HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-08, Page 10We avidezena Of ,choltes -fOr- yoil
you Cali some dity?
or your friend will receive
caw until the end of 1005.
Keep the litteOble Etebreleb date,
•, in view-4uly 6th, This will be the
--Excursion of the season. -
1,004104."Wi1l be' at te
Ventral HoteI Thursilay June 20th
*11 day. for Ete-OraisSIsTose tliilTbrOat
conatiltations. EyestesteditifOasses
• supplied. '
--7-whereand leveyour orders- early.-
- Lows D.x, Market Gardener, Exeter.
• Mr, T. P. Smith, the Noted Eye
Specialist, who Was billed to be here
•,on Jima 20d, was unable to fulfil the,
engagement owing to the death of a
relative. -Ilia visit bas- bee
•: ed till June 10th, When, be en be at
the Commercial, House for the one
slay only. °
Eleciatioluind PhAlcsfst
Mial; Rhea Scott Vernon., Honor
- Graduate of Alma College, St. Montag,
• Ont., wishes to et11301Mee that 'she
intends to ppen a etudio in Exeter, in
Mention. English 4.21tertAlifilt%-ff
1144 cultuffh. Abel"; kii4 rftepity.
eont engftgemente_ as
Further announcement
Aa1LN,01,I Meath:It.
To the ' shareholdersrExeter,
-Co., please tuke notice
' da Ione
12. at 8 o'clock 0. m., Town
T. H. ammo. Seey.-Tmas.
*lista Plattsti mitten!
Headquarters for all kinds of Tom.
*toe, Cabbage,. Cauliflower, Stocka,.
Asters,* Verbena, returns, Daley.
Zany, Geranium, Foliage and, ail
kinds • f fieddin Plants. Cull and
, your
in the
the istiv ate
Huston w pendin' tbe day wit
his brothe here. \
It -yes
to thp natural colors relieves dandru
and Ching of -the aolp and promoti
the growth of the heir4-The hest o
the market. Sold by a Lutz, Eisele
Mr 'John 01`001011., 4teCOM
G. W. Pinner, left, Clinton IaLst wee
with the Seatorth Lacroe,e Club
play at NewYoxkandotherAtuerica
citieS. In New York they defete
their opponents, bye score of 7.4.
niversary Set. *vices at Kirkton,-,on finite*
day lest, weild the vacancy here'
preached two able and well directed,
$0111101.114 • , •
'Mr; M. N. Contin of St. jOsiepb.
city fame, has puteh4ea 44. Urge *440
bus 'and PorP040 7rulthirar TeitutAit
trips frouill-ensalr-tMit. ToseribTrao.
130114,' „e01-.1"arktilli"to
Grand "fend, during the suiruner
mouths. _
Nothing about a boy or girl is more
noticed by others than their manner*.
Yet inany a giri feet* because her . hat
ftiabby,,and never\w-alies
... , . .
• .
: biabroth-
er John V. oth.
ea- his ' oetOpa-
tion as carpenter. His death too
n ieedy of .last •
IateJames . Crocker, wboe death
ocurred at bis late. mild iii
Dutterin *Venue, this, city, t Tnes.
7. wa.a a nativeof_De!ronShice,.'
land, but carne to Ctill_41, while .y A
outh, and located In e township: of
rlingOn ' for some 1 years. Thence
be Moved, to the villiw :or ''Exeter1.
where he recided for about 20 years.
Twerity.two.yeees*go 'weenie to this
aitv to.,
shoi t. stay'. 4Manitoba,
Ur was Outer and a
eniber of . the oleo. About
..jiirrt otIxeter. Besides the widows,
he leaves to wouru his loas, one son
. Wesley, of - doe* and' two
daughters; Sim E. L. Lidaleott, of
-Dufferp avenue, ,, AM Miss :Soak at
bonze.r. ArWas ii.' ii ..ty ea;
lierentotth st,Pbureli*r .
might help his chance in I fe„ without.
'reaming of bettering his manners
instead. „
Mr. S. /lardy, who recently dispos-
ed of his. butcher buideess -here. has,
openedbut 14, provision store in the
premlses recently ' vacated- by Mr‘.3.
T. en. We are plowed . to Iearn
that Mr. Hardy and-fmily havede-
as •. Mee 1 WEI
ly popular and he Will have Use beet
- many _Met:ids in the
new undertaking. ,
Mrs. 0. A. Southcott will leave, to-
day. (Three:44y) for South Wien
where she will visit at Mr. Thos. Kern-
ick'sfor a time. and from Were will
go to Douglas, Man., to ' visit her Ws.
tort Mrs. Jas. Viresteott, In the- hope
ef improving her health. 'womb, her
stria:the West doe* not bare the.
•eskired-eireet---sbo-i -to
'California.. She *I led
by her little son end daugbter,
rola stela.- Sim Soutticott hu heei
in invalid for sieve* y
'rheumatic etilkticiti zwd ber many
Iva visit Sith_ich,_'willbeta!_exteml_
to-tIa rth of
elee-trical and magnetic excitement.
Earth aurrentou soismic_and,__voleani
disturbances,,,great • thunder Jiterm,
and owtiptiiirs orritinTras a rule' reach-
Gilles e freight., Alt.
satary es,Assiessor, Preparing
'Tenant officees L Neloon,* la.
''' Jag. Oreecb
FZp PS •lIII3 do., ..0.
Luker, 4%411450; Thos. Creecht_listeic
fiL60; 110.37; W.
Parsons, do., $1.87; Darlei at)**
.$10,81,104,1111110tto Rich.
watering, $25; O. Snell, electric
-40; Jim. roo.;::p40-4aJtorat.
vernetery, '-reVett--;Artnarerii...
Oarried. Per --J. Muir, adiourinnent-,.
call of lteeve, • .
I. Senior, Clerk.
its heigh t.
'eopletbouttogo house1eeping should
ion on-usss wemrposemakrng
'elioidd not surprise any of our readers'
from about the:Oth.tothe_13tri of the
. present month. -.Greet Warmth,' et.
tenacsr by high hiftuldity And Yet7
it)* ba'ronieter, wilL be 'wooing*. of
-priihable.slisegerthat mine can afford
to deep* or neglect* . The biending
tif the Mere _influence with the June.
,004,11,4sottrireperes th7vidaut_04,u!atdriheer;
tatunitts therelietionstryetorm period•
w loer iftWer,
constraint harvesting .their trojw., •
vein* that will 'stand_
without Me' tort** • until the/June
soistiee shoWerssti de, wilI b& safer
neut.' Unless I- quantities are
reaped at a time and handled With
git promptness and care. The bar-
ly understoodand
lowed. wiU p esiselt;ParL40-4.114
important work .liarvesting during
this men
Mr. NV:. W. Tatnan ' spentM-onday
night in London. •
Miss Mary Newcombe le visiting
friends/in Clinton. •
laiis• Helen Adams returned to
Guelph on Monday.
onday on -business.
Mrs: 'Oliverbas gorie to Toreeto to
. -
Rev. E. C. Currie, of Sarnia*, visited
friends here last week. .
Mr. 10, , E. Kara spent Thursday
night hole ourbusiness.--.---:,
'Ur. 'John McIntosh spent Sunday
with friends in London.
Ain --T,r.** Oke. 11148 town last
'week coopleptdays.„
Mr. John Biseett. of London, spent
'Sunday with relatives here.
Miss:Rhoda Choweni, spent a few
(emcee foletosea „ottne,_#,':; days itiBlanehard last week,
a* Tuesday. The followin • 'Uri; 3:14-,:litatiburY Teft iniSatnati
10 tbs-cor the 'Wit' tintit e ttoWbez parents at-Whithy,
et*1 Mr, Soeeph CohbledirissiarAyiLroot of
We carry the la
Pries that cannot
feel .aissured. *four liberal offers ar,e take n
of furniture.% the County' and will quote, you
White Skirts, Slick Skirts,
Corset /Covers, prawers;Iiight Gowns, Zito..
- Oar garments' are large and oomy, the Madiscerefelly 4ind with
-good.teate, cm:dinedwith pvtces that please '
• wtirrs,- sgurrs
kir -made Of Fine Cotton with dee
Viefeii-0; three to We 'We
In. with deep lace frills, sue from 38
44. -Grood value at . -
Skirts made' of Fine CbiA,L1 trim.
iiiffige-oliwiCrowsIaceTnsertion wittrd
irteen row e very floe tuck iMcs
frills of very- deep lace, size from OD, to
ItSET covgns
pellottg4 leeeftinin
IOU 154043-dawb-:the:friiiiit, -ttie
etc. Regular prices* 40 eta., our
ISI price -
Glreartnittle----44-f1ne-Gainbr1 -
ith-four row isaiestioit_set. IN, low
tieck, with fleeplace And flk ribbon
trifling° P.zr.-Kes,frO 4,50.t05°.
other , ratepayers' V 0
Exeter, 1 do hereby proclaim Tburs-
dsy. the 6th day of Ju1y, 1005, -day
tobeobserved-ilyth 01*w-of--
ter es a civic holiday. Let all good
citizens govern theumielvee according.'
• / Iy. owiliave the ;King. .
W. G., litterrii, Reeve.
• 10.3asnalos institute( air.stleits. •,
Mts. jean joy, of Totouto, ai"
d MS
L.Shuttlew*rth, of Guelph* who are
sent 'out by
to give prtica1 . en
in couneetien with the Woinan' n.
*Utast* on "The Veld*. and Prepars.
lion of raid" will hold meeting* in
the Town Ha11 Skitter. on Saturday,
June 10th at 2.30 /14,14 8 dralock*';
• coritid invitation is extended to the
June lit. N se Gregory has just re.:
-turned f0.11). Chicago* where she- ba*
taken a partial poet-graduatecoarse
and looked un hospital work in that
city; She Wee supt. of Nurses in the
Lucas CO, . Hospital for 11* month*,
Which pOeitiob she resigned rat- her
"t GD abe ia-101 ,44-44# of the
ty Hospitsa and it speak* well for
the institution that 'She' is considered
competent to take such a positionof
reeponsibility in the Training School
from whirls; she raluatecL"
Pas .latts,
The cornniodious restatnet.
atellife; Sylran, Cf. N. Vousinst. Ailsa
,('ring, Archibald Mcitibbon; 1.00404
'ravish; Worialums, L. Ibtrtlett; sAirk.
ton. John Vogler Dr. ,blitrinon goes to
_Gonicittetr Deermirr. God erich,
Notth'street, George N. Ilezeut
torte street, William. H. • Grishism;
Wesley church, .1Ieury 14, biennium
Ontario Street. 'IL..G
-ii._,raltenq Sea.,
forth, -Alexendee. BiOtaf. liohne&
Prowl* SisantwIllytif;,,Selborn
A. .Anderson; Dungannon.' john
Robirmont Nile, 14 C. Reid; .Befunillecs
John regaria; Auburn, J. G. Faith;
Welton*- Londeebors„
Benjamin Bityfield, T. A.
tables. * for Mau,'
••Vool fl sb*f Ise.", yen.
On the oniestesid, Ilectioii,
wiU 1* tosken up to help ef140 ex.
is. n*stinge
weaker . re' a
ke bee re
his reeent illness. -Mr. -
.wcllffeiacontlned to his bed
of healtb.
ncr_ owse :Rufus
140401 FullartZtt, Itickard W. Knowles,
ceimocit tsiesess.
zet The Court of Revision met ptnsuar3t
urninentiti the TiVIVII 1b.Ii on
° All Pre�enL
is visiting his cousin, Mr. 'Wilhiir
rill], fp town. '
Or ma e o
sold,a Ilie1111.11110,
is visiting friends in town the guest
orbits. W. Harman.• .
Mrs..T.• Prior was called to Wheat -
!sir, on account of the illness of -her
sister, Mrs. (Rev.} Bali.
County CriunrillorS Sparkman and
-- • '
0. Thome* Daynien, who.is work.
g in %Via' hem, *pent Sunday and
Monday itt bis home here. -
Mr. Geo. Booper,'of:.
few days itt
O ti
Mitnittklers,Lowing tothe rloosLiflpess!
MeIville Haridfc.td, 'cif Manitkbe. le
visiting relatives in Ontmio, th'e guest
of hia father, Ilichard Ilandford, of
Shreret wbo ha been visit-
ing in
timutford returnedl Iset • night,
Gerfield Sheere
torn, 1
onto, Mousier and will reisidn or the
11011447 ecmoda,
BOn' th VIM *
•1`, Mrs llithA
le on titit
Our 019Ves nosiery a' t�ounteri are decked,. with new a tam er
. , . . . , i 64 4, - F. aarrar.4 ....,-E"," -, '....-3.1,..-.2 7, ,,,,,,..---
lAce Gloves. Lace Mitts, all'. the leading eOlorre Teffeta' 0.10*esi. Silk
Gloves. Black, White, Tan and Brown. -
Corsets in summer weight", whittami dreb, in long., abOrt and :medium i.,
lengths, at prices that lead.
Teke a look itt, our sissorttnent of ,.