HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-25, Page 34 P00411,• ITATEAT ii/060D. . Vise of Vin.iplee en is* inggri*.ptions PiU Valle the 024. :poor, Witteey b/00d lp a t j'ale eOflvPWei Ui 4 -4X1V, 14- thc CU pi _ ! _\ \L OF MARS\ANUITS IEOF14E GURE THE MOST PUIV soap 1" You've heard! ii Suilli TUE GEVAX - EXTREME GASES o a p you have the act. T tmaon NOIVEW'S ITXZWS.. 1 -- i XXXS CAN'. ° Their Zn307 IN THE 11- a' •It14 No NOT; STAND BRX9RE 'iliolW$ . ,. ompl, P 134d. ' I'QZi1CS Vate,..Onlye Pleeoel;eetidv, the eeeet)41X Pen4tillet.4filir'eltikee tams' . Tne ieeewe Woe /Wee( .1)1114 ii4leke. tefeeiteie '0.eret rtnttnd t of the:.teedet. It electee-:. iiietteeione • etaieies -40-liellteiRgee; la led 1)rigt,eie• 'teal Ui trengtte and etiaPpinees. Misii Lizett•e • alreingere. Carlsruhie Ont, -says: "Die PIUS is. the best iitid of Itreparitiee; My blood was- te. a bad condition,' and as a reielt wasenotepidy.eveale .and Ten dome . v th Yirn Ace. nnd ruptions. I tried- several med s, but they did not help me. Then I WAS advised to take Dr, Wil - learns' Pink Pills, and these son - relieved me of al/ my troubles. I tan recommend the pills to anyone eel -- feriae from bad blood." , Bad blood is the canoe of nearly iovery disease that afflicts humanity., It is beeause Dr. Williams' Pink Tills make new, rich red blood that •tli.0 cure such troubles ate anaemia. teart-mtpitatiene, headaches-, and • backaches, rheumatism, neuralgia. . geStiaP4.--ki4M1P-- and Jiver t ou- bles, and ailments of girlhood and Avoinattliood. But you 'lutist get the .8'0mila° pills with the full name, "Dr. Williams. Pink Pills or Pete People." on thn wrapper around „ iaaeb: box. Sold y medicine dealers L._„-Aiketyvhera or salt...posit paid at 50 • *cents a box or six boxes for $2.50 3 0 Ale Co., Brockville, Ont. TB JAPANESE JURY. -Work of a Statesman- in the Thir teenth Ce - In, eke Teiyel era (along about the „middle of the thirteenth century) a Japanese statesman brought the laws in touch with the people by estab- lishing a council of state, with 12 • Judges, the same ale our jury. Before , these 12 all litigation was brought e. _Joe investigation and decision. The _plaintiff and' defendant had - their ao-Keiiiii-etim, who argued nd-defended he case- and afterwards the 12 Ili, red ftito a closed chamber, where t e .foltowing oath was administered:, Diiring the deliberation of a case and the decision aiterwidrds btwoi etilliteand leronee, neirlfer Jhiii y • connectionsi nor Sympathy wit , nor .antipathy against, the party shall influence. Fear not a powerful fam- ily, or favor not a friend; belt speak _2,itt-accordattc.e with_ the dictatesof • -truth. Should -there be a dose de- cided wrong and redrese refused to a men we shall be punished by all the is*g • Thu.% we swear, and afIlx our signa- -etitteeTeee- A MEDDLESOAIE GOVEfl,NitION'r. In the old days, when commerce was carried on in wooden sailing ves- lona eftliftratt-rttlik- - • cer-of-ships'-evereetsregreat ere -than eSent. 'Ilion the Newfoundland On the ot :VI, • Okservat . freito: rtmiumorion, ..-01:41110! Fet1ionere'.4till pee 'tee: 1. "I*P4n111,tcl./_ttlititie•)e.;e* 0Ilt 6 1,beitie'en*Otteeel' 4 e e 019, 00 1444: ZAliql.10,;. 1470,::01' 4144,11,-fe. I.Uetneeit • rms.... 41e$414,1fir.0" the,' 404', , retiOr sheet nte tt W4( • read' "rreekel;te,OlevtieleS 'all' Vele ' 74 1'444.6401,10g Very. 1144 SO1110 I • ('" 4,40 driz-OrY.' •03( neer bode Azle iveleeentie ,tliete • ine .,ferd '.reentelee' ter koka , is isi,t,uated In Lle _troducet,axid to: les ,Neitoe 4se,letes eplaintee; tuOA'r•100.04e, .110k1A6 Pe&-TUOSF*03-!rx. "in the •,,!.itt'xiSfeika.,. ln, hiS %fork. `'aiett 0.4tP2• 4/124,. Cur& eitetierie 'elliglikendii of centatio., 1' !Alio fl1flw ils of Ids apart- cases. ae Stone In the Kidneys'. ,Yet cation fe.orie giving 41011 •Atiese4 ti*0 secretary: raent-are--alf Fin:dOWS,„4.ria" a !'bro04- that ie what they hallo done; right of the- attractions; that may be Gond , e itieteleteveyee, tWareresort.eh m1senietek4 ZWIN1 co ore pr n TIT§ . ;OS e man, eurt la the well-known Proprietorof the and islandt1 scenery1 tho hotel iteelf. Bilou -"Harid 011(1 on .)letcalf street, aand teeny t the special features that in. DAL intenvinw be says:- "Ty...friends luny be -found there. It is printed on - r- elying the appearance of Morocco leathee, with a picture of the hotel and surroundings on the, same. and the crest of the hotel, emh,ossed In high relief. ; A glance through this booklet makes, Ono long for the plea- sure of Summer and outdoor lite, and copiee may be secured gratuit- ously by applying to any9rantl Trunk ticket office. Oft fithieb "is mounted an aetrononn- cal tel.-.seope. Naturally enough, one of the first re re ' "Ale the .planet Mars," he replied. "II have been studying that plane clorely for 80 years. and 1 have prepared a regtiler map of le with all its canals. I think I am ro.ore interested in this than anything, for one reason, that I am certain It la inhabitedt, anl probably by • people much more edvanced than we are. SEES THE SNOW MELT. "A thing,„ which is particularly in- teaSting--ttfrAtti- ttt tho Jurlity. Obser- vatory, which I founded. L9 that we, 'etch the enoev. melting o.t the Poles in . tho spring, anil. in fnet• they nearly disappear in the summer. This, mind you., in spite of the fact that *the year 'iri AtarS IS Mice ae long as ours. that is to say. that it FASHIONABLE DOG DOCTORS. reelly consists of .30 daes. eotht New York now possesses its fash- . alt . eon:1bl° deg 'doctors, Who get _veo, Vivre Is onguon. ECLECTIII0 naturally. the_ .WintP.r_ :17,9 lOn-ger. With aiinldollars a Visit and Overt with a tele- nti‘itriiii; else; becomes 1PopinulTc,t1T-1 .r..epttd,• to the inhabitants. I _they eetre-eieefiellesteitirereightt 'eefeeeiie eleeeelieeetereere stancea man whoweigh$ 1 eereneeletioneeineariabteeeprie ererieent calls. , lady recently it-vant4ges from-_tho et - AMY' , '- 40 ,`A * -SPeeialist from . New York to New- otrnmsnairreite grinla.troenvir ofwil".01r. gointheir pounds on the earth., if he could lie n LnIct,tr Oil ate een numerous, but port. and/kept thete for a Week, r secesstet. Those who knovr the at $100 a day, because her poodle z'ripevenceiiee, aro not put off with a substi- was' ening-. - Their mistresses buy plate._,but eletnend_the-reetl-thing,- -- their treasures collard. set -with piw- Ions stones, at sever* htmdreet "The reason 1 Can't get. along with by diurnal rotation to the lOotle -house bum for ene-1411"115-13111-81-7-444ter dog. the exact ...z,11 "Toutro d laffrebrietnrcae:S:tti.itarbiytra: ; part of a second, .and from observe- model of a Queen Anne cottago. tioitn tions, which have now exten,ded over Every morning, before being taken she always wants to refer c1$ptLtes 100 years, we find the length of the out for a walk, he is bathed, curled, to her mother:1'f. day on tete planet is 24 hours 37 minutes 22 seconds. The climate of the Martians is very mild, there are o gales, while the atmosphere is very light, with scarcely any clouds. The inhabitants enjoy fine weather, litiertiMatieebeingesontetleinerlike-thete of Davos Plata, dry and clear. We know the globe -of Mars perfectly, in fact. far better' than the earth. sotivai...-porp; • "1 -lift, crie ot those Iwo -Paris- ians," M. •Flarnmarion • coatinued. "who has never changed his abode. I have been here since the wee of 1871, he factee teals the flat clarity, the war,'When-1, was a. cap -tale. the. Genie. and I am surrounded by trees and foliage, as if I were in the earl to . now.. -tlefit--1,-h to Stone in the Kidneys for years. They know- that besides consulting the bet doctors in the city and try- ing et ery medicine 1 could think of, I Vwee'S unable to get better. 1 "Solna time ago a friend told me Potter's Kidney Pills would cure me. AS a last resort I tried them1 and they hal.% cured me. , -41 could not imagine more severe, . suffering tliaa one endures who has Hearing a faint rustle in the 'atirit Stone in '-the Kidneys. and 1 feel the, "\. . hall below, the eldee sister, suppos- tlilisseae e fle of the ICitint,,'s or e front the Kidneys, Dodds Kidney Pills will cure it. over the 'banister and called on :-- Be.ssie, have you landed bine! There was a deep, sepulchral silenre for t some moments. It was broken by the hesitaeiege_eons_tra,ined voice of the young Man: "She bas.' suddenly transported to Mars. would only weigh' 52 pounds. "The public sit large does not real- ly know the'precision of some of our • e ions. 'rhus we 1 Commune, while an Paris was ight- e g, 1 ttrrtied-from tlie.tetudy or men to that of nature, which to my mind, is tar more Interesting. "I began , to note the different phases of vegetatiom on the magnifi- cent chestnut trees out4ide my win-ihonie through St. Paul and Minnea- e-eneetlee -Avelieureleertiliservrt 11--414-9- -Itte tr/ °ccuPY s 4 bkjnifirVALO Wh ars Doctor* d* swims I -Physicians , no longer consider it catering to _ ' _TOUR ° .... _ "quackery" in recommending in prac.. 0.,...... tics so meritorious a remedy for Inch - To Califoinieseeand, _ _Lawes__. tion. D epsia and Nervousness as uttr-it, . ' ner-They-reitli Clarke Ex.--iss_r_iAk_si**3,„ Vort- that it is a _step in advance In medical regon. nye to tz- tnt and pertuttnetit 'cure . _littld, O for diseases of thy -stomach. /t will A personally „conducted .eecursion C0113 3V0u..-00 to the ,Pa.cifinAcoast via the 'Grand' Trunk Railway Systerd and connect- "Telt me, Ilaory,"t said May an iines leaves Qfiebec July 4. andt Tirightley's admirer to her young Montreal and TorontoJitily 0e -The, brather,-"Who--P-,, '-i -tliffrinlwr-fell route will be via Chicago..thence' that's been calling on our sister'?" I through Council Bluffs to Omaha, "I don't know his name," replied Denver and Colorado Springs. Stops Harry. "I just call him 'April showers'" "What for?'!. "Because wilt boTtnade at each of these Otces he brings -May. flowerset prion-,reitlizett now. thee 140 othvr ebcic eet be conntreeeet.O_va eterd side- tip e take/rein-- Maidtoui Crkpple Creek. Gardere of the Gods. etc. From there the party will con- • route of t.he Deaver awe- Ilio Grande. trough -the • itoyal Gorge to -Salt Lake City, thence to 1443,a_ Angeles, San Francisco, Mt. Shasta, Port- land, Oregon, Seattle., :Spokane. awl TeTtre:-Theireeteee'S -were,- prefer eif THE CUSH.10,N FRAME" Is the new feature. It has bronght bicycling again into pee pular laver -Makes Rough Roads Smooth. - The Sills' Hygienic' Handle Bar a companion invention to the CUShi011 Frame. Write for our new, catalogues, and new picture cards. Mention this paper. 3PALIE3Et COX° SSICALMONIMig WilEt3E1353. • t t in touch with every owner at a bicycle in Canada • ci...avet.AND _MASSEV._4114131 j3t1 BRANTFORD . \WELLANDTVALE VO wisi• to be found lout,'the bicycles we handle. Vor t In reason we want as inany persons as possible -to send la -from-their locality good list o( bons lide owners of bicycles Who .slididd be interested' in the purehase of a new bicycle with time modern improvements. The lists will be received in regu- lar order and to the writer of each twenty-fifth letter ,in tbe order received. we will send free of charge one pair of our Improved Hockey "Cycle" shales. nicamtactured by us, sold regularly at 42.00, per pair. The lists must he Clearly written out with address and name of make ot present bicycle and shotild be addressed- as follow= Department 13 Canada * c1, & Motor Co, Ltd., Toronto Junction. Canada. Lasts must brcciivcd net later than May 24th. . _ CantidaAphrand or Co. Limited 46 Makers of tho World's Best; Bloyelbils Canadian- Headquarters TORONTO - iorAtstormobues . Where c n I get some of Ilolloway'S my corns by this remedy and I wish tome -more of it ior my friends. So "'Speaking of bad falls," remarkee Jones, "I fell out of a window once, and the sensation was terrible. Dui-, ing my transit through the air I 'really believe I thou ht. ttf, ever y me." "Irm," growled Thomp- The following notice is sa o posted on the door of an En country church: • "This is to give notice that no person is to be buried in the ehureh- yard but those living hi tit* parish, and those who Wish to be buried are nested to -apply to me._ . (Signed) "- Parish Clerk." -FOR -0V+18.-----MX-"irif ,YEA.113,. Pre. Winslow's Soothing Syrup has been used by millions ei mothers for their children while teething. It soothes the child, softens the gums. allays pain, cures windcolic. regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for Diarrhoea. Twenty-five cents bottle. 131il by drug - world. fiit aura and ask for "Mrs. Winslow** Soothing Sereup..." 22-04 toa$_,, says a writer in-Cornhill, soon got to know them and their every year,. in the beginning of th °I peen] Lori t I numbered • them, last centurythere were t`erri131.1 the,....AbServaitorv -.Nem ;AO is 101,911,1• iii„411oripmit 1 a t -Se 'Afloat." near by materialfrom the 1‘.)st -41trrn"fsrShrftrea--tt bl-tili3-11"i64-111":81'timatehtlr15-ril/I7o-bililwer. itIt'SThit'aVonie o7,-.--anlithe trell-s1- 14early every good thing in the fine- are ftirward, while others are slow - !session of these people, came from uld to put forth shoots: I, then, made a sea.•lege (ravening clergymana chart, marking the date ot flowering 0 Pt IOW ir,elitle Ulan. °was o tee-eyaeaeirls. nijnildIsfaitartlivrrdiPrailtvointler -a tr-td7 . strstigo in a little village there, when . -cur',-- he ifound'ehis- host eyeing. him sharp, ed line through them, found*Ivy • ly. At last the old fisherinan told eerreePontled with -the solar* wills - :his ..band, on tho parson's coat and "1 diecovertel the. some 1-11,hn .!?.,!.th • smoothed it down. the return of the swallow*, the fist "That's a mighty tine piece of nightingale, -- mid- the sodof the • clothsir," said he. "Never seed cuckoo. though all, of COtirt,tb. aro such a splendid bit of cloth in thy modified iiy atutosph,ric conditions. ,-Iiilawr.,. emphelicaliv_ rov- •,ogiir?", • ed that t le tnore so eluding railroad fare, Pullnutn tour- sleeping- cars. all =eats in the tf• frolii all bard -soft or calloused • TorontO. This first trip 19 designed • lumps and biendihes frorn horses, blood as a vacation trip for teachers., al -1 spevin. curbs, splints, ringbone. though many who 'are not teacher& slreextey, &tittles, sprains, sore and swollen throat, coughs, etc. Save $50 -hy---user -of-ornr---Irtsttle-r-WArrtui Led ---t Inest-wortd knoWst. Will improve the, opportunity of talc - pric▪ e ebonies -a. For Nit partimd, ars. rtdetrer4,7 FL- 4 reeler, General Agent arid Conduce • oreetteene =2.08e Thaion Mathew. -To- ronto. ALL TIIROUGII TIIAT "Johimy Sainkina,"" id UR SAI.E.-riELAWAItr. PflIJIP and Stock Itie.ruts, good markets. inraver-nritd-ort and beautiful country. Catalogue frees J. It. eleGONIGAL & SON. Dever, WISING .PLANTS FOR SALE year old Oc; 2 year, fle.;, 8 year, 10e each. • 13. 'LANCOOK, _ _ Meriford, -06E. ."They tell me young Featherstone has lost all his money in poultry - "Ohl - I heafel literd-bea- plaYing ducks and drakes with IL" Llko Tearing the tort String's. "is nut within .-this tonception man to -measure my great -sufferings from heart disease. For years I en- dured almost constant cutting 'and tear- ing pains about my heart, and many a time would havo welcomed death.Dr, ..A.gonvea...Pace--for-the-Renit..„.b ed a veritable riHdracle."-Irho„, 1tcks, Perth. - oIt's a pity that a r4ser hag money to burn can't take it With , • • , ••Le iiinard's Liniment Cares DistemDet • You have not fultillei) every duty unless you •have fulfilled that of he- "Now, _Briiieseee you say yeti, care wash and iron baby's fine linen. Tell then, how you can tell when the iron is too hot?" By • av the linen bureau', av course, e icreintl" Ise Theatiselim-ja.-Inicieeti- • vilely they Were offered to the puha., Parinels(e's Vegetable becalm p0- -pular- -pular -berause-of- tIsk-good- report Mutter for themselves. That, r"putation has grown, and they now rank among the first medicine's for use In attacks at dyspepsia, sato biliousness, complaints Of the liver and kidneys. rheumatistn. for and ague and the innumerable niolicslisms_kcs' which these 11.111ttertt,S _ ar rntr- r io. . eac er iznp ten y; !1‘;110- --are--the- hotter- the -spring in Paris. te-reeeyott are fid ting evithe" • Johnny did not reply, but the class vitriter at one time said to an orlz. OT -11R OBSERVATIONS. ineY. .pilot, "This must be a greet n• sheak was -reOdY. as usual, nith in- . :place -kW wreeks." " • - • - formation. f cured a, horse .of the Mange With do not owever ° n n• time here. 419 half the year I am at encase teacher... ziNARlys "Wrack!. mon!" he shentell, brIng- observatory at Juvisy, whkle Is . ing his heavy fist dowii on the lull the pin he's 13.'4:it." "Take it away from him, an.1. bring it here." was the nen. eeni-11 mand. And the °trending pin 0.•as as- corilin lv broil ht 'Iliere was no e. trouble • from Johnny until' his turn -c..atne to read.' and then. instead of standing up, the pear little fellow made, uo sgn. ex- cept that two big Le.ers rolled down •_ •....,eeeeseeeee. ilen't you.' go on wetTe •fius reading?" cried LA nattch-tri.del men-: tor. "If you dont young man, 1 stlall 11a1.70, to nieJ:e an excaniple of yottr-L-- "P-pleaAe. trattna,"* whimpereti; "T -I can't stand tplk, Th.;:t 1)Y l‘TaS 410111 tro tiever hoPeal like Irnm4 grow iftei-n limes Pin Y.012 to°1.‘" ke*kwa's--rau 14"0;-'w•er3. fo• • g v. atm :At* red 074,1 1hari vintlgrr 112)1" There'00 virtAie in 43,et,, patient •ith the' pr.in zsziti not- rad. of tim bridge.erseeces trimly aeonlY about twenty, minute; from' . 'Mere we have two astreno- braw boost*. twiny a braxv farm in Paris - Orkney got out os wraehty. but the mers cr,orkinz constantly, prlpally 144- occupied with the study 'of Mare. ' 0 re and leethoose there, anti upiter ea ciatts: we a so CACe a yon, pointing to a 0 ubl e gh t- h oliserVe and riiglsteer tI tempers- , 11.0U,1e, "you's twa: • There's tie ture01 tbe air., the ground, the in- " thence of wracks •for a puir iisher terior of the tries and u;rtierground ° ' body noo.''' strcamq. to study, how the sun • saf-1 fectseielimntiosvsntlitionse _• ',we- have. ItE) tre114 tlirry'rent. SAVED TEE BABY; • ored-glans hotaeps for studying the • etTect of POLar ba -et en th;. itante. t, ,Wfls, not a believer la advertised and bore we tnado.. the convioinn (Ls - 'hug,' sitys Yfrs. Chas'. Vein- CoVery that red glans losttstiq vege- N.13.. "until I began ttttion uh 1 Noe glees' stippn,s-z.,c9 iffiy*b TAR q. Mien roe- in.qvtift tr:v n 1te Voters), .tiOt lieve any flesh On lier titinee. Orkii ;,b1111Q. end antititer etirli-iitg tticing a bluish color. "I'lie doctor- at- have succereled in deilliX 19 to eli-arge touled' livr to!ir ire she woiiild not . both lite' sliare and Color of 1:‘-aves 1.Ne.,. Atter remittal what other like 1hp eeleee end gevanitign tlizaor iritotitora," yiaid about Italw's ,Own ;ilif3erenit coloret1 gleisees." Tel:40g '.1,. tlecititel to try tiler), nail 1 I lAarni ao:rie,i1 !it. PlaelanarPon ti,,l'eciiit tnnt nctw 111111c-sITV .F.ay 1 tax...or halt!, some of tIN-ijt-Cirt;in.g. rartielcq he lee% i-tt A 'aitb1.0. ' leVe:telee :la InY •rtvrittin on tir-, oeit of the teople3. tiq' ' ha ved n oar. 4 V., 0. 4SP ert 1 ' lit V -th II t/ fil ,..9„.„. . ,..._.1.1.t.5... .11 .41 .tol i y -Ari ve t-Itypothis::•e, but ?;•.o -i oriJ I e butte 1ll. 4e.t! ..f _ 11(i'N' i b y for call not ..ir In or a herT 1IQtC `done for my plied, , doily'. "The earth1-al..51 raij- ti only 'urge that ttio lit,trabarras da choir," oy e.'seatli-e, I do. no*, i:ee 111rhstniat:_plr'017:VILAALVAttleain ?el 1 ii"We I'll-tie:es.t 1le entil ttIll lie intenFe ciiler'' 101s--pett'itively*. f titli eit, t.ra,f,o, '.-11.:, Ptaintr &wine vette. Or 1-n3,tlfeed tiled ,,, reef/ i=2-1 ley Loive tlatrattl a eiriatf 3n 1' lic0." il.ar 't t d after tee, bait tray di -..-i, tr..* cmtain no 0W-* mention it, aR tb,, ll1d,..1/4.-t eciaiYnix o Or*trirlrel," drltIfi, 9011 hr at' eeton ira..s, vrint" to--txx it, tls tpira:., yir4r,itq, 'err i.smit LI; wail at; 25 lat)A!eki pro..rr_vtvu , ..:., mitts 1,v)x 1.Vrittag-Alto !nor:3dt* CO.,* I3 1I1 Von catInot irnakti 4)0. y W374111104 on rpt!ie CIIIIISTOPIIEM SAUNDERS. Dalhousie. cbred a horpe. badly torn 'by a. pitch fork. with LINT - TENT St. I'eters, C. 11. EDW. LINLIfele cured a home oe a bad swelling with IMNARD'S LINIMENT. Bathurst, N II. Thos. W. PAYNE. A bachelor in known _ by tlie com- pany lie keeps and a married man by the clothes his wife wears. 150 litp” in.good condition. Very cheap. S. FRANIC---W1LS0141. - 73W. ,Af.t.elairle_Stn* • Toronto iiMPand 110 sagoiecheric 4 St same Puna* arillesky stamp ta adsstes, Ito& acres at a vet Low theenurenatt omit te , ;Weed, •,11 kinds at Fern tea catalog . Suing a man who has your money 14 a good way to get it .back for - your lawyer. d•-hee-e'After six wee.ks of married life, Arthur, I have reached the sad certainty 1 int you • 0 not 161-4-fne; Arthur -"Me drard" Slie-"It's no one - Ahmild have trarri el some crolalous, ituf id girl" Artha my very best.". vial, dart' alio (having nothing else to say)- "It'a unn -how wi tver came to think so inuch of each other." lie "Funny? It's positively ited ridden I/ 'Yearn -1"If anybody tits it • written • guarantee from me fi - rum rheuroaristax nyhli.Lerfcan. Itheumatic Cure 1 win Vie the gladdest Oman in the world to give it". tetys _ Sout ..A well-known ind5o foil dolytt a Mr. John Beaumont. of Mora. "I had -Eight of stairs. Tbcortling '1114 paw. Atespolc0--44---fcc0t;erY tkP to.4110 -time sew/ by- a btittip on every stet,- until of taking this Wendcrful scracd1V-.. it 112, retvaii'd the bottom. 'A servant cured co22*edetcly."--53 . to his atsitance owl, raisin); up, mid: 'I hope otw lionor Is 1.1111Eil CORI CEO 13 )13 rretlt;--"Iftss nip -Mon the most circumspect young_ lady I ever indt." Fred-'4ghe refusz.4 to accompany me on • the piano the othcr evening Without a chaperon." g. stadneyitsperitrierit-There's ro time .`1141 ered - t you- ere -a: -At ono form or another of kidney disearie.a. Lay hold of the treatment tbat,thon. sands have pinned their faith to and !• has cured quickl:st and/ permanently. South Ambriean Kidtiev fAire stands pre-eininent in the werld of medicine. as the kidney suacrer's truest- friend. -03 , - Mr. Goodley-"fler age really fair. prid me! She doesn't ,look tweiv. t does euthersa17:07eS,_tnappe-- dot on ate " 3110t1W talks Mr. J. W. nrown. ("Weep. 11110113t3 hey Mother Graves Warm Exterminntor IrCifause they know It IS a ctu citt exi.) -feraruisi. ▪ • did ' withoit ever get • have little to !do Soio per:toxin have periodical Attacks inf Canadian choiera, tlysestry orlatar. Thneit. and have to me great pretau- tinn4 tO invold' 'the didm Change ot Water, tooi:ing, amt. green 'sure to bring 511 the attatitS: 140 Ittwri wo •would recenneene Dr- td, 11 Kelieege ilVsentery Cordial as tAlitt - ntedicipe itv thernarkrit for al r Wij-dri-th 'Li ef ctu., bal$1341 stl,,,•:; 1 •erd caugt ter.e •any - v. zatoja, hair hey ere:Ince the t4yaor.r4 Thorongbly,. *4rt1letc.-.e'a Vegniaide felear tto stoinaelv, mad howsis of matter, eau:* that 'excrery tover,teii, Mit throw off im,tratiltien, frotn tr:s bietsi into trm.,c bowels- and expel tte delletericititt trots trio, toil,. Telly de 1t45 witeeet -10 ¶$1ey 12d a • m n f 4", . 0. 01,4%11 1 ti; -sts"iii otilcivor ..c. aittiii--rs 44 40.1111.64.,, irei.ollya 'v-,,-4,,Imatatiott pre"17 Tfam-------»• r- ftwirvict it P l" VC.',1 t (Yana r 11#6,41) 1)jinft0.&" oi.74er datteil ia 'the V* 'water .attd