HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-05-18, Page 1.47s7se•FT "ft eld A say t'ain eitientado reacl and ed.. • The Executive wigh to Ciingrato. F 1400R tete the 0:0 on 'the splendid espirit de cops shOWnmy.tits*stntmos thie year and the interest plath yed in e welfare of the Clots, vote of thanks wan 1)44,40 to Mr. jetties .Weekee , for the use of bis /tiler for last seeson*. Two Or three new Member*" were Ow posed, and caccepted. It was dee* not to lend out the -new 'roller at ark nresent, the same not beingfound in 'quite , eistisfeetOrY condition. The received a Ng shipment of secretor? Will be 'Plearied to receive vy Bine Enamelware very re all outstanding fees - early as pos. ihkusx.defray exnsei,. proved farm, Wel armload, with good# brick W bank bar WOri,.704d (14 feet' 04 and hof . one -*extol ortiter41.0 aerie ot MAI princi wood. For tersna anti other particular* Junes Ile/wookor *Tan ileyw Mutate. P.O taikdi4 to loarr low 1140$ Of tato,. •SCIENTIFIC °at .LExeteTOflt EYE SPECIALIST tpitcOtokest..: ..orSale. yiney nY LW tp067 oath* conuizent ,Nfiribora..Wour Land ce.ciratla,-The *meant -of the lett-Oiereit th;eit „ WAWA It .scOntel. bfefOizi -ad, lind1y tight," owe Allan thitherlandin the June Durazinwrois, . nor one that is more acceptable to ell • denominations of the Christian faith. When the'Pailiainent of Rthgionsmet m Ghteago-duringthe-Colum x- osition,4tio-repmentativea4trna1no8 avert creed knf(44...tOJOAlt_tc4114 two things on which they were eroind-a,11 -could ding 'Lead, Kin . Lights!' The hyrno was written:when Neveman„ returning _home from Italy M iterranean, n ate mg con res. the music was composed by Dr, John Likes its-te-walked-thrOugh the Strand', stet of the: busiest thorough- fares of London i The bran was it favorite of -Gladstone. and also of President McKinley, 404 it was sung foetid wide in the churches on 'the erect anniversary of • his death ond Call early and ayail youriblfq b1 u a "r' rtunity to Imvellesir--eyett-pro but a scientific cortaintr, Diffiefilt cases accuratel fitted. .A.t.t. :WORK GITARANTITED. , A Intl Ilianot Artificial Eyes added Otirlefti016- • 0OURT XXvistost. • • . •sates el, netbat'th_. e Court or' Revision itakearoerit R''41 of tile v e Mage ot Itatter ter bbe priarnatycar will bat itir first ,rueeting- at the. Tow* Hall, Exeter, on. FritlIty, the. ZOth day of May, 444 7 p.,w .4.44..tek, - tot, Yiilage Clerk. Get-th-oldrellable-Nov en's Qshava Vick. ut tip in fxrst.olass worganam� "ship, guarauted,to give - entire satifitaetion, Leave Your Order sif •00reffiritiTirm' "Mr.Frank Ryan in ,auftering .front an attack of eryilipetaiThirlfor lac 1110 brother, wmRyan, i1,. es° yeey ill and bag almost been deprived of his speech. -Mr. Wm. Fraser has . hire roved, his dwelling hY- 410400 it veneered The..MaccabeeLgave*.box.:,c‘clat ••In 'their belt 00 • Tbiitaday night /set•":"st hkh es'leige twee, 1iz Gehis*i Cmtey ui ibe *itists wbc tako , , Ir. 'ezt t. tbe 41:4 0411an. itre i, op „ g, in. e affair wiUbe, sk, 'Ouse •Wm. MOts;eith Iooka this w as thooglr he bad. fiundfiie , "td Miss Gei1rds t(Z _04 OVA rOir City .Ma ues ArcoMPle el, Mon sereew. 114 vitt'. Owing ti the recent showers crape areilooking well in this loe,,,ality..-•_..5ev, eral frotn•bere attended Lemon Bros, ,eireris Exeter on, Monday, and th gend'e.1 opinion is that it did not enirkint to umeb....Siinday everiMg Millet' Brownie Andrews .rendered a very acce tshle solo in the Methodist Beaver, ofbeCareritosniluelab . trietliae Of pa 1141y$IS which he rece bere•over Sunday* -7.0. and IL Tuesday previous. to his. ilea Mille "%aye erected kitchens to their el- honses. which add till. to their:g7I'lt:IiitnnEdw,8444ne:ritliveet°orCaen% $it ' 00 I it' 4...k• ; 1141 Mt. n,& .). ' -;Y. tLitiii:i%Vils . r, , s15 , Lie _ t .ot ivz -ant4'alivi°' :.u'' 14.roi. _ , : on ,',Euieh evegoat .tbt',Airigte0,. 011 c.0,.'tiw Stanloy111 Pk:- ti riv„ 1'4r.. 41??"0010-101,e040' of 01 4044.'n ATter alt4 ,oi:41*Irt' ii sdeetaiS le try -the' benefit* 'to be , W .. herVltie.*, ,..rwr,Marlrll' stied, t's001.4t li 0 In, the Wea4 •krhei Oelhert ba ,,.tiriied . t. :: tOwn, ne.' Jo oy ftioirdo: tau ;,.,:148140t4g:e of. stie ., . :brick work tis4*§tatileee rlielgemio' occasii)n teabow their gOod Will and lefeet4ertranspeo. riipie11 n , 'prod (1'00;4 wet* mid O riilloyk,,n ' ret nned: from a threero , el eeks04viii ' t i'.t1 h itu li er Mrs. W: .•I ' )ato'in v de, ,,,,,,,,,I..., • vu heat nic on. Ste liens, after a pleasant v er * is •tStiliIi-7-thr muds, 1 es retuined to her . Newmorket. • AO - or wan beer* ber %it wi n er home M * Di:AM-Another of the pi .Huron has •paseed from this 11 •person .of Mr. Robert Venni died on Sunday, at the ag years, The cause of death wa ()neer% of re in the son, who ea or Stir s a stroke ived the, th. . M. unty Sli- de when has erected a nice lence around ,04J1' I, is aga win fu as vete, tom herebitefid taking in the sports in Lu-. can oo queen's' birtholey. -Mr. Byron nicks spent Solidity in London. Any attraetion,stlyron?-The trustees *AN°. Stephen, -have ereeted fence n the Congo,' of Peel and, afterwards ,IstY.ini of Scar 16, Ir C w o still survives him. 13000 aft, , ter their marriage they came to Huron now over 48 . n years, and took up the farm on the Huron road, ullett—Re inaintd there about ids months, when eis-old this farm and moved to the vrresliirroffilorris. Thirty•twayeerir ago he purthased the :faun- adjoining Seafortli on which he has resided ever Since. Deeeaseilwair-a---itein-of good business ithilit3..01 the Strictist- recti- tude and`thoroughly honorable in all his dealings with his fellow MOM.. 110 public affairs- . rid was staunch ..Coneervietive, Besides his aged partner be leaves • a grown•rip •family. The rerneine werelaid-to-res likthe.Bayileld road cemetery. _ round-and-w0air the teachers deserve beautiful flower gar. ve-and.er-Sim friends in Lacan. Mi�a • traarllektuan, of Detroit, friendsviiiti in the village this nIe from the -*Ulage *nd neigbborhoodattendedthe circus at Exeter Monday. The major: ity esule home feeling dilaPnointetb Joe. Woodall is having the dwelling Iie littelY:Perchased trent i*Irs'. ner-reModeled and issleto erecting an np-to-date wire fence along .the , front hiatat....41...s.special4chciaLinee Atm of the ratepayers of 8.8. No.r held; in tbeiecbool bowie Saturday siv. se! seilecidett-10-4ereet-a-tin school house,andthe trustees veire enipowe • to .orroW40000 (Ora term No doubt our us. .ng other " modern: -rt bin .,otote.-rn. en lotted lie •i vonvententti,Wait iz re th*n 4ormerly.- . of twentyye 1114ittog the ave it-mGre OberlottetdWarde returned las week froin ifensall where she visited her brotber..-4Mr.- Jones has bed about200.,rodc 431-..:selrejence,e on. bis farni.--Vordon Bloomfield spent business. ; treet Friday Thinks!: we 'aprireciatedi tharinkhein. 'et ii -111. :0 .1, 'will"i4o0.7re. noyei,,n)lii0,0_ lailWickenur, Lon. 'attif -Wilififfn - -.7=_Cbt-itlelt-iVilif • tlit -.:. bait been el n Merton.; rot m- otile w Miss ri7"tte itiabto S t er re. . thy, . Zwick weak..-.Toblas Palmer is * ne and. brick wall •laced' . 111,1161, .t=s _ mown -414,- •/VaL tlastweekonanfesc- ' dattlPtokaairtidAifiatii0fik7 .far western points. Miss Mary Gar.' • tende remaining for *qui times -Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McLeod. Moved last wee ttk-TIITIrs op„ 1411W0nUriot wifere they will Make their" future tkOmts.--, Dr..Coliteigb bas gone on an extended' "trip to Detroit. -Jos. Virsiin, of West Williams, ha orehaged the home of ply11„-aird-willinove Mrs, John Baxter deeply ynipatbize with her in her foss. While in visiting The Victoria tilook *restart and considereble of ber fulniture And, ironeetroldgoodiewairdes Vertebras, of Oakland,, 'Cab, te here visiting her reotherOlirai. Clark._ 0 wisywrec 111 wbich the engineand two coaches of bet trabiwere burled down asteep einlainkMent, the driver and firemen both beingkilled and ,oth... erg injured.' but she **coped unhurt. Hibbert •A hi bly 1.64E14 ree del* wasealled to hi* on rtTay.. We rotor 'to ____, omit -1w. -ridlusst been inr:delicitte or some year* and bad taw* sufferings wine t 0..but On the above tuoi air Ai. the Eviingelicedchnreb nex o y evenin 14a 22nd. • A ve •ef mom is yen contra n o 'inutile and a short Address by Mr. A. -L.-,11reithaupt.A.Berlin„ Wesident of the Conference Brooch, of the Y. I. A.. after which an -illusthited lecture will he given, consisting of a series of lime light:view* an'the Life of St. rauL._ ' GOLDEN' Vititoroxo.--An enjoyable ntrdoTou Monday' e at the home of lifr, and Mt* John Rano Their friends and relative* to t • e number of ,t0cgathett91-togethi4 ebrateAtte-firtieth-anniversary of their marx iage. Fifty yem.eio re long riod, end butfew' married. couples golden itmtv- mony of te•m formed by Rev.Daznm,congratulatory 04d:testa were sti*en by Meseta Jacob Heist and Aug. -Baist,,brothera of iirts 'fbrught rho. Illiskug14. .brother 'Of Ats.:, Rauch, Dr. E. mast also All address Ilextfollowed hopreeenta- don of a; 'valuable ' ' " looptstecl_cou non whitlow" of tba rclativei and ,hjMralTaflfth 1'' the Suntlay school tind an active Work. er 1n, the SlandaarAeliool. Mrs. Roy has also given valuable eaSiltenee in, the School and League. An aPPronri--- riate widresso was read by the pastor, Rev. R. W. Knowles, when two. ele- gant upholstered chairs were present- ed, on behalf of the church by II. O. Facey and xi, B Balfour. Mr Roy's close of 10 girls the came forward and read an address and presented hiin with a fouotain pen as a token of i.e. uternbrance. Mr.' Roy, on behelf of himself and wife made a suitable re- McGillivray We are pleasSsi to learn of the suc- cess of G, D McVicar An :passing his second year evil**, ut the Ontario Ag- Oetittu •• e 8 Vicar has also been euecessffil at s exams. at the Loudon McAleal School pasaing bas rented his farm to Meseta, -Biram ZaVity and Mee; • eLean for year. Edgar Wenn ntentlagoing to 114an• shortie. '• wing to Jit health to_the home of bee, ether, o» t e 71 eoe.,--Whe ;She will retnaln tiU fall. Shebat been latent/big ,tbe LcirorkIlltudriess Col. -,M•es.. John . ea „ I , IWAT 6-"6 '44re usefulness in their new home. They •leftfor Prince -Albert, 'SasksVoeednYs Hensait Mrs. Kendrick, of Port Huron, is on a visit to herparents,Mr. and Mra, J. Bunthron, - Sleeken is - visiting histori.• Dr. -111aekalt at the number from lieter,t00-1k-iw the cimus at„ExeterMonday.-41. Ran- - •nie has been. appointed delegate to - represent Bengali 0.O.F. at the High Court...into held In Oanatiolue in assettis--yeats-end-gsterleniew.: • ions are backward. -W. J. Aliner is reparinger car of riga for the West. --Miss eitirbater seoin1411; in thib vicinity of several months, lot a few days age for her home in Roche*. aringuncing the- eportri here for.11ey 24tb. H*,wald. Is now occupying his new reeidence., Mr. Bullard has purchased from Mr.. R. Pittereon the lot behind bis present rem oodstock where he WaS attelld.; the funeral of his granans,other..:- ittrtbelartners-seeding-for'10054 over, now for road work. /toads which are ttIOe for driving, will shortly lose their attractiveness*, a pile of gravel. covering their centre,-Wra. Wepou. otber lot at- the rear of his present am, Wife andfam., otion,.who has been ittsee00..121134,7nied., • intent, we are • eased..talearn re, -arrived bete on covering. &Wan- an . osser-I T-431"tittrir6M-31" iniwenodol;ittlodLng fiTheetabturnt:s.tolitis, Mr. and 'dieltndt,trretng, evrttenreg Sewte tedrusritheye witaittearn: Mrs• townline, was the 1°7 life sill"g 110--4110 third` Wu" in vette,oprettylveddinwoli_may.arduti_the intermediate eerie* between Bays_ i.dayigkwatile ilitermitt "Lakeirides and Bettaillivailibi field scored in 19 Minutes an 1%0 More' scortewereAtide.__.TILe_weatker.-Weit - perfect, anu it large e.rowasvas present . and thoroughly enjoyed the game* James of Sarnia. The ceremony was heitevarWirAndrewer; of Parkhill, In the presence of a TIM- ber of invited uests. The bride Monamt-In ne.Thames Road; . 0 ts-and-Mra----ilihn extend our heartiest congratulaUons. Mohte th, a son. a • * 010.408. --.Mrs. Eilzabetb Stewart, iciritich-FeeptietzariMd-highly'estee resident of this section died redo ev- ening, after at ;bort but severe illness, during which she bed to undergo an operation. Tbie. iirgY0 toofirc14,.0. -itiiitoOti'ller wlt eened constution, reward on the above day. ,' e• was a , good true friend to cverybody and *her 'ileatli_ie_deeply_ regretted With usfpgled feelintge. of sorrow and reirtret.-ste.-chititilererthe- death tdan - :estimob e lady of the 19th cOn., in the u 'eriVh-tmltt"abeTiiirri i*Otret4t..1314-Wiillietwesie4d"jetit; ly stricken with a., revere attack • of porslysis. Which did its fetal Work in few short hours, and her spirit pass. Outorthis life into the greet be. .yond. ,4„ good wife, an Indulgent mother. .* • kind -neighbor and ',true friend, Mrst'Suilthera Will long and lovingly be retnerfibersd by "a boet • of fr1ends. Sire leaves tantorirrs her di,. daazgbtersand one aon, nd ttiFtlierft we ottiona our &repeat- sympathy.- The funeral on *ti-ittlar .,1140# lotritelY aite* tended. -Wain* Oeing lido to rest Dxcitsst-Itanza--At the residmiceof • tbe bride's parents, on May 10, by . Rev. R.. Meet, John Dealier„ Jr. ofBabylon line, ilay.- to Mise Clars : - daughter ofOr, istid',1141* Jacob Ba.' Irwood;-, Otittrt/gY Pa • lat the borne of the bride*, pLiiretite, on May 10, blf- 44V• CF; D. Munn,' Fred Currey, of bewail:cm- Iltinh...-harlit-ilhut- Lavin** daughter of Mr. and Atte. J. _Finkbein Stephen. liWthuaiin Xirkton, on_ Oliver Ilarris„ of Carl* Men,* to • Jennie, daughter o Richard -Wag. horn, rullarton. • . GnA-Bumte-In St. Marys. on • May 10. by neve A. Ova*, 11.11Ora. fun, of Owen Sound, to Wow Anna. E. Sum*. of St. Marla, • onMaty 12* . Robert Silvia, aged eq years. WAtattit,-tin Clinton, A.:Walker, aged 41 yesrs tits= to shOw one of 'the **tern Ontario. Theinerease in our bsiness shows, that w -e 41:e carrying thvILITY. and ilflOSErr *Of the -things we earry In stoat , • • In Wlndow rk remor blind* itnng, *Mt - or# tit 10;'8i!hen'tbeir daisbter,' of • 0 b. . To the bereaved fanilly WO'bttend on 0 Monday du g11ii.i iePitt,- a ..Fran eulclde. Tbe young .riniti tante' to tbIs place *bout a oitth ago'froin England and e4'with'41iihn 4t«. now.. near Irettlet'Oltlit he lek nhorts at th.eboon*. 'begnaml milklsag empty pelt* to: