Exeter Advocate., 1905-05-04, Page 5out spoitte4.4i Jefel ea* ortt out. , erat4;- Sakidektf & Vii'eefek, h eats d w&bt iJyfl, or anybixl elects Mice in Faxwou's Block, weit. ell agn street• gut"- • l4TON ANDERSON (D.D.S. LDS Mrs. Pinitham Honor Graduate of Toronto thslveralty ,1117aji kind 02 dyspepsia that in caused,,brit couseest Graduate of Chi lago SU're)001 of Prosth ons etic Dentitesytleranritlent of the fcmzle organism. 0111 (With honorable mention.) • • anti ty jette while it causes a disturb- - - -- 0014 and Vulcssnite oi • in we. once &Annex to Ordinary .,144.44200.11.„.. 4.1 Ita. linton: Albert Seeley had rented Iiviincthiog besittess„for. five rietO o(kiietz. Chhiies SVa€i1I1DRtLiLU krini who putt :eht few to nth*. th' 1%1 ijiflg for lirVe.17.1', Stcv rt4 acitad of tvviir .putni gut, land Fil51,f,4,14 Iv; A plittfitt.8 Ott Ttlti6i1 a V 4311ritaxt. bi•. kfrellSe4 time Cho. iieY. z4e.'uri,";0014 1aU u be-,:eatliA, • • irb: 'tin Id n of Ildr. and Mra. best Difitrich • lz " in the cemetery. ttev. Tiiiredrizttfertrz The -little one was but seven pneumonia. --441inteter---Meservellooksi- iketoght the marble stock of Jetties Seale:\ of the Clinton Marble Wok ks. who is going out of blisiness. Albert Seeley has bought the business stand • and, property now occupied by Mr. njnen Seale. for Clinton: Miss Strachan, who has t1iiit there b a b iv bookkeeper in the dry geoas stet e odgens Bros. for a couple of years, yeti d from her position on Saturday, and ii succeeded by Mr. Pinner. The elm s loses of the store presented her &vein!) case. lieveti-wIttfO. lltirtffeattiTte- aestheti Ina for painlesser s. Gate one door south of Carling Bros. . not onlyacts as ,stontach tonic r-etteatte;t4Pie-iff. sum Auctioneers I As proof of this theory we call ate ottli,rar, jekoeeesm, Tacque Aueteee.er teution to the case of Mrs. Henry for the Counties -of- Perth and Middlesex. , Beaubiten.,01/_Srirka .70t.ttawalOnt . gaols, the township of Osborne. Sales promptly whow„„1.41, cured by Lyaia E ePoet ogloo wftiebets4 . attendod to and terms reasonable. &lee maned kinicisulThs i"eget' 'abittclompound after everything else had failed. She writes t xerkntoot Au - NretrihinEowD;lylitaadiDIM °Cut oftTlioirtie, to tom.T "1 hadbeentroUbled with butivitton and siet and mitie the Wholesale and Educational general stomach disordurstor nearly.* year. -tdd-eatablished business* house hatuksorenegeln mratornegh ir. WAS n al standing. Salary$3.50 per (10 with ablest° digest my fwd. I dietsd and -doctored Wanted each Moodot$ by cheek* direct 0, witilout stimean; but Lydia E. Pinicham's frornhe*dqrnrteTM. Eforseand bug7,furnished when t me permanent non perreseeest,.. ,Addreek BLEW trearr "sed •. bottha Pw and it cured me atapitsi Paid, Up • 6,000,000 Rost 44.1t Undivided Profits 3,218.959 Ole BiltiiNCHES.I.N_C.A.NADA, interest at Oast Womble current rates from date deposited allowed oa Savings Bank accounts and De - pea Itecele4. • CosameroWLetters of Credit Wont available la MU*, Japanandforeign countries, , Towelling re or Credit issued to travellers itS allput.ofthe 'world. genIrst Sitztkinfs: business tniasaeted. SAYINGS rumc. - now enjoy tip• - tancatatiitiade-of foW„Inore no tzar le zitily4Sindatzrnand Imovr matt owe it all _.'sVmostableCompound." No other medicine in the world his received such wkleapread and unquill-* ftedendorsementair haesuch recordof cures of female troubles. as halt E. Pilikham's Vegetable Compo 11 Cotton Root Compounia, Theorklysaiesfieetuil month* In two dirtiest strst—No 1, foe maw, nesiestAlperboxl No. SgeOrto: retie stronger for I Casseis, f3 per box. Bold • all glratioises. Asit fur Cook's Cot- ton Rot Onapcvund; take no wahstitutst. The Cook Ildieldloine Co.. Windsor. °merle 'The toroner'At furVisvds: Webelieve that Eliza Lower Irmo k- Oi 41_k -e4 *tthe, „home taf Ben andel t tit 110an we -s -efitOvativiwe be!ie'r that E}i VoYett kww8 whtitothinitt slrealer • no pi.rogo i.e kfls ore4 in Lary . 4 tOiAlAd 1:4 itories last niLt ,rrritertn, , plsees oatside Ler • o tion. The, property t age is lax 'wen, . ficofee - la 4-* ,YP 41,-iedta 7 throe& , Iii't" of the eanie family, were -all crushed to death by the falling of bey walls 0 t e louse which ie.r Many others met thetr,fate in a hui• vcr=trirrerT Crediton SEEDS --Tofattendhog, w.urzt-z4n..im.al atm& tve hoNe »rd 4oaacially tvrieztea Emleleirtr. Mae, Ai. .1a31743,41W2111.1ientlratity Cup Gr493.. Alitiett aul• WA:Kafir) Seed. whiCh we *ler at reaeona.ble prices • We 41-44,ty,Ote b:ghtsl, grade ditaizabk. ZWICEEL% Geatml ' hat -haru an‘d use„aholit Oritittquirter Cff tt. Then, if pa do apt pits'i,der /better Value thait v _ever_ Jase4 befo at_ return the balance to your groese • and he will firurid you the full pelaa-e of the - 1 know just how gd. -tri-e-16-a is, atirIf you accept my offer and try it, you will not be surprised that I am willing to guarantee every package. T. ii. ESTABROOKS, St. John, N.B. BRANCHES: TORONTO, WINNIPEG. Blanshard; Mr. Thomas II. Evans TriminriaisebnIttelie. 11--r0a Imlay, aged 44 years and mon s, Mr. Evans had been in poor health for some years but his sudden taking off ted. Beside his. wife be leaves a familysof seven eliildren, two girls and five boys. nge in the -owner- -ship of the elfettio light pldur is pro- bable in the near future, say in slit week, and the 'company- -which will take it, over will consist of Mr. W. Stevenson, the Present energet- ic and thorough manager, and his cap- able assistant, Mr. W. J. Nediger. r travsnie o r Mr. Weir was presented by his schol- ars with a scold watch; chain and charm,ris tti, slight token of their ap- preciation for his -labors -amongst them for the past two years and a ball. Mr. liVeiir began his new duties on May ist as Principal of Mentions Public school. St. Marys: After an illness of two years there passed away at his -bane on Tetesday, April 21st, Mr. Charles Setioot RneoRT.-The following is the report of the Promotion Examina- Rether with a test in Sr. TV. Only -60`1 or over are re orted: Sr. IV. -Vera as burn h, Willie Mord 00. Almena Heywood 05. Promoted to Jr. TV., vase -mark -403.- Tana Heywood -049. %Vellington Skinner 533. Alma Johns 529, Vii -da Berryhill 520, Hattie Hun- ter 492, Nella Heywood _.486 Lula God- )olf474K-Ellialiyvrota-W. E! - ford 421. Promoted to Sr.. HL, pass uri Johns 003, Ray Fletcher 487: Laura Woods 474, Almeda Coultis 55,1. Sher- wood Brock 432. Promoted to Jr. III.. ass mark Berryhdl 515, 44094,09‘1/.1 149. g3 • Wilma Howard CREDITON BRANCH 8..0111SEIOLM. Manager. /2 - That Have to be Sold. I We have in stock 'MUM -PIANOS which have been in use for a short riotietiJ9,tneke190ar t, a have to go. Intending purebaseis would do well - to call died inspeet these4 bargains be- fore bu ing. •• district. Mr. Horsman was stricken of "paralysis about two years ago and bad since been cord:tried to the hoose. He was in his th year. - • St. Inaryf4 Mr. Alex. Carr, proprie. • The following is &correct re-poe, the standinsrtif the pupils of S.S.. Stephen, at the_Promation Examin- ations of April. The names are in or- der of merit: -Jr. IV. to Sr. IV., re - (wired to pass 490 roktrk.8,0--Thoutas Peelkale OM, Cecelia Ford 571, Fred Beaver 517, Harry Trichner4.9I, Harry Parsons 400, Ralph Willis abeent from wCr.u.atgitl_laadonated_tt fund of ten minion dollars-iZiaiversities- m Canada, the United States and New- oundleind,-to provide --annuities- Professors. • The seVenteen.year-old son of Wm. uistoni-a-Kilworth„ near London. W8.8 on Sundaydrowned in the Thames while trring in a boat to get his hat •.fallen- in the -11442..- . Alter working three hours, with 08 0 1 r. . tur 375-marks:43bea man Willis 514, Gladys Death:iv 466. riddle Triebuer May Sanders 335, Earl Parsons, not present et exam. Sr. II. to Jr. 111.. molted to pass 315 ruarke.-Florenee Heiman. Morris; As Mr, WM.. ggilYs -.TVGIATMEM1-7-trEirl5Mir buggy„ withtheuitention_or .ix ” to ._ ,_ - hythe-anitnal-balkelan its bind lege. Mr. Kefly took it train Ithe shafts, and it real again, falling on hint, breaking his leg and knock. i ng his ankle out ef joint as well. sledge hammers and picks twenty-five CHANGED RACII-WELYNESDAT men broke into the Paris jail and shot Oa 43 Dick Craighead, inlicting wounds Wahet (old) 95 95 - whichprobably will prove fatal. Craig- litsdr14" • 40 ts head was charged with the, murder of ° 37 37 Mrs. Tsatte McKee, wife of Craighead'a Peas 00 ' 75 en -an t Ctlntan M.m.:Norrnate Aktich &en of Mr. Thos. March), whohas been leader- of Blyth Methodist choir, was handed a WO bill, as an Easter gift, in recognition of his serv:ces. •fttiiert-ier-tennu-- - triour, per cwt., tlamily ... 2 16 1,Flotirsiow grade per cvet 1 25 • 1 25 .Butter • s 11,4••• 10 Eggs. .• . • 13 cwt . Live hegs per 0 75 7 60 20 00 20 00 ..• 1T00* 17 00 a - Wrist ngeA-sivitti othereCin7hraillinir . A EarI 8bptff30Fred *large smokestack from Avonton to 31S; J'alinny W1. 31 Sam Mae, the cheese factory_ at the half .witY latkortf, absentfromtwo 'objects -of house on the St. Marys road. ' While examination. Jr. IL to Sr. IL, requir- • nisitchin one of the horses.edrtn Plort305---riorence 'Weimer Me vatz -*tWot-Willrs-312;'Tm-al - jury is quite a severe one. Chester Parsons $7. AlymorrWillii- ------Winghanu- -Mr. David ('41W 245., -Nall. to arelle--alki_Milreszcat who was one of the best known men tor, %Vilfred-Shaptem,Oordenrenhilie in Wingbam. and who was highly re- Percy S. Banea, Teacher. y---till-our-townspertplee-passed. = the way of all flesh at his borne early News of the Week. i‘iondaytnorninF, after a few -weeks • snow walixerterva throughout New illness with cancer of the liver, lib- trot* State on Monday. •eeasetim"-b9111-°11 the 12th °t. • °et°- London is tai build a, new blealtwat- damts:thereferglith4==--onlicir . . ram A Wialgitatht irbursaV-evelling -1‘ stated -- - large number gathered in the lecture Fire destroyed the C. P. It sheds at room of the Methodist church to spend lk. Lo$10.000. an hour or more in company wie'Moosejaw ast weess Mr. w o left this A snow storm lasting thirty hours weeklor-Claresholm,,g Alberta, where ocean' at oy„ minter, NW 'X their only eon reside*. "Mr. an rer ogn 0 wor ip Flack have beeti identified With 'Wing. Russia has been granted by the Czar. hant Methodism from Ito earliest year& 50.000 people will leave the United vening they were pre, States and settle in Canada this year. aentetfwthJueeot golds_ accoru- aura of *MOW to the Keystone --elintonr--Mra.--Sttsxtp.--bttdertlr- otra 4tt• White perience last week which called forth sT • London has an epidemic of mestales. st display of nerve which cotnneirative- t e woodshed she stepped upon a Yeti Week- nee -f- Shmthana----0 taught isk that used newspaper and court re - portent, Best Artemis of Rook - Ming, 'OrstuAlie men°, ; -Thetghly- Situations guaranteed . to every Gniduate. CATALOOCZ EX= , -Coo, Roo, "Corre9t English How to uss -"tatit7tit"iVAIM-Otrit. Jasapiat*ta-'raaecit isakar.Uior Partial Costatits for *h. is Melia. emurae. the tegitinor, ncresee-Onels-Vocebulary.--- - - The Art et Conversation. • Prououvelatione (CenturV Dictiounry.) Correct English In the CorrectEnghahlo the &boa. What to Say and 1Vhat Not to SAF - Course iti Letter,WritIng and Punctuation. Alphabetic list of AbbrevlatiOne. Business English -forth* Burintiot Alan. Cocapound Words: /lbw to Write Them Studies English Literature. fr nit tams 'View would have shown. While in Ilemiltort bad 830 teens rported last sharp axe which in some way turned Pare at Mdfo tap and penetrated the slipper. *lira twenty-one blinding* Aka m ion she wore and cut off one Of her toes. feet Of lumber. -Ilts.--1Cemrmade-no-tattery-edidaf tan- itUtirrewtitirs-7---dtatteorF•bitt litul awermsly-wutinalta---wtdit poitastetheder sontphathi:seetoill towitlyith eticktn$, witaisto rut tegetheragain. in the meant MB she itt mou"ee''. juiers'euurius damage 'has rine about her hotasewor.,k as to window guns . ,an, , Mr. Chitties Darlittittort of tUxbridgeSt. Marys: DrW. T. sicuorm entstrushed to detail by his waggon the well known St. Marls dentist, mot fain. unt,rrhirii, 'sold out his aloe and practise to Dr. " • George Date was e Cbita. OITOrnrit0; lttliCht in Gormartints. had- soMe_ alightAtottide with his eyes and in order to Int:te diens treated properly deckled to eve up work for It tilllte He will remain inSt. Marys fora few week* and will then take a tti to tbie Northwest for •12$12391rt-1 14. 44111.1114-rAP1C0113 oldtite • itUarYsboTV„ otitierIy-Coakie ed.* dental office hereto fel* Months and 1* well and favorably known. He took over Dr. PalcCiertintres praet Iaat Monday. Mitchefl: One ti -y one Ibe 01 of thle hbothood. amepaaeingzwi n , Grint Reaper Wintio 1obeteterna! bomb . toetc.* been * townfox'thepftst30ye*rseAt the of IV years. Doesuted *WI born i CornwaIl, -England, ittia Oita. 10 Atitlitiaivitilitbiktoa*, 48 yearai late *tot a, bait yeaTa they 1 in rilogton, *rat then *noted to t to ship of-,Pultatton, reariairsin here until thitste rirefaVtil to Mad* aliand_predeceseed her eoni Matilbrink The Orisons factory was inle teist of $20,000 or Over three WM* out in_ It iays tirgetirPractical-Eatientio sad it woll to get it in this aktnot We can do more foot our graduates than any other Nosiness Cc,Ilege the Provindis. VoesetertiallScheOlatinployeurgrad. soatts *a teachers, they lamer that theVoWng given in this instittition is the East Enter now. Welt* for fro* curet:mutt. ELLIOTT'' & MCLACHLAN. •_ Principats