HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-18, Page 7•
4 '6
trlie. meld! "She 0)011 have ell the
ilvientage,s of StoceholM•Aeadeneltr"
So the litteS*eel's *Wed, ti -o c
ebeleteleAreittelitelelietteliett*efWiefr. '„,. tree
heeMedeeverybody. l'ilie eerie and
.Wateetteet, yeeeleyselet., and. ene Was- '
. he -dateeer ,or beteg siibiletti*,e0iieeette
ng „ehe Wee ileipereneed," 0' steg :
letter pate thfla ehe leflel /Int had
,and ou jt IrtfitX lOnk.,, ' er',4.kal -
, i
as, Nil.
Lait_ rnihfr ili
ilittk! fayorite tXLue..cauio., Mt' by 2uyet'
i t ,p.ceof ia04,:VIAR:4, '140ri:- et eilente ;ewer -;hiEieile ce , , k,ttc;4,,fittsie,, iliAkr 4, itettes,•.. eeer . ette Ore, . .
s eaug.ree 'mid; hee‘10:01_44',:iroq ''''' ,. CI
, ‘ ..• , . s.
, u 'stailAix),V,,..'elietll',.teeeP• ittitept..., ":4,hott - fi 10 .t ii90 ' . ,. . f salt St ene*,Citintglieettettes.. ,
s` : ,inintle.eektelleitiitielte.eiterteet;,etettee• :..e'ileSee'..yon.4:-.14,. . ''fitle :Wiiit, Surereteet'Stelk; iiietieiPeiPte :e. '40 _. , .9 '41"C
. - , 2,9e,,,,eeeee .! .. ...' . , . • ,,,; i;..1- inka ,..:,, and.: "..,t1f0f. lit110;:.0),g4t0 Aida.. eieatit to•.le slier'*aseer, , tattefee: tnittekre.eititrk ]'enettle4i,,'eei ' r l'e
,I .otit,:_a'spooa (t,* whieh::ioaaosen they;
:r.$ ...gii0.:..up with ti,.;0,h pasetette '* PeehelPe 'the. *ace here- ePtAttit * Of* /*vetted *With iteerCeee,:4 '. „e - ' • :. • lleiw ' ittlieh.. X 0404 :.:,'I'e:liitt'...trietee And aree to ' ...tee heke,d).''. *,/tthp • into :-044.•
- ateiteety fro,ei thee:epee- et ellen eit'ree4. drippiwpan,.. tee beete in
. le ,bite ' of'-the,.leaet. 'eineteit.' thineit *.t. ' '. 'Bid.- her :Vette --goiti. 14.4oc: tug. .,00,14 . --:§4 ..-' .*. ' -.,:. , ,. ' „ ...:.,:
that:for ',I:ie.-tie:0.0f nina.ane, httextet- nar :itare er0'....otlf, 420 ' Nv.4414q ' alfieet ' I. P;et. nor. the 11104.,' 'nat. • OW e :drop/tee:: inye2cietlies right Oa .',i,h0 facto. ,tio. st Ovo• tn. .tt elteie, * attetie Po
as its ileetees wee .e.seeego- 'ewe . ,. Veit sleAete and-eo•h:er,kirea* ole.tente...And .... e. ..tictors- .. ,' ;.,.."`,;'.. ' •, ' ' '' . ' t stir, them after -they. •heve' Tisk%
..A. t hetneet pew feilee The, peeek ' e feture Seddenle. tio.s.sod •voi$::. . , .., • A, ,thing I netifr:stliti..libtktrerr ; ., l I • aa ,, , a.. . a, • ..
00140,101.1tU . 4,. iito„ werq..49,ior -op 'Ion .„•WhAt, .0. 'elleaPpointinente; Put the ettak put, eaph 'stet:kit* in 0 elieese, . et-e`i) :bakiege.„.",,:* e• ' ' .
• of 'Pleasure is carnal. 'erlie pewee or• 1.."°.,:r .luilic'r414'vdY. 14'0 '.('"'I''.
. is littnl. , Tito peace or taitpO, r hg,' tl#5' call and Or, ;Urine , never 'bore tte meekly -end eetd. ee wet •Tlie4itttrIsrt._eant:ec.wsimeetit‘ftt Al clic/let dci '
....:ki I ' v The e or st,oto t.41 t . , : ;won itvart,:studv.- . .
ce'; ° •-"Ishim' fillill, v,.14irrtriFflilliA ,.riFig 01 „okf.,„.
... ,,,,,,,...
ii 'Z' .,,,- *a . --
a -atimitreee-Therri• ii110e.worl tublieb.41.4,.....1. -.. "*. if f..!....
1 1,'-e,ii,71311941 neat, td e,
itee , _ he '
' l'ArIL- 'rot -h ont e but
petete but '1'th°. peace or abdr e _ . iler, \ -, ,r, • • . 't e,, li
ac .that -faith in God giyes; the Here, then, the lut ill I prodigy ay allot 0 . WAS r -'' too
. -, .14..1C : ..peace, ,
speretemeds sonic. reek solace, wanted. in an. insignificanteePert or Her Pictures and my tory, oo1t. araleely, nod beat in thete If th
from the eternal sphere, that of SOME SURE REFUGE, the -CHoll. WhThb • none ortluse -Welv-ic,a "6-Ilue on -nly-tunt---birttitiny-- notwr-treonting-Abth-other--iinl
_ at Ilo‘vs -dowirUlinii-the-rou
. Vlach the psalmist says, "This is some ,true resting place, 'some Arbor einfiete was wining to tiiko, Craeilus In June, and hid "em both away, the butter, Asel 'the beaten eggs
suddenly tho•ught of his poor- -little I put my . tather'e picture right and _flow gratfueilee., to, the butter
nty rest., forever Here will I titeell of soul quiet and repese. To these Up itt the middle ot the light, ' and ilouli, beat well, then adil . on
becatuse I have: desired it." perturbed heerts our text brings this
To show' 'ens just the Way I.feel
' lac& at the intensity of this peace. message:- PERSONAL NOTZS '' 'Cause lie said: "Igles ,the cliild all stir -in three tablespoonfuls of
tablespoonful of sugar. and last of
eqt is tlie ,peace -which Passeth all . . ......... • yeast. Let it Tise in a buttered
not he told by wards. They are too only found . • Intet.estirig. Gclialp About" Some -,D0
ProPailltUt PerfrP10. ' WitXout your usttal goOdAsight kisre." the MVO': Xtertesiuires the- sant
iist let h,er go to bed Itite this - ,Anuld*. etnl when well risen bake ' in
enaderetandings- Some truths can- Oh, learn that Peace, sweet Peace, la
large 'for ltngutstie tuoulds..-We• feel .1.1i her eternal home, in holy ground. ,
;theie Aimnilskla surging upon our ie. rederewegi. z.je. sier*tatft. On • i„Itit ,00- ,.Inst .„511,00 .iiee, ie and and Jength Cif time to ride and "hake as
My prayers at all, but went to bed iiiillY4tinn. • . , .
thdttght ocean, but share' .theet Biiiit one, White '' hist, feet ,, stend Iron, telote.49,0, peak -40 %emotions. ' tnrree4 '' ..c''' s ' • • ' ' ' '
.into audible ternis. we cannot. But emid the earthly tunnel:1. eet. _term) .11actielor.'s Loaf...el:teat three eggs
. eseeteeeeeeteeetee
He steed& to read or play a coniposie nef..11))amaitoeti" and then .itISIF eyes they
very light. separately; add one pint
......ee .nopwil, tion new to him only twice in Order
, .....,,-1..sarircfr.,
,,,,, 141atirc.,_ fir..r., . e..:,,,,,Xt.__,„•4t,__b'e4k,:_,,.„ 4_1001 of rich make pee Vet, of cornmeed.
eehisemeetseeethe_aeeetle saye ithet his eye heavertward and. cotnrnunes
r ,only cannot be uttered in words, but rest in vain. Ilut. he who see ho: reading it. over, can sit n a 6
',cannot be" conceived in ' thought, e It peace or 'God Will "find inIt"-the pi/14)(i and play it "without referring -And. then, .0U -coin -se, I didn't. say „
is the peace "that passeth all under- peace whieli past:kelt ail understand- to the notes, s
And wished and •wtshed that I was
*tending." • , ing." ' Not ' the least peculiar of Motels. . .
'1111M'-netertItY- of this -pence -I *It _114 ' Gotra -Pcuce--_the overshadowing . Sarah Bernhardt's many fails ,, . s.
Pays' our text. "the peace which shall presence and benedietbeie of the Ale that 'or breakfastinge-theemoment 041 Well, 4 don't now just how it, WAS;
- keet) your hearts and minds' Mighty Father -who shall break Ws wakes of a morning. No matter 1 Vor idbeena -way sleeping, -eause
-.---4141-,---it-ls a composing, sweet and Ugh eecluentinente Wb'what the hour .may :be, as soon as I wets so ,"pletel3r tired out-• •
• ' tatIETING PEACE. will dare ,to say that Ile who holds her . isiennbers- are , over her Maid When :+ , . . ..0
tbe_eeeans In the boiloiY-ei lEtis hand loin& Usher bedside etefeeo:anti-eolls, --Stv-iptifttr-and--the-npx-1--kneUe-
It "keeps" our spirits • from the Old- and sustainiMe eara-"eir 'heaven and and-liometimee-stiteegge - - - - "LIM door. unived-T'elmele: eettd_ellue- rano
. ,ter of werry and unrest. It is a 011sAffe 'Sun with the light of mil- Alias Jane filathane'Who is the first . through • - •
-lake Of :-.-beting. tranquil and calm:. leimenus cannot - keep Ilisebelov soutie Arriean7born. girl licensed to, And put. her arms around me so;
hast And saltie a -whispering very low;
litithen. Pea,Ce Is proved by its fickle- from being ovtArcOme by the unrush practise as a dental ..surgeon,
iiesa, It is traniiient as the hdbble, of_ unifoly, passton, " or from being returned fretn; her 'successful studies "My poor, dear child," and was /10
littlit: AS Alikiliroirk,,---lifit the pea east diewitetir* the entitte"Of-adveteltiteri esEuropeetoeebegihehereprofessio
;of Oodfe is o u iro en serent y. and-rfriiiiir --7- - • ..,...._ ...
-1-'111"5-erifilriover-firtee 'tiittli-elffireriteee -Thee•-tiesiii-,--tvhbe-weshee., tiat-prieeless lievede-to--beetbeeitreetellautheA
there and under Ilia wings shalt boon -true pen.ce, . content and NI- can gtrl to take any medical degree.
' -thou trust." . . neSs of soul -must seek the peace of Xing Oscar of Sweden °nee, passed
When we &Arlin, this state we lee .God, the peace of religion, the &'c through a small town which was les,,
Pur worries and cares on an al- -that comes from walking in "the tively decorated, end noticed , ti large
;mighty ,bosom. We lose the tinnultus true light, that lighteth every mon transparent board bearing .the in -
ems fever eetd• haste of other days. that cometh into the world." Every seription, "Welcome. your Maiesten"
Our sone_ is poised in God, satisfied 4 other is but. th shadow,th hanging from a house. What house ,
th God, , seeks .nothing outside of 1 terfeit. the tieeekeerYert. ' ;11 te°t.lhini; is thet?". asked the Ithig. "That is an inch thicic Put in layers in a
elode The life' loses the babble of divine peace well be his staff in lite ttuth?), to
wn rison,"_ was, the . answer. baking -dish, with p.owdered segar„
of butter 'and powdered cloves.
with • 4
eeeesee---sseetereesareteeeer-,eaelese-----zieteweepow, lente_ehiw,,,,e0n4ex , .,E.,a...:04.14.1,1,,:_...t.re.pon PEW ' iltaiesty.' laughing. li bitsofanti cinnamon between each
-sald'f=''..--411-. tatis----,nttiter,Fto . -
. --- .---weed.to-the-ttleine eiceansfroniewhi.ch- Otiebteeediettone -thene-brea,thesesu .„,.. e
. • -Ate derived' its being with; a stillness unspeakable: blessing upon our care- emeeesisee.„..-........._,....s.,......eses_e_seee4IteVer 011 .70ver- em-ol
lehiettehesPeaks its depth, a serenity worn and weere world as this epos- Signora Coueino. of. Seatte". Amore, egleesell4-91-"'WECI-'191-111--Lette
-- 7 - i '
.teldeli foretellsltfi destiny.. 4The-ver. -toile on -"And the -petice of God ca. is undoubtedly the rtehest woment tahiesPooll ul . of lem911 juio.
,.. I oce tells the_ tale of the sweet.' stilt which futeseth all • understanding. in the world.' /ler silver and copper' Spriakle powdered sugar . over .thtt,
life within which is attufied to the shall keep your ht./tits and iehide ininee are now yielding $100,000 pert0P and bake n light. brOwn, .
everlasting chime or the land 'Where through Christ Jesus." • month': her toe): -mines- -yield- $85.000: Corp Pitilding.-e4x -ears of corn,
per month. lier stock farms for, one pint of milk, two - ee,ge, three,
thoroughbred horses _and. _cattle __at ':.tntilesnoottfuls of melted hutter,eone
presente bring- inefin income -which heaping teitsteaterifide _.of e teT.it . stile
01,011; , -,-, ,
Uniti _ .--Tok One pint of new
lie% t/.44 Qtte-hull Pound of • butter,
- e , nen Xt.,. pl. ...to a boll set i
34 aIctr-, -7.04.
, it. e..-- ittle-:•
peenful 'OS ,teel " Ilteete. 'eggs a
toe ea„ke.. eeparately. Beateie the
a ' ,Plele 'the batilee in-, gr.:eased
nefengs.stillieg eltene belt "fel
o te e' In a' kilick atilt,„ . -
O; er ettli- 9 , Liittee-
, - ,tt
'etiliftlle et yeast ante
Shiinks Eighty-five 10111,0it. Dole,
'0110 or 4iiti pxrtect*.atiou.*
-g rdiii : the
▪ eirterkable dciereeeteles tko
,.17,01zontt.t, „Irciot,
not dete iT-11
-e-see-e-esse--• ,
:-14e°:/.tkri*si, h5 a:" itrileit" '°i;40E'4'11:084"4:1A°Ii'tkit..
• i 00,41,1 "'experts Id etlet:efelitt • 7
sti,u-ttlintr,t;•,,i4tiedeettiltut4e:ft,ti`tii:ti.;y4htie4 ':(.1;alet) n4e41,1. 001; .
eheitelety. On the.,conerery„. th et Pit '
it ktietitilt 40. lesseinteee 'etetereeteibit 'and
high lia4iatiete tonStettiene titian..
'Settith Arrlean- Ware - . . ,
A. French • X.44$44 . To one quart. --et ri The proitrietor at* it • 'welisliteparn
'flour add 'onexttalt tettepo lid of emit,. ereeee et. leaf -ion wine b01130 4503.4
A tett"' . hlesp nfula •o fresh be. 'recently that. bis . ledger Iceman
. P10
41141.11 _15.04
- F
• .,--Ilarper's Magazine.
Browned Sweet rot atoes.-11oil the
potatoes and slice them in slices hall
13rWirer a,
dr -13n. \wines -as - -were litlitte X;
'or ten yeers ago.
- Isedue7-p-retna-rieet-----t
income tee." •We sale. "When the
tax Was eight pence to the pound,
many of my smaller customers were
slime:ling about $350 yearly on
-wines. Now they aro spending onty -
about $150 er 200.
"My thhty years' experience hes
shown inc that an increase in the in-
come, tex „always „means decreaeO
in /he eeeentlitelete ea Matt
who a feW years ago ..Via.4*taying:.
away psi) in income tax now hes
te a t $600 which leaves him
spoonfuj, 94 salt arid one tablesPOon-
ful of butter ot lard. ileat well.
grease a Shallow . baking pan and
bake quickly.
vtLittandy_011_ergasurtmtet'S 11firtrueadr .-cirt_Tittuothrilee
tablespoonful of butter and one of
hard; -adt.t.,..--ene-,-light-teas
salt,...threemtable400nfula-ot- Y .
___ _ _ 44(41----new-inilk-,Aritil
the. consistency of roll dough: --bo do sul.
this at night. The next morning "In any case, it Is a fact that.
flonr theiriseuit-board well, -roll out there has lately beefs -a -great, falling
tho.dough .about threceloOrthe of an off in the consuniption of good •
lnele-- .thiek ausle-c_u_te- into_ leleseteite- Wines, Pnly a little witileago three
-Lox tooeCe-ot. th hundred thousand dollars xvortit of
a cloth and let them rise until Choice wines was seld at about the -
twenty anutes ---iiiirthrtztiliTatThit-T prt e 1 cd -n -r -to bottte--it-teue-eyearer-
then bake in a. rather quick oven. previously. lee are not making four
per cent. 'profit on god wino to -day. -
This makes, a delicious bread.
"West End people are not • drink-
ing cheap wince by ehoice, but bee"
. cause their einanees compel them "
Fruit stains can be removed 'with
powdered starch', -if" atiPited at °nee. _ +---"-* '
Green vegetables aro more nutriti- WILL PRESERVE VOICES.
aus when served with sauce cell -
• $
'The easiest way to \curtail ex-
penses without his neighborse re-
marking the fact is to decrease his
wine bill. tie keeps a few bottles
• • .eee---Ivituateerespitetel-siee--
and for ordinary purposes uses . a
ps givesseetue
altogether. it iseteey tee Alter-
a eloctor has ordered him to-fe
it . begf_pleng_-(t: the m
into boiling water. 'This hardens
the outside and keeps in the juice. At a. recent meeting of the.truetees
Itaisins •foe fruit cake •are much of the British lefueeuni it was (Nees -
ed that the records of ,voices of the
improved ley cooking. Let them
most eminent singers and Publicists
soak slowly and then sinuper iiit_till_ .
th4en_sk4tswgin ts-tt.:11dott,t,iron'r•
sieseer they . Jim •, voices Will -1-itterest 'future- genera.,
or the times...peen and women %Owed -
. ,
0 • fair at best, at once set about su exceeds that. ef alt the mines pat* or flour, one teasimonful or salt and
covered with soap. and t tun a I
rubbed- oe-ea piece a brown- paper-itrefWeeltetiltrtioertilk.etell--amf-storett.--,-
i with other of the- eat/Ian's treasureS.
41.06-04:000.06.4.)-0,00.004:?000.00 n home without a baby is ii poor Of-
heitr'ltttprn------Nusit-lr.--frrtfr.-ttt-rtHC-rst-ri'rtitstrips:----------e-tTrts17f.eeettrttt-eerieleeet4w--entett au- sprinkle Of snit. they will be ,.,:tnund 1 A difficulty confronted the Aluieuat
truntxes-the difficulty of obtaining
0 plying that article in her home. Alas i
1)- together. In addition, .sho has largo anc-balf teaspooniul of pepper. Cut
A landed interests and a Jim
.it of ' oe tee top of the grain with a sharp
..„... a„t____________, •
cat, discovered the nest and tumbled , Miss Frances Wolseley, the dsugh-:
s endsemostece..._the eor.n_ to the, neeester. and reeteeeticke 14
The .1.lohin). Redbreasts held long her time at Farmhouse, '4G15rnde.' th 6ggs. ) 'ISM,- rete----eiefil= warm suds containing a tablespoon- :
if iiii-v-e' r is :Wu --Mit-dm " Areryw--Telr-lii . mPerishablo-recordn.,-----1124---- -
f _anupovia_____the_pothiLf.4"441' come. 31r. S. W. Dixon, manager of
er, was it raised than q, . was over -
the eggs out on _the ginnurat'._ I -Loreleeleelseene_p___ ,. get the &art without any husk. Add
well -beaten yolks of
, kA• •
S , FO LK g
.wn.T.ILirS QU.E.TION. and; judging. from their tons. lost of - lady gardeners and thoroughlye and bile° in a deep_baliing_dish. .
their temperequite_ellite people. ... At understands the .scientific side of the. Fri _. F.
starch, d C.' Ft I t.,. thut the milk; preserved for a long time, • FliF-G-111331)tm170-ernurattr. at-ot
which come. out smooth and soft I ,.. „ .
inutmois is one of the _few _things! offered to make imperishable reCords .
i 0( the Voices of such persons as -.0.-
"000P-e41-1-iiitKvmso-Goo.0040,004:>‹, discussions -about their -ruined home, England. She, Is one of thee keeneste,-
cre approve() oy- tile tertieett -
!Where do You go when you .go to hist they titandomkrtheir home. and subject. She has hgnided-a- -school:418
,i„, -1---egg--Ptaut .-and-P4141611- te re- - --- -' - • -Irusennr-trustees- ehalleselecte mid-, ----e---.
et) elgelelaitteetelloose a large
l'irom werating, if wrung. -directiv from i colluu‘L'-- -
move the b the soapsuds withoutA Hsi! g
simply them free -of„ charge. 'nisi
whirt-i--wunt-txr-know;------ mentseinetheegardenetereleexamin. ri tiv seskeritite eittleeeetho-teachtetie.-ellieseleeeete •te,ebretheeeeelpie e ,eseetteessIl_ clear water. The latter process
itter test°. Cut in slices
er_tosteseetatherte vi!,>eountY• L` *
e , , , • i kleason with salt and pepper. and
h....,,dir.„_Int,o....the., benteiiz ,y,ii _ No more soegy piecrust. Sprinkle
teereeettr we . . ----
accept. an be ore (mg idellieeleeTir-7-7-e
, .steneteesiebnete_fteeteled to
' There's loads of things I can't find tho prospects for cherries. Wolseiey is Ieiress Vr-speciar-fe-, •
; t ticrumb and" ifio- Gotti717114 triW-C-rtir3i or vioTthe-recoill:"-should-tve-tcalged-tn-tr
. tre ase, iiit_eat_islissimietieeetree,i,
Gramophone Records.
• • •
mot JI ta 4.41 t duo. /II • 4A.W_Ks
• , Nurse r ute inc te bed tv
I cuddle down in the blankets warm,
- And shut my eyes t„ight.
• „
'Then off I go to the funniest place.
Where everything seems queer;
'Though sometimes it is not funny at
all, „
Artie* like the:Way it 15 here
Tb.ere's made of candy
Thg there,
fields covered with- flowers.,
etiut Ictirely. _ponies end bii-de and
trees. ,
A. hundred" times nteee than ours,
Often, dear initinext. I see you there.
'Mid emit -atrium. papa, too: .
111 11151. nikht elhe baby Cairo back
„ from- heaven,
And Played like he ,tnt0 to do. '
,So 'this -day I've been erying to
• how---1---yriali--I-could_know,
hereabouts that wonderful country
Niter° shlepy little boys go.
One, day in early spring, Ail I was
window, Arid saw Robin Red-
breast trying to dislodge a long
pieee of grey twine that was caught
„eikeueeiy __Wider the_ cistern -pump
pletforne. .
Ile would 'Pail- °end tug, and tip.
leeer-•becktrattls thew fle rtway, al -
W see returning with les red beeast
iswellirtg Under the courage
ie*es greedy vrrir'teti -desire
I .eut the tetipe ,into leeeths suits
Able -for nest -bendier; -material, end
.pliteed teeeral pieees of white string
With it. %then llob voileo beets.. ee
ise*rillly looked it elf over, then.
*hitting a Pete() of the white arils,'
. • - • i`
• _
hi goni;. but
elied t y twine he .hed
o 'hard to get in the morn-
hofight thie was oft riceount
, tnenetes of the .eehtte tstring.'
eflteti Bolt by ,rilaeing more
Or alteereiting them
Civet- string. As liefoee.
title white. plainly showing
tepee celee end not totality
le,Ased' him. After tto
'pie \tree` telei .,iinished. Mr.
iiri. Itobin 114,/.11ovast gettlA
- Nora Vivi* \
)rt,bas,A, kitoW„ing thlt tittitex' and the initqnl
at their lack of ambition. However,
rfari torr--franty-iir-Forming-ard
ion -of -my -feathered -friends
s o clot,k ono. atelier mo
g SaVir strange sight. A smal
kite well supplied with a tail of
white string, which my son, in care -
boy Ten -on the
front poise!). was slowly moving
-down the path.
I looked eteSer, and there was
noleirelleehresett turned -thici
vitro the coveted- white string. lie
gateered several strande Of it. in•his
bill at once, • end hooped along the
path, only to be broniiht up suddert-
ly by the weight of the kite. Every
failure inatle7liftit- try- the u ,
though be fell -over backward matey,
reativ _
At last he took hold near .enougli
to the kite to fl,F up with it. 4,110
of wind aught the kite,7end- tetesk
it.Robin and all, ever the 'kiwi).
Robin let go of It. and sat on tha
fen'ee, elifrping angrily.
In a, few moments he cerium/Iced
iaIastrugglc nit over- again., but fhlit
time the kite -fell into a smell ap-
p e-lieee„ he Was tillable
to dislodge it.
went. to his essistanee; but he
had changed his mind ritoute teeing
a kite in his' new net, .for he never
came heels for it; nor could iiiid
ileeettes *dame -thoegh-, --was-sure
from his -a-e-lons and happy songs
that he had one soteewhereee.
flow -A tirrrm atilt -8ANtl,
A Utile Swedlph girl was sitting in
et. .echoralroom_at Stockholm.. She WAS
brushing, and dusting and singing;
lor her mother bad the tare Or•Ihn
school. Ati she worked she sang likit
a hirti in springtime. • One flay '
lady wee passing. The girl's Seim
reacluel her ear, and the, vetoes
touched heart. Slie'stbiettedjanti.
Went back to wet; the little sotigetter.
"1 motet take. your daughter to
melte." fetid tiro lady to her
mothee--"Ceaelies the famotle iuunc
-r "
ri7 er- u fe.
"Make her foktunel Ale what
gteat thing that Would be!" Thil
lady took,' her' to the reusit maeter,
'who was, deligitittlI,With her
Ile said. ''t must take her to Cchint
tencliee e greet judge 'fa eueli mat.
Cotint Iteeho looked •at
gruffly asked what Fiusko master
'eitpreted hint to do -for '
hear hcr Matt,"\taadd. Pritoz.
to .41
of the very smartest theme_ el..'er wed° fry in boiling lard or sweet oil. %hen
on a m lticat-platforto-is-attelimted in- this -way .it,_ tastes very Ttley will Peg" hi) notiesed' in -the fruit
wed trance Pies.
atalerleseteepewstineetn-eur---oreeeseinnelisliKreeslietL--ertrb ---e---------
;elm ges, re- _
# Yitters:-...T0----one-pint-o -
"Issgo.verned _by lAyo inlathell deities. ' one teasPomittil of mit it nd one of,' allowing them to boil slowly tifteen-r-gen-e:1-.----Tirilleirw-hvettilittarvitlanitte71-hrit---11-Lt: .
. ,-
Bacchus and Mars, or. in other 4 black ',eyrie*, 0110 ---geg T_l_l_ 1) . te't -It-o---twenty-- -minutes- ;niter the r LadrstotZt-ger71„neiiehothn To_ vortinrc ,
. OP lb :war:
pel--of terripersmee-ln--hiseinostevigores,green eorn !scraped from t 0 co a I lk--h'-' of-'''
t ting theitt to zook la cold nater i
• 4 , . 1
I the British- • Mteseunt- 0 e
i mg , a uroay a ernoon eoneer s et
ous style. "This country," said he.," one „, 'dirge tab -1(400-6.61'W -tif "butter.
words, by the god of, bottles end. -with onehttlf pint of milk, and flour Itanws to the boiling point. living to-dey will be .able to listen
the god of battles." Such a pro- y enough to maize a thin batter. Bake I
nem cement may not have. been able! on a hot,graddle,natll e light broils, 104 riPe irtitt, and- -11.1r-P -tbe batten
Baked bananas are -delectable. ..tee:
to the great statesmen. singers. And
actors of the present dey. '
e-stand.---exaririnatione-ent„ etesourideseetenieseteee,eretzele _. - 4* eireterett _paper itts th oven.
ed eneoreincinly welle - . e . -....,, , 1 ratermeseees-----with Newt, seetees , Ale Aeteetti: end. retteuelt wheir the -
The -Earl of 3 coley oneo deelniedi careeene witee your cauliflower$. and skins -begin to split. Sritire ' 'with" 701600 Stitt]pT.'-/lE
that he nearly lost his life through cream.
"'Pia wick.** boil them until tender in vtater wi .
He was "atting niCk'w SI:tit Ai141 000 tab:eSpOOAr01-.0t_blitt0,11. Jell`Y t(31" invand9 tae be 'kullin neeord of ItI‘re 'Man TheitAiliate
en.S farnotIS work when ill. and With half ' an ounce each of peael - bee in Lozidon.
made-- -himeleugltesoe miteh ' that IL
itreWlien done, lay them in a dish atri
At ft, ,r4ietsteg_ lest. Week. otee the_
- weerierteestheeleseeie_ere seasetteeeenarleys. sicced _sngoi, a awilutheartsherunt
suffered 4i. releppe. and II,std% ritatly,, - .
doieetheaP4-iisrlett--bentinat-esed..1118-d°-eth_ili_ f._ _Wli61:43, „,'Igd!I rgl_c" 'th jig% t"e_aP._espesP'ettreetilteeesorietritst ad lig- hall 'of water- -till the liquor i London Mendleity Society, an organ.,
•bedroom. Lord Jersey is inot 0013t them a
a e I e white suttee. made as fb1 ows. • . sse_
unteractitig the effo
a greal admirer of the sago of tiad*si Rub eite"feerth of f
Mile - -but he- is- -almosteelelekeesiete •1 butter with one „ leaden oenful of r
a pound otetresti fully tied let stand.
Apples and raisins When coded- o- fessionat beggar, fittany -interesting
himself in appearance, beieke prima- none. te littlif.r.'.:x111('-and "PePleir.. .andigether an follows, ntelseitreseellent revelathd*, ne In 'the enegtoiti eine
loyed - 'by 'the beggieg fratertsity
bly the fairest -of - eteer peers. veryi one: mina lecup u o t ei. ' t diah served evieff eusterd" or cream:
. and were snade.„ -Learinethe last year tire
tall and thin, and the wearer of !it ovetethe lire until it is well ;nix - ,7141ae,facitianoLosnootate._____,1141,reteorokitngheirapIpvlz.bt ...in
itociety brought up Its litds of street.
Pundreaterewhittkers or et qUiteetty>un. but do not let lt.hoils 4loniove from
raisin. C00% together till the tsp.. 1.etlgarti to 76,000, and in order to
conve_ntions.1 type. e - the fire and add the lefeet Of aletnon. 1
, pies are te_tiderpiold onset' to taste. ke,e.p, this extraordinary record con**
-Pipetifa.jiii- at taren.Wyearitt_of. littre chopped Parsley and a lietle
beeti 'appointed pipe-niajor , of egg , 1 'lite dullest room. in the hotise is
nd-sere-.41010----with--treallt--or---cus-,. PletelY up to date. 'the thief.. corri
full partieultsre of every street beg.
art kr Lennan. who has just' perferred. add the beatoii yolk of an i tutd• n ssioner iii-firitfice-tat4 -dire:etc a -
Such is the record of George Stew-, grated nutmeg. if a fhlitke-seuce 1-s-i-tt,
i invariably the aittlieit mazy Antirtesieg case that comes before the tette-
ottein_srate-Ofth- of the meet ,feezmuseertaakeeet,• time. dull-coipred woodinieliN. i don Polite 'Courts 14 _sent to . Sir
the 1st Battalion • Gordon Ilighel Old Virginiii Loaf Ilread.--To ,make
„ ePonge,bolt one largo Irish po.. i mow. WOO.
, en pee tin: derk eller can ft .11 g t 1 Erie Ilucheiiiiitie- the sotiete's ''leeeetie
lendets. Ire come, ofeee-lamiterelea,
of expert piPers and dancers. 1113„ tato milli -Waft dime th I 1
addinstr 11, little eedd , melte 'the typical kitchen of a innam tstrY.•
posterltY. 1..heY
• The records are intent e .so y or
Nri,11 net be litied.
tv' etrnics_• ot-invetstigynes,
pex orients of flio,ticoitRsrlrifir it ono .-7-4t
lived. 'rho pleeenajor ean -11144; eereepeoniee ee euiiieet, bee ereteeepeeees eobtelned ju y not 1,469 . ng .s
_IO1Lf. )
Ilene They Ea reelection of 23:e.,-
AO/Mee tit eght Years 0r:ge; t,r.ws) ful of street 4ard and threfe'table- tee' a blue ahil wh te ki t
years later he aPPeared eiei roMritand;!epeenfuls es Kerne. bele-yeast mix ti and table Oilcloths in blue find white 000 such aPPeilie in their Cor.th..49lort.
lenge metials 1113 London and Edirt-i • i 1 . • 4 h --
t.rs of begging letters eieeerved help. .,
pion of Great ilrittLin when lie .votallisci. Siti int6,tV‘i 6.i.-v"-ffiiee Pre& 93 hundred,' 'g5-tva•-0 itein-e'r)ite-attsoteferee'ee-----e-
Analysis sitoiccd• that Out ot celery'
bitith; ea& he Aviv- ematese tbtanw„, to", ant, a it sten four out-e,,to
teedea. siriee then eiehe has work i, of the best family flout, to ,,,whieh initiators. Eftv woo Oat, .44:serving
,mineenularolseratolootherritiritt,ismhbief ilovierii. ithtycip court. nn., _lir
int' add one leagpoonfut of salt, - . Then
in the 'sponge. and add ettetigh 01 help, soul of the rionaining t1,1;,..'
try. lie joined' the Gordon IIigh.,.. cold water to Work it op ',Into rout tette -to- sevetteteeere very 'deserve
that ;jrather stili doutga. xnead ,it,. nritint ,,,,pr000titanes isoirseetierestoisterla, ti, coutie 0 g., ' 1 ho goeleYftg itetMary esti-
ittuders et O. boy. It is believed •t•iie *load' ixo atts. 'that lit liant $.1410.000 is glor
Pfpe.Major l'irtennan is the youngest:, tbe dough is sanoorte t'ind e=t it ,t)Itteeti thereitt !titer. 'hermetically In hapthatard slits az)tkually..
aria (Tee attiointed to genie a pose'e stand all -night to riee. Work it , (lasing ,dnin7s, mild , wind(ivt*, In . . . .
beton,- Queen Victoria, at Beltactrithltereeetighly., .then, designeseseelt-papeteeir blue and white Inirt'e trainvd 5Itc"tigat°"I were '
seete whethri-the-Weit
Cra-111- covered mug with a' close -fitting
when he was eleven he i ed
too patt0tn: woodwork a eteasn. dull
green. and you will have a kttrhon
-bright and eheerfuteitte'ef-parlor.
etiti3111 ROOMS.
'"Po itereriette Whether' or hot
Von in the ritieh Armv.. „eeeees-eeeeeee-ee
over in, the iriernine, using just ! hcoure 8hatiii
lieu& flour to keep it frota sticking 'weighed, aiya iiine las siisiirbe, !Qv/Witte VONIne 1,11 131,4114.37.SS.,
.• 0 ot . to the -bands, tet It riSe one hodr
IL,n mote titan aLout bee W8 colt. ot 0.
17 3
' Aziktrlikwititotte-: t• •
de" chute
„ 0. etheett
etreek tbc
who was -
It, that the $
# .
ewarded for
ears or 50
onus Me
g ladies (here
Vtot. attend church so often
they might do. $o be left a titine 0,
Mont% and this, gittordltii to th
tetras of his will, Was to bo PIA out
• interest. The ittiniiiitintiotii4 frnrn
jL 'was to 'too given00,04, yor
prettiel!It young -woraan--, tit lint
woxthyr tot lot,4 attonlisi that*:
that ytkato
ite (he lvtr.Js iki
avdes Ilia preet n 4 tbo- e
ing tbo hard.
itseettfortl . Ileile, rt
isn'e* plat 401 nflk an4 itt..
0 over 'light., Ita o
ee,i,stpiilthlt:trsti,nogrtir),, tstitodp, 318 tab;es, otso
ot hutto and tWo of lard; , if
o „ trav1votA1 et ,solt, with
foir Itost two ovis veity light. In
Th -in 4n;1110.---tottyt,--thtititntk-lit.1
-Notii\ft it for twoofse mi
..„roako into i'oltc.
itiestibe ef a.fiipr.s' 01 tty ArLnIraP
dttelt1114 ig eent tango. of • d Ltu.
, 41 -ardottc'stra;11)11r:::6:10011:'
b -'
18' scth'4 ite theetatties:tee,the test itetted 10ratiott.s.
whith, tabla ort:tho fettle
irotatablo proota the ',1141/ty
Iltail•don, luta 1, y'
f Ito, novel*