Exeter Advocate., 1905-05-04, Page 6r"L'i. 14 -ANY -IMAGINARY GASES
lirsve Blood in Spring to
Rti.r4 gesau th, and Stresigtlit.' 17rO14E INSIST ON Bt
u OrellsATED MON.
Spies; blood is bad blood. It b
Car tea drinkers ie to give ti ern abt stearning cdp of FRAGRANT
elissged with impurities that . make
, Wow** .IenaginedMS0 '`I4Iad
esthgts1,-,Asteitefslt.••iitte!natWeelOWqese£tICPS Sestees-.'erhilltHs. Alterestereeligeestessiktete.4resses•
--•enii :pimple* a.tiel preiptiurtet- dig:0Se • - •• •
OCSitS1-40,41- hee4tglkgli :,•t)!Oge: • ".91
of rheyeinatieM,SttlOYS'POn0 13.* S. Vail.' 031
• Morning. ' And a...tikrop; sSikk5.1rP teat n. `leinatikeki Tttie hOUW,9tirge04.
,ttiSteiti ;eked.: theItereree ;digittlTute art ti
unstryings ou f;ssi ,(,:ina• unit 41•°t, s1ia eteetples t
- eesart '• • ars • - s' •
.:#. ,;•'e Vies, , lYs: , ':
t' -by knriVIOSig, e ,41,,biond•' 4 , an vo- .
10410, . :00t...,, the, Imporittgs'.,,,. vItgfx.... , , tokisv, `.e...,_,01i...,)tira_tokt:3,
,./:.e, :Val do' thieisethe,y bE0`.104101,: _ P4Ve.''''res "414Y' t•ko...60,N4t,.. Of '0):11,T*5
4411 ••4.'et••,' 'N'fifti,t• YO4, 114,0 'Rfi.,i,ntitcftill'''.Portgrea, 11(1' $!-
*e ,
-,. %Dole,' and 41,e, beSt tanksAliate:triedts 'ss, asionat ' t: .I.. shave alis4ited : to
•c.•al; 1,0'itenfrilaa'3,et, disSoVered* is PP., 14111Y ;1°401133.1'Y- °P161i In: ' OrfilL4.r; .
' Pin: l'ilb.• VheSe ,Rin14.,ap.lu
: ,0,.OPO
4.tit'..v silly _wig*: of oi..c4tiegt oltfie
- tutoly maiRe*e*. sti:elni red *bleep, g TrAnnV florin -Of 4steria.,- ,
, rate the nervetr.e and bring .. health 7i rerecitifber sa. ieCent Ca$o a 0,, Avo.,,.
AtivaL.311,12.49 .0,hspiin.teir eon -Minced"
• Shirt. waists arid daf
linenate' rri4a-e; '401ightfut
a Ith res with .
• easily fired men and 'women.
says: sloorstire past ten -yea
Pr. Williams' Pink Pills is the only
inedicine 1 have taken when 11neeled - etkedieirie. Last - spring I
was feeling poorly, was weak, easily
tired and depreseed. I got three
boxes of Dr. Williamaa' Pink Pills and
they snatle me feel p new per-
son. •They are the beet sn.edicine I
know of when the blood is out of
cond ition."
s If you need a, medicine this spring
e -and there are few people who do
that. she
ternal tumor. euriousIsy ,ienough. she
_ ‘•
... operated ..oa. rot, Illif.1i'...00,111t
plaint some eight Yseare before, when
monthes ago she received ss- fright
through one of her children upsetting -
a likhted lamp, and when she had
soniowhat recovered she became con-
vinced that a recurrence of her trtitt-
We had begun, aed that the only
thing to save her life was an im-
mediate operation.
She consulted her crivn phyrsicia1.
who, after 0, most minute diaguesie,
not -taken few boxes of Dr. Wile declared that there was absolutely
"Items' Pink Pills, and you vein find nothing to fear and that there wee
an siMproved appetite and new health no trace whatever of the supposed
and strength such as no other medi- traitor. Nevertheless, the woman,
cine can give, you. There is no dis- Who was possessed of considerable
.. .
• Ant -74, --14744.4,*',0
,r1,:..4o.10.s. an Ottiqrari 1)
1 s, lei tiviiiflittia lb Oen. '41
SPILlieeling.,-; 4rqueisast Alto 'pod,
usWee*Irit, •ISteild's'Ildno1411s ' a're• ,
.--P- 1..'.:..,. • ,
* Ore 01,11"a, --to.r ' 'the Laele*isselee! 0,0,4 • - -A, ,11.(it!,,a14, ,11‘.01,51.Ufr.
1)lur4se' - sta..COttligtOlk ,ii,InOni,/• iThe fletintiTrip*, .. tilow 47, oyotern .
-014,,,c00.19, ...gr. 1404044 $40::: , : ' . arts . diStrihnting,, te' StSfet..114lidk.Siele•
--":4. ant IW 7k.",44.1-• Of i'ktib Arai-. Si -Art, hOoliiit deac‘riptiVOnf the ',filvaz Mxii.' .
ivni1,)#4,ivo , tts, tk, , 14%4;4., .... „pass. ; giesit: •„leili,it "Ilatele that IS ”,ettlialleil in take .
Podd'S liidriesi.• Ville"- alt 'the Credit l'inespan,s' in ' the. .MnOskis' Xesli‘itlit.:
, . ' - iiighlatuissof Ontaria.". The ,pUbli.
"liefore I startIel tou-sr7107i7rdnI ensissotie4statiSsissfult:Ssiesziptien
reitinese .Piilse .I- wate-ertS used up- --1, sst the Attractionsethat may be fon (-
could hardly ride inlarfitroorwelefeek • scr.sast, lientracinAT'
cipileiSergeteeto Any work of rilly.....kitul. lustra.i.ed eviiirelitotrisi._ _Ales
ierybody thou Itt -1-tetiiild not I vs : f-=-0etineOrstilsehotal-uss .
/1w_ Redd•e 'lino. pins are a may be fouand many of thseepecial features that
wonderful rowdy " found tWore. It is printed on
The Kitineys .of the young way be fine enameled paper, bjetind in a cover
wrong, but the Iiidneys of the old giving the appearance, „of Morocco
must be wrong. Dodd'e KicineY wattle a picture' fd "qui
and Swroundings on the same, and
Pills make all wrong Kidneys right.
, the crest of tho Iota innboStied In
That is whys the ec are thei old folks high relict -A glance through thie
greatest friend. . booklet makes one long for the plea-
sure, of Summer and outdoor life,
and copies may be secured gratult-
(s4 Of' SO1 ;Or inairk
'etiOngh. then flQtbln'wwill do I•tetn, but
show tlie. patient the actual string
taken out of her head.
When she was restored tocome-
ousnese she' was told how entirely
cure. simply because they make the , .
that- dwho upheld the opinion of his bro-
new. rich blood eistes---diseasa
from, the system. The genuine Pink titer medico. The woman was still
Pills have the full name, "Dr. . tea. unconvinced. however, and applied
liamie Pink Pills for Pale People." to us for a bed as paying* patient,
OA the wrapper around each box. entered the hospital, and begged that
Sold by all medicine dealers or by the operation might be
mail at 50 tents a box or six hoes • nnoeurATemsee --reertyosareass
for- -4t,k2s50--ley. _writing thee Dr-
li ens' Menefee cs,nseekvme. ont. •eiwe had, of course. --received
Particulars -of the case from. the tvo
...................4- physicians, and after exantinatien
and with their permission declared-
-- - EIS- VA= SOUNII-3313gt -that the operation was certainly nec-
_ A
'A. 'Cannon -ball " Blew the , , Pilot
easy and should be performed with-
out delnes -
apt. Itubert Faulkner, _a_ come _visiting surgeons 1 deterAit ned •
mander in the British navy in 1794, perform the operation in insagina-
was a man of unusual _courage. Dur- tion, and thiS is how we did it. The
Ing an encounter close under the patient was given just a 'sufficient
%vane of Fort Royal he noticed that quantity of anaesthetics to reduce
the pilot did not seem to be him- her to a state Of Seirii-consciallSneSs
self., The mane he thought, seemed -she could hear and feel vaguely.
to hesitate. when he gave his orders: though eho could see nothing. We
In "Fatuous Fighters of the Fleet," leaved about the room quietly. spoke
Mr. Fraser gives the atory: in whispers, gave hurried ordersto
Captain Fhe aulkner turned aside to tnurses, etc-, and, in fact, acted
, •
"I think Mr. Dash seems confused,
as if' he doesn't know what he is
eboilt. Has ho . been in action be -
Many times, sir." was the reply.
the service."
But Faulkner was not. satisfied. Ile
eyed the pilot closely, and then step-
- Ping up to him, asked him A trifling
question. The pilot's agitation WAS
•such ae to render him incapable of a
refity. ItecoVering -htibigetf-tlY -Rom
extent st. ea:meet -litter -the- -wretch
znankethig- his eyes on the ' deck,.
In a low voice addressed Faulkner,
•seheswas-bending- over hinz-witir-th
etart I ing admission:
"I see your honor knows .1110. 1
AM Unfit to guide her. I don't know.
„what is come over me. I dreamt jest;
nightI ishieuld be killed. and I am
-Satrestftsci-d-- ;se., .
- cettrufts-Alt.-zel.1-44y-.4ifs-
a ra ore.,
--7-"Without or an =Instant. losing
presence of infra -Captain ,Faulknor
replied to the man in a still lower
'This. fate of -this-sexperditioe d
ponds on---theeenanAtt the- helm: GLI
-it to meand go and hide your head
in whatever you fancy the safest part
of the, ship. .But mind, fears 'aro
catehing. If I hear you tell . yours
to one of your tnessmates, your life
•Shell answer for it to -morrow."
'The poor Thflow, panic=steklEen,
went away. -And overcome _with fiktullo
fiat Own upon the arm -chest. whllo
• Captain Faulknor seized the beim
and • with his• own hand, laid the
Zebra close to the walls of. the fort• ;
but before he 'could land at the head
, -01- his gallant foilsWers.- a carindir-
benestruck the _term -chest and blew
cni-Tii at t-V1111:-Irt-SIVASthir
/mai 1d1i4 l0.11..the _Zebra's crew
that day.
“ec • max.r.sa
ously by applying to any Grand
Trunk ticket office.
Life is a hurdle -race in whi_c_li_m_arty
and shown the string which had been
the CanSO ofenlisherstroublee aftee
which site fell into a natural sleep
and ftWOko perfectly restored. From
ere is a great deal of difference
that day to this she has never sufs Th"
feted from' hysteria in any form, and -between losing a woman --and _being
'as -been completely ured ot her hal- maYried to -her
lucination regarding her inability to
side. • z-• w
to iaitt woolens and- Butatels,-:-
. ,
, biejr'cle is king: P.Ivery person, realises. now "filet there
, Is no, other vehicle ocotivenient in\ the eoutttry. fovea' or clOs
as the' 'wheel. 'rho wheels we aell aro the best in the warltte.
sesses, essessesseeeeseseesz,,41-sssesse-
• Wen ,TitiaaVale
is the new feature. It has brought bicycling again into po-
pular favor- Makei-Rough Roads Smooth.
The Sills' Hygienic Handle Bar
-keep her-headentoving- from -Side to Use Lever's Dry Soap,. (a powder)
Innumerable people imagine• that Tike
they are suffering from appendicitis,
and many an operation for this cora- "So the engagement's off?" "Yes;
plaint has taken place when there she advised him t)e practise economy,
Was and'fie'started by getting her an im-
In connection with tills disease, how-
ever, there is one thing- in -favor of
OPerating, and that is nhen there is
no nece,ssity for removing the appen-
dix, and it is, in consequence, in a •
rfeetiy heal thy condition; then'
here is no danger eitblood-poisoniter
for the proration is, in itself, one of'
the simplest in the whole annals of
the -big-gest operation of our lives. that he wee'eutfering from appendici-
Then one .of the assistants fetched a tiaand that if we didn't opettite ote
Jug of iced waterand, holding it him be vsould be dead in . a week.
above the supposed affected part, let Well, the entire staff of surgeons in- '
the cold fluid fall at the rate .,of side the hwital _and _out examined
t-enn-ttroP overY girt, eitteo"u.... him- and found that there WAs not
When the water -touched tier hadysthe estighte.et trare,...aLeappentlisleSsts
iron ‘Vvi.e.a stryir :YEARS.
AYInsicivee- SOothin11-- EfIrOP has
ease used by 111111i0110 of me hers for
their children while teething. ltsootlti:s
the child. softens the. gums, allays pa
cures windcolic. regulatei the stomach
and bowels, and is the best remedy for
Iiarrhaea. Twenty-Dvo canto a bottle.
d by druggists throughout tho
Inures ne sure and attic
WinslOW'S Soothing .Syrup."
a companion invention to the Cushion Frame. Write for ow
new-taVidegues, etnetsiess---4acturerscardse-
de aul MfltOr 0111111
--2-04111alconvotthe_World'alietatalcycies01 -
e a
dropped the- water jug out of the
window., anti_l_.SAW it light • on the
head of an elderly man." .
Dolliver, (turning pale) --"Dear
me, ..) ane. you don't know what dam-
age you may haves -caused."
Mrs. Isdliver (ln tears) --"Yes, T
ejt's pure china, and can't be
replaced -tor 'ever so- nitieltsmoney,. •
Oh, what shall I do?"
deAlurdtered :thleandt_gotliveouoldn, iWnineutets lar disease that. in Order 74-0 his
awn:: but tso convinced _WAS the patient
groan as thouglic in great agony. that, he was suffering teem the POPS -
for \\ soma time the woman waf3 mind, we performed an imaginary op
tra -
itsed in bandages and conveyed oration. nest the IS neing .alneiste
hy ambulance to her room. -to-day in m---grescriT-i. a te
stewalsening ehe. --feu i • endis and, therefor0.
nurses creeping about \ the 'Warts' "proof against appendicitis. .
eat, seneeoleirtiore immediateles-hel Yesssit 1vcv-'3'ite` iirliew strong a
a cup of beef tea to her 'sips and thing imagination can become. , and
welted her to. try and swallow a lit- how .easy it is to fool a man. (or wo-
tle. After a considerable effort she man' either) into the belief that he
succeeded. 'confiding to -the nurse the has undergone a serious operation
fact that she felt terribly weak and for an imaginary disease.-Londen
'01ide were permitted to see her. iti e
threo weeks site returned`-hosne---- 'clorimi-fir - Thirtr 411°0 Conte* -Dr.
•• PERFECTLY CURED. Agnew's Ointment relieves in bus. dri,k,
land cures 'Fetter. Salt Rheum. cald
herm. imagleassey tumor, and to this livid. E'czemo., Barber's Itch. Ulcers.
day ehe sloes not Tiinew 0 te 09x 0 eti , it-truirtiontt-of-ther-gki
which was played upon her.. It is .soothinw awlquipting and Late
IfYsterta, of course. is the cause of like meagre In the cure of all baby
most of these inutginary illnesses, and humors.- 35c.-47
.---.- ,
' when a patient has it' badly it - is
almost as difficult to cure as in- SIMILES IN RIIYAIN.
sanity. We had a young girl, her aAs wet as a ftsh-as dry as a bone.
Sq561'4"4-V---svh"t"--13-nfieringAr"-a----114 IreU-as-Aiiird;•--mr-deall---atoesto-- ne,
roost, obstinate attack- of hysteria,
and scrupulously conscientious."
Motber-"itow CIO- you -know th
Son -"Why, I never give her a. kiss
but what elle, returns its" -
Removei. all hard soft or calloused
iumps 'end. blemishes front horses., blood
epavin, curbs. splints.- ..r.1 agbo
ftweeneY, otlilles. sprayts, sore and
swollen throat.. coughs. etc. Save $50
by -ustr-rd--rirrer-tnittfir:-Vtruf-----th '
most wonderful Illemish „ Cure ever .
Stratford; 4th Aug.. 1893-
S8US. C. -0:41101letelliki-efre-C .
Oentlenten.-My • nelghbor'9 toy 4
_yeareeold„ 1011 into a tub -of boiling -
water and got scalded fearfully. A
few days later his lees swelled to
ee----tineese-thele 'essettrai--siza---en
broke (Mt in running sores. Hifi par-
ents could get nothing te help him -
till I recommended MINA1tD•8
MENT, which, after using two bot-
tiest er-01UP-14,4YeePIES4e:r.hetAns..and set
lindw of sovetsil °tiler eases around
here almost as remarkat/0... cured -by
he same can tray
Say Istiever handled a Ittetlietrio which
has had as good a sale or given such
universal satisfaction.
M. IstilERT,
Farrner-"You know •old Flint
litein't had no, faith in banks, an'
has been leeepin' his money in -a
tea-pot in the barn, v..here, he. coud
go an' gloat, over --it Whenever he
kit like it?" Mrs. Hornbe.clt-"Well.
"Prisoner," said the magistrate.
. " Farm r "you. have already, been sentenced
. ,
for sales on time. or .unty be syndicat-
ed. Per pedigrees and particulars • ad-
dress John 11. flan. M.D.,' 326 Jarvis
St., Toronto..
225 ACRIF: FARM IN Tilt CIA ItItli1N
spot of the world. „sural delivery at •
the door. and church on the farm, on
the _main county read 211 tittles us.
towif.' largo .1weil10g with 7 room. .41
patches, 2 balls, cellar.' plenty bairn ,
and stable ro nu, carriage house. lovely
large shade trees. weeping willow • and
maple. You can raise about valythittg you
t on this .farm; half of it is clay.
peach orchard, best of grass lead,
healthy climate. 50 acres In wood end
describing Maryland all free y asking.,
Prim of farm now $2.000. Price'
will soon double. we farm and plow e
niontha in the year On this farm. Ad-
dress Dr. .1. Lee :Woodcock, -LOG •Cam-
Ave,„„Aalisblir,„&__Md. _
WO- S_IiI-LF:CT ItAILP svi...remsts
saskatchewan, near new raileray,
for sale._ cheap; easy terms; ought ex
change for city or farm property
.,.,) irk
ntarlo. II. firabnin 14 Soap 4.43 Arlo-
toria_strent. T010ft_to-
teAsi j=nyell-he hain't got no e even stiiiisirree----sessgearesrsvroterit--
When baby girdles mother •knows he
fs well and bunny. When he is cross.
As •plonep as a partridera-as roar as
which took a very curious l'idien. She - a rat.
would never Ile down in her bed. but As strong as Ashorse•-as weak al a
Invariably sat bolt -upright with Tier cat -
back airaiflst the foot-rait. constant- AS hard 9,9 ft flint -99 soft 0.9 a mole.
ly turning her head from Side to side a
like an antornatoisa --1 had watched
ciirious Action triany
iraeis and
sha eontinned. it. to which she re-
plied that there was a .siring in her As
head which pulled it from„. side to •
_side. and that until it mac= she- As
• would have no rest.
This remark gave me an )tlea, and As
I asked her if she would allow me
ailing and fretful, She gives _Alm to examine he,r head. She was .pere AS slow as
Banes Own 'Tablets. and finds that :-:,-fectly 'willing. and After itts iiteptc- lt te win
there'm a smile in • every dose. These tion lasting treenty minutes
any." t
Some persona are more susceptible to
colds titan others. contracting derange-
ments of the pulmonary organs from
Turn .should
Id -ways, have- at- -hoad-n.- bettle-e tic a
A nti-Consumptive Syrup. the present
day Ioverelizit- retued-y-r-for,---cenglts,,---ato•-
tarrh and indarnination of the lungs.
It will effect a cure no matter how
severe the cold may be. You cannot
afford to be without a remedy like
.foreit Is the best.
"Would you mind notspeaking so
tont, .yoinesworship?"-eitts the rept
My intended father-in-law is in the
court. and you might damage my
--A -barrister-es erioticing- ethat-e-the
dourt had gone_ to sleets StsPUed
short in the middle of his speech.
The sudden silence woke the judges,.
and the lawyer 'gravely resumed -
"As I remarked yesterday, my
white as a Hiy-as black as coal, lorde.--" The puzzled judges star -
• plitirr-na---at pikestaff -as rough _aa edas though they hell believed they
had been MIST since theeeprevioute
tight as a drum -as -tree as tho 1110-.
-air. • -.7‘
heavy as lcad-as lig/it as a fea-
assilY as Italie-uncertain as wea-
hot as an ovets-as cold as a frog.
gav as a lark -ns sick as a dog.
a tortoiseens swift as
d. _
v announced that she was Otte niantlind.
Tablets cure all little ailments of fy
chil'hood, such as indigestion, colic, right, and that the only euro WaS As -savage as tigers --as mild as a
senstillatione. diarrhoea. 'worms and slight operation in order to sever
simple fevere. They - .inake teething thO string. She clapped .4ter hands
easy, and promote natural sIF-eff-ii-nd with deltaliclike a child and declared A9 d poker -es limp tie a
mese; and ars pt. -that Itivaa what Ate hatjord. eev- *Tit; -,,;--ritrics a, post..
contain one particle of opiate or eral doctors. but that they had all
Manly Strength and Womanly Iiiirauty
depend •on purity of the blood; and
ranch of that purity depends on- perfect
• kidney filtering. • If these organs are
diteased and will not perform their
funetiona, man will seek in vain, for
strength 0.n 0171 beauty. South
American ICidney_Cure drives trutiedI
intpurities through the body's "gilsrers"
-repairs Weak spots. -4.6 . „
Belt salierisic • sad fasseo•
*AC elMilthit4g Wei/
retool ardleery etesipiza,4
sationes. 11.1
aoraii,st a 60 -
stag. Different
"Iwo to esi
all Matto
lkitlf9titra -
"I tell you, Singleton, you •don't
khoW the Jaya and felicities Of a
contented married life, the happy
calm "How- tore, have- .yo
been married?" "Just a month.'
poisanotte soothing stuff. Mrs. Robt: As coot as a cucumber -as warm as
laughed at her. Would I perform the • toast.
Peen, Tisdale. N.W.T., says -"I find operation at once? I thought it 41•10.11.1•41......•••••‘10.
liabs„:s „Awn, TablelS ft,AVrfeci !ler, however, ta--delPr - _VC . •
eine for little ones, and always keep An Ord woman NV -5-0 16tt rirf.reTv-eir a
them in' the. house." You can get suited..
until the morning, after I had "con-
. cheque went with great glee to a
r le, olekly children ehould. nee
er- sinesele Vorra_sratertnineters
Weems ere one of the principal causes
the Tablets trom yosr medicine deal- • bank to draw the money. "This of suffering in tniltiren b.nd should be
espelled .from the system.
mail at -25s Centw-a-box-- ue--is---ccosseday
writmg the Pr. WilliantS
Iraving,extlalned the circumstances over the countermy good woman."
Co.. Brockville. Ontthe imaginary operation was se-
eed right. sir; 1'11 come round,
upon, and the follo,Wing morning the tben,.. at vie inimedi4te ,repist.
• WELLINDTONi AS gery, pieced upon the operatingtable
and anaesthetics adminbtered. Part
0.1though it cannot be 'said that. _of_ het luxuriant brown hair Was cut,
Duke or WellingtOn shotte to any off, and. 0. portion of tho 'back of tho
ajttettt as a umoriet, ho Ive-S head, about p niches above the nape
of taninistering nI thnek,s 'W s shaved aiuootb,
- •-,
,o en
front a biSegraPhet of, the" Iron
putt, shows. 1.01119 Philippe one
introduced the Duke to .ottow of the
rrentit.31s.rehal* *hem be had de-
' Stated in. the Venin*Obt. With un-
• perdetiehltt..disOurtesy. the lparebal
• tittned \bgik on his old foe dur-
4ag_thisf.pteeentAtt*At. Th Mpg. *Pct.
• 1'ogi4eg With *batinto& he cold&
' *VOtigit,* hie*. Wei," laughed the'
iott DiajOi •"why, it *aa 1 who
iratight 414.6t.10 4e' thAt In the rt.*,
So n
arv rationthe- ace p was Ianohod
wail theblood van. leitving *
about 2; inchea in length. Thla
was bound but not strappt
the patient was conveyed baCk to het*
bed., where eta rernailuttl_Sor forty'
raintitis before returniait "to cb
liesiittthe1 had take* s,
*al ordittait* 13 violin stele/ abut
4 inches long arid Snaked it in wMer
until it. Seeenhied & raw th.
°Wet a ,tkiii; or
What-W-gitt•-• likes -about -
strong man is the way she Call twist
him (*.round her little 'finger.
1,1,4 ir
!.), t
1[60.-17 e r)I
111141g Liniment 'Caret Oolds, oto
"I (Imply reVet it, filt, but honor
:111roctuhreeltoirtr thwoltenneaccerirsedtog!.. asean eityl Uutcher---"You've got six or elght
lodgers, ain't you. mutn?" Mrs.
Silign--it -Se - apred. ens rid -mule tem day, 1 low did ,yen Yri 17?"' Butcher
at any attilsYr tior,..7 ttifilit'h-(4P-a-.....,-..tv, -71 naltlea l'''1411 liaa buYt4 ha"
. f
need sinferlta t when they haye •
able Dr Thomas' Eclectric Off If •not
merchants keep It for SOO. Rheum*. te-s"4"es The 60f, arne yeatere
'A wan .is judged by the tompany
nallowa 'et Corn Cure is specile for
he keeps and the cigar he gives removitil of corns and starts. We
Twitchy Muscats* and •Illiceptasemeto slind phesates become of your
-.--Ther-horitliiis'Is-- heart,: Meknes,' _that est-
ate shattered by dieer.s. can best WI Mrs, 3Tulligan. she wtts , that uttelss.s
essenses, SIFilirs-NteffSW: ,JI
pletared_ln.r.ontriyd.-M14hill,..paticat who
has been in the 'depths' 'tend has been "Irja. V.4Y
-dragged from them by South American ".lidyenejp."
bleortrii 'Webster. of yorest, •-. •
Ont., says: owe my 1 de to it.
Everything else failed to cure." -44
• • -
A woman's clothes are .nine -tenths "Doctor.. querie(I I he inisui sit Ve
of the joy she has in life and ninety- person., "do yon - how" that the
nine oneehundyedtlie of the sorr_ows eiharoitei eroms Weak niinds?"
ot necwsarily." replied 31. D.
the -man Ikto _pail,. for them.
'AS a- 'rule it Alaterel$, iedicates.
semetifinir More Then a Purgatives -
VI's now the market. Paretelet's
3-2;*IttellYetsraptijrellanItwfteeallkesteeilteewbt°rIfits*11: aetthateliirifitthele.utaesallelitSirsUta_c2thuthrtitt"It4vsitittSh-
egots.ille Pills bre more than a purge- "
4s Vert tetan*eg riceaptite TaSlets tatin4"---7
atm ) Y'---rtiti ratitig-
cr arid 1Ltdheyg. KIM --they stimulate r-• - - -
wobinorio oottiveura pitsi3ucroiontiti,:ionuttadsurdrie.ptrestrxsd. No- r ujoIaytettlittole ilgulgerttod ivteiliorrggsaroto.f, lifLoo latriodcettievn;
,cetnpositien.. lia.imst_d efievotts-s-eckst,arria,.thitr bck, xerith.you in
Italf the time a girl tnarri, a man -"la
r epa "teen quarrellitir with
had. ite will feel, it 5110 "doenn't. Georget Agaiwr. Ilaughteit-Jlio,
dcvd,1 haven't, It's too near uty
timers umil it Won ti ton birthday for me to quarrel, with any*
It is possible to ite polite always.
It, pos0)14,- to be pOlite evem .Where
body." •
ttd„ my altered eircurnstanees Com- discharging ?r drunken coaclunati.
pel 'me, to release your daughter, A :gentlneiatt, once !wind hitiSelf
- _ _1* -410410
lost my entire ferttine..'
or word, tilY.
word. I got it."
er the erwerked.
dlsorde d liver Is 0 e
6 006, A disordered 'er
disordered stentsch, and d
,steineelt metre idiettithence of the
emirs *iyattni. 'Side brings the Whole b0
' tat° flUbjearnit and the 'victim f.z41sskk
ait over. Permeites Vegeta:hie
• :*ro reteltnited dy remeut tha stats
Sol relief will idittitO ther ,
Of a id of ins e:oachtuan
reAtileei end diadisirg-
ed I -ptilire'spee-M:::;----
"X tear, ntgomery, that. wepartr frntSt
It hal 00.0,11 intpOSAMIOfor
inc to avoid 'not:Icing that seS4erit
during the set month t you
leent-erAiorpober..--Now, I 'dotet,
believe that any tinttn can tritelyt
,rostl to drinkirg if he has
to do, and.: tilt:More.' at the
ontlies tst‘y�U wi11 be ttestr,to,
eatelusiVely tO