HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-25, Page 7„
PPOS1.4 Soi4iers rowed Tian
,it Until il¼e,„ °net WoUiliti
IIa life. .
Slight 'MS onozy01%001710 de
I -thing thin . field. Tito deed ter
•attered everYithere. and techbd
telle lie own Story.,
Ma y ,of "them lie where they- fell,
k• thQ '14V4a.lati, others have.
t 1ieI , C1T(flt
;Tering, fere IP
• : .-
, 0 t ,ercit
- ery 4
- a
Olr IWO •o ortg,
at W ike::,Seteliette, ,
!Iieeri .adiy flutt.- *tit
vr gtt., tI a. 1ay teeis
to'. live Oyer egitia:-'1 haSei
..eightfi. that wilt -weer be.erased
;Itiee 'of 'tsbitle,'.',1
Wilt; never See'agele. ,•.‘ .`" •
'Petit POnoe. of the staff,e 'we
„ tifieeevei the 'field of the light •for
Untetion''of Likarepu. smalls
from t1n city about
11. • WO? 'here -that the flet t
tyre -mit
rile. Thrf',A., „ereen.
very ",'Cotrineetiatd;
tts hea
was. ..vgr,Yeefleiree, is* much of iteytate
:.with cold See1.-
'bitY0leet;' ; anik‘gheetly
litail.i,e,alieOVerY side. ',1!toltens of ter-
ribly snargiedbodbee. show the wive
/el werk •of the eqiiier hend;:grene
s. it niany 'ea 4\ dead lluWattS
11„8.4 1,14t5
of the en re were,
The fight began on the even -
g Of March 6, when one brigade of
the Pifth. Division. which formed the
• sejefte wino or Oku`ii army, advanced
On the town, which svas held by the
ittISSlatika. The. next clay, after a
• hard fight, ' the Japanese occupiete
• Likainint and d small unnamed. vil-
lage of half 'o. dozen houses sur-•
rounded by low mud walls, just to
the south of Likampu, The • en•tire
riftli Division vas brought up. and
11 «10.11 the Villa 'es and the lino
haute actually closed .on :leach o
:th the'deetli grip.
by the Russian shells, and in them
eon be eeen the halt -burned bodies -of
wounileil men who crawled there for
shelter only to mitet death- in an
even more horrible forte.
We -rode rapidly through- the
lage, for the sight Was not a pleas-
ant one. Great fircii were burning'
on every side. for the Japanese were
at work cremating their (Riad, and
(PG* hart' tO the estir
beet Oleg. ithetracti,on of .tl:so„
tefetretll to, 410.400 Cie .
et. per wand.
IY.11$ AZsTf!, 13.1.nitEN.
flij0. is ot iteelf **„,,:ory and.*
pest:ilea ° Ortrat4Pg tkeeibarreil text. Ilut leek. itt it
.. •31A#'1F. t14,?4) aP0fl. the structure • I
COUple wal bo ,¶unip&11c4 tO
1 ' mie otlier,t1.ce than .ta
4. '
li 0' go
44 . ta1 itOkl '00-4, ' * r chit?'.
ir 0,, .1* -.4
th .4, t .,;)t,h!'iiiieise'iii: ,
Eo argues., • ,
oi 54°001, i Of ew- Ork .5,:tate,
41(.° 'l'i, Ptitaiili0 '.10, the
rtillaber of fitti, `Pairitiear, *le
„ .•
• ae„
ed Stitt tie
Mir &sirnrt
• -1' P40. `213
''e: .415,1;* 'be.'..'" ..
Unite teiteS,.'-',.. n , 4 • if.
. .,
trade the ntOrt ,floey- , _ter este
ke V414o at linfliilo 'thfring • ti, titriod,
ntlil$F•;: . tiOt ONI , itAlt*" e '..,,cif fOrt,y., ,„yearti., afford '04,400i VAlYie'
.--.tr, .allIV:CigUIR' "r;irliPill*IH6 ' ':'. 111%441" rat"I'lleik l'it . :CEIT'An.14144 ..60.,N:...S'.4Al'iT. ' ,
bo jatiged frettn, his, word.. ‘\(
Them are „... i
=--,.., ,..p_Aivio's..7m4=-_---- r (-7,..-itir t y .i., ,t,,.„,(A
d the
el a elE_-....9Li iltiotlangfer 111":"fteLork-,011Q in Eri
a tializeeLl ,heyeetheeinilew of stream
e eanals width' may regarde
carrying e them:NM round the cliff by the Falls, so •" that the figura..., which
wine, other means, or dischargingehas teen generally accepted -and lies
them by *linnet' late the lace of thelenteeed intp. the calculations of the
Pails pear the ba.4e. • - 'engineers is 224,000 'cubic" feet per
This will he brought about, he be-leeconil.
ieves; -through '014e -operations of -thet Now., as =less Alian- .one.foartli-
peteer companies which have been the total veltube of waters pours
granted franchises to utilize , the 'down the American channel and the
channel le ntuch ,sraaller than the
other, it in at (MCC OVidelit. that tft0
abst cacti° n s of water , lei II make
theinselVef5' firit 4PM:rent in the
shoaling of the Anterican channel.
for the production of electri-
the odor of buerting human flesh ad- c!ty.,
The 11SO Of Niagara Waters, he
ded . a nese horror to the already says, for power Production lies been
long list. the 'amain of Wars atect_itta earlieSt
And remember th t th onlY
lagfieletlf „
ut this lino was a vital point"
the Ituesians, who were protect -
ng the retreatof, the main army,
for .from there the Japanese guile
-could reach the Alukden stations' and
counter -.attack wee ordered, .Tho
eeiane--ewere- reinforced- •until their
Orbe .amounted to them
threo times as many men as the Jae
had. , -They desperatelsr at -
the line. and re-occui led the
• lages. They didn't *We the J
• panese out. "for wite.n they occapie
esseeeetb. leseillsigen--there-were-no-Japan
Unnamed Village Wes held by the
-ThirtevAhlrd Itegitriente but the Itus-
" fire reached the village
• from the flank and the front, tilid
• the regiment was annihilated.
In -Likampu itself the Japanese
were unable to stop the Russian
reesb, but. they defended every mud
Wall and every house and met the
enemy with cold steel in the streets,
h their a .onets,
-telt along it line 100 ales Item they
- Power & fanufactur1ng ‘o., whose
are lying, though not so- thickly as
exieteneeests an active censumer ' 01
they are in this cornfield. Niagara water antedates t8 statu-
• • y recognition.
... PE.IirreaT
rorty Yeasty- -After---the---
Tragedy On the
-....Assaesequel-toesene-offf.thes _most
ver enacted n
thir slippery mountain stages sof
Switzerland, scientists are Confident
that the body of Lord Fronds Dou-
grew will be-delivereet-up_hy_the _fam-
ous Zermatt Glacier within the next
feiv weeks.
. Forty -years ago, dr to be exaet.
on July 14, 18654 Lord Douglas -lost
Ilia life during the ascent of the Mat-
t•crbornr-tlie Most perilous 'peak of
the Al s. Destpite it careful and C4111. -
f g
he ol ct i• e'•
QM tnis-liffet--irawlpt.jeet et th
fighting you • will be able to form
sorae slight idea of the sighte • we
Mt/ when we rode over the, field this
morning. The wounded had all been
removed, the dead were just being
collected. On that fieid in front of
e„e- Teed,les,e_Iluesi: an. an d Japanese. in in-
extricable confusion. Hundreds , of
I '
• * •••
The Legislature of New York bo -
r b tO Power
Sijes about teventyeyea,rs age.
In moat eases no limitations were
-placed-either -on the power to be pro-
duced or on the water to be
received the favor of ivirantleise. and
-of 4beise „mils .two -are '-un4
ow r n mel : the I_ jimara
Falls Hydraulic Powerand Manu-
facturing ComPany and the bliagara
Falls PoWee-Ciamprilw, And -they -are
r within their statutory limi-
tations in the consumption of wc-iVer.
Citizens of Niagara rails who
have the cataract daily before the
eye insist that- the loss of wateris
perceptible, and that such lois is
telt In other Stays is eeeh in tbe now
annual • gorgitig, of the ice in the
a -considerable fortune. no- teace
of the rioble victim was ever found.
The entonibing .glacier 'has kept' its
secret welt.
During the pita forty years, how-
ever, a huge mass of ice has been
descending' regtilarly a.ccording .to-
iteiral_ laws. The exertion Where
the English nobleman tell is -now
en feet n
soldiers were at work on the field accessible to seareh. dt is believed
4 $ I
a .ering up e a men 11
• 1 course, the Russian, toe. Any
seri tion of this Seelle that I can
. write will give but a faint idea of
the horror of it. It would require
thee pen- of a Zola to do it justice.
icture to yourself et simare mile of
—41 -ittThi1WL
its centre. •Satter over this field
the bodies...et 2.000 dead soldiers
- jfl *-they tcI1e in. • horribly grot-,
aqua. at*ttlidee
moneithem I -dace severarhinidred
t e are laid mut
rt_rjews, record, made of their „name
. and eannilands, iiitd rleirat i four.d
I .--atter rifle's and amrntrniticm,
of clothing and equipment.
Water bottles and haversacks and
-14004 bandages. Add to all this
;the-mpiadS digging waves for the'
flu/Wan* aeld the funeral_ pyres of,
• tto Japanese, ond you have it faint
idea of What the ecerie was like.
Ifere' you have war in all its
:g4,httitt1y horror. 'fere is what war
really Ix, here is that which, if all
worldeoul4 sce it, would make
L*ok at ibis figure. Itetlegs are
stretched apartlb; ftrii19 are
ted to r Ard the sky. The mouth
opOfl, the eyes staring. On the,
at �t the dark tunic is a dull
stain. Yet this woe once it butte.
areoir llussia someone is,thiteliing
0 1110 to -day. Someone la praying
for his sarfety. Anil here he lien be-.
--Malt the turret
Set Which your horse shies.
1Tere is another, stlso it 'Russian.
shot tlireugh the right breast. The
itpper part of 11h; .totly is bare and
first-ald, bandage has been roughly
right sidce, pressing hie shoulder
:to the ground to ease the pain. while
'left. hand cluteltes tine itloolly
baudege., Ife is young, his beard le
fair„ but ott the dead faC0 there is
• art otprotsiere of nttcpcakable , anguish,
UNTO/S0 A(1 ON17
4 •
BeitiSai..,Sitel ',that?
odS•° iit• *Vatter Ot te.
sit etet only eo. only will the
diatt p et-ottco undertake the
letter, to almost see"?'
af tlw giobe; it also gUarantees
to keen tatk of it.
tr In;Or,4?) kr. 4) Say'
.rirnr , ,
.V41i) 19,. (4,)(-4if" -11"
it t ure, '.
0 '-• ..ttet
• l
LO, / 8 ' atite fi::::cr.,..:
o.,,wrimt.ii ' .,
tu'''t, i , eVaseil.,,the,,, Catwfia,
,ttenta lot the lcittets1
e ,tbroaki., It Is afrOld perhapa,
,f the oVererrierally-, lattitS 01: inariy
outside ',1-0-Ples4e Nor is it ...aittegetker,
to be c Rented for thie.relucteneil .to
irtre1r re ft
:Cr: .4 18
-'---tenepetent hydraulic eaginter,
takiug the -setepted volume oft .the
thelength of the 'entire • crest,
of the *Fails' on both sides, (4,070
feet) and the differenee itt elevation'
of the sill of tile Falls, has calculat-
ed that when the• flow is reduced to•
1-84,000-euble leeteeeeeeseeonde-orebev
00 cuelc feet, the.,7-it-T-ta er wid-he
uown10- the lir agent" iliace:bottota at
thft edge 4:ILA/le Americanarceree-'°-
Let ono -little more ofthe water be
4.08 LI
4 *4
4:4 IL
cittree 1712C een
Goat Island...Which lays bare the
American • channel; sends all Its
water to Canada, and whiCh ve'ry
rarely haPPerted wheit the depth of
the water waii normal.
'The two active American cent-
paules. re,notegoingetoetise-anyeleis
w ter t tan but ere vigorously
increasing their output and -biiiidiiiirTIEE'EreitIVS---EXPENDI--
n w power houses to meet their . AND RrifENUE.
ro a
ing mr ete—rtadeestreotrers-iir •
them, realizing its dose approach to Ratnification of the . Canadian
statutory !traits, has established it- Post Office -New Guarantee
self on the Canadian side. -These- • stet
buried will be in e perfect state of
Ow July 14 Edward Whymper and
Lord Douglas and the six other of
the party" reached the summit of the
"On the return,!' says Whymper,
"Michael Croz had held aside hie axe -
and. in order to give Iladow greater,
security, --w
S eg�aifl pu• t ng is feet one
by.eorte pato titeite.PrOPgreleQuitiens;
Suddenlve-ffadow sli ed and fell
age nst Cruz, knocking lin over.
“I heard one startled exclamation'
froire-Croleestudee here .sawAtinv--and
owfl Witwa . n an-
other moment 'Hudson was dragged
from his stepe.seie Lord Douglas im-
mediatelY afterehoint. All this was
-the -work-of a -moment- Upon -hears
iig Croz cry out old Peter at
planted oureelvi'ei as firmly tii the
rocks would permit. The rope was
taut between us, and the jerk came
on 119 110th as one rnan. We held.
the rope broke midway be-
twe• en Taugwalder and Lora Doug -
°ter -ibilbrItifitite-letiltireiniting
downward on their hacks read
spreading out .• their hands, endeav-
oring to rave themselves. Thier pans -
will 'be dry. That is, in effeet,
"double the eineunt of 40,000 cublc
feet:- -6.-iRt *lien 80-,600' ctibic feet
a eti-iiirarfirotriWire-
sent flow the Canadian ehannel -will
the American Falls Will 'be wholIy
gone, -
The two American and three' Can
•adieu colimanteS eow in, operation
about to operate, when producing
to their:charter limits will abstract
48,000 cubic , feet per • second. That
amount Will bring the Water level
i.,•=4 4 •
American shore.
Dr a!i4k
taxation of the .poWex drawn from
the, Falls4 not for the sake of reit-
MAX*, but for protection.
, .
two companies are permitted to con-
sume the ' following amciunts of ' I was ,ft favorite saying of Sir
water: Walter Scott, the novelist, that he
0 t
sigtiment Of letters, eaelt -silk. a
thousand dollar .4note inside; tape
tured in mid -ocean. 'the post-oilice
Is too- considerate of .the country's
erests to lay itself (mea to such,
Theiegh4 mayhap the day
II come when it can safely do. so;
that le, -when other nations, haying
learned teem Canada's example, the
glorious principles of itietiee and
honesty, shol, I have ceased their woe
quisitive habits. But, alas. that
day is not yet.
of its contente, up to and in:tutting
$25, guaranteed., This came into
force only last months. Progress is,
therefore, you see, being- made in
the right direction, and you Only
need to wait for a little until this
retrieeLown.lation atlibrioli7ostrOa_t_ aulntrotohe. calm -
'As may be imagined, from the
fact of the remilleatione of "the pos-
t .system being so -extensive. it
a es snore than a del
p the wheilae. of the lioste-0 co
-froniesquenkinge •Cin linaring—the-
TorOnt0.11'.1:1kAer 23. -lit'lle*,t;;;toitaer.:,
re Still. being made at 93o to 9e0.. .
• s.oln,0 441:leS Of No. 2 red and /6:1:044,..,.:
, o o ed '- e lee'
0 ,!ionlinal *t
: . is 11rrn't...
ti. ' ' Stlot- . 2
, tie .
o et lier Ctrlt..
.0 to 4,45 buyeysi
for ' ,* Oa, , , .,
. .-. ' ..4.4,„
' t,
bkcr7 ''' ' •
PartrIttQ, '
.. il ';#
n. '• eie$17;50:1 ' t 4
, . ., .
1. Oh. ..., , • ,‘1. .hrten, and (, $2� fur
hortij ,4,t.t Torontn4 equat'potottip, ,
terle-Y.e..45e fOr. 14O-;:"., 2, 43c for _„$,o...*,,'
ZI ' tree :'4ettl, -,43,0:,,j1or. O. 1,!. Iii0,1410.g-
o .taido. Toronto freights.,
1,04.Ye".X1-2re to..._ for II°...,..1 r.,01)
titstdo . .
4, _,
4 .
11 g ts aerican-Na., Yellewe
het triette.Se9eUe.„_09 c. o. 3.vellow
on tra.cli Toronto.
.Oatise---39e, to 40e west and -40c --to_
41:c east.
Rolled Oats -$4.35 for cars of
hags and $4.60 for barrels on track
here; • 25c more efor broken lots here
and 40e outskle.
Peas -689 to 69e for No. 2 west
and east and 70c .for
Buckw1ieat-59c to 60c east orel
-ix e„ s1Is aro quoted . at •
C,rearnery, prints I9c to 20e
do solids 18e 19c
Dairy lb. rolls, good to
• choke „- . .17c .461.8.c
•do large rolls 1.5e 16
do Medium, 15e
Cheese -I -New is qu-ofe-d.. at 10:c to
late- ter -large and- Flo -tor tides. -
Old is trnchage< c oiT�and 12e for tWItifi.
' prices is un-
cliEagnggeds-rThate-14racutgoe 1o5cf ; with the bull;
theeealeleheingeenteleeat-141n „tee
_Poleiters-Ontario are quoted at
60c on track stild 65e -to 75C-S-,nt
iirol.11-Ziaraii:-`45M"fit"1-trre. It it--Mr7Ossmes
to 75c out of Store.
ueyeeterices are uncliaagetra
$8.50 to s9 per ton for No. I tine- -
.$7 for mixed glover on
nCar lots on track
heroeaki eadhS
quoted steady 'at. $6 • per
17 16
inclined to ray that quite 4.1.44pal-
tity of *oil re:Loire: enough; I in
leer, -10 bill' ther-wildest storm „the
Athantic has ever seen, or even to
fill two or 'three tinien over one Of
the great lakes.
Thee isalways the worst of the
rublic. as the contractor said when
criticimn was passed on the,rarlioxis
he was getting for the seveme-at
o he li 4 etet they want every-
1Wforlitithitrge. u
• Ofittl Mkt 1,114I_AMPA ...'14.41u114,...-
htiodScolfte one. vize .341.540.84,
or, roughly speaking, something less
thin a doliar per capita ot the popu-
lation ol the Dominion.
Let not, hewever. yotie tear carry
you isivey; It -le -true- that. the BUM
mentioned is much in excess of/ tha
of the ihrie-rt
likely to increase bestettil of Menth-
e . 9 6. t.) ye
expenditure-1or-1902-3. liute even -
then the country is not the loser.
It 'Is gainer. --roe `the revenue
stands at, $4.652,824.74, which gives
a surplus of $304,783.90, not at alt
insignitleaet sum to have on I led le'X'IVlieel•Iy'teisests:'-piieeeeeieets-reevtretneteea.-„ueatt-eeeit4ioute4earrni
Manufacturing Company, '7.700 cubic sonwthing froin him, liowever unlet -s-11 111116116-fiiiing
. biregain day.
feet per treconde Niagara Palls Pow- tered rum ignorant the man might on
ex Company, .8.600 culiie • feet-- per:Mee Wen in tlie West uninterestin etra:4;0y enough, the only lass the
iti ice-stistairtedeewase met
soniething to attract. and inetruct. nethe richesit-dhrtrict-o
abstracted by these • Government , reports; are Proverb-
Dorainion, namely" the Yukon
, • trict.. The leseienee frinn that emion
In no stoner Weifc talty-edry; No -orreesecraidethirtlee — rt e
• ;
iffrniir-trfirlir-tirtlet "ti
a va a s are hour. nor would a man
going on a holTday dream o prov
seetabeat .ot...theinsto
usual -the
per basket or allowed to lie on the
shelves of some Government ,
without any interference with „their
The water
(am nice is-
4. 4.8 •
the- amount w ter taken from the'
river. • .
el; witers
tvhere these two coinpanies have
their ..intakes to the base of the
cataract isapproximately 41.24 feet.
far beyond „the, working poisibility of
The turbine 4)11. TFte.ourritsli tif
Weft' at the base of the cliff near
the bridge anchorage.. is the
charge of the great turneleof -the
Niagara "Palle Power Cotripany,
which IS the tail -rare from the wheel
pits far back up the eity and far
above tile rocks.
But, nevertheless, governntent ret
ports, hiswever. littla-they -may ap-
peal to the average man, contain
me interesting matter; and nmtter
,a1so that no man can afford to dis-
rgerd4 should be have let heart the
Pieper ---..-- -anagemtnt-- or govt,
On the Canadian eide the -activity eftnr- Aartilrtilk go'vonnient eeperee .esee
. •
In the erection of power works has of ,tht. I. ost.00ke is perbave ee
been more strenuous. Utter devas- I
------ tatioe of the natural .. beauties of greatest import from, it pUblie point
ed (roue our sight uniniured, (heart -
Queen Victoria, l'ark, the demolition of viete. Upori the post-cifilce prae-
peered ape bisorte and fell from pre- .
great glacier. 4.000 feet lielow. • titally depend our Cotutnercial condi-
(Spice to precipice, down to the of ieleside. and 'creeks, the excavation
• For more than trr(!) hours we lion. Ih'otzld it be 'possible, tor eie.
or t he rock sarface to the totnplete
ohliteratiort of well-known land- "Vie' tor " to ear Gill biLt;iirs5
ment to be our laet. Eventually we
we. iiiiirk., feio, b The accompartie without come means tor, the emit,:ce."-
. • 0 era -
who leen:tined evporterl every
did what should have been chine in letters? Could COMIUtree
molts of the unparalleled' °endeavors laiRe° 0f
the beginning, fixed ropes' exist in its prekent state were the
co the and acliievelelents here
Whoever has visited this part of
firm rocke and began slowly *descend- the Falls region since the beginning
IME cip, Erit2__F. UNP- __
,\ot 'these gigantic operation* has
tiS. and- Crescent Island, and wlia
must, have sceine41 to hint an inex-
tricable cheos of rock excavations.
of switches and sitliegs, of tem/01- and permatent reinmettnetienti i
orfusien • worsz, confounded hills cent -
rented hint.' . T -A
conveyance of letters; dependent upon
Ovate alcssengeis, its wait the case
century or s6 ago? ,
edit hardly imagine what
untry, indved, the world, owe o
blue.cgatezi mart who 0 I
ee for (Air. anathanas fo?
Ir4gs, Oitvering anr lettere,
thristu:as , 1;ox we give •
d' 12. Klitninate .bim fro,
-enotny or the couarv
•ft ,barrki wiilderwss, *it
I'Soure hourS la er we orris ed a
the. =ow "on the ridge &wending to-
ward Zermatt, and. all peril was
over. We freoureigly loce,ed, but in
vain, for traers of our‘ unfortunate
compensate. We bent over the ridge
anti cried to flyer, but no sound te.
• Vorevelleed
iteetione-of- threetivei-ttie
IS unotherthis time it .ta.• were nvithor wit hie sight tier hear-. acres ofreek, over which, the river
leLloot 19 bare • attd ing, we ceased from th, useleesef has tiocred for ors ' in teantiltoon4 tree a sing* oaeie. at which hwttan
4j it rekairgTherhie right torte, and, too (aet) down •rlor eirwrgy have bek-n far the r,rst time bacg coikl rerre:-,h himself.
Ind;poi cap plainly .we thc4,t speech. ,44,th• rcqf UP' our, ef- ,01-11'0gC11 tO 'the eye of and the The ipeq...ottee tolinets ust wtt
dragired tilong for feefcp tote, ftfr th. iot 111411; *MI tlght of the er_elte •
doren' witqlsk. Then ,cattto
Unilet Which pasned through
hutd and fie deSte
te front; ot the little mud, 'wan
t ,do.7en Ittissittni'. their riflee
nt 0
" rot -10'11y
rkst .on
coiripleteil the deecent." • GREA.Tflit CON,SUNtiOiS. '
• . l' .
In all the Yeare that 'have elapsed'
sinte this` fearint triigedy thp exnet 1 The throo Canadian, (oniPattio14
spot where tho tod!„5- of Lard rrotris , to '110 greatcr torM..4mtr4 thivn ,.
uglas found • a retthg pheitt AncrieanThey are the finest.
II in bin:hand
shattered by
,zit Ist.pierred lie)
'The ,tort wound
<Tar;tI 0,114 thl
the rinits1 Show
he little if
oliellS lle-. . dealing with $50,000,000 Iv beittl,
4.", (1,,tt COUtOit.04.1" 114,10' 144 relatives,. was o,
& snow Gritrittby ---s,
trtiglitinli l)titeher's • rill-
elY pivutiro vilko Wetit tO ittoolott '''s,ixty
bl,'" /est* 11402ptuticaliY Petwillttok!
)(Hee Were tatind tbo next .tnorning,
4,004 feet below the spot from Which
they hied Owes:it All Alpine tour-
istslmay set their graves tit. Zermatt.
Men A lltVellatt.'
n. the millionaire. *hose 'will
whnip, world. lt is staid of. the
vitt:JAI Army that tk its means
'ost .frieetts ran be; traced it ttre
riboVe gritufei ,irt ittay .part of the
Id. It It!ay tO tiated 'of thti Carte.
sf40tTC41' tha TIC thO 11
lo topro-
are stiottcl essioiy
Ile ger.ius that hes ft.siired thc•rt
t n Niagara, Power Corn
tally has:tt ter,v linit .of con-
)11)til,14 of Obic feet per tee-
cubic feet rr
Toonto At Nietqara (.74m
II lc,
f "fttst ptr
ot tIft
a bete, postai eon to th n Is npbc
olcals In its, vim
ths only plata; rid
and it '
t tne
*hilts, of
ro. thstoftb
eependiture was $1 1 9,tap,00..
the mii1t1-millienaire4 of the Y
• --sludildspaye.:ateleaTte$3.-
p_1hey hey? Their dollar
after all iV•equivalent to tri -0 cents
belonging to a inan of ordinary in-
310/iTRE,AL -3/Artic1irS.
and steady at 444e for No. 1,1 oars
ttraiiit 4neeeformAeIce.,,,-2,—Other— -
grains are almost entirely neglected. •
Millfeed-$1 per ton lower, at 418
to $19 per ton 'tor Manitoba bran
In bags, and $20 to $21 for shorts.
Ontarbe brim, in bulk, is *18.50 to
$1.0. and -shorts $2,0 to 121 a tbn,
mouille. being- $21 to $28 per ton.
Flour --Prices for Manitoba flour
S.5711:r20-per-b1trrt4e be
bags, for streng bakers', and VI. -
4,0 to 45750--forepatents,-----tentario
flour is $5.50 to $5.60 for winter
wheat patents per barrel, ands$5.15.
toe -$5.25 for -etratight -rollers, "while
bags at $2.45 to $2.65.
Ilar--Prices are steady at $9 to
$9.25 for No. 1, $8 to $8.50 for
ts. 47e50-toreeke..-
abd $6.50 to $6.75 for pure iieeer.
Rolled Oats -Quotations are $2.15
tcL. P.'241 per bag:•
per -bag.
Ileans-Cheice primes, $1.70 to
I 4• .4,4:
:Wm rEELg Tazltvz;
t cut, $16.50 to $17. American
eareitttepoik, wieesea„_:_seee.. -.see
to le; Ceueadiatt lard, 61c •
Nan Who Has Ilhx.d the 'Ex-
-- -- paritaireee
It is during Hie 'hret two days of
hunge,r that the sutterings of a
strong and healthy man are most
seeatieselefe,Jedistieerilinatei ans.
speakidife craving let thiFstornac
aight_atnt_day. on the_third
th and.
fourdays thie incteeant
gives place t4) ft sinking 'weak -
nese of the storimeli, atecom rded by
nausea. '
'Should lie chance to obtain a mor-
sel or twe •of food he swallows it
with a tr9ltih 'avidity, but live Mine.
utes. after9411
ward_ his 1D-wing:go are
motire inteeste 'than ever. elle feels ft9
if he had -swallowed it living "lobster
which is clawing and feeding upon
the very foundation of hie/existent's.
On the fdtit day hie cheeks
i only appear hollow and sunken, hi
oy en a Cu
and his eye" w glassy. end c.
balietic. The dir!erent poets of
System , now war' tithe meltether
The- etontach call4 upon the legs to
go 'with it- in quest of feed; the lege,
!Cfrom tieeatir.ves, refust,.
ortth flair bringq
creased Gufilering. although the -Ai -asp
Of hutzgcl. are lost in rat overroteee-
Ing largeor and siettnesa. -head
beenmes'dirzy. tho gliostu of Well -leer
teeteheeed , tlineers pas in hiecous
proces6iiiit through tIO mini!: • .
'The seventh day comes, tebving
twixasing lessitud, and turtter 'pro-
ation of s,trk=ngt1-4../ 'the arm:, Iiltng
istlesslY, the legs- ltttig, Tb,e.
to 7:c; kettle•ren ex
according to quality; • hams, lelcr
bacon, 13e to 1.4e; fresh killed abate
toir hogs. $9.75 to $10; 'nixed. $7 ,
selects. *7.50 oil cara. - -
Eggs -Straight stocic. 15c to 16c;
No. 2, 12c to 131c.
Itutter-Choiee creamery, :1„Sle to
191e; under grades, 17e to 18e;
dairy. 16e to 16:c; rolls, 15:e to
Cheesee-Ontario, 10e to 10Ic; Quo.
- •
BlA gal°. May 23.-F1our--Pirta.
Wheats -Spring, nothing done; whack
active demand; No. 2 red, in mtere,
$1.014. Corn -Strong; No. :3 yel-
low, 5.No. 2 corn. 57:es Oats -
Dull; No. 2 white, 35e; Ro. 2 mited,
, 33. Farm! freightg-Vnehatiged.
' 4,500 ROYAL ROOM.S.
The Winter Palace at St. Pe rs-
burg IC the largest building
lilurore. It wa4 bcui bv I'eteeethe
and is lit* It .in red n1stene
ontainsrthe tint StatercItUS, Bee
it4 thee statorotrnie 1 00
her rooms. Ihe /Inperia
are very 'large, and wile Ts;
lairiedthat one of the root/Nee-Nei
at:gze eece$017.17-). IT)1711-ri noirtal&"
1 4"1ifEW 10-k.trirtiugw
nItt6del.deaThIsilliraof lts
be zag-
nlit41, anil bere the lloyal thildrcn aro
nght.•\5tod ac soMetitno joined
theiseleesen5 by cousins Or triter, .
A -
o '
iU .o proo
hbot ele tax c
outh coos
It has a pa f
'e averst
the libt
it 42.4