HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-25, Page 6t b fcInetI eeie•-• ivan burst ehrase *sit Pi • Jert e, t. AndvousLj," lea cried; hut your Imeincss0 turn* Out tO be o gravOt that Vo MII•St u no' taOre. • Wa aro SO ealilte, wo.:thiet 'tt'o 414.41 gamo 917, Ir&t9%d wk eltit% eith/0 'flCOMPan o iind demo. / eeticl "It WAS • 4:0,17 heard." be NIgh•ed. into. his asat, • 'Vane' brother.* nbed yOU 400114 'ot beep voice as 'he wank back 'voice? les Lone •,..e.e,, Pi v b u • :eleselti 113 ti his',1114.1,41,-, ,. '; It 0.pkft.• '• ,akatiationt tn. ' '. • 1,4,1tot Ulm ,...., -Wprk 4te, • : , , . Ait--.,t4,1411,9). , ,:,:wi-disf':,.,or . nvan, itoNv ,.i.s. 04:1,y, grat,itude'll.s..., ' u'i14i1 , 0.,$5ildo tp.. pis; 'itt•d thcriiq,e(ItIg4:0,09.`4,it.rOcr:•` 31110'..V;t4qUt neet.1$ fet,s"Put'Ot the. qxte tiOn enttc,;4054s,13))CpA4 • IVO ,0410'• '4,VOnAtin,' te110ft ey ',Se ,th, ''' praY' • • cantirreelWe.; 4,1,r1 S4 talttatIthflet thenhands ,of •beiliefuirtese, UI4.41 :1'. ' . •itertlee4s: eVert.fele'thiese. *het taiietlee 441 that, '.6'Inilile. 'On ...0rrail.14.' or- hinfin'Z .it rayei. aPpliVaide 'oillyithe ±0 auettlee'theiregyol that lo.tnc oat •kia ' MIA. the retitiso- e, •tc,:f'ren' it it ' We. .elitter, their 'eare that lietCri in. •syrtre preSaible •to .ithey' the ctAtentand in . the "PatbSt- ' • ' ' - ' ' n ' 'ordinary' sense it is doubtful 'whether -Pro:tale I'3 an attitude' rather thole iziw n e e ' i ' me . lov, not notat. in • ilepaitts • 1., e), • ' - 44-4t4* . ' ' e„..............' 1.1Lentit,,- t' it tetit,eaeaine r • • It la aot:stxange ha fl 30S lave 0 r4c. 4, 11 tksC 41 i . ,_ \ _._ _ '0 away ,frern the practice of I 'as much tuareet tart Wtion . .is as tnit '1 1:14 -:•'•Eng) . \t•iglIt•ie wel)ttt• .11 iethanelleseetsedalee . lit'Seree.„ 61- its meaning is eve nee rayere are•-7-5)77-0•iiirkei- with the modern, conception of life., lie letters of a friend are, to Once prayer meant the sealing of the; of that friend. The. 'eve eyes and ,the ears to the ecenes. and witheut ceasing; the pray .... -the sounds- - .-61: this. life- that ' - • •*-- • e. . '-int---igliqf-a• ---14 Wight •gaze upon and hold conmitat-lenee of, theknowledge Of, h c iOn with those of another world. It 'God 't • . , i meant, too, 'alinest exclusi,vely • the GOES ON 'WITI11/IlT C.YEA act of ardently petitioning heaven . :, ' ie tor the things that ope could. not ' I rayer is art atmosphere, arid often 'would. not got for biraself. a eteiond. add higher nature Ilut life- today dare riot, ihut .tts• a life that in itself is One eyes; it counts it jet sin to ftpiore title' 'broken petttien for h•i•s like . tulti,stiLlife.) -,. It will find • expressien In so, ,tall, anti of soldierly world. of need -and 6111 Vell 1014 the Wiii not be limited to "'t' hi. foreigner; the deeP coi- *port hearing; an and re a slight disguise'. fa.lse pess- -et s. (Ind -presto/ we are in 1St. c , these things •'.71ten. Met.' more than a God without in what • wa ging*? In w I. . lit 1 ialft , ,417'.4.Ovii;,.0,1liaho lA04,k stingtitg, the, * '!" *- it, *lioWei ale , ..e• Zeit:tr.:101 V. grOalke4t . •• „„ , out Ati It di ctitlit-pol, '.,a‘v$ Int,:, 4,,.-; ")...f :1'..‘,'itt3'*v'((t."',.,i x , ittit Viiliep 1u it 'a . Anfirt:)4§" ) . fe. listeii '1(1 ller . ernA'3,, lalien •iVith *it'. Gievitinai"a' .NiTO , , )4tpxo #141,t'i, . sOROP-,ruge.grok4 atif,l'ila%le, ot iiir,luto, till.,-,41t6rill'and-,that• enY.beathee.' , a .pe,11.0elvan- eyea.•41nipieloi' et, -Wei 104 .that 'iS. '‘viity'',,1 'lied to Sratt. 'Frenchmen who onerged "" pttetteeditYl eterVe le ,etron;ger, my ' hated Swat), -front the little ieetaarant across the' than '• his.,• You have had ,falhares -*erre ',I riirh VerSt $, ,)11411' 'tttsteil031 for yOtl?'.- 'It s t right it 441 atOrt thent, urelti,e, "Bush! Would you give hipal tO the hangenitn? Listen. Vern; xij- thing con isalkve intl. Even did YOtA tell thane, am still guilty in the • nut X atn, ' 211,, . • i tetPAY. s • ' "thiirg-tlovvr , happy," •,(ak ttappink'i.e. it •,Peter.el *07-dtieeeirgfil. Xeciii- 4,41.4, 1 ta tonl,tter'rett briU•i' if is Anite'•fiaria to: PelOhihtt)).41,* • -;01)1!i)f, 7' 'write to Ivan 7tiArOff-eitela .Ite t • s'•.1:t; tlite;V•ritl,*41!Ittet. (ri °etre" 0.3toPP-0, irrQuA •c4r,i '• i»t I 'klereal thee; lid nO Inge Jsi. looked. rottnd and Iliad; lar ic was iho ,,mss of a: In. ft, in hikns hiunenktl,4e. 14°attonwar Vit4lits• fie hitetber'ii voice! ' had! tiot will ik dreaming; he had:heard' It, felt ti wht) nevr; stbc° °I°1'°•" e. . le AM. fn prise xarswayere they, laughing nbout the play folth hande, 'shut Mi Pant re 'err' thUndered someone at . fed , the love 1 thia • --, . fserLF it:SW"--4S-rte'11,11,erttF• e . the peace thought 'or -his, ownistudent -trays. He Wets- tire ' active beitexe-dozoil soldiers seized him; goes on hard lot that cruet -night, and groan- ono -thou $0 bcddo o • ilerY ill l'I'w flung hint to the floor, and bound I I slightly as he :tramped on, and i great ranee. ,that hes made himeelc a hine hand and foot: le etres-ileft the narrow street deserted once' name which still endur ei " , Not so rough, please with my e. • The chnreh Clock . • • was striking too well ' knowue hour can he . ent.er e4Yes-e--yeae"- retorted- IVa114' !:.-110_ la young -frieetd. It was "IL Andr ti- e love Or ,cignin. ski • who spoke. "Lift him up and 1 SIM1 • eleven when a WW1, ette de up to a sttlissinr' "How can 17011 enter it, then? Are a habit, large, old-fashioued Ito tSti and ere . „,i .itk ill, kneeketi, welted. tau lously rolma you not so 011;0 But there will be lonai un_ to see if he had been followed, fie little ditileulty; I assure 5.ote. We nese, and was a young malt a twenty-five or shall trae'el as father and on. he little 4Dr hi* ::::1-1:7irk 4.1.4:47:44c-outit- 0144 - "L-11-te• 149 ter cap draw,n low down, eo that ill ei'it . eer Ire,........._ .....ae, be seen. Felloti-Altife; we ere men now. -7.iry brother's ardor bats .cooled----" , The tempest raged so furionsly that "Po yolt tell me he is a traitor'?, 1 e kaoeked thrice before his smile is lucity 1,•oti are an old mad': are not. . • father; witch a life will involve the "Ice' '07.'111TAP3i* ts aulernaking of requests and the, gr.lantirtV: !getting of gobds from, ot them , but such things will be cely labor Or' compensation •i.'.,„, , ,' I not essential. to its eom- does it dider front be- t *""'"'en‘414' at way is the man ,,,,rhn amnion. I iving with dual a father i we shall tell him all eine needs, de- it ons wes hes.rd and the door opened says _ e •f - , '411E,A,VEN O'WES_itilt „A LIVIN.G.''ihilet our Joys hopes, and aspire-. anti bertee. than tilIF one- who 'says" tionet? We shalIewant Iiiin -tO fl0111 "The world oeveserneeaeliving'"? Tho work toreloice with us in, ,Lt,.. Peayee ----Oretittet- of-suelte:pr-ayeeeisepateperizsee avill...he-XeratrOgal- tton. The-lOgicat _end of that theory -The prayer that is 110 More than , is savagery; all the inducements. to petition for provision roast be 0.14 toil easewiell as alle-theereeetrairs.ts. of painful to___God as it would be to us .My faith.' who would ''be out an such -• ..,, life •Woulde-tre One; ono might • ask who aro parents if our • childrenta night? I Elereree-M-. ivan, -an -per '16r colarititlei- tin othersasW011 asr'; never ...ealdresited 'tie. 'save to beg --for Mit eittie •t6 eelint-out-thisteilleeli:al 'e for; hies:sings oft orteself. I their irteals and thole, clothes. On theeelitriate. lint those brothels, th...14Y • - at preen -0i y e cu tfir-htend, the tife-uf-ePtrrytam•rt-rrtreatikte----iteeieeaeottdee4ede" of prayer arise from the limitation fotind no exaressIon In Words:" thet finuttered. wile made fast the door; of its meaning to a petition. They Made no requests And looked for no It is really most wontlerftete come from the point of view', that tangible gifts. would bo as strange , Alike? 'Ille Iniittilos , were not in reSpense to prayer orders. T ho more alike than those twin brotilers • thinks oaly,of answers, of gocids sent as if our children were dtMh and we •man who says t will work for my bread instead of .begging heaven for It may be still a man of prayer. Ilia work may be - the noblest prayer, • sirs, fears, but -shall we hitie from I by a little old rtran. "My brother, eeithine Mtirtel* e,eictel• tho visa - r, speaking in French. • X es -yes, of CotirSe, replied nee atatesertemte shrugginve hiseehittilderee "M. Paul is in- his iticeere warra studio. INTERNATIONAL LESSON. MAY 28. tesaon IX. ihe Crucifixion. Gol en Text, X. Coi. 3. Lie.t"FeS'ON-W-ORD-STIIBIE-See were powerless to love them In deed as • well as -in- feeling.. The •life•oi prayer is the realization of the per- fect relations of the .Aell Father With all his children.. • . _Jesus_ ateNaearethe the 1 We to: tele. witness; probably r&ords tee exatet.` wording. or the title, the other even- gelists giving only the substance (coinp. Matt. 27. file Mark )5. 26;1 Luke 23. 88). • 20. Ilebrew , . . Latin . . . Greek thus intellOile to all, .Iews, Greeks, and Romans. alike. stlanding there, shit) ley silks, before the blaeleg Ore. "It late, but I could not dame 'sooner. What newie 1,0-131?" "Alet ter." --- Paul- aemilede &elite went across to e-bareene-whieir -heettalockette-eNo that.-yer.It is the -answer from. St. Peterstkurg.'' , • .• The brothers' eyes - Met to a quick4 strange' glan-Ce. "From Vera?`' asked Ivan, tirrning Note -These Word Studies are bas- 23. ills garments -Together with oir-thedr-text---ett-ttne-fterristeke-those-of theAveo-nialefieetarseeriece Version.. led. with- him, The action was tie. Sequence of Events -John does not 'cording to well established euetent. _erecortetheelacteethat ,hetere. de• -1 Coat -An un..dargatur,n etIr nen 11N/tering- up Jesus to be crucified seat tunic. reaching, from the neek to thee his prisoner to Ilerod Antipas, liese knees, or .possibly, leire Aotneti.res, to jurisdiction- extended over Galilee t -ho ankles. ' ........enteraeseeeeehere -Seems .ileen. Woven front _theee"teep eller2111. during most of his life. llerod was 4,• An expensive gatinerit-,-, onefliCe in Jerusalem at this time, and wa8 't as the high priests wore.• " ,..gladeofetheeepportun'itee at seeing des4 21 Vesture -clothing collectieely. he had heard rautb 'Fife /initiation -is -front Nile 22. lie, Jesus refused absolutely to C°0111% .he • • fl with Herod. with the result that.; sister, Mary the wife of Clepas, and both 11ePO4 and 1.11.0C•m• 6 - sending him back to Pirate klenke 23. the (wife) ol Crapes, and N away. "Alver-frrnir -Vera. *-Sece---ft-iii- 0 1(110e:break the seal yourself,...and read rut. Our fate is within. "Welt, come what may, we are bro- thers now -and altrays. Let -us em- brace before I read -before we know." -- "Pear Ivan and Pane -Everything is cruel in. Russia -even love. Von say .you both iOve Me; and am o answer Which of esteirl-teivei will marry. Paid, 11, is you. Ivan. forgive 'tried and me," ' There wha a. tcnae Alence. • Ivancheerily, hut his 11 s entverefi set him on the seat. Now, take the revolver out. of his pocket, and give it to me. Colonel. I have performed' my duty; here is your. priSoner. But' leave us, please. have the tetrangee fancy to be his companion -still; It will be answerable for him. Thank ou. iNow Jeeek •ns in, and light •.0.1••••,..e..eeeeeee,e, efeeeee, 1 h*;„tritine_eped one and the twg The- lainecaity of the dog is- mutt • NIAW14" InittetIttiffilIttetilt men, 14oked at one another.- -The elde er was the first to Weak. e 441itY Poor the animal than is that of ,the 'horse 'larger in proportion to the siee of boy. UM. truly sorry for you, na:y. and eho ineenigeneo shown by Ito • s Are ,,Peterpeetg..eon. Bot Si ax. The intelligenee of the members of the &Antal 'kingdom is advietteine.em aisp. John A. Drake, (teener of a g -racing stable and famoui4 fee • ins admiration of the horse, own* a precocious eollie that can tell the size of a bank note. She atlis and substracts • small numbers and (aa tell the time et day frotti thee_fitee of a watch. The Enropean neun- papers have 'recently been tilled w.tli the neCOUnts of a wonderful. horse _ate.Derlinethateaan I reertaInt___ lora be angry; 1 ,ant .a.human being canine race should not occasion bur- Itttutits urfloa4,1:131__00;:lorita3c4h,K)0.701rciyliti_t_44.."shissa.ipcetitere,I; tilt _n_ 60::: ' nr__ .was. au a6:elltief the 8._,..ecre: Pdso• . , . 1, (elan nty. nanus were Imo, 1, modern dog eb.ec111°InteinlapaanfiEr ...11 D UM before." , „... .,. moanett the Other. - e el•--)•c1-1"--c"-..13- ;•.°,tte...--11-9..Y. -- 91-_-_- ":1Si,rit'lg' ''4(:ta. - Youe-wouldenot--harne -air old e rie' afti nniiseessiettngnser.gtre-de nuttst-n-gscothetetinagne4i-petilarp.s-ostescit.' 1 0.- "In"ke tno; YOu ' j°1VIX ' '''' • mho- hos but done ids duty? Beside'* The shePherd" dogs brought front . Posvor-s' - e,,,,eee.„.„,...' ` --e7r ale tapped The povirdt-iirvittort-sToiria- tro-Roiiii--.---ilicT---best---e-criy,io6. - ,t1Int I have -commenced-to uereseetpea was eho eeeedeeee . . "I'm not. afraid to die." readr-the-Germate-army-tma ate ttyrtselii,14f6;ttchwelnouirt47v,_y.41)" e_airansterr_Lialuptel "T kaloW.-lt, eleiSten to, -me. You tgatintedanilniarm tnotnunbieeirr a. omfbtilliketitteiinteslel:-. bey. -Look eatt „eine.- ph s* And were -doomed -long--ago;eyou -havit 'boo e. • tertness'eveirich-they ex • •••• he dung ti. phial to the 1round.44 watched: (you and Your brother) ever bibit ireeseetisieseput weva,4012_41,,,,,,,_;,...,,, tv---.014k*"`"t-when-th*I'44'4's ip'ireifaY'ZiTi--ffer-liroiiriCrt'irair"IT er in the high grass oir*aflet fields said _wilt_ f°17°U hit,i righteelleek %In"; a that exPloston.' Iltid110,11cd to lure to be worthy -of t .heLftrarous-dogseof -.---, readful scar -he had'_branded him- yo a back to Russia, others would St Tternard. self with an acid-. , , ' have lured you. The imperial with: If the dogs are giving .such valued _ shrugging hie shoulders; vo fitit e said It. Androuski. "le -u * v -neeettit to catch you, Paul Petroff; the mired tiat they will receive reeogni- ---Y. aid to the Japanese, we can feet a*. - •••What a pity!" orities never lose their man; thei tion, c en if the Mikado has to, de- . rive another day of national 'thanks. giving to hie four -footed allies, spoilt your handsome .face -still. I shall now be ableto distinguish M. Paul. the lucky:men. from M. • • • dP * "Remember year oath, .1ilarteL" e 01. Inne.41por-- di•fliculty was that Ivan was so like you-ahl you smile -and you were so devoted, you two, that; we feared a trick might be played us 'and, we xnlght get hold of the wrong • man. oewspeeetireevoedvt your brothertie-saVerifit• the terrible oath .you. forced- e tO you smilo .again;' yes, you are still take. will do' what youl, wish." the Iteeky man." • • "In half an hour our visitor of "And to what lucky place are you hest night is coming fer me; I am go- taking me?" in away. never to return. My friend, "To the fortress ,of SS. Peter and you will obey my. instructions. The iflaul.'• good-bye bottleof vodka was too "And What. think you the sentence- reeentlY• Ile is twenty-two_ years of Stediff; foe -Thy brotireeeettent vitlehel--Theentinesr-t---- • Sma.un Sing lIpoo, • the szhallest ' * a.thlete in the world, made his first appearance before the London public' sleep end sleep (with tile aid of -this ' "-Nut so (ruet- aii"that, my age. ---= Ills -height -is ---31 einches.,_his____ JuirCOile add), I leave with you) till will be "the death, Will you believe! fighting *eight 20 lbs. hoYteit chestetneaeurentent 24 inches. andeleht-, , Friday: you ainderstand? Then youi me? _I admire you: I am your friend tI kg,I. nal him and ve ItinThli- Itrt Irtor"-Veiry ritrange?-13- . ter. 'Come. lee's look at him." They -saintly velic winch I AVCOrs I swear, bent over the uncomicietes Irian lyin I speak the truth to yeu. I had a Zirthe-ciii-1011: -"My Peor-liiiitlifer;- [Itafe conquered after all. It iseee-all" for the , best -all for love and for _thee. 'Marcel, tell me, what eve you( eirite-face?-hfeethinge -strange?" • ''''':Ittiklingag'a' he -closer. Are _you his sweetness and has love, in, his 41,,,,,,, , . ., , • 'ri , tee? No-patnte-upparent- -on hia raree-abilitir. but heet urued, traitor 1""""-" - to his Czar and countr d it lieilliailit the inallt-raiiiri•21- t ri s' - y, an eves ' f.. ct that SIngllpooS accomplishments a.re I a good linguist, for he speaks , was excepted. teornetimee in the ail- ,n lish well. German fluently. and -gat rtern-he eereneh ribtto e , 'inititiortiffir tone -Mews how dearly. -1.glorfed-' ofthe evils of preenSMing, native Burinese. enco of the night, I Weep and Wring /To provides an appainng example my hande ter hirri. loved himeerthl ile OTiJot j1b5fleW1tdt0-11;e• In bis 114ndi""1ace and term' in his waive land at the early age of "There is nothing on his face at. -eilt-Wgoettle--Noweloote-a, entee-`2 . -ott: you have that horrible scar. ed the prisoner at. length. ' •Tairrninpfuivi• Am= a line_ I e okl Irian buried his face in his andesat. shbtering_tuuLailent.„ " tetlente-ef-444 " • from John's narrative is the warning I. wort ifife s in 0 Aree • c -6T-PflatiFlit-Wite'eto-lier-Imsheatral,----tdebeesuppliede -Whileeverye-prohahle, t- eters Man (matt. 2I,19). Roth, of ; was the noun Intended, here, since these events precede Pil ate: s inal ' deught er" -or' even "sister," might presentation of Jesus' to the, Jews in',accordance with Iiflg*14t10 usage and Mao the cruel mockery and 1 have been intended, We note also scourging at the -hinds- of die hand thitt no- ronjUnntion earcurs- between of ifOinnilti Seldfers inside the Praetor:. the phrase "his mother's sister" 0.11d Jam (John 19. 1-4; Matt. 27. 27-130; the following main "Mary," which Mark 16. 1649). I would Scent to indicate that the two 'tithed purple, but wearing al. Were to be identified, thus making crown of thorns, and bleeding front the number of viinnen mentioned head to foot as a result pi that Core: three ranter-tlfan fear, as soratecennt • - °nation and of molt cruel\ scourging.I'mentators think. The question can- ' • :=Lba::„„__ 0...%yeYer,,,ke ,zojAlyel settled. presence of -his• enemies, only o - greeted -by-them --with the_try„. _eler ei.-4...Were...ale.0present, at . the Cross; coin- cify him, crucify hint." "Anti their pare Matt. 27. 56; Mark 15.-10; mut --voices prevailed" over the cowardly 1 Luke 23. 49, elopes here mentioned and •• weakling governor,' "and Pilate must not • be corifounlied with Cleaves gave sentenee that what they asked; mentioned in Luke 24, 18. A cont - for should be (lone" (Luke 23, 23, .parisorteof Matt. 10. 3 and Dike 24. 24). John adds sonie Nealuable de-ei 10 with John 19. 25 suggeette rr,ther toile of the 'Closing Scene of our that ,Clopas Is to be identified uith Lord's, trial before Pilate (John 19. Alphtiens, father of &allies the 14041A 7-15"), including the %iUtioii01 tha!(.om• Mnrk 8 I-8; Luke.), r i Acte - fear that. came aver Pilate ,upoe his 'tie' i3), Alphaeus being tlie G hearing of the claim of Jesus to be and elopes the rfebrew at Slyriac Von cap -Mot go tome; eon must eon Tar iu ellefet tree-ttfritherer added tea yours----" "M.? -Superb b'eotber; but it can- not be." . "Ilut 1 say iteaeen. and it. shall be. Paul, let we Ite4ii you; I rim bear it then.- Mirk!' A knock." - "At this hour! ("an it A Minute later the terelitirt ,art-• flounced that a genflereare-it M. An- drouskl-requ -ester! op. Interview, and a white-haired old. than Immediately entered the room and bowed graVely "I crave pardon, ineesteurs, for this ntfiittge,- but the !riessage which 1' have the honor to convey is urerent to the lent degree. M. Pauli Petroff, which is he?" And he inotivd, with a,e6mile from ohe brother to /the other. "I am Ito, raonsleur." said Paul; "he eoated. Your montage is-" " r+1011-4110; I--0haPge-yett; crept. Is It safe to ripf•ak• bet•eq". "Verfectty; My servant knows not the Son of God (Verse 8), and also name of the Sitille pereen. For other a word of Itusitian, ani there is no - one else in e bowie." the ilareat of the Jews to proclaim" re erences to Mary Aingdolene cornth elaten enemy of ColtFia:t ;1 e be! pare Luke th 2; Mark 16. 0; lro• 40; "Plecept your brother here. Von 110--04110 now, you wo. t• 1.„,!Liock! 110 Jr, friead 1 am "Because. you are Valty. the-lua y - man is at your service. • lint softlyyou to know that 1 arrt only human; • pleare; Ivan is asleep here; look. at thatI can pity and can love. Tell him. We have been up alt night and me. is there aught I can do for you? he ;a...quite worn, slot...T.012r_ 1e1IowI cannot $n•vo y,,Ou: none can. •Ifut Let us go; we havet said good-bye, he you inay,, wi4s your friends to know nI' of .your fate; you may Wish to See •* scanecae-;-''' ad ., • • • • Portion to his RIXO., 110 is accus- rimed tte It - dotter -with -ordinary- mortat nns eat .1 as mile ae .Th..i train had crossed tile frontier; fortressr, the travellers were in Russia. that . "Yes; I have the power to let vOU." • ' white land of red anarehy.. M. An' "There is a girl; 7 should like to dronski gave a sigh of relief and lit saacitheet le, twi_gairiettp: .,0 t'.Mv dearTattadU-- rn.; "1will'her ti,!2-y-o-t-i.- - --:iiici-..is hi.seconiPaltittit..PleYinitY,_RP thg i$..6110? red cheek, l'altA„w laughnble it iii. WO"Swear that no hope shall come have hoodwinked those clever 0111:1tee.,,..ihtrer.t12.13.,eros ami..1:)y my Maker. dais who guard the° approaches tri the , migiqy empire.. Our patsPos,rts I swear it." are It' °Seer, they tell us' / na• "a' "She is Vera Varold, of the Dmitri Prospeld: But do not distress her, ha! , But you do not join are in the laugh?" I irartiore von Tell her P•aul Pet- it is easier to get into Russia Fort it; arre'ete;I. but it e tiothin . just et trifling charge. I will tell her ", Itt of it." .. ay, dear boy, do not be gloomy role truth tny• • a • sem, 1 e, , on this Journey, rhieh I entoy So • . I much nverything goes splendidly;i i you etvill say So soon.. My heroIn the forteess of SS. Peter and think of the welcome •hich awaits:Paul there Are narrow dungeons far 1 • With • VOrEC 17. Tiley -'rhe Roman' Inetiate . ; . 'whom he loved- bireitteee. 1, fretot . I prium rti My ere- comdeli t5ty0U eavarteens- d attriegt 41-tiiitt iers followed- lty IL promiscuous The 111011- dentinlis. rills fetter Proves that you. lucky dog that you are !the loathesorne. fetid alitne Which writer. .Iettn, who. nowhere titude (Ltdcil 23. 27). nencrWa. "ntiVo you. forgattni that we .1o/ere' oozes- froth the river,,_ jt,nd iltere tions his own name.' arn come preet-lutete from Deleting the cross for himgelf-Part Woman -The Greet: equivalent je a ThiR ve, the Fen owth watched in Paris?" !lore spacious prison -temps furnished of the. way one Sitnon of Cyl•erte irgIS tit10 ot Tapert. „. - , of Prcechini. I salute vint comaradm • l' -i.1 '17 ilis ivn honice-The Greet?. toe, , ,coutePelle& to carry the ...Too _le; e e • 0 - • • , I 'ant N'ernter One. You hav'e heard '.1e-m2g, but whether this was the -first ;i own ttifings or place of the person i or me? Thex., are tirring, tint,4. we or tho_ last part a the way ili, mit • last. quout/01161). oaArrs t 0 1V) In eY41,4.41._ _01._ ow ------ ., :4 ondLitte___, mot..•••tw9 blockheads seetned to___weeifol- NL, Areieeseeeei.,_eetele_eotereeet, , • For _breakfast he likes three dr four eggs,. an 48 a ificle-ine-up 110.. i10t LCOU aereatee,-._ dozen, oysters at a sitting. Ile eats a large quantity of meat, but is not fond et potatoee or other vegetables. Among his treasured poes.,ssions •is a----eb-MijSedeetet: slightly larger- Veen -'- a -irreitiiitg-:•••ting.. which boy wears round his little brown wrist. it wall given lo him by Mies Lole Fuller. • whem he tnet during one eot his tours. • attlitti°1:1kiktlhaftl'Ittr!-emrlitigwittalli.h.ed"!.sinett:c.ru' buitiat(10 nOt o7initrzloinei713tIrithieser6..' 'Who woUld roognise you now? 'rwo that.. the prisoner.; by it Word frora clear from the gospel narrative (comp: be suppiied. Hence a bouse 01'1.1101 teo steady •tiowtraa It is at, table stood, bis ditinv. of grettsy 7),fiat t . 27, 1ktark. 13. 20. .21,;'. by the diseiple is not neceesarq`lYrave* the. tr°n •rtitry(-1..! • - riinetters. :mix it with meltett lard till just thin enough. to epread. Done in this Way lb will- not' blister the akin. •70 the ease of bandaginia prained need° the operator should ennuxiMiCe ty taking a turn &cross the foot, am' work well up over the ankle spate way up "the leg, as it is nereeeary to give support above ertil below. ttS .1„oke 23. 25. 26; Jitlin 10: 16, 17). r nleant.. The zneaning N sitnply thAtpli"nd4 17° 5.°3 " °g11/70 tbiS. PbOt0';°!--i that' 4 --#14)t ill- 'II i'llII/I *ftd,I,Sctup and pack, bread, utitolletic•d; he 'Ilre plaee of a situll.earreni lite 'front that hour' Ali! .ye5; it frt of' Getterel ',8°11` t 'writ t," th'a I./Vit.-31°)u" . *---1.1-Y i,i was too 11 ICS. to tate-lietening . and. ' i ileirnifier of tbe be)eee,f11;07tivor,rotni). ill i 9(r.a.it'll1190 hero of tire. lanmt. The deer-,-;',' v?„ ord.' theY w°re h'It glildgs; Ita. silru K ° ; writing. ,At last the lkell comtrit e I ovaD-Ahape of the 11111. ,1T• realieh &III th0V tateled tilev mit-Atte •• It " tlolgotha-Ilere. ""'..igolgaileth." a! 28. After' tliE4-Cornparo Illark 1:1.i I1r1. ift1/3.e 61:411, 111(1f -41 -Ours; he tql 1,0i; eie4.•0.„" 11,,,. eGeete el, eLe. re', eeif.„,, to clang, and he started up with skull; eraniurh. from "gill," 'or seg'01.' , 33, 44. nritl parallel parmage,4. •• '1)e rrt'ttvoved. Placed' on the ''etired" --..,''''- ' *". `."'""'""` - -1-.,84-.7 "'''''teeting iteart ftc: it tette th h 0 to move 'h 0. circle, to revOlve; i',at. ', 29e Vittegae---A sour wine in orklia.. s . • ' Ili t it l ' a. le! you! undcmtarizil , li A ite &Medi° tikt' gaily niterstards ,' ' ' - ° ° r tote ,i . . ii. ?a.- '.. th - i . • t'• tvlik4t had 1)tin rozniseti him. . A. 1.11t, is et.. , et son, ere aro ,,are -sit • . gullies in 1 arie: minUter went by. aioth r 'She Iv . , 1 , c • I. • es licalvaritte" skull. whence ()tit', Cal- ar,' Iree etiflong•-•the <annuli:to IS.,•''ople. tempte have bern inaie with th6 d I 1 I * ''• •!coining• Ile hod been a. t‘o1 to ttark! vary. The exact site of Calvary -IS 147=0P -A hol101.0, med. With the. - • "Y6, but they' don't hunts ,,1114 ger et,nt t le revolver, , achri hi,laway (31 p2iit. ;A ors as). • 18: TWO . T. t14) -two. mak). :I. ., 12). near i 4 ' and near a lee D " .i • big Writ—Lt 1,010(iitarry csct tt. 27. 39); war part ,01 Christ (eimp. Joh- . gardens. ,f.Tie,att to. , • ete thers-"Itialeldeter'S‘• 1''PAIILI.MT17.:14T heves"' IllattItew and cif the' iiititiatlitge pattt' I nited States is the Cornrcss. " Jo° the inittist..That IR, betwct-n the in rraitc4:‘ tha AlsolublYx it1,001111r11r2 .. two ()Chem, , Not now ito20,.%10 1 f, t IM , IlOichstage ;• in, Prolland • the g-4Ve*lish. i.,,,_ . \ ,14it,a14.-,•st General, lit Sipaln ithS COrtes, 10 Villate iivrotty.-411: to *c•st4f-e-e, 0, in, itr,--efo tile Mule, and itt dOi'.:-..t,`tk 'Cokin*I,110 to Writt4! ,. / tr'4ttilt •t/o. Attrlt‘thIn srtviUncroMen strut dti1dri ,Nolvi we have coneethihee ,neW "Mire, rot abt:oluttly beautiful HttI orob, 10 llou'erful, yc.t so tl_licatO contructeri„ that .the luelw man tch s to throw it uttsrpot'sitilk,,, •tetipo hfurlf,„ l'ootriir‘?, • tiPt this totter ,"tvith tnv• Vartri con- gratelatitilitf*;, 'mod it: the privilfigeil lot 1,q :your's; you will areomPnuIt owe' to ItulAfa, totlortotv vcaorning to ,,yot$1r plarit duty., 1 thrcwthittselt ,comfortably • 31:. A dro3sti tokrd his eyt-brotc, aml spread out bin bonds Iwfore hint. "Is it pos,6iP)10, dear boyl. Why, you aro oS tortrous • tea a Woraitn. Can or. Vet! tress the Channel without iineetinst ,one 01 the ti:eoptclikbie ittuos. t atti ot Soho? Come, have !cigar - he young tt ma lit r Whitt oe tico, tt Mid hooSpran well as at t eVat o t e injury. e!, allY. fasten the bandage with ti safety -pin or a couple of stitc165. ' A teasronniul of F0w1Iife11 row re of stilpitur. -put into a win=.-gltv-s of wnter and stirred with the fireeer frier* .0 • srearremerellearti thing to ii9e as it gargle in ce cae'e dipht heria. • If. the •-•petient canseet gttrgle, put a simian -rut tit striptur-u:1. a shovel*, Place tf livt, on' it._ and allow tile • patient it* Vas' funics . A good remedy for tioarten-s is.to aWirfeTTcleivas one tifolaTat. an stfiptt.. leeZe a 'little ot the thieterted aad hea.ted,Juice over luntpof 8uq1V;4tDd. take froqueritly. ilevax 14 extellept" thingfor 1o5s Jot VO:C47.14' Sotto,. ffiee,ple tire, very eflueh • tvotta, bled tyith heartlitlrn, but of oiangq peel is th13t1 and c'atcie. it ittary It diretilYe • _ %,.;11 of, a dress. "nine, 1ve ns'inutc* ou."The i1opik _ , with him. tny loved one. Oh,*it &vett erto - think you sire 1 foa his 010,0e4 nut:1100MG he, ikrOdd not have iowtd you; lie IS not a. etrivilird,." 'id not lam*. 1 tricked %Ira la6d4yltd,etalrne ttl'oattImithileageti he iti)ot In rotponsAErto knock; ".:*ocilid va0. poor old" Ulan bito t 0 "Why',' the. "'you ad* Ottairity 010 to, tarn * V4Jtt- (4'peryold." "r04,)Oltsstiv offal' deceArtit itturot.ettd' Atic iicgriderer. "'Tm ol ettottglh to he. your, grandtatter. t later he was seatitt iip • tivo taft. tb 1srdi' Was too good tor ijut: