HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-06-01, Page 1elt *IIVI5 • Plesie JO IS A 10ruptii., 'NY IltaltAaktkoropons4 torIt1004.* .461. 41 July. 'nod 01- 041,14ier, PTew *eteosfm TON, AORWOOD:U$j% ZsTTOX * e noW gue ver oho tbe last three T it the 1,0 . , e o s. Aott to tame one .of the Largest and Latest, Linea o WAtern Ontario, The increase in out businessars shoits that we are carrying the QUANTITY. and. EST PRICES, • ofthethings-wecarry-in-stoekt ' Backs S] ora,U oards, ci Chairsi;Extension Table " AirfOrS'i Frames, Pictures to be notice!, Room 'Mouldings, Child's. tea 'se se ribs, Baby Carriagest Go -Carts, Wagons,. in lesand-TriiInItingS! and. Step, Ladders. Tradeng in Wind -ow Blind business. Every blind guar. , einove. Over six.blinds hung free.' t of Seiiing Machines. We have the New ....441nk1ing .4 , Mendast, there, WA* .itttoodemee.,4:thirS#444Y EPOiok4. tvglal*the TO), getnert thett:Uitil.f.",-Atelegeteeweu Pre7 rota, 0leit.Settfoitb;ejin, tent" roghate, _ilelerave. etennets,' e Ho v' Cormuu was. This Service w* foUowtd lyy a hrriVreCesTron in which reports were rest -10m the different Smutty *hoots iirthesCoonty _of,11,nrou. 14,4400 fternaterti:-.-the_Rev. Thoturrs of Lucen gave a very instructive paper on, "Some lints to, Teochers." The- many 'vice lodes, Arf this paper Were disoussed,by semi. al of the delegates. The Rev. Dr, Toeker ,General Secretary of the Mis• spotty ,Society, then spoke at, some :letigttrort the euhject, of of.,,AtiStitong in the Sunday kiehool." Dr. Tucker ithowedhow that the Missionary Society was not anything outaide the eltilrch but that the Missionary semarv :aCLL.• blow at . Lu theMissionary Society was to give lilt Wattle chord). The fundatoental -Wrielpiee of the- Miselenary ,Society :are that ' it is the first duty of thie., Church of Christ to. evangelize • the world- and that allweathers of .the °Choreal of England 7in-eanadielttre- ,fiwrolters Of the Soietv mf•ttie- retf.---Xfter ing,* vivid_ deRription of the needs-. and OpPertunitirss in Western Canada, he made a "aver* and sour Stirriiig. appeal to Clergymen,- teachers _afld. rents to teach the children not only er err gr e • thtfroissio,tnital themselves for the work. Tbose whO re-present-williong-t.einember-D Tucker's Impressive words and many t-estitied that they Would return to: their bootee resolved. to make greater efforts both by word /and 'exatnple to teach th-Te yontig that thohigheat svor is Work for, -God, The Rev. Rural, Dean Lowe rutted ilitivtiratin41irouph- .001 the day and the-, Venerable-Ateh.,, tleaeon Richardsort gave valuable ass 11 v in 1.11111., on tiristrion s Oitishe .110.11 otenittStip ,frw *y during theWtek at 'the home of her ,fathe.r, ettwirtro to its eft, the ,wilijoin er ihisharel. s Minna Reed has returned from Toronto. -- Chas. Matioa and family intend leaving fatly -ter the 1,Vest; .• • - Oreenway Mr. and Mrs. 3. and Ht.; tledaughter.'-of Attila Craig, . epent Saturday and Sunday witit•Mre. W. J. Wilson and other oldfriends in the village, -.We are sorry to report, the illness of Mre. Ridley And Mrs. John littYter. We ttkile for theirspeedy re- covery.1-,-Mts. AStitins,of Parkhill, is visiting ut the bOitte of her son. R. ne Li 1 re o Chum NO. 3, MaigE4r112L:741 took of undertakingsupplies. In ti • The undereigned oiering for We that ,..sdoeble Win e Township shorne. befog Lot , iscussto ft edifferentitihjo Viotin ham wag. _APlected, the ne* . place of meeting lied officers Were elected for the ensuing Tent. There was allargesttendatiee At the evening Serfice... The ..vrthon, .• *bleb was Prettehed. by Rey. Dr. Tacker, Wskff masterly* ition-of4Ite.:.Seripturel itutivori_ • issionary-work-and-th resporsi ifity of the present .day • cell to tb anaditurOhurch. - *4--,e,tirprised theie7terteher, lice, 'Wileon, 4)n $sturday even. ing and presented her with a lovely. china feuit-iervice; accompanied 13 on addreser.--Messrs. C. H. Wilson, of Greenway, Wm. Oliver and George .0,r„rren.,_of._'Grand Bend, are County staitleti":16i2thezweitefti----'par_ts7,4 Ste iterk, A1JY PAturtle.,k1,49Atttrenti,_ 'Wen Inein writ'vre °eked after. . . DaSinVOOd "" or etni- labAgiN304VIIrtil 31,t11,4 ltrsP4. see elm* home. a goud bes4c ,shed„ and other ant- i ten acres le* herdwood hosts. an wbaxd, two good wells of trjwi other eotwen. Ponssetf_ol! gl,enirfa3LFor psrtictdars etreet. London day. -41r. Will Cantu, of Zurich, ..e.PentAnn414Y-With brotber.Barry veral of the beat s'-rtiihave siss,,stessner„_„of Bnffa1o7 and her Jacotyptukbeineri,or-ir Goshen Line, were visitors at Mr. O. Finkheiner's on Sundays -MT. and Mrs. Sims.- of Crediton, visited Mrnni1 Mrs 1. M. l3vdkezmbiveon . Year Order at Char1to0 Fair., Exeter. tat 4t, outt NO, estuutraits, eater. Centsyskrierre. Onsarnindonens nk. _ 0 " WOW COMMFAC1AL HOU4E, EXETER —On; day ORIDAY„..4utte . . etir.lir and avail yourself of his valuable service, as this is ,a. rare op.. portonity to have yrs* eyes properly -tested free of Chmste, NO guest work,, but a itientifie certainty. Difficult caries accurotely Aix WOOK .GiialtANTSED.. EVarigelical Charah of Canada, The minatterpreacheda ,propriateseeinone rY's * -VIOL Arm 44.6"1"4""""rnme re. vis _ lug 1i8 faithei, who it very ill. It is seventeen years since" Mr. Birk- left these parts and he see* many changes in that time -Mr. Silas Adams IS eon, - tied to his bathe through eicknests Wet hope he *nay sOOti recover.-Serr; end from bete teokitt• the *ports - Kt Lotultai on the -24th. -The Missetr land are having their house re -sided'. -4%tra. 'Wilson -has left town ondlgone to reside at Grand liend.-.Mr, Allen is now ignitor of the Public 'School here.-Alecors. Ilenry Bender and atys. Snellere hosing their hottees.laintel ventitutibis-iviir ar-M'''M,?-Witio-- tistrv. We hope George he sue- 131;-4ifis, Richard Baker ed her husband withsa baby giri 4)a- Solurday. Both mother and .child are doing well. Congratulations. r ton The. ,An lad Convention of ,Atte Blatudiard end Biddiriph Sabbath School Conventrotreiblet the Methodist day -Iva* a etruCceoe 'in every - 1 eterteitive, thechurcli Ittin* well - at both the -afternoon and evening cessions., " The addresses were of bigh order and such es. Should Inottite alt who heard them to take it greater in- terest in Sun& &boot work. Dia. Allen Mttwhe is attending College atToronUtisiboine on e Kirktoo, in tL4- ebureb. The ddrg . from a distance exp ' as being pleee • itality. tingly celebrated bete. The do an ideal one and as result la, ceowd..gotthered, to wittietiotb Messrs. Wm, Bowden Fred. Mc and k, SmollocoMbe tratitsged whole *flair and everythlog irrn Airm LWLy 'iP,01,1.0t,iti. • c Itretrith t. ben UiltntftsiOn estrection of' plan Not ,tteing tortteoted with tftking 11°`PlAhts*-$011^PottstiliPs s takir.tr e 08041410g, °ties, wit ene , to beittlYeif nht; ruin Own). The snits, cteants 4140 carried trway a i*AtItitni Fitt wh oh she prized very numb. This igetielinee hie hee-.ViSited7TratTiy Ws - cell he thtnks he has had, plenty and unless the property taken is returned he will up the" -erne ittia there' will be 'seriouti , au .en„ if4a t , 4 . . asin ni, Atilt , ;.rot Of 4„e. , .ep PO'hing but $nektess OA edd'a beSrellorts. tAi. .,McDugnh and he *cher ' Cltiselhurst A masher from these partiv intend tsking in the races et Seaforttron June Ist awl 2nd. --MeAlexander had a val- uahle,twoyeatsold volt frailly cut in the wire' fence the other day. -Victor- ia Day pssserl off very quietly in . our burgh, the majority of the people tak- ing in the sports at Beosall.-Angus' rtr:Ira 1,11f, ',Mr; One of • is lingers taken off while shoe- ing H. horse. The animal put the toe cork of its oboeon his finger; Owen,who has been confined to tbe house for abeitt it.yesr, is alga to be out again. His nanny friends were glad to see ,him.. -Mrs. Shillinglaw bas tt tred fromlbrouto, ritere she 1101,1 -111.9,411.1g,11.0". lii•iiii-ennigeten iViasietion. rn Workingtheir-thageotard. heirs:oat 01 the thangolds -tftilar been sown but owingto the oold weather there is very little grawth. There' is a promie Of an abundant fruit .0op it Miss auchello, ok.-eits t.mj • ng a Iew days atehmer-lieure.sslitim • eceu ..for.-fitratitm %lire a.iueratUe poet, tion with tbe St*atboy 1)410 Mood" Turnbull*, who has for 'serfactiniflieettikiti tleitat flow:stomaOF trouble, is, we are pleased to atty. On ii• fair way 10 reetwei-s)i. Quite &number . of farmers in this vicinity have bad sheep -worried by dogs din iug the last 'week. Among those who lost were: Quinton Berryhill, Berman Ryle, Frank Cornish and Abner Pullets The . latter was the heaviest loser, ;hay" ing lost eleven in all.This* keeping doge should see that they are properly con- fined for the night and thus save them- selves expenses. Up •to tht uesent . landeboye. Mr. William O'Neil, formerly of this place, but of bite years of Pick- • ford, Mich., was kijled thereon Zunis- 4ey by a well eaviert in. His remains arrived at, Lamm On Sunday on the r'r.Litiri were take:T.-to his brothei'ahorne the second conceit- - - surriliritreeltlivror itherss.the-large.„ ly attendedfuneral-took-place at 5 it the rtftertioon to 'St. Jan*, Ohnrob,, Clandeboye. The funeral services were:conducted. bRev M Thomas, ofLueArr. MrsCharles tirriton, of %Vinnipeg, e On ft -visit r en. tr --er•e-AIex. M Fa1lrth6,Whint- +- of the Centra1 Rote/, has reiovered from bra recent illness.-Messc. • • Hodeine and Pre(' McLean have Yen their houses a fresh coat, of at as her 'Attest, gen,,of Oil Springs. - Dr. Bantlng- Is expected borne, this week ft-otn Chicago, Where he has been atendLng-the'Poet, GradusteSehool. hintion has-hteka new v randa et..2,0eted to her resideueees,, " er men • efIllisky, of Toronto is ving hrth.esite .tess. ,,Mistritiow% Abbott, *hi? has been attAtnding, the, .,Lonaou Conservatory, has been successful. in obtaining,* tertidcate for passing the firs4 Yr;tr ,014SMination' peesoribtal hy 't s -Another ,of alttr_.• ,well- knwn entaluts been Oaliest away InitialtP.._:We ref to the dnth.of Margaret Pam w o died on rridalf,it-theage of 57 -years. he.funeritl took place an Sunday. the 'remains being takerilii-tbe Holy Trin- ity etturch, where service ,Weti held; Tp„ for interment, CradlitOtt • • *-C4dh-011itrettirrirwas-hetd-ltr-the Town Hall last Saturday.gravel eon. tracte.gfere. let.. -Our -went to eusailon the2Itt itna, it e ea tar elteriris 1UO-rt Arne sild left' for that place at ,Once, We wee pleased to learn • that ort 1 *it friend, Mist( Susie &miter, this week, -Mr. B. Brown 4s -eracting.--A__britit. work Oboe to the rear of his boot and shoe store.-Albett 14orlock has con. otructed a cementcistern ln the cellar of .111r. itIoltzman's new bloelt.-Sam. tett-this week. Hewill find th Mitch moreconvenient than they for. merly ing girl.-.b'.W.Farucornbe, 0.-B. of London, was in the village Triecaol 011 business. --Bev. ado. Hen- derson. 18 Rttendina the Confeonce of -ohnreltutlistowel -this Ifippett 7-WEDIntlq.-Vietoria, 'Day Wa1A fit- tingly celebrated at. the bailie of Mr., ,tind Ditnean Buy, when AA event. took, place that wilt . long he rentemy bered, bythe two young people emit- terned.' We refer. .,, to the Wedding whzch Ott that day , trrecle Mr, Robert Thou:won and gip Agnes Ault Ilay wife,.. t o'clock the. Wee 6 from this circuit, lett on Tue ctiorntowni vortownship-tresentee.- le IEW ills many friends hope be wilt soon be as well AS and Mrs...Times Clark left on Monday to visit Wendel,* Wierton.-Aft. O. W. Glimontof the Sovereign Bank, opera, Itth In Toronto. -Mr. .1/of* 11*ist bee hogne, from fouliton where he visited friends. ---Stepltert 100111100 0,0°101441.0f the ToWstsbip of en convened ii t,he Town,/1 Ofl, on Saturds May lith, et litinnteeot- "to Motive nse peik and w iillowintitiesente:whieh-were kr - ntested ,s641 although the uiate id not equal the ,fset p1ivingf t faet titers Wets - W . tine tett n .a op to tbe arndunt of ii let 11, it t the resigniitlonf '0 I - Intle View Foln Stoilim, n hitt ' t 11 Mr.ttnery; Catziere epent Sunday it hishorire'here. er, spent Mon:4y: pee, entl, far»ih of London, rriii ore Itonilsri whet* ror * few .ireekti.-.444 and Mis. 3n nior. af totto, 110# Ww..Balkwill, of Exeter. te Itr- With his milt to work fo t The VeltOn Cbst if Exeter, pen' SaturcIay.:0101011 oin the, ceremony took !see and which ififtft performed, h.).7 the _Rev, Mr. Sow- ers.. This being °Vie' ionoatulations were then extendettto thetoppy cous ple,after which all enjoyed a' sureptir, ous wedding tett. The ieUltkitider nf the evening WAS very pleasantly spent in inntiniond.that.---Ttw-bride---i of ttinost popular yollig tadies Is highly hyberro*nyfrlends herrOin AS -was evinced-hyTthe-ntogni t, -ar- ray of gifts which r she ,receiv The n near here and big I spoken off. We join with the friends in wishin gr;--ituritifrir."Thornson plessitnyan prosperons soil over the matrimonial. sea. Mrs. Oilloulref of Grand PorkAtpi, --Fennel*: report that the fall time the poorer - above thea erage.-Anthony rattan hoe left -for. ,Toronto where he will 1 pure - - (Vahan -interest, a- t at West McGillivray. -Jake Rogan is ta6ovieling',/rom his recent nee. Father Foster has disposed -Of bit horse.. --James 'Quarry -has accepted ' pooltiOn With $101013 Deitrich 10 bor tend for the-etunmer..,41 is rumored ,that, Donald Sttiatt -wiltput tat trot .tingtvese.',4*LittlellitSf'tta this year. --The trustees of th Vere .thettielitticetii.,-Sticeis Moore and treaty of London., the other day And Arrangements werelmade for the eornpletion Of the new school,. which, Owing to.a..diffoeOca. With_the archi- tect, was left Shortly. Wore it was lin. itterliestial .rinces-,Iiav - been settle110$eil McPhee, of Parkhill, has therchittraafor the-eempletiott-hf the work. The material Is bOW on the ground. and Woio long Nt.Carmel will he *tie to boast of oneof the fineSt teboals in the distriet... The total' cot Will be in the heightiothifijil of $8400., It epealts well for the enterprlee of the •' L • his section that in h fine buliding should he erected. comin home with •thse,/,Its.dys,„..s,Nec J. ar Not% andarrivedere Mons . wired to hold. the funeral, but the message came too late. The late Mr. O'Neil was well known in this section. GIs relatives have the ympathy of the oornmunity. Mr. Ides, Thomas liodgine, of -visitingAtriends--here,-- Mrs, Windsor, of Bay -Oily, is staying • here; with her brother, Air. Gibson, *Ito.* very M. -Mr. a • ElMirts.0 tivea._' v age an Inc roty on to t Ittos. -Nichols, of Blyth, spent a, few days with friends here.-Nir. Marlton, of Crialiton., spent Sunday with his brother at this place.--slars. George. Simpson, who for the post three ntontshe. htis., been visiting feetels In - iehigarki=hAvveturne47-1-.0-her n thiskplere...31r. Chown and Mr. 1otiinsepefit-Sunthty at, r.an Donnely spent Sunday at the hon3e of • Moses Situpson.-Ed. Mora spent Mon - y -iattelph,—Misw tlpird, of feauden,is visitingher cousin Mrs. Eli tiodgies;--Miim Simpson sged--tes-orrpaVit-tit Janle$ Church. commencing her dd. ties on Sunday last. -Airs. Lt. Wind - 110r. visited her listens, the Mieses ' sn-London-during-the w Sim Grant„ of 'Windsor,* visiting patents, Mr. and Mrs. Geo.,..,S.etdes.; _ C- n •ucan, on ay 1, to --10741111_444.4.(buig Ssstwaler-•;-AtTitrouliert- tut MAY -fl t� Mr; and Mts. reed Stewart, sa • otatiormslo- Medium, on 3triY-2 to Mr. and Mrs. Chars Holtzman, daughter, . atturrt-In Dashwood, on May 27, to Mr. and Alm Rich. Baker, a daugh- ter. MARRIA.1 f #030501At Kit4.,441-tht 'residence- of the bride's retrent,„-on May 24th, by Rev. Mr. Sawyer, RAM. Thomson, to Mies Anes Ann, daughter of Mr. Duncan Ray, all of ICippen. T*Tt:otr-=Etrottxsov-,M''-the'- It poen — circuitparaonsge on Wr,Cr,T-Witf.--Taftlor, to Miss Mistime, eldest daughter of Mr. Tob*Statilike.Ind, eon. of Stephen. • ri