HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-01, Page 5r HURON'S iJ$I�N. TEAGNERS! CQNYENTIOL , On! Ied 13 1 1 , It 1 t -1.'hctt tbe jtatillralp0 ' rinn. l of a Vublic40ebool. of Caro 10 liVe, OOU OilOtIOSive. be 0 fiecontiViess CO* ; ifteate.-----Z-b*Ctite qualiUcations- - 4 r1ncp*1, ' *-I'n1icsebool of Ix g b .1,, , a 1,,,vibitcvl ' ii IIbti ''ase e ' wilt es ,ti .4 , td;'' titey eriIt;s tut., t Sanders& Oreee HDgIaW, 'and'. :rizoni'Me.ser, ' -0.litaett,of „ • .,PalfttantAdt04-1. tint. tO40'0041,t,A beet. *40 be Entranee' own* t••••..,4, 1140'0r:ow, site b•i4 duets 1Qek16140 aide Atia* attett, Moos (]rsduate ot 'Toronto tirnivitnity. sad Royal. College or Den ate9tax of Ontario. Also root OrsduAte of Wig° 8ellool of bnothetio Deatistery (withnonornt44mento.) • Vnicanitoriates matte in the. manner We A eeretetry hart:deo titt. DROWX, ot -And p so pinntr,q14. 4 raw rnowa*Ws• *km ot"ior`i trouble. al seetionsare genera ItSL 'L their -homes in thUdten tn-dnatiou IDrair; tooyoung.to rural seetion , , e ibek popusaictiprog-ressiag,flId / s.IV incentivc. to pupils to do better , work. fle tvoald suggest that the ex- apmy amination be, divided:into two. parts, eemd to be the lira part constituting the oubjects or for the Vntrance Examination, the second,part the subjects for the Pub, 151.4 lie $01tool Leaving gxamination, and curative, •. cat v twgiven for each: ---1' W* Vegetate diScussion was continued by others. It was limited by Mr. Holman,. sec- onded by Inspector Tem that the mat - ea. ter of Publie School Leaving examtna- tions be -left to the Resolution irie tion in favor of the examination. tatte-introducatho-attbieer o they Promotion ExaminatiOns andthe ie tried and mission was continuedby btbers. Vesr- artittabicitor After the reading of the minutes G 18;-ilownd gave hisaddresson **The -TettchlmirProfek--slinwitteewhat I waSantl-what it should--bee-s----The-edIt • • dreeta.attextelle *one; VsePrioved by Mr. Lowety eeon ed by Mr. Baird that the `address. be • give/3 to, be local apersto be printed C-sPace--tar ishing-sante-this' WUson-o!--the-4Minton---Model School taught a lesson in reading with Ian was to -have the rkuplls thorough too inibtabileto Atli- in. ex - atarimiest with unlatavnt, and -an medicines or methods of treatment' . Itememberthatitis 41*14.Ptalthant's • tale Com . that Is entIng IffOttlett,' Vika ae(Citt ovitow any druggist to yolk asything else in its plates,. I 6,000,000 t Undivided Profits 3.210,959 fj SIN cAtrAn‘ , . into* it *net fisiPoriblip -current otos froth date depoated allowed cmarkving* it*nt iiceonuts kinitDe- t • IA*" ot Crettit tiomedf miallatits Atultn 400411.rforkggneountrios. ••, • Trwrolling'Oatent Crifint weed tetrayetiete he *erste therweitia_ • .• SOAkiiit bnliniwa tnineaciect.„ -VOWS 13.A.NX. have in- storkTURFE.. ,,m,ASD.s* - which have been in use for "a short, tin* 011151.4k, Antit ornevr e are going to sell y understand- the lesson they are to rend' before they be- gin to 'feed. The lesson, was well taught end elicited considerable discussion led by Meseta. Delgatl, Musgrove, Batman. Lowery and Inspector Robb. Ur. Moffatt then gave a paper on 'sapplementary reading. Supplement- ary r ading is a unett,11 addition to the for good reading, broadens the pupils' knowledge. glees pupils seat employ- ment and helps to ,,keep them longer in the pliblie schools' G.S. noward and MIsa A. E. Vonsitt. delegates to the 0.1.4%.. then gave very able reports of the pepeo rend there. A -hearty vote of thanks was tende&ed the delegates for the . apiendid tUegrapecgavt, lir Tom discussed the subjeet. , -of spelling. Re would teach regular orrresilter.- -Br ustrtgwvorttbul exercise he would teach how • to emu- hi,netheso.weliAaa eftna0Dantift using a large number of examples. Be would teach the reason in all cases why eer- tein letters follow; each other as they do. The paper was an excellent one; -Evritilso-szsatom- Tit theTiwn Hall at, 8 -et-hick tbc o pres • ent .1--AlTurotrafftliec1all „, de1ivered--hii4amoitir-leeture- "Tb Land of the Maple," and thooe. who - fj.-4 . 1 itig 1&ir I'-nCci iabiiy ,. 0.1 , h.to y.- . , 01.0.40,0 .t Irileitrage lona 'stud b iihohrlilist ISaVertitWateS. the', catioaat ., . 0, , __,_, i 10;iimaent he requested to invuog4.4 IN the Untherilles of 'Toronto Volvos; .. • r such, teitatera to, take -a -few. so, -j:ts:,eiiii1F7feWiftitir he - " .t' 15 ty, --ourne-4- . 'le f '" o 0X tht * t af Seuioi , 4.. s et 10, 4f014,04.'0' Teacbezs who e ' Ur. Westervelt of Votest City 13114- ness College took a lesson On •"Writ- ing" With & dass of swan puptis. Ilis lesson' was interesting and priti-tictil zind be was giveo:a vote of thanks by the Association. varDAT Arrstozoo.. Strang, Principal °of Goderich late Institute, then gave, an in- tig 'Address stil-"The Ligtits en •WS at a Teatiherta Life i a master in his o ession. e learne th\ buss in London, Eng,, 04 is a tea taster by rzt of birtilt both his .1tathet and Grandfather were tea tasters.ft tante natural to 'him and be is recognized as one of the ° best iudges.of tea in America. veva e vee b fro, nr t iteittion'Departraent.. hough there -are many shadows in' the tearAieeslifetherearebrightnessesalso. One brightness amsiiitet in the Oitisfee- tot $ • $11 .-- well done brings piettSom ' There is ,develetunent of_ChildrenL-TTlieT:ctla onity-a-creating enthaisiosin, tktaralittellUratter13bonitt-bringIig — VW the tactic -et' " life. Pettn-tiorti,;,1t6 greateat joy lin the joy -of having. Ittel ern. r Ue and assistants do nothing but taste the teas, superinten4 the blending. • 1M) ROSE TUA. hi the result are now left with -3 dock- l_t!ft-ta bought theo n lot and as taken pos- sessieny-Thersh istivberturirdownz • a will 12-Takelt 11-10-the7 rtu in the -community and hurtful.te the e* Ar ant72. splendid address on The DIMS of On- tario." He showed himself to be an - enthusiastic lover of 'birds, and, *mild advise every teacher to became ac-. qiialitted with our feathered songsters. He Spoke more especially of the spar- row WWI). recommended the works of John Burroughs. for atu*r in connection with outdoor ,observation. tartMlley. rozrorevatiwitaist. of. Ilillsgrere7, retr.ii learned aperon Nature Stud 4,4gillag. • The Association- then-adjo'nined afl feeling that a very successful session Odnid*ri.".vhIee.tlirtaerit:4.1.1enyogst.onwro. Wroxeter, Sec.' Toot.. Emt thiten;' Thel 1 i bat _part Of the. tryagrOd with' them -Since the re - vat of Messrs. A. Thompson and R. J. Drystlideonir church has lost two elders, but their pieces ha,ve been tilled by Mesors..0, Sparks and G.' S. now-, ard.-t-Roso Johnston has purchased R. !Allan's drivingoare.-Itott, Allen re- cehtly celebrated :Ails 7ath hitthday. In spite -of his ripe old age, Mr. • Allan looks welt:and is , quite smart. The fill thovacancy_t_Aused by thedeath unorr c *Wow distaneed 'Augustine and West-, - Parkhill -ar Ailsa Craig give Mr, ildcLeish 'as ity of 190. -2. Pasta IS Milt tote 22 s itiotuooso in DetroitU. tut* *psi Zurich , SIpple and Tena Hartungtunw of re, uoine-Ort visite.-es V. Fritz bzs retained Irma, bier visit to Naggle,Rupp,xit Vrosii4. 11.4,iiiou an extended -visit -A r borne bei -It Zeller blurpurthita- • naticTai half acres of land coat "--thg°05ffftiiii ercurt and win weelt tor pasturing °motes, as tnercuryn Will surely destroy tlie -Thir Council Met on Sato ar --The Mali/ Faro 's Way *10. '414111111,t sense of tiniell Coldp'letelrtierange PdPibs-of the'Poblie-Awhool-en 0Ye(12-44. the whole system when entering it couple of 1/Ong 111 attendance -at tbik e of daysholidays. last. week, the through the tnueous. outfacesSuch te" ' ertielee-onnkt never be _nem txer convention at Clinton.-Bebert, /Ar- on prescri stolen's. as. ten ,fold toil* mnnufactuy eney led „tr-70•4-contaitrotttoe en-liriteettellyotetingslireetly-nrer it-tbOblond;-mneeas-snrftteef e system. In -buying Hall's Catarrh. rocettlt, thins from lendable phy. moor, stage driver, iseporting a new 37m: ,0114, j Avagort-thew ood . you can_.kossibl -Man. wbo recently returttedWri-Mii; till. s critterrio 0 -ire toit;lit-iffelireirtitrt 0. reover,-WnL inapiring lecture, infact works fad to . convey to those Who didn't hear it 'IL. proper conception of the splendid word picture he drew in describing „the greatn of our country-. Whether inerliesne,raiouv,letatnretha„,entsehe4treaforestkpusits, unbounded mineral es> speaking)f the magnitude of our iish- of our agriettlturel resources or the magnificence of our, scenery,' he WAS ' equally at home, . 4 , -.-1, Separate session for thetwo Assoc", ations were held for...routine; hasitiaeo. WEST e.atiattirivort owingic balance ot $82.3er-wna re- ceivedandadopted. The elctp4) oftliets wasthen proceeded witb with t efollowins. result: -Pres.. Aile- y. Benson,* 'Vice, Mims .A.i Dungatinott;SeeAreas, , John. atom, itippeni.Vouneillorai Gowans :and W. J. O'Brien, Exeter; J. S. *Del. aty, Bayfield; Mimi Jessie iiimailtOns 'amebae; Mita Edith Wig i God- erich.-Movedr,seeendt#440 That the Weet, Beton „Teeth tate, 'Guelph omit year. Acommitte eoliststtog of Moir& Strang, Tem,Tig- Pius ind troika altrallivar•areguigrantritt.- --,.. )t.'ilie$e4tiPeilule4ittetriaot tlitlett,PeralP*7 Coariierti: eft; Flemng and Mck :iity was 'appointent to - Eater Tittri-&;;--ran ttie rdl'irUew whether, iiseettetion tile following were eke y could Venture to do so/ and white Pres.,. Drop'. Robb, Brussels; 14 theystood hesitating be said to them, Viets, Mr., Iti:otfistt., StafOrth1.2nd "You do nett,J s1c, expect isa Wilson, o you: mittes,--Mi. Maggot**, Wingliiiint. M.. •Cameron, Brix/sell. Mr. 4 nth; Ulu Oorrie Ohio by 'Cheney .Co. Testi- monials free. • Sold by, ail druggists 75e. Take Ilall's reality Pills for eonstipa tion. At-a---:nteetityg:fiod, in a town in hind two speakers who had come ;torn: the United States contributed the fol. lowing sentences in tlti course: of thefr. speeches t • . ne of theiri„ in giving some details of personal 'history, informed his hoar ers that .41te had left Iretiiiidififty-thrre yvarseCo*e,awithout; a .penny in his pocket.' Sod -the -other,. • Until last week I never - set foot the land Of .ity birth."--Cherns. 'The following story of- the Porte Is told in the Italian papers. A depu- Cation of the monks of .some .order had obtained an interview. with him. 4%,o- „cer4hil to the etiquette of the only- ardina1i re allowed torsitiirthe Poke si•Preseheet..$0:4froirlyittatW, in to "dif-id-,is ,deettof equivalent to proirtille of a Canlinalete. Pope lnnro a ',4 nit n! it 01 x st P it balance tt Of '.$1•1490., -4104 tliiat, for next .yiai OndOblin „ union *or(tb Tiarbiett AantitrittiOrt. 1 tOttiraittee in itt A *Piett la*yerexainin Dick Bartou, chief mate of the sh Chrillenge. Choatc' . had, crot anained him for over an hour* hurlin 1ons' witli the speed of' 'il rpid . . -, -„ Wu thcrc a alpork that itigt4tr: `t.". . -et# bs eget is on hit 440 nittat-tialagtvem_ileinta _tom- s • ai.t.t wir.a.Ls to bang out his sbingle. We' under. stand that he lutendo. _going, -ant to Washington territiity.- 'where he will open *. hosPitat.-;MM„Contin has had . an eleetrtc dynamo installed at St. Joseph and is now able to eliarge his .touitortit)bilein thatploce. He alui riZosterhaittlit,anntract Jor. tend* lilting bigi hizot 'Itt_ititig this cement walk ID our viflage tneatiniehavingeommenced this *eek; Xuelpier, wife and. chikl while driving on the Othilten line the ether, .441' Were throWirbut into thediteh by their . litatanttintlist *Warr With the,xrenplatiliv„,„:on oft ii ,30N1113 .,44,-- ottkotriSitt,liesnorial rca*4. Usk* iblirSOEIY. • The Special Excursion Train m0,1Piqt2,5tAtimi_ n4, stittois to Ceder:kb -Tuesday morning, puit 20. - .From Wingham andway stations, taker mothinjg tria.0 June 21ue 20, 'CM:meting at Clintoa 740 ., illt)._With_Sptgisd Train or Godetich. • -SPE:C/AL-lag, VOPERICIT- NINTIF-WILY-STATTOW ST-ItATFOR-D- Or STEAMER. TIIURSDAY !SIG= • -I- ••'.•