HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-25, Page 5eitforth: The 'following , 'et keted to distaot Potntsi Test' week,. hers Coates to Halley,. Idaho; MIS. Vortiell. to Alpene, Aslieh4Vitt: Mc. sad j Mrs. % Muldrew. , to Uwen $0004. and 14111* .40 WS** arlolOPOig4A, to Depot par t. Ter D llonor gri4ustii et Toronto Irnlye • DENTIST, . .i.reeth sitholltaniintri. SAY bx4 efreet OceIn insole* • eons %mit • side , train otrcet, I‘"rater, D. =am ANDERSON D.D.S.(1.41;x8 DENTIST Many women long for a eltilato b Honer Oraduate ot Terontollniversity and av'Y 1 their homes, but bec&use of souse de reroatee °t(Pechicagont"arg"ssdwai '4,11rOothetjuicktie. De4rtistPelsr bility or displacement of the fenntl (with honorable niantion.) organ* they at* barren. , Allutninues.:Oold and Vulcanite Plates snide hxthe neatest manner possible. A perfectly harmless an. rrePar'a.... .0.°.l.Pr _bellithr_ltaktiz=___ _ ...i. _ sentAratie used tot ot teeth. 104001splIslieelf by 14040, s.L. rimirjukur -•,, . ....ttit..!.,.. 01,t ...1...E. -I. ,trtnjt. 4'4 than by any, o er medicine, vas tone and *trength to the entir **steamer/I female organism. ri DMOWN, Winchaleek. iloene4 Auctioneer ments, ulceration and inflammation. tor the *males ot rata and Middlesex. f di woman wbo /is in good 000 101 tkit taW1014 ot "Osborne. sales prorountly — ottani:WIG ood torso* rentienahle4 Soles erre sO ncul4124`1" transmits to uc 931.4 at Post Moo whichoisoo., messings or s good constmattosa. t not that an Incentive rrepsre for rr.,--raintes-son----ostahanttr-iarbesithy-ntatentity?-: Ude county_ Austad j2toog territories, to rpro. If expectant mothers woultl seeriuttatto..14seict atirciiith%1741e4 Vusattertiziele:::thinise vs -with Tiyarli oteolid Aloancialotanding, eilexiVi.50 per day with, Vegetable Compound, COmpounctovideir; fax expenete adviumed each Monday by aeon, distal, years has sustained ' da, of _ tronkhoAltottfors. Horseand bum furnished whenwomen in. thondi -nieinsesn RIC permanent. itd4renn BLEW BROS., 400 .„ Dept. 6, Wean mtg., Chicago. 01. • or itlielpe4 me give birth torny end nL4o route ine strong attar the chnd therefore, very glad to recom- yoor table Corupeund oell .x - t niothers, and feel sure that it ,will 9 man mitten, MONTItEAL capitol Paidil • 6,000,000 *est & Undivided Profits . 3.210,959 be a great decrease In miscarriages, in Jortermg,and ,hi, disappohitnienta at birth. , The following letters to Ma Pink.- monsCratezat--powelis B. Pinkhern's Vegetable Compound in 1 such cases. Mrs, 1L.1reener, Hebron, TZrmotd N.-0., writes: DIfrI3sfUor4Pin"rmeblina 40102;aste,bireL ohwe o" poor health, the tit avers e curre tons 0411tinl allowed *1180114s Bank *mounts andDe. -004=ttetterset Credit las* , available In Chloe, Japan and other fn Countries. ( Travelling lifetteng et Credft issued to travellers In • SA parts et the world. *war* Basking hoshase treasatted. SAVINGS' BANK.; fteffig; GittiMatrIbindia, r. ingBIWkelittn-Or niAXP110.41r1Srlarea0i BRANCH CHISHOLM, Manager.. Milwaukee, Ara.. — for Are two miniature cbildren. Lydfa E. 's Vegetable Compound was recoan- to *TIN and I am se glad 1 took it, tor ed me -from a wesk, nsrou1 SPOIMAXt to a , ham and 'healthy 'orie OM= vonth*,. Within .twf‘;)- Tears aJoireq •l was born, WW1 Ig-tbe prlde end oy r household. Every day I blew Lydia E. for amibappinees It omen thhilcs she Is sterile, If or on • ts a • nt her ability to *child to smaiture birth let her write to -11rs.----Piniclara,...yun. Mass.,-rwhose *driers is free to all eactant o thousaridiror women through tide anx- ious period. Womensufferingwith irregular or panful menstruation, leueorrhora. dis- placement, 'ulceration, or inflammation of the womb, that bearing down led - Inger ovarian trouble, backache, bloat. lug or nervous prostration, ii'hicrald re- member that Lydia E. Pinkhaim's Vege- table Compound holds the record for W4141 los taltatt1 bsttOff.tifatt of w ills, and 4,cceptno an mytifelerlitilf . Wain* Sew Stadited fry Iki. rekkaa's Attk:., ai,i Nada. Mr*k nes t ttIA * 411Y Sbe, ° tIie clot 'Une Maov Ai 00 ,her btd. itn tegtat 4 4 ,bh bad- RV 440,V* UM n. splattering ,'or, the, , *AS, snftl1-. itir to " • Vir)Lvinx 440 a: ' 41,4SeTete Outfit -it, oaring th,Relrs factor onie eases fell and one of them ,stroe • ha on the liead., nilicting a Ktkt *0,14 - — 'esPIrn mitre aforthr Prior to leaving Ijoit 4; Iclittinttwerp friends at the Commercial hotel arxd tendei ed a farewell suppers During the evening -he -was nreseated With a handsomesilver mounted silk um. brella. Blatishard: James Johnston, son of Wm. Johnston, 'River Road, died at the hospital at Dauphin, Mao., on May 10. aged St years. He had been ill only. a few days with an affection of the heart, bot had not been well since his return from the South African batik. Ili it. , o erre : n 4 lie • ay, 0 et. Greer died at the residence of -his -so* John A. Harrison. His death was no surprise to ilia friends, AS he had been fading away for some time, ,ttahmottetgh his vitality was such that he th was up towne da before death Goderreh.:artharliiff. • widow of the late John Millian, formerly of -0f+ tne--.Leroased. the...river_on_WIgdoes- -daY at the good old age of 81 years. The deceased lady was one of the ' lborne-townshipi-traving moved on to the Oth Con. on her mar- riage -in Seaforth: Miss L. a HubileS. Mr..S.4."-Holmesrhasj passed her first year'a examination in the New England hospital and training school for nurses in Boston. Massachusetts. She took over go Per cent. 10 all Subjects and headed her class for practical nursing. Hallett: Theodore Dexter of the Oth concession bee bought ,the fifty acre lot adjoining his own from Mr. James McGill for which he gave 0, - We have in stook TIMM?: PIALVOS Welt have been In use for a short time only,andswanting to make room for new goods, we are going to sell these -Pianos ata price that they wilt 106-tirito. Mrkton: A pretty weddinKirrestal. etutated on May 9, when Mrs. Barr Weenie the happy bride of Mr. Thos. Tufts. Sealorth: James McIntosh arid sons have taken possession of the milk bus - Amway conducted by Mrt Jar Grieve. Clinton: Mr. John Stanbur3r, atter nearly sixty years of farm wilt ha retired and taken up his abode in Cantor). - Goderich: The other Jay Mrs. tick. ran aneediethrough. two. lingers and she la tmEttuffering fxrutt, a swol. en itAlifirfatiii r 7-rti eritartirprs-WWfairdtii., -Sesforthr,--.--M ViinTlalt1LN 4 ries Always in Stock. Se- MARTI rtersfOrStattoriety. iateatta bolo pratattat owes mot ta Warlestele *tilt the tent tiosi-iitrtheifentiarbraans, trprOsincenwreshsetsi"161011- Suessiv* Uwe *Ink o the ontaiik Issius Axe IOW.. schist' 1/I thEt twieka 0017,041100114 Alessendency., basuninesen isitation at :the beam coven Oen. and 124-5aux. oTilibWrt, -Was prostra b an attack of paralysis on Fridayt 1.17-irfitT77, W. 'Oridiarn77-61; mes,QuarCotr-bas-boug iii5litrarrjr iiildby Elliott, comprising about Snores. pric Parkhill: Mr. and Mrts. Wm. Haw. den have the sympathy of a large cirele of friendsin the lots they aim- tatined through the death of their, in - ant cilia ---- Ooderkh: Henry Dodd, a well known resident of Nile,- died- ors' Sa urday at his home on- the .boundar axed 73 years, after an illnese AA a month's duration. Seaforth: Norman Campbell. form- , •I 111-gtv *hundred and fifty acres a as fine farming land as there le in, the town- Wheat (old), ...... *14- ' Barley. ... . . ' Waivanoshi The death occurred at Oats - Grafton. N.D., on Frideli of Richard Peas.. - ........ . 00 , Samuel Thotronto Wawartosh.. The klaytiter ton. — 7 00 ,The tea 04*.h. is • indigenous ,t '03 iodber ., , . . . Ind* toci botiniSts'are'of tbeQpxnlon 04 it ixthe patent . . ,,,,, *cies. of all the cultivated varieties tu. India, Ceylon* d-elsew . * - st 1,4 . rot!,4i t, -4.14, - ,eight ,0 i een to., twenty ec , •u ecu . . \ , three to four feet li_th. .,- g-the-nattrrat ' not surpriink that this and other districts In Nort India produce the richest, most_mgent, teas grown in e ., world—teas that 'command' higher prices than even the 4 finest Ceylons ; but Ceylon teas are very fiavory and rragrant, and seem to be specially made to blend with he richer, more syrupy tea of India. When, combined, the :eylons give poini and piquancy to the liquor; the ndians, richness and stsen ' The distinctive characteristic of Red Rose"Tes,' that c t Indians and-teyloas; and another _very important feature ef Red Rose Tea, viz.„, its uniformity of flavor all the year rohnd, is secured the same way, something not possible to obtain, where Ceylon or Indian teas are ttSed t . , The Blue Laberiiinieoinmend vety strong tea,uSe_ottly 'thre!_rartits as much for a - drawing as yam use of -other tea.q. , Colborne: Recently' Lawrence. son g Cljoon: In a game of football. - of John NeLarty, met with a b3d 'ac- ed -here Saturday for the Hough elm, cident while driving -in a light wagon. between Berlin H.S. and Clinton The tugs became loose. the Shaft, the borne team gained victory, Om dropped to the ground, and the young score being 4 to 0. Noscore woo knob Man was thrown out, injuring his in the half; but in the' second tbey crane thick and fast. The Berlin boys played well, and the game througno$ e, zIETEIVRARIKErt--__ livas_cletinJunl_freeirotill_a_tiV:11111 4 niss. Tackaon. .or Sikor eferee&the-game.--- • • 42 t • 4to wheeirlich,liev:ewn" °atitintntTegnutroiderni;17A‘siththhoeturilit: Wit.reirtt; 30 • . weeks *hoe, succeeded In extmetin the bullet that harbrested so long is' the imfottrinateyOuth. The lead wai • ken out just belowthetiard 'having been, after -entering the rnugk t whem--,-14git wh,strfin ger.. 'Thos. Thompson, silof r. and Mrs. Potatiq;* Pqr 61,*5.'... --- 74 ' Citing7Mith t for the * Tibritie place ' Flour, veg. re -14C lanilti-,,:- t„.Septetuber.. Hirbair been...suffer. Viour,..knit_1#1* per ewe I 2.1 .,_ ingTrOlIT X complication, of diseases. Butter... .......-.-. ,:-..,.... - - • Xhgt_reirttinwergkbrombkt here for 1,40„,„„,,,,..........., „,,. burlat.- , • ' Live hogs, per cwt.. ,... thexesiidence.sither-lon rt-aunclai - ,,,Orfkitger_ton...,..„,,,. fs .:(1A(3°_AmeiLlaillwAci°2511*Ileingicin.fant 01 * mr; B"t 'nine I 144 St. Marys: There passed away at Shorts per ton .. . . .... — iv Mrs. Sarah Aiken, widow of 'the late Wm. Aiken, at the age of 71 years. Deceased had it stroke Good Friday. She rallied a, little from this but never recovered Saturday she was again seized with an attack which _broughtabout her death. Brucefield; Rev. Hugh.J0.1tetchent, herrew-pastar-of-MiteNall-street „terlan___ChorelitHruniltothytig given 'rongreOt JO to theispeechmiking Mr. Ketch- mresi ' 4 SA. Marys: W. 11. Graham' was the :victim of a runaway accident Monday. Along with his daughter, Miss Minnie; he was driving from downtown to his twident& Nesttlietk.MBistation ;his orse-torikfrightand-the-Intggy col- lided with an electric light pole. Mr. 'Graham received sr severe, shaking up and had his collar bone broken. Miss Graham was unhurt. Mitchell: Mr. Gee. K. Matheson, *win to ill health, has real nett his • het*. -surd more recently or -the betd Toronto, has been tranafetred twit airliner position at Windsor. Hibbert: Mime Isabella „Morrison. daughtel of James 1dOrrison, formerly of this townshipwas recently married at Strathclair, Man., to Wm. A.Ctunp- bell, it prosperous young farmer of th me place. bill house and ot on the corner of Wellington and Orange filteets, to Col. Hoare, for the sum of $800. Mr. -arid fainilviefrioi-Napinkt4 • Monday. 'att trout t It yo avereesoa erlth 11. doitet, neinwit, It.. It lowrais yoIL »0at kt decteresingter. tnillingstretching or tort acrir ,litairr/WD• .11t114, the etrictiltre tlioftek ..beste t 110,0110 -11141, *over Teristsc and'Stricter* +/Minket Operation or icor* tit" thine._ t berme ptivatiy. Rend for her rete Insist:wet noon onst -011AMAIITZSt Tama* ostlito,,,,ay.. 110Wei ittitcsoTi. the` ateolatry otriettioni af t soars! Staxidia ee Octet. nedergeing greet gOt. tern relief. I wza :trititOrt Ort,litotiday las Stimets had the misfortune -to be thrown to the ground br, the horses 110044enlY starting. :.11ito,rtght arm was , en st the Wrist 1/ the fsfl.' St. Mxuya: Mrs. Wm. AMOS is ill Iterhand, Th4S• it ed tar *time that iti: would be neceaasry to amputate.ber band, but she is now op the Mend._ A. MatOaw of "th- Mitratolta Milan COtrt.: "h4 gel*" Presi4nt of • tbeA. KellyMillingCompanyof • bit*e,tockiecr to erect, * thrte 'thomattul barrel llournall in fit. held the position for about 21 years, and he tlischarged his duties with fairness anti entire satisfaction to the , and his relsignation is inuph regretted by his many friendi. /as. Dougherty Will succeed him. Hallett: The death of Mra.. James Oluker„ occurred Thursday mortar*, thou h the event was not unespec .• • . • ,t• r • • • 10 rind kept going down', notwithetand, int the best rittentlint.and treettruent. Demised was well known here and was Welt liked by everybody She wiarSayeati old. lier husb*nd. father prerroastalast-Ohristriota-taught4 school in section No. 7, Hihhert, for a year and it half, has just returriel me troll), the Forest. City BusineCollege-f- London. Mter--il thres ss months and, it half tet m he graduate& with honors at the examinntionri Mark of 700hereceived taekingfnll lirthreirtruhjects.--Ite-refs last er,Xmontoyjiere, he has_sieureit istiosptlycitred through* (SI4tilan), MQ11th stwashes and tablete ate no vall, and Ziften CAWS. 11042111111 . Inittry. her brothers, and Mitchell; Julia McDonald, wbo was charged with theft in Mitchell some , few .months ego, hat againgot lnto trouble. It will be remembered tint she was taken charge of br the geleea Rothe, Tore*? 44:11.0,000::mbt.terx417xttemoTlig, .4,hrottiket: I J a. tnle PCPSItiOta *iti a dornottlitoe.m.Itboris rte unknown. She Lrieedai syn repairing When top f an igeetrie- Hght rence the ground laud that she stole tees, and left for Is auppoeed to be 1, Sesta' able the storm came np h 'tree. at the ie near the uickly deeceni It went is likely ter in dote n le WA* examin. *00k1 no doubt h* know It ',WAN ▪ 41, mw It Ltiwn nwtn, 11 I 1 to Yloi •