HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-25, Page 2•44.X.ft(ftSki:Oft• '):44* 04).: )+:
tali 114,10. L-(COntinUQd.) woan whoeha 1,..,son 'Slebipted
- - -,, • _, servant, So tender .4 setintill., Utether
• • Iss rrare.litisagohq for 4 1.1741/‘'..r1 t9- ber-thinking • ale°, OI her . on%
elb elifne" efti4 Mee. J.ordatt OS 24,r-"! lonely lot. ThiOeing„, toes Of tlie let-
Pethieriele peated Itnilsalls *It' AP :!;0'1 tee. :whiten she' posted, -and avonderint
muell'hetter for her to, be irate: in-i•Who the I:ad of ‘4rrowslit/6•Mightbe
deed, she alenont lives in the •opeal and. why Catherine had writtento
air." I him. The dning , woman had hinted;
afar -die ifTffeVerrigliFft , Wirt
• "Nothing like fresh air for young sotnething any connection with the
,peo_plet.oesid ol(i ones, too. Mit, to earl? .
are quite bappy bere?'tbe
yes," sti seute.4, with
as. little sigh. "Quite baPpy.'
'lira. Jordan Is kind and-alsetn-
all that?".
"Yes," 541-141 ZsiOrgth, bays el -
d here since X was a cililasts
UJ se d lutycisgTOWU attaelli
to"Yes and V
14,11 1.1gfklAt1tgl."
; Attag/IIP4' ,
, -
rieWS Prf** ,S10004: '40411,9440k
th" Oirte/aitS.‘sar
. .
word, it. tin 0••• Pit•Afi". ' , Val:
:e•1atIT,,eriteUVO-,'ItOft-rif4''',.ini i, ...
orsIsToralf, but • her Ws.' Were .-.qiivt pt1Jingitiilas dun;,s
and ,filse turtied..hers.eyigs liPoPii:' IiirSi- ,gretful ' ti.Ong' .to '... . t , ..141stit
with' .a. s, ourortega stleestioning ' that 'evSetythittet h*tistochiThisat rificedsliPki-Y.41
made hiSi. coli litAg4ir.tss s - , :: '''',, , *lint, VS „teeth g0Mly. aid pro 4
• "I .ineitass4dearrtictis-that-stb4 per;:;, eSisis, bis tasks, -.s. :.,;,,. ," '
44,P3. it sit0Old'he eis weir tis..140ese1t . :effithat sm. earth *are, yes -t :s doing?'
(*QUO, 241ene. Certainly fiir,'' your nal •esiteitn•wlith a -smile; -;,,0 ,•.
.seke.1.1., .', •' . ' . '''' '!;". '' '' ' • . '..` "Ftilling ' 0°. Pletee S' AO ,TIPCkS." scorch Songt of that ,bettutillil laP,es :lric,ti critical' teenditten. I pristalSest ' •
NStrah• still . looked ats' hiSti,' PtizZled 1)a id respegided: *.!*-I daresay •I .001 ,1*0 MOSS,. 'TheTO 1i4 to, 1.00g tinil.of it .; c Itrls that ' I weight bring ne message
.and uneektairi; and he iturriesi en.. ' , feel .pretty 'nick tibetit it later on, hanging d91,Vst :behind. - I recoileet to. you -from Lord Littimer. Ise'.
"This -this life is a life of Change, but. the thing has to bo done. cut how ' rtibrin3f it °grassed to- me,:.even wants you and Dr. Bellto. eonie over '
Mies Frere, a iffe of changes and those wires for 'me, ,..canrd lel,: t,ohesi-e .-itn twhe miwoulddsti i',5f' inS, ook tdteareger, it::: tbe th:iover.,sw(eafitiecoremootro witandhaptteayusutiov,ditutnaerri.."4",_ _
eninee----------anenmakie._ -14.Y• 6
had not fatirertf7it-iewie rs „
....„ .„..,
6 4
6. 6 . 34*
e can ge tliVS' 16 6 ft Artft3fiVtl'elitnnfititnnelletrennnce-n
quiet hourwithbweeilli
rWaY:ttr6°hue; .
an exceptional a very exceptional until we have moved the big ones." Ile lifted the .long,artgir.ae4,84tuelo.enpoidr04,1 cithuatnhc.e3q4;ofttilfftaq 1141Ittcr."5"5:re
B 11 coelly declined to do anything .and brought it roew
tell you the truili;--"rit-iii is---arei-grad f ase.....bellemene. And you do not
of the kind., He surve-----3----d,e --Hie wo ea as-prosieie-wooings-And,--besidea,---11--
The question rose in a vague form know the Earl of ArrowaTtle, to
an opportunity for a little talk with!
i in it, for her life had been so un- wrote?'', he asked, carefully trained creepers true ng so ....., approvingly:-
r:iing d i ere, Van Snecit explainel.
i in there "
have no idea how nervous I era. st'ild
_....„_,• that lillisa Frere is out, for. though• * I eisosenestness whom Your nurSe, Ifrs. IlaYea. raceful banks of flowers there. the 4 • es -to -dr shall want you to coach me lir on
I have corne to see her, I air tTa 0 my 'interview Willi your uncle. Y ou
i eventful, so shangeless, that she was naturally and yet so artisticallyi had t in my' fingers -I took t
.you in her absence." • abruptness,
I not on the lookout for surprises or ••No. Until .1: -saw his name upon frorn the roof to the grou.nd, and the for the purpose from my Waistcoat- at the last he might refuseto ftccept
Ile -coughed a little dry cough be -i•
znYsteries, as persons with more ac- the: envelope of the \letter I did not sight pleased him. pocket. Then I saw Henson's eye on me for your husband.
Blab looked up fondly into her
• hind his hand, and his keen .eyes0
tive lives - are wont to be. lify dear chap," he said. "I am me and I changed my mine. I, "wish
scanned Mrs. Joecianle face. It did 4 know euch a -person existed,'"
not going to 'sit here and allow you I had been more seber." t
it was petfectly honest and genuine. the little COttate on the cliff, con- he Inutte•red: "Confound it. how
hours. There in not the slightest
to destroy the work of se umnakny
drnoaswn.exttAmitptInge itita(r.trobteean Iviltple_ nantly. "As if any man could find
lover's face. ,
• "As it he could," she said. inilig-
not need a very -etrict scrutiny. for For sixteen years she had lived' in "Dear me," he said aloud. Then
pression„ colamouplace, - the beetity of the . place, serene in
the protection or tlie devoted Catty- which they certainly were not. "Dear I am greatly mistaken, Van Sneck ped oftfv,, Ilea:in:in; ttaitiltrioli icilaeir,u12:
ss loilweeiri Wilt with you.
David drew the slender figure to
and, but for its kindlioess of ex- • tent with her quiet life, happy in shall I. tell ".her With those eyes of
hers fixed on me like -like gimlets?"' reason to disturb anything.
Mr. Petherick's gaze relaxed into • will lay his hand upon the ring for' Ledge it his side and kissed the Sweet. shy
, a persuasive smile. erine, and for herself "in maiden meethat is So strange, because, . you
us without so much as the sacrifice' At• ,
-Let me see, my dear ladY." he meditation (anew free." see, my dear Mies Frere, the earl
of a blossom." . "When you are my wife," he sttid,
i "You fell here," he exclaimed.
• lips.
ilt.-"rthillirsItisses. - ' , s • till-sterenelesk-___LO-liens.knows ou so well."
here with you for some years? ' and she was scarcely even curious - ---*-11.1--iews.--me 71---tlillilryo-tr-ti -rer-iroTt-r-F6r-itTa,---s-,rcsixttV44r-,he#44-sstr-4teir.-the-potr--IIereF4
1 a fragment of your hair en it. It is 'id'eli-TriiirtlirtitlarifareTSWerifiTd-fifir-
"nearly sixteen. She was only four After a thne she left tbe gulls, and never teem hant nor hearth of him,till- ewee. you
imid, cheerfully. "Did you ever hear shade ma,tches to a alcetY. After
that-'' „ derer interest in my welfare --4-**
than I do now, pavid?",
"Could I. take se deeper -interest „
e . mistaken. I ern-- sure that I have replied. "I Can't remember."
are going to.,. Bole human hair beyond e doubt. and the
"Yes, sir,' sal& Mrs Jordan_ aboet it...
years old- when tate carne and she is reaching the cottage' passed through TIOW."
of artificial memory?"
A sudden cry broke Isom the Dutch- . "Well, perhaps not. But you mill
now nearly tsrenty.„ Time. Passes the tiny hall and entered t e pa.r or. "No I should have said that the
"Th find a good many people find faults
Mr, Petherick had been standin earl knew of you -of you. 'There is a
difference, is there not? A.nd-and to courts and political speeches?" David Ills„11; .
t • I w ,,
very quickly, sir." •t. f thi g - .
I ve got it!" he exclaimed. "You with me. You have no idea what the
ma'am. it does," asseitted looking at one of the etcliiegs an ,
ut• it abrupely, whizh I have been euggested., AU tbe same, if you critics say sometimes. They decleee
trying not o J o , la e me patent.ay o g a
1 v so ite n getting t itaNi'e cleverly led my niin0 maiwei, is that . theylsIn:,•31ani anLiamposte.r., a copyist;
the lawyer: "Nearly eixteen yeats."; swinging round tis She entered, utter- P .
right direction. l'he only into the
, , Me. -Bec,,,,,rve, .0.„ befit:cad for datere4surprise and admiration.
-iiiiisiiiii, liffiair Tlim -iii-lifityer--herr .14vsert-ato-stWedadrsinsttterK--asfeiet --Sol -talla„t---1,---4P2----s---- - -r ail r-.-----1----' - =---- .-,*-----'- - -----,--v---,-,--.-,-.,---,--------- --r-r--...--1-yetitswarlbUT-Lithe-21,21g r potRuth __eau ea.,____-_e_e_aihat, ,_in _more_
his request. I should say command, the facts I shall he -.-only- too glads.s.
tne command of e sar 0 train ng . as een a labor o . ose
t I this time it, ie_byf 1
fere- In,. poor. -flowers. _ Theirs a , - - ,.., ..---!")-2---, ..2.2FS. :=1.0,..--ttg ....atay_glyetejligyeleletenneeeeeL
ih t . I did not - thf k f it b f '
Ile looked- round the roont. „ I
"Let ed an ' inVoluntary exclamation of
mother, Mrs. Frere, dielle-- he; lawyer, she seemed rather an ether- _ ....11
It oirv dale?" - said Norah. • with me." • 1 where the tuberose grows. I
quite certain you will find it airriongst
am jealousy, and anybody can critin•ise.
. waited. I Cul vision there in the :sunshine than A
'Yes; his lordship token A very Bell smoked on .quietly for some
I - David- c'arefully sc.00ped up all the TO me yeu are the greatest' novelist
"'Little more than a twelvemorith flesh and •blOod, and he stared ate
with its dark great interest in you. In fact-0cm, , time. lie toyed with :the red hips- the mess at the base."
()rah Prere, I helleVe?" ' ' Seecle'S '. recoiled:Ion, thee to.ssed 'a t°°se-me" lewn the Pot Icid iald it and ,Ilutli; broke away, declaring that
Then e shookalive."
after they carne to lodge here." the lovely oval , face,
have no other name than Norah soms which had so ,stImulaterfl N an There Was °ply -ane answer to this,
res. stes."....ba:r Murmured, -makings eyes -and-sweeping- hushes-, --tho wealth YO;i1 .
a napnl calculation; "rind since her, of auburn -red gold -hair, and thii ene
I She shook her head. the -stuff out, and something glitter- she must.. go at once.
sPrn.Y over to Van Sneck and sug- aa e .study a e -
mother getited that the latter should put it.
enneeiviekinetie, , and under outlines, in epeechless astonishment. "Did you ever hear your
s --hitt. • in Iatly.,,irnV_Iiiaix,Hrilliitic..4.
exquisite atraniiiiilg 32°'"2:4.*-1114c-said.--'--!-4'klgt"44131-- i
'But you will come this after- -'-
nSo as to have the fragrance with' °
I workmanship. with a large gen in Make. Lord • Littimer like you. Some
t on either side. Van Sneck took it in e
people -say he is, queer, but I call
the centre, flanked by black pearls
Van Sneck obeyed qUietly. remarks'
ing that the scent was very pungent. him an old darling. '
He will like me, he Is bound -to.
The Dutchmen was restless and ill his fingers 1°vinglY•
" .11 I've got something, a present for
AOke***.", *1.41 '100 4411- Hlghest award 8t Louis, 1904
mother's death the young lady has SUM. girlish figure with its graceful ,
• the the care,. so to spieak, of her us rose
mother's confidential servant-houee- though the dark eyes rested on him "No." said Norah in a,low voice.
keeper -what shall we say?" with "maiden serenity," e.nd she was "I think he is dead." •
,Mrsi, Jordep inclined her head. the first to speak. e "Now we are coming to it," hei
"Mrs. Hayes; yes, •tar. A most ad- "I beg your -pardon," she said, muttered. "My dear young lady,
mirable woman, Mr. Petherick, and- And "Great Heavens, what a sweet your father is not dead; in fact -
at cane; he:seemed to be dissatisfied/ ere you. are, he said.
the beauty! Well, you've got it itti,;',
er-much above her class. She was voice!" flashed through the old man's ahem -he is very much alive. . I
thought it likely' that you- may have with • himself -he had the air of a
devoted to Miss Norah; I think she mind. . •
would have laid down her life for "I did not -know any one was learned that 'he and your mother man who has set out with two or and do youa e care of It
faits into my hands again. IfeIs gott
were _ seseartted-frorn no fault- of three- extreinely important matters
_ roments-4neer- woman** here," andesheeturnedetaLgo..-
"Yes, yes. And she died a week "Stop -I beg -"-she BMW-with-ai011. iialWr las"-'-ardar"forstlitissesisaitid h• --11- - r carea-nhattneelewouldesteal-4t-onee-rne
; ""',
----e-eig, , t
little flurried bow. whereas Rho was beautiful face grew su (oily net a ford fetgetten *What orfe-Ortberessiss
.. ,
"This day week, sir," assentthe dark oyes became moistno You neednt distress yourselfmischief thoee things causeto
ed perfectly calm and selfspossesSed.
. . i
Mrs, Jordan. "It was a terribleDavid saidkindlysure!7
: You are Miss -Frere?" .
"I beg your pardon." Dell said' The speakershardly knew how much
blow to dear Miss Norah -the first, **Yes." assented Norah, with a
for, of course, she wee too young to faint hesitation.
feel, her mother's very acutely. A "I -I tho•ught so." he said, strug-
terrible _blow, and Miss Norah has gling bravely to suppress all further
suffered a 'great deal. though she, Signe of surprise. "Yest My name is
hasn't made much.--" She hesitated Vetherick-Petherick di Gregson, of
a moment for a better word than 0 Gray's Inn, and I-er-in fact, Miss
"fuss," but. could not find it. "She Frere, I have conic; down to see you.'
• is not a youitritidy- wh-o-nthreff-WeiT
to her feelings."
- "Oh, indeedi- FfeiPPY-ebeerful 419 -
position, l?"
fault of hers whatever. Er -Incom-
patibility . of temper. yes, I may
mischief the ring in question had
inaY, with all due respect to my noble tartly. ..Ile Is to do ' ' Y samo
client that any woman would, itave thing. Mental exercise never hurts caused, nor did his companions seek
to to enlighten him. David wraped it
found it difficult- to live wa-th him anybody. Van Sneck is going
up carefully and placed it in his
worry till he puzsleS it ant. win
Yoiir father, the earl- .--e-''
"What did you say? My father. you describe the ring to us?"
lied t i podc.kreitii.
glad that is settled," he said.
the earl-"
"Well, I've let it out, .now, thitn
lieavestieelessesnyeelear young lad
your father is the Part of Arrow4ale.
rskitowsCome. Comb, com, it has surprised
and-vildpearls; he talked with the freedom Bell smiled with the air (if a man
and upset-yOus'b
r p • nreof ,,theeexpert, _pea who is well satisfied with himself. At
eve br-oken it better; thoughpermittee. him to ramble on about thIs moment a servant taint
my wee ringssiii geireral.- ' --"Butneet-11-eanmessage 44)--1116-
'pen my wor , tor Matley &sited to see Mr. Steel
the same be could :nee that Van
you sit down? Inney sit doeit.-"
on Important businese.
leoeale rank Into the chair and put Sneck was far from easy in his raind. - .
into his eyes: mentory ,played for iiMe*'.
-"comitio't have .come at a. butter
David murmured. "Ask Mx.
Wow -and fiten'a sudden gleam ettine4'
ter hand before-hersnyes. elier-braIn
was in a whirl and she almost doubt -
the fragirteet of a second on a cer- . -
ed the evidence of her senses - Y . .
--She the daughter -of ars 'earl!. --Sures (rt
rreehasive-chord-aerd-wasegemees 4 344rieY cisme smilingly, yet mystee..
---Viesev4en=sintoknienight.--e.. --19--911-e---rela•arg4ettPes-#11-- • *.
tAnnestammenista ,,,,„,
hero!, Boil 17.4,tliked. _sudden's,. .1 !Aga _In %nil Zneeti,,. e Mar . "
"Yoa see, Lady Norith-" ' !
a y . less w latterHe part11 pe eloieular-
fall from her eyes and looked at him., arette. Heration on the enson handed it over to ly desired to know where Mr. Resin -
She wes still pale. but she had toas-I toe. I don't deny that I, was terri-
Aoya...not _itar,,,:iirmeriewits to be !creed.
"I thought that you 'might have sigme-of it, and the dark eyes tor,ned ette out of bravado."
I ;77 -
done so; that Mre. Hayes---" upon the old- lawyer: were full of "You went into the conssrvatory -111;;;;said Steel.
' Dut he was here yesterday,' Mar-
"Yes -ahem! Will you not sit
down? On business."
'it's -It's nothing to be alarmed.'
like a bird about the hotise, and it's( 'I am. not alarmed."
the stopping of her singing and her "Heaven! The most lovely
------ -bright lategh -thateba•ssnade- the place eturet "
. "I'm -I'm glad to hear it;" he
"Just so. Ab, yes -ahem," - said said aloud. "Ladles, young ladies
--- theslawyer-11Now- will you -tet inept especiallysare generally frightened at
.........-ss ..,...-.........nals"-am_-_-_afratidyou'it ,thirtinestne the "c•,,ee,V sound of the word.
iret-TY--.--1T-uffifili t vel -tit itaire you eVer ‘Fleesfsbii-VT"iktiMiii-Othltsgsro-u
tiseaedssbassstan.. 4 ness • and so-"
e tweak of me?' , , "Just so, just So. YQ have never
'"N -o, sir, I think not." , -heard of me, Miss . Frere?"
"Not,„____Anse sit__,.-Itlists,--itisils_smenllsisaa. "tl'in reifraid not' said Norah af-
e narieel-Pe ter
Gray's Thor' /
• "I never heard your naine mention-
ed. sir."
, '`IJoes Miss. Frere see,aneh tom-.
e Deny, mWetm? - Young people ' are
the monkeys -gregarious and fond of
shatter...sands-and so
"Not. „much, sir. This is a very
• quiet place, you see. Sometimes the
se.' daughter -lend benietintele *he
squire's lady call. and Miss Norah
goes up to •the rectory or the Manor
House to tea. but that is all
"Very good, rcueturi,‘" he said.
"And now." .he glanced througb the
him, that will render him ay slave
--.....- - es...e'en .--An•----e--,. se.- ,S,.........-- ..
for life. 7,revuoimr_r till the gloatning.
, fro ha Continued.1
Saying that fate is againnt you.
Finding fault with tho weather.
Anticipating evils in tile' future.
Pretending, and be your real self.
Going around with a gloomy awe;
Faultfinding, nagging and worry-
Taking offense where none is in -
P that ,I didn't have tended. 0
nidera.blesleugth. He- dwelt orre-t-lie -i-1-141-t-1- -DP- •glad
i ...„th mais,21_, _uship_...eltd the *to before my flowers. Bell. you rear- Dweiling on -fancied
wreirt14._ _ __s_.
eiceeding fineness of the black I c ;Sent stern - .. ,
Talking big things and doing small
ver_ s
r.v AVV1.6
Boasting of what you can do, in-
stead of doing it.
Thinkieg that life is a grind,. and
not worth living.
Talking continually about yoersell
your affable_
Rekerelatin neself -and- -kin
your elelittes.
yonder and admired the flowers."
"I -I beg -your pardon!" rie sweet dignity .and patience. . I ley protested. "He had an Elect -
glanced at the white dress and black "You see,. the secret has been kept Deli observed.
dent." - ..
saeh. "'You feel your loSs;---yes, yes; so well -I really don't think any - Van Sneck looked up , with astein- .
I "Bogus." said Steel. "We turned
dear me, yenr Absent You -Wert ,A,11-01' your exieteenee or identi- ishment and edmiration. _...But erleleintnutai the house. Is liteenventeel?
very muchk attached to her, Miss ty excepting the earl and your mot - "1 did.':'' he confeesed.
I_ Marley -explained that he was u lint-
er, and the- mires, 3,11-rtess-Mrs.-" dereta-asee-Itosvsyou---kne
ed 'a three different charges; in fact. Waiting round for Chances to turn
tima_tee_reneWsafiair energies. _
..e-reth ems .
Noralt 'made no 'reiffy and he huts . "Catherine .1layes," surmised! "I .guessect it_Itetakete the brain'
.fionte little time to get ievei to the thelnePentorladstlin Wintritiltnin hie- up. Vie and urn thorn up.
. Nora)). -he p . 1 . Writing lettere when the blood is
"Of course, of esairse.. tes. Poor 'Iliank •vi ; -yes; and myself, of , imagination. And tts-soon- saassysta pocket„,,,,, ,
it's only by good chance hot, which you may regret later.
woman! Most devoted to you. Mrs. course -that is only natural yon, came face to face with Henson you' \4d11 It
you haven't got one for me,"
-Mrs. Jordan tells, Inc. Sad loss, should be surprised'. Ilitt / beg you', knew what was going to happen. "If you have ten . Thinking that all the good chancss
very, very. will not distress youreelf or feel any! -You, were a little dazed and frightens- David. . laughed. and opportunities are gaffe by.
iiquor„ minutes to spane. between Van ti neck Thinking of youtself to the excite -
Norah waited in -silence as he fin- alarm. The earl has nothing but the' ed. and ii. little overenme by
_ d myself we can clear up the reys- sion- of everything amd everyone else.
,ssahentsskindeat„Inteptiposssend„„ins. into the bargain. But even thens
scions of it: yourself. you were seeliitaltrirey
-----reLeeieseter3n---on- the- itiam
• est rather than- the worst. in
Miss Fres° will be?" And she never mentioned me to eel , teesser-anxions- - It)- Nee- :y0iritilar iitia ' IN Cie TP raitiji
. Ing some place to bide the ring." "Ihadh"-the 'time te spare. and
"Not long, I bope, sir," she said. yours Heaven forgive Inc," he added Maud -
"Meanwhile. I will get you some tea "No." said Norah quietly. . no , ." re cr e e e
, ,. • I indeed,- he was keen enough to heat because you feel that they are su-
Belittling thaw whom you env, J -
s -or pahaps a glees of wine?'* And -ahem he coughed. again. It To see .rde?, -said leorah.
*Day.' , ,
a.. i
i the solution of the mystery. A
"You smoked a cigarette there./ short expla.nation from David, fol- perior to yourself.
Dilating. on your pains and aches ,
"'Oh, tea, ma'AM, tea, thank you, was evident that be eXperienced Some has never seen me." . , Site& said; thoughtfully. .
_ very touch." • . , difficulty in Proceeding to the btisi- "No -o. no., -he has not. You were
. y" ^ 1 , (.
Ate that moment a.slim figure in it ,oess las had alluded to. And she born a few inoeths after the eeWhere(114 ou put the end?lowed by a few pithypertinent tuns-
para- lions to Van Sneck, and he was per- and misfortunes Id eieryolie who win
a, largo pot o s ep arao .s n a is "And yet I seemed to have an Ideal listen to you
white dress was coming with a quien did not tell you anything efee?" • time and -and circumstances -4n fact. Van Sneck rose and went into the
y fectly satisfied. Speculating as to what, you would
springing step up the path on the., "Anything else?" rePVisted Nora'', an you say, the' earl has not seen eonse a orY• e 4 ket '
t f t Is t.' i .d. -'•
edge of the cliff. She was dressed "I don't understanit-;---" , I you.. , - I case atairst you, Mr. Stsel','' do in some one else's 'places awl do
in a white frock, simply and pfata-irly --I thought that elle • might have' "Whe Seen he- se-isste tass eseesmes tent corner_endepicked the stump of he your best in your own.
queintances. and friends.
Exaggerating, and making moun-
tains out onsmolenills.
disagreeable isPerienees. -
Pitying _yourself and, beinoamingl.
your lack of opportunities.
Compariog Yourself with others to
your • 4)wn disadvantage.
-Work---erace -in- se__ _while_ etrut lone
, a gold -tipped cigarette from thence. 113111d. -St-`c,"/3 atult'st a Pill" to aazing y , in o le u ure dia
made, with a black sash and a little, made some ctifiribuideation to you be -I taw?" asked 24iirah, in a low voice,
1 "I dropped it in there.** he sad. a raker JA-ts Mr. Ilensen's ehsrt. dreaming about it instead- of making
Pinot of blank oneille-shoulder, and fore she -died," he suggested-. - -.- Jirerlip* witverliscr. ,
"Strange; if. you had callted me that , does it not?. 'Which reminds me that t the most 0 g the present.
wore it straw hat, plain though it No she Said; otheti as she re- "Wellhis lordtaiip having become
ustiort two minutes ago I should awa
eI ne sting time here. Aey timei,
was. late her dress find somewhat :railed -till, how vividly! -the dead , aware, by the letter of your nurse, 9 you .and van soca happen io , he Longing Tor the good things that ..
4„,..... • tanned ny the sttiersat uptm her head „ woman'e last words, she added! "No, IMrs. Ilaye.4, cif your lonely clindi-• a
an(1 earn in them for volieself.
othern 'have instead of geeing to work '
ot; have' heeis able to- answ,er it.
---TWV.VIK-irralk--a-gilliiiIrritz-a.btfiTi-ttyld-trre---motlittithinitiii-itasee.itled-thitt4ossuouu ti-uow-A-41,--514,111ouv.,,,Iter- atrias'cing ti".. Pence-statien the cigar -
her figure, ! paussd a motnent-"I think that she' and rive ivilh Min.` eking_ w onportem es it-
• ___ -s- • ., -- -- - ing it 111"-S4herw- *nits- 1"14-"I. ,11--g it- And litiarrey bust ed. off upon ifie4,
Within a- couple of hundred yards wished to tell Inc something and "Go and live with him?" •• _ ...______s____ -.-s. ..... -........-....-ss.s.„=. errand that meant so much for Ile ..`
, or thousarids of miles rav,a.y ineteed
- of the cottage, she stopped, and lean- that she tried, but she did not. "Yes. Ire Ls your lather, my dear - . • • . 1 1 ir , n• . h d g, . of right -where Yon are. Orson Swett
' ,•Marden in . uctens. , • ,
„ Ina ( enson. el was ar ly Out at . e; "
, of the OUP, looked out tc,‘, seahs she; Petbericic. "And a , ineSsage n0tS7 nd dOubt -yoti *Unlit -he Mate einnteriti aYtti---,rthenr---on- c is sacesiStontsit to -sa•fa, imikof a iiitie disstresser-T; idle
bald clone time out of itemiser, ,, at '''• Did nhe give you any Message to de- to vet/arks. -here evith thissextneinele,:-ObeY nthein. No need to trouble _could not etay for a ni, ea. she ••ItO'flISCIIILD'S ADVTCE.
that very spot, for sixtesn years. , liver to -.$y any one?" _ amiable old lady. 11.1111. Joriktis, stillTubout-paelerng. I.1ly Norah; that ifil.
declared. tier mactine was .- cr Itgivie•
The- -ffkte-was-t-h6u 4 . • • i q k '4 -e.r mall I think th arransentent ' more than you 'wont for the tourney. and she as Adis over to Lon ;dean : Men who have become rich often ,
ing upon, the rail on the very verge "Dear tne, yes. yea," said Mr./Lady Norah, and -and thotegh I have 4 lordship commanes wire explicat, the liouce before Ruth Oates arrived.
than sad, for grief and Youth are, inc post a ItAter Which slie had the or! proposee tialxitral te ot ter t t-•Vnii) oz Ytiu- Without. ;leas,. note lia( just. Levu
to sdors divorced, And once or twice n: written that .Waq alI." . • • arid proper One. and Is -or -street :soul NorsitersriiSe, her isaral resting__ eh
---iitent t 0 bet from Cbriti. , of 6iiiduet which do not !rear it:1w
itti galls which wheeled szTi-e-elairigly thetigh ;Mr. Petheriek smiled and. liked on the nervously blinking of4.s "So I fun going oyes. to Locesdean
saiii, d,05;pNt, ecruttny Without revealing
moral deretts. * A cotib,mparary, -
innilo curved her lips at the entics of will find it a happy one But . th6, table. her tare Pate. lier eT.09 "Itty' uncle is in Paris," 'she
T e ,.. I. • , ,, oe
.1,,sisas, her. A And yet , though she necklet!, hie congli and it certain cinn- i or the old lawyer. ' . 1for it few days. La'rd Littintiar la .ltowever, finds in the advice given her
sMilesiMa3Valt'sthirtkingstteseltee ,. pression of the lips were Scarcely etW "I have .never heard. of my
eouragingtill nets father. there end peewee reeo, The Jatojeitai_ old Anselln Itothsehild of Prantifort
. • ts my ;Other Ille'vr sPake 01 iation 19 complete arid ubsolute. much that lo worth quoting
44s:father Wishes it?'said Norahhim-ng he could have been nothito chris says the heee's is mit .0oe-le "Inquire ;thoroughly and cozaselen-
"Yon 1ltW be 'urn of that, Lady, her; SuPpose I' V4;cr0 to rause to -to new, arid that she didn't litirtsine •tiou,ly;" lui .said, Mtn the' partisan-
. fillet it could be so cheerful. Ilelsinald','Iars 1 tile btisitte..s. yott props -so tot .
Norah. 1 can r ,* that the:10 to hint?" , •
"A. lett:vs, \ yes," ' Inc Errit), eissing
the opening time afforded and heint-
iiirs forward With a little less .ein-
biu:rtmcnteut. "A lAter
Norah, seeing, that he waited,.
he morinured. "Sow,
L3Ve you any •keur.vledge, any idea
irnIfem,"t he commented. "I think
I ought to tell vou itt ono- that
tittejor, deOtio ro' VHS
ivtAr 474:sel iiiitPimst THAI*
nam Lord Ariiivcdale's solicitor, Mise
• ];‘‘s._, -..,,,r(?.'•
i'Ves?'7 said 547,1117,- qui e
.75.3ite wao only faitttly curious.
it you have 'formed any plans to
your futdie?"
•-iAny plans? No, 1 have formed rio
rs: did.nzt krtott that any,
eri-res! smsirrYs'sss=r-JatongWilia-t--4--
,go On livinghere as .1 h**to
dcn,tiLif21-.0.7gbi stopped'',
"Where does he anketrNtiralr.
Ai- resent, indeed for- a greater
arttif the year. at Santleigh Cour
,he took out
Ing you too " much, live must bo stetrt-
64; in (tit hour.P.'
an Itotttr,r;,. exclaimed N'oralt.
tr 1'ctherik `'inlIcd and nodded
ittrUctions welt tit r
al posOble.
riot. to 1'711 194. -'it •19 there . • , .
evident that you do t Lt know. have. . ("Nell, het is. Ile Went there ltat,
ot 'heard of your father. Oh, please' night, knowing, that he %vs at 'his
fol my rdole go atd ready;tklast ,gasp, 'filth the idea Of getting
tfrinlir`Llirlrd eeirrtlr
st,ith hiS handkerchief. i h •
is great su" le found Latimer
careful concideration„ calm
bravely and never be discoltragel •
•iflo not burden yourself with ue
las acquairitantes. DO nOt be snobs
"Po not use intoxiiatin
it troublo h use. tl 5 tbt
rtrt • back again,. for they tont
dogs upon 'hint. 11
ly hrt, A04 'Pmst
ut money . c
hnneo nqr to ni
nd up for
yr triter