Exeter Advocate., 1905-06-08, Page 3a:UM-bate foi; the -Rus--
' ' y,_44414--scatteiett _
fle4hIrd of 'the Czar'a
Draw a iircq
nth- On the map half
est, 01 th•ci
a$ tar
,,, •
4 still
• earthy tioirrenc
;Off tu. nee too
thangh he Opeti/i.pores4
.Cate cliang,e tots' the; brea
istenee and also w
:lity dor .str, U assure you, rite tio11%,1
is haunted -badly haunteit-iliabolical0
haunieki, and of this there ran be 00
have !team 1
reasonable douthlat.ve Exptift13 liMUOI4. i
AIL'er'l 14411'‘.:litill;eit:17vitf.wret14.111Yitvrtrillikise, ritt:n/1:17 illIv'ulinir:tnrIg
. 4 si % .
*1-.31q1 rte. .
4 . on-
.,v4i.iq, 4:14
putting two4rid fi-
e -ally bee
la move I*
of his ex» Talie Powders
a. new ,
Otero fOr _his_sttidlea'-as a 03ura1its ;1" _ TY'aVria,
. n iriu 11az. take his mottqs, 11# 0.2- Pen re!
senibles another pea. Fro* constant
intercourse, 'with them, ilts [am las
valet\ his movements, his ' &pats,' all
an astonishing reVersionto
type-i.e., simian' eneestry.• But for
all- • "
. Toronto, Deo, 264- Wheat Odor'
-78c to• 79C for white re. r_nnx
-outsid _
"Hal ha i ha! Sots" mon frero je to
tut,. Piens.. mon emir"
The interruntion Was appalling in its
suddenness. ond. followed b
There 1 a danger in wenng
ings. In particular ladies will
it isVcry dAt)1Nrous to wear the lasidon-
stockings. Atedical*. Oxen
vn been reaping. a ,goiden herveif*t
from the ieg inaladies of ladlok Aniort4;st
the ailments: attrib t 4 to colored Aliktek-s-`
ingS aro violent shooting pain's* '*04N4`'''
/less and 'numbness vofltn joints,' and
so .on„
A' welt,known \Tien ;Lilo
Inv drutirbeart Aitek for a rn'icro-St1),2th-ottjugt I-1 14-1'.'s 6tIfte:r11 v ) 4C1..-2111-. (1°111:1 r°-1441 11---1114rtig411
3, r4Lii,.- yott altinthaertol!tiatisItt-toirgottiir.eliaLleil;.airtILeadoirniatinel;i When the' skWel°110's *el.e 4441374°' '
•S,he-friendi. of the customary excOntents. A point 12__a_Fat,ta. 7- Vle it.141:47..6141lietillis. Inpeatients- to .
l'aaa4 that theY wcr0..194!(,1(1.1v_ till ti%PrP":
ti ab-
1.7,1•1)1i,s ' • • . , , aw, or an artistic InuMer. •tnight tir'
4E,? going serr.etimes gentty gmeken its action, but iftngstun:31:3 tillieey°hMair4e4shrihtlrorie4Vedwhsitneee.649elz- -
;on ;neat), nothing else could. in the contsesof our dia. tins, All til emoied- stoeitirers thty
41Pubt iho 'corivcrsalloil" w 1 1.. _- ,-- -IP DtIrarY sta-W- to have derived their beautifia
# :Aug_ an where we ---wtm silting, Emu gain *up- I ginIs frolit 4 pre,p4ratort ot mercury.
luilie n(tr, 614irs had jtist re:ached. the otas a vi 1
col Vie lirginted rootn.
.. -
.. I don't thinii 1.have.. t
v -L ,. ..9r A7gr,, with a
lov..,:;*gr•jm Ungli of extittrition.
r11illtW3tis-7Telfg-wereilichee1I1uiV, In Producing some particularly deli.
., vering with an effort my halanCe mite colors in silk; chloride of lin i
Wetly ,, o • vilanimity., INtirch liad been so rudety ..Used as a medium.. This ,pait Cxists, in,
subs' thstairbe. A" 1 h1isib16-tenant4s-ek. . latV.,„„proportt-ons-Iii-Lienortif-ilieit
.arit. ;arritIF--cis•-nieeir-et-iis-e-4-17,i-T-Ifi'lh`eile-Y brics, lind itr- rennectitill with tho
lin o as -, Ilse nigpt.," , . -- - 'natural perspiration upon the i‘...1 the
Hl -C, -"I'' 'Intl sai'd,my friend. al, have never salt dissolves rind .eauses a ,itoic.44 dis
1 r,d 1 aft_a!;_-_s_itns_dz:,_,
trirg ye ow
VoliS now• -a du '
.'her Ana
. neljed,44
bio 40'uroes and- then entirely dtappeared and .on op -
at$ 'will ... ac- mssiVe SgelliV lay over the W.ing-of lh•ae
... -....__., rouse in-mz,_ hisaille_raorsi ,. e, •
ir.ily, anti', nd. as !tad prayed petore,1 trimp.A.,),
,f' i , %
;,:-1-.1----41-ngersl,r- InPITIMItreiTIT,iatifelh-07-sUingi.C-words ber o isalnpleg-,of clitsp has
Atittrout-. Intrur-iiiptiliTg resbits 1 of his. irivestigations Show .
sounds l.) w!,t ZS te:u.ings. ' at le_ast 54 per emit. of such atackin '
isregarding his °This is dpiiriousi" I eried„ "'You contain er)! distinct quantities of arsLin:1,+
It. et:11544 trelatirhl" •pretni5ed me, Horace, a warm welcome ie. -Ar a inatter -of fact, the ameuntr wt,••-erv
I and f..;a1)d eatr;cany, Init. /never expetted ris-es 'in Some cam .to as much- as half tts,o4 tti
,r4t!,4n1=0,, s,Ixely.•:,i-sodms. (it Vile intere_Aing hind. Pleaso , a grain in eneh ' pair of steekinp. 1
1Witt ahoutd have log 11 ..possCss;oras 1.1* tranefer ed - r0e--7 ita,' this arsenic--
- " tinge , to this erichanting. thaint4.4r,, 4 ble„-buti.,atilFil-ItaW-
,e tc$rteIr
canr; prahil3FluTD)--e'ffTell agreeable and in -water and by slightly aeld soluti
rt very, strmticre Vt." Tizerefore there .is a strimg Irt(r,bililY,
Tite change 'VMS speMily effected, and, indeed, 'a likeriffood, of the anstenit.1 are
`irre41 t Calm) Al,r_e's rata tvgarding thy rcsit heing gradually absorbed by.the'syStent of .
, an,1 rie:sa .wilh Vhh.conasted CalarlilaSalla an.) and so, •catsing 'cyll restful, to the itil
-ct• iny curiaGily. The von% ofitn estantlialliktat _
any the beauti ul red•enes
iipe dye.
o these inveSli-
°•the' esPerlinflit
isno should never be
the age of slx-
een the etkild
* two hours a
. beneficial when,
tar exercise. A Gtr
gymnastics maintains
pest arid surest way
a wow
geth th the
ogether yawning
aitY ,etercise..-Pear,,
eap s (icings form very real
danger to health. The analyst for 1,iot.
thigharn, England, Mr; $. Tratmain,
lake parts, 89e for N.Unchanged
1 hard, 80c ,ter
No. northern. arid 83c for No, 2 north- '
ern. .11Stettlay's •Inspection at NVintli.
peg covered 151 ear, against 144 it
year ago: 1 N. 1 hard, 16 No. 1 north-
ern, 22 No. 2, No. 3, .2 No, 4 northern, •
and 43. oliter grade,.
„Flour Ontario Export, best hid .
b3.13 for 93 per colt. patent:4, in buy-
ers' bags. at outside points. .1:lornestic
sales at $3A3 to . fav)it
„at$4 1L
"14-4u for seeot4 en nnd *420 Lo
8430 for 'bakers':
- Ontario Bran, SIG
bulk at the ;Mils, .sti`orts $17 to VS.
INIanitert $10450 to., $17.5shorts $18.,
O. to $13.50, at Toronto ,and equal
freight points. .
Oats 3.1e 35a.outid
"Battey-- No. 2,7c to 4Se. No 3 es-
ra, at 45c le 40e. and No. 3 at Itio.
'outside points,
PeaS — 780
Nonny al at Sic to 52c,
outside.' _
i in Ro to U",
hathain freights; American, No, 3• ed.
Ir. 51e at Toronto, with 2e to 3e mom
eratkiiitr .poirels.-accardirrzirr10-relt
041S, barrels,- and -$1-..-
rearitY.--T .4 in hags, on tzar! here; 25e* mere I .r
pounds .4 t broken !WS hare and 40c outside.
raised in the
'2' Creamery ,
• g Patelttngd
ve engaged in the
.... 24C to 25o
. 23o to 24e -
c tr.-a-fie
do tills
turn- -.a tattle
'that ;
tes, Fin" ta
12c for large and 13Xc t
nre scat. tv-hs*
ing stati0n3.• BUS . 22c to ttc for the general run
and geese *re of fresti and 200 to 21 for limed.
_ou tvy Fat chickens. 80 to4e,fhia
ing-.-tho-chiclienr ZtLlo-IS74-tat--htns--Wt 10-7,340;ifirii5;ipr
--is-betPreseritNt via or Eint.itz•
pa4o1.3. and when diligenity tapp6d .010 . ; 4.1,1110"ritooy..Arne.,otith
l'ilny .bcot poliShes cre also ver)
'..e 4..1r . 1r1.131 •yt.,..110- to- results, lbefortd- a k ' r,,,x.he,,, whhoi, feeknikipn ,girafir$6 ail" lifi,
colivels and t littt6 dtnt. Tlio 1106111 ;',1",„ir, i;;;:t7t7r-.10;i1;a17i wii,674,737"icsig.
*ri3t tcte-a' €4.1.1Thed 83111411 'Ttaer e Inive been notineOUS intiortOes of
ly4 "Rehr, I exchanged aloud, I believe ptilaning titused by, .the use 9; th6e
wit," theee 'Es nothing to, di.1.52over. PerhIpS ,,s -h: polittes.
' CO' ti.fo,o, est baby .-Vilve' 16 t410 NVItfn Sit-Priideriek._ T1/41ve., ,
•It!,". - And t tarsh -115-4, if r,t, 6!
r-Wrii*Iloy— „,, .• koila 44tii-rti Said, that the high
,_ After being', pe 0
, IA -fho it fitio.iturAtt-eaMPfti
ititit.ti&sZ. Mt hat. that the. men p, tit '
Ittaght, riottiO ..betoro ping Intl Wile,.
amt., trielris Itatt it 11.,11int,rtatifing.,, ,
. .. , _.
tild have 11c, turkeys, 15e to 10e. .
chIctou 112.e^;;;e11 110g4 Car lots here are
Thev guotel at aboiit $3 per cwt.
Pctatoe3 - Ontario, •65o to
g on track lif#K75 6
eastern_Za An, •
-10--gb el store. •
, -Tod or
irrintb$ in car lots bere,_ _Ao
C"'3 Straw $G per ton tot4,,
on frazk here.
I ........„,,-,•
-MONTI1 1,144,11/tP,Tizt,.
real, Pec. There Ls -S
hi cable itoba
• 'Soiled clottes are often 'verY danger.