HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-01, Page 6the ideliverenee. . Year governor. gerier about whieh no. breathed* by the Ite:WaS then 0, ntralkatit ne tient, is it'ought to .one U from rancer Mat. be o- dio-ainlost Otalghtawik and *ben One improvcif condifiot and retnoVes IVont oq)10:001 of rancor.; one is juStMed 1leiU hopefut; after fiVe'Pk*ts that. Pt' _tientreisenot only WO *nye*, but' baa had 111) rOeftrreOVo of 'cancer eye*, Ida then. oty that, he ••Wa , larger, ar, eithte 'cert, in wrctite • of the:total, they arie seeking to: fain:ft) A well.knoica banher wjb ,o,k. great ,experience Issuing 10440 tf*ufg1A74 .nt Oa idea of ininutety efx., j 4,0)14ing mai in'order to 0: elinkinate fhb "‘,.4stag” .eleraent. ' ""We Otould to . g4.t rift fat tho 4 siget,!'" said he; *4.1.0r, thee! are i butete .M4 It bi .tifeeft e.K.OttIrat b01)13 Toronto, gay 30... ea •" •t2 red, anti. White is qtiotcd geese 'noteinal 0.854 to [anitoba-.c hightr, ot lou ttlaVikiott, itthf.i•r•' f„O 4te thWS fl)t, .c.` u , rt'or irLvate,.ctvJi 'i i Other "with .ettUal Ob:Iii40‘11014:ot 1i. ' - : "«,..---...v.........4-A...1.-1,..k.i, DAVIS Lnent!, On . t a pickaxe 'whir . hosie'-eentr . . , . ve_ e Jtr t steanishi , theO,, the tither. heti' the outer deot.e rine .SPeee ing .generall " ' _A" e: i • a.. , 0 . - ie - '-,61..-alkoatt.. h n -.was tinting Ilia torra 'croee. j'e It ,Iiitt'g.er .,iad for. itit only ex`t,, e\o-e, e f a I * coadition o the blood; col:vied. 3.1'. nollt fll,'' on- 0 epee eeeeeee has heee weeee. ter, these responsible for the issue flhOU 1U. , etivett.the, 1"4 \that' a liV 11113tvent"°tifill41.1 .°db°71g:di*tslQn°4121411Vtilet!itt 1Q:'lltla.111113'. P was1e-ewsrme5eb,olnutelletesertringittiu'pljaiiiiblIranr.' atilirge .;trinIcelcc48t1Y.whi""cli theloanloilL4rirsaettlgolubge by 'fbe.:enemy on t be deck. gate axe torget the wotinded through it. . Ietteitit picked, it 'up and threw . It _. , RESCUE, ALL AT LAST. , Of the Aetna'. 0011SOS WO aro attn. offered. \ .419 15 a matter et serious ,, ofenurante but eanttire I think,. al- Iteportance, for if the instutxrice._ In ,..00r,* • Meanwhile* defended ''' tols woe etarts cie a tumor. , eke blo Ow low- lite leOrrowIng --country pays Overboerti aft -coolly' as if it were * xi, t„ IrO.Otbal',.allowing• 4 Writ wbiell at- Itoleirt the"Walle through vithiell, OW- not , eatiaing tntich itnritteliate petntt toe- etinch for its m0neY4 Whereas' ,it• • tcri ard eftr'rtdd hint tin,'uttgli the. acre had come; the 'Zulus stabbing hint may, .set np Interim', :10„ffaentnation, It 19 tee high. the lean way he Viet- the ra 'et -Peotr toinuntE* ' .through • blilatti,r4 anfl 7410104t, fnit:tar* • eeiiiiitieg ,in -tumor._11--rth- -4"tioni TeltUree and the -country a credit . go .A Anilar-, deed Is reeerded of,',Cane citingamok', • iklitit. 414tO • VAldOw. OkAttaitik71;40 bad, a benignant turner sequently injured, „. tale 'matron, rad. who 'lifted a ehell was enlarged,. itlilliame lifttd. "the, hecennetetnalitinalltle and then cancer MVO. rINDattlifItIVittg .4.01rineiso with its hurtibee _fuse front .,00000, ,sratlionta, theouele.in the,:laager, Ilittn' The Initial. inftenematitin 'Rivet'''. the., '''" — e at -Pa'tere.t4Com....-outeW.Abli, .1k_„ Lit_insoulollowe4,-Vultilltr- r olc-oict04,..0eLkhinett for loetition and 7 riellfit at.. W110 .: . -.7t evt , lifiailli-7after-liiiu;* .04 -n eeetne ever.. the ParaPot,';'liaxing the tattsw4 ;evade 4 'final rirsh- • of the Zultmr: ' 1 ilselt----404-4,130 listtis.-a.--:, • oole.a--herofsn't-wonAibu. ''iot il- ttPellfrel.letY'res.fau str'rlaP** .uteun A for every for which peace- have their. min so oceuttled 2139 ,...e....ee-efeeteeffeeee Japan, 'foam; liable, the lavestort in dealing with the provision of Ma- sUbeeriblzer for the bends ordy pa • terial that ntretisim ili lett to men; The ellen,. it is eititte buest ne the Victoria. . erose. but a substan- . - Victoria trees. men-4iInglish, Scotch. died in London. a elort thee ago. 41.1p, Crimea furnished „a long list of . the striff of the liritisklifteseurie lie ONE NOW: OUTGL,ASSEDI b"res; 1.61ablewr i:fi,autilya.btuof.er.Ctitti.:3„0- fitaTittrywi ,Z90e In other word, while tepee" attn:11;4;ronotiniilbe:itelt_o:pdaixot'eariltilialerstaions. Of VidwIttlassitice'Vethi,°n4witteaulti ' it lett 1):In liamIne Vet promotion erid later a post on , " Iriryelr-wivrohoitirationiore tah.ae.414%eutitepicu.negea-, aiwieketosietlfir4rater eiprigiviii_atv%roittetTliooste CourtLize; _ Istisx_oilt,_,, ,v-,&,,,;Lii- eva_rgeee • terM# ofttissu:i_freteZve 0% g_ s x271'; ta 410007t .000 . dininis.. ))"-"OrWriES-r-- -cons: trattite eystene-running, perhaps for ' „. .' vett the -the we- - Itt-tho..P:i4N004e4,.4*-t-vrten ._:: ee,_ofeehe. itoontoffi:Itiites-'.,1:u.. , , r- --lib:own.,_ o . _ n4.m4.11/ -4-.... -ii- ;,,,Lii.,,,i',1--,,,-.; ,iai tivrnoir-difliaiiii"-and-;full:;01; , It-:-- . entembered:Of Lieu ing-- -.P -- -----61:u 9t)2'9---tiyar---aeyaralid---41411' ..e __ell', 11-1..e-118 - lTeve.,,,ou er 71:51-701_1r1,.** •Porustiraid -14.coencerned.....in;...- 11-4ing..,--- "Tt.,0-_$30--40,:,stsztiannte udeavor to elruirrniy. it,„..on_the in- , . Teesdale. who, after gallant' lead- _ crept to the poor shelter, at, a small- volve0 eensiderieble expenee on thettei -,' •"rhfa right principle of. navel ad - 'tenant (afterward Major Generale, w•ero Wartn0ext. 'Throe .. ef them . . Tables. - the loan; and "underwriting" n v , been t - , tninistration is to arrange it soAhat fug 0 n ee . rge a ars, a, ee eeee .,_ _ .e_e ...e...e. rou,melieee...- , seepeent0 or he iintAtrwriting_jo rt, for, of insUranco not..breei",itheleete terrib 'a' , $ 0- um , • ung xra- ""--istml-t--;'-vmliaa---44.74.---...k4f-•-• ' ' — 'en among Several infuriated Turkish for water." '. Great ItePuhli.O a lie.'141.1*Ont -ntailult in financial matters. and a brier ex- formation of functions. e _: . soldiers and preventedthem from , It Ot3Pegreit be- ecrtatlt death °-----shaln.-9-611- minus° of tr°n ° Y Planation ot-hn-W----1±-w-nrke la - ws: et noonded_utwiann lying out. go , .. p , /diet hero apparent,"and in .i's ectittiy interesting I 'orde that th Money ----DlaltEIOUS irreikeTIPL----- -• mde. tho worus.t.. Mr. willow notes tile sheltering stone lay wile . 1 ' inisterin totho a Petite -Cleve- ' It . r e required may be fortheriming, oven "Under our existing administration . ' that .this act 91 courage and h,0-tuan-; pfetely swept by fire of OA the - 0 ,a, n c ess.., ...4 3 ic°1*. 111711 Id Iltitt gi Su c P ha this to if the public do- not Subscribe ., it. if war broke .out, either the higher et,s, was wituessed Am/ gratefully ac„.. sehanzen on that part of the itioun-_engaged !a iseuimc a loan make offieers would have the tremus ende kreemos.ed Uy oenee,af eteeeraefeff. tain. . Their screanut; ' however, too. 141:Trt is wortf "'y of .no..4, that we' are Ieli°13° arrangements with, financial houSeS duty of conducting war imposed upon the Ittiseian Commander., came „ qtdte heart-rceeding, and. after approeching tee 'tomato" • not only with in the lavishness and abdndaneo of an4d others TOO; which the latter. then) in addition to the already a Minute .or two,. Brotim said. .' The Indian, mutiny' eitddedelerft" for a ommission or so emelt per , heavy duty of coneidering questioris to thee.; Ingather ot wearers of the do. an-, oath: "I can't- eland this tricities-.- -Tro-brofaus 10-107- --u-o- n od but in variant; attendant eccen- , -ectgree-toeletake •-np certain of enaterialeetr else the whole system e .them,,;„1/1au , , . longer; bait_ anyone any water?" libe ,„ i Anadr.eportere oat,* bone:es conounta of the loan- if the public do .,weld be thrown out of. gearby the MJlcan of the 93 rd,Ifighlandera, was. Ir..as-haWa-'4-1.1ir intitiKiii can is brouglii-enr itifirri&d-br iiii -air; - aPPIrItrimit-'11/41 - ' ' 1-tYee'oterelfaututshiAl,„ iteeilateeetei . ._,-,rf-,-.41%.e.,skarar,..30.41 -..:-Utt-snftortot-,,,,ut Pt ,wAteri. 0.1.4._ _he_ _. c a -ed tor .dried4,__. ..._-,-Aea,,,etease„„stauea, all _stedc:_41,N•_1.1ie -un!`.1041.vr4ters pocket ilderation • of materiae in, order to and killed eleven of the enomy -it" the aer°na-1111•6 -°Pe-ri -14131Ta-e'• 41-.--abwi4 nbless, he ifiltidenly rushes at • the, the viand onilf not, --th'eil nuilit -IlirentlIntft,ilities.;""-"'---- - - - - , main beeaeh a. the jeegum, Dash at ) , . . • ' lf with drawn sword -slashes 10 accept their • share of the loan and "Prom trio close of the seventeenth • h k nd without mak- . Leucknow. thereby winnieg the Vic- Inge. the slightest attempt. to slie.iter until -the fell or Nepoleon 'toria ciess. , . .e. . ' hiniself, beenne to pour water int, .toettschliceson,eaonfd,thtlieellit Presents it...piece ' keep the bonds uotil a favorable op.. centurle etoniehed guests. partway of eating them &lies. The ethesititaist sea. ,417,siaie - --- galleon was an Ifivernesehire 'plow- the. ni°,,neeetile- °rea,lls of etba '-!Founded`. Out this it not more absurd thari the commission paid to the underteritera --es Ci, usynisit°e1:11 .7:: man before he ealisted and rose from Hien. ..ieniie !ring .tnis a ballet einem. of steamtd rhinoceros room,. of itiee.0 japaueop loan was. 2 per cent.. which this success w`as achieved and the tantoi to toroilluott the regiment brolte inn,23.x.m. tie quickly picked tilt lye.-fair,ved-at the hotels ititOrinOt nett- , al_ethe putilic applied for the maintained was One in which there --..-11'al-dik'd it tnajor generale elr-srnai be-ettotvelr'''and-wfUlt„-olt Dowi moyfrittisurtrIttur-the-itart be -7:10101.r ittes"trilv„vimer. was wan absolute and entire_separa- of him that 'tvion_ he -first jiiinett the water into the manta mouth wiite.h ,key ..einoereee _ fhorseb,,,,c,x_ dinners,' wrote large amountteurea bot4„., tri-intttter•VCWiat Ityliy:dirthirtho diifoellitiootir of'Pe:obvotulklI lnalneretgalked with rollin other ni_ hand. tied almost immediately fjunglit .dinnere,' e etc:tithite-ea, If 'which WO bome profits. , ei w_a igait. - iiiiii the-diiii Voiiiiiiii - verikia, Ir-geetritlyntlet /Itruck-hinr-trr+fie-1 .. , dar------trom-litnt-r• tcee0,reshttul rt.A. - . I ties.. . . • the: abusive with him when learning teed he fell over among the men to we omit the reeente'plenic dinner' at • bad • STAGS -AIM' STIEOGYNCIre'---7- - 'elf-- rtlaregretot- Nelsia his drill. At last he heel:one. so of- wb°s° help e gone. a • New York -hotel where , the quetats It hapPena from time ,to time. as' day, with their simple _materials, if er.-thate-eithothere.ereeeetei.t ..ep .. were seated one banks Of Imitation in the cetse of the Japanese . issue, folind it impoesible to. combine both ese---dutica,-.4t-ist--nol,: posed to Melleare who wes a. verY that ce:riew loan 9 ClUOVed- on t e any officer of the twentieth century _ powerfel Man, that theY. should call .GERTAIN OF CANCER CURE ,eiti with the rmult andsome gowns -were. Thl. the corporal behind the canteen in , ItUINED DV GILLEN PA. Ti _rejig) ebareackalenrid....ellize,-hineee ......;„ - te.Deepite the /tett that ma. neteof our geed thritehing. ..to which proposal -APPRECIATION% r ----Ili-willies. eeeitlif ---ineapableree -... reit :' be denied that love iiriiWeir iiiiillio , .., .....thastx.gm.diLnozccilsot......1 isrm going' t9-. _„...fxrcat,„P clr , elee,„„yetigaremetentation. it. cannot. ------e—galeinteteedierfrearciatse-tootte•-ino . i)1Itfi!fl , lii k o A U l'ttO :tigt.t! oue -'. Veit' henelt Atte Ottniltif;; o fluo and ' illialitej•* lditi ti twte. 11 pL*Tt- .0tklY. eert ‘f . itg: , 7$hoten .n 0.3400:304Sotyc0,,, died. 4 . , 1,1 ' , . , /rem roe • 0' tnicrobe. Jur to the dustr! in • 'wo'Unttedt, One' 'One*. in .1, tits**. it*. the :clothes. • everywheee;AvaitiPlf. (1, rooms; . no intereouunun),caw for the conditionA la which- it. can day et WO, e# with„f0tifte. Lortdon Artykettt; ,t :0 e , t\l'oen lo e, gerik Over, *04 whether the .polie: .1-601zo it not, Erett 'WW1...and, 'knowledge of the... money inAr7-* 0 "angsue Via -0Y .1ve0.41Otk. ont, Pro Itp,Plte4tion,* Z extra, 01111 4Ic..kM' N. 1. ulatnig ghtS,„ , • corn -Canadian nominal' 41147e ttir ° f.t Untl 40c ter mixed", Chat:hexer of kien-dried. at 50t222„, 60c. flvnfariO -Otle3-144the -0- letneeif gilla''' Material, __. _.... - west, and 41c to 42c east. ..., .. tteeeNo. - ---- white,- 40c 1,01 -de • mire.' Sir Cyprie.n Bridge to exist in und ".(10- tor barrel's A serious defect is declared by Ad- i rtalled Oats -$8 5 for cars of bags` 2,5c mom' tQr broken lots . here, amt •theellritish otivre-whichi he declaies„ If not ImmediatelY. re-m(11"i'. 4314Y POttfi--,68o to fipc for No; 2 west.' lend tO discAiter in Lb" Q1 Whttor*stat.' and diet. 40e outside. and 70e for railling. On tree* here; "The principle inVolved," 4otereeiewe "is,* vital- .Ituckwheateeette to !49.'a east or ly, important ; one. It is that the west . • higher Oleo* of the navy., who in•''' the event of war ' on a great .ifeale COUNT1tY PRO.DUCE. Butter-Iteceipts of :all lines at� tubs are.n w. coating forward.° • • Creamery, prints . .1ffteto 204 „;--Atilee '- ,Dairy lb, rolls, good to 1.7e • do medium.• ide 15C do large rolls .. do tubs. good to choice -14e 15c • Cheese-Antriv_ra--eaSierefeelinfe-iti -regrkpeeett- _years_ a_ne nok_ - --ris,bas.,.a4airry-steady-fona-atAttic.,4,f t° basis, but 16c is being asked for • small lots. ) v Ona:410XX_UntLeAc TV_ 7911t... store; eastern, 65c on track eno,'"/Ue to 75c out of store. aled iiii7.-•158.50 per ton for car. iota No. 1 timothy& and $7 tor mixed or clover, in ear lots on track nen. Baled Straw-eUrnehanged at .$6 per ton for car lots on track here. Itta !ivies ItOyal ' MON'ITtEAL 3fAitKETS. . houitehold, $5.60, and Ogilvie,* 'Crtettefret---prittittPlietnet .4tebtte.sprilig wheateptAteuts $_e5.40- to $5.50; strong bakeri',-$5.1.0 20; white winter patentse; $5.50. to $5.60; straight rollers, $5.15 to $5.- 25, in wood; in bags, $2,45 to $21t.52111,..d -Otits-$1.85 for ears at bags bag. -11414tee("1-Outar. 1.1,8 to $18.50; shorts, $19 to $2(tee Manitoba bran, in bags, $18 to $19; T1121194:13, SLIT tO , 75 per bushel; $1...50 to $1.69 iu ear lots. • oney- 0: •8 81111 17 • _ ': ' • _pora1.7!' __UM:can leePte hie' . Moose Aseso.eireeil_elenoweareleisteeseetinert .f..411_11- "trees:1Ln of „--------....1 ,--e-.._eloaya.etieesuelLite---weeditehaeaskeil • ftierit. going through every rank (rem don reCentlye Ile visited the ginning to to. broncht-baore Colonel /or 'thrashing die drill cor- . Another winner -of the Victoria private ,to major general. - . Ilrompton trove at that place and petied was hr. Dosmn.841koatment, as be ex., IlltAVECDEEDS OP CIVILIANS. • of the treatment whieh the patients; day. ante •expresed his appreciation, Floonrg .itesxtunthewetun, Mint spent ble known. 'Dr. Doyen, the Paris surgeon • who Iievea Ill' la eraln- la' ., ofir a--tl-iesu ebsti3v-banq - - . --tt-ii&-1—` iiiovTir-0---tWato ':.neeTflury-tviabratetb-t-tbr-ivar-ish _ ... . 01 co . (le.neer elleerpttat me Mon-..- spend a's lunch ja°11°Y* an PPanibleo. 80- the .Price of ethe security thee , re. perts brought up to deal with them, e7; .. ______, ,i; .. oi 7a_r_sri.,r_13 ,orttitiris,,tirirr: 7 . , incrige_avr...setris . _ _ , 7 no in:non ot_es. -e China leicilielit -"Icc:--0. )1-arterituliTify--..'"'". - - . -• aty-,,,15,&_,eopttzW;oxo ttf, _ ot:51,z_t.,---toolt- ia-at-once-to-shvar*vip ker h - th -.t *tion.''be. *Oft, tut f 10 50 to $17. American , pave 'tests ten dollars a quart:bat perm , MOSt PeOPIO 400 rt9 content ''• with . . twit it , ball as much, ....dt quickly, it is inlpossible for the fin. the 'Very . beet chaiii- lavilith1!!_if biers who are irtring foam wood preferl. ideration -of question -8, of material,. according to qualityi hauls, 12c. to Ithntionslind'sstetiloli.erlIpplication9 come in; effehlaTiiirea-aln-)1T-TOr-gtirtir-Ini liigh officers of their fleet to whem ctirlittelt,"9-1$16:illtrtiFirMOT-Vgnt-., obtainable. Poo/ le who under thew tutees • oneethe spa. .Yet the 'many e.Provisiens-fleavy Ca.nadian ii. ort and the allotments muet lie sent out but • 'where ' mteity and not to inancige naval hostilities.. Eggs -Straight stoek, 16e:t selectse• _ Vim, kerietterfterebreprofenelenialeex „,,,, - - 1 ee.legAettletz sor„e_eheyeeeleeeeeeaseet ,e4ee.' bacon, 18c to..41.4e; fresh killed' ,,SENYI:ENCE SE11310Np, 1 .....„......4........7... - -- -- - - 4i- -- ,i8c; No; 1, trrie., • 1.9/c; under -grades, laic' to rile; Butter -Choice creaniery, 10e to select -6' . $7.44 off cars." 0. -+de -446e, tamettlieteelar. Stock Exchange at a premium beitire to late po, section, in. oneelb. . it conies out, Linde naturally.. every- will be able to do so, considering the 12it complitated nature of the -machinery PC'OttOtis; oUr:itat. ht 10-1h. tins., 70 body is itnxious te ole alit soi allot- ndexa-ateruiLom. 4440,,odepiEetar,ofp Joe eitsr.in Co -lb. Ifeisi,-1 &ate- trile-;- _ .. ...• . _ _ . .... .. • . --- _Lticketity Xavaaangit, a civilian, who plained to a Lout)On Express repre- ordinary ura "I..." I ancient engaged in allotting to at. leafth.gi'Ves fiber -to life. ' dairy, 16e to"16jcie tolls. 415ee. to. ineellsiuteeethrougli-the tentatiiii,7-geiterally.-Ineitureirthe-Juany_..peopie...iwoilehe -it loss, to db5tIng415b1-017°74ili Iiiiiirt146-6144* IL'erarlt' 1'6 8°Pgrll't4-4)u't "Ittilg1L Iaeleitearitl4iettaluttkoeta*- tit....-lie-cese ..,,,......beeiehe°5e=41,e9eeettelititte.. '.I). . ... by twil, taste oono. litit .1,01,dontir trojkoiFottlyttoony7eitruirilitrifolliFft.*Ilitti. ...01,46.. chtimpogft is In dernotul not hotlme ' o selfish cannot be sitifetifled.'.e. . . • tO . 'the: reettlentlt- beren *Miler route rake Cif the di.**fs. - . ' - ,it isAutai6r.,,ttot become_ Abe, _guest* Trav*ttel loan 'Woe isetied. the bank' tit:, does not, rest _ on 0 Plebbec poRiku:, 4hien ofsr would -otherwise have' fek- etegeriee*.. 4the . lenege:g 4 pure :sty kilt)** that; it costs ten dellars. lindf.'61-71;:nitstiiier:**1-4 '-geii010'3i 'tiM01144' • , . , Wfee-Flour-- .thenetliis• is told of another civilian leaves, Dr, royen said -4.131m Dover a thouftend betties have been providf: . tor haVinge With the °Meet Of "ed ' t takes -more, than a syllogiem to_ Iluffalo, N'Or-; • MO' ed .. for A stp_00 -Aightlit _,triiterttdiv. feeding the "istagee' decided ittatqic. aye men. __ Strong: Witeitt-Sprieg,. dull; No. 1 On. A more------ihrilling story 'even InOailit of a decoction of violet _eieheielVoiteiliceedecoratiOneineaeld d -Avlue.et, te__M•butedettere-careetokete, _,4_,,magtrvoiv.samc.pri00..04,440w,4444,444 apoieaome for hem then z2.000.1_ . ,flieres always room_40eetwo on Isierthern, $1.114; 'Winter n.einktal. _. ----. --ere etafeattees 'lieroltsen. - r his s remay. cinifir.not reidly Iiiiile 1:::timor.e costl'y. are -offered. SnY 111 '„weablejlee eritertainetle__ , Ott ._ that oce _eleeterefrrow wey. Cerne-Lower; No. 2 y011oWi 5Stc; •e-e-eloile£30;000,000eiteee-eifffr&r ' .----ii4t-'idifTir ativi-T-,--silie- •:'4 yea- 1141;72'.. 'crorr4-74.--e•epterleeilitttailbeee zuffdred Iroin.`,--eancer.. It , is a meat,. .red.Thardeaux, at tweety,feeo. dour& el, subscription, and e applications cord wave. • . 2 rhite, 85tc; No. 2 mixed. Mlie. e„...--eelletteLouiseltangles,estemagiiaritteeat. .. Witili.*.little force sent to rellevcothe ages. and it is utterly *unreliable; II quart,''or a fine Ithine wine at thirty'. amountilfg to no less .than Z1.114,.. Deeper' science is , the '' cure for IliteeVnsettletle No. I. 84c, Camel 'Pettlis„-- Nvlio volunteered ' to serve eine that dates hack to the . raiddiee • , garrison at Artati-a. garrison of never knew a coSeP that was relieved- Then there are old Prefich lirsindiek; 000,000 were received from 115,400 'scientific doubt. froights-Stecidy. e - that go up to any price, end cigariei applieants, The Clover -tier of the , The sun 'that ithines In the :face 611 Mell. *battling - out tigninst 4,000 by . such a remedy." CATTLE 11A itgErr. . • - itt two dollars apiece. Also, eitearillai* subeequently elated that there rises in the heart. . mutineers. . 'Ilie telleting -party fell Dr. Doyen dims not , hold the view ettes for the ladies that come in ' were 49,000 applications of £100, -A tori Of faith he apt to het' Toronto, May 30.eeThe followiiig "-, glees tubes and cold. - * lent. iii his opinion. "Mt more than flevre of speech. e the rouge of quOtatiolifiee. into an rimlotsh and was obliged to.•that the .diseete is hereditary. .Tl force .Outrantle . plena for concerted after opeeations, the second inlets... ioy linee, carried to the rellevlag •jection or serum, both before aria: actiOxlv und guided calumns tion. Snid,, is -to prevent a, recur:. • retreat iintler-a mereihis fire froth do not think that the microbe of one in fifty of these were from goon- A' reedy made ‘ creed -is like any -- Alto Nel'oStf, Mangles was wounded •eancer is transmitted Irani tether to Le- A 1)01 LU A 11°Zglif the Ors*. aiteek sort."'he sti' id. - "Were it nOt far the -se exPen.itiVe Inc investors., 'the remiiimler, he other itand me down. • libeeowitehurt to -help, ilite-sorgeone-fre tro step„ flops. imt, iii br. 1)oytnli rteco,301-1:2,. it taynift-txr-tiiftutt -tili-let- it -ix, ititoriret•Ni ovst ,e, t',t takes niorti 'iove. to tlty I'llo" ( oes 0 MEV caring fOr tbe others who were in_ Opinion, cause. cancer. "What lt-rg'er Abu cost of 'a .dinnee .411) Le • . e-1.411delile-clerelare(1--thal---tin-t-Batilt had' l. jured. . does." he ettill, "is .to make thei 'figure thttt would be thouglit ter.11-'i bloc/es of applications bearing either o nufn can saeriti eter-Irtmeteteuffet Ile teas a ntagnificent tliot, alit' tteith level, and under such El ch a condi.4.cientlY epectacular. refli With; the settee name Or the seine address, 1 aPPreelates hilnself,, . God never yjsits One church in e tenehet /Ire froan_hie/ PetC oteau How X serateh may htive 'very ser.4 tavlare brought afrouttjtbieselleep nt elexi,,i, fuel eoverect by the seine, chikitit.. tt1 ,k ept, ,rowth,,,•earm jog ea oft ; r. in,, -F a . n id iflit iond . (11011114_rt:iiiiie liiiet 'of nlen he" " ' ' •?-t1S19froiiliare-t.: hinii for 'the soup, *it'd elite; ' 'et the timeein totie Anil .1...a.1 from 0 nce, 1 u 1 ..* Nothitee hel s Men iii see equesta foe burdens. _, Export, heavy ie.... .i,40.to $5:60 do 1. Medium epee e.., 25 '5.35 Traders. Wiort-kcep 80 013 • e tort ute r do good ,to choice loads 4440 IAMMtr_r_ order to vanquish another. . i'1081-146.--44`.-4-44 =44*-lnixo4UottivAutZ.. 145 rausItcts. thd retreat a, soI6. Dr, 00Yell iS certain 01 the, trot back terrapin at, ,a% boadrqd &Alva% tiOrtitnli MO loan that "stair; ' — Awremattet----- rf 11—.10'5 CIO to good .... 4.00 4...1 'dice (It hid teen At and that be has discovered, the - microbe doten, fold ,canfonslieek k .he shortc tr.e.itt-itty,,rnr-t ogee. , cettleing,..e.tletli._ r„- ne ---- - --andel* eliftins at six dollars CC1I , bele o., wor • uni--,we , i croeoccus neofeettianfi present told ., bat . n h T 11* •in'too, it 6,61''Sr "calletrowt groWt11, And inn, emelt ducks at Seven. olid trte.,;,:,:er a tna,,,,,,.t. wooed, bo Iii,e , ciliation Of animals boa al . 4Y3---rtllett pheristints . tote anti 14 *11 li Ide4 te as inetriY_ eerva e4ore the It!e, the cooks that 1ft ftvf: luive • for ruder hail of lad Mangte4 tar*. - e ..Point -iinTllre—rfn. ., _ , '.ei-!,'-T.e.I.L-'W-_ ,_, l"f axed rioritla itteattlierrie* (the lettii tee $ quoted. in. tot -0e rec n1)4., t'flo*b no food bad vas:;:ed Ills i.nr,.,,gt„seii,'' '''Paln.n' "W. 4"9";'..7'ci Y. 11?,..3 cup - of twexity berriels, and ..Ittimburi? then 'ilia „p.a. r price „ ' Iletter IO 'n11 . ett to the Wan. 1101114(1 43 hisertoureit ti'l '4,111'4 ,84)113,e', 4 °I 140r, ;V.; B.G °ILVOi that come iii) at for (hilltirs tot , a It.tho St that llioeUlnlion With 'the lico-Ortl, 14nw.:$ With Ail thie flint the best, intecitiotisli critie9 or the Beek.oitt 1/7,,e1aled's ft 4:1,11611, tit.Iniluliarkti!1)lielit::::Islitio the Log iiIii't; tumur 46 '1;6 ti‘11"r" "11;1 rittiill Niitill'andY. 41101i's' 'it 46114t. il'I'l "''"i T Id nrglInItn P4t. tr°1:tlard bV P4 1elti'4)1;t-lietiStel'i.iiIiiikl:t1,,Iilli‘rit,4tante°.innitlf;l:r'te'enic°e . lit* fele 21 bourn and no sleep had "°""1--.7 in • thi4, that I holt ma 34% xraP09. at ten fdollars a ft) 3114 -aintili'ilkied -, ProtluetCs lit aninitialso not InereWevt,-;iii the world the caterer sitaptir cetn,.: tioh votet, hat iiio.e., were big 161110! aro siluilar l'o tOnteel 1••• Ii1611*. yonfl fifteen dollars a bead, 4..:trich, Y IP. tull41.'f14 $111414 a 1.14 Chta to tittlelltttlsa: sli'it)'°rpettr,hitlo'ill'A'fellillitt9keli4111 iiienant turntire. oet tualignat)t one,: 4 itot rake.,,tlie price at food alone ,tf*. im v ' ',toot? ' lirants for . f aultet in it tumor '1 n99r11e t dollare a-• 'emelt he had for. 48. Nct hPlilitedefilite keiehie totek'tatld AWAY.%r1'1l 111I. ht. earrfc-cl was, as 'big ts ovit„,..Whieb h long il'o^,w over hi rin (h IlataM 1I)4 (I)11V he pita% b ih4 1* 61.41C74 torkerS4; -good -......... i eWt... :iL01 0 i. ring: landm. eat '.i, t' * I • earli - .• 11.t.#0, ot, .04; o'er, lb....:..... :- 41 • ' o ce.#' Selettr...., .. ff,bout tou Mom Ifs. in* 'ki and. 1000 lit - to, iinprove 'on 'h•* t1it te.-fst lvirid! pros th(lt tuarke "iffitf'5,1" , t1ek potato Salad." "as rimently madeft in the' Vegtia It14071 griveted • fitt4*\ tintv* to AO fallit wit t to as to give tigtfot foky 0 'ter ii tw rittentor 1494 fhotef. 0 tricuri out .1 to 04'4