HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-18, Page 5kt, *taa0411taiVe op gixstiifro. ,k4f, Goderich; The 014-estab1ished sove end tinware, business of • 0, Davrs has Well fnitelineett by NV. T. Pinder. who is.- been employed ivith 40. C. 11)40. 'bti.SitiPAS at t?rtit 4itostn. ,'rhe "fry.of )0040104 I VtOty 0n the ot jo1uiFtir- iboia, oeethred fl)b wiPte tb Imo. I1t he, oqr heAltb..X0e over 4,..Ye4r; one of the ,,e4rlir pest!' _ ^ 6014 slAtei :and iwte tor tra 04',4 Ey dcr4n! JOB tae4 ot iu 00., nno6v ord.ri k1 for $UtpC1qflI s'., to 44.04,0* 014 8audes.4ft .cree0b*.. , •-P4Ormwtous A. R. Korsuati, L. D. 8., D. D. 8.. reduate or Toronto Buiveristv. DEN lifr: Sbtrte without any rain, or any bad effects In ransonli Block vest side Main street; 14410Mithtng •• ;Wit noes ) find' 'deeper 'aiid:resperttiillt eit •Jt 011(00 0,,t1t11:ebses • old'estistO, ••others e iloaseOraduate of Toronto trnivereitY and RoYel COW or Mutat Burgeons of /Ontario. Also Post \ 111 gellerale Graduate of Chicago School of Prosthetic .Dentistery (with *storable mention.) Allritaintun. Gold and Vuleaniteetre node in the steatest manner possible. A perf y hinnies" an- Sastifetie yard toe painless *Amnon of teeth. linif roarore Exeter. B store, edoor south Of Car_ _: , SBOWN. Winchilmes. Lieened Auctioneer • tor the Counties or Perth, and rdiddkeex. fot the toaraeltip of tisborns. fiefee Proo3Pt tato saff-Xenes fisles snsngd Mee Winehrisea. ,ANTED. --LADIES AND GENITLEMMI In TV .-e-rittiliand adjoining arritortes, to repre- *Oat sod advert** the Wholesale and Muesli D.partnumt, art_old esiabliabed business house Gf$lidJflaeiaLEtarnLtflg-Salar03 1.4per.-44.Yrieint tanced-eacb--Moraday h q4uw1direct from teadq ere. 0orseand bogq7 furntithe4 when don permancnt. . Address BLEW Del*,i, Wonou Bldg.. Chimp, nt health. Malt not bees for yea tweekt be in any grave to -day. eifteereteNtrait that this tatter may lead. every satterg -woman to the, eountly to, writ* yea fee leelp lei I .±M." Virbea iivomeet ere troubled vrIth Ir regittarorpainful menstruation. ',MI* news, lesearrlecsa, t or ni -the---wern • , tionof the ova itstu_ente- 1 general de- tWy -Would re -member' ere Es one tried and trite remedy., Lydia Et, Pixiktmea-517egetah1eCompound at once troubles. itiedieltielnibe World yeatived-sii4 w and un- UEAD OZIPICE, MONTItEAL Kai Wild Up e 6,000,000 Rot & Undivided Profits 3,218,969 93 BRANCHES IN CANADA " ,IontOtIggAtnitettt4111*.iknaAlattl dsp�sted aUosted (*Savings Binh accounts and De -- Letterset Credit blued; available la Japan and other' foreIgn countries. Travelling Letters ot Credit batted to tessellate lb an pats or the world, _ - Airiness! Bankint business transacted. _ • SAVINGS BANK. • infOIS rum osiss.0.MAILMAWS. • - litlibmserr o neosfass a ewer ISSraCrat o, and take them down to M. Jackson & Son Main Street, Exeter. One door Sotsth of Metropolitan Hotel That's where you will get the „highest fBb pitee'zier e _ That ilave to be Sol& er and Centralia wivIrcektivveeivilielnocl-nTfl 7 REft.PIAllo°44 _ - ime-ortiyoted-want• enetz....goods,-wo-are-golog these Pianos at a price that they will ---Ereiiiiin--urchaserawould 0well St. W, %Vat has dispa ed of his retadsaddlery business to A,. 1. Clark, of Ailsa Craig. Blanelsatd: Hebert Bliyes, Whobia with pneumonia. -died Ftiday at his borne. lot 20. eon. IL at the age of ea woo" • _ Wingbes04; Mtv-Andrew*nitg0m* ery. an 434d settk-r ofTurnberrypasmed away Ott Wednesday morning at Lhe ageof 93 years. . • _ pasi_ tion as „teacher in a schootimearllotesworthata-sabtryiof - 11325 per year. Egesondville: Mr. Little has pur- ha-sed the mall ca trying bus -kalif., -0 Mr. McGee, Of tla fteld, and will take 2—Tire-fittle--sorr-o 'John Deeves, bad the misfortune to break tOtrettlytherottier-day;--fte- sitting-on-The- linsti-ot-sr-felkstr-tree; wheo-be fell, with the above result. Seafort ra. *mes.W 0 as u a residen of Seaforth- for aixteeu years, died on Friday after ashort ill- Mr&-----.1auae, thi3-mother-Of 1O bi • ries Always in Stock.. Clinton: The coal business, wb h Harland Bros., sold to Mr. Lo. vie a ammth ago, has agahi chan ki hamar. the purchaser this time -being Ur. W. Downs, who is naivin _poem - mon. , Goderich - The otherdaY as Mrs. McGniae _ rivinibenae from town, the borse runaway, thgowing her outo V*5-fibi; and otherwise in- Ittringierracrunicirtliat sherlse coati - ed to bed. Clinton: Robert -Gardner, .who has beets behind the desk of the 'King Ed= weird Hotel, Toronto„ since the hotel • Waldorf Hot Hama o , and will lasuneetsosiesajoR 'at once. alyth: Jetties Moore, who has car- ried the simile on the Blyth and Au- burn route for Jimmy years, died at his reside** is • Auburn 'Wednesday night, LGangrene was th*Itycause of death. He was sick oniy one week. 011 Truca'llxittvir wm eats yolk*, is this Wale becomes liketin4 the* bt 'aitets beet ete tee serve* beam* at slimes asal.des • • • ger dborlDtall the eye* vat 'siiistetote ere Idlgotattd: all dratai-etaaa-ia or. itaI *Aft* siittilik Tb. 'tattoos orsam betake* mature) art4 Magri. To 'feel Yount' ASA 101011 siattlate asiot be fal:tirt. wo inviti tbo sisnitta, 0600411tIttil:y len3, frt• or charts. xma..,1_ aaecke an/ faints spli roe, lora, toed dollars. 'Wit Irlf.tt MAX TOIT .filt Ito rat. ,smaine vitro ,WITHOUT, ,Llyitirtrs cONisEsz, IIREATENEri •VtiTit .Peter 311.• Salateni, et ltektiSecte, ' teX, Veletas klai esetritta*: It No *Nta- "rii•ogit to *ear rests. I ley It to la- ettle ast4 egtossesaarty I secure* Ira_ty dtapegjent .aal tei•eare weethit A . *MIMI et got. 1 asItert cveryb.d wka leoati et I. It* rny. Ittaglaettire At -Wight itaakeneel'teealit *AC* 4. had gate* , to. back Of ete heed* OM tett *eft tat tit** tnarelit.' peOr appatItt. Sastre Oak ,r arta biraTrad, War l'oaaa., 31100011 goattt*e. NOTAIdeteitla the • sairete set in Itt4 the d.:4ctor tat ate lopftetal re/tab's% I tttII all lt.Zatte Of .atee;nts ass utka Molar ttralf.tlaaa,. yaktaia.„rikt.yte • an litlfettlft Vat . wenE to baths, frit ractlteil little was lit3tated to•cletelt :Os, -twee Art-ecthroeviiatii-. IL:ts !:!.:ileki 41'ite latometeatottWf *Oen*. t was Orel total raI.tl 11114 wil 00411tiMit tO. ttita, *1 tbe river resulted in the ractor Pigott of a teem- Of 0 wang audio a cola. 440 .of theteittn. The darer , a young matt of tOttrie who, for the 11 ftbeC. .k Tekkgratila CO. stria aloe e 'Woo ItXpregoll CO. has sent in iia 'resignation to both companies and 0 'xpectst* be relieved. ost on early late. Ii.ottna 0* 310 Sed there -departed Mordook. Man.; former reidraL mttost peristus., of , dint 'fox., loam, Is well retnenther- inhabitatita, It ts „yrs" s1nee",12e went IA Ilntfrtt: On Frkl*y, liVat. Mate e bet will lay• iim up for sorne tune bite tralta-, halt 4if 2 ra dor, the lower *If bin* alon d ibeating hi hosefrinttown f Lona of oho riod„ormit and n °Altlgutioto: log a hag ,chop.,whieh got-outnf ositiott 4ift the 10044 he rot oft on It required severe] stitches to. 1001$1,110 woilud.ou his hea,, * t. Marisi. F.:rank Aletean, who ante recently from New York, will take htii-frittietilK,'CAftso Metkani drug tstryttielen•rallrMettitttehterttiterMsta, from town for 27 years.- Asa student he greduated with high honors fron Ontario College of Phar t The n nn - nee gained a great deal of experience In New •'fork. His father will retire from active work. Avingbam: prettyw-edding Took place at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. IN% 11, Green on Thursday when "%Val'. ter,Ilese, of the Teeswater Elebtric Light Co., was united in marriage to Miss Catharine McTavish, of Wing - or Society, for sale ata- held itfatcl of'a Phoio • The- a li Orgfilittrit of. -This-offeritmade-f Rose Tea, to people who 'are likely superior quality, arid at the same time way very worthy objects. , T. H. E$TABROOXS, St. Jahn, N. 13. barges, ar' or it r ChariMbliiri e; • in or-e,tit. ham. The cerenenty was witnessed BRANCHES: TORONTO, liflriNIPlEG. ° by the immedutte friends. -of tbe con- tracting parties, eta, was performed by the Rev. D, Perrie. Michael Armstrong, widow of the lets RobertAlordon'4passed away rather sudm denly, froheart -failure. The 'de- ceesed lady had suffered, from thateer.- loos affliction, but had not been con- fined to the house, andon the day pre- ceding her death was around no usual. The Iate-Mre. Gordon hasiNten_a_resk dent of Goderich for a long period. Hest Wawanosh: Mrs,.. Peter King, vito it-tu1tievertit-forthree-Iveeks-with- tiauf3Y,troith1' .pAssed the **tindery of time early on Wednesday May 3rd. Mrs. King leaveshusband:four sons and ftinedaeghters. Demised was in h'er 05year„--There-piumetT le.WAY".''Ort Sunda butt-Atthe %bide otherdah---- no-o pioneers of this distr ct, Elizabeth Ruddy, relict of the late Campbell Hanna. Godetichl, On Wedueslay, Altiy 10tb, Malcolm McLean, of this town, celebrated the ,100thanniversary of his birth, he having been born in MO, Scotland, on the If/th dayof May, 1805. over' ten years before the battle of eft the old land for --isTova Scotia, In Web province he married end lived any years. He came to Goderich With • his family in the bite sixties, whet* he has lived ever sitioev ericb mr,-4;-Nraiiiti-eile.41e4 on To4,4444y, morning at the Sault* Muse, wbere be boarded,atter a short Illness, per,trnWs being the One& ra. bern failing tmildll„ end on Monday.* elk the Onlylxisible ,chance of saving :• Was decided on. aat I ' formedi_bot ‘taithitt„ Iwo hours olits eomnietion, FA had passed to that bourne whence no ttaveller returns. The _dereeftdwas known to nekt every resident of West ,Huron. iteltelk_pliver 3 ,,.XfarritA after - ovine beck to this neighborhood a few monthst,aga-to-selett..A..4:tartner,,lor 111e,...:13,eintot.progeesseive-young_tat ofIlne-ohareter-Iteseex.not 'engin se - person ef Mist; Jennie 'Viraghorny who will share his tspaand-downs through the rest of life. They were married a on "Wedneeda by Key. r. future borne in Carberry, t Manitoba. Godericia: On Sunday morning there paftsed to ber rest, _Ainn widow ofthelatijohn Blake, at the 1104 age The deceased lady ad been suffering front the Infirmities of ,age, but w otherwise well, and was able to be mound until the day before the death call camek,.Mrs.- Blake was 'a well- known Huron and was one of our oldest residents, baying lived_heretter sevqrsty The deceased lady had been a widow many years, and her deceased ;NIA -tiler 11 weelthyinen-of-God —Clinton:- The -death -of T. - A keri stone mason, occurred on Tufts- tley evening, though the event Was not unexpected. fle has been Wafer- ing for some time with ittfattnia, though only Confined td bed foil* few weeks, and kept going down, notwitb. ding the best sita*sltion and 'treat- *trent. Deteaftd, hati been a resklent f town /or a number of years, and was a (inlet, unostentaUous resident. Ite-wourfor two -et -three bet of the town council, and nd, this, acted as assessor. He Was ti -y-41.1112 Waren survive biro. St. Marys'. Mr. Joh rphy a - f the pioneer business men of St. Marrs died at his home on Mond,* May. 8. At the advabeed aloof 80 'An attaelt of pneumonia was the mediate otiose of,ble deotth:bot been in failing health foreeirem A, few months fliftPe be felt end brnke Is thigh and this accident doubtless hortened` his days., lit,. Afor.p ame to Marys in 1,850, and was as native ot, Cbarieton 'Mete. Ontario. 'ondoeted boot arta *hoe ests here for many, 'Ilesides is wife, he karts Omar Of fOLIP ti and two danghters. • enz e eatLek ' 5bt'enelerkTng n it barciwarestom Oft Liskeard, in kit. Marys ay borne.lir was not feeling -11 kr1d-Mr liealieriirb" v.oe him out borne. Oa Turedar liturrityof rAltestde, lei -b. 51 Maty., that MeKen elo tonal ' $ t pepu ar an • o gLngaccouu ant at the Seaforth branch of the Bank of Commerce, received notice on"Wed- nesday of his promotion to the poeition of manager, with -instructions to re- port at once at the head office, Toron- to, for which place he left Wednesday evening, Mr. Fox bee been assigned to -the Pottokiti-Altrn.Tbranch And I for bia.new home on -eitednesdak„1,7th. . Ansi e uneral ofIrisJiti_nter-10-1•awt Mrs. M.t• csf Owossa, Mich Squire John B. Smyth, pc. rhaps the best known and oldest Middlesex County Magis- trate,- was stricken vs)ith ,paralysis an Wednesday, _24.r.._Sinyth_Wall_elk_ train between Chatham and Windsor • . AS s tn. tied to the home of his son,J.S.Smyth in Windsor, where be now lies at the point of death. Squire Smith is 78 years of age and has been a resident of Middlesex county for many years. St. Marys: A quiet wedding took place on Wednesday. May 10th, at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs, A. Burns when their young- efit daughter.---111DX-'7,-Pa.• onitedin marriage( to . Mr. Neil_ °Ta- b MEI of Owen Bound. At the -hour o 4 o'clock the bride entered the Ptirlor dressed in ivory white Silk, with silk embroidered chiffon and valeneiennes, trimmings, bo quet of roses, lily of the valley and midden -heir 'teen. The nuptial knot nwsktied by the -Rev.* Grant. Gray; This community received a terrible sbock on Wednesday. May 10. ! Wi bertFot&sfarrn and r. Foste has purchased iibu 'Howell's. They expect to take pcavession shortly., korna& migted_out- the_town - -- Snyder', Oklahoma, killed aver, one hundred people and injuring over one hundred others., Innes, an old and well known resident f -lot 20icong1ated-dropped deatiewhit Working in his field about duak that eiretiing.-,"11O-I14-"been"filowing an asiAto-tea-abeett-5---otclock-and ap- peered alright although he spoke of 4 pain in the' region of his heart on a _ was thought of it. water furrow adlein.plow.e.d.Atalft.filcinnek yak, _sing,Letedejn_plenniegsait the ive7 terway_when_the can You mu get a general education in any echnet 'bat come to Like Cettr4 for Praclical Buliisens Tralrieg>. The iainege has a eontineetal -reputiamfrritprig. Oppertunittro are for those who areizespand. Oar groduatiza always aue. med. Tooting en/tirgardaraes at any tinge. *Ms for tram catalogue. ELmorr & NicLActu4N. Wheat (old) Barley Oats 30 CREDITO Peas 1.-75 Potatoes. per bag ..... ... 75 80 ay, perton - 7 00 -77- Flour, r cwt., family. .. 2 75 Flour. , is-pfrelvt. rxi 1 It flutter... ....... . . ..., „ . 10 Eggs. .... , . a , tavetsogsiper-ewt,,-.--..-.. ----6,,‘..4 ,,,,,.... -- --_-. Shorts per ton, ... 20 00 20 00 w e are Bran per ton ...... 17 00 17 00 _ .