HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-25, Page 8iupeu $t. Thomas .* "Virtoria o c'12-4.114* d*o tePirs Aden, Of w perintendent *thou Qiite ors' tbe tntthimu? .zgh of ' 1131,01r • bytertits# 0 , re • h m01004 another. v StrOke of' sison,rtid g ,t and ,e dftyn neighboklflg *441(14474 ciy it 010 or Va. waluswramilMffeTainnen. torreet fabrics. youvalisome-daryiw- - - . raerseveie. A new serial story, entitled "The Heir of as,ritleigh, or The Steward's lion, commenced -10- our7'lest --Issue. This is An excellently written tale and Wilt Prove- interestingfrom start f4 flnisb. Read -it, aii-old man of 73 years of age, died at Victoria liosoltal, London. on Thursday, the victim of an assault which bad, taken place some days previously. . Deceased was a brother to Mr. Jas. SneIJ, Maln_etreety, Exeter. • Thoa. Siiiniey, of Clinton, h** urchased from John Bar, er, • the 'VW* notes and 'reeeipt forms now rot tb!i Advocate office. es tested, glasses supplled. ,satis-, fr000013' .guaranteed. ewers Drug have stiILa uaritity.of potatoes eirt tbeoffibeMin Street A..Q,Bonurn. all the good thin sit Chariton's, Lrc the best cents, in advance, You • . 7 - *Ott utilVue god- • .esnicvnixtute for spritin orniMental _treeAt.._I5 an Ilowey'S drug store. Oared Pain's for sale ranging from Ilicanta to $2.00 at W. .1„ Stathanes 'kr/gory and Confectionery, Exeter. • Te ADVOCATE is the proper 'Place secure Year .printed wedding invi. .1n the very newest styles of nd-workmatis bgb1y1nunr t forward. dealing., Jt is a utee to our customers... . Star is nofaid. iflanyant Baas. All the different preparations facia - Bordeaux mixture' for spraying -trees, currant and Rose bushes, direction* forusing. Sold: by Central DrugStore,/ Exeter. Qrs_eolf -centy by Thoe. terry, and is a partic- nberly line spechnen of a Clyde. It will be pleasing AeiVit to ninny to hear that Rev. and Mrs. Godwin, who have been stricken with severe illness for several daye, the farmer wkth. "Uratlia. are °ay.:air way to recovery,_ 09_1380 'bOth-areyet'Olte 111.7-• ' S. Wilson, General AOtitit and In, tor for the Western Real Estate changerVo4--of---London,--Will-b-e in town and eurrounding country all week for the purpose Or appointing and -inst.:manna ng an --se ng-preperty- in Huron County. See "A." this paper. The Masonic Excurien ' to Godericb -on-july-Oth is navr-an-- assur e committee In charge having re- ceived word from the Grand Mink confirming the date. The rate; how- ever,. will not be 06 and 36 cents as stated Isat Week, the Company having in -nustakeogiven us the Kippen -rate. The farerwdi be Wand 40 cents. e an ard,:Tildnik. D. 110-tUrrUiedon, will it -L -the tral Motel, Tharadlin -June 1st, Jar qdtatIons., Eyes tested and glasaes *it WslJ Moottisti, • - shareholders of the Exeter It Works Co.„, please take notice *111 Wheld Onday. Tune U.*L3o'clock pm in., Town 1304_,-- , T. B. OA'tttnvo, $eer.-Trpati• ----1111tottat'illeottatt-Ptsutsttr- --Itadquar Ordabege, tflower; Stocks, _Verbena, _,Petunsif Daisy,. -da of Bedding rlant& Cal1 . and stock berate purchasing , leave your, orders ear, *-54440 • les ail 'Vary:tees -Aiiiimilsition tetisg will be held at nes% on Tutedey, May Clock p. m.,, for the election pert*nistutfltervanitili t matters of besittem The Virectors are. requ-ested to meet at 10 tk�theenzne President 8. . which was exbib., owe hereon nuts-, . its annual convention next Friday In the Methodist church, Eirkton. A varied and interesting , program has been sent Out. The hot of speakem besides the ministers of the • district, includes the Rev. R. Whiting, B. A., of Toronto, Bev. Dr. Daniels of Lon*. don, and nay. R. 3. M. Perkins, Of Ex- eter. s— A very, beautiful -vestry-Organ- has been purchased and placed' in the Sebool 11_, of the Trivitt Meznorial Chureb.7The ircistrirment is 'in -0 quar- tered 'Oak case andipstsents a -band- some-appearan ovule by the Dominion Oeroperty, Bownianville,possemes a very full and rich tone and those who have tes m "Ifinfir1Z4-1 pleased with it., . Mr. Robt..Miller.of Wroxeter, War- dentof the County- of litit_ton,_zwartin t*n MndayTorthe purpoee 6f In. bridgeio_the_neighbothtxst now In course ..of erection,and * over Which, some difficulty has arisen. He _the_s,t1M-.V1. tity-rto Speektzuwisn&the two drove. tcLth scene of the stork. Tuesda ruornin ey r it mconnect on wit aurnecontract.;„ _ _ _ • Little Willie, , son of Mr. . Charles Birney,-MuronStreeti-inetleitbis ful accident on Monday las at school during dinner hour he was imbing in the *bill And in some rom-otte-4-the- ',Wakes, With the remit that a small bone in bis left *rum Was broken near the wrist. ittlefellowls bow .carrying. e arm in it *ling and, 'it will be 'some time before he has usteof the injured . member. • . . Wm. Sweet, y. 8„ met with a very liiftil-ftecident-an Sunday evening as -e. 'r1Yboi1ron it short trip on hie wheel and as be was ithent .to go over :the ceorsolog near his halite he • loft couttot at the wheel and it header fell head first on the hard road, sustaining IS badly brokennose, and splitlip and he was Others** Shaken no Itrequired several stitchestoclose the Wo •lrt'quest on Monday mien- eit.the Biblical ie ti of King Ed - ii N.rror of Ireland will who attend - week if it la h is aril 25' Riehard Bisett, MjTa .1Innie Pum- phrey,Mr. 11. X. Glanville, Mr,, • ark Mitchell, Obtrke,thet- ertlen• and"Misit Edna Davidson, of Loudon:. Mr. E. J. rogir, of Stratford;• Mr.- Wel*. of St. lobo; the .Misses ibtOr. WiintTon; John Newcombe, of Stratford; Aldewin Evansic,Mrs. R. Alarnes, of Undon, , OsnidaY efoilieot *invention. A.largifts umber of-dellt?ates-sre-eiz, Peeted Rainer next Monday to at- tend,' the iingliotr church, Sunday School Convention for the County of Enron. The meetin will be bola in on 4 Z ri;er, lali;hurcin--lirtirs-everti a -service - /411 b ,11 oe 11 4t, hi ne the ye I tu, ivremir .ntokwebircicrtia The eernion will be preached by the Rev. Dr. Tucker, Secretary of the Mist aionary Society of Canadian. Church. His .aervice wilt 111'700 and a Cordi. al inv4tion la ex n 12.sireess.ta ser May. - The closing -storm period for May is central on the29th,extending-fromth 27th to the 81st. The *torn) diagraini showsthat this rkertolailert 'Arabia: th ercury disturbance, which la central 3 hew- lestial-equatoroorthOtitkan gee on the 29th: Theie combined tufa point to general and •possibly severe • urbencesi„progrestiively- over -the country from west to east, during the last five day* of May. The moat not., elite storms of this period will ..eentre on and touching, the 28th' and, 10th. ' fifthly electrical storms At thJA SeA200 *1124014 IOVArlAblY*050It frOM tbe PAO- sage of the Moon over the celestial and atnairiPluiric unrest and - vete when the Moon apogee and pas. sge over the celestial equator are co- incident, AtallitAY",40104.. • 'A pretty wedding too London. nt fonr.o'etock Tuesday azfter- noon the 'residence of Mi. Ss. Park- inson; go Pall Mall skeet. when Mrs • *irsisterr lities-CCa became the bride of Conductor -- Manley, of the G. T. It. The tereumn was perfornie_CllyR�v.D Djoi aarritecTui fIW D. Ilublatl. of Flint. Mich, and tr Was °witnoeeed-hy—only'-the'hn at .friende of the contraeting 'parties; Behalves; were present from Zia , Tale. , Wilkes r • Exeter,. . „ceReAnony ng room under ple.hlossoms,, 104 t was afterward* plitie In tb�_ beautiful arch of the *residing bre* ed-ou-the1a Mr. and Mrs. Menlo lett on the e ran or og east, After which they will Oxford. "-Lo onfid Was irriiinier- -reit en Exeter.-; - Colpt• „Repre.enat1rea-fronk,4at Prealiyterian, Methodist and naptyst met it) iistexchureh lectintrooml, eiticK on Monday evening, May 150 to inaugurate preparations for the coxn- • naathettornity. at oni,, which are to'be belifiti-Goder. icb-that for Sunda* SchooltiOn umr180041-thei-C.111. convent on the following day, ,It. is prnbabie 'the Morning and afternoon sessions eatirwill be held. in Victoria street cburcb,- the everting .113ettiO0 rto--ktI-t singing. and t.be .folleuring were ap. ponted ousting committees for bil. ting: Knox. eburefi,MISees Pelle tint Strang; North street chueeb Woes Washingtonand MeLselilati;IVIctorle, street, Moue Bale and Elliott; Baptist, Mrs. Robertson and litistalewitt.. The. toted reptsiventatlirea are Ambitions to see tiatee gatherings Most stteeels401, k of the death' nir . 11. ke, of Los. Angle*. Cstl, is for. sldentof Exeter: Angles ting his derislie stay*: tlake, for seventeen ,phy liri In Lora that nothing for a youngman to do in it. Our experience has been that these are usually the ones who refuse a job unless it is exactly suit- able to their taste. Many of them would rather hang around town, or hold a street Corner up all day than enlynt-s-Cirsvotir. On May -24tb,- between Exeter and Creditor*, a pair of riroros eye glasses, attaclied• to-A-chain. Pinder will • Snit* ly rewarded by leaving .saose at Dr.:tutu' Drugstore Exeter. Vste rasigos Mar - , so 'peen in t e - .11toure-.. Orr_ Viiiirefty-- eveang :last and known as "The Passicin Play" •_dmitottlutliaturn graph or moving pictures. and H. eat** on the scenes presented. The illustrations of the -lift, etiffering and death of Christ, of ,the Coronation of 'King Edward‘an4 of Scenes of IrA* land., were, much appreciated by the 'fair-sized audience. Several illustrat- ed songsivere_rendered._ • TPe_fo_tkeslon iloty- win nab) presented in Eaete.r .1 11 1111 liteetiftnincerlitto oir 4 want to spend your Moue where it will do the moa good- Diner Yon? fleing a progressive person and a • shrewd buyer you are always looking for the-bestbargatos-Arcsaf-t-Tora-- - • Therefore -you -would- he -willing to deal With na if you -knew: we Wouldrgive :7you the betit-for the least money *.-- et Near Well then have us- deliver to your , home some of our new furniture at ri • of ar am.... .4 Side'War4gOn-golden-maple,-double-thapedlopyllx.24-mirror„, as low is $8.00 Iledmont Suite, 8 [deco Ooldee or - Mahogany, Oa in: dresser, 10:120 'bevel plate mirtrir.. - .... . ..... — ... . $12.00 Parlor Suite, S•plecea, upholstered in heat veloura.. - ......... . . Slat* Couches. oPb. la -velours* 411 It* 2 hz. 1001, 23 in. wide, fringe all around, $4.50 EVERYTHING 'ass IN COMPARISON‘ ROV7 ON FURNITURE DEALERS. _ &P t. Mre. Win. issett s e holiday with riends in Loudon, • Seafortb, in tewn-Tuesday. John McIntyre spent the holi. izbises.rorovivuotog-td$46trienfl liNnson. of Montreal, is toe. _ Miss Helen G. Adam,,of Guelph, is the rest of Mrs. 11Mottcur this ------------------- ----.1Eg.Arthuritollina, -of„Bryon was- th:e guest of his brother, Dr. Rollins, Sunday. • -, /1. 8-1811kt tikrAtOrtla Ing to son and daug _Adolphus EV*130, of London, is t t of her parents..Mr.rand Mrs. Uandson*eittternsin beantiful coloring*, of • Greens, Crimsons,. Two Tones, and Terra Cott* grounds.' - Our iiilletimiliclutles the newest designs and colorings suitable for any Ir.°ffint -selling at 75c. p, Yard- They are equal to any $1.00 QVALITY la” sEvatErta glimpse will,convioce, you. -ACie-01/11TAINSWCIBITAIN-NATERI40.9. o give •et- V ri U05*Cure the very latest and most exclusive 'designs for this -department. We -carr e-stock-and•ou v , l-1( 11 ratitiord. raMrWthaTtnri spent llair...aud4tre,Johis Shute -at Kir ton, Mr. T. A. Martin, of Brockville, Was In town over Sunday, a. guest at the Central note/. Mr; Fred Pentode, left Wednesday foe Chilton where -he will '719-71E/tssliiiiesestnglitmItic'irbeil and Miss Mess, of Zorieb; were guests of the Mimes Hard) lteateulaY. Mra 4tor„) MoDowell, of _Ittetoweli -.mother, Mrs. Weleb. Mrs. 0. Wilson and Wm.Wilson, Of Woodbern, were. guests ,of Mrs. Stevtarts Huron Street. Sunday. • Penhale, ''who' has been visiting 10 London. and St.. ThoMas, Is visiting friends in town ,prior to returning to Myth. rerkistinottLe Saturday and Sunday with firle here, returned to her bolos lisrLooden Monday. , 44- 11 I :4, wias Paneli Purniture Coer1gs 'Table Cover., Viet . Ins t osir Stonit In ebbs Dessirt*sust. a vowae C0512 undertook eeuatndedwItbsoes.. meetbig einfi a** tem, with the ,&110 rrsvlx Pies. Z.Senfort17