HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-15, Page 60$011, TIC
°rale Cleateet letleettitri
Iletd,ertake leahla
0, ;10'
24. leca,, / 1 7 lerflkeI:44.4t
t itottrtielilit
0 iley POMpeil, Ilere
. Oblaes were - Over,
PerieltInC. , In
1 an, eroptiOn and fire* tiffel
Wiiv& killed Ittentireds. Vitty4OUr
later anothergreat eruption
it Pretent°%hzpe. SUMO thea
though evr actve ..*d it, ,401 Vv.
r ,*
0 the Men. 4.,
of the gunnery cJata znwtf itjII
itViO ot ike t On
0 TO:KM and In th. Peet to4141Y thcrV *
hues,C.• tide of enlendid gunneree lien
,,. tea-
' Settle
. Scott •
TO Uri;
„ A
TOronto, dente
Pri„ .13"el't4 107.0 to •Ph.c tor Nu."'scoot Peet and wet." '41.0osie. I i
Eitie terSee. Manitoba Maher;
*14084-. N. 4.. nOrt1i4r4to
o, to
e- Le gtiaI
tMzit `1)Q Pe;'"or4CP
le/40SbuLdAt hiu uv.n expcflS.
, 00 ieOW lib; •Agin
VeSU1IIUJ tetrOndieti l'ulean
.. .
.„",e,14 Weirld*.a gratteSt iirc tee* J1 WOuld *pprent1r Pt*'
'ink, eeeeltieif in e .•th .an , enae. • II ge'.:, , .
.fon of .sleasse., * • not Un(seretOted „ etef! e OM,. iteS:uksrotii.:e.
teestUree .1o1' volcaelsceife its, the Moen L c tiOle.tr01
. •• and the titrealit" .Of Witt etintitdlitly' -4. i411- ' dOltd Ilia niiiiit, eorlet;
to .t.lt steen,:..ul.)oss, It. • , • great lotorneittent ,fireee Seat from
• Of liee 8,000 knownitiriui 'veiCatt* v*Msel. t4* *I41141 1°*"...elik*. - ••
. <see, or, railiee, cratrs little .attide A, catrAw. Lrotrtuotisz-
e flashlight type. Exploaiten
froin that dlecover.ed by the Cent-
' '-interfl-lisnoWn----OttlAwrsgazo
estly strys he, has done but litt.0
eeee,.....„AbieleglAtestrealts that • limy be- seCn
etn T -go 01".411
bogy, Ugh a comparatively
„�kutII tescoe. thee-sumeole-
knowledge is even leks.' Of -'"both
ProfeeSor Picker'ng hopes to learn,.
Much. -
t '41 r''.11100 4iolees,
Od. .•;fl for MIItOb *540
at ti nuTt ii 1o1c1 t *if i 0.4,5T .. .g`
thleurS ten ti , AAY4t..0,#,
'-ea e 0 .$44-50 for fifo ita
oi. . , ,,
10 ' ,, ;11:'W lt,,qt,!'peeatt4a,, t
. a 1 , .
nee t•MPOttftritl tn.,
that 1 i .14 .
51' 0:0 •°100*,4f:,1.!' 4444. :401;
14. ,.
ed attetion. un tl„ importance .1"4,_014: ogs.. Onitt# hOM6,Iie TO to
•a°., irot I 11.,10 ...libt;14.141;H,1111:11414:e.:*(44 :.Abiloi.:ttP.11)i(t4141:0"fl'S.1) .('' i'?4rt. Ill'Ant '.
, .
arls. •
it'' •'‘' *rit*.T* Ilr**-14°.*” It;"" IvIri Ict' IOW. You"ve bee
,. :4114tLer**13resei' ede!,* W. tgaieit.,, ..m,,,,eu'o•"'ne7,4„Teetatee....4'ned"it. Wirliheill4.:11.1"4 ' : fie •14 vT,teiectPku0t*'ZI.1::'4411114titrAt*rd.:"11°9e141-nvot:s ("I:- teatirelFc:a4n)trost'lf:#;:icr)e fliriet:Nt-olf,.:,43. r •ftriolci7nOi.
§i'l'ere Mee til-f,".00!.:704.*''Ilitt iCt
e . .... Were at a hotel, eotne distance 1470-02c t'O` asO and 600 bid,
!A hothering. .**.setItottulittie late' to fece',.evith a 'is
4 • ,df . w
V la 4tkitta, -t -64 to 824,ant
stett. c... .,. le the eemmerkt..ei __, Jae tee,eese 4ress for nie94.01,... lee -Pletuouth audience While ..his
ea .ieueeetelest Itettr-AeMiral Percy
'41° sattle 'llu •
i ki il .rillil
0. ye -110' w-, coo to tele, la .s2 Or
rail frelgote.
0ats-42c to 48c outside. \ -
ItolIede ats--Farm at $.4.,:15 for _
es. bitand $4.60 for barrels On
tra ere; erelf,eitekteuebeisi --ee -
Peas -in demand at 70c for No, 2 .
hero and 40e outside.
lestuckatviullsee4tats-tisee to 60e east).‘ t'r
west. ,
miiuztoto twcnty minutes. apart, and
sounding not unlike an t Me \bow.
11 ,,
e-per-ssible t A Inin
-wits of -steam
•explosions Pir visor\ Pickeeing may
find 401110 • bit of eVidence throwing
light on the moon's light streaks, as
"It,ja 0104", r.034 be, to a news- the investigator at titnes Meer ale -
paper - correspondent, that I nee proacli the brink and survey the In -
planning te go- to Europe. in JUne, terlor 'without daliger. '
but 1 go ,see .an individual and at Vulcano, loo, le constant in ite,
itv..own expenee. The chief .object of action, though its chief discharge, is
My :visit is not* as lies been. stated, IMIPleurous vaPors. The ancients be-
-to view the eclipse f Auguat, the/Pah liceed this "lace was the abode' Of
. X shall erase to Air ea for that Pure Voleanhenco its name, taut' cruse.-
the great velcanoes of the Medittsre Like-Stionibte117 4t ,t dtte. e Otto
ranorm-No-one-goetr-with me -46u .4or-elose-viewea4etimen;--4n4acte---a•
Members of my familydaring observer may approach the
"Of course, in Africa I shall makebrink at *infest all times- after
some observations *if the eelipseel has become aceustomed.to strong aut.
Ilse most • iipportant Cd these will ,be
p umes.
sonte measurements by polariscope °'l In connection with Prof. Picker -
t. e reTittive blot of sky and moon lug s work of *melon effects on e
Ten. _meettattega of the breadth_est 11 4 iiii1 a n. eatinif
o /Far tbij'TO notrtlineMilielliefirterittes-mrettne
on -a. lattereare-inelined-to-think the moon
U18 CXXXE•r SITD.,te. may be a causes of 'eruptions. BUB,
"A_haveesaideeuewouer, my -el* the Englishenalthieritere_ctilled. agate -
work will be in the study, of volean/ lion tO this lie1872, while Profeesor
esree-2143e-esoone-eraseeitest-ka .,... "
• lidaeil 00t0gtettlHTUTVkiy made eamitrintere-
MAO/Ilan VOleannOei show most of West, Indian volcanoes were c• ausing
the features ot.those of Luna, and
Luna most of those of
ehipf task will be to try to
find some •explanation o1.. tbe streaks
of light to be seen on the moon rad-
iating from certain craters. These
streaks form the most enigmatical
feature upon the moost'ee eurface. In
a photograph of the fell moon takes*
in Jamaica.- ean soothe.stroks
Sish 1 muOlAtai on -40 "T,hii is it Strike•it --- -- the State of thltsets -sena,' Int *-114Z
iatt 0 --.....- ., - - 4,. -lt;:437110,0-4 tt.-reill---- .........„.,,...-, r_____, - ,. ,4_,,,,
hall have to,serarable alms e as best
-of 0
li '* lir*"*.itt*dne"ein ° Pewbrittleil , .4**,,,A:xes111:11F.Ke, been "trying \t� sure le 0 ean. ' proceeded• to ake one nt
iiis jeeeekwely_kekeeket ed.‘tbea t medeitho ,most, brilliant ft ' of ht
tfr1ble,_ both s ' -itor--somit-in'iiineeur.4.4*, '',-
been IA COntrOt At hale island, hifIsi, 'Mary, how dare you?" ess Iresourceful in a
, tlialisitre -pr
Ished for 1 od shooting, tsas ene'ese lay i:ights.'L -A, \
Ofilter who has made the eliectlye
been leo fruitful of progrese. „ "Oh, don't talk to ine in that. geneer its a debalelItkon, the
fleet has beSet .OPettel-
neW page n the War ofticieney 01 the 'Way! lf I can't gat you to arbitra,to glieetion in ,killier. 1878. BO was
throughout tile. world tts• the Britteh *rob, ice,
iteareadadral Scott le
\ THE NEW, leee$Trest, if it. (lees block the Wheels of trade.. ten on odds arid ends of paper of all
. ... known stik"nBdo.t4 ,115407# ou don't under. seeee and shapeer, and, before he had
his eeeity, I've to .strikes. I dealt care equiPPed with sheaves of notes writ -
mantle, and they'Ve been refused. A . etereple letiesmeesstey etexpeo.
X dot I've 'made my de- Slip* had .becorne
proreeded far with his speech . the
.. stern
use of the hilt guns carried ty, strike Is all that there is left, ' •
• is-V&Ion.,&-fetue„....4---____ e„ ee -,... - s...
,.-------..-eereeeet.. _ -_...... .....
t ,
kitiftetit 014' hge
opinion of the Old methods of crem-
ating inaes tided's" With a great deed
of information tet, to the Character of
!explosives,. the - different types of
or ballisticseegenerelly, Time
w a when the blackbo rd d c
regime at Whale Ieltind. They_ have
practically disappeared. As the bats-
man Practises§ at the nets . and the.
rifleman at the -butes,- -No the stainate
going through hise course is taught
betide of white Material inane below
the surface, another that they are
due to the action a -the Weiithee,
while still another that the were
maiiii-been tneteorne§7.`Vbilitter e -
tleinall's idea is that the meteorite,
bitting the moon, solushed-o
an egg thrown upon a sphere wou .
"Thesis. _streaks useally testes, froin
mall craters, being' narriiiiest
ht oint. ,of
(e. dm hiore ethan five/ miles wide and
from ten to 60 miles long. In, color
they are white and yellow. They
also 'differ in their courses, eon*
running straight., ehers cunred.
short time that the moon has -been
-r-cons e --
world -a burned-outee-cinder.., The
• • reasonetekethiseeeteni_lhat--thee
who Wrote astronomical texthOOkS
'wee het students of the moon. They
apflag 1..
• are occasionel changes of volcanic Or
o her ori in. ,
Ile pointed out that there was a
new Moon_ �n theeday of the great
eruption ot Saint' Vincent the de-
strueteed Of Saint, rktrm coming On
the; next. On the day of the . se.etinit
outbreak there was a full moon and
on the apprOximate height of the dis-
turbance -there was .another.
tained only with' practice'and In the
batteries at, Whale 'Ulans!' you see
Parties of. nienregune crews in train-
ing -doing. over anti over again the
home operation. A number of aids
are provided, so as to•stimulat.ese on
thirosieeltstudetheesectuttl•lireng.estl he
gun without discharging a prolecelle,
and on the other the enot,lon of the
"target, which Its time of war, would
be an enemy's ship rolling or_edtch-
ni on e water; and- at the genie
steamin onWar&
: !ell' le _,,.. ery, ..eran
.......eseedora think they are.
4,,,,rt? '
ignpmittious canapes -when., with a
(14),v to,
"You're no judge.- sweep of hie -Una. lits -hiteshed - 'hie
"You're the judge of your demende hetesk aside and Plunged headlong be -
whets you.*strike, arid rrn just as to his epeceli, with the happiest of
.good a judge as you ars when I want rowan$.
ornethinv_It'a of ' no use t • Nearly ,4 year later a similar rale-
. . d„!..e.e_____.: _.....4.hap--liefeli--Lord----eilherbrooke-be
rem beeed etlike perhaps. att' "'Bobby-
. • •I•Wletth ids'
trend fluency up to a certain. point
-t- which it was eieceitettry to quote
in 'extraet from a 'Mee IlOok in sup -
Part of his argument. Ile liad the
"01 wayean e nu s c e. was per-
aps half on- hour later when he
looked up and askatre- -
"Metryk strike still -60";
(*It is -still on," she replied.
itt t e treasury before the strike was
"Meaning the pantry?" be asked.
•“illeaning the pantry," sbe return-
ed. •
• "I believe ni, get a bite,'" he said.
"Xt's locked,' she replied. “Tho
reserve is to be steed simply to keep
the strike going, You can't touch
the strikere resources."
"Ile• careful, Mary," he said, warn-
British . Public Bay Paper
String Vor Tea and-aagar.
•i4ht 08%048- pounds ote---erapi
.rkmg.a-. tea; e •
-Thositecne ateflovelge
inagietrate, in denouncing the' anom-
alies which exist under the Weights
and •Measures Act, at the anneal
meeting o t e ncorporated Side et'
• Inepectoie 'et -Weight! and Meas -
urea held ineLoedon recently.
• It wale an extraordinary positio-n,
he said, tba,t while a trader who
, I leble-to-prosecutIone-theeact-didenot-
-ottereetteelneLlec. _toee.t.1?-•-•t*Y•
cognizance of a deficiency -1i rglit.
delivered'toea Purchaser. •
Under the packet system, now se
priv .17Tir.Mffl.
Itimay_heethat in early shot would
hit a funnel and thus lateen the
e injurterit-ted *Wad eink; orit-netty-
be that her 0:leering gear Would be
rete -grunter
should be so expert as to adjust au-
tomatically his firing to melt the
• than ed circumstances. /3 various
ngen ous instruments he as—tliese
conditions§ reproduced during his
Me is first•taught how to load by
• means 01 the “loading tray," and
-100-pound shots can be run- through
a_selt_imm un, the sponge inserted
ei-ro.e"Wtinand 'e ----C-111
• tiott-and-fired.--
come an expert member of 'a gun's
c.eee. every man 'having ..an exaet po-
.- -
- • . coneternat on &Mang •st stud tOrs y
O e tetifiteociltressetde :tip hi- Ilket —duty to perform, .io that the '
“No, i can't atter I have," • Mrscoming to a full atop, 'lie tried *nen
o--p.ound--peckets-a •liole-body-of„rnezt-Xeo : itpar-tittrivitt n a wea one, or Nice to resit -me the thread -of his
weighed in the presence of the cus- with unerring *swiftness and eurpris- ..and all for the want of a little , '4., i 1 .
. . whiten , • .you w at , hap- situation with a ensile, resumed hie
TIIREE CLASSES 011 CHANGES, declared. *trent, on' daily. . to learn how to ehoot straight, and ;reed... Thewdressmaker „wasn't ready seat:,
...my. .frivestigations ill .,p_vruvJin
a, .e, ..?.Iie_esethe poor," watt 31,1r.: „Thom...makes the acquelotnnoe of the -dote for me when I got there. wouldn't be Otr
Oe of the dazers of notes was
Rica and Celifernia. convencEeU, m Son. "Who are the thief sufferers,, but ,ter." the swingleg target. the for neatly_ an hone. so 1 h*ppeneci tp. illustrated ! some eYeers ago by an
that these 'changes .they be classified so long as. a , trader .keePe his "knoCkee-OuX." etc. Oettule0 has remember that Aire. Jaines, on whom amusing tpisotte in which 7.(4r. 1a..•
under three heads -forming_. and Melt= weights and Scales Correct it 'le . cd- been raked CO tt Aliait: , It *Nualt,i" I've never called,' though' she's often bOucliere and Mr. Bradlaugh were the
Ing of hoar trent, volcanoes and most impossible • to prosecote hint the .men's enthuShkene and they 40 asked mo in thneit 11,nittlived two ,eetore. The former had to address
vegetation. rile wstter giVert off by successfully .for trowels* of this• char-- through the course with. verve, etill block* away. 1 lattle.11le
..ts-,-.. ..the -re iirrateti---itiat-to'wrtglerceed-tse-nio.
these volcanoes is not rainwater, but acter." . ' ' enfety the constant praietic,e sup much and return._ ___
water that . either le- being expelled 311r.- ‘SpenCer; trh-. thia•IaBIEWitifiEk-k- • a an. oarsman enloYS tfie trie.io. - -, - . Tlifill, it was a -little earri. for a. Prate:la's' I- g---Ah-g' prlaartzFecr h°uisitte'eb:teele-- evir;rft-ren-
from the, moou'a interior for the first Public Control Committee of : the. ., 4/1Vet,IALY....BLVVIEEN..S.ILIPS. . Calle . PerhaPs, only about hall .1)11at, skt'sf-t-o.Piona--nvtes in a Poloition whcfro
.. , . . '
time of by bat rebel the toelcY.ma- .Loneon County Council, hied •stated one, but X expiained. the..whole thing. his -livid could -read them. an oPPC.P.
terials. of the crust with which- it that the purchaser of a. pOund of tee Prehable 'the' secret af the progress
maw to her. I said, 'Here X was, ktrit. tunity .vhich, Was. .
wan previously Urdted in cryatallizto de f 1 te in naval unnery
vast quantities of water from tee seeted by paper .and strilm.
'- 114 remiliilig haIr4allne beir4 -1;epr-e--- %tinder the row conditions it, leatie to 154 --OUTICel, inik ° a
I ter than to make an extra trip tor _ . _..•
0Ik .010
. flog , . . , I, ", J SMILeS , with an hour on my hands' •
tion. If the earth is *till disehnrging ,ve6( bffen melted '0n1Y* 113 AX21,00 largelY , to -'1I-1. **La! and so -near yon, and -how. meek- - --.--------voo-0000-fro I'M MISSED. -.
enteeior. et Teeee ogle.. htir-Aa-,-.-:.4801 -......,'-'.12119r. cFews„ iiiitriv ill*V4c-c"etween ifilVIP • Ofict '"'Welil. ---;r'co.:--u-'-rs-el-----'-ttnY --":0-no with 1 L' I 1: °' t I i If w. fillidthfiltitalikaln eitthe"1=erinitelt to .
e moon may 0 ne fi Rant
. lat 4.1(m- n -n -Thr , I- it ---.7;;76. diVidtitil case. but. taking toren in hi/ The seamen of im,st.
True, the Melo.. ,.....: e --,..e.,. ..sen _ere- „et „reeee_te-thi-6• 40,--11,4---,,,,,or ......r.heyf --.)- , 41 . , ,„11P--- ..0. A. - -0 _ _ it
Are- -particlef- tact -would have- pretext& nn- -'; "1 ng ' rn-
Tpletely out at ltfr. Iliitdlaiighle testis
earth), 'nit it is also ybunger. The '' “45!' b.' . • ' ''..7...... .'''. .sPertelneu- e men weo oft 110e ed to be glad to see Incwhether
the ortormoue total (omen by Benne and leetvine hint in an aWkward
earth retains its water because et ita es,. • a sporting instinct is not much good was perfectly ,onvenient or not, but .-- • r• ' --,
Flirt- the Lmoon le too small and its ''''‘un**11- , fiste tion, from which only his great
. In the navy, and tbe 'gunnery officer do you know, she lust said,
water is,' therefore, widely scattered , 'A, ,re.eflution was Pawed. In 107.0r, 0.1 eyho te not a born leader of. inen. sorry, Mrs. •CalliPer, but it is jest .:a0nralldn'In "'Idled, hint'
in -the form Of boar frost before els/ LegL"Lsee°n egedn/t" giving : Boor
--7e capable of encouraging and moulding the hour of the chilAreit's illni.lieon, ' On oe'verai 0ecode-4K * 'Volker has
e -el ' ' tt-4tstre mit !!-e- --etter.ese 14:relief-le-weight And InelOnro.-: - - ' ' ' • 'this eaPa.fltY. Tfliglit -be bettsr -1111* itittl-/ tiliall 'have to-auk:y-7 - it'vinr,. ,- . ....:-!metv.04-11,m4117-71,' _
in the form of dry river beds on. the ,..„............f....._
' cuse trie, though I'd be very' glad . to 'IlroniPfor. %Nita ItliireetRintt .t :
. Ployed ashore.
..._moon.„roves.,eretrttecr_iwAhv,.post ut , .,. • mAiit iT oui. lv..n6.1, i,.r.,,,t_ it:_„, „i., _ Iwo, ..tila rectuu iit.. wriar, wand_ taw, you vat %ire__ .. _ : oitrots, of etteminomnr. ler; .crin,_
large quantities:Of' Water. Capillary' . ineres Wanda are not muddled . with "As 11 I needed any rest! 1 rose t:erlitin got stuck at a word which
attraction may ,frold some free water . ' . Spitt1qt-"1 ito . ' • , , . . 0
beneath -the surfnee, and t I Would. that yOu would •_explain this. Chinesehstand.. The. oe;eet of the training is away, .but i did say with it. great ;vain to risilet salieside substitutO, and
*sustain pant life.
"ts the light , Streaks, the$, 1r8prks
1. a--"It"e very Simple . rot ,vos-jua. mane now- fa epraetiee le when I should be able to \ come„.his wile, who was sitting behinfl, him,
, -iPlettion to rtte." .., to tqkdh tbrat to shoot, The motto deal of dignity that 1 couldn t tell 'at lest. in despair, tittited rountt to
are also Canals 4n._ the Ittoon.,, juat„ : *axle.... You. _,see,.. tho, Atust_ians. doen't -ad' to -* oode _leer-yeetediee, lee., avdp... I, g,seve •ht*. another thanctiL. art
n t e target. make the man." , , tir-it ill-Thei--- iiiiid Was tfis4 i LT-ivitslrec 1 the .truad
like earthly -tames, but grest 'black ;ketip e. slice of Mina' for thatteeivee Ipnn bed
streaks. which Meow la tht. pboto,..1' /4,roty. the eemeeneee- \ •svant„. sn Lor.e4k - . ItVe01114a.nnilAgINT4•.'89errAS1Iitthelli aW_Patir ;dom.: iNe teen thinks '-atrde...estitUti4r°Peltn 11 ,
graph, .1 tope. to learn soittethitig,, dein, and *lilt to 'retell Itustia team!. Whit is the reselt of this method ring. bow loW PeoPle there' are. whoititas at. a Hehurill.. Coretreee eas,..
about lhese, too, from -the old world .,. keepiote a, slice ot Abe ,coantree e On'.',.ef tre1Whiel' Ile'. other VIAY 41 Pttlf f hors ...iiittl-ttte-be.netit-44-isuchi,--hotatotir-to ftie sUifill-617-eNeriktV hal
Voicarttiesto. etejese . epeienele e.e., hat' thet*Zttter band., Germany it trying of me* went tosat in the ordetiary •E training atilt httd as a girli, and I've rieeetee to A fialt in the int:tittle of tits
trettP exPlailt otorne of the thin* ,we'to Iteal'''JaPsk/ri 013111 keitiihrg--110trgit'', course in the cruiser li'areisius. the becn tr$ing to al'Oe ahloeiainve. for- spetell. 'fie etruggled herd to recotee
lie not , knoW. .Xf it is. ;het . a ., tiittlatIromee. k kitting- tile, _ _.0.0.0t.,- Ana -'41sOltendiV - lo.-NthAle3o1414- and-!hee eape-that ,-141t., Iv tilifor' otiat4rfiletrttnt,, Vii't-1.0,:tia ,
thing on either oi theeer teie refute `'.' ',Karats tet .1zeelt, leer trent lceePitvglieSe eteei repteited - a l'eti ,,,pereesee itteil one of lhe pressmen -
the ttip will bare h6.1n, well trorW ales keePing a slice of China.,'Now, eireeere •ir4 the "elte'uti'4?nitg- . itlig,i'41‘4e1'4ef Itshtlty tvetlitstsig!ttrOtolt:,1; c* ."
I .. ls. :handed bin* "rts *life it glance at which'
the while; it nothitig. *fibula, .be'f; if. America, .eitit keep Gerakairty froth., to,
Coareed, some ehlegs may he , elikp. , keeping Ituoia leak* keeping a' ellee, noirele'leitetil."the'assisIesdtla`listI''ap..t..t.il:hirs5SZnYs. '114rti. t'()1:jk.*" '..-
. 'Starred him eiraln.
-.1112111;11.i;;111.:Tt' 1,,Nt.., v:01„c•AisToi:s.. H. -44%0U sot:. ' - who trati irk. okriantan ,of the ikkarets,
1,47P ANOTtIlla '"IPA1:1"lt'Ortir.
4' 'C'taiiteril the debt- can be kept • . • • • , A • . - ' * - - •
Profez;sor I'ickeiltig*e d.escription or Mrs. Sperl4e-eet011, yet, it's •ri ite
• - ' s' " ''• e see, "test Cele 'Its the ilnproecil ace
--e- • - terissee 'are, rapitlitit. of fire. but iii le. Irish soldiil* hi." Wen the sit
rii':tor tee islet tth nau.ch
the Arediterraneatt. . district, width& il' clear to me. ' Anyhow, the weather's, tit, ,,,,,„11,,,.ra , co.orteation of ,clie.e t, .of Many humortius, stories iktr;,;.,
he goo:A *g 4 tittaclelit,' fits (.1„ AT,cry • sa„ warm' Mere ,thut the Viskineir,,!, Iiiti ,,,, - ,-,- lir! i , e„.„0 . . , ,. r t,, It., !lie 4iotitit African' 'War a natite,, . erc fir5t 'rg,eged?'",
rtrxtl. ' -15 c..''... )- •ro4ntit 0 , '''' J 44 f ha pInvtliigt. 1,410 more rAtatjtp4, (tVith rotiviationl..,Plit es, lovey, rry
„ ceettee the group Ise will otelly . toti. i Mut : 'it more Orsfortabte to .koil .:ttvre. cro At: At ate .01. lotto:Fe,. ---eeee.----- . -_e. . • • ., .--: •.4g. wit .t,;, it *,, , . t ,
i „...„ , #4 ,
ili,S.ting 0f. Vcravitts, Aetna, sratithola-theit 040r,, oiltl- 8."11I, , -• een e goo 7:t ee I* ' - .e4..eke. , linen letetver,.'tillitttd in tt'tiniart ta.V.. sing 6 -bit :' titd 1, . Ailed. at
. . , .
She laughed light-heartedly and
"I can hold out' a evea-,"'alle 're-
turned. '
leive or ten nelautes later _he pro-
osk___ItAhat, they ceinpro_ralie th,
asis-:--of---a- dollar.
“Two," she replied, firmly.
ed. "1 can't afford it,"
"That's your iniainess," she an-
swered. "1 offered to arbitrate
r---Delry rens are coming
No • etrevi 451, .,s4
0 _a. good to
hoice 15(f to
do large rolls ... 14e to 15e
do mediutu lac to 14c
do tube, good to choice 14-ec to 15ee
do inferior . . 12e to 1.ae •
lady ktwo--at ete
iota per Th. tor Joh lots. bero
Potatoes -Ontario, 60e On trs,cle ,
and- Ofic -tie-Ten-out
65c on track, and 70c to 75e out of
ae mew emte among senotese.
slips of priper or short wight. he wao
unable to find it. For •ft time he
fumbled vainly among.. his paper%
amid an exubafrassing pause of ex-
pectation, and \ fatties to find the
missing note collapsed_ into his seat.
Lord Saliebury early in_ his career
pad such awkward eeperlentee of the
hampering effect of notes that, he
whitey determined to abandon them
It was ten o'clock that night when
he finally gave in, and somehow he
• felt that he had -experienced a new
phase of the strike business.
eitts---CalliPer--loottert eggrie,.
heeiseated-herself _oppesite_her, ;met
band -at -the direneretetbierand-:
Ing what wee expected of him, be
a -a .:was -never
again at fault, and. rolled out his
"rotoed," sentences as 101100thly as
.11 he were reading them-
liVinston Churchill" found esinseelf
rieel impassm. .In -.a
on the Trades Union and Trades
pute Bill in the Cotnmons sailed
along smoothly until he came to the-
, tt----restirwith-thosewijs
oppose this Bill to satisfy tie .elec-
tors---" Then he halted, repeated
hia Words, coestdted his notes, and
endeavored -to *proc-eed. But the
wheele of memory had clogged. and
after a word -of apology he rtat down,
amid sympathetic- theers.
• Even Mr. Chamberlain has not al-
ways ten rat om • ese! arras-
a public dimmer in a particularly
4!ele4 ter ton for N
timothy and 50.50 to $7 for mixed
and clover on the track here. . .
Baled Straw -Is offering freely and.
Is unchanged at 55./5 to 50 per tons
for ear lots on track here,.
Montreal, June 13. -The tone of
the local market for out rernaine
very firm under ilk fair demand for
were evade t 40ec, No. 8 do, at
451 4 do ,Ae,, pee -
bushel, ex -store.
Floar-kaeltoha spring wheat pat, -
eats. $5:40 to 56; strong halters%
5.10 to $5.20; winter wheat patentee
; g 010T25. '55 „•
and irk bags. $2.40 to 42.50. , -
Millficed•w-44anitoba- bran, in -hawk
$18; shorts, $20 per ton; Oritarto
winter wheatbran, in bulk, $1?.150
t4-$114•;ThitorteL.,-- to $20; mouille
524 to 5.28 per ton, tie.- to quality.
Oath -A eteady feeling prevails .in •
the market for rolled oats, b,ut the
demand is somewhat 1imited-a4.-42,-
22i per bag. Cormneal ia quiet and
dy-at--$4,35-to-$4,44--per bog.
flay -No. 1, 49 to $9.25; No. 2,
$7.50 to 48.25; clover. mixed, $0.75
t 7.25 awl ure clover, 50,50 to .
-6-75- too in car, lots:
75 er bushel- --.50.--to7,11A0 jarreAr., '
eto alt tie 6trei 1400ntai
i , ttal)t 1111t1 nteNt of
Whive� 1.1e. will,
titul catttntliy it 'Win the',1
est. • ri tee
8.fk•ef, a .
'111,E; DittO - 4
1cttl men kno or.ip to
efietere the rzitito
k.) the tittle of. the Christian the c41mnr.Jllty nrisInt: from thO
,vateste is., not karma to thra,f1.-of taking eareelle drug*. of
zt itetiVe,, thditglt truk1itikca74 t-ertnt. :molts ittirro grut reafmit
t"§1.10/311 140 Prt to Ithai!, co de *het thie..leceeiciesse ,teetiee
iul ttelaerts tell Of 4tt'il. hes- irkreased to at ntatming. nays,
option*. The iirst•roccrot.7i1dre4„, to ,1,1"a app0-0.1.bigip
ietti ri at,11. Cla. 'When jdj 17.qss,,
'alt 1,500 and
yekteee. renatel, made che.
,KZArnitti lefotes a ego ttravolnne. at
sniart sp,ed. tatt, textiturtapy
ft.tAtitol tetirfift, training,
nilttpa, to the *totting 'la,'
eeet„ elect tete, e..14. 'IAA he meet,
30ned ei411 ttitra.ti r
a lot 01' thc-o:w
c. 01•otrEe,. apt,W-S .orkiy
bad e*iieced t
the va ' of *ing
rd. ASIs t1 Inwj, the ' Mc'
I iii et a 'ng- ttettri Y '
, , v. ' 1, ,
” ' !ALE t ireltrtnfAr,
MI UNO t tvGr41 if yo*
eintvitr ,
x Atm . ref , rith to,:agt- lit
1 d junt tickle Ilia loth bo
1 it he44' attin.,- The.
' .0
Itoney-White clover, in, combo,
tions; .xtract, in De -lb. tine., 7c to.
. •
. • •,
wheat, fic to fiic, as to quality.•,
Provisions.,-Ifeavy Canadian abort
cut, $10.50 to - $V7; American -cut,
clear fat beak. 50; compound lard,
flee to 7c; Canadian lard, efc to
73e; kettle rendered, ttic to jilite.
baeok 113e, to 14e.1 frokkille'd 'abate _
toir te*
Sgs Iter.,75 to $10; 11-dii-41, 5/7, --
.0eLlegto.,,_,107.50 ori c*rA.
'Egga-Strailit otoeic, 14 to 161c;
Sic/lefts, 17c; No. 1, 18ee.
Better -Choice creacnery, -19c to
:19/c; undericradea. 18te • 4/0
Itle to 10 le. rolls 1510 to
Ote: _4411t114, Okc
IttIPPAU) manumrs.
inufraia, N. Y. June 181, -;-Flour
$trenee. Aleski,--%4Pring in light *sup-
Viten; No.' 2 yellow, 681e; No.
etitn„ 1171e, ter trsick; -
easy for store; No. 2 White. 354c;
illorontti, *lite° 1' operators
. showed some indifference towards do,. •
ing blesinees be a large stole, 'and
. the general demand from the city
' let "
realm of ,pritest •
Mtport att1c, tholeo $5,r0'' 5°
-InWitint t' 00
bulls 3.f5 4.
Va., light 0041 3.75
Do., comp ••• r • 11.00
#tittltiTs% 5.106.
choice 4.1'5 5,10
ntediuul .„... 425' 4,75
'tnitnnott. ... :1.15 4.'25,
'cows; chbics .0,60 4fl
bulls 1.ro
tiltart..kotPs ..; 5.00
�q,i-•••• e•- - ' • 4.60 -
44'4 trtek
0 0 0
4.t's0 '4.
41,00 4