Exeter Advocate., 1905-05-04, Page 30
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O .teeee
,.. Vi0041 "
fie le a
, " Ud; 'th1
?I':i.' , ie. ,
en;orels. 0. • ti. 1 : ,
0, -t?&ftWO 1138 d4tli: to nea, e -
A hy. , ii 'A4, rtid„ ler a -pi*,
. ... .10g j11 -,f41.1 Illoson
facultini.. • All uttered ..troia
a iross.-trtore, •,et,a,s. to disdonrage
1113IZ1fl a Irattoese thiseunites Win
It" t e bleat 17.trierliiirniinelleeir.
0 ak, So feeble. ut-
, t7roririri This c 3"---71-Ter ee,
can biaeettleeTheeetettelt et -).n0
- attar, never for a inomentlatb •
.113 -nnoSiOn* Every -rlittler:pne, --maY
mderetand Ills Unit word. The very
ot Ills suffering flesh rings out
ne 'Ilia message for the centuries.
The etame hand that created a, tongue
• to cleave to the jaws by thirst has
.turned it into the sweetest message
.ever read by true hearts and sincere
, If one look. for a sign of the divine
nature of this Matt let him go back
4 mark how carefully lie has pre-
deforethisieWaelaste wilL, wallet
4 •
), "V•
7 • • ;.
• en ,
4the pet
•nre.A4 1.
tZR tP(
ttteeen.Uid 44(1.zilf*0•41,1,..
11°' "othr 00* !rated , tqf-,
Eit4tfla .01.4 Qtre wito.,h0.(1
cross t „gulf „comett tho lOn „
• Of the ',Sea .,of.,'...1(10dt:
„"i thirsty .see
retWwni tite,,110inan'uoIell0;e,
and the Son 'isit Man 10 the e.rolvtl,„.in
the;gulf (we areIn it)..cre Ingo "IvhPl`l
ve you drink?" And then the ten-
r COflCS'4111as-
. -
least of.these my- brethren, ye dill 1
V a,
-An-you would love me had I taken
your little child.. loet And desolate,
thirsting end hungry. and given it
vo now the Son et God declares that
as ye have done it unto ope of the
least of these ye have_ done it unto
Wm. Ilow empremely aienple-you
Would- do the saute to me as Clod
would do unto yoa.
ause a' bit. What does Chriet
a 1 •
jier leat1'w3s her it
beg 05 it had 'revel: beaten yet.
treet outeiele, and it sounded.
10. *eiett4IktititileVRtheeettt
to lwt''0:--mqoeVirOifet4ienetn
Ter .father's it'ords:tonVicy
es ,-re.tlI doggedly , deiltierto
•Itist", tit
erea ' tr.t.,(1a
turdL t 'PP
i•.• •
oe".(.4S72.#•t .•nreenni,
entention'' , tiatle :met
10144(.11.*,,•'‘'' - • •
ooloi „ Alt ••that Otto:New
Aiki,n,s,4#0,04.#0:' 8110
'htS•teystery and, watelied, his (hands
to diseOver seereething„„rthat Worrunt,-..
ed decisive action, . It' diet not come
till late in the evening, tvben 'Wattle
out to do the "elioe "
rt. '
t p
nAnv a queer, gettime,
Anita he hobbled out into the "gar-
tiously.to attract the man ,next deor
a house decorator by trade._ There
was some muffled talk, vai'led-
suridcy stares. up at that bright top.
back windosv. Then stealthily a.
long littler wee, lifted over the wall
and sw ng into position. It proved
too sheet by a yard; twenty preeious
minutes were spent in. enaking the
•tfiree feet good. Then, doggedly oh -
of his gout, Steve Wade
laborious way up tbe rungs tin ,he
seat) little recompense for your for-
bearance. This 'clear* me for , the
Prelet, and ---and 1 hOpe we're good
aftr the strained Vanse. I'You 'dot'
Well, I'UL goin*. tO try OUll
se heat nue . frienele
1, Sild. I1 trot*. le- ytpti.
tvi vie* thgtroo1 1 Y.
er' Ses
aI.,,okw 4,:;o4toew.liere, a fot,,,,;,(1
. . ,
Ol.1.',..,x,. , ' 44 '
• ''$.0.1*;, • 00
•, , ...-,,,,...: ,
'7.,-: . .0 .;"a•Taltukte;
i_. , #,O,i.., , ..o. t,i4„,'„and,.. -he
.v? ...14?Pflift„' ':ttp 'the' loogi,stAfr-, 404'
.thcn the littler:440r .StVung •bitek„: raid:,
.Mattie' ...stood 'there. ' the ',dry Sob
strugglheg inher throat, the strange
light in her dark eyes, , Ilo tine to
frout, 1-113 lips.. He Imo set forth the
Judgment -when Ife in Ina glory
le to -return .to ,Ritrtit, not desolate
„Ling alone. but with
.and• the crowd of earth, around Wn.
eaoineeeeeneeeleersed and
lati-Onc-has.the rompanion-
Ato-of heaven and.the fakirs of reit-
, ,gintr-tromble in the sollteede-of-fieters.
-Ws last Words- on earth were heard
0, poor mercenary of the Roman
rnperot, hired to stand at the cross
lentil the end. This poor soldier had
13T-t1W crucified One. Poor fe
little knew bow in coining
iries me*i would envy-el:11in this
1mple act of a completely. human.
reletive word.. You eney despise
mao for Ids poverty .and I may. Ad-
mire -him for his genius; he niciY be
your least. while/to me he is great,
We 1111 DU the ....Ple.tnee or_.tho judg-
ment before Christ with same poor
-tramp to wh.om we have shown.eonee
Cheap bit .of kincluese.whiie-wee-ha
overloolted the rent ItnPort' at the
words. rerhaPs_our "least" rode by
-us la a earrianixe wearing royal
robes. being least to us because of
our animosity, envy er hatred; be-
cause he had done us injury, had
take'? from ua the world's praise WO
iightjAjit:libTr, jai CZ:pi,Le:W6lit-
..0 ----Park
en you drealifeed"
of a romance affair here. you rinede
4ten-rtfe, -ta.1.4-4heyeeeet_sver -Verne
off in‘real life, arid it's.generalVthe
Woreall has to pay the price el the
man'a taper, 'See? Drop that look
and take.up your money -one shflftrf
short o' the ten yoa sent him by
post. And if you have given- him
your heart unawares, like a fool,
make up your, mind you've Lett that
One awful word rang out in the
stillness ot the night -that next Fri -
In there,i1 einabl'e to Wove, lay the
n, Who had become his enemy. Wbo.
had eought to poison illattie's inirni
against hint. who was turning'him
. ,
10111141.' -door :was burst
en etoW. 1archece braking lips
'tittered Abe"hnarc. c rye l4j,-. 1e$00it.,
13*" Whn'-w1wi4 5t In 33r,
• .t1
edry''Pa• ts b „ h,
4.„ •
de on
,.37.1110, *414
014# Te#,
':ESS,ONW..0.111:0 *PT;
.:_ •
o „ to:rstf,`
d 4 ".:••tOtti Of :the 1.4 eVised
At'14'etl0t4-..4147.1ar bo.tb head
4- :44T
'stur4b1Prit.44,'t• son : ettitiorIT.Ito .
11 i*b)J.i0tIp'brt, Alit -1 niv011-414.• oipies;;,t,cot- kleo.-la4., '3Ofl
fat ;incrtedidoks ,goarti2p4-'1U)* bp011,f" '4001$ a' fktNtiar4i on.'on
e Wee's. ,Work.elgoner'....‘he .tairned • part.,of '11ui otnx, ,ono 44,40.4a
ciintson bay of. death cipks.:wou,(14Itetr1.y', him« k' • b..6 trait
tb4t toy,' between „, hign and, • t Judas, after beits,I,. riOtted out,
street. . , left. eotnpatty V3-414
Thero waei -the edell .roaring '''fient whereupon Jesowproceetleilentith. ttie!
the crowd ; the singing nolges 1st bis institution eit has'aince . been!
grea C4 _es_
thirst, for all men have thole hours
of deep solitude and languish of spirit
and any one of us may act the part
of the Roman soldier.
more to say. to you. You're a WO -
Love! The. word eithg in, her ears
as she went mechanivally up the
long stair. ilotv dared they say it?
0A0 414
etenkie.k•eabee „„ 44.07,101440111.--447,004"41.40111•
"Inlalt a minuto-just turn round!
thought so; cup es' cocoa and a cam;
- die, •golte lap tree ani gratis to the
• done it!" Steve Vexns
.141)adoysly casting up his weekt.y
Iner6unt,s: with a_sturap of
,r0300 as intiiressively as .chrottic tiout
would permit. - "Of course, .,you've
• e."'"r Val,1 fl •
face to set them hinting it? Love
• him's-a horn gentleman!
She had been going 'to tap and
wait, knowing by now: that the
lonely.. striving man behind- that
door listened for her. smiling word as
the one Omen -7W Iight and- -
In his tense Ufa frotat day.to tray.
Very faintly she understood what it
meant to fight for a place ,at the
foot of the literary /adder; but there
• .4.1
determined fare and deadly patience
which, had caused her ninny a vaircle
pang and longing. But -to cal that
love! No, she would not face him
to -night; he was to quick. to read a
• • •
. •
itUittliXtlat444.!, er-t
tvion. Oblivion that {.) d
0 Then (Arne teeter's avowal of iqYaltZri
0 death !leen-till.
and the Master's wa;rning to Voter'
tgii:ft":71go forthti. :3`wt-itah5::::t1;jurlis: aenxdtlYrta-4w;
tion to the* diiciples to no Amiga,
for a mere strenuous warfare (Luke
24. 35-38). Thia conversation with
-Peter and the others developed -into
abylo jelgseurs.faphreiirsel.loisdeloTrsiters:asdelibveeguredn
in the upper chamber "after supper,
and was continued 43n, route to fhe •
secluded retreat of Gethsemane. . •
the side of Olivet (John 13. 31; 14.
31; Mark 14, 26). It • ineludes alt
that hi recorded in John 14, 15, and
tound thoee two warm arms -clinging
about his- neck, and woman upon
7irktina neele-prtryoingvetr:lisrolitee;
Rut It is a hapPy men whom Ito: -
day the world knows as cleoffrey 'Ar-
nold, and who can look back without
regret to the night when ho gave
his preeiOUS book for a life that had
small el'aim to the sacrifice. . That
book. might ,have brought 'din the
success at a bound. ho is still strug-
gling to build up -yet success is not
the greatest thing in life. It Carl
.11.114 rivaimit.ot IA WAS 1111
•• v0
some y s
lieht was grey-white as with months
of concentrated suspensee •
"Yea scheinin' vagabond, I'll put -
you awaYi" Stein said tohimself.
'f•,-Ilenestp men doft't walk about their
ea *eat. arat- and dotheir Work -in
the- nightse'lliat, jabber ai�t want,
ing •silence and writing bettor at
night was so 2Wief1 pel per ,being
thrown in people's %eyes. • Look •tit
loOk! Porgiti' bank -notes
yethe hundreetT-- go-ou
to pass 'em.offl" Be stared on, half
In fascination and awe. "1 can See
myself run in for harborite and abet -
tin' -and a stretcher brought round
t? Out VDU go. me lor
a* daylight'll d0 you a world
ad._ .heree _with _dramatic stiddetr
t, • f.
r whether he's got some secret
• nty top -hack "room at three
APAE., e, •
going, on ts .
ful uncertainty of his position was
neutely realized. Softly doWn she
r-- -tap--
n -was---fl -
• •
feller's white face wid wild eyea?
Yee ewonldn't to a wartime if you
,eWerten't!" Ile smacked tha. table.
. 4*YOte.01 do any mortal thing to help
NIS, thing for me, I/must say; troy at 1
neonly -girl puttin' .herself between the eel on his lips at first; no one *e
ever- dreamed of caning her that.
Man and some crash that on. the
He looked at her closely. "I told
road here! , Mit't all the neighbors
37°' -'not to trouble. YOU are worn
etskiii. who washes and patches his
out. l'r Id 'have waited -tin morn-
ing. What is it?" The voice went
had reached out his bated and efrawn
'Miss 1 a a le e
stumbled across from Ida table, al-
most as if he had heard the little
choke out there. liefore she kne-,c
it the door ing open. "Mies
linen as tircful as if it was old
Z__,,A.lret_tlie„rkthei: lodgers feel-
& iftaught? Alnt irly own CYCS
•$eett,you listonirs' on thetit stairs
"Tell ine if -it he
catideFtnuggtin' up bits o' your, own it hteh quitklY.
has said anything.e Hut I keow it.
*eat* to him on the quiet? I'll
anti you are worried on my account!
Watch it. ,from now! In love!-witti
ObHeaven. if I had one friend to
41. „teller that p'eaps has got the .
*homer 0, the rope rows/ his timid,. tmen to to -night! It I knew what to
lite_and day; it must soon be fin -
**A :man Mattle-'s Own race . bad an! 'F*41 him -tell -I'en writing,
"bay' at the foot of that -eternal tread- 16613(1.-"4-'ilit:TirColl-Pas7 3-0
all -for alI, except the wondertal
Staircase. -It- I!•kindness you have shown me. Look`
.tlealy red. For °nee she atemed to --ace for yourself; all that pile is
forget, that she faced' her own f
written and ready. Tell him I had
' there aare they hint, or you
aepeat; seen a thine. sae said, the publisher's kemmission to write
it. if I could; only it took rue
t. • whikily. "It's tintrue--wicked.-No;
month's to 'got, up' my sut.ject. The
X rettete to play seat on a gentleman!
eta him that; It trrittal an hest work tit ray lite is then'; I don't
fear a bite I shell get my cheque bee
Jiis tare if y_ou care to look ._ Re-
•etnise-la- ataya. in his room no mita, t9r6 iting• You tru-tet tr.,13/31V. lt
Only •100-1-"
.Wilting hard, and bapPerts to be he -
"No; he can't believe it." Meath
bladbaral with his rent—
"1101*1 hard! what?"
lntcrrii d. keenly. "Dummy fiver:
What shoot that?" -
White acorn almost beau:piled Ma
tte's worn face for the moinent.
" 'Rttotv better. It's tom
'reat„Dooke-or „rift Ire. e a
go you expktlhlin to come on
'the- Matt* and -talk- 'about.
One thing,' know; he'll be fatuous
some dayl,',Or other, ang he's paying
tI p"ilee of it now in that roorno-
aps with his health and haPpi-
NYon WOrti..--you won't go and
tnothing that might haunt .
for aftertirardal” she bUrst but,
almost iIdlv. "t say he'll pay las,
ipitwOver it Costs tarn,. ril 'anawer
wlittArnik Octant.°
Int* this at -otinc6
01, 'counted -a Itard m
t, kepi; hini :Peevish
fo wets 'apt to -need
his frail;•dark-ey-eil
s 1 1 did too,
'i OM
' up 'ion? 4017 •
' Geoff
Wr.,)rit that
• t • •
lait alive In a deoritterhomile
"Look!. .1.1:0 there -a mars! Jump
-jainp for your life!" And then the
deep -throated roar (A.A.:tole nacn.'who
were struggling to rearaladder
broeglit from next, door. .
• /t--eewayed t
from below told-wher h hesitated -
ft was -short by inches.' A little'
higher it was _neared In Weir Vanp.
and then. Inc troontut rettaiviiteciltteged. .thate
the rungs, clung onbIrtidry,tibd knew
nothing More- until, scorched by
flames flickering from -lower windows,
lie Reimd b1mslf standitig in tlie
Ile must he in that bed asleep
-st !.- t, . hadealleeneghaatly- nrea I i tee
-even that mono of returningteonsei-
ousness from the lips . of. a girl who
14 1
II 4* 111.1.1111011. '4* • 4.4 •Vi
'''-'77, " " '. " ' ' - . E t • --• ••• ,4•••,.._..• -= wa 4, •••4 •-• ......
and s;:i. When. Within The- inernOry 4-'10W
nSe of ownership
of the preSent generation. Roumania. 1 Se,
m, Frince Leopold. 2. Dranch-A tender; flexible twig;
became a kingdo
jail* a vine -sprout. .
the .1: ter brother c•f Xing ar
itt.4; I sPeeTaketh it away -Cuts it off,. as •an,
wee declared , official heir..enhae
,, Vrperienced dresser of the vine
terince surrendered his righte to .his e
woold.' The fruitless branch- must
from the vine tor selfish purposes. : .
Clealiseth-1u vine-gronting coati..
Jiles -the fruit -bearing -branches at
• •
years the son was heir to the throne,
and then. 1St 1888, -the Figure, tread-
ing in Ida father's. teteps„ gavesup
, every vine are carefully watched and.
rights in favor of his brother, an
verdinInu. 4..._.-i-ignardet4.:Javeciall.Y.,-.4g4lus.4- the. talree
heir to King Charles. ages of intruding insects. Sometitnee
The ,Duke of Norfolk, who is. fifty- it is necessary to spray, and other -i
seven. has held that distinguished
of his income is derived from ground -
rents in Sheffield. This property
worth little enough w_hun Jud-
ith, niece -of William the Conqueror,
brought it as part of he* dowry to
. ttlirMrati .**
-*ng or 437--gitWItetnalde etraiH efeVe,
— 0,
4- •
t t
the po.strnan's knock far below. It 1,h4'.
4.imattle---Mattlet 'thank Ifraven yeas. 'The population of •StiefEeld
reealled him to a sense of the situa.
• 44,4 ••. •
to insure an abundant harvest.
3. Alrefoly yoe-who have given pro: -
erase of fruitage -are clean.
Because* of the word -13y reason ofe
the word, that is, because the word;
has cleansing. power.
k - • k • • ak
ly left his Hp when that nameless
t ion. Ho shot a Weal. -Whisper of I that'sall ask!" And it had hard- was then only 4,600, and the in-
n come .has risen 111:e the nainher 01
warning down the Itedde took a Jest „ ,
elegem_ 'lance and .ew in his surge OA reColleeLsOn SWept Bum- He kat
breath. That figure In there had
neareet would never 'forget tlie 550-i *500,060 a year.
wayed sip-reti atsreach'ed the door
one leap, it seemedt. /50W Rut:lads.
oncn, and there stood Mattle,
ing out a letter. She looked quite
calin; these was even a faint smile.
as of secret 14yinpathr,, on her facie
and then the door closed upon her.
"Shameless young leusay,"lie gat -p-
ot. "Dou't believe you've been out
o' the house tit all. Walhcd • her
face for soinfehin'i Eh, what?"
Geolrey. Atirold stood there like
man thrilled by tt•mits.cle,estatingait
lo . te evedly the welcher could-
see,it „wits a _pcatat order.. __Oner
and over the ehaking lingers turned
it:, the staring eyes looked all round
the lroomr and tack at the slip of
notepaper that had accorapanted• it.
Ile took two stridetoward the wine
dow. If he lived s. hundred 'years
longer, Stene Parkliet would not for-
get th'at strangely-sunprelous ,,cry -
almost a ht.-et:eh shbut. Indeed.
"Ten shillings-Ivo-ina friend"!
lore than the three, week,' rent I
said , steady JAI ir tolel? Ile owe for the room, 'Who knows? WIto
nythieg, but
In time ensuing silence Steve Par
khis had a soda!! misgiving as
hie close -proximity to, that top back
room and its ocrppant., -lie clutched
beelatidee skim.
abite.ritte_ _e'ro-day_____ the_ _Iltaa7s.
eleettlete ti. 08
-Ara never would.
here must be Something amiss b-
1'0 370U ere ri at like other twat
've had" arel never want. your
Tit3ver scem tot want fresh air. and
ars,• it, was ifeatrise elerlieete
tieede as lie sUggeektel • 'There
'could be no other reaS011 why she
closed her .lips tieht
ttga,1nst it rush of soh*.
"cnoret..,Mattie!" It was the Ora
IMO ..itte had put 'that note into his
(Ape. tied surely the lMt thud that
•0 would alleAv.";suetriorlinputti:r
overpower Ire' had :4rawn her
close, he. had ilttt his arms cor.vidsi-.
vrlv *roinil h- r. alioniton"t et
lake. Words b
Ah,. t
tre more tbn
quito 0010,
t vvhi r*
:1 tb1
h entire revelation of hireself to
his disciples.
• 4. Except it abide in the vint-, -Ex-
eppf. it remain in livrng ,r+nn-
vino-,itseit a living. •
p'a.rt -of that vine.
kea whisPer. "MY book! My book-- eehen Ofenffili ,Tiad,:n-rowell, in his 5. Apart from me -If the, into]. in-
ner one lOpel in lifer' * younger da,Vs. eras Military Seere- terrelation tbeteneen the vine proper
Ile stoiiii for PIA an. tOstoot of tary at Malta, his love of fun -niust and the separate- branches. be dis-
wild. whirlingliesitation; and In that
instant a womatt's *ngers had felt
eiyalyeefereehiee_and the weak
cry thrilled throne', '
"G eofireyt Ite's there -father!
Shut that room -he was iil-
ouldn't move. Save him!"
"Save -my book!" ba breathed un-
oonselOtisly again, in em agony that
had 'tionarne,,
Ile put -back the clinging -hands.; lie
-was- g
el but the reecue of his pr&lou,s
manuseript-deir-ted-tlie Vita; 4m-
ploring moan that carne again.
'"Oh, saveldint You loved 1110"-
yopilfeave him firet!" -
Only efterwards be realized that
anna !e'er° flung out to held him
back, that ho. ctruggled through like
mathnhit realrilie house doer,
And_gainest it just as that distant
roar told. that- the enginee 'Mott
thundering up. 'Three rainutee might
1bring•the help; tut tliose same
ily down. There was rviat on hil
forehead as he touched Erm ground.
you was gotta* to make
night of it," the what:glom' 'Ma
griuntiled., "Caught .himeat it, have
you?" •
"14 dukno " Steve gtispa "Id!you then, -,when rye Pored it out
for rof.,-„At. LeaveIt to Ivi» _
I it; when that hesitating tap cam
itt he kitchen door and a voice tisk.
or*Mre..rarkins, Mottle ova
d what be „Ou 10r4
r to, 01 04
w at I think
for $rout,„a„tep.
ow„li'Ott bort* raitde
ie ObeYed
Itst dam
Inn thr's life! might lost.
4 s0. snatched tip ,a. 'coat; 110
threw it ver hin head and rushed to-
ward the stair -Abe stair. that, len
u to hie redone, book. His tiatide
*Pao -.burped; "but he- reactW4 it,
WaS staggering UP through tlie,thick
14--bo-4Ionel '
ronrd tip from t:hosct recumS 05
ito left. and tize Ataircase„Wifi
yet passable for si mao*h0 had all
atake.• Now lia hail gattie4' tha
landing, ',,ga,s0,itg, al.mOst
to 'leer . &can that .111gh Iv
'.'ond.tiftie_. And then .
thrtugh 'the rorlin haze -1'60'
have Wen tr3,.*ing to hia serious chief.
(In one occasion, at a Goverement
Iliallenitinetlettleshe-!_t_altsetrnt to weetic
tion. The fair -dancer, who
which had *net with much appreela- - Cant forth -After having been
somewhat. aVected, A retested thet
was 0.cut off by the husbandman.
They gather them -It is custom -
she did she woeld comPlAely 1 them into the fire, and they aro
ary to gather sueh branches and cast
she pesitively-conlettet, and that if
turbed and broken the latter can,
of course, produce no fruit; being
severed from the source of its like
3$}7,1ady i.0 -1* -0404 a iiiarii iirriai --- -
'a 000
- - - - - - - - - - -
muchi-.;.per apsi
uld ever knit*
life lyearabl
th to succeSS
'`blown." 13.-11. returned to the
Governor leeilting attiet
thing he.did not lilee to say. "Well?
teelted Cite ;great man.
replied tbe other. "Won't! .
"Don't knew," replied Il! -P.: Mut
she sId he'd be blotved if she did!"
Lemma. the fainoun band conductor.
finlike!' living snared by nociety lion -
_. 7. My Words.ribide in you--Indlcat...
wohw.y indrgerwhielfebast hIcirtisetf
e of the indwelling of his weirds
and Tifs--tirliTh--iii-nlitg---word4--- -----
has not only cleansing ;tower (verse •
3), but lifesustaining power ai
well.. * .,
Ask-Tlie imperative Wood. Hence,
iiintrititer:06y can. coollo occasion he,. was anwileaxht:oretvaetrion$vor vicionmmsainnede. your
rtaln lady to supper. ' will. fashioned 1.'y my. word Of trutb.
and he iifterwards tearited that she ,
hid iseued invitatimee in her friends
"to. rent Mr. John PhilitaLSouna."
As be thrt_r0Mcmhacd_that-ha-hatt
n -iiikaloinont for the sarne evening
Which he 'bad (yeah:sited, Its wroto
._.--deelining:._ with apolos
ies. It wrote back. simian -nose
;:hantt:zseb,e,on.hadd ednodnine. loletuntritt..m.i.ntittits
1 still hopo for. t pie tire (4 o
e 1, 0;
g maex
; gr, ei:Yt*o tol have
Y. but 1et that,only fait.y of
thzn wilt to" ablo to acrer,;t your In*
v. ilea, the', rest havieg itl)POiflt-
"I where." •
Sir ver,a "puller fa. aviitntay
li'`ii'sl.listO.spirit of tOti-
on, oter and 'above his :Wel.V.;
, ' age and tenacity. It Wits
d fog hc Iast Nile campaign, and'
while et" beard a riVerSte-Atter de-
. .
0\ you
neit too proud
"IV* onlytbat
to hate kept yott
Ma," Arttold,',Att
doStted litt
indwelling $11.4You, must n s
harinonir ifith my will and that of
the Father.
.--t11-ofifies1--xalteif, 'honored.
Fruit -The fruits borne by the dist,. „,
elple of Christ are the Christian, sir-
tgois_arriace.". "the fruits. of the
Spbrit' (corap. ta15,-.112j;---tas
the inilseneos for good exerted upon
his fellow men.
Disciok' pi
. W1
preceding the poss
eboosieg a contrary course .)f ac
tion. ' •
10; My eettismandnients--All that. /I
baVe' lou isetsentlaI nea,u,
cestary in Order to enter the king-
dom of •heaveri. Compare Matt, i.
22, 29, 34: 39 tor icCMAspecific, coin*
mandmenta of Jtsus„.,
Father's `cotritnarAttrents-s
tit o a diiietosi
(ftat1S Iterc.jtord telotttng the
pr -
pt channel OA ought to -I. t.
*fel; Vailt.., . .
*i own coo e ritual -
it *Welt Sir I1tcdters osticati-
,rootatioutio.41 wit* , i.td, 1Cith'
the, rcvalt that (he tt ' t,
through wittiout,,,M)kat.
ttektt.!' t*itt0fittied .qtt
rim% haat! ......tyl
TI') *be atiot
e lore tc:Orketh" tri evil
ighbOr-At boro Ji
ed the fnM11ingOf the lair and
griottott toaktnandiata
0 11 nifentiV.
oo 1