HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-01, Page 7•
bpord ead t ii bl Svir .
r veltest - . ,
t nttr, eriMIP?
IAt ? bt, YOU wrath*
- 14 ' 'Old herr
cloorwe and threw Into
iigUre womas, *tending,
The IMMO burst throughide
04 lilts 4;14 leept toward* n
t h nte.
Ue t , 160,15, and 4
' But ' 1: afl1I i
J0fr, t. '0 '-ti?,•0 now
Jo „
but'IEbak itP0' C1
/,'Ett1t>r,'or 0. :0,,ciro;'yea
0., tho , uo..;bot :Coyer'blessin time revealetE.,;" 'this
I%flUW. It. le epr. cetnnultn•CX
• tea-5/0tiste oI -naturcu lifeAo. -Mt:man
life and Itsdeepest, problems, }'or Ite
• .
.ose„who pass through the
f•It 'we% ktr,A* obeli •eSteeM it as
fountrare Yea. ;Om fall rain cover.'
".etbTheft la. tho sorrow
hicheausea lis to weep shell be re-
,gniNxi • as a 100ntain 8010:00 -of
1040400# Ars lite gliOrt.g. as beneficent
Uist onetteldng ea a. fountain, of
•'Ater. The-iniSsion of sorrow and•
• tri41', Of weeping end or soul storm,
is the strengthettieg of our nobler
WOO. for 'higher duties and respou-
/ •
SIene teaches us tb'4t ther• e is 4
constaitt r'efiettliFia-e--transertissimr-of
• ife Irmo form to 'form and a gradui
.01 development frOtre lower to.' higher
life in •
TUE raisicAt. •WORLD.
Lgw. in tho &Veleta world
r okelT;WW;titlifArtkAtittt,41torW.I Ltt
e, spirituel world or in spiritual
flo ftirhnhlar' Outbid OfelOinelt
to . ;higher tOndltions. Our reason
tells us that ,our intelligence, our
'si41 '09#11*.t:httl't
thirst for SPiritealtty
I este Iv
• esilititoU,4'
;11;6' "Y In t•
us, storms may
0011r. Out if harvests of love and
vet, been garnered; it the froito of
ruPatli.Y*, -frieVightiv . and socrifice
• Dt4ITY.,"„itNI) 11,USPONSIllILM,
the fruits,,ei eartteStelese. the fruits
of truthful life, haVe been gathered
and stored away, to make our.. own
or other ' lives, !tenni*, who **all
soy that..we have lied vain?
Future life is in God's hands. Ire -
at life is in our hands afee, _as wo
well know, Upon ° the future wo may
ri .0.10
' etiloc • , Yi*:13
. `4031104*.,li t 14P0,A,
,..t*Wrate &IU4 ,0?Y44 '
rhis' eyes os • ,thes'e tkblet,.4nntIT'
6W),, ..-to..itbt4‘.11Ptitn.g%
4ipl, eleverAltoo, • ch •
• • vitie.iy:pretty..te.„./ey t.64,
at 1,0411.41
"Ohees, • .certainly 'goed400kin
414100ed.- the- Un. • Partner
Now P14
cliinbedthe Jii I t ol, *A rnomoiit
Oted- the feet -that batt -
ed into his work again,
Nathaniel Crump, the junior part-
ner, Wits* sixty years Of ago, Forty
year before the firm of Bestow and
Igrural). °music publishers, had been
founded, And with Ilaototes brains
and all the mew* CrninP possessed'
lied grown into a paying concern.
Bestow had been,- a men of power
and energy, •and, • practically speak -
he had been the Ann; Crump
was thankful to be rrterelY a notes"
sary- aitributeo and. content with his
u oizig t& .cogrutu!ato to
OL :eoflra 1. am. X eanxiot'. think
-why X401*.got ,(od luck -the very
bs' **‘. • ';1)
te,10leerge ,aef: Now
ti 50011
itt,'"ib:ee"'.U4f1s.t:tal•t°144:'.410°*0‘4%r'at: 0.4P't 114,
et the Cretnona.' (loodobye," ,41sn4 tit
t ittti
i "A
„ ",',t • 2 •,
, I q t.fand,,,,
,,,t, , 40,,l'utstAtic.,., 1,4100,17.11:01.: '
1 V•1ON. i0.0,11.
, e 1,1. "e!, ' I0V0, , '-. did , not
her' ° ut , - cr.' to.
ry well.
was to marry a
. liott:' n h alt N. Y401#41 'she
bra'firet, , if kiteiezit
o f.litxt..s4 your
. . •
tha stair
• „'• • •.,
breathed"..., back
as held her, .autated by her .-.
entitessioni' **I .would• r • •kil •
•IootsLeps died eway on the P4Ved
cortUhz' fen lio c1Jmr 110 -
de* again aed. bent his head lower
than usual ovel------Id—a--books.
The senior partner' WaS 4early in
tho worst. of tempers. Threes months
had passed, end now, as he bounced
Into the, office and tore open his let-
ters savagely, it WAS eViderit that
something was alUISS. • *„
"Crunapt" ho roared, like , a mad
bull. "Stop that infernal Pert-
•scratehing.„-Whet6a ttte„,..good-e-
tending° yeu're•busy whett Yen ktiow
the firm hasn't earned, a ten -Tonna
oteLfor-ft--co- upler-of--ntiettho?"
The Junior partner carefully blot-
ted tho -last tignre he !tad made and
laid. down he; pole
And at times even 'forgot th,at he was
tirump-pledded-away at his ledgers,
pailowlvw•dined.. oinhie tson.rdppettla_vinto
atross to his .partner's desk.
his shoes, though a youngster fresh
a partner the firm.
c 00 w 0 r0W.11-7----Velittlf-0
Presently tieorge Xtastote walked
Let us make our •present life bea,uti-
lid„,,,ror_nejeeil for, others with Whom
W e come in contact; Let us hare the
hotote•beautiful, , the heert beantlful,
our pant lifeour. daily lite, beau-
tiful. Artel when we meet sorrow
anti trial, when we Weep and when
4Ve-tienible'-bereettitt: the force a soma
itt I), nos re -powers Of maul e.
o , -Wit, Way -there ore
;With, '-`1,relieve that these, • de-
vethped by our earthly experienets,
tinned in it future life.
We cms *ell believe that sorrow
nd ,trial,. weering and soul atom
,fountain ,of •bleesingL yee.::' that the
tempests which scent to strip life
of its beauty and glotscrejt be made,
thp forerutmers of bleseings all the
stifter44t, enr-oriserY" and
ur pain; all the liarre, beauti u •e -
cause of vzhat we have endure&
-Agit We dObir40 Make: home.
heart and 'life 14,i -reefer itMl more,
heautifeVfor oureelves "and for
eso 2C.t, ,The laesurrecticin,. dole
den To*. L Cor. 15..20.
Noto-These Word Studie). for this
,XteVis ion.
Events Interve,filng.-The .body ' of
estut was. taken from tho crose bee
ore s In -e
.,tand was delivered by the noway.
authorities to Joseph of Arimathea.
1,3e,„aud_icaeaceislmeelor of
tbo ews and secret distiple of Jesus
for burial, With •the assistance of
cede/nine '"he who at Ilret eente to
fitinents in laviSn a un-
, ApICea 0
'-a..4-krar-arc-r WffirtardUily- par -4
ttniinted and placed in a newly pre- from which Jesus gently leads her
red roek-htiwn torn& biTonng t0Thatk to it reogiatiotr-ortillilildr;
in'Orer el erka-than ii-tratit.'" '7
Paltneell. ,--litIV-7C0aBcfdit'S-
sgratelling, and the owner, looked up
"Sacked I.eramingr he repeated.
be whole context, a, title of tender
address,* which :throws Much light on
Its use by Jesus in addeessing
Inotheet4„Tohn:41-4._, •
tiecause they -.Since the aniteteden
many have thought Illary-referred-to
"the Jews": as the sPeciat 'enertties ot
Jesus and his disciPleS, • This 'Mai
be correct, thongh more probably. the
pronourt bit used indefinitely, 'the sense
biiilg.'"Sterst_mit_ has.. Askew away
mw 100rd-," A. moment laterAllary
. .
been the gardener verse 15).
15. Whomseekest-• thou- Not
er might have inquired* -Note that
Mary herself never refers to the
body of Jesus as such; with her it
Isijti r1" ao ye ore
personal.' "My Lord." She has, not,
yet brought herself -to-thinie „hint
. .„ .
"I 'met Siinpsen yesterday," laid
Elastow, ia'a quieter. voice, '4and lte
told.rae roidideno, that -his. . firm
were mills,- to• see- us for that'
In -svorse-hereAttAbeir-4-etter-th
tritletos the taim of tour hun-
dred, pounds miring to us is paid in,.
three days.---" Oh, you know the
usual rt of. thin it is no coed
she might 11 n at my_ aide it*?,w.
We had iskir-d-s: over US -lover of he
whet had .stolen her away from me. •
"That night, as X sat alone in My
studyo'hereard her playing • in
.11,cr room above. The Mcl-64y- hauxtt-
ed mo, and X was compelled:by soot
'mystic force to go and `listen out.
side her door. it was the piece X
played a. moment ago. Then slowly.
X opened the door and looked in.
She stood there majestieallY. like a
figure",* in stone, fully° dressed and
with the instrument at her Shoulder,
Saul that sweet smile of hers wan-
_ _
o passionate melody. And yet sh
alwaia bclinirA, to th
tiny of -my death that she - played
that instrument in' her sleep, end.
that the music was the Inspiration
of of her dreas.".
"Yes.., yes," broke. in CrumP4
Iiseyta he paused Ter breath,__
ettra...dozerastatia.4..and 1$4,14‘ .
I in ant ti*---giVil-it-to-her 010.- n
mornihg and taunt her with
throwing away, such talent on a man.
of lower station, who probabl did
•E‘The truth Is, eitiMPthe firm is
going tothe elegs and we've got to
save- money somehow. Werhave---beea
going downhill ever since pater shed.
ybiere a' plodding old •horse, Crum).
but you've no brains; Anti as for
me -well, X just hate the husinees."
"We -have certainly beee unlucky
with our ntusic lately," agreedthe
junior partner,
Sensible reinark that," sneered
years of experience cannot get „the
But Abele) littler -pieces Of . Miss
Dane's hails gone rather 'Well," re-
plied 'Crump; igiforing the eareasm.
'A mOtt, drop in,Ahe ocean. BO.,
as I.aoxid a, moment. no IV-Itse Dane
Ise-elevereedeuredise eteveric-S„
will -take -some time tot' her •mu
•Crump; we ;dual break."
Several weeks pegged and the firm
BitstOW-ttnii-et dud) ZeBI8tUCd In
the 8.11,1U0 tOrPN state. Prom morn-
ing till ° night thb junior partner
toiled at his desk, Making fresh
wor or. use In gers w en
the day's business failed to provide
any,end working out
Qcenslonaflrtba dyvrait
by Visit from .Nella Dane, and
thete v1dt eetneft like oases ih the
•At the suggestion of "the
• ti" pfilftto ordered that a squad
—7 4) at.' Ia.,. • an-gtmrd-at-t
*way by the disciples and the she might expect to Meet there at
,11..4nede by Om that he had that -early hour.
risen front the dead (Matt. 27.. 62, 1. mary•-:-Iroiv- flinch cd" tenderness
) The next events ,mentionedltY- love, gentle reproach, authority, and
Of the evangelists are those of comfort may not the Master have
reeurrection morning.. 'Ile first put into . this one word! ,
• *est these veils, of Course, 'the rcsurrec- She turneth heraelf--.Na having
Von 1.0414 whit* wali tinnounced by witito(1 for • the gardener's tee Kw-
ot the Lord as airmuly ac- supposed) answer, she had turned
'40MPliehed Just after the great earth-. again toward the* torah, lost once
',-40,(ake and the rolling away of the more in grid, without having catight
*tone front the door of tile sepulcher the .deeper signiecatice of the •Iques--
28 1-10). Overwheltned with tion, "Whont seekest thou?" but at
roe .by the supernatural -1,lietatitte the epeakingof her -twee -other turns
the guiirdo• were first prostrated •egain in sudden recognition- -to-;
•1114_L_..,._ejty_ who had_addreseed_lter.'
nd reported .whatthey had scert and '
iteard- to: the,40wisk_authoritice, Who, Xy.lkteetc.T.,A_..forer_oLedereepe__ tilted
'bribed them -to . spread • it false report by pupils in tin -caking to their teech-
'Itheut the disappearance of the, body er.
0u4Tellos trOA the toinb and to keep Which is, to say. Teacherhe text
ellenee concerning...the evehti wblcii that gory at title moinent tied Just
Actually did take place (Matt. • 28. this expression and spoke in /lebrew
thrown a flood of tight on the whole
Ver!,e 11. If Mary .Matdalene, scene. For just 'one monteet it is
frestrt • Whoin, , Jesus had driven out *; .Je.stts, her beloved teacher and friend,
1. .• INI/Orrt m
- Inenti,ioned ,A0rDel _. no_
relive together with certain ether
Women 'who were "Minister-
ing' JO !IOUS Ot substattee"
(totikk-).8.). Iler devotion and loyal-
nlio'illaS,ed t ne Tie -
,(1,100,12.1•,.. 49, 53; . 27. 61; ;mand to -Mary. Verb e e
• Isterk Id. 4'1) and subeequ ly. (Luke implies lit the fir e •to.
24, ...Aohn'': tin.. 'That Jesu
•pearett „Unto • after hi
ld. 9) earinot
others was in a garden, just as ,r).
modern , cemetery is a • garden spot,
arefulisr-Asweled-andaturedri .
17. Touch. morot-••••Iesus bad- no
refifilied to lire to -renew the. 61
familiar fellowship with Ills discies
n SASICetiM010 wt!A to in-
atiorate a new fellowship, s
ana place „*chair- for 'her; then, If
Bestow was away. front ther °face, oie
at are weiiairg to do
the junior ••partner, has face a.
Tater then usual.-.
"Do? That'll lett what I *sic you.
If you don't think of sotnething -we
mesh, that's:. the long and abort
of It.'.
ltol ;hat 'then?"..
"Starvation for myielf and: Nellti
-until X get another job."
-"You mean that she will„starve?"
SPleated tho junior Partners_ 'That
a PUY- Yeu. are married Whelt-the
firrn---;--" •
litit-moritliiing Arott4t
that Nur hundred pounds Ily Ia. at
-the window. •going home now,
for X am tired of staying liere ttd
looking at stacks Of tritibie •no one
shell -no
N. so eosins_ down to
• , •
thought -of anything well" talk
ivrtnt__out... juid_lettLart_unli:
Partner alone. At first Crump fel
the solitude oppressive, and, unabl
to concentrate his thoughts, he he-
thoughs reed rted him. There
VeM, Just time for Alt, to got -be;
'yona the door; tett they might be
trapped at thee gate. Ozte alone •
could go free while tbe other re
=tattled to,•faco. It, out aud give. the
fugitive time. Ile released his hold,
and the passiag scent of violets told
bin thet'she -was gone. •
The door flew open and the reem
was flooded 'with light. Lord Cray4
brook stood before him shaking with
frenzied rage.
' "'What are you doing. here? Ahl
,i,eicove •
the violin. • Ile listened tor the •
.eche of a footste Without. "
Meant to stea
Then he swerved: The electric tight
seemed to leap into. his eyes, and '
he fell headlong aoinst the corner.
• •
tho doo*r.
Da eyes -----ened on a luxurious
room,- -end- aces, that. he, tiro, -tf -44:0
eu 441
..back censcionertess, felt• that
Itis head' wall on fire till a, girl's' cool
hand was laid • on his forehead be
the bandage.
She bad -dropped out of my life; •And
X have never set eyea an her since!"
For a moment Crump was • silent,
Ks eyes tired on the set face of ;the
Man .baare a
• "Supposed you publialnel that song
under another name? t'ossibly sin)
' might see and recegnise it and conte
into Communication with the pub-
lishers. Then .you might find her."
Ileaverd • X never thought of
left his lunch of sandwiches untouch
ed and When the evening pet. in_ it
4• 1
to the cupboard took out, his Cre
one: •
U w 0 WO
They would think it woe not g
lttiv .knows;• -Lord.
dred It two steers- ago, but I
never thought, it would come to
this." ,
_tro save the firtitto stria her! Ile
thought of nothing .else; it Was the
one desire of his "heart. And the
violin could do it?" .
. put ()fl his hat and toot, • and,
wrapping, the- instrument in it* old
plush case, stole softly out.. The
eold night whul stung his fact, but,
he hugt-st the violin dose in • Under
his toaand drew away from every
paseer-ht loot 'a Collision 'should in-
t. '
So he trutlged 011 through tb
4 e
and his lunart afiegifig like that
some • -great thing without counting
the cost.
"Send it to lituitow and- Crump.
- --should like -'---to---do--Ithent- * good
turn and you also," replied the lit
Ile inan qulckly. ,-
Ten -minutes later be stood inythe
street again._,
0_ • , •
-"Thought of a Way out. Crump?"
OUT-Tifro. tord raYbreelltre'
Then they told jiitn all; how she .
had paesed„in the.,gardett, and,heap-
ing his'Confessioe, came back to save
him. ' • , -
"Vorgive what .1 edded
Lord Craybroolc. AS the narrative
ended. "If X had only known that
It: was for her sake you branded
yourself a thief! liut 1 wish to do
eotrietiting'to show that, ••What is
past ii done with. I40116 has told • *
- ' . oretheleeping _partner."
'Ile words tieemed to tell an deaf
ears. for tho junior partner had
closed his eyes. '1, ?When' he opened
them :wain they saw it wes for the
hist time. 41. taint shdie; like the ••
th �t oncoming spring ---floating- --
across a winter's twilight, lived for
sat in the arm -chair in a. corner of was gone. .. ..
his dining room at Chiswii4k and sur- "Tell liastow the ledgers are la
voett-•theAtatier---pe.rtner, .whp-was er_ned the.t-4-X --sent, the- -
huddled up in a chairfacing him. cheque!'" .
"Well. 1 have thought of one Way, Tie paused. Then they knew that
replied the junior partnercarelessly, the junior partner, had retired from
one. the only treutife he po I.
Such days ,passed all too (vied
and h� tofind himself looking ,for-
ward for -het. next' visit with suet
anxiety that he was -astordshed a
himself. The soft flow ot her ,voiee, the
curve •of her lips, returned to blzn
even hi lilt" deottiel. Anil So thelt
truth came- tor'-hints-ta
Per a . fortnight sheltni
not been pear the, oillee, and
tile senior partner . had
absent for the same lengt
-mek Yet, , day Crump -
grtitotiiiieWirkThliFg ar og red tk.
stid Dastow„strode in: --
•,"11alloa, (rump! 'Not at work, OW
'Hoses things?" •
Crump did not reply, Ws nostrils
detected the Wet odor of violet"
even Wore rustic) of skirt's be-
trayed the fact that it woinnT was
i the m
.name left him tips 'almost un-
eristionSIY• dlui he 'cie,PPed
blushing at his teinc.tity.•
"You're getting, rather familia
1 IlastoW, elnpplmy h
Irst 0,1)-J, MY. breibren izieg the fel,
resurree-il lowship and ('1Ci1(55 c,f
tave boa ; his disciples whiCh It tea continue.
ecitletit.M37relber 'and vole ratiter
ftip, totnb--rritei* bad A likeoesa with it alifierenee. Jest!
itiutes before, eotercd. the i.nowhere Ident Ries tit a
6), titich.. erns doubtle.s lievers *lilt Ills owe. t • ,
PiStOnittrY, the side 30,• men nit)1 gtog-i0
aorirf flank I
ecd otroaltice..yott to my Witt., iwexl
. rump?" ,
int tor •-Ailiertner-tooff
Caved to the epot. The.
forelteed bulged like
• . l' of his
lo ilf,aesiae-'-elliLer kin "Wit Vi011r' 1.4 Still rTr?oct, matt (coin filie Itoly
opolitig, (Az tbe SiiiF1/41' 3. 12). -"this truth is pointed Wanting in
, It by etooping' it, pertien irs to
..• Once inside. it; 'was, 1101 el spt "the odand F'itther.0ot
' to A MO t‘t,,r41 'erect beside the h LoPti• JeusChri 'comp.
, r_ "e ,i,r4 iNIt. i
tin ,II
It111.4155 Lord Craybrool.
The butler gazed down the ill-
elfigure of, the. an-Avlia had ask -
"Xri this X have no Partner," re.
c. Crump, aVerting-hior nYes.
't7e-litera •-•,1-'
.your minds.," ' . -
"nave you- --brought ,your Cre-
oak?", Aesikedelin.. it length, to
"N-ne, I have forgotten it.
teast=-• •thit is, it's being mended."'
stanurtered the junior partner, the
colorerifting upward in his cheeks.
"Xt .is worth et good deal of mon-
ey, is it not?" alio asked.
Lord-Crirybrefok offered me
bundeed pounds -for it when 'he
'saw it," he replied, trying to sip=
Pear' calm.
-"Lord- ernybroek! Why do you
mention him? Vilien did he see it?"
She -had grown euddenly white, and-
. .
• "Siacing oracsista.
Weather experts front all parts of
tilt at the In,-
"What! begglng for Coppers. are
Said. tiN 'he pace -IVO- "the
vioiiii beneath•Prump's teat. -
"Certainty not; 1 Wish ,tte Sae him
ent .huminess, _TeiLhirn_it
spirit (coMp.
1rittbe article Is
origittal. signify
e`riot thott •t)t tho
pirit. but ^rather an
e let Stantlin
acowith, ti widowed peer
0' fame Wait known far arid 'Wide
1. Artii---03. eislirixt ,)
of Vio1in in the world. - .......
to know. your ant
) ' 11, • 'et.,
e Otri OS tt 4
"VOA ' Ot sp.
' "YOU. OtTki.r litindriel
pounds for ' thisN4o1 11 ,,,„ 6 .51thirs
ago," rolled' Crilrep,2•Pribduting the
' Ment# "It -la your to -night
at the sante ti If :you ..wilt_lox .
o _years ego. I,_please don%
I kn 40 ,,g4,1 home it _may.:11 -I- don
t quite up to the mirk.. 'f-1 altgi
bq glad to see this business through,
stow. Good-nightl"
They were conscious that he had
left the room. A tnoment more and
ie front door hanged. 'rho junior
*tiler had gone, but. ho had/ left,
behiiul him his secret locked in *
Ite ked airiftly down the pave -
men seircet9 kno-witg where - Itr."
wa going, Wilt 111$ thou,glits, raced
on ahead of Itint. The violin .bad
tght linitid,,..
otie„.7i_T jot -nigh:: ' he /11
b- tsi tt4
rlgr ad phroitunirldd'..0. . othat Lgyotit:t t v tot
e. it, in tht bankItouso.
gnld Itis footSte
of meteorologicel insttuments was
, #1.141
ncti.. .They admired the 200 aids
most delight. notwithstan ng -
fact that nioeteen baroulaters were
simultaneously , foretelling- lout -Wee-
Tho principal feature of the exhibi-
tion was the great. number of self.
recording instruments. 'the imoderd
meteorologist .necti. never -"take a
'reading." heed hot even get itis
feet wet by' going Olit to examine the
rain gauge, nor is he called upon to
risk his hat by exanifinng the wee-
th (politely termed anent°-
0 ale of wind .
trkItr Int or matte n to
sleep for a week If he
then find that, :clockwork,
I ricity. and recording" ink , have .
kept mihute record of the vagaries
of the British eihnotte from &kir to •
hour dering tlie whole time.
.Soinetintet eyelets° and an tintf.
cyclone of equai. poWer etre opposed'
to ono ftitollter, for It is neeemaktry te
uese, which rill outflank the other.
• he professinotel prephet lif1Uttjr5t
VIVc6 1110 ttatOnt 'of -the Aloubt-
Simple a weals void
wpuobuilitishirocto. noen,rpg.olt ecort o n
totliait Oh it4, Ntlit'EgS.
"lb AIMA slowly op the driVo; thvni
neared. . the door, he saw
lawn • was
n' whit *co h* Johtt
' narrats
, 31; 1
he tinges
wero t '
Ofl14 deititt.)eee
, Ion of 't 0
from the dad 'csii that da
iiiwoVer, the. h '14
not an ,tilis tiVcouri`
o ' nbetitation‘.ot tb
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Wat�ver the
Y *Christ at ibis tI
14 share, ttiat poi
rent' in $tri
Lon 1i1t t00flLWa
ts th ',I•AvIto
e%amvle. ,tbe takro-bstrom
capli, which alit =tat featly records
"lout° fleetnations of the loaroMetti......_._
tr.7 rpt Itreieereury•-nrer
nultiplied tteetily-fc,lal by the legis-'
ring pen. and tho rr.soit
In.qteati of the .stat 1g.
ty, so :v as,sociaTf0
llaIndicator or the ine
uumnt danring vivaelootli
.ovlr and sft.to is-thaPi aililtnornitritaintc4 iii•ItiSiviShit100.70.1.701;
(totgs. Mte'eto: Weetttiliniteri in It
eit.brimritbr utstor down.
1 '
/liy; the 441iat0.eYil n
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Idit-.kn «pre.sIon retain
hiral uthorLfy tbottgh'no
eness Of
and attb
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'mit not
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*nil higher n * tmttowly of e
ietneinr, leaping biglatt
pitiniortate Art, the* *Ink*
into santei-sileiaret *sly to
-and yet, to tall Ilk* *