HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-01, Page 8o *atS Rower* Drtig , vr, wilt) has been residing on Huron treeto, Moved her house old effectto ndon oinloyo._ where she will open a boardirnr house. M1S8 Lz. lie ()ooper hu alan gone to London e with a. Levy.1 The very intere roerm oiled b Triitt Metuorhd ._ ;night st, OAS unused Ott deservin *um* nnurtn) WAS in os tuber of t Mem tonJih randJJend in their favorite ant outing. Rob et0 bi*ppy eoupIe* lite .t Tb v nOn progva nati�nfil Institute • • 1 4 V.i ai i..0 0 St. ;10b3',„' of course of Ovelect o "OhII and . the Sunda 1 Florence: Done eclebrat or Of BieckthOut4 Work, wil 00001e in, bersPeOlat line..Mzi Mr*. Kennedy, . Miss11414 ,11,0Penny, rL flanufl and .t.': 'ol other Ivo. bunt, worker* ,are naniec -foraddresse _tend last ,but not loat Ulm Nannie TA.A. fitrayaer, ofKentucky ,Whosolignutaide,'Manner':of 8tory.tell. log moves strong Men . to. tears. wil ive of her work Alt sessions Elementary •,13.0ePloti, litIlic.12,.:,.A. #o tgtenirtt• Wi ' be ,heId A et st tlonal Oburdb, nd aro. under ti AirentiOnlottlie lnternatlonal Pri .4000itary, Mr. 1 . further information apply to . At ,Johnston, ppo . Spadlna Ave u .Toronto. ...,.,-.:.,„,,,,,.....-1,..._ .. . ., siogiaoicasta ter 4sim., 0 .80,4th and 5th are-ce AO onaostarta ,datee, with, eonjnnc- nlitniefiti'iiiit e 84: ' BYthe 3rd etortnii . will be will organized in weatern sec- tlona,_the ,barometer wit tea:dint% the in tu ..........„ •r-f.r., order, ' r' Bert Fuke was suddenly taken Tuesday ;corning at arena re hei-with-otbet-ivorktuntr-W 441-buirre14004:10-0401tiltslonma0880--4k0velh- om uTithoie.iningantyvofrol,e.00 do 01 Afor:itOttiheo tat. he is .t:f 344e°' tovioteh trouble and regret to earn paid* in axtvence, 100 slot* ctuis to 00 at tatheni.0 aker and Confectionery, Eteter. Aflthedierent preparations iuclud- ox mixture for spraying iit trees, rracit And Rose hashers,: ith1ulldirectInn tor using.. 8014 by Lots. Central Ding Store 'Exeter, • _ The modions v.echlelace.-of 'Mrs hroflne Bobier.. Enquire at.promiso, der*I.Ondon,- will be at the Hotelmatrml , Thursday, June 1st,' Idiy, for ye,. Ear, Neacten4ThrOat snitaUona.. Eyestested and glasses, • _ &zarehoklers of the Batter.' ark* Co., please take " notice goitAtitinotr Meeting Or the *here Any will be held Monday,- Tune o'clock p. -in., Town Hall. CA, 'Ate*** tem fa all kinds Jot.lon. hbagis Cauliflower* Stock% erbert04—retuna, ratilititr-FolWre-Tuid *11 of Bedding Planta,. Call and ratock before purchasing else. antic Okaftk C44111s4. Al son hate:defective eyesight dote* Anico.naultA." P Son , . • I.itne‘ but late y tbe trouble hasbeeu more prOnounced.,- e MethodtsV COnforences. Meet .thhlreek4 . The:, tranden POnferenee. mets In Li*towetthbt year. L ‘, ex- pected that the,first draft will .appear- to,thiY (Thursday) Hai thn Stationing hos 'been in 1$eosion" duringthe former, part of the*Celit, 4 0 '04-:Sund4laatMadden, a divin ity 'student, oticupied,the pulpit of -the', ''*-fr74'tM'V'--+-0.117#1v!h-77'1'.110tft-----P-ft-01174 very acceptable sierinons.,- -06Ttiference,,*.iik., 'Thomas Hartnett will preach both *Oiling SO4 :ecoluim1641 young lady wbo .4oett,not,ilte & thousandfront. 'beret wrote her own wedding..invita4. dons recently and, got it -"your pre- ' ,0441,1 ng very much of r . but. it Is yerk, bad ferni to r:put It just „ Mr,. Mervyn Euston. who hat been .attending-set:toot in Toronto and re- cently, was 4466L*11,0in - &anti s.now" init at the .hotne of hie itostente• M. and,14.rec X.,..0115JOAt , Wean "ikar Wig* weea% we copgrato.. !WISPY . urning: chimney at the bummer. tlouse Caused conisidemble excito- ment on Friday morning hist. Tho " shrieks, lftedeillerievehistie-soo e num out.•e re* •°Waver. d not atomise large proportions and ...110410a.01 o *spent the past ;week at thand Bentl, returned home Sunday. Stewaqt, ef Seaturth* ne. oinPanied by a friend, visited friends ere un Sunday. of,'Edwaxds, of Centralia, has been the guest,otldr*. Samuel Fulton for the, post few Robt.Sinale' with her daughter* Cox, is visiting at her.brotheria. nap ' itLftuU 11 ting at . her. .ngsvillelast inc nMve, tbese condition progressively over the twin .r°41 east,ws8t to causing tains and tnond. generally in their ' The Mercury. perturbation is contraI on the Brd, extending. over *hi reac- tionary period ttndcovering. tho next storm period foliowing.. This Mercury disturbance. will tend to prolong clow. dyt, -threatening- coOditiont between the two erlods, Been A VOW moon* on the 30, Iota) fluence will help to obliterate the. In- tethn ot fair; weather between theae tieriodo. The storm froiWthe-Ith.A0-"t12th1---promiaes- to bring sorlicof the moat gcneral and severe ,disturbances of the smooth, Tbe OourtAif Revision for the As sesiment non for the villa' or Exeter, as bad: 112 thTown Hall, enFriday. May 20. , frhe nieMberoi of tba Gouncil toolc and subscribed to the necesasry man. Th romwrng is the appals. . iieVett4,W e 'veaenkenntot SSW against na IfxpreaS170.-laii cati-eail4Tand the W VOr-ot t--lnitineost4ssestment neIllirsgen 'OCCI,t, -the building; asiiessment $88740 OfXuAlsa1.0agio,1444tAtt. euebfned,- ,ItesstAent �n,afltheope .b :the It** 'Taylor Om, he Commerchil House, xe. etlad. 'Sec "a4" in anoth. itate Settles* • Jean Joy, of Termite* and mist 4nworth, of Otteloh, Who are by the Agricultural Depart* metical demonstrations ection-with the Woman's In - Value and. Prepare - 111 hold meeting* in -11,44PAelort -oft aiktur4jr,p., at 2.3) and 8 o'clock. It ntitation is extended to the country as -40,--Att$44diztthes s. Subjets "WA*" 0004 for • 1140, )iebes for r "Even- tbe Collection, taken up o help defray ex - Bastin wIth other battalions of 'Weeterit Ontario, goes to 'eamp,at London on - Tuesday next, N4i., 0 Coinji _M4 froro0 Birder ilistrict it now :sh000 1011. ,0t,migth, Under ,..-the command of Captain Ranee and Lieutenant Rea. mom No. 6 it expected to make creditable Showimr.. Robert Leathbrri was In London Frids.f. and fi4tillit1410 hie frame stable having_been-tunong- the number of buildinge burnedlo-,the bigt6re there .Thureda night,tind his bonito was also damaged tosoineextent tom thelies t.' The root on, the. limn* was the 4$04.h4,1*.v.41:k.frrom ion. The :house it:-occopied- is Mr. G. W.., Meant, ' travel ler. 1VM., :004will is mi. proving nicely be is still unable to ba' out, consequently the cOngregottionis of theittain street Methodlit and the Presbyterian churches united on Sur0," do wt. -4n the Morning it the litter .choti**Iiete ftele. afartiooccupled the vett Armstrong,Muir--The $1050 of Samuel Sanders be sustajnd. .Coirded, Levet.t....Vtiood.-4110 mess.' *0100-t- otthe- 0.11. . Telegraph be otriick.ott and _the business itsiest. !went .$20Ct.beastessed Sew ers.as .egent'atid'botiipant..-barried W;.1:tiriney*: 11$1140-1611)3,46404134.110 dee* asked to have dog tax • Struck off. , The two •tototer were granted. liraintre,,,' of Win. Sanders at tenantion Lots 411, 44 Sitnems at; also Sidney S.tbdtrs M. Pi; were added to the Ito% Wood.: ' pared foi the to London. is Jaokaon and Miss Sharp • dress- es, returned Thursday Iroin heir f rmerlaomes in London. w .x aildren*. Toronto spent twen fourth with their sister* !1tton. is Vera Hawksbaw, who bas bi filting *position' as Milliner at. Di gantien4. rettirnedAionitt on Friday will remain till the fell eesson,;" W.1100#, 13. It., Sciei Master In oderich st1tutf, waa.the gizest of ratHanion on Victoria Being a progressiv �hrewd huyer you are A beg Therefore you would be to UBI you. 6W WO_!wo you the best for tlif,zi• lesstmoney- 'tYOn?. ellmtehoetti'obsurvneewuoitodruelittvuerer at me pri at wifl Coiivjce You boarde in golden doublo sbaped top.14x24 xnirror,:as low as $8.00 egia00 0 0, Pt ki,10.$20:14074t. plate 0 „ $1100 10-40:"li,etered In best *elOnte.., ouches, PI:!;•11.4,..T.O.10nrst. ;,,Fwidit • EVERYTHINGELSE IN )OMPAR1SON - the past left for yisltln returnir V. Orocker. who bas spent weeks witb friends here tir ere she, intends riends for . some time before Brant- ford,-. eat' ntah 401 NW. 10 dfr tp*tts_ more, N. Dakota., " After a two week stoty-inatiffelot *here: ther-former:' was haAt*rift.. e ' WHITE SIttliTS CORSET COVERS Skirts Made-of:lino OottiM with deill IStade, Of fine CottoA with lace trillingo, florenervtbreemowidaeeinaertioWlfev Intertfoffiet.W40-itiftfroni'eus,' deep uee frill lift. frffiin 8810_ • . . u • s, - pseclpie4.... - oroet (byes made of line hijostr row insertion° oot In, lo with dee lace- an silk ri a kine Carnbrico tritn- mIna ,twO rows lace insertion with tookings-An frills of very deeP No, She k001 t° , • NigbtGowns f batoblie. frillitotoflac t bier :(isr ' The toren should past a by. w* owe the. Walkerton Herald, 'requiring boys ',under 18 yeti.% otage to procure et I .ente before .being permitted to use fire arms *fatty description* including 'sat, ghat*. The suggettion IS indeed a good rotitl.°,01r,i*S• St- 17,,,Mattlist!Otti 401411't 'Itr.4,ber644,4t1 lift4i11--•: toil:eft:To this lath* rec 4.frrifito e sin ooy with the ,abdroinable toometang nt *pult,coiipdwitb*, wilfoldis tlen Mr. John oonitlel ford last week viati0 Ate: vin; -14-04iiiiit oF2ntI Con. McGilli- vray, ***in the. Pity Tu Ed. *OA sta Mr. 4.111eSMilier, of - oiAnaeboe. iet Tutedity for (hlt to show Mr. .1Vara's of .3 -year-old They,-Krota, NSA &Oro* Mr+ John B100011$4 had a cernent walk put down in front of his . bouse Jiist week. --Mt. Fred Siutpeott of god mconnyray has sold his 4 -Year' rokkhoriai for *good John T.,Simtwori was in Sarnia Wit week an business,-Mt.liolie Simplon was in • the eiq this week on 'bottoms. cps. .*' The following it a Oorrect rel$014 af the standing of the pupils of ft 4.„ Stephen, Tut • the tuonth of Ma7. Names In order of tiatritt-- 4m.ikSk. IV.,--14**Brown, 1Wilbur floki8,*borlialtorldek;011 l'es:74-detta----eiriiiiiiK Merrier. .Rtiber, Willie Prea,tcat�r. Jr. IV. - $1.50 to $2.00;big clea pr 6411•$ 6 ILTiiirTfispecTlim-= Out Glove, Bogle/ (413 0 0 troves. e Mitt* all the leading cblom Taffeta- i31,641,:, 1 ack*:-White,4_111 'taro): BrOWO.: _ . -ets-Thir---„summer weight*: wiiiteand drab* in loog.0 s 04 ,ata inediam ths„ at prices that lead, •. Take 4 look at our otortment of Ladies LaceCohlsrs „