 'Instead '-of which,' As the
nutgistratc observed, we have Perpe-
trated a sample of 'mad trespassing
which ought to hare landed us In .the
villages quod, obtained for tit a
charge of shot or si revolver bullet
rip\dece. I like AdverstUM,--for other
persons; as fog me, writbig about.
*tin, is, good 'enough; and beg to
;state that/ I- :politely, but. emphatic -
y. refuse to aceoiiipeily you' 1st All
further exploit. whetfier it, take the
villegss, and ptoNed ,a,t
.,„,„„ shape of prowling like burglars nt
as the inn. Was caned" 1a.,".11.,11,„,1112„tn". midnight about a noble mansion, itt
a digs:Vied name for the"1.120 00,4-jx,e, breaking into a chiirch. And I would
which, ttaS,arriuniiikilf,,Cq!-Str,r1!-T.,..t.dp.o...,Ulge.lo-ask„-when,,,,are-yeu-going
wid°‘v or tbrPc.* L"c"trt return to tow'ret•
villa* WU, tig° l* "'AM' 431 '"114-7-. Cyril thane laughed slowly again.
rooms as I dglegs. and sad beer, "Jaik. if .you'id been born dumb, thought "of, :and yet; I tatmot go.,
canatt'se tobacco and and yOU'd have been as nearly porter.% as Leave sate lw.o• Jacic. for tew IlaYa
iTttICits tr7firs latst; uo ittitssmat -
tiOn. in onefl ond tla TelePY vAace-. "'Thanks for your kind aPPreciation well, knowing it, woleterate
- sittiete roensk and 4„*Og • ' allow *se to 64as* that that , "I undastttnd, old fell&t, that a
, two young men erste
ant_ itskansw_4etitio"to, peeicanif gintitivitoetionEltistic ture of yours has_C4uOt Pre,
into a,chair nest At tegin to ,prianeo up and llown aud I leave .you to_hinze,
int o..vararieS;% For Cyril had got oft Pthelf; anYthing I tan do before
.1iwk-trit---w-viPe-- -front- taScs Vtiiing• in- the "shape of -b.
r,--ozo. and threatened, to testittie- litsflietitatst-sent -colored --slightlY-"yrel
rettiess pacing. lie desiSted, how -1, to put it bluntly, anything in the e.,.%
igholf and lit it; their. er..4ele
6111)(474a‘rIc*:-4' gal'641 reEtcl2littclY eral Went and leaned up against cliesill,er 'iine.?"•• -
musing companion. their ralintelaholt, and Jooled down at. "That's jus,t, like you, arkot.
the spertacicd face with oirious ex- thank you. *I've ei`lotigh for. rhst most
ionk 1:1411-sacv.htorgwistftiti thotlesiv wahts. 04,1 shalt ivo41:;110,0
' you are the tinTY 'friend / you iriKdn't 1 %Vail
" staid
rotild play the sonatas of Beethoven
and Aiwart when he was only six.
Three years earner than this he could
repeat any melody that *as vlaYed
to. him. WWII, ha, was aunts_ _Nona
ge""Yede°,4iftektitisnirkesaleox-: 14°1/ 14""tf Piano' as gi leglicY; and this has &-
Rubinstein gyve him hie favorite
why ou
/ cannot go back wilja YottP ways been one of Ilotmanti's most
ja•c•tkchink I understand," said Wes -
cherished possessions. -
ley, grave,ly, ."and you make a great Arr. Astor, the millionaire, says
mistake if_ you, think t am going to that everyone who goes to N'isigarst
- ..s.b.stird-,Axidiettlousrx_.11
see $ay the le -if r vii-,e6T-rodeedtry 0111.1. j,ru&dr yoU-iiUt th trent- remark ;there-. vi"firs -day
friend you .041 me, should secure firat saw ritagatlia." he said recently,
you by main forte and convey 'you ."a man touched my arm' as I looked
.es it lunatic out of harnes way; that up at thee white waters. turned
is to say, miles away from Santleigh to the man -lie had the silly and rem -
Court anil the girt, *Ito resembles ous smile of -Me confirmed Joker.
the DO\ Vinci. picture, Cyril what'Jt seemse. shame.. he attid, "to se*
good can cisme of this? For all you" all this going to waste.' 'What are
know she nifty be engttged-lierhaP4 you?' said I. electrical engin-
married!' eer?' 'No,. he antavered; 'a milk-
rpil--ivhieost started, and- telt hi. ,thas-., ef •
111!•,3„.taiiy rate the. wim'Ilretiglitiribnsieestr,heirwritirt tte st
an earl." She may be no end of a .own 0. '
toretar,and chauffeur, but the
host $st now -a -dos Obliged to protsde
broke in Cyril. ",1 know.. ere 17
the rest•of thelicunieePas
nothing you can say that t hitVil 001. tiofl of
reguier feitture of & 1{oyai
visit, In the contatrY to take &
Mon bi.triotorstar to someplace
nf erett withinan hones driv
.ani 121bn-thew,' occaSient' it IA' liter -
ting to hee thelitocesaion 4 some
oiett, rsoitettfii 'fasattlg up
the minority of the
An *inlet `ersiWcigar- arceker--1
the taniOus actor, on gA
cab,' taVet tImkiriver i
elg3,r4 1.4. Toole was
In the fele -With his friettd. And ort
inatieri :the abb
Experiments with linseed meal hay,
dem,,onstrated its value as it source
of broteirt for hard worked hoa ses.
ad the same may ba Said- oT .bro
gluten meal and gluten feed.
• :Some farmers have the mistake&
idea that if their cows are from a
eertain strain or breed they are all
tight and cannot be Otherwise... It
eetetetbe, remembered that men ot
tbo -peedItis
sante with the cow and other
Thousands ot dollars- and many
valuablehorses could. be Grieved pm-
nually if the amount of coarse foci- '
half. The fact fis recognized that
the feeder cannot. each time stop .to
weigh out the exiiCt amount -of feed,
nor is this reetnnmendedi A few.
weighings will give' the fiSeder an.
-idea as to _the yinitiutit to be fed n
.th+13-wacwltxed 1niallh1 will acrV-
for practical purposes.. •
It is ahnost impossible to have a
rgout "4)°,0110.101""ik liCOC:W-trgiseetQprt g'hwiclittah-
h tse
striettetspreeatitiOn. -A-Li-low"- lice --
will multiply 'to stvveral thouseeds in
a few days. Then there are the largo
tie° on OM Iteas add neelia. lileen irk ,
the winter, the larger lice can he
ildtteeleethnea the' Mites. el?
teoeimAleiL.Stimmer eertilo. h
aneofeettem ceititent. of a out-
It costs rnon , o
-ty-ek-hiiipe. r -
to ,heM are !eked in the ter, also. there .7 ou
, v tte.....seireath and cora ort
Whoa, help is not so scarce,mere
wotil no na qu so u lice can rdWaYs and safe places
demand for plekers. 'and the work and
until the conditions are made miare
would not need to be rushed .ses much Ilhe }-Wri4ilsediesTgenef
to gAt"the picking done In time. Nice favorable for them.
large- apples can be .picked faster by
the barrel. or as fast by the. number,
, , . A ration supplying protein in
as smeller
• the calls have been thinned out orm o co onSee IN .-
th,5, ,.0011,40041,14._p.ackin4v. can be done.milk for 11:9. less per hundred, and
Iiii- Ai stitstit part ortu -,i-iiit- of - th-o-tbutter-rPr•''"'''""ti-Per"'P°uul•L 'llI
same when all Icisitla.•of th‘frulti th"" 'wile" 14wtd"---"ii-s""lie4 in
must be .handied • and disposed of the forts ' of wheat ,bren and dried
from smthinned ,trees. Trees that I grti.,T19 ''' ' -"
have been thinned every year, that Aim Separator gets enough more
,have been mulched so as not to suf- ream Just about to pay for itself in
One year where ten sows are kept. ---7`
The quality Of butter made of•SePere
fer In time of droutle,and have faris
-tfir---CliTi--Dr7a, 1-Wity4'1,iettyr-..,
0 tree, have .fitir -crops- of
eh salt for 'two' rents or Mere -Per
every- year. When they need ,4o---beetr
pound, than butter made irein Cream
too full and suffer from dronth they
bore once In two 'feats. I expect to secured- by the old gravity process..
The great problem for the farmer
continue to thin whether the' trees In the feture is not how to prodtico
are too full or not, it there are many larger crops but how to. produce'
traPertect apples on the trees. It .is
allow them to aroittdee. *There is Ilia
better to get eid Of then than to f'5•Pnril' ehetilver. 'While there are line
1 mettle areas of fertile land stilleeuttet
productive and, vast areas. of . cults. '
motley . in handling . theta, and all the'
tash ,Trolde., in fruit. grovtitg fiii land. that need only irrigation to.
th good (natl.. with,lew Ai-xen,ptio— botriceiTs:r'utiPtit;rii.i,°ne-ita,1)Z7, -ciiii149`r'iiaTtit.4-61/* ,tvii117- - .--
4 1
----: .-nti-ie2fr-illt-2"11111.1.2t1-"'- - lie the osliel who 1estente-the-cost---01We - spray as long,S,S there -is room production, ratliete than the one who.
for the spray to "Stick to. the toliago_e'i extends 'his operations.
„fralteeke-1int1areeetel1Lele1110-1A...ite__Wit1telte-oldetheoreetelleateeenaecati-le1e :,...—.
tither_ in drops and fall to the ,. let_ trito_reille, or that samce,partirte-e_
ground. *Oat people' an, toie sati.veeellitr• ration Will make, intik richer in .
wlth the liquid. - • We nee- for ,bore 'fat than - 'another, has been -ilisap-
, four pounds blue vitriol, Ave proved hundreds of times Within the,
arsenite Of solaa. T *,10t-liftye
tt-ar; sAnd 'yet asis
,is Ot t majority of farmers to -day .telieve
Is ride of 11b. white a ...e.rtie l', as firmly au eVer that.-rienkg in
two pontitlii or more sal ',intik +depends uproi the kind of fol.
-1:-Ilititor-r,Iilii Pas -,,,Goveitned- by this- theory,--titvitier,,,,,,, .
hortiefinz In in the ailltaYinglittre losing- thousands, Yea; , hundreds
the blootst_lanse 113sellatO rif 4, sef thollSatids of donate; ,yearly by
Is tasetin- adelitien fo,,thes-*bove',Ieediug;--Tn 'ration in*. taleutittO tee
ilo nt the rate Of tWo putout, Love best rettirne in dairy products.
O 'lift*, We *PritY °act 'Pitt 'vfl'his is suit only tf ee of ciairyttlen,
'blotim. *gain just 41.1 sed0,,bUt .11 'trite, at a enles '0't feirtedt4'
ost of- tbe blestterst hsve. fallen. *Wet ,Oepetut IttrOy tn, altogbi -0a-
itt tL, tett dttlYs Or 1W0 'Pavolct. the income from their cows.
thr third application; :, "Iii - •• *
oh* ten. sIt;-
'niured Jaek.
t!a, to ':fi69, else1?.,
'1 hrfuIl.n
her eig*r of th
*olio, 4414,
ouid mate
frknderette'rde. Pt)
inert 11(44,4" he ex
-3. steietitig, ftetihit- -taiga
'td 5ritttairitisvatett.ffl
go in, .ara.1 Ukkg,‘", tilera.,e1
!.;:‘t 41
toist:t ,o tia-f;,rvA)n:e
--- 1, the croir#4!"' ' Ltt‘044
era tettsl, lasimit11 *
' see -