Exeter Advocate., 1905-05-04, Page 8,
Speckled trot
!Vontlay, May 1t.
Mr. Harry Partioos
Mr 1ZiehI!'I tirp
‘fe0411. h ffee# tekk ,
itert shipped elo
ntitetethis Vieek'; '
. 0•
Clinton• lc- b
FiLit, SiU, Wingh. Ile whoti
av- Int4p to. tho'flout5e. of 11
fugo ainx fa-wa ths't time it znaopere
, ed. died •&t tsattuey; the .eetee,liee
were interred at Clinton,
revert's ',esthete
able tt) ou' The V& nn;' Insiitote will
tbek xl onthly meeting n tbe'
nasbifroyn tbst on.
xn. 10118. wether
Vo .
34,14 ly slam? lelrOtOtt•up.„. .
tinve ler a tVollth
te. , Then), , ,
.infttinMiiterY theelnatlei
ertilkredle • •
• 0 0 .04
4Vt';1711°St'PallOati has been confl
• , o hie 'honte.through ilineeedefing t
- pea week i- '114.44 eeeetvering.
'KIM •
rtb.L4 lee P.,' 4 yO, VOY, „t
,"turo'4)4:titati .Vre
Ieat #11,0 ty.*6 -we may
0410f1., •,
"11,Vpunin as a Citizere. ivaa thC title
Dr toweofinlion, heft*, .the
ho cenornic ASsoCiatitteln the-. or--
ehei ofInje
b1h' war day esteiday1 as -road
the w the r appea more s
Samuel M. Thomas, a former Exeter
noW-resid ing-in
ed bL8 final examination at ttte
ental College.
Our thanks are due several of our
• spbscribera for kindly handing in cop
les of certain recent dates of the An• -
vocal% which 'we -desired. .
'Mr. E. Ilanharn, late landlord of the
Commercial Hotel, moved with his
family. Monday to St. Marys where.
the will make their future home..
Mr. 0% Wendland, of- Milverton, is
. • •
Try Ho a Littleliver Pills. ' Incrong luto-themMetrol3olitstrliete
we(y" this week, while Mrs. Garrey and Mrs.
Blank notes and receiady at tbe Advocate g forms now par win go to Mitchell and mice
'.( thfuture home,
Aeceill the good things at Charlton's III'. Jas. Deni ge who has been sexe
Fair, suitable for weddifig preset -a: ton at the Trivitt Memorlid Uhurett
They are the best. • for 4 number Of years last week re-
• Boils, Pimples entl-BroTeltes soon signed ebe Deaden, Tee vacancy as
resensingflowefeemppotted. hes-beetrfilled-brAlts-Rehertaieharde
Ibleig txrditi*Zpaell al--.---- son. - ' ' ' 'e
;For 00 cents, paid in advance. you TeAchers who are interested in con -
or your friend will receive Tan Anvo- tinuation work in the- Public Saloon -
OATS utitil the end of 1906are requested to attend a meetin as
- e-Terrrenestral ' -
the cause. Bowers Drug Store..
Uselteglisti Stock Foodfax'young'
radies and pigs, it is the _hest and
cheapest on the 'market. • We have
else Colombia International, Hess,
Xoer Ram.Ilerbageum in Stock. 0.
—Lutz, -Central Drug Store.
Seed* -
Flower and garden seeds -all kinds
sure growees-3,0gkages for 6 vents;
also all 1.1 uds of confectionery,
•a Fair-Jte.
More' Potatoes coatims..,
• n Sattirday,._20,4yttb...._
,- P. ocrwArm._'..
-Pederewskt, the eminent-- pianist.
who 'delighted a large Audience in
London on Thursday evening last has
been stricken with neuritis, stiff neer,
and has cancelled all his engagements
In Aderica. He willleave' for Europe
on May 10th. -
Clothes line thieves are again in'
evidence. On Monday night the lines
of Mr.- Samuel Adair and Mr. Sid San.
slersof town-AweirwvisitedneVkrtheir
to the amount o_t several dollars were
carried away. Tbe nocturnal vis1W1*
as a sharp look-out...is being made for
the guilty parties. -
ewer w rt. -recut y rnae a
hn j.ukup upon -the granolithic side-
walk m London to avoid a tumble; has
&nee been confined to the house with
his feet and ankles encased in plaster
of parie, He is now able to be out on
crutches and is expected to return to
juries are healed.
Messrs. Weekes Bros. are busily en-
gaged re-atranging their yard and
bfrilding iiitonneetiorr with their -Mar-
ble Works. The whole building whir.
idenee_and nbop ing conyerfrd to-
w ',how rooms, work MOM& ,arld cov-
ered yard. The improvement will add
greatly _to...the a pearance_and_conee
• *Scents- pee bag at Ilie-slaire. There
are a few early seed potatoes in the
-car. A. Q. ttobi r.
comas. „
Or Butler, London, will be at the
Central flot1.vtteirsdat, dtme ist,
, ell day„ for --4"-e. Ear, Nose andThroat
•consultetions. Eyes tested a nd glasses
• Horsemen will be corxsulting their
best interests by getting their horse
• . bills printed at the Advocate -Office.
ood-class of cute to eeleet from and
prices.right. Don't ass the Advocate
Having it few loads of the celebrated
Hawking Valley -coal left—stove and
sell in-t-orriots-oreovere-at
tophasize the fact that
women were given the opportu ity o
-voting better men would be elected,.
,beeause mimeo( were not tied to the
parties. As an illustration Dr. Gelled'
briefly referred to New Zealand, where
the ballots of women, !the dee:hued. *
were instrumental to. a. great extent
in purifying the Government. Fifty
Van ago the pooltion of women petit-
ically and socially, was that of a bond
slave to her _husband; but now she
held.* prominent place in the indus-
trial and strial world. Dr. Gullen be -
o rden $eeds
tent when they would also have the
upetintendent. ,
•Dostia et atm cesiaor. '
On Thursday„.of last week the ,death
btiok_phiceltt--town---of Mar GI -
gare.wifet of 'Janaes Conner, at the age
f-624extreAmoutlasald 10 d* -
.cesied.withher imsband had been a
featiretir tbWitTSFatilsticTisiti itunntbv
life in November of last year. During
the previous 82 years they b*4 been
actively engaged in • farming neer
. •
their memovalAct
had 'gained many friends who Will re -
to bear of -ber demise. She was
a nativerof Canada Ile'elelg, been bore
in Beatings 'County. leibile for the
greater pert of her life has eneay-
ed the. best of health, during the as
sut months she had been troubled with
caneer. Only derinie the lest week
'hadihe, been confined to her :room.
Heehles the, husband, four sons as&
two daughters suryive, all of whom
On.4 vra_of_the,sonCare.„
res guts - 7Biaiirlieing
• machinlets. The funeral took- place
y SeTaggataAeillnetery
Electric tiesit!wat tetsteetet -
The town -thee os:4314 4arknegiVati far
make it so, since Friday evening !nat.
Spine miscreant, _haying ar- knowledge
of tile premises and also tones know',
edge of the -working of the dynamos
undertook to put the plant out of-
hesinesit sometime.duripg Friday and
Ott irrdei-ntreite,----Mt -ItAtee-sl •
auto that rune the Arc lights and t At
which supplies the electricity' for 'the
incandescent% were tampered with:
Theformer had Sento _lead wiree_olle-
arranged, and was easily fixed ''sty
Mesera. Connor Ilros., but the latter
untgesie leidetabl
e t winitil;lrehisel. or all e. had -been
u to separate and destroy some of
the bunches of insulated wires on the
dynamoethus destroying: the eleenJ .
Ladies! are your bands raw and Sore
It-houseelfbarrine-41 '
of Ito-ses will heat Mein. It rs-not
sticky or greasy and gloves may be
worn a ietv nitialPirtS" after appt: .
Only 25 cent-, a bottle, lIowey's Drug
1 P. Rogers St Co. in the St. Marys
• Journal of hst week say; "Last week
• the teacher asked the Class what the
-town of Exeter waS noted for, at onee
'bb'sband went up,with that eager
• conlidersce whieh knowledge stlways
gives, and at the teachers Well, my
boy? replied, Flour. 'TheNtnswer ex
iket 4 WWI Szdt, but this boy was evi-
andlord, Mr. Hanham, moved therein
with his_family on FaAlav •last. Mr;
a Ira. Barrows -come fm lo
many warm connuendatihns and
dee thee- management the Com-
mercial my be considered -among the
the county. NVt., veeleolue them and
trust they will find themselves much
at homeltere AS eitiZene.
'On Tuesday Dr. D. A. Anderson re-
ceived word of the death of his father,
Mr. Anderson. in Marquettte
Miele . About two months . age the
doctor's inOther died at the same
place. His many friends will be sor-
ry -to.- learn- of hi s eecond-bereavernextt,
ett4v...better informed_thaolleA,eaene trd
and will extend to him their sincere
vrtnpath oetort e-satitret tete
Mr. •Geo. Kenai*, father of the
again visiting bis siStee,- Mrs. Jag.,
Tom, and other friends here, after a
-sojourn-or-several months with Is
daughter, Mrs. Thqs. Of -Paw
ry Sound, who accompanied him here
to visit for a short tune. Mr. Kern-
icklalookinglale and hearty and is
-apparently-eajoyiasgthe-best-of-h -
Being possessed of 0 genial, generous
and7kindly--dispesitiotr---and having
shared -4o a -considerable extent. -the
prosperity...and_gooltfortnee his son
has been So "ahtitithwtly blessed
many acts and deeds of„his kindly na-
ture will be long remembered by the
subjects of bis charitable and coat-
is,* n isrgentrosity-a •
greater means have half so -big a heart
as this -old-time resident of Huron,
-Sauk Cionties.
For someThie past it has been gen-
known Oat Mr. F. E. Xarn,
Manager of the Sovereign Bank here
was to be removed to the new brancd
now being establiehed in London.
The change we understand is to take
place in a few da s. Mr. Karo has
bonn man,ttaeL-xif
obliging disposition, coupled with
hismanytrir te‘tiee, he tote
tact . good judgment and true bust.
Aess petesieteriLes him th_cr_coegh),,,y_ur
Vispalling; and • it is largely due to
these good qualities in the local mana-
ger that the Sovereign Bank of Can-
, ada has been so prosperous•and-sbared
eo liberally in the banking business
done in this locality. The vacancy -
11144.* filled. by Mr. jos. ' now
manager orch-6------6--iitiort.)m*sa
bank at Dashwood, who comes highly
recommended. Ile is a man of long
banking experience, of unquestionable
ability, one who will retain the lame
patronage the bank now enjoys and,
:a man who will command the re -
we WActune hint to our nildiet, •
srs. E. Grant nod A. Wood-, who have
been ex -waged at this branch will a°.
cam an Mr. Kfirn to, London, while
leading an best conducted homes la
lansWer• Wetlla.titite been torrent-A.1e, oon wheee.,,,s1
years ego toelay flour is certain y I nA-35 ue-mi to &V" rquetteto---be-ire
be absent untilOreird of the week.
doing mot7;e ,to ',flake Exeter famous a " 413°e la -
tuts salt, and we think it high time
thaet all teachers should profit by this • A very pleasant time is reported by
boyes intelligeteee and teach that it is those in Attendance at the dance on
tour and not sAlt thattskes first place Wednesday evening . of list wee.
in Exeter's industtiet." .Guests were prnt from tnAny of
the:- 'surround rug villages, as Well as
from town. The affair was perhaps
the most successfat of the series. So
retteedwereethernng-taert thatthetnedktely r
d to hold an as.
sembly of a more elaborate order to
tIn view the eammittee have engaged
wind up the season. 'With that object
• lig. -A supper will be iserir
more than pleasing time is anticipated.
By request we publish the following
lprograAin rentleked* et. the W. M. S. eti-
tertaiirmWttiri :Imes St. .cherrell re#
eeritItz--411re recitations ,by Mise
hlediek were rendered with .splen
Qffeet. A dialogue and a chorus d
picting the ill treatinentottlie eltifieso
girls woc rendered and rauelt, appere
elated, by the audience as writs. alert
• ialogue If&iss Ethel and Master
ChestO lbirvey. A thorns entitled
,1!1.Vittc1itt. from Ch1111" pI.nsed the
' tiodience very much. A. 1lug tirill b
t rbecailificetirrire'ex-fd-rto
Teterboro' for a new part. T estim-
$100anti He-htteetr -suspicion-- a
to who the guilty party is, and soiree.
•i-ngtin-the-way-of-atearreet. may
tucks, Forecasts tor mev„
The storm period, 4th to Oth. will be
tethered in as early as the 4th with de-
teded-andrapid eh:rage-to warmer la
Alt parts westward. 'The barometer
willshow.marked atuurapheric depres-
sions in the sameregione and as thege
conditions ineredee and. move tot-
w*rd over the country, a series of de-
cided rain, hail, Wind and thunder
stornis will begin, repeating them -
/*Wit „0111134--,,toValltte*Jor_seve
liCee4tfiVe .1a, thP ere'
consider it 4asensational" to say that
danger will probably' attend some of
these stOrms, and. those who vtluily
and wisely weigh these probabilifiet,
will suffer the least anxiety. and most
surely eseape bodilyharm and materi-
al lose. Along,wit the tisiugbaromee
ter and clearing weather, at the ceasa-
tion of this *tom period frosts wuty
be looked for In tattnycen'traitonOtth-
' rn-seettotts.-stay- tWit-the Oth
to the 22t13. A, maximum of earth-
omake and seismic disturbances will
almost certainly kek felt in man pert,
Victat Franak Mail -144
;On Tuteelay of lest week the home
lOoperg Clinton, Iva,. the,
'Seine a tv--*Cililing When her
-(laoghter Mia Eve. Was married' to
:Vieteiti C. Fi rib, formerly- of Meter.
'eifilde ;is a /lithe.
I1Ti a Opiernter of 'tit
ill 1-01h Ore asee
Wt,-st-for -6(06
ell fairly exteess-
• about fifty
vning,,, the
en isJw lir troth.,
where •it will o moat
--000d---.000tit--Yott?- --
Wing. a progressive person apd • a
shrewd buyer you are always lookieg foe '
the best bargains -:-Aren't Yon?
Tiy�ifwouMTbe willing to-
--deetwititos if you kne*- we mania give
you•the._best for theleastmoneysellitould--
let Yon?
Well then haver Ili deliver to your •
homesome of our new furniture at prices
•, that will Convince vote
Sideboards in golden maple,- doubleshaped top.,14x24.tuirror; as low as
Bedroom -Suite, 8 piece tioldetrorMattogany:66Tn. dresser, 16x20
plate merrier ..... . . . ..... ................. . $12.00
Parlor Suite, & piece& upholstered In best Velars, $18.00
Couches, uphin velours, eft. 2 in. long, 23 inwide, hinge all around, $4.50
, •
We are making speciat preparations finese.GRAND DISPLAY of SUM-
. Opening days will be
Additional Lomb on page.
y2,41.atte er'L Ea -5
been a grand success, and we endeavor to make our su e 6-A511y,,
attractive. A visit to our show rooms will convince you.
vior*1 e- Yir '-esiiltiery'irew-mat4-mr
lug' le the totals of tbhe Assessmeot Roll
rEe . P
bound to make our Sat:Muer Opening -awe one -Of The events al& ,soason.
toe thaTOWneldirof-Stepiten far 1905:
Acres assessed r,0785,1,; aercia cleared
513N6; acres wootilaud. •501; acres
of slash land 443; real property exelus-
ive of buildings, $2,041,620; building*,
067,140; taxable-real-pfloperty.$2,114,-
708; busitros assessment M,412; taxa-
•ble income. $5.700 total assessment.
S2.750.770: persons in family of each
person ratexl res1denti3155; children
between 3 and 21, 1277; children be-
•tween find 10, 031r male persons from
21 to CO years 810; births, 49; deaths 23;
Examination Free; Can attd see' .00 Velour Couch
our $20.00 Paritir Suite3
n's Sfore.),.
Remember the dates, Wednc."$tlay and Thur3day, at4y 10th and lith.
Syracuse. N.Y. Believing in-cleirvey.
*nee or not, there is nug*Insaying the .
+fact that the doctor can explain 'the
source and cita5e yotit disftwtither
mental or physical and has restored to
health and happiness mealy WOO*
invalids all their lives. Send lock of
1 thitr I OLD,
laving pate
mith shop *11(
.i!. oi the bu
°bleu '
, On&