Exeter Advocate., 1905-06-08, Page 7he 03%1'004 , thin troistionsimi tion of the woott. Th", tilx.tor t toan.. n1 Icsn Mid, Vox . NOrman Hot. on Seldon JelPut 75; Labelle . on rolt 40, Average - evision. $ 1i,01110 -100:k ",All ,niem terloot- 4rt to, *Mixt 'matt tot* .0404 tit.O! Court oios-of4 . ,ot Itovilifon rettioos were Ina40.0121O:110400, 0:4:0:07, Votoioil met Or bushiest after Mot 1lirreia ,ininutta , last -preaented ecounts uneil An0etirsit were Two or tbree el for sheep killed amounting to 1120.5 orders issued 'in, then adjourned to 19 nycloek, onletis oar before t o ;n�ther, -and is the ,always commands igbeat - The delkato, & ant flavor r Red Rose Tea is the result af scientific study and rnethods on the tea plantations, and in the tea testing and:biending rilOrns. It has.what might b. 'called a frniti taste -74. ripe flavor that is very pleasing to the intiateey-oa taste er 87; you won't forget. -\ r, e ine Carlin $neill 00; Viola Bowe 83. nie FOrd.`81;-•Bruct WaIb 83, Vine CO11inSWOO1 80 Knott 70„Tbot tark co6t her—& two -cent alnablewuthe iJiy-1t1a.redhep1tfe. izz 04 Mt thousands rs aa e above, and advice. REDITON BRANCH ° W. S ORMOLU, Matiager. We tia-ve- in steel; THREE. PIANOS virbich baiter been in Use for a short ve tug% ° Intending purebootra would do well to tall arid inspect these bargains be. .4e14+04Ft ox ceange were niiule n tho assess. lonronvot-of. d-snet rn- per No. adjmrn nient. All present. 410 ntes otprovioos-ntoetior-roritAnd*do-p The Donnell decided to closeup roads between lots 40 Ulla, and 33, Sat. and between lots $5 and and • •plate of the road. elosedu ro*dwjlI OP t Sitio 8. setturforr tiool. the months of ,04norit• anittle, ooz of nottko to required for so, and 75% for .-honor standing. ameo in order of merittA)ivision 111.—t -Continuation CtitoO,--Uorioro, Madeleine Bertrand; , :Garnet SWeitieri Arkirue,frOlteM owl*, ser. Adejlue rinkbeinertt. AN; ,INT.Taoaa,-4-reavi;,---43whork seri Edith Hill, Howard Attoi4r. toot' 'Pearl Bistet4 Clarissa 0111.- Average' attendance ' laUde Illuet --4-11Orters.• I loinkbelnett, Lflthin -Fink. beiner, Clara lloitzOnnvoiMatilda - Oestreicher, IL Triekt. 'Pees, Geo„, Bea- vere Willie. Ototreiclier; B. Appleton, Emrnery :11irtzerjr..111;'...-- Honor, rtarlTreltz. Harry Marignii‘ Charlie Gower, 11. Holtzman% Alio Itor 1Itdden, Edwin_ralmen, N. 11111,1sase Sims, Vera. 001 n. 'PAM* Weilitigt04 ash*, ZIOlti PELtiatilt Willie Itt0tz,:aerfrYtt Witter., Si; Vink- Winer. Sr, Part, fl.—Pas, .E. Beaver,. todit.Daintn ..Bvel n Bine ••; Average 50 - Isfrasitaer. Division noties Hill, Melvin Brown; -Pass, (foetal* B. Anderson.. Irene Erb,(lertrude Guentber A IV,—Honoie, Ulf tr., atoki Gower; Pw. Rayprnnd Seg. er ft en . mort:th,Gpitonswert. (les. litb.,Arthur Sambrook. A '111,—H. Vinkbelner, Lawson, Irene Wolfe* rude -BAN etreleber., Mildred Clu tot u. Average 47. of Zurie ob ttite labor *11 be the'1st ,1.'4,11g. titmberof accounte be paid. Council ad in c totflat.,1 • IDEMPa....0.111714t110: burgh 130 been siiJenedby „of -1%407:1;11k . May,,,:flawor.:.•••••4aughter.,of-tbe.-htt - vtor'avotyer. • 'That ' on et,so_youri andteleVeratienld':'be andtlenir cal :Alms,* by, the Angel of death seems •:* 'MOO Incredible, the sad eventtaking hked nd adinired,ftna, 4. .ffilace.on Ttleidav, th the prevails at 11° ll'Ettline17.eu 0.0f, eara.*Ol mnUis, flrOtberS*114r-tv00-541;`,ers-Tsoiv ,r,eve -wee ,s so s been, oniferin f om Widen WIVE 11011143t nta.11.toSik- • SAVIVOkirk pi. A anritnat, tionoisa'acsiraiss 21aNsAcriith •IN"talet'itr-8,41f '44es-cootie& �r collected. rottaieupjiIfe1 on ap1ii- totti.virs on ali points in the Dominion. --Great Britain and tea_isai ,gbt and soli at.lowest rates of ractunige„ -- ADVANOSti 'made to riquiers„ stook Dealers and Bustin - est rates and on most favorable terms, later -ea i4he Anterkan Trotting Register, . two wbjte &nkIes1 behind; baled in '1001. Bra onto "41k-gurg4-Pltetkr;Ont. 0. :tort, Leo 17 so wart hell 047Wtliiliallell 40, Laura Stine C1*ytonSlvns20. 3, IV. Deryl Hill 70, vOlie King in 0 3r. 0, Bit Sims 814 Tillie Edwards 413. Ul- thn titatils 3Z Stine* Carton Stare 20, Viol* Ott GOSOn '4'1 -Irving Stabis 4 134reff ,dnetSmart. M. .A. a, Teacher.