HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-25, Page 4Ote 0 itlq, tt-T OFTOLDO,
Lyc tionsrirs,
intuit ,trette,neY makes oath‘that he
Is senior 'partner .,ofthe firm of FAChe
ney & Co.. doing butanes* in. the .Cit
of oletio,County and State aforesat
.04.that.said Orin:will pay. tite Suet of
ONE 11 .D41.10 DOIALARSIfor !stela.
4E* rtlathftteatittnt
Lw ured by the ii.e. ot Hairii' Catatab.
and uhcrbed
,,ermennwrnIinto the. OM;
ir4et, PathntaSters aro longee'
retiir4too'k afterthe oatti e,o
oxious.. weeds. 'on the 'highwa
Eve *tier or opdt
nt of land isnOw tared to su
the- highwy3
* *
The Northwest weekly crop report
the C. P. R. is as favorable 1tb could
be dirtied, an. t o con
la ill it comes from a oouple of
Wets in the Red River valley, where
have had a tendency to set the
low lands bitek. All points on their
western lines are shown, and at every
point the agents report that Crops are
well above ground and snowing splen-
didlys The universal rains of the last
week have been a wonderful help, and
the growing grain is vigorous and of
dense and even growth.
* *
attves at North Oxford haieveisee
tees-0,Wallace.-barrister. who
opposed the late Hon. James Sather
land in thehtst two Dominion elections
Was tumultuously nominated to repre-
sent the ridingin the Coneersative in-
terests in the coming bye -election.
_seasoned. mpalitning-
,Mr. Wallace is to..po ular man and well
conceded-tbat be is the very best
- -.smut available.. ,-..„At-the,torthcornite
Liber a) convention it in liUaly that
W. Nesbitt will get the nomination in
WbieVeMellL Gen- smith, ALA„,_will
probably buck theccov,ution and run
, as an, Independeot.
.* *
• r CrO.'itk
aUy, r,aud, act 44. y'Ou LliebkOt
iintcuua sitflaSeAttriiie aysteM;
till for. 'owtipah
7 i" ;•..„ .
Premier Whitney Is now about to
rfortn-soothee-of--t •
promises by -putting the finances of
the Provincial t. tsversit at Toronto
on A flOUU&Stittiie and perman
lug. Ile brought in a bill in the Legis-
lature last week to that effect. For
the immediate ime of the University
the bill provides for a contribution by
the government of $465,000 out of a
total of $1,600,000 that will be raised
totipoUtbe No
breach under the control of the Gov.
epee than Education, Mr. Whitney's
hilL wiliprovide fora bettering of high-
er education but there is much yet to
be done before the Educational system
of entsuto approaches within speaking
*stance of perfection. , rn the -Public
School theritare-nmayihing_ktbat_am
not perfect. The children are given
too many studies. The untiecessar
of teachers is too frequent. The teach-
ers eateries should be fixed atcording,
as tem of .ro-
relation ofteachers immure „sot a
1. _the deilefibig taellid-be a
vanced as deserved, both as to salary
and chute of werk, There is also touch
fault to befoundviltir-certaini -of the
text books. The latest editions of the
Pnblic School Geography and Arith-
Oarrimregnaftoth rowdy-
• --441V
haiTsystern c-InildTte zrnprod
etnan -
wearing a grey Sac coat cut to • e
knees., ssessing a business -like man-
ner a
Dectective Forrest throw his eye
upon you -run.
Yesterday morning, one above de-
scribed entered the Canada Life
-After bitti-tagsged a younggentle-
man from Parkhill, who had just been
engaged t* secretary of istompany at
a...good salary. His employer toted
htm around TO the various business
-places where he had important ap-
intinents. The. young snanafroto
. OStF:.
of the Canada' ife building. The kat-
ployer entered an office. lie eame,
out again, looking vexed and put ou
with a cheque' in biti hand. He tot
• the Parkhill Mel) he/needed $100 to
ed aver his hundred. • ,-•
Thenthe other told him to wait.
Meenwhile be, the employer.; ascend-
ed an
aod went somewhere. The'Mett fthm
Taikblit rraited4wo-bours.-21,t-tetid
of that time be began to auspeet.
Finally, almoeVin teat* beset...out tor
the police. The police think,theiy
\'ACCTIOIAT.: , Vote, Stratford ni
were injured in the Heeldeot on. t
T.R. neer here en,Thur440-0,!!.134
The ty*In conaistect AA engine 41"
derrick ear*behied which was bang
a largo bridge girder eihLug tiyirg
rn thirtt tens. .Tbe tr,unwas.•
car being Ov6rtt
Wrec fige4
t.attri buit, li
ore'Or leli341,130
ger andtHraltratin
wnveA to Stratfod
men were taking girdeT
ng built West Of heri
• At the aura
1 4 -
Dickson, of Tile e „ won -11
P rize for an original poem. White
and Win. Bell are raising their barn.
-this weeks--The-Tttelteesatitit-eoune
is offering 81400 debentures Of that
moniPoalitY. for sate; the debenture
. bear interest at the rate- of 4i per gent.
%rm. Eider- reeently disposed of
team of gelding to Sao, Norris,of nib -
beat, for which he received the snug
sum of $000, --Alex. Reid, son of M.
Reid, of the Mill road, left last week
for Prince Albert, NM:T., where he
has been appointed to the very respon-
sible position of Manager of the elec-
trical works of that rapidly grow...jug
For the ,a4L.tre.,._ ears Dan
li htin andwater plant of 'the town
bie- service*
on e .ett e gave the most unctinditied satisfaction-
. previous to leaving that place he was
waited on by the employees of the
Citted At Hyde Parkpower house and presented with. an.
Wm. Plant was killed o'n the .081 tirhiseBssifillxPaOressaniveelelttr4iceliartat,PhPirseccolautrit7-
randTruuk-nearttyde-1%7V.1--4rrxtw-it-lvup I
Plant's death was caused in a remark- at parting with 'hint. The address was
Siditire'riM011017104--liffar iff-AtAwitecoTripituied-thr actiorbittnte.goldlitiir
tenet -Ms. The Unfortunate Man Was a Vit. Reid, ttltbOtItit quite aYoung-limn
.member of a gang working on -bridge has made rapid pro reset in his profes-
construe-tido: Some lumber andtoolssion and bas a briiliant career- beto
were being moved a distance of three him,
bundred-yardvand -were 411s—
and a band car. The jigger was being 2 Arotilltd AbOtit Us
worked by four" or Ore men. Plant
and with histeet was pushing the, hand r served here. In the morning Godezic
CBI' head of him. 4. heavy rape that and Clintorrjuniors played a itante of
# 11•• • '0 0 about the -end of one baseball, resulting 16-18 in favor of
of the 'planks dropped to the ground Clinton. In the afternoon Goderich
and becoming caught iii someobstruc- lacrosse team and the Strathoonas, Of
tion on the tracks, the plank was trip- Clinton played a lively,gitme. Strath -
ped up. To avoid being struck by it conas came out ahead, score 5-1, Then
Plant jerked his bead back. The han followed a baseball ,rnatztt between
dle of the jigger was deseendingitt the Goderich 21134 Clinton seitiora. • Scor
..nt-..L&•,territiett4w-fittsoomtetstatit-'- -
blow, The Man's head WKS forced, . • .
Seafortb- of those- wb
is believed was broken.
have passea Weir exanunatums tau
School of Practical Seleoces at Toron..
to, we notice the minaie of three from
this vicinity, all former pupils of the
Untended for hut week;SeafarLb Collegiate Instittite. Mr, P.
0. )
I3roa4fotat, of Seaferth, Inta passed
his second year in Mlningenghmering.
Meyers. A. L. iSlateart,
and E. W. Murray, of Seititrth,. hay
Ptitat Thettlirrist- year 'Irt2
eerTis Mr. McLean haw tibcdiAt
tion of taking honors, being one of a
few In a very large close who attained
this standing.
• -te.„.01-this„ 41*trlet-luta„-
fromhisthis ons
.,.Mr. -Ntlepi4r
1 altiolu,woarrie:
iniVing:reached the -good -*me -Of -82
years. - He had been in .& feeble state
for *several months, although he suf-
lered-from-itcr-partieular disease but
Brown wa
mith and continued to resideon his
rut -there- which be
*-a .4 from the forest, untilvzeare 10
w ng en r. *heft:be-retired and came to Egmon
uami"iti: est7tla bter _
Miss Mary, gave er eart an
o Mr. Jos. Gelinas, a well-to-do yolu
• .\
}Ion. Ohas..S. Hyman, who Was on
turility.appointedslitinister-of "
lie works by. the Dominion Cabinet.
was Mondial morning sworn in by His
Excellency -the Earl Grey, at Glen
Stewart, where* the Goeernor-Genets
ars party is stopping during the Wstal-
bine . meet.
Mr. J. McGeeclerk of Privy
Counciloarrived Itionday morriing with
the necessary records. and the oath
wos adinittistered with the usual
ceremonies. 7'
Mr. 'Hyman wU proceed at once to
London to open the campaign Nom-
urte Oth, and the elections on lune
T e North Oxford notoination
and e ectfons w rn e
A 6414 bette, AO,
a , • e. • e
• r'- Stt0ft1
tical A,
odOn• „eocing or;
pupil is given In-
Tze Shorthand Systeni
tsijbt is that td by all
ne *per and court. re- .
port re.
Beat lkystems of Book.;
keeeing, Penmanship, Arith-
mem ' etc. , thoroughly
• to every
csiosotrs ripta.
have been
quite DutIlVe0118 in this township_dots
g -the past few weeks, and the most
leasing_feature about it is that thit
nittiktity of tbe y cotTpleti are re -
of thesepretty events took placeat the
residence of Mr. and Mr. Jacob Rader
when their daughter, Clara, became
•e appy e drilts-lotttritec
•_prprous_ young farmer of this
towns p. Only immediate re -Tat Ves
witnessed the ceremony which was
iserformed-by-the-Revilt4,Afert. =The
bride wore a very pretty costuree. She
irItS, kindly remembered hy her friends'
4/fa-presented ber-withst--number-of
teremonsr-thIrenroptury- yed7
taken uptheir residence on the groom's
Catholic church was on To .sda the
•- —141-3wiref the Week. —
Father Loiselle perforated the inaport- Solomon Brown, a teamster. drop -
ant deremony in the presence of only pad dead at Comber, Thursday.
the immediate relatives. The bride. . voted --befUlft
who was treatly attired in a, travellintt ratepayersway.m_to,the.-3-ames Bayirstusinty.
suit, wef
as assisted hi" her sister; Miss
Celina. while Mr. 1.4011 Gelmas sup.
ported the groom. Mr. and Mrs. Geli-
tuts will make their home on the 'old
tomeatead, just ,north of 13ryedale.
Your correspondent -joins in wishing
these happy con • lee ever happiness
Fire did damage to the amount of
$25,000 to Brosnan & Sores carriage at
Ursa Barlow of Flanthorts' is dead
front injuries received. by her clething
catching fire.
"rtait12hOrtclir fr .
, gudt-en to Porrittthur- a
WoOdhtitui - , *a the -me -of murder. —
lls. Copeland is Ivioening quite he. Toronto capitelists ore interestel
tiently now. -The firm of Russell and in 4 emnPAnY which invi3P-10. til et'
eor int,ye purchased .11, tioesbilig ma,. tract alcohol frau SetWdost.
chTnee--'14lltd-iilWrI iiiiiii-r-vist mg _ ., liti-Athratiiii-Aitnie min
at; Iles home here,-wm, sineink is • guilty of rAtiSpiracrin eatnection with
hull Miss, Nellie- Mittiphy has 1 the deatb of WallsceGoodiedlow.
accepted -it '1 ition-With I. W. Roy sat 'Stipplernentary estimates for the
J.-aim:ton-tint or -4tik
r -c _.
epe-sporti g.ru i Jred iMgilries.•.-:-Ity 3%342 *ere brqught.doWn.at -0.ttnwe. ,
-ck stiiking hitii in the fact Luther D. siourieL it. young man .esnpl.tyed
r retelvedateretstinjories.,-:-Mis• iti itt militia Cailendl-ri was- caught _ b'
Anwelli"k5 bR's tetutvea tr°113 her' a Isiah thiewnsartbe SaW aria kil '
' ded stay st . Mitchell'. Mr. and '
_.n it )1 h :iist.e 10
te -seVt-o0i---t-iliti.,7-1iiiiiton ih-ricigli
the operation of the new assessment
ct. , •
Dr. ,Win. Stokes and Dt. Johrt
9it0 a s-if-Balti more a rts' said -ttilittv
discovered a, enritiveserum tcr typho•
tevAlgt; i' tip!, ; it. Mil' gi 'it Dtindas to. ' •
Timmer. ortivtiTiolow-Wiehi n, ,
'ealising.the deititi.eyonp., is 1 in.
. _
Theoret, putilisheli 'of tot Rove*
regitle. idiot himself through the twat
with it revolt/sr at his;_ reildenee it
1ft Winona.
. While Mts. William Slini`ty,Torott.
0, titoiti in 4 stove, Shopping *onus)
ole her ninesnittetha.etilatits,Tl
h ni'u derd th
tont- weetlhis Suattnets M Lily-
SitsiZeila nutty frier/de will he taeftfiett
to Iearn that sh is recovering trona
her length
bait the third finger of his -right hen
taken off„ hy-tomittg in coutact with
of it turn* pttlpet -Rev.
Cou*ns, took Rev. A AyearseSitt
-StrnitirS7-whilts•-•the-ta •
cutidticted Anniversary isetricetr,terty,
Wittnn and on, Wm, spent
utt4 ratith Mrs. Stewart at' Exeter.,
The 'many Itionds, of Miss May Nviti
will tiepleased to learn thatthe is able
:to,bre around again 'atter it lebgthy ill-
iteitto•-• Eaton, has tk,operied hia hard,
her titto Antler trait :bah again
In •
rettilifiti $1‘ CIO ttt" 8*.
10 IVO Mt.
finger or the tight :t;• A ec-o
While operating a 114 r saw at S. !me.
'1(liktra, Mr. lit. .14441 sustained ve ry ' , '•, •
ii,t2itions'injorZ,es„ ,A stick of wood atts , Itit..tX „
Intwori-ity,thesiewittirlAtruck Mtn on Oat., ,i.
thr ace._ Ilillaiy,wat fir, oken, ...siter. 12 ard
al eetit were" loofoned ---sild".hlet
'ly oat, Or, VerstoSon who oitt , it r
lir kilbit it'
ed lielajured MAD found it tteolo, I fs1Iig i:fl "itittit. '1 '
sett,* 'notelPet.`,* of etitetielf in the - llosr• sea ,s p1'ay rig in froot of the
iw.lr1 on hi* bead. Mr. Netti is to a.. 'I bop zind,poliod the 14e, 0
,. . ,
iftifttorovittio tut tipptis. atse toter- , , ' 0161* Itf iron pi pioit.
titinel 'tOr *hie complete .rceortty, - , ' littr-body,r, rual-fis
, , % ,. ejnttil him , internal
Me, tonna itotity ,If c rtlpt'LOfl dittl' ill *hunt twentr
the Ccrtion were ' '• ijaideit.
(lucorporated by Act di Parliament 1)
Capital Paid Vey ' $310009000
Bosomed, Puudo••• • • -• .. • ... •,$3,000,000
01710E HOURS; 10 *. tit to S tuft sounDAYs, 4111. tO 1
a ,
• A 06141511AL DANK1140,131MINESS ,TRAN#ACTED,
Farmers Sale Notes cashed or collected. Forms supplied en application.
St,ateinhoir_An ht anejanitsoldeattollotemsterreatesstekovfitExchaoge.
lirWeSt rates'anti on naost favorable'terms. Dealers
• DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed
Saving.Bank Department: ')e4P`mits4fst "Id urtItn4 reeeived. ItAt*re'i "41.
pounded half -yearly and added to .grinelpal Jinn SOth
sae December not
ents-atExeter for the poriiinitin Government,
bleiMo$ & eXitt,mo,, . N. D. 107A.PQN,Miniie
The Standard -Bred Electioneer 'WilkTei3 Trotting Stallion, -
:`'‘ItiNt 20
Return Thsraday, lam 22r,
Two Days in Detroit
LH. Aro:int=
• • Children. Mall Fare
; OA* WAY with st.ec
will leave. Stratford and way
- • e I#
morning. June 20,
• Prom Winghant and way
stations, take 'morning train
• June 20, connecting at Clinton/
-47.40,14,art,), with Special Train
for Godetieh.
NI -410T_
Standard Ride 1. • Registered in the American Trotting Register, V61 -
tune XVII. • Brown colt; two white ankles, behind: foaled in IDOL Bred by
30. Linneman, 'Lima, Ohio. Now owned by Jones & Kunz, Exeter, Ont.
Sired by NORVAL' fills.
Record Sire of COunteas Eve 2004, Flowing Tide 200Ii, Norvin 0. 2004, Annie LeirhOrn.
230% Norvet 2133, Lady Norvette 2134, Donnaugh 20%, Norverd 213X, and 77 others in the t30
isujits_sonthayeLsired fits and_danghters produced 101n 2:30. Son of Electioneer125, Sire of Arlon fatiii,
frunlinfOOKTPrdirAircaltiVaiiid-157-0101-rst- -ttattr."Yorrna, arg -me-bruiser
Are ()flints 315, etc.
dies-IWIT-453NSO"," -
Sister to9rnament 224t4, Record 2291L Sire of Marie C 2:104 and 17 other standard'
ist°teinane2ra:03,80maltalant Itsuorm lArn ilek:00"C8BikLiltGare°fRagetaBuin"t.20%84: endau 104
others. Datn Altna,Mater, dam of Alcyone 227, Ale/agar* 200.
alliuidorf 2:1934,,, etc., by ilambriaollttehett
find dem ELECTRESS. • tst imr.aremert 125.
Streof Arlon ssnsi„ a,unald2:03% Pal* Alto2:0894. and 1.57 others;
" OritencLardertrealift dim ol
--dardperforinerrodsoarasadsireof ibrjor Delmar The Ah.
darns of'Xialawati, t..):0154. lAurel 2:1344, Andover Mother stew.
tfilm:03!oa.Asote92*OL: and VW000
1, other/01nd_ MI074
.para 01 tatartle 2:30 and .Record 2:17 . Sire of Mint; l4rnit0 saA:, Lorita
Loraneer 224 21f04, Wands 2:18$4, and 2;1 others; and 41inis of• Fanny WW1*
E, Iii:1111tOni!;°;t1
mare, by Nasubtino Chief 11
(Lb darn LAURA KEEN .
Third dam of Cobwebs sas, Avalon Sire of_xter 2:171.4 Nettie 2:18, Orange Girl 220,37 others; a
2:17,4rCraft.y44014rand4..other .-darneof.Staul, ,irRaorua 4-2..1.144,-Greesilandstover
standardperfarnters. .1470others. and vandsire -of Nancy -Ranks-T)4; and over 1,600
• . et Mandapertonne
fith dam FANNY.
• bi EXTON ECLIPSE. _ _•
by -SEA -GULL.
• Tialtenires STA11000.7.;--,7110 Jon is a model hiconfonnationt is *volt with great subatanye and h
mulch atilt and finish as any (on, bave ever owned; has the very but of feet and kgs. WIth litUe cre
thalibren1714 WeirkiLlt a tiro-Trariddr,- -trotted ir quartertn 403 eeeondv-
--AftettLrri to Cloderich
ItegVe DttrOit fortWerich'r
in:, -Thursday, June 221, Stat.
dant Time. •
• Return to 000trOlt
Lrave•Ooclerich for Detroit
a tn., Friday, Ione 23„ Canada
To F8,111101011101 I EMI-
° it 15t "im,Fl!eRS
o genrl
NORTH WEST. As the spring is co
no,.. gatx1er
Direbrerge t 3'450-- -4331r11. - so -your- old-tru-okrz—iic
lls'astresilot 31.55 411Plitrilt - - 1143345' -
Lmyiliaatotson 1110016elaw . 34.00
Lenore (32,00 tiasettoos . 35.25
' rime, Albert 3540
seertle-----3Z25 *MAT . -5500
neeeettelai 3220 • Calgary , . 35.50
Arcole ' 32.50 Reit Mei' 39 50
Stretlicenat 40.50 ,
(ortt JtE13th, returaitig anti
hk:410 agtst
=I h, of one of hti ftrst
Dit Ptat
irersoti ol
W. Ball. Deceased suffered
task of grippe in the ettili" part o
lita winter., frontwhich she neVer en.
'rely tenoveredf sod oil . tbrougir the
inter tibe has been 111 feeble health,
though previous to this the had HI-
ojnyed the itest 'health. She On
mot sttiorz on -
-101 So*th of Metropolitan Hotel
1815. . .. .
eti '
fottht • Mneh . rsg - es.... felt, •:111146i14440:391,:rric.'erifin't,Itteitt;itnlif5:: '
• rotiele (""bitind'it iikenpvjawntledthilt.,:,,tioXicite .•,. A Vit°- 06(111tktnieoh*tbdtj hillit' n'llg—Viiii: titrIttikl'14:t'' r832er
mwig ititeny general tr.' Tin*. - ---..- - -
" thst '1)11116R. Urtt* /.13'ling hild ',,ittilidenly itri raidart morning rt Ile
n 'ill far several tnilbth° Ind' liw,',..tattilly residence.- Ilits.deceased bola
orbit* that,' theend wage° hear.. f ito,,n ill, tigsinnotlit for aottle, titrit,,,
i Pont t he winter in Now Ytirk 4 but. *so tott tiled** reviotut, if reilit0R*
. her 4ittnithter• there. ) i evion‘ ' 1
, .,,-.
r',Weliaiptei47-464' L ...
1but nothrng
t 0 ttrieg
bongo .,.,' ipastyear his Itealt t 'been AO
however, Itt*Or11111115S+ °I4' tiV41:13$1,,t,;_,70*,(4,::::.,:..,',... g *Apiteste, ,
ebe: tv!1! IllWas theri. Aitt:otit: it Itt,!4,70ilti•wl,tilgUt4; :h11:1! . .*AtOrtb; „'41,i, ' tItt, egh. ter;t4Pit Mr. tt'turnedburn0
-del ,, ----------'N- — - ---- ' -.---- --1 - - ,iii.Saiiiis the WOW -tit iv
.1'<-1iitYrA" ::ertlitiliiiitit ti'lligt;* V;;;11-41ef il g31,rrif!"1' 477 '.: 7 47,11,t*, 41. 4.... . i • 4e:cll.
&one, trti I kitty. The disease was 08.1tt t hare benf41,*(t.r%s,* I
' ay morn ng o . as "0 .. ,
'lot such h tritons that despite> the most cob
' 1,lien
:i it', pipit et the tellfg)
'.;%Skilifni mrdloiitadviee, sold the Masf c
,ftteraitivatlitir. it* tslifokgeir coOtr "tool d
1* , etayed. Mrs.. !Ewintes FilAi 'T Wheeling to 0/1001 ettOettV0
tIlefehurs*alateI11041.174111:1110**14014 itt
the ,wheel. She lorti.
he itsegoirsend token
I)t. sittiously kill
hie wasaanet Itert, .thilknorav.
rl hortlyalit,thi4rosiorisge to bit-
Oh it she canielu (*nada.