HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-18, Page 4eaver.zge ependituie,, nor itk •144014411 ' stis. [JI: 1, ond:' 7";iMgrilt Set:t ciirreec ''.ard 1$15 rjHtv*& "it ,40,.:ths...' (XXI ottirling The codling wittre la the Mite .of water los* to the "pole industry than y other inteet. The extent of the Outario *lone run* up evert' ev into the hundred* of tigmsands dollars. and into the minims in the **bvIk be_ EtitomoIoM4 b4' !tea hr• t tO e "' otl ey bac r vit I. Hope -Many fele aged to learn that she i*reeQveLug , ly front the effects Of herrecent lidera, she haring ateidentallr M IJ • !fl :near the, frifit., t° (PIP' tn, • , te strike .11P to $attirday iighth los in,,Varfous cot .tAkt liitctI States:-Pntalities / :lured' 130; striktt3 'StilKoOth 0100 Ifttike ateleseineri s, • 4/191tiLiat„ cOet to.eity inPAO, ‘d504ep1t 14! • country- In clep.uties. ;15,10, ; nirop. lu husintsti retai1,2411,850,000; wholesale, $1,200,00it :Express COinpanies, • 000. hotels, $78.009; erinan tssiou firm% ndin eyezytbing t kettinto keeitia. .0/penaivikthanapraying, t 00.., 0: Ift‘::*bannfOr e*Iiintnett-'andtb d ttoyd evevy tetidayki Or two .week doringlite'latter June eti,d alt . July; ; • \•7, . • Every fruit growershould ;400:wt. edge the valitel,of such bit& 4.,%‘-.4:he Chrckadee, Downer Woodpecker, Notbiitch..13Inutird„,SWallowts, 'Wren. k 4 •L he oa s q o e o n- shiPe of, Downie and, Ellice. Perth oun are taking Aring,ent meas. u to era cate Swill -pox in bot townships. The boards, at a joint meeting. ordered that all Without cer- tificate of successful vaccination with- in seven years should be vaccinated at once. School teacbere have author- ity to advise the Medical Health Offi- cers of either township of new cases. The old ciAes are'quarantined under* surveillance, .There are no new cases., • * The Ontario Government ie a bill; Introduced by Bon. W J Hanna, ropose&to prohibit the -selling of orie.4svetsstalstin ling an order froM a parent or guard. tan. Mr. Hanna says that this meas. uffits-in accord with the -desire liquor men as well as others. Ne doubt niany orders in the past have been forged by the minors, and outside of the fact of their securing the. liquor . the temptation to commit f..rgery • a -one- a Mr, .t Gainey-wial Ian -week - ,dicated by vote of the Legislature. whicusneass that t,egislature dean's& that Gainey did not receive a fair hear- ing -of hiscase-before Chancellor -Boyd • and Chief Jostice Falconbridge and that the resolution ;toed on June 28. ------19itr-eirgiTiWinnt, or is con uc 'previous to and at the time of thetrial - of James R. Stratton, should be ex - tinged front the records. The resolu. ion passed by a vote ofOO-21. Gamey, Harcourt and Premier Whitney spoke previous to the voting. Mr. Gamey discussed the resolution in a ronderate tone; Mr. Harcourt regretted that the decision of the , judges Should be brought into .question; Mr. Whitney backed up Mr. Gamey very strongly rtgb114 VAL. PlISIA22,1441.1. t a serzoiliwrogg. - ,CIIAND138 GOVERNMENT. liatitedity--',Niglit of Toronto. .Islowi as well as at any other time, it is perhaps becoreing to admit that prior to the general election' in /an- uary, I aedercstimated the good sense and capabilitiesof government which Premier Whitney ° had densonstrated illinderirriras—occenrIrl—the- -oilier pi Ain our Provincial klovernerientri Abs *Mutely and unequivocally I opposed • n nf the Rosa Gove inept, but with plidnly Stata-lie ie that Mr. Whitney and his friends were probably incapable of doing anything xritore.thatiderniitistrating their me . Id-unclupwils-t ' that not another moment could the --....:—.1toss-GovernmenthateleenAct1e but I accept the odiunt of the not un- - had notquali' elarea prilicror any public:. gustier,* to undertake a • governtnent , acceptable -tos the best thought -"rir-erythlit been done by the new Government better__ than was expected. The did: /nesters of the situation have been unhorsed; even thelcorporations Seem. .airiinletaltably out of the saddle. the cievernment having already rep tat- •.edan arrangement 'made early 143 Jan. tnit7 for additional power to be devel. vans.. This grasping corporation, through auxiliary organization', el. ,7--readylltiaToronto-by-thei-ateck.ta _this distinct _kick in the diaphragm will make it recognize that it does not lown the earth and fulness of power thereof The Whitney Government trarthistemperutteepeoplethat It can an much in the way of bettering 'the liquor traffic without any dema- gogic resort to spread-eagle resolutions and unworkable statutes. Altogether • I feel that I -owe an apology to the gentlemen 'of the Opposition who are riowanembers of the Government, for discounting their ebility_, and inten- tions, and in this expreesion of approv- al of a eomirionse and reittionable admission I feel that 1 am only vitTiang the opinion of those who read this njurious ins , fruit could scarcely be grown. En- coura e the birds, therefore, to dome a mut t e ore ar y eeping at a distance, and by punishing the robber of birds' nests. STATE OF Onto,Orry OF Touton. Sa. 1,17'CAS Conarre. Frank J. Cheney makes oath that he is senior partner ofthe firinot:PIJ.Che. Limy & Co., doing business in the City of Toltalo,Count3r and State aforesaid, and that said fir113 Will pay the sum of ONE HUNDRED.DOLLAftS for each and every case of Catarrh:that citrinet be cured by the Use. of Hall's Catarrh FRANK Sworn to befere me and subscribed in my presence; this (ith day of Deceva. ber. A.D. 1886. • (Sum.) A. W. GLEASON, Hairs Catarrh Cure is taken intern- ally. and acts directly on the blood and mucous surfaces Of the system. Send onials-free-- - F. J. CHENEY, Toledo, O. Sold by all drug ists 75c. . 'Take tiall's anti "PilWair-etitistic tion. it‘f4ttidttriiiMint; real au "Iveek ou A itttAlt is Misr OceOPYingl he" builtUn4noutb of tbe prititing onisCe. tsar YtingbluZ and . e thert, -have formed a4,1r. _shje, in the bliss Brown lute returned to her home in 1 a the borne Of Mrs. 3. Preeter.--rs es London spe t a ety days with, Mrs. AL McCormick last week.-Uhis Celia Smith has re- turned froth Detroit and williiirnd the summer m at her hoe on the osh. en line. -Wm. Smith and son. Of De- troit, are visitors at the home of Mra. Magel.-Mrs. George Brenner, after a two weeks' visit with friends here, left for her horntein Midland Friday. She was accompanied by her sister*, Miss Lizzie Albrecht. -Rev. and Mrs. A. Geiger left a - few days. ago for their home in Elmwood.- Wes. Schoellig, after oneyear's work in the Detroit was no so m ouT own, was as ng a u anfl mY grocer to me 0 wai a ay •r o an e would get some, and 1 ank glad 1 did so. My wife is a good baker and made goci4 bread out of other flours, but what she has now made out of Royal -Household is so fax ahead that 1 would. be willing to 14 freight fifty- piles • instead of twen"-live, rather than g9 without it. There is no our'justas g ful, is now at his home here enjoying a few holidays. -Moses Geiger is on a pleasure trip to-Siatith-RivervIklew.-0 tario.-Miss ,Kate Hart, one of the as. sistant--teachers-, bas handed -in -her- resignation to take effect at the end of the present term. This will neces- sitate the, trustees securing two new to--begin-after-the summer holidays..Themany-friends-here.- of Father Valentine will be pteased tu iearn-that-bergrows--stronget-ever day, although he will not , resume his duties for a few weeks. -While clean- ing an old clock the other day P. W. Hese-found in it four atery-old_. bearing the dates 1007 and 1812; th other two were from .0 foreign land m e o Stelk, the popular ,principal of tbe Zurich Public school hes handed in his resignation. which takes effect at the summer holidays. Mr. Stelk has prov- ed himself to be a careful and pains- saking teacherandhis severance from the school will be a distinct long We understand he intends taking 1% pros- pecting trip to the- West. -Andrew Thiel busbeenappointed constable for our village.-The'rrustees of the vil- la• e have decided to Ott 40VID., 04,4 tOttettiellt—WRItS--t summer. -William Schwalm has' plus chaded the dwelling and two lots from extcutors of the John tate now occirerkt-WW-s.. e sengerry, paying therefor $700.4' We understand Mr. and Mrs. Schwalm intend retiring fisina the ditties' of farm life and will take thinga ,•egrisier: They will move to the village in the Rodney. May 12. -The preliminary trial of Alexander Willis and Mrs. Covell, charged with the murder of Eliza Lowery, was concluded to -day.. And - the result is that Mrs. - Covell goes free and Willis goes to the St. Thomas jail toatvait his trail at the 1al1 assizes for the murder of aged Eliza Lowery. "Raffles" Stories in — Me. E. W. Hornung's stories of “B.aftles; the Amateur Ora.cksrean" are nniveritritt admitted to be the mos aseinating ta1es-7ff venture ever written. The charac- ter of Raffles, the 'gentleman burgbie and jewel -robbery is one new to fiction; the story of his exploits excels in vigor and thrilling lutenist the work of any hall- an pire " Daily on May 13th, and the .WeeklY, edition on Ma 18t of Mr. Hornun a successful barn raising on Tuesday. --Henry MLL Who has- erinditeted the livery stable in Zurich for nearly eapi. hex -mit id the business 'stock, barn and dwelling toe. er, of Berlin who has taken possession. We are 'pleased to learn that Mr. Ma. el intenirg: remaining In our villa -e.-4 said wish him every success. . —BANK ClIANGES:--The Noverei rnadiriirnie-Chiiiigee et it • g e_ So 11 under whose able management the business of the"' ur c and Dashwood branches has increas. branch added to hie etipervision and is mug to niake that town , his honie. tat, the secountent-here„ has been appointed assistant manager -for Zurich, and 0. H. thnes, whajias-been slattkmeetat-thoThedfm•d-hritriel been appointed aisistant manngetoof the Dashwood branch. tales, which have never before appear- ed in periodical form. :The Etnst of these tales.. The lcits ." iotioduces Baffles and hie rental companion, "I'llariny, in t eir an.4.4tmst_eicitiog_torRiar • 0 the great jewelry store. tine of these eWlitrelMit e'ver Si-tt rev JOHN HENDERSON. - Now, is there a -single woman ir! the whole country who, after ,reading -what WM-end-awn says, will not,t1 dnop_ send for the Royal Hot -Mktg recipes end give RoyallioUSehol4 Flour it trial:, Mention, this paper .and address ME OGILVIE FLOUR MILLSICO.; LIMITED, NIONTR.AL-e; three, Months. Orders taken at the office of this AVse_kly Mail • and The Advocate to be Mailed to any address in Canada, Great Brlt- tzwtheThftdStatern.nnwin- til Jan..1st, I900, for 85 cents. News of the Week -The 0,P.R. crop report shown eondi. -.eons in the west to be extremely fay,.. The Vanderhilre are prep:rrin g plans t-a120000A00-tannelund the Dis.- troit Twenty people people were killed and one hund ed injured by the terrible rail- v...aceident rat iierrtibuntcp.a._ The President of the British rd of Agriculture hae reinaed to remove the embargo on Canadian Cattle. By a tornado whichswept Marquet. te. Kansas, twenty-four pftple were killed, .forty-four injured and great derange done. Prnit Air:opera have Again complain- ed to the railway Commission remird. • k-of-proper.---ehipPing---faeihtiest on tke ▪ Peerson. a finance, of Etosticoke township, was run over by a wagon at Toreirito Junetion Thursday and died shortly afterwards. atterla 'quarrel with bee linadand took - it aise of earbolto acid on Friday •ard .died shortly, afterwards. HMO Denten, a potioXar young. man of llifeaton. Ont., committed suf. ride Saturdarty shooting Liniseit in the Itrad-vibile stili in bed - 4,1641itiliter Otimids afortfities' b� the neW title Of therimithiailletter of rir*TI Linda, ro separate vinistrypf Mines being establisbed til,syear.; 15tran Pattet*onAbefronointisb4witi wito was "wooed of, tl* murder of Cresiir 'root*** borilz:ntriket, whose guilt (klir IIIIIneentei IWO :NO*: York juries tOtilt1 ,been; di -barged front OuSterly. . :Fite.: at :Palmerston.° • Y.de - ...,tionyed a" spleildiii boo *ix et .tattt The captain of the Hull trawler Mirio died If woundsrecelyed when the Rus- sian -fleet fired on the fighing 'mesas. Grand Mogul teas ar4V , the- products of the lands in .Ccyleift inouritain dew of ate Oritist. Q-Nat-ifte-: put into these. Highland teak a high per. tentAgir-oLtImitie-1 ing) and a low percentage tanrit (belers). Gratul Mogul teas are a, nerve -tonic, a -pure food, and an aid to We. Nervous people ef4i their' to medicine. 44 Health); peopleeg them as the 'beverage, good °health, 'PetePai*I 13)., , machinery fr aeon teapct cook's Colton Root Commssoldreiroarectiabnoitnii on which WM** too • sow la two defrost of otironti—No. I; for oulhary .$1;Porbox; mummer for per amt. "Sad eta ASk torfAxlirtiect- Davialtakikfle initastituto. 11**0001t SI*41101440 Co. Windows thisSzto• With Coifed (not kinked) Seek Strands anditearY up: - I, . rights one foot apart or a -Medium Weight. GOLDEN CASE. A trotting stallion; ehestnitt sorrel, "lbAndlidgh,MAWeig1181075 good feet and legs; gentle and intelli- gent with- a -goad -pedigree. Stands -at home, Winchelsea, each night; at Freight paid (in iota of 50 rods or over) o any &Whin in Western Oritario. Asktorbni, newbook. "Practical Econ. vow -in 'Wire Fencer Corittruction.r- 4:London-Fencing eitt. - fits are cheaper and better than ever this year. -P"Ild----L-01,100-BU FE MICE -1111 -AC -141 -LONDON -7,---ON-TARIO. - -- Write quick. This ad. will only appear twice* on y; nraoe, Tuesday. Phdlip Ilernes, llsborne. Thursday, David Christy% Con. 12. Effibert ' (ineorPora '.13)I1Nit Elt SPRAGUE, N�. esiW, lias a record of ttts; he is lt tan s high with good bone, excellent feet tie will be at his °ago stable, 'Exeter North each night and otithe following days at theifollovring places ler noon: Tuesday, Thos. Vincent's, Lumley.- for noon. . , Wedneschry-i-Zimmer's Roteti -Dash wood. Thursday, Moffat' t Hotel, Centralia. -Friday, to- Farquber Hotel. EDMUND BELII.A.0k, Hay P.40- ItAVOtO, No. 1e401. yot. it. Is A beautiful seed brown stelthin nenrly 141 hands high; a typiesi Eke. tiOneerl with it pedigree that cannot be lwaten. He will stand for noires. -Moffe-tt's llotel4or night. , Wednesday. Jetnes dillph; Kirkton. Thuradayi. John Reiland's, Bien - tamed; Riweeldale Hotel. Friday. Parquhsr Hotel; borne for ittli• • mm, gaewtnottit ttHafelittet.o. MILO III (18840) Is a beautiful -black, white star'. on , forehead. whitepateh on nose; it prize wrier itt,fron:L;LOndtoitnoshostndtTsotrotanintooirnelgra stnek in Englend. Monday, leeve his own stable, ere. diton, and proceed to Jabez Shorts fog none, thence to West,,ScGillivrey for ":•r*,:lowetidothderi'FiWrii. Morgan's and Thos.. Wedneliday. Mount Carmel Hotel nd Chris. Dinney'4. - Thtirsday, to Sharori•and home. Ulan \ to Jarnea Ford'e. Con. 2, hen, and home. - ,( . ' EIJ KING, Prop. mid Man. , .SIREVVIN,100IS. . 4'1 gitold big sty ibth horse el ts.....at 11-H1011 sfilislccnee.,,..1741 hands high. uit)i'ovate-1'11one* suet splendid feet anit,..,i.iinkles; im tlydesdale with the best of et* is ancestors. Standsait follows : • 9 —11oeconroct-Ptai;----; • • • • - Fial,TrXxort lgovong,._ IN THE DOMINION -OE__ ¼ 1)A OFFICE 110110: Ma. tn. to 3 p: m. SATURDAYS, 10.. ta. to 1 p. in, "k 011.14111tAL BANKING StISINESS ITIATIFSACTEM Farmer's Sale Note s cashed or collected. • Fornis suppliedtiu 4plkutioli DRAFTS on all points in the Dominion, Greet Britain and United. States bought, and wild at lowest rates of EtChange. - ADVANCES nuide to Farmer% Stock Dealers am/ Bushiest; Men at lowest rates and on most favorable terms./ DEPOSIT Receipts issued and highest current rate of interest allowed Savingianklepart Agents at Exeter for the_Dontinion Government. menti°,17,148.bFg,arradm4deckeirart"1"4. -Tra="171 DWKsor & CARLINV, Zoticitors. X. II HMOS; • Steridard Rule L Regis red in the American Trotting Register, Vol - um,. XvII. •ftreito colt: two %bite ankles, behind: foaled- in 1001. Bred by J. C. Lintienaan, Lime, (Alio. Now owned by Jones tt Kens, Exeter, Ont. q 6 . tecilti 2:14U, 81re GI Cour:Wii E; e 20%k,, Miting Tick 2101 NorvUl Aiztiti Lettere. - .144y Norwtto 2:131,b, 1.4a rtttz 210s. Noose! 2:12!..i",, and 77 others in the it00 CAI; hi* 1474ri*3ral t70. Ed (faagt:ent prm1ttz4 d lo in Taft 8o0 cf kleettnftr 111, Sir* t Aid= tei?4, .trantl t171,t1. Palo Atto 2:1r5.f.4. and ctton in 2 aqiik. Than Noftizi, gnu brood mare h Nennen tire ot tZstn-E.LFIVEllt.ig., &trot 0nratral2.247b, htm ec...rttc:4 IV! t'b ftrta !Ant:A RE " cf. tttr (.1Nivr 0t440, itinornin Are t4criort$ 16, °Two pityson kill4.741,0eveml ate tboi1gbt to' l'itonaitti *Male dehrie,,, and tw livrs have 'fieeivIstrei to hIpitn he "res,lt of e/rikeiliirinfit 'nit 04's,IttOrti -Etr, nearPbTh - 1.7 At.roNso rgto, lawort Kye a alum :notana 17 othtr iltatattel ta- frri sea et flmta Willerc,1:1,,Yf.,siet of liostps itoben- stein 2h,. rtaklxnil Miran t044, !lows 2,-.413f, rkr4 14 'others; tIa,i Mnn/ Matte. doe or Ato-Orme Aftlinters 2.2.11°, Alanddif 2124, ct0.. hy Ifmnblino - ti.tetIOSEIER ftkots of Ira 3, 'ai'l'15111, LectrEt2it3ci, srd over /SS CtLer Rip ot Ark* '114,11/7t.6 SonOt '104. PAO Atto.t4, VOhm; (11n1 ptrtivAl.trgoilso itritetliireof x,pr pcbro. ti.7.9s, 'The - bott and over 1990 other itUfier4 1)940inettk lj tatiteOist notia eavij. sire of t$orta Tet Moto eir:ai, w 601 2:114viy, ittat 1 ettavii •dinits Fiinny Wil. c other daniltni. pcitAtrit 0, no of Atto:at 23; C.st-A, "erigtIqm,*arclit tn,i.d sire, by 741,31f:1r:4 Chief IL 1.1101SIAN t!r g':111,11.,.."ccAti-O.Z'lit,,, Orer.iirefigi7T4%r:fr* tit hers tirciciAsaft rA" ttrz.4 wavdslre Naral eta cvt t pert:Altaic i+AVntl".. ednestday;,,Albertannnin Vb31. Brock's, oon.S# NYOndbaml and 1irkton Dontaniso con.. 1