HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-08, Page 1bbit a ' • Prof ',Von*, the woritra grate der. roWlogist ' (*4k your Itrotodiseorer tlo coo via nature 0 true thodruft Uri 11) 1r:tiesiloriarskoft,. Isortru e4 41. **Mk% with human deotirott .11ehec , whatook 444 Fs from* *WOO 00 wo* losing hi* hair. and , uade or t ' mwtob voottliat ruhttelt the *ore4 Oat* IA/rand th,o lig ha- )ii,S. *Oil orkiwki dandrot boar -orv 0 kill* the miorobto row Alra MOP* 10t0,10(t- A-woiulrrfiijloriteurr;---*--del4httal , . tiort in vet ehoW titan ihow on Vesten Ontario. 0 gerwo-earrY Evety .1ay we ee cloudsin the sky., Sowetirnes, they are idle Itiptiseecy .*ud their oft stuface.ts tinged 'With coloring that reminds one or. the fati. vd Silver lining..; 'Again they are dull -at'tgrY end -front their innernicfet receses leap forth 0404 of fire, folt, ike the discharge of a thouandpiecee gest nd Latest Li e rpely notice' them ;rave' ereae in Our business wlen ome evening the wind takes 0. QUANTITY' a ritidan4411, With destrotion that ruler their influence.t In • cfl jioe o hey hau et at.' mphere that madethe Worried and efts, but nothing 111qt the disturb. atktk hou n hovering in a. sultr 0 clies, Lounges, Pfxfs zetures-to be Rooin Mouldings, Mid's tea se Baby Carriages, Carts, Wagory,s1 riminiags, and Step Ladders. Window Rtind business/. Every blind guar-, ver six blinds hung free. 4r-hgvfx=-411sy-lkiew,az other wei.eln he barn at. the time klndknowl4 that a heavy wind term approaching ,satternpted to bold the ilOors fast, never theaining thet the windhad sufficient forceand veloc- ity to pot ouly blow open doom but, to destroy the barn. Such VOW the Vase* owever. levelled !py, Oveiturn, ;many-feetr-throngit _hem atriking_the roof teiten,,,..:pettetrating‘it the roof, wal s, And t. part of the 'house. r000 • • _ atiOn- few-. tome after sgmtyiug ber inention.°t going tO the .kltcben. The detentioniNfttef lucky. a the'Onsta"44ente Might . . . Was .horne at,t o be in thefron * dne totie fact .3v I 'Oleg he there In conrve illneSs *11 1111 HAN» -0 Sonnet Sweitzr met wit fut*Hiccident the other day by h3 touting in contact with.* eixcula J)$11411:11V004 „ talpt„,.aitts kixt2, nkbineAt _ o itatT y event . y. waof surpriae,-1 - being 'her biiihdy. A . TheY.OPort having had a, very .nice ,- tinte.-Mr. iambi, of firtrithi* lutt$ been visiting :Mr. rilkte, during. tho past looking began to 04414 I*41).7` arter0e4 the sky. The wind was frtutr the southsw,est, but it did not seem to , govern the *Untie,' precursors of the storm. They flitted in different di*. rectionestra SS tOCY travelled onthelr coursestbey--foretelti destruction. All Was conftraion'in. the skies; flventoal.. -ty the great army :0,1U, -Clentent reaehearia OW4040411: all the fere,' C410010 cyclone. .The cleurlisetriptied, IlveivmmteMln:ntrztegtOttAnf,b_k_he_e_. that seemedto penetrate everrt1110ft.. - tbat made eervtbing% shudder in 10 e weaker strue. •rert0-Itarilegratttl itgsswased and creaked in Oblast* While other*. 'wete'. sat and Vana. Barn1. req.*. * eiinglor the•Tuttretkip otritr*orse.,*duir broste.bureirert ,ottrettgl **dos' Tiad,weUfncedaxddraieed. 'There I* oti ,the prow, tomatmate Woolf; a'goud•boro, shed* rod other Otote 120d* t ten attee la* hardwood bush. ar! wiarw, sod ether -diroyes- -tatt—it -it C. SVANIfii-7--- 414 .Vall-early_and avaul youraelf of bis 'valuable service, as tbis is a rate op- portunity to have your eyes properly of charge. No suet* *mkt but a etientifie, certainty. Difileult cases accurately fitted. .ALL Nvontt 14.111.**of ArtIfIcIaI Ey.s itddod to Oar atock. eseap -ivittif;ut.- arriiii-tir lnjury, hit .howit, ' 4 pperted time is beyond expla- nation*. Mr. Thaw* fihaptorre was •:ertnght 14 settle debris but, was Assisted , out by. ItiesOntkand wee but 'aligbtl injured. 'Theaceitir now, 'presents a , -11100 A 000ilittte: Mini Everything is .104thiedi tittherl 4ith4 twisted but. of all I 10,410'04d for. . 'The.next Serlintor obstruction in the. ,. 'ath Of .the *term your the One new,. rositatuAlimrik struek it withetteh velocity : that. ' 'the IthitleliftitcturelVaCtilliftedliornefour' „or ilVeinclieson the foundation.. The t.f _o_trlatiOnAtaelf- w, as ardiy c..rae_t_ id an 'i' -rebuilding -in -places.- - : Passl.ng on the 'windarnl ramn struck Wein, ng, 0 aiti knock- -'tree44' ,. hon.es,'tin ' ng for GitelPh.-ivhere be will ahow bis -Tine team of ,three,year.olt geldings.—Mr. and ars. WM. IL Simpson d're on visit to ,friends and relativeein.gincer-,' 4311=11. .her-Ett po- the Ind con., of r. Geo Critter, near here bad'a burp raising on Tuesday.---lboing the se - vete atom* Nehleh passed over this sec- tion OA Monday . evening considerable damage was done to fences and fruit Air- 400 Lewis, of Adare..'had a stetr kilted and two there. 'badly in- liti% Win. 101 *of dere, had bis n badly damege, an his ehede • levelled, to ti ere. The bent om theiz rued all directions, fence*: leveled. in - feet eirerything in'the.storm path angered morei-or-lessandlifealvwelLatkproper-, -• y....wasticithihreatemetthend-.1 • whole .utaktnpra lanoratenc.display of 'devastation and,. destruction. The wind seen* to have been. travel- ling s_nolLevrAry_ conceivable direr-- 70- .7- ettOtutthe.,,,gint irettktv s_alincist due east. It swooped to the earth About two an -a, balfmilee west of town and there began to pIay bititee with everything- In 'it* tit toward Exeter, , „ .greates est:ruction Tr- ace: _ -eb/ter--a.. 'lames She -wbile that Atte new enbaiee_was *bitted several inches. These three rns are 'and it would appear as though they were in the very centre e • area, whilst all , the lesser damages wrought north, south and east were . the results, of the still furious but$Ottle* Wb4Itt, Weaker wi rids along,the outskirts :of the storm path, . - -Onl_ht*:-approaehof the' tert,or twelve Into Iv_ete engag_ed at thelgrik_. pit400 the Trietater Tann, -atm ntr- Medietely sought shelter for them* *Wetsand. teams in the bitink bard. They bad done too than the full force of the storm bruit upon them. The barn rocked and "swayed • _ ifte4from-theorlglnaI _ poeiUou and ralmost off the fomithitt e:tf,mbere were twisted and - turned In ell *Mtof shapes, many et -them failing mien and through theltoOr404 into the stable beneath: The barn 'fieor gave Way and .teveral horses felt :Intothe root house' 'beneath, but telved Only slight injoriee.- When It. :became apparent that the born mult ted tertnith fe till • Omit them* Men * inhnals found themselyest in the mos ecalkr e.cape ylese than ine.hes. Not so forone man bi*m- -7-W4 ibou 90 *roof age, abd son of Mt 'WI 'I neighittgc7. n the 'stable beneath where fle. ha witir..hie,teiim_sought, shelter.A fall ing beam -11-a and ell upon one able: horses crwsb Ingthel1fetIit. of it. Theyorrng tit riPott lfrn and pltiflec tu there. , Vilten thoiti(orm bad abet 1 the 'men found 'hirtt.beneath He was rele4sed ADA tbe bouse; a doctor WO surnmdnN It was fonnd that ba Aittok 'biii and.fh me was broken After tieing bitn a stretcbe grOunds• slight natitre. 11 fOree.and skip the on ther ge of not yet. *pent its nto the township ilEorne, where one of the-Ititrolt of KTitoiniefilisaett was unroofed and anothermunsiderabi damaged. Sev- eral of the raftertrof , Ian* oi bar were.drivenwith !irlgrt1Athrttttre iiAt4ll4r, asecthtdroeflooklike_the_top pepperbox. On the otrtakirt* of the *tom area, trythettorthanit south belldingeand the barn on the -farm the lateJtiiiiiit clerin and ettaight it late with a _. tor Thomas shi ton's barn • bl etri ee were, the roof of WM. The 811( 00 the farm of en Is e emnplete wreck, having' been Wirt over and scattered to the four winds. A tirtrn belonging to W. D. 'Soder* on the4th concession . of Stephen es ler **report goes seems to have been -nus-of:the ltrst placett,struck. in, the immediate area. The roof WAS taken Olt but -the- tiattrintit milted= no -doubt owing to Its beingfilled with bay. Set* end lerg,e trete were blown over neer *Thert. Reamer& home on London road South, one of them felling on the house and doieg considerable damage. .Adltreofined _i_celoWiant• dahoye, was 'unroof The school bonse o hen, is situate not more t from thentor ruined barn o ton, but fortunately seemed t side the path of the storm and eecat Artthe hoar was about SOO *time 'Ons of 'children were in the buddin ad it Is Very fortunate Met a* boi Ing eacaped, the full fury of the Amin., _ Eli Sweet hat sccepted. aa. tion In London. -Mho haseball game ' Stare and Dliffel*, Whieh was bevellaken___ plate on Monday trultrelA he weather, -Mrs, Miebeel Beaver, has returned front - Welland after at. • aintri*r-olattgbter who hatt,,been. plenet!dto covering—Mr. Sam, Brown has snored into-bie-quartersosadrisnow ready -for inisitietat.,—Mr. Christian Tel& is hav- ing weentent walk laid from the street. q.Pitrt O� him who wee humeri out bitA w decided nbt-r-to bond till* •sind moved to Centralia on Mon- d Wes Lulu Foree 't1t. and Mier Wolin tried- Mini examinations • dWelling painted which Improves ery mfich.—Several of our peo • le • k.40-the-raceatttlivatort - Mr. -,and Mrs. 0. Finkhinervlajt,- frletuls At'fietialf(fif Rill, of Vred. kens were in the village 1400aar.- 16.. zoo. Eidt got a carload of Mani, toba-wbeat last week -Mr. and*lifft, *Suter.4}f-41teLaeallen Line _ Ontrumm-This week We reenea the death of Miss' Mary Shoemaker, „of .thepth Con.-liay, which sad event • occurred -on Tuesday morning about Miss Sheemelter was. ermine as -usual on Monday and not feeling Well retired rather early for the night, but ere long the doctor we caned but nil to no -avail. melte owed 'away aft .above stated. The funeral .t04 Placeon Thursday afternoon and Lutheran Viturch. ot • oh. ii,Owing to a -wrong a patent r a paper supply this week Tao ADVOCATIt is one mail ---- Laeadledsutlar istaftaibLiatatisseit 111111115 Hagel Mond*y. taking photos of the members Of the 'Emu- uradot_4134- to be published, of our people h eek. Our oldest residents cannot remember such *high wind ever having pasted through here. Several garden awl field fences were levellid, chimney*, blown down and the greitterportion of the flax Sheds and Were's' lariek sbed, -ere blown dawn.- _The- dwelling occupiet by Mr. Vites. Kerr' /6a* strtick by lightning, but was onirelightly dams , The rain -and hall was terrific and ' it was Indeed an anxious half hour bout for out people, The worst part of the dence oI the- b s parents. Forest Avenue, Vifirattletralt. Web., by the Rev. Dr., Horner* Mr. w B. . Diatuonde of. the Civil Service :De- troit, to 1101r0 lof. 'RolliAns, eldest • daughter And Mrs. . J. 'Rol* lips, formerly. f Exeter* At home At 901eixteentilt Street. trektsut .on May .28, hy, Aged 90 year*.' tan1ey,on 1.14r214Thow. tmorttler._18 *rote She t nes betnk bsrns. he Walker,ot this was so.. metxnefsbon with their teams at. the tinitrthie ettirrit broke onto 'floret* and men were 010004 401,11 ' hji tbe heavy timbers and strange tosay none were killed, but Mr. Welker eustained serious ihjotitos to his beck. He was brought homethe same evening end- Mottnitr in St. Marys, on MAY 01., Cherlotte Varmint, widowof the lot* Ed, Aforrey,ofeGalt, in her 14tit year. Woodham, on May 30..‘ Mts. Lily May Sewyer.aged 90 yearly ., 3 Months, 24y1 811.11ROVION-40 St,..Mar L.Ott property was destroyed. itt _ 'brick kilns w wreckedMrJobn - ltr of/theta- brielt end -s I'to,vn down and the tonten 'ed, Iso -the okesuett on the- - milt- .