HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-25, Page 8iupeu $t. Thomas .*
o c'12-4.114*
d*o tePirs
Aden, Of w
perintendent *thou
ors' tbe tntthimu?
.zgh of ' 1131,01r
• bytertits# 0
h m01004 another. v
StrOke of' sison,rtid g ,t and
,e dftyn neighboklflg
010 or Va.
torreet fabrics.
youvalisome-daryiw- - -
. raerseveie.
A new serial story, entitled "The
Heir of as,ritleigh, or The Steward's
lion, commenced -10- our7'lest --Issue.
This is An excellently written tale and
Wilt Prove- interestingfrom start f4
flnisb. Read -it,
aii-old man of 73 years of
age, died at Victoria liosoltal, London.
on Thursday, the victim of an assault
which bad, taken place some days
previously. . Deceased was a brother
to Mr. Jas. SneIJ, Maln_etreety, Exeter.
• Thoa. Siiiniey, of Clinton, h**
urchased from John Bar, er, • the
'VW* notes and 'reeeipt forms now
rot tb!i Advocate office.
es tested, glasses supplled. ,satis-,
fr000013' .guaranteed. ewers Drug
have stiILa uaritity.of potatoes
eirt tbeoffibeMin Street A..Q,Bonurn.
all the good thin sit Chariton's,
Lrc the best
cents, in advance, You
• . 7
*Ott utilVue god- •
.esnicvnixtute for spritin
orniMental _treeAt.._I5 an
Ilowey'S drug store.
Oared Pain's for sale ranging from
Ilicanta to $2.00 at W. .1„ Stathanes
'kr/gory and Confectionery, Exeter.
• Te ADVOCATE is the proper 'Place
secure Year .printed wedding invi.
.1n the very newest styles of
t forward. dealing., Jt is a
utee to our customers... . Star
is nofaid. iflanyant Baas.
All the different preparations facia -
Bordeaux mixture' for spraying
-trees, currant and Rose bushes,
direction* forusing. Sold: by
Central DrugStore,/ Exeter.
-centy by Thoe. terry, and is a partic-
nberly line spechnen of a Clyde.
It will be pleasing AeiVit to ninny to
hear that Rev. and Mrs. Godwin, who
have been stricken with severe illness
for several daye, the farmer wkth.
are °ay.:air way to recovery,_ 09_1380
'bOth-areyet'Olte 111.7-• '
S. Wilson, General AOtitit and In,
tor for the Western Real Estate
changerVo4--of---London,--Will-b-e in
town and eurrounding country all
week for the purpose Or appointing
and -inst.:manna
ng an --se ng-preperty- in Huron
County. See "A." this paper.
The Masonic Excurien ' to Godericb
-on-july-Oth is navr-an-- assur
e committee In charge having re-
ceived word from the Grand Mink
confirming the date. The rate; how-
ever,. will not be 06 and 36 cents as
stated Isat Week, the Company having
in -nustakeogiven us the Kippen -rate.
The farerwdi be Wand 40 cents.
e an ard,:Tildnik.
D. 110-tUrrUiedon, will it -L -the
tral Motel, Tharadlin -June 1st,
Jar qdtatIons., Eyes tested and glasaes
*it WslJ
Moottisti, • -
shareholders of the Exeter
It Works Co.„, please take notice
*111 Wheld Onday. Tune
U.*L3o'clock pm in., Town 1304_,--
, T. B. OA'tttnvo, $eer.-Trpati•
Ordabege, tflower; Stocks,
_Verbena, _,Petunsif Daisy,.
-da of Bedding rlant& Cal1 . and
stock berate purchasing
, leave your, orders ear,
*-54440 •
ail 'Vary:tees -Aiiiimilsition
tetisg will be held at
nes% on Tutedey, May
Clock p. m.,, for the election
t matters of besittem The
Virectors are. requ-ested to meet at 10
. which was exbib.,
owe hereon nuts-,
its annual convention next Friday In
the Methodist church, Eirkton. A
varied and interesting , program has
been sent Out. The hot of speakem
besides the ministers of the • district,
includes the Rev. R. Whiting, B. A.,
of Toronto, Bev. Dr. Daniels of Lon*.
don, and nay. R. 3. M. Perkins, Of Ex-
A very, beautiful -vestry-Organ- has
been purchased and placed' in the
Sebool 11_, of the Trivitt Meznorial
Chureb.7The ircistrirment is 'in -0 quar-
tered 'Oak case andipstsents a -band-
ovule by the Dominion Oeroperty,
Bownianville,possemes a very full and
rich tone and those who have tes
m "Ifinfir1Z4-1
pleased with it., .
Mr. Robt..Miller.of Wroxeter, War-
dentof the County- of litit_ton,_zwartin
t*n MndayTorthe purpoee 6f In.
now In course ..of erection,and * over
Which, some difficulty has arisen. He
_the_s,t1M-.V1. tity-rto
Speektzuwisn&the two drove. tcLth
scene of the stork. Tuesda ruornin
ey r it mconnect on wit
aurnecontract.;„ _ _ _ •
Little Willie, , son of Mr. . Charles
ful accident on Monday las
at school during dinner hour he was
imbing in the *bill And in some
rom-otte-4-the- ',Wakes,
With the remit that a small bone in
bis left *rum Was broken near the wrist.
ittlefellowls bow .carrying. e
arm in it *ling and, 'it will be 'some
time before he has usteof the injured
. member. • . .
Wm. Sweet, y. 8„ met with a very
liiftil-ftecident-an Sunday evening
as -e. 'r1Yboi1ron
it short trip on hie wheel and as be
was ithent .to go over :the ceorsolog
near his halite he • loft couttot at the
wheel and it header fell head
first on the hard road, sustaining IS
badly brokennose, and splitlip and he
was Others** Shaken no Itrequired
several stitchestoclose the Wo
•lrt'quest on Monday mien-
eit.the Biblical
ie ti of King Ed -
ii N.rror of
Ireland will
who attend -
week if it la
h is aril 25'
Riehard Bisett, MjTa .1Innie
phrey,Mr. 11. X. Glanville, Mr,, • ark
Mitchell, Obtrke,thet-
ertlen• and"Misit Edna Davidson, of
Loudon:. Mr. E. J. rogir, of Stratford;•
Mr.- Wel*. of St. lobo; the .Misses
ibtOr. WiintTon; John Newcombe,
of Stratford; Aldewin Evansic,Mrs. R.
Alarnes, of Undon, ,
OsnidaY efoilieot *invention.
A.largifts umber of-dellt?ates-sre-eiz,
Peeted Rainer next Monday to at-
tend,' the iingliotr church, Sunday
School Convention for the County of
Enron. The meetin will be bola in
on 4 Z ri;er,
lali;hurcin--lirtirs-everti a -service -
/411 b ,11 oe 11 4t, hi ne the ye I tu, ivremir .ntokwebircicrtia
The eernion will be preached by the
Rev. Dr. Tucker, Secretary of the Mist
aionary Society of Canadian. Church.
His .aervice wilt 111'700 and a Cordi.
al inv4tion la ex n
12.sireess.ta ser May. -
The closing -storm period for May is
central on the29th,extending-fromth
27th to the 81st. The *torn) diagraini
showsthat this rkertolailert 'Arabia: th
ercury disturbance, which la central
3 hew-
gee on the 29th: Theie combined tufa
point to general and •possibly severe
• urbencesi„progrestiively- over -the
country from west to east, during the
last five day* of May. The moat not.,
elite storms of this period will ..eentre
on and touching, the 28th' and, 10th.
' fifthly electrical storms At thJA SeA200
*1124014 IOVArlAblY*050It frOM tbe PAO-
sage of the Moon over the celestial
and atnairiPluiric unrest and
vete when the Moon apogee and pas.
sge over the celestial equator are co-
AtallitAY",40104.. •
'A pretty wedding too
London. nt fonr.o'etock
Tuesday azfter-
noon the 'residence of Mi. Ss.
inson; go Pall Mall skeet. when Mrs
• *irsisterr lities-CCa
became the bride of Conductor --
Manley, of the G. T. It. The tereumn
was perfornie_CllyR�v.D Djoi
aarritecTui fIW
D. Ilublatl. of Flint. Mich, and tr Was
°witnoeeed-hy—only'-the'hn at
.friende of the contraeting 'parties;
Behalves; were present from Zia
, Tale. , Wilkes r • Exeter,.
. „ceReAnony
ng room under
ple.hlossoms,, 104
t was afterward*
plitie In tb�_
beautiful arch of
the *residing bre*
Mr. and Mrs. Menlo lett on the e
ran or og
east, After which they will
Oxford. "-Lo onfid
Was irriiinier- -reit en
- Colpt•
Prealiyterian, Methodist and naptyst
met it) iistexchureh lectintrooml,
eiticK on Monday evening, May 150 to
inaugurate preparations for the coxn-
at oni,, which are to'be belifiti-Goder.
icb-that for Sunda* SchooltiOn
umr180041-thei-C.111. convent
on the following day, ,It. is prnbabie
'the Morning and afternoon sessions
eatirwill be held. in Victoria street
cburcb,- the everting .113ettiO0
singing. and t.be .folleuring were ap.
ponted ousting committees for bil.
ting: Knox. eburefi,MISees Pelle tint
Strang; North street chueeb Woes
Washingtonand MeLselilati;IVIctorle,
street, Moue Bale and Elliott; Baptist,
Mrs. Robertson and litistalewitt.. The.
toted reptsiventatlirea are Ambitions to
see tiatee gatherings Most stteeels401,
k of the death' nir . 11.
ke, of Los. Angle*. Cstl, is for.
sldentof Exeter: Angles
ting his derislie stay*:
tlake, for seventeen
,phy liri In Lora
that nothing for a youngman
to do in it. Our experience has been
that these are usually the ones who
refuse a job unless it is exactly suit-
able to their taste. Many of them
would rather hang around town, or
hold a street Corner up all day than
On May -24tb,- between Exeter and
Creditor*, a pair of riroros eye glasses,
to-A-chain. Pinder will •
Snit* ly rewarded by leaving .saose at
Dr.:tutu' Drugstore Exeter.
Vste rasigos Mar -
, so 'peen in t e
- .11toure-.. Orr_ Viiiirefty-- eveang
:last and known as "The Passicin Play"
graph or moving pictures. and H.
eat** on the scenes presented. The
illustrations of the -lift, etiffering and
death of Christ, of ,the Coronation of
'King Edward‘an4 of Scenes of IrA*
land., were, much appreciated by the
'fair-sized audience. Several illustrat-
ed songsivere_rendered._ • TPe_fo_tkeslon
iloty- win nab) presented in Eaete.r
.1 11 1111
oir 4
want to spend your Moue
where it will do the moa
good- Diner Yon?
fleing a progressive person and a
shrewd buyer you are always looking for
- • Therefore -you -would- he -willing to
deal With na if you -knew: we Wouldrgive
:7you the betit-for the least money
*.-- et Near
Well then have us- deliver to your
, home some of our new furniture at ri •
of ar
am.... .4
Side'War4gOn-golden-maple,-double-thapedlopyllx.24-mirror„, as low is $8.00
Iledmont Suite, 8 [deco Ooldee or - Mahogany, Oa in: dresser, 10:120 'bevel
plate mirtrir.. - .... . ..... — ... . $12.00
Parlor Suite, S•plecea, upholstered in heat veloura.. - ......... . . Slat*
Couches. oPb. la -velours* 411 It* 2 hz. 1001, 23 in. wide, fringe all around, $4.50
_ &P t.
Mre. Win. issett s e holiday
with riends in Loudon,
Seafortb, in tewn-Tuesday.
John McIntyre spent the holi.
liNnson. of Montreal, is toe.
_ Miss Helen G. Adam,,of Guelph, is
the rest of Mrs. 11Mottcur this
----.1Eg.Arthuritollina, -of„Bryon was-
th:e guest of his brother, Dr. Rollins,
Sunday. •
-, /1. 8-1811kt tikrAtOrtla
Ing to son and daug
_Adolphus EV*130, of London, is
t t of her parents..Mr.rand Mrs.
Uandson*eittternsin beantiful coloring*, of • Greens, Crimsons,. Two
Tones, and Terra Cott* grounds.' -
Our iiilletimiliclutles the newest designs and colorings suitable for any
Ir.°ffint -selling at 75c. p, Yard- They are equal to any $1.00 QVALITY
sEvatErta glimpse will,convioce, you.
o give •et- V ri U05*Cure the very latest and most exclusive 'designs for this -department.
We -carr e-stock-and•ou v , l-1( 11
raMrWthaTtnri spent
llair...aud4tre,Johis Shute
-at Kir ton,
Mr. T. A. Martin, of Brockville, Was
In town over Sunday, a. guest at the
Central note/.
Mr; Fred Pentode, left Wednesday
foe Chilton where -he will
'719-71E/tssliiiiesestnglitmItic'irbeil and Miss Mess,
of Zorieb; were guests of the Mimes
Hard) lteateulaY.
Mra 4tor„) MoDowell, of _Ittetoweli
-.mother, Mrs. Weleb.
Mrs. 0. Wilson and Wm.Wilson,
Of Woodbern, were. guests ,of Mrs.
Stevtarts Huron Street. Sunday. •
Penhale, ''who' has been visiting
10 London. and St.. ThoMas, Is visiting
friends in town ,prior to returning to
Saturday and Sunday with firle
here, returned to her bolos lisrLooden
Monday. ,
44- 11 I :4,
wias Paneli Purniture Coer1gs 'Table Cover.,
. Ins t osir Stonit In ebbs Dessirt*sust.
vowae C0512
einfi a** tem,
with the ,&110
rrsvlx Pies. Z.Senfort17