HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-01, Page 4t 1 eittididite are eleeted by t'hek tild izjur;ties or greater the overnutent vtJ1l,eptue to 'the tondo. qttiorilltat the b Itmeets the wishea of the people, an that all the objection a been, raised tomes frout 001Y few extreniist with headtionters in in tondon wil! 1* bet • Minister of ) 1 ; r an &Er. Win. GraT,tbe hv this timber being trzie land ItiVers tory Or I.X.00140 !mitts, was etiteI ;mu MOO 14 048 pomt, SV fire itti 404 di ' irge arriag 0 . With its cons tuned. The tire 'wassubdued ULUI and Lititowel out five o'clock Lois estiMated • own. a eoriginated of , tinamItlet rmnwss soder. 0 4,Hotel •b*nnel, iudal t 1 ' 'tiotilia he tover 0hr , :O4ftflg to tho'ze otta 0 h!n•'`. of b b aBorbdiuo before the tnpi ians . t downoi era . thent had beez o 01 :I genemy, ti",,A,1111Yi) 1:ettlo'laater 01* cruiser* either btruc tprpedoed by SUIE Onwo,:„Olutost rnuidiate1ir C' 61$CLIT CANDI Col fsa* TFATFORO CANADA all her 'Oleos and crew uddennes ut the atta appalling *WO* 'intn'tonfuSion. Thenthe fog lift fleet of hattleohl • , too .hnud u the ti ••••-• ity rtupvli . both Li " bers tobtb t eyed at a tai antounirof. prestige, . „ Vire suppolted to . hav caused by the stneulaorleg remnantG of an after tw.0*01001c Thuradiw meriting 0 -Whetherilittirtvarbe idifiltient-terwin u • re e' °WI Oxford Mr... Waltate.-twhe: ontested 00 riding in IWO' and. 1111:4: _ ,,..„,...• I •411108 t!,tit et. ,--landioot sovatiyertandi ra,PranditiattH' 'TheMr. Geo. Srnitb : riding has .4 , • • ways 1 ya„very large mit. ity. In November lust*. Suther- land had POO to the gOtal,- llowever• Nr.. .-Iiititheriandwas a very strong Man. 4 ,t.s.c414net minister, The Conserv, • ativeit'eititettngreatitielrice them Viet, .and consider they ,httre even 44,:„.4;-. ' rnenoboth.partieswilI epeaktn,-,bath .' .ridings 101Orp.S AND POMMON2W Keroene ia.a.spitindid agetit, in. the cleaning of ialritaOtaas ,I0t07 a basin pat two **ter. *70Oft -Clot tablespoons of ,1Ceroseene.,ra: er than the'hand dipit ine basin, 'half wring it and wash ,VOUr LiztroxsttLevi, band ,mb dry wltha Saft-'teivei. This . pro. tees will remove fly specta, and flirt r 1 • 4 II • ana tacitly than soap and Water, and "'Yet WI lic10041 with -4,4 better polish. nantitf given Is sufficient for wash ng two ordinary sized -windows.. IVO vuler pt prioetice lokt Or t , els were',.repest r12.1ifierpowp the *Meantimet •ab 1,1101her, had been destryed, and serious losses, had 1�eu indicted upon theadjetent -preinisett, notablythose bling*jories, 1 alIab,or or --$76, ng ', fact, a 'copse retire estimate, dis. ributed-is,f0110 - • • Intent -Baker. Other Co.„ London Mathine Toot W'oelos Tambling & Jones • M. O. IL totinna SOO. Stuttered! 500 Total .. 41, e beantiful .and-torantodiOno brick dwelling owneil by Daniel Oougblin, Inspector of tighttrand Measures,: of the Town Line, Mceillivray,Was totally destroy. 'edby Am ouThUrsday nightlaSt. The. Ilyzet,..priOiate41: on. the .'0kiteltion,, roof 'from aopark from theTLettintneY-1. A stiff breeze ,Was blowing at the time -tonsequentlY the flames soon spread •• -mairr,partotthe--Alwellingtsin all Was -Soon redueed tothe ground.-, Mr. and Mro, Coughlin were away e,ttme -hut •.is -number tirdeigbbors were won OA the *0000 and 'aucceeiIed. in saving considerable of the contents .ntlimlowet pot of the bootie, but alt Petliartlitat-dei•• • wts e. Of the beothetates and ttretti., es in the township. The/CAS:, utidtilgrolilathilatEtrzarabu $20.000 but -we understand it is partly OW enenly*.istu ing everyVO ..tunity,- driving in, ,gard, foreleg'', They did wonderi effective wor not alone in the Ittl 7" ILL heavy Japanese flghting sbip6 ant creating a etindition whit accounted for the -peer practice o[ thu U0•44111 $0111terflo • All. t And into the night • the 'wit* kept np. At intervals'the boon of ,the heavy guns Andthe, contan rattle of the quielpIfirfn punctuated liztheaullen roar ofa tor pedo or a mine, and when'thls happen it meant the death wound'of a ddiatieyero .in the Japii fleet were,kept fittoy and It is a 'there were itimoet 1100 •of thein i 'after -the enemy. 130100 of 101(efl 11P by thif searcblight*, and said at, lealtti* 410*60 Of to the 'bottorn„ but .** morning tioneti*.:11,tosis. er, found his tleet detiliakteil the sh be had afloat entrance to tbe Japan Sea 1 Togca Accordlng to the 'Iateo 1 grms to *11.(suet I.colorsltk rt. Ail Ili few ,momt tor:ii- .0 with SAP4„.. 'Fri . 0 _. . , 614011ov:irnw And totitore4 , ' atitsoatotit stain frelti now Mingo. . • ..A.044turgroo•rictrs,ao-a-lramios 40 Norman* tooter Co. Toronto •c, RM 101110INE5S ac ashed or ted; Pomo gropPitea OrkaP iCa, 000. t1W.D0040-414,-(Ireftt71311 boughtn 4,at Jow . r es o .o I. _ rms. EOM- talsatt tit tli$hest cutreut rat ofirnteresIaIJoe ,, ,, •;•• 4, sfortb:. Wm. Somervil etick,eted oliparleg,.•pertres to 4liataot poits Onetaticri Ont.; A. o.; . ..W. y, toSaskstoon, Sask. awanoshi 'Thos. Lind is set. 111 At the borne of his son-in4aw Some thne .ego he was ed itVa-sorenese.inviie of his the toe was aniptitated,. ,The econtiuued to spread and ithe s. now been -amputated. • •Ottiiiiilitid Ride 1. It.egistered in the Atnerican Trotting Register; Vol .klide XVII. 'Brovvit :ettltr.,••two 'labile ankles,. behind; foaled: in 1901; : Bred b .1. •.0...Lintietnan,10104, *..11Tow owned by.Tones & 1(unz, °rat •. • WISORvat giss. • • ' • 11,4Ora 24494., Sire Of Ootilitos5vEvol100;14+ '010ithig114•2$0,44i• 240441 0, 2.100540. ',Aorife 't•ivisiat .230%,:$0irtOt2;14114, LigIS Notve1.r*-2:JSYs4 1)*I4n100,0112:194,••ti9tviiiif:t13IC., and 77, other* 'hi. the.* ,tosiotraluivoareil folistgloffioirlAtio prodUtet11010-1110. Soo of Illeetio,41441141.84•Oo1,trion: surto xis% rataaitaztamsoctlaothex nt.s0 • INim-uttilk,Ar • sire•Of LAZA 3a5,„0.1% • . • • Iotttlie SON$0: stAir to Omen -eat 21,4%, westward of the Russians, pressing thetti., in towards the Japanese shore end,...keePing_thetwirom_the_tentra1 • 'rt. of-01We% Wine and Shim h . •eJapanez&keep upii itom their 124nth guns, * teated *nem *el 4144.1n ORA, Eloctres.tioland_. lioroteettetti. by AtrOr480 0700. • • Record 2;29•46 Sim of Mute and 17 44losera. _140414-0thwit- .IvilkottOlseire 'MAI*" *044141aid 13000. LIONto Bono Ro oats*. XS" Mule Mater. itout el • Aunntiott !ON, et., liy Jametkino et_tio:71, 1,'1:071:14.1t5130;n01-1111.- 'hygliapoltnante:mirfoOntfor4tbotile344:'4611.rnn at -bat '-.103Yi.A•sof,otilAkt, 4. ra:z 2441134,?1: " _ _ 13On"•-otA:ionnn l'Abit; --1;4413firreStIAX Ira r"-r3riiiit4(rifilThr dau k ip• Aga 00 tom, 0,41s7 aitot saitoter 14X) other lase - 140. VS*, The Ali. 000tega4u$ Jo of t half* mps and ered. to `be re- ble for manyof (1* Mere serious cowmitted. In tbe neminuttity..: lers of thiskele00 should rettive. 101)1401PriPenteent of. Ida s In keVentral-Prinotii-Tpd '0'70140:14011- t,av ON1 TUIftD.. Ontario Government will -intro. important -change In the sys. gototiog*IcttAPPOtindiag0tutt until* for..the.„wo pads.' ---11nderilie-foriner goi ttthe.0001„Of $.140(400Etwass ortioued for the-purpooetodi; Lted mon* the* different eetititi tion to their population. • new• act, twos:laced or Hon. De. Nitwit., tot Government agrees to one.third of theCoffeettog m -lit-various oth* , he forwhieh hove been •-roved bit out:orient- overnor cmirici The tune limit within Which cot -Pities, are eititired to initlinit thelfripplitititoiti le extended for °never, . " Yea - . ton's barns. The Ihylow bouse an barn also caught on fire but...the h was extinguished- • Several buildings were slightly -damaged. m_igh a few es. may Little or da 4 . $1, few, Runt -Wrielic- besideo aereral iels and 2,500'toed captured. afla Ire4 ornimes stories' Of urn€s• the Matelir elortion" are unversidIy admitted :to be the mostfaseinatlng take f criminal ad- venture eer wrltten. The chorale, ter ('f ithdjthVel.ro1i1*r,lsone 'new to fie tient th.' story otbsexpleittextelsinitigor And thrilling Interest the work of any other finoderit writer. The Mail and 'Empire Will begin publication In the, Daily on May I3tho And be Weed" edition on MayIEkh ot Mt. 110roOkig W a0vieti Of "Amateur Cratitman • tales, ,tvhielt. have never Wore i•41 164110 1 fOrOt. o pas •• e ea o reb," in reduces Raffles and hit fltst and 00,exeltliag burglary, lit , the great jewelry *tote. One or these ntiv tittes,4011.41 . *tees ,Sottiirde - JESTVI*SKY CAPT171(t.0. Among theltussian • the Jape' are - Admiral tYensky*nd-airetheratilit&-aL onion lois altogither Is Soltlpe ottil tonsil* cf 10/10411 tom: Jrztriwi atioarifin Uzte *OA AKW...t totikyAngt, ""ItfiVicilUrniffY1.174!14;iiiiKTTOlber7—fitiOiO1, • ith &tit rAtorit. „ A•1* 404110 aoY ‘.b*ee t rk two•ytootoctrot London, ,of thiO,titi, is bc1ieve4to be dyin1 at •Windsor. - %Vora n1gh'that tbepifres • .in,lissr, who Is attending hitn, has given the ptitient up. He may pose aWay at any time, or might, linger for three or froardays. It was thought fie was recovering 'but fresh "tleyelope. ;merits .in his physical condition wait ess satisfactory. ' .ber of Choi*bsppr ittiwoth the wrinkles 00 ft1141 tender our feelings Hie as they Are $0,110 at thebonn, nt Mv. /oho, Rite, if th letti erasion, whtn tits yetirvs dorighte4Mitiso,A.,,was Unitedin the holy bonds OfttifflinonytoMr J. ItOrlyiiiirrigeot-tiiiii- of Mr. 34tn ItOrton, of Brandon, Maw, Mttl •f Turkel/40'1th. At the rip t ' fI tO01111.10ray Vise .Virinnitred Etattnan bas ea tv. position in :Strethroyo , for lace he left it few Atiyii . Ivintikeewbo.,hitit 4it lgerepo'itttAtit-Ofintiontra the itienar 10n:rte./LI br-itt, ntany friendg--D 11. Stescatt, Of: Trinity CiillegerTornrito, is ho1idayin at hie :* 110010 04 the 7th ton,—Mrs. elt., Mt. Ewen. 'who bits, been very ill for :woe tiflieis we Are pleased to learnt a)441** ing.Sigrio of iniprovement.—The r ft:eodi of Mr. and Mrs. Chas; Roila!d, u 7th •coir. dee 1 , idi ' athiat *Vitlii thorn' IA the' loan( their 4letiie •bitbeM noel took place on Satiirdity to the Eatery tenteteryfirwell Bros,. `• of has completed Crum.. • well Hittite 7tb eon, this tilwrish ay, gay Mth4 in.th ry fielttra. /Lid lof orto sate *tail h. she eau* to this Rint1as4atu4 1Y$tfl.1rn I heztj, of JIenMIX ny'in Llw pr guests. 1Oflw1Ntlire4 in Vail and nn the went, to htr make maiden mune wei .tiosi to her now lji foitr yotro ago, happy mre„ little mit*,