Exeter Advocate., 1905-05-04, Page 4I ()aro. rTtn, •444 1 Lreesi 001.1.44V. :tank J.Cheney make* eathtleit h Wnior Ogl bleg,of the item of.F.J.Che uerit Co., tieing IA1010000 in the Cit selburst quiet in onr bug h, ers bele essr wth Orth Leiigue of the tend IMldiU their he Mistekes ; leistitne 1. srlits.0,1 iy Chrtetnetisellienereilir Pr iis'ess tinge. ttotsreteeettiOS °Mee et , Esteopatkiti.„ ee Ale •• thur' toutt et. ork1777:41tra ts 'If IOW defeated 3i016 Witt hear it ' iroses.'"-Bejestveseeiy. * - Jostle handed out j e. e costo the pplicatien of two bete keep. ers to set aside the localoption by-law aLejlitsgessissestliesterettestLet rregularities In the taking of the vote. The judge say* that where a rural populatiou is eirtruated with limited powers to pass local by-laws the courts must not be hypocritical as to exacti. tude ofthe proceedings. 4t The West Huron Board at License Commissioners have issued an order changing the hours of etosing the bars in rural nmeicipalities from 10 to '0 _erste& wain the towns front 11 to 10 Eudo Saonderes chief officer. of • the Ontario License Depaitinent, said that., in his opinion, the commissioners had no power to change the, hours of closing. "The clos'nighottee are detire iteiy t1xe4 by sec. 55 Of the Ontario liquor license act, and in ray opinion no change can be made except by statue of the Legislature. - it.11!s C*tee b Vnrer'ist n 0001titte e rtesttineniate Pit 9 ttbeinese us e •t's filled by •;.0„tilp ,s tfkrter,'irri tetet.1e tot tr itit • oo trUvt COW Wtie' ' UflE 140.73 da-41itv ilntp;,tru4 the doctors—laa. 41111'gri 4 1I rtATtA? ORE, AID k tor tatc-71,1;o13 vier pw gue— , 111V r Mr. John Querrin. of Usborne, visit- ed his intents here over Sunday. aylgerthertioltiestsfilennitr-ft . John Deltrick svae visited by death and their little child -removed from its midst. The remains were interred in the Mount Carmel cemetery on Sun- day. The saddened and bereaved Par - eats have the sympathy of their many friends. -We are plinteeil to report that Mrs. John Appleton is on the way to recovery. --Mr. Cains and his men were gathering in considerable of their wealth last week in this neigh - hood, , o oessflreetiwers for the Manitoba Legislature has gone Tory. In the bye -election which took place on Thursday last in Mountain, beelntyres Conservative. waselected 140 nia-ority. In the genera ority of 814. The great turnover s said -to -be -due to the- ' ing the ext_ension of the boundary, the Sbarrett,Mterview and the autonomy bill, which indicates a desire to Inter- fere with Provincial rights. The de- cision as tar as Manitoba le concerned deelares emphatically that the West wiU toterate no interference with its educational system. * * The railway companies have been ordered by the Beltway' Consmiision tcruiestore the equiltbruimbetween their freight rates on grain and its pro- duct; by reducing theratos now charg- ed on grain to the same basis SS cha ---esl-ensthe-smilled-preductiesthe •.„The, order is the result of_04 remota*" tion by the Farmers' Association, that the railway* discriminated against the rain producer by charging tram 1.1 to i cents, more per bushel for carrying ifild-C-Ofiritinirtirriettelor tbilltissfe • o r anrolher 40111 Products. Thede- • cisiou is expected to make a difference of one cent per 'bushel to the termer. About 20,000,000, bushels of oats- are marketed Year's's which would mean an addition of $200,000 to the revenue of th-osgrowts:7 *, The Educatkm.A.sociation halt made j1t1 ; • „ .41:t,11 :tut iuet : a ✓ Into' r**4 •e :::=7,74,4 • c, t Exe er fer the Derninion Government. ton. . Stewart, mother Stewart. of town,ia tteriouely ill at tbe home of her. daughter, Mrs. P. McOoll, Roberta, a former Craig- ite, died -at -London recently after a Prolonged illness. His brother, -Teddy, is also seriously ill and not expected to recovete-Mitts Maud Dorman, who has been attending the London Busi- ness Cealleeesbasi returned and mum, ea herfornierposition at 3.11. Mar. -arta sto Atkinso has Bilusley. Basra. Elizabeth Mutiny, of Thedford„ is *pending a few days at the home of her sister, Mrs. Wm. Darling.-Eltner imottlitett returned to Deuileld after a pleasant visit here. --A young son and heir has arrived at the home of Mr. find Mr& W.T.Lightfoot, of the lith, conceiSiore.--- T.:gef Willie' Antos hes _ testrfs-XletertS'Afte ort visit at tire home Of his uncle. °serail Arnoi.-Arf.Scott has accented. a position on the M.O.R. at St. Thotie as. Alt's teeny friends wish hitn every ticeem„-lijr. Flint has returned from his holiday trip -and again settle setiefitling the utter er niece. -Percy Ramsay, who has been itssistent operator at the station here foreeveral Months past, left last week Michigan. wbeee helms iteeepted Pdsiudtt on the Pere Marquette. -elite frieeds here will be pleitsWto hear of the- advancetneet.of Harold MibelLa former Craig-boy,now of -Toronto; Mr Mihell- ereenway - Misses Vint Arnold and Della Baird. of Parkhill, ',shifted Mitt; ARCA Wilson over Sunday. -Miss Sarah Shank. of Detroit, arrived home on a visit to her brother. George, and other relattves. We are sorry to report the illness of Mrs. Jas. Hicks, We hope for an eer- ly tecovery. Ohidley Woodburn has e ite ill butt is improving. Misie umed their school work again after the Easter holidays. -A number of our young people of this . neighborhood' opent Thursday as Rialto of Kiss May McLean, celebrating her birthday. -- Mr, and Mrs, A. W. Iturnphries, of I ,. .- . Mr,Bimpbr1ets....etteisted..11 the evening service at _theMethodiet, church ---We are pleased:. to isotitse that our citizens observe the .law in keeping cattle, : .isibeep, hogss etc..., off . 44, Clain, •WiltItli, , • ter'eett Goma Bend,GreenwayafldC�i- bett are looking green and nice for this time of thoyear. • W. Kin., who has been supplYin or re c yres on se o bank staff, during the illness of the latter, bee returned to London to re- irbruturer....4 - k MAMA iraliteris rt s gams „ of Ontario terrieked-to-flt a minim u salary for public school teachersvss” That the minimum age of teachers fixed at 21 years; that the minimum liffeartieforts. •1401W -of 00 0 WO 0 v rouwsTnetunve be a second-class certificate, ends,* public school of six or more rooms, senior -leaving certificate; That the Government of Ontario asked to materially increase the a noel grantteritiblic seheols; s That irkeettleitilsoyettmo;....60Ptk animation be adopted under the dim, tion of the Gotterntoentand inaiiitaln- ed by the whore teaching body of the Province and Aided by the state; The practice of inking teachers When applying for positions to State 'eatery .exprcted is muChto beregretted, and That alt departmeute quested Parkhifl Louis Eberhardt, of Clinton. has moved to town and opened Up a Iaiin- dy in Neil McPhee& buildingetTir Grand Teunk ItallWay Co.. have set- tled with Mrt. Cirner00,0 this Oar for $1300, her chitin against theta for damages throe b the death of her son In the Eaatwood disaster. -Mies Kath. leen'Rogers, after *few months' eta in Wine!ipeg bas retittered home. "Pal " the home scene. estettritev'en , when her daughters Mite' beceiniesthe happy bride of riblestetehet of Shipkies` Giriniretetie. formerly St. June, chuTih, Parkii officlatIn el man. Mi,� Ann cov ram isrecencilltess an • we are pIeaed to see hint in .• our midst agate.- Miss Billings, who has been residing with her brother for the petit oleareshasietereed to. her...shore ithys--Whiltettere-Mist-Billings made inanystriends who will regret' to beIThrlier departure. -Andy .Yung. hint -went to New York this week as a guest of the Equitable Life Insurance Co., who are giving their agents* free trip and it week's entertainment at the expense of the company. -We have tristfieffith-ourttustroutt,==vor-ti sojourn at Rainy River. He will be a great help to the heed 0,4 he it it god Cook contemplates roev- ing the iketthron residence at Rodgers ville to Ileneell, and will lit it op for it dwellings -Trouble never conies *trig - y, -Totes Vaset-Who hat been". or for some time with terteelitbe was gettin itirterniaMIltiVrarnir with a severe Attack of inflammatory "IfirtinstirY-friendis here wishbito it speedy recovery. 08141,1WoO4 - Samuel Baker has taken unto hirn- self partner in t,hesietstreof Itoshrig, of tbel4th 40011istr. Hays We extend congratulatione.---Mr,- and Mrs. E. P. Paulin and Mr. and 14r.s. IL Guenther with their families at- tended the wedding of Mts. Rennie to Rev., Geiger atZuelebsint Wednes- dayof lut week. The bride is eider of ts. Attain 0114 Mre. (hien( sure-ee• carer eitner a few years ago, and by bard work and eate nest ef1ort has succeeded to the posi- tion of principal traveller for the Mer- eliandise Department of that firm. iiwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwri w * e . THE GREAT LEMON BROS. S11011VS. Tko Greatest elvers et Ao4tora ' The a Call ,all ,the others what you will, but when all le said and told- and to, told. there is but7orse -Great-. Circus lelriestesevery- particuleirsands4lee tall -the grettte. 2i.ltsitta'gratidesseof the entire ssorld'e eircireesi and.that is the Great 'Lemon. Bros. Shew which is coining to Exeter on May 15th in all its al magnificence. its unrivaled lendor.sits- re-sens r.I.ITto Fritz who hue been week to assume the management of the Brennee,ahouse, Grand Bend. WC' s'Inskerlers'Itsieseitteiteil and has acepted the invitation to remain,here another • year. --Mrs. „(Pr.) Campbell has returned from her visit to Ilensall. Arthur Gelinas, teacher at Dover South.opera the holidays at, his home heres-sJohn Greybiel is recovering is-r.cent-illnesas. of trOi t* IS on a visit to her paten Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Axtsss,Messre, Mete nee Bross., have purchased the beaks rept *trick of D Steinbach, and ti n - ed, out on Saturday for business. Mernerwill manage thestrusittiSess-J: Preeter_seecietti -told his trotti tals .1kSte “Oeneret lotigh, of Goderic ceived a fancy film her who for ttie past eighUen your has been 'working at his trade AS tailor, left cepted a good position as cutter., Due- ing hiestay here Mr. Wetter has made many warm friends, who will learn with-regwrothbr departure. hitt who will wish him all kinds of successiss Mr. Henry Dumer Sr.. passed away • -Berlin-on4pri years, 7 months and 11 days. Deceas- ed was a former residerit-of-Xorfelts rat city of snow white tents ever erected ream • lemdsswilt-hesseetestelly-on hundred -count them! -one hundred exalted eters, who will give one bun- dred and fifty superior acts, too num- erous to classify. to many to name too multifarious to describe. Bare- back riding, hurCess, trick, feeeY and •tuartege riding, aerial gots. grand gym- nastics, tumbling, vaultitos, .leaping, athletic and contortion featteintgletingi it._„es_41Ars,tec ni .,preakirt adder, and other acts. toque, stately, astounding, iteriel stage And arenic performances, not seen else- where. Many of them by foreign artists. plenty of them by home ar- tists. Hemet:niter the trate, and do not -miss the big show. Weave now in a position to ehow one of the Largest -and Latest Linea in Furniture ever.ehown tn Westerdentario. The increase in our business dnring the last three years. shows that we are carrying the QUANTITY antZ QUALITtttbe LOWEST PEIOES. - - Below are a few of the -things wecarry in stock: - • Bedroom suits, Parlor -sults, Hall Racks, Springs, Mattresses, Rockers of au descriptions (also Re .Rockers) Sideboards, Kitchen Cabinets, Kitchen and Dim4room. Chairs, ,Extension Tables, Centre - Tables, Kitchen Tables, Easels, Prokinole Boards 10-07nret S.Wee sers, Couches,Lounges,- Perc. , 31usie Racks, - II Minis; Picture Frames, 'Pictures --fii lie fraMedat shortest notice, Room Mouldings, . Child's_ tea sets, , Single *6, Child's Cribs, Baby Carriages, Go -Carts,. .7.,:ktr: t pilaw Dollga, ilL. Naas& f woja#Atag-, _ 4 We do the leading. Trede in. Window Idlindintsiness. Ever-y-bIitfa-gnar;s-s-- n eed-to workorWill remove. Over six blinds hung free. We carry a stook Of Sewing Machine. We have the New - Williams. Four -weeks trial and guarantee -idler 15 years. itsT=ED=MeitilserS=Vrar We also carry a large stock of undertaking supplies. In time of need give us a can. • z WEDDING. -A happy event took vening_setssihe res • ence ot R. .meinscee road, when his daughter, Miss Fanny May, was united in marriage to John EsPhillips/the impressive service 1*- ing by Rev,! C. W. 13rown. of .At six e'ciock to the strains •ts Weetding nutreb, which was toed by Miss Anne Robinson, t ride entered thO-reirlor leaning on the irni of hesseither and , took her hice Lollard * Registered in tbe A.inericanTrotting` Register, Vol- - e e by Jones & unzi, Exeter, Ont. • L-0. Linnemen, Lima, Ohio.. Aixect by NORVAL 5335. Record 24143‘. Sire of Cotudeas Eve ttlfSii, VItralnyelflate ori 0. .t.-co$1, Annie Levburt, 2 1ONorvet 2,321m, toy Nonmetal -me loocrear‘k ez.10%. Nomad , and 77 otbera In the 2:.*:•1 Bat; hia son a have aired 55 and dauihtera pradwed '14 2111, Son of Eleetioapar 125„ Sire of Arlon I:07h Sunni 2:08S,, PalOAlto`141)3,21,. And 0.7 Ottatit, tleritt. NOV112.:a prat mare, by liorenan litre Of Lula 2.35, ete. by L W dsm BETTY Kiss% 8' to Ornament 2:,-141i, • steroisS k ,r.xers..VUte ..centetronStawsistem. 22:1:1r:istreued1?„01:ether ts 2:644334sei, MR%44 2 8 4 made their homes -7,A -baseball team has been organized iir our villege with the following officer. lIcns. Pres., P., Lament; Pres., 0. Fritz; Ca fain and I* t1.4111tt.14.40' eSS; Val tee,, 8. Fauit," J. i ert,•Jr., A.Ainith, G. tress, T. Winne and %V. B.--Hoiftria- MAD IN' DattareS-There passed away on April Ant Pembina c'ountv. near Cavalier. North Dakota, John Geiger...after several weeks' illness, at the-itoroifal.yearv-Deceasedirsirlio at Virilmotown. Outwits -18V And lettine to noway years ago. "re- siding on the Bronson line. In the. year 1,73 he was elected deputy reeve of nay township which position he held four years. In 1878 he dt'fented re Buchanan in -s contest for Eeeveship which ofilee les -held for OBE tceu yews ago he moved to keta. with wrailitty. . wa* highly. Tee spected here and marry will learn with deep regret of lile death. I1i aged, r nee and five daughters iturvtve, and to them we extend our sympathy. PRZTTT Wiennttlet,---Ztitich is losing a charzning &Welter and Elmwood is the gainer. • On. Wetineedar ttenin infper Of Invited' goats HI- eemWei itt the, commodious residenc of Mr. and . Mrs. Samuel Itanuie t wltnoee the tinstristms of their daugh- ter, Ilise Lydia, toltev.Alfeed Geiger, Ott% fietger. Mr. Ban- daughter_to_tia..:pittiq where the groouu Seiiitett her andsliy altotwatiothetlitseeisi: ter 01 tbehide, and Mr. il ; who assitzted sod, 'The nuptlal koot was tled by Rev. L 'L 'mw. ofBeilin, and h tIetab - ThestridesrOstoweedsin eteecte ilk eolienne, with embroidered ebif- fon seirotnings, wore mange blossoms and *raid a choice beitquet - She • deet-elletwingsappearitecie A f tot% tit cereininly vas prr orifirt ircr:41-46-4,R w'resee and rinueratidatinns -extended, L dainty welling repast watt served to ateat fifty -geests. The groorne gift to the bride sees a beautilul. old locket set with brilharites Many handsome and useful presents received testified eostfirsisipLresteeinSie whietisthe_eved atelfildf. --Mr. anearii; iipa ileksetsoneekeeping in thescosty cottage. it abort distance north of let - tees father. We join With their many Mende in wishing the happy couple long life and prOspittittYi* ' • - A . A AiSono. .4, Palo Alto 2:041%-afitI157 othera; durtsol *3i urel 2:13% Andover 100 other atan • darape of liainr Belmar 1, The AE- i4td,er1JoQ other atandard pc:tomer& ' by PIEDMONT ge,f. r.141,11%. - , and data, es Fanny Wilhoz re.. Sono EAtmont 2',3; Alar:. •• May*sgreit brood nom by Ifarobrino Chid IL Jth dam LAM KEENE, ,7iLZOU''S IR • ThotCobwbeL12flton Sot fi4, Nettie zis. °Too ciri izto..27 °then; ani 2:13%; -entity 2/39Ife, and 7 other danyof Pitausboal Ittr*li, iltallona il:11%, Greenlander 2.12, over standard perforniem. 111 others. and grandare of "Natty 'Hanka 2;04; and over 1.000 ...- , other. afamillard perforiaem th d.tin FANNY, t Et0N olit-daWit*X11167c.z.,-....V.rs..----.4 - • . . tranDinea SrA7aalrr•--The Jap is* rendel ht tad * .eolt with eekt...anbetance and Las as murh et le and dash as any ,00lt I bave,e7`, re cursed; Iwo oirief 46,. legs: With little inure than hrt*klng Work ila a tivolear old. trotted %tip -luta' in Kg Iteltnjill. • • ore ',Hi istrgit spitAolyz No. ostk. tine a 'weird of2.* ietei)di homask 1 141 with good 'bone, eircellent feet lega nod lofty carritige.' Ile will he et hut own. stelees • Ex*'ter Vetth titeh night and on the followi issi at the, fonowinte.plock for ri I 3,,2inicuees onto. rhis amp', o o ing march and sweet trains forth, tliltride, me costume of cream 'benewitb trimmings of* -1 t .srrying a bouquet of White CttUtt- loni, estereti the Oitilor !Nolo"( , of het uncle...Mr. lox. Thom •0. MIM 'Eliza Miileken. of Hamilton, .ttended biei bride and WOO it dtiMiti dr rewim mull ter Oink. 'treed A. fl:tr. uoied ri bon tly v the id 10 ho is gaingtqlcrn haming: ocelot -to 1 nations e in W. late ow vtned to bits co 'sue during Exq t 'I t *hitt id %V11tnrows wpte dt4 itions toter nit orreteret eqt Atnippt (tom And in otter whith. 7.-viAt ing w-6*i.11,1244. i'et iteisted te+LitlitY .100 • • sett, itritt4, Oettrati orA No .1644„ 'itrot. 11. teeritiful tietti, brown stallion 0 beetle high; a typieel' Eke - is with a pedigree that outwit ten. *tend tor mares otel for flight. fe 'Bt. blab. , 0104: ThottlIS Jo iud; Hu. ex,eire,re t ct sitigthitt'vhlaatett.41.liite tar on4 r,nflotge, aettitonionlatthirioliihit tf °A in t a )4 is 1 k 4' ttiondle, It hie iiven *tette lent, end peoeseet te ,Itliestelitterte oOtistlience thl'Wtset irie oil it ' 1.)'/1 1* m'. retmivimr'd f *attire' Isle the theehytere ..reMkOr Is 'recoV. Is of his resent stes II et Met- tit impn ph tnUg roomEre s c1Jntrt btpp to ulngtutn The I tellotsel roS;the bn*kktb ' The, ' A