HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-08, Page 6On.rEcC „ 1.,11‘ 0(le :4X030 0”. Ones; ey!,0111. VPatik (lac bur en 4JI)OUted OrtfoIIo or' *ulster of Vcr itfia took 'the, oath_ 4'Pic&1deut of 4 _ . ettOtincil and .t1on" Piny &member 0.f the islatore.• es, Rot Nippissing., will retire...and 'Co ane will seek election there .• the ,tionnaition to take place on Junc 13 'The tiberale, have rieeided t� oppose his election. • ItTOTE$ The total Ittissianloss of life in . the recent naval engagement atnottnte to between 0,000 and 18,000. /span is now ahleto plod°, the - field ;N• s ' ' n _wounded re eetimated.at 100 thelloselan4ese-is:m00.100Ater.."‘ • The Ciar, declines to - ‘make . peace • which goes to show that there is moro than sanity in Russian; Policy; The Japanese erpiadron escaped with nr_ana week.. • =ilerir-befare*fi '"rhe deetin • �f our i1znpirc-4i:tepee-as- 7th is mar e a us now y t 0 00' Et -L urt.pe toei 40S 13 014100 .:.:0100tingt4 .d01110 and sayings: Itis mighty hard for in unbiased fellow to make any- thing like a fair estimate of the cam-, Igo now .• on in• o • 60.01olOteaweo. e •largOlyettendedt the speecbe� were, good, . -the crowd enthasiastio and, ,everything ,favorable to Billy pray; . '-wniteihe Advertiser _reports a very, sari) attendance, speeches all, lies an body, favoring the gOverniiient can 1. , date, Charley Hyman. And ''.Vice versa.;„ The whole accompanied by a .great deal of.mud slinOing at the in)* 'posing newspapers 'nod the opposing -Candidates. The man who reads.onl ----e--rawe of lifOse newspapers and digeati. • Its talki-iscertattilt to be 'pitied. Zurich-- , Gen_ ,Trathas•ni." ovedHilLphote-etu.- - 'di° ,to Baylield,o4bUrsday . was As. cension Day. • Services were • held in the Lutheran biiureb in the morning. a Smith 'purchased S. nannies valu. able driver the other day tor ono.- r,L- has-- returji to. 0164 -4* --or ftionliErb *UV A number from here took in the ra art Mr. and Mrs. 3, HSebneH,the7 1010,4 bouM4 'WW1 one, *wt. I,Ohi to t TOUO, , Ot, taken,41 0.411Y'll AIL' tlio ii stere.1- Vs cell * Qftie 1* sure-yout tbQrt,, in is L&1e11 t0t4a041,00111 e in 01 Ohio 040 Monis „, . •$o !d id b Oh :1:1,14 u'll'e, Vil 1.'.1111,P ionstipa 77704,-C*111 *64( was • e Torranci. 'returned t itin'14:110sti vM31) le, IOU short s • at th her 0. Black, lie mein 1104into. Oscar 0i11e,t and little son. Albert, of Milen; Mick, *rem* a visit on71ria iiretran cdocald,t of Plow -ti. r• • ad resSed a la, ineeting Octit. . linT uteivot, of Nir. fxcorge Si , Literal candidate. s ' • man " 4 f who. in 1110 frenzy, kill bis wife at Detroit .00 April 12, was contl'elitect°444 lior)Y .111341"; Ptzlinie. Salaotttlot 4.11tf senprisontribrit at Jo to friends in this neighborhoot1.-John Anne flouting, on t 02n con., is on, a few weeks' visit to friends in Strati*. ;toy and Adelaide. , ,.•.,10PhersOn, tosvirdine hitdoliarn *aleing .Ttititiiday.4411iss Rachael Oillier4..of the Stti ,Con.. has gone to ,Yerkton, iltW.T.,.whereshe will visit 'Will and - TM 75 k The: anniverear • servicei of. Zion o fat y c oo e Circuit' will be held on Sunday, Joao 113th. Rev. Dr. Hannon will • preach at. 10 a. in. and• 7 Pr ° in. and Adams the Sunday Sebooi masa meeting in the aftemoon_When_th? program of music .and Seripture Di111 WOrk -1 the--idiooL Sun3hine choir will music for the' morn. iug. and evening serviees. Visitors tote etbeV.. uppoltitmente -I* Cordially welcomed. - Liberal. 001100 - Mona are mike() for at each service as • Whalen Rain is the order of the day. Mr. -Frank Morley has his barn read* 'for tYPelgii44#00, 04,44,041.1W.Ke 0001e». JobApolt44torii* Is still c'ned to his borne, and showslittie signs of improvement. We wish him a speedy recovery.; -2 he anniversary of Free. "ft $undily School will be held on oran en , . at and will address the y school at 2 p.m. On Tuesday; 'the 13 a picnic will be held in Mr. O. tea ore 40. A good time expected. • Let everybody attend --The boys are busy ra tisingIootba1Ijlwst Mrs. A. 0.'of Antra* ill., • rrived-here--Dist4eolr-to7viiiit'- hnoband's folics,....114iss Vera. Oanuna aCcompauled• Poster„visited her went*, in' Visretit, last Saturday.—Mr P. Gooding, Jr., Rion the sick list. Dr. Wilson at- tending aos. ' Wallis ed Wont.; in St. .losalS _last week. • slag patLxpirona: of his fingers while repaint* his well 4 fear days aga„.4it,,it Our out day, to ''it thettleath er. aving_norche Lbsale pateyttsfor i Purification of Voile advise th.tit in ,Vanitde. Will be prosecuted; A' lie tion uri ea 10U -flOne by !JttCtriI e .14ittg o 'STING and CHOPPING DONE POMPTLY. loft tom to temporaiy prethise, in Order to have een doing iiinsineEs for the past 16 years—ye-inodelkdr An going back to tbe. wanes e for We ot celebrate in a right royal sy1e ALONE, We must have:YOU with us. very feud' of our Ilemcdelled Store, We think if the, tinest iri this part of the. ry. We know- yortti you 'aid before we made all the alterations, but, after all, t is not the store that you. are mostly interested in—its the GOODS WE SELL and the PRIORS WE SELL.T so in order to be sure you'll eomeazd celebrate with us on our "Reopening" Days we've prepared a lista genuine bar-, gain& We umerateA-f ndmanymore equally �OEthiitipac. forbids mentioning here. MINE —racnverint4eittn-hiT-receret-tit Ifarry Webber, after an abeenee :Of rseveral weeks has returned to town, and has accepted a• )osition with J.,3. Mtrirermaw er,— re.. • u er " and son, of SebrifigVille,Iti-ilalting• at the home at, her aarents,,Mr,and Xoeliler.,—Mkailllara Buchan/0who has been attending Toronto Univerei, ty, 1, home on a, yisit.—The Trustees of; the Zurich Pnbltc schriot have en. 'SO the-Oenicee ot A. Mer.tod._nf yllikraor , n 1. and of Mies Best, ot ties -1 -0th, as , 400 stant, atriiirt� -cointrietieSic -after summer Fourteen apt:064106B were received - for the pooltions, one having been sent in from Arminibola..-Another change : has taken place in the Sovereign Bank staif-at-tbit-place. Wallace Fisher has eutimeotuuninit4t. aorti4lisa rat preached a very Instructive ser; mon in Boston Methodist Church last Sunda ;Reuben Jackson put on 4-.eikvettough Boston Methodist church -last on day..Ths 41: 0. great Improve; -Ment-to-t1*1)- „ropetty----- - .• . • ..---irl--aitieny77- • MaUtabat—A tutor event took' place last Wednesday, May 24thwbn twoof Stanters_popularyowl -1,0?,eo_ple loinftlititit-abd,:taia The gel -30M' WaSMrc Xamislloyee, Jr, of tbs./Non- :eon lini,„the bride mitt.Ne1fleBaker, dauglit.er of Mr. and &Ira. Win. Baker. The ceremoitlfas performed in Sea. forth. Arr.' and MrsiknOrs:left „tor.* . bort trip to *tern points, when they' it!id.viatOrAmer of this Village takes- -flOym tee at rouser) 1100, see.,...zhit_butruest,atieit- of ••-qur .wejoht In.:wishing thein joy andtap. e have donated. i‘ Iiirge' sure of Pitletl. . • .OJIeY for the erection, of A bandstand Ihnti.,—On Saturday the bemo of. In town.' Thh, id altood move and the UP. Thomas Dowson, near Varna, was ,titaridstillbe erected at once.—Andrew oast foto deep glooto.tand aadnesa.. On that day the itit of Thomas Dowson,, Mittelholts lost about $12 worth of • I egg fi,tliff other do' by his horse taking .; at theage of 37 leer*, took it. flight • fright and running itici, 0 Ithriti.: an Ieft tlt sorrowful ,wife and, child' ' at etliaol pknfcwlfljieheid 4ritttedit„,,,I. withontrn bdebad4 iiuid faitet mil. (Thas Ks!bfI,b f.ff A-4 Aiii-iii;latilltr::"°*fitsti* otro for Detroit 0 oin her huaband, olio ws* __ckstAbe 'line hits aepu mituation in •that 4,1:01kt IlitaCk10! the V PPeit t city. \ . It deVeldevelopedinto acute. tmetinionia, which caused, his death. . Mr., DoWson f ° smallpoz. have de! -# *tali delertrelltr ImPolge' and in PIS 'lift . , ut.rictelt O -WT Our word -for -I a visit to etir store dMrg this ten d ,pleasant to you'. -possible Picesor oineand bring. yourfriends; we'll .1*. ;nno 8ti, to -'We have taken* into stock the -pat week A large *hipment of NEW, IJP -TO -DATE DRY 000DS which 1 lunchased while in Montreal 4 few Witeke !Id: at. 0 --Ilig-Reduction'inTrice-7--, The -g6Ods are Wit fresh and new -.t tkall."UitiV—ruie we got them at A Bi R 'do tio , Ori. • 1;ttErtli TRIP ' ,Here r riP",..; • • Drese gilds, St inch., colored rt , Iso few black • ermine and Satin Clath431 regular $1.2$ ....for 8/10 Iti Semi of Sue Black Dreilageotli, French arid ,Zng. VA ookkes, 40 to 42 loch. vide, all this . settittio'S' • *oda. Among the lot will be found Satin cloths L*c.. 011oths*Euliennes, Mohairs.all-geod- plain faisc uitatile for Skil ts, Shirt - e been fortunateiiclearing out several lines ew„ up-to-date Clothing, lot than Manufacturer's • pi Suits - Boys 2 ecellieltsi $1-.1)0-tei Job line Me hirte, regular price We. iiiile'price 250. • 00 Ladies* and Mon'a Raft) and Waterproof 'Coats -' nit tbtli lenre styles. This is also a line we clear. ed while In Montreoi at lees than Manufacturer*. price; Regularly sold at $tito $10; sell to clear $3.A0 10 Ladies! Rain Coats, reg. 101.15 to 3.60- your choice SI SUITS TO -ORI10-11 We is-ie-iiiirrititiled our stoekjireatiy, iuUl eso 110ff ,ow you *large stock of oohby tipto.dUe sniijngs and ateds iirt44fiatt, tiVer-thtieke an furnish, best trit0)4/001. Pii0400call and glft our price before • 11 the 000000 Moodip, at the age of 89 -years o maiden 0044•0 was Ma' totrid.otiotonglt; f4114t*iitt it `native of :icirocsbrightittott, &auto. and when mite young earnto 0/toads' with the other triturtherkof thefamily.' 'and snot whom settlealo this vicitto,, kr., :She Wat :Otorti 14".. Moodu,- I*13