HomeMy WebLinkAboutExeter Advocate., 1905-04-27, Page 7ATZ
thou WWith entwith
non the' preno ne "thou"
and y." • Peter wout4 ett3tie"locicd*.
t thou. to Per orm for me OW
pupil, • the function ot a bond, see-
vant? Neter!" 3
tbol':elreell;ee**teuce**,ef, thle act l''*.4tWi4*44.r4and
‘. eXattiple t Selfeebneettition. iterointt
tletee ea well aet „othere of the *OW
01001..iipeavol thie;,lesson
ilet With, three
lee* ot nfan a' trooP, Qt
ahy and 41 battem of ertillerr,
preparing to teke the field age
them, the obuosions law watt tiu
re led ecti
9 tti
,Jantelette on
Utley- Of the Sepoteesti
The Otir Were* rtitt&itit,
a , 0
*knee 0 a .4piritUal
. i t
.0 iii.: :Affrottleo:
rt 4010iikat.i43, ... +,, - , n, IVO ttlath- ' i-ki!i
zt ' :',:',,:-. ...',.:fieei,ezepeter, he litittR* Coin 'deeclititti
:el , ,e er.,:tr,4*,0 d'e • • 9pj .19.: , 10,.. :Aft*: #10., iitaY, ;4q1,1 Ilit.441' 1014 0444 . .
,, r -,that f0,I.ce
.'1.11P4' tor 'otil S-4., O. -iititete," 1 'dielietir'ite" ,the deeper :limit:et Of .the • Nitteter!je ',wan .1y ingiInareo :
It k0:.,1 , Airl1p5:.. ',MOO "" pf4Y hOtiliev0 ' ' :'1(11 • 9' la " .- '111:t% t tr'.:;titerri;S°01;rnah:e1401:tlittek6!ajz1.4.0.1-14:41i41-.arkig:ii.‘ he.',,'4,0: tiitagt?.°100.. ri- l' II:7::
klivide .nie, , ,We.etiltip knave 1.‘theetit..% ' bung
t16' :, WAixtv -1T.i4c* dU30if., ti;eict; *.k.,°,14t: . . "
' 0 Oti0 bil:;yf,areing: ler ;the bfessink„ it r-. \!V•St!'03:6 0.0. ent or t) ,P1 -t. Ito- that, ' igi,:hikthe4 -n0000th.- ,net 'hirestice. e. el • -. n - , . , . -' e -
' his, ()wee ,1 *mill: ' , 40 eli9r! gleaning, . - ,,e'e, '• -: . '-.',:' . ,. . i ein,oet 'whelly....one; tbo istt,st: 0., eve,.
esaveNtoe aeli • his feet4Jeetis now , Ateeleigty - hewever, the expetilleok
the tiring God: %thee men praise heart as sa, stortii cl ye ..,pe.ifeee
4-4titieeotift-retto i,-S-bfe-the'organi "WITterr6riff by-fi6-*EiiiFiar trild h-- 'an - - se--
„ 'Odd 'Moir .deePeet seula -accord; even : of 'the, eVee ,And that it
L'ettnittertr1Wqrtittrestettstiterelileerret ,, iterte.iersatretecy-f .
less,. . speNcs it liguiative langtuege. : Tile „was 'hit upon ottSend_lettyrmsteg' to belLatadatilirwaHre for
learest hymns a, Pro- truth ei steam. he tr alt Of elertrl- lete as thou art needs but t...i
as as . on in 0 ie ty oc the- truth ;' 4." greatens t ie ' a e cell. iti'T-g-rirtritrirliitti tempta- not. preiniee to abandon their predee
rviN,nt Mtiii. of a t.l'ath•olic priest. !soui in the' gentle nms t G4!:•.d. Lion from without, that he may re- tore life were banished, first to Italie
inal-4,..- - ' -----1-**,... al am!' A.-.4 r _ n---es-liet.4,sott-evt,.. ',,e,,,,---ivitit.- 144--ttloira--Scotio„-end,
to Thee: he is using veeels ,..,--eery hat is defied lietoken of re- ilrtd ye etre rieitib:-:A, reneeritable Sierra Leone. The descendants of
by the hand of a devout, UM- 1, spect, in ste4nowleitteareent of the and grtierous tribute to the heart- the remainder are still irk• peeceful
n woman. 4 'The ithitatiou* of . common dest in loyalty -if the disciples. , 1 possession of a few tomtit \ built by '
christ." which is the phrased ectasy ' • 11. Knew him that shouldl ,13etray thernseivee
_._ THE' (44.131MON GitINF. idra-4Thet bi, knew what hied of A 1_ •
01 en adoruing monk thinking -about ! . .
, 00S4114. hata (Oland thrOui401. centuries 4 I lahat an enno1,1eMent in thiA fellow- ',man at heert •ludas, the 'unclean
- fellowship in 'Catholic end Protest\ ship of reverence! one. who later betrayed hirte was. tvinnesuarrnecta-ttletnser 0a,rer.atee.o aa
itet heart, in ilie hearts alike 0( i Why rot a kindrea fell oe ship at J0S1a doubtless a1$0 I ii:• -w all abouyit:
inent; When in LondOte the_ "Mo -i"
ridgrea.t'emt pelican:,
greet schelats and of the unlettered. „ the alitace, of wership? 'When a nein the ,iMpending treachery and httra
hawks," the "Seonters„" and other
'nee men praise and pray tog -ether lkneels. -reverencing the higheSt he al (cemp. verse 27‘. hut that to. net
they eaunot quarrel about God. iknews, yea. ning for what is best, what the evangelist saes in thsiniilar gangs of well-bred ruiTainsiS
made the streets unsafe by night, no
I:flitted in their deeps, itiee capnot 1 what heart se* base •as to deride him verse.
iiel . . , . aa....../.4... uot_ta.,wash.d.4.43446.4440thmtIncthou Itt. of thrawi u • bane-
'res %mil e.,'IiN-,h, tfeeeee, • .
that does its_ teesteliee----cerreetepeee--- teet-4Vorde---the-eleeper-eueaninwe
-434--litaiinghain Palace. Yet -7 -when. tin-
e ee detze2itisiiiistienelit thiVb
teriee'lediertie-11-re TellgteehiP%'-of tree* ,,sviiiirlfris Otee dist.' ples of --1 li •t, t 'hrist
When 'the hnngrY are feti• filo naked ;rbwn best-tbe horse that plough% the are In t'11 humility and in uttter. aelf-
anti- the 4/tumuli-dialer" later -
der like clecumstances, the "atinage
the PI benanseitieterese-the---hOree-tirtat----sperele----ethe elategetionetereeele 10 serve one ane 11"8"-
fered withethe comfert of the Parlii-
T ed, the. deed is done *unto film. Iroad, the stan who digs e ditch as other. For the disciples in' their
lens, the latter fell upon the. rival
_00,04 DEEms. *Nip/. Itmtc,., „it the men tyhe paints. a picture. the time cunt undel- the social conditions
a factious and extirpated then) toot
, ...child stammeriug at hie as.tronomy under which they lived theh -t
le Ottli evil that divideli. ihere le.,,ison as ureese antlremii-t; and branch.
lid discovering a tion ectuld vroDerly hay. . -
- • - P` - - - ' Fourteen ousand of them w
is 'no orthodoxy in inhumanity. In *
...eneenessetWeie-ee____.exer..seereeye ,.......weee , ,.... 4-.....--: -7- f_7:___. -e. •-, - - . ------ „e„1...-431....iessutf_r_Pretart44)-__.kut.irrielM,*:-bwiita37-)1Y-- -S-°.assurect----4m-credible-nuthorit ,
vela -treneree, •frepeeete-neen-e- it is, _To eveiry one -1;i• his best good- 4
siaughteted ine-threee-ditilii
ee.- ..e.---.•--;-..-eeleeeeestrei#ritTay., iii -.till:a-4,mi- do. eciteceefroin the- 'Lest that -is -4e lee -,111-a 7:: -:-.-- e.:----_-- -_____.e......,„ .._____.--lesson to iii-elt;b:red "Trooltgeterg;"*•-7-1f
.... rie iree I hit, k is; not so vital as rare- -10Iewsetcepther in elle ,y.ehoot of I --- - ,---- -I, ----------; ' -
ever -there were one And in ad
, whet, you are.' In God's wo-rld there 1 0-0,4----tvito---an, 5re% -1131 I-144 '93ti°1•1-t 111ANY GAIIS-ES igAR then- * there fell in _tint _r
is witty ane diveraity-in the deeps and testier teaching,. l•ring ad 'nee Liles, beg the Aionitable of 'France. the
-Unit-Iiti-eine the-ahallowa - diversity. iti°113 t °17°'shii). bef"r'r ITlint and t°
IRS name. SailOrs signal S070: SNALL---REA-S9NS. FOR --Cballnoblec414s. tiesr-idesb"liss an tilmilnille4enctamjitrl-
Tient_ Which _unites he_ always_ _sib tree. : 0°11 flY
than that • which dividee. The dive i greeting to each , lather no statter- -4-- -- --*
BIG UPRISING -S. titude of the l'eentinesn peoPh;.;; •
. - .113 fiftnting.. , what Peg their,, baeks may bear. It
• • The
la abiding. eternal. . ' - ;Is e frieltd13? acknow."1"-------111.-Tem411-- Of a Child. • Slinging Stonea OVlr
eeln1d*brokA out in 1838.
evirn. _
.. ,Thentiteernsarreetiene.e.wlel
had its origin in
common elm hi the sky. 'common life On a common gPa. liunrrection-Cause of the insane ravings' of a Cornish es -
but springing up in the inspiration i so' life s mariiners, however, their ,. ,
,,A* indian Mutiny. caped lunatic named John Nicholls
apple 0 04' peaelle; -r&-* aculadikoillie!gr
pine%1 creeds. 2lay d_e'er awl divit e. may ,
est -each ethar4:evit* rftcelefelere. ‘tee. ..... ..‘.
of that sun there are oak and Thoin,. Ile eppeared eliddenly ha
4 ..,,, a., -,,,,a, Lue ieeeirin delettle of. threentuey Kent; essunied the nanie of Sir•Rtche
Eaeh, tells home story of the sun's 'It1"421"1" '4g1":11 in ack"w"'ge. before last eie Pe: s 0-4 Algiers were) ard Courtenayand gave out that he
gracebut tells it how differently! ! ment of a con/In:out earth and a corn.,
ductcssively elected and assassinated was a. being of supernatural origin
But tree* wage no war "about 1 the ' °I'm ittirt'en in the elaine afternoon by an ultra- who had lately dropped from the
awes! greet m
eaninga. , :Each glokilles We are the ch:ldren of one 'Fattier. sensitive populace, the Insurrections 1 clouds. fie promieed his deluded fc‘i-
1* - VI ettf"Itesittlf • ice-_-not14:1'091-4-htr'-ittw"---071-(F2r,-of*ktr414-hurg"-.4-trifielreeirdieseLserettrieseeirliseesteheyedn'e--H-ttwem-Ahsteley=ehonl(141teAvtiol
th,e dishonor of another. Nor du ity we can fellowship each other in in each instance to the Algerians' t invultierable to fireor steel, and
tie rs' fight because they do not in- 04.1r reverence for our common tied dissatisfaction with the bearing and ' that the etreets of that "great Go-
, . • 4
- - vr-riWetre'llriestinierrithes-Lorifteeentliieliliave hitherto
tilmple truth of its,being glorifies the through all and in all. to whom be- 1
i. .
, record, even among Grientals: but been wetted with Water only, shalt
'sun and is thereby in the fellowship tenet the nations of i -the 'earth 'td', alinost equally 14 all causes hew) flow with' blood for the rights of th
qf beauty., ' the ado: atien of every hum.an lit ert- 1
i many times. broug t about. similar poor." • .
• - - -,- --- •1 great eventsalt tough on a less During his search upon the ,caPital
nded the attentions of
5. cieholesale Seale. # - , _e some private' in lila ragged battal-
Lord wititlove;
ye - in Paris, for ireeteleee,_darifig_Ca set tire to a beanatack. A-00-
Our tree petiole estie ,teI
directed enthusiasm of 1);•ter (Vors10*diiiitT Ma7arin.•9 swaNC:it was a child. 'iceman attempted, to arrest the in-
9)rid cart fullset 'him right : elinging %stones In front of the dendiary, whereupon Thom
, gy .
-ries-Itlintstiereilertre'Symboc-Aet+-trkili--,---e2t4graialitif-A, tal?..e- - -811fM-•TIFF-..4-01eFt e
Lesson. V. Jesus Washing
' ' les' E-Golden---Goldert the the twelve JeglIS robed. himself again
dovraproc..?eded to explain: ../)**0 'ling -111e tUrrent a -Frond. Tirscorsi. ' itificer-trretatotteltd-ca
/Ell, _ttym5e,,, 12). ,,,,„41, it,o,,,„, blood. and changed for the time be-
d ' he'd th f t f
• . • ; provoked the terrie.le insuir_intortrection_boef
the Frondeurs (siingers)---an insure
I rection which delnged the capital
• in i and dt.heT`Ihhe
The military were then called out,
c'smoldtierstosoukrrorueintLe In
. .--
APRIL 30. Means for l'e (Yolks 12-14).
'• 0 ES S 0 14 STATPMENT. p ,31*...4er_ alimi I nrii L orenpyillritish territory at the. present mo- .,was a bullet, which killed the speak -
you understand •my act on? -ou
that relation to you. Now T, your went, had not Theophilus LiliTe,-lithictiscif-italcde-toitethersititkr-a-snitnt
Rabbi and Chief. Imre myself washed *Boston shopkeeper in a little back ex: hut in the end the madman Was
cgentjeTutki6gur,,,vous_wcarapie..1131_,reec,Liersist N4L.Lttojiag_nritisii ber of his followers. The rest ot
obstinacy excited and angered the
1. The Relation of Our Lord : to
Ills, Father and to tile Brethren
abiding forces which cause these vice
editi the -pet narrative we watch
Wig(' -14--PrnPar
to est the promover supper with
•--stelartous bargain -with -the -chief
prieette and eventii hurry forward to
their tragic climax. But John. now
about to record a very unusual in -
the, _secret conditions ,and
•• toecee which pulsated beneath these*
WO; and which caused' them. 1.
* -points -to 'our Lord'e -relation
tO God (1) ife Is "the only begot-
--len *Sore" iti whom -the Father
Well %dewiest ,(2) receiving front God
„ "all thingee-alike the Rower oe
wdrktr1r t-
ninpli. Over death; (a) wenining from
God" (Whether isre view him as the
• Word who in the beginning was with
Geed tied" who was (lod, or as the
aente1-heraltkst Bebe of Bethlehem);
(4) --ohne. to crow.-,-deigirtios out
a this world to the Father." 11.
detkst our Lord's relation* /to
Weer (1) They are •fihis
,,bocanie they time loved-
but bscauselet first loved them;
2) Iiaving lotted them at the first
• be loved them to the end. 3. , JOhn
tellstia of what our 1 ord was fully
-000; Itte knew fit That in a tariquer
• *oft (10(1 walk hie Father; (2) That
'God his rather had given hint *11
at the tnrie of/hie departure • from
world eras at handy (4) That
to the*God from whom he had come
be as to return. '
It Our Lord's Synibolic • Act
(Vertex 441).
As ,their hoa. urebrding" Orien-
„tei eustom, our Lord seprlied water
for the dieciples' feetAs their ser -
rent h bathed their feet and wiped
thein With et towel. (corers 4, te). The
ditrifgett Wientierett. ' Teter thatitee
tjtiflv put- hie ' *Ogler itit6
trefrrsdifftiertgdsttrttfdtr-hdrifar' .
in humility -andeiri-chaeity " ,after they were. tahoo ,erhapia741. esitvierr4us411.4tain_m
orda he-raosteetrik
1. a ,
re ttill syrnbed act ' eottld
etiYfle feetty clear later \ (v.rse
t meanwhile rejettion •of
would be a preetieel
the teechfrrnd
-ere* 8); a., 'flint whnt t
itad done for their bodies,our
'greatly " had done for their
te, tzturio`.itiey w Oteark (*it
nC-tti)fl 01 0t who II1
In sinning itgelnitt
"44: 10. 11); 4. , Ott thou
titan' in the tem, cf-Ilod
teti -ntaet with a sinful, World' del.
go013. •
ax„ Ingo? ;Iiitif;
- .A11 in. .0„#
• th .svpnrete.'f-"e‘S4...14,rt',..-140thrci.
, cUi.4.ng .the let,loth et,t,01,
Potato. Let t,hent• *tan eteice water
or ,40 hone or. MO Drain and
Wilatt them, 'dry, put' fat or Olive (11
tete: 'tein erileg 'kettle ,to„ thee qieptb
at, about -four inclieefrnit tokyvt, . it
scatekin hot. Put_t_le_trita ssr.: te,
tr 0-7-1" • this
ow y the ing a fits
tat rising to the to be an.
Nearly' .ell the steam pass away,
/ f 1 el.& 11 If Ata 0
potatoee for about ten, minutes, _ be-
teg' careful not to let them get too
brown. Lift tee\ basket hem the
hot fat iind set on a plate. Dredge
the potatoes with salt; then shake
well and serve iediareiy. For
thin fried potatoes, cut the vevtable
.in broad slices and no thicker than
a wafer. Let these soak in cold wa,-
ter for twelve hours or more. This
• will' remove inueh of the starch and
coloring matter. Put the potatoe0
• Itet..../stetheelretettntilltenireleoettle tom
them quickly, as they must be crisp
when put in the hot fat-. Cook about
if pint at a t,ients keeping them
in the fat for ten. minutes- for they
must be crisp throughout. 'Diain. and
dredge with -Salt: Thin fried reitatoes
ulaY be served either hot or cold.
Tbis is one if the most satisfacter
Ihint---eafiTho*Sereed at any tasar-airi
cold luncheeereeStreeetliolatonliesliou
be boiled tor one hour 'mei then par
,lend cooked the same as French
feW °Woes, Serve at once. •
•ittacaroons-Illete enaestroons are to
be tilThrde. the day they are needed,
1,088 le. Take two and. hall cps
of r re- Wo terispoenfuif
silt, three even tableepoonfuls, of
butter, one .cup of sugars three . eggs
beaten separately, and a little vane
Ilia. Cream the butter and stigaie
add the yokes of the eggs. then the
oatmeal and baking powder., , the
vanilla, and last the whites of the
eggs.. Drop in very small teaspoon,
t_uie_aejeetreeW____tlnit_threee or four.
'Mos apart •k in a slow
oven till' brown. Remove from the
•tins . while wann. _
Surprise caltilake idly nice cake
batter in small. rather deep rpund
tins, and while warm cut a circle in
the top of -etch ford take out the in -
„Btu"' ; IBS with -whipped_ creaneeakeet-
ened and flavored, put on top1 and
cotter with boilteldng„with chore,
elate or vanilla In it
Cocoanut Cream. -Put one pound
-of, loaf zeugar Andel_ gill , water
Into- 'a saucepan, and pies's over a
slow fire. When theeirigareis all dis-
solved add a pinch of cream of tar-
tar, boll up, skim if necesstiry, and
- /Arnim liedinig fin the thermoute-
----registers -degrees: If -you
:have no thermometer, try the Sugar
ins-sccild weter. Itits
ciently to make a soft ball between
the lingers. it. is done. Remove. the
until-it---bieonies--clo' • n
our on •a gr f.;11 or' t
of sugar in the *same! way, color it,
. Keandelle.nrat.....011-1 th
.iteeeNtienenefirry-eoldeekat--u --
English Economy. ---The brisket of
• beef is used for pressed beef trim
stilted, andeireewtrved -cold. or you
can ha,ye frfeA; and serye it 'hot
• with vegetables. The flank, raore es-
pecially the boneless part, it stuiled
- ilersintiehoilediseiteveur-Aesselal
Ott treeil. As preferrede-Airotteer w
is to keep it some days in brine viith
.spiees. and then cook it with vegeta-
bles, and serve cold. The aitch -bone
is generally salted and boiled, the
blitt-odlte4tietith. elip_into..-stealics for
stewing, or for matt -pies 'itir pit&
The eilitte is made into a ate*.
an t TffM_IPs_
of egg tiro
*poen of salt, and beat until light.
'Add one-half teaspoonful of dry Aria -
tad And beat again, 'Then WO
olitte oil, (UV by drop, until it bee
gine to thielcen. s. few 'drop*
ef vinegar and the Sett* atnount of
lemon juice. Continuo this procees
until the dressin 11 little
Verse 1. Now before the feast of
• etiserchateesset-;
regularle appointed day of the feaeit.
Darin titre which followe.
et. a use h
• His hour was come -Until which
time all plots against his life on •
the part of eere-n his most formidable •
enefiliPS necessarily -futile -
Ills ..olrit--:hote who had become
such by chef through faith in him. ;
The expreseion must be taken to -
ether with **es firave that wereitt
the world. 1.4ng in the world they
were rteverte- :es, no- -longer "of thel
world.". but inenebers now of **the
kingdom of heaven." pf which he
their Ifirerte-itetTalistIW-Itifig.
of his assistants, John Richardson,
tliireupan fired on the mole ltilring a
lad, named Christopher t_enider,
The latter was at once &Mete
the "First Martyr of Liberty." and
v--ETirbody was aiffOr7041 to its last
resting -place by no fewer than, one
hundred thousand persons. • Intim-
matory speeches were delivered 'nt
the graveside, and these quickly
found-nneeelue-all over-theecoun
and In a little while therolitter---the-
embers of revolt
'That flainese thus • lightly kindled,
wee not .finally -eetingolehed untit
October, 1781. when 7 ord Ceti/mai-
lis and his entire •army of seven
possibly. as itt tbo marginal render- niut IHnireferro-i-T-T-i117-gatiiii was ci
ing, unto the uttermost. The cause of the extraordinary "Ilebec-
thought. doubtlees, is that lie love lea" insurrection. whlgh broke out
for them went to eatreme lengths, lin North Wales in *1843. Parties of
not being. Influenced by the silo:Teeing five and six hundred men, armed and
and death for them which It involved. *mounted. used nightly to traverse
2. During supper -,-From lohn x,fl the counties of Carmarthen, Pero -
29 and xvili.„ 28 it sestets evident 'broke,. Cardigan, Sind Bree067'.-1fltey
hat_the fourth etraneerliete Were. always, led by a .fall man, dress-
Ificelly to distinguish thI-sup44MinTmftle attire. and 4t ---was
per from the **easter peittoter feast his command -always that the t011 -
which on the de's: ef crucifixiew was gates were thrown down and the
stilt to be eaten. All three of the 'toll -houses burnt,.
synoptiets. however. spesdc of , this La bodielt of military were seat
stance on recor of how,- Y. Jim'
• er certalitsronditions,--the smould-
ering embers of discontent .tnay be
vouring-flamer- of arinede
In JanuarY, 1857. a Man staP103red
near Delhieln...reniletter eartridges for
the new Enfield rifles, asked a Sepoy
of the 2nd Native Infantry for a
draught Of water from his drinking-
oe._The_eaoseeer wankati indignessit
refnsal, axe pet-hiC but
touched the lips of the IoW-castei Ar-
tisans it would have been polluted
for ever.
Thereupon the workman replied
.withea. sneer that the -Soo, need wit
be so particular, as the new cart'
•ridges were grea'seil With bullock fat
eeffetlie;' -
fire. veriations Of It .being „Utilize('
according to the eeligiou* prejudices
of the listeners. Thus the Hindus
Were told that the grease Was that
of the sacred cow. whilsethe Mordent
sOldiere were' assuried Una it came
,-front the unclean swine. Others,
again, asserted that it was a mix.
irelreitr-stippit---its-e-pe.veiireirref4into----the-dinuftie4-11ket ,
!which due-nttd-- special preparationilwell did •the- "Rebecca:It-en"' keep -
bad been eta& at On request - ot their cent:eliteand so Secretly did
Jesma (comp. Matt. level.. tv,30: they tratnage their forays,, that no
Perhaps the key to a orreet tinder -
!deeding of those apparently diver-
gent etatetrente is to be found lit tIte
w rds of Jesus as recorded by Luke:
have 464ired to eat thltt Passover
with you 15:_1ore 1 suffer: for 1 say
unto yob. I shall not eat it until it
be fulfilled in the kingdom of God"
(Luke ;tali ' 15, 16) --the regular
pamover. being tints anticipated by
one day, since Jesus knew that on
the tiitrreve he matt 'steer and stie.•
4. Sits- gartnentse-eihe fooee • '
.01 filch would be in t Per-
fottiving an ant of 'service such as
tgen to **oh tho dieeiplitue feet4.
for them the
,r thi the ilaaIi It., among
. d had a eontroyerey
the _question "Otitis of tbeat
ii be- sccounted the greatest.'
ke 24)
their proeeedings; and itt the end
they succeeded in demolishing prac-
tically all the obnoxions barriers itt
the district e where they operated.
Muth disetiesion hat atieen regard.-
ing the curioui. title adopted by
these insurrections, but the most
generally received 'opinion is .that
it was derived originally from OW
Iliblical story of liebeceit and reeve
1,°Let. tliy seed,r said the bride' e re-
it/041s lied friends, ."poteettse the
'get* of then* Width hate thee.
ThE -Y-7-14*-1111,0,Parria
is the nam&, th. by Autorictin
*riot* soutbreak
IVILO1*-- and
en, atteMtit to
spirittts, Of.
'the new statute
troope were n warritigt into
eta' *4 the pea*.
pia still morer, th. rog btootirso
ApPly *trona hydroehlerie
(felitit of Sett) to the Stein%
weeds all *cid away with clean
ter. '
To motor, int
ttlier's with clean
Warm w and a leather.
TO ret e iron MOlii• front Iiaait
klAti with solution aelta atil
!Karin Water,- ell: r nee,'in
t,'‘e ;lea
Water, •:*rtiti. with. tUrnitur
.POlishe „.
• lb s 1 jelii;''ellerretil413.Witit
,.90.4i0ed Oteel Jewellery
It p liept by storing., in
airtight ',bere,, with MS **Aboteneesitt
powder s • e • * "
- To^ renovate Ch;ina 044tt3.04,:t4-,
0 riieove Rub ,
warm salt .aed water and ipe dry
ith' a cloth., • This pro ts the
nitiU-Ttirirrntrottr. •
theniliresea wa.ter or in solution
'cit sea s:ilt. ' This le practiced
- in -the -Vier
To revive alabaster.-Waeh with!
soap and water. It much tioiled, cov-v
er with .alisciste of quicklime arid.
water, leave for twenty-four hour*
and wash off with soap and water.
To clean • stained marble, rub with
diluted hydrochloric acid or vinegar:"
Anne' with clean wittee; When the
marka are rerrioved. 'and wash after-
wards with Soap and water.
'lb whiten ivory, rub with pumice
powder anti, water to remove steins
and dirt. and (dish with eocip ande
shine under ti, glues Shade.
To remove dirt freiti baths, eater. -
exit dirt Ls readily. rentoVed -with a
rag soaked with parellhe oil. The ,
remaining tracea of Oil may be elim-
inated- -by-Washing- -with- soap- pow. -
To clean seiving machines flood the
wilt disisolvo the cienead this which
• ...wiped away-witle-reere =-
earettlteoit holes with -a- a crochet
hook.' .• •
*Trireinievi e --grease stairurtroze
pets, add hall a pint of ox gall to
a pea et a er; ru this itt-tritli
To retrive patent leather, rub- with
a linen rag soaked with olive oil or.
-milk-polish with it dry:, soft dusters
Cream and'linseed oil in equal parts •
ace a good polish for patent leather '
boots. •
To polish gold jewellery, wash .
soap and water, rinse .well, and pol-
ish with eweller's rouge and a, mit
water 41 the jewellery contains pearls
°Pars. ••
Never wash combs to clearithern,
Clean with a stiff brush, sucti-as is
sold for the purpose, and eripe with -
a. soli cloth. The coarse teeth may
be ,cleaned. by drawing, them over
stretched string.
--To renovate cane -seated chairs,
• as - the nipper -cane_ surface with
soap and water, invert and flood the
esereeneface-_-witele.hot_ water. _
In the open air: treilitinent* -
tightens up the cane. work.
The ' Terse Sayings of
- '
....c4Tigthevora. womanly draws: us above,.
et_Viaman- _eaughs_when_shVcai-12-tii_
The ultimate, resift was. of course,
the sudden • uprising of practically
our entire native intliani,ermY, and
the slaughter in cold blood of MOM,
mbattuttmen„ -women, and- c1111A-
dren. Pearson's Weekly.
Professor Pester, of the trniVeraty
of Mina's; has compiled a. curious
vetuino of statistic* relating to 'Iwo.
resistor people, end containing 8.-
602 names. it is shown that 111Us1.
eittilS• gain sureevi itt the WI/est
age; thescientists et An early ate;.
the actor arid the fiti,ther neat; the
iniaotors gain_theit place slowly, tio
one hOIOW„ the rage Of tertr' being
inelteled M the book. • Women teeth
tweets* ih alt sllings. 0004 Iti
'Wok; and ott. the stage, litter tha
lore been neted
tend' to develop
simost-an otht
that t4 per een
men; o
ore fintnert IOW of the, . ust
a sprinkle 'or cayenne pepper.
Crown\, ItOrtstr'No meet is ,so at*
tractive tor nistoring -dinner as a, fine
crown roest of limb. in cooking it
well_ covered edth butterd-
they will not burn, and in
put a Whitt frill on each. The center
is often fined with forcetnest halls.
* carrots cut into
ekes, teith ittrelps prepared in the
11101141 WaYi itestinfid-gitilte„.$11.111Y3.
YOU ra-ri ad1 a few pees to the mix- 11011th101x- _
,mtUlititinsd,oi11;roith.g.1.16vylivitpabosswidtli _tniletintut ittiattlivra,00, 2::::,tatiohtttn;_ritl:outblve:itetioli.F.iet)46combee,ntvitanute;b1b3rmtholioilii001.77,7---
this, matt, :
T13. •
ItelP of sPeerho4Itiglitico't:
women do not know
Discretion .1 more More wesssitty to
tfouble to/ s well than
to speak
tha1' Ve'efrpettf_ttieglal,T109,e _ . --eeee-_eef
rtt0 it( no pleasures where
en are not.-311arie De Roinieu.
' -no
'calf • titu-r- rcitirel
Ftiendship between two women is
always e. 'plot against each other -
Coquettes are like- hunters, who
are fond of hunting. but do not eat
hiTirtjet beautiful *Objeet la the
world. it Will be AllOWed, is re beau-
titel woman. -Macaulay. .
Women's ,tiymPtithies give et toetts,
Ilke the haris of 'Aeolus., to the,
slightest breather -Mitchell. ,
God bless all good women!' TO
their scdt hands and pitying hearts'
how to look pretty.--lierryer.
• Neither education- tior tauten gives
• women much: seeurity agaimit the ice*
„lineare or example.--johns&n. = ;
One woman reeds another Women**
charatter without the tedious train.
his of decipiteriago,-.11ett Janson. .
vf 'love like Wheat On
oak, grow These
ity can And no soil to nurture it*
• .r.he ate ynix tyro good wdertaa ,
the world; one of them is .deed, and
other,Lis_not,,to„,„he follude41
It women it young *WI
think you r..11 toe her good I�oki *11
the better for her being plainly &tees
art all great occasions it is alttioet
stisr women Who Is*. given the
'proofs •of ;virtue laid de-,
To Puriflo SPOnitti1., soitk for tivent.
four tour* In. bvittermlik and t
it will in tepid water.
without soap. Sprinkle with do not•kwit tiitto
wet, and ,Polith' Lebtenz
, •. -The' wo' -10167,10e0-u
mildew ti'*°M limvt• *.ell woman, the women
OP ,thettPotlik *-1:4t12--4,e,t*dtr* wentita teing„ ishoSe
,eird dry 'in thei oisitt olio& thepris:ni through
lo llopeat it'Oceessary, • . wi see h.latitn.
tike outt*taGiri
' titian*
ried With wine or fruit Inlet may "
delotned by holding the stlitinell Though
height wetting*,
abOve the seigs
rts in tolling \milli. 5.
To de/Mae gilt frerne*,eWipt; stitly theirtotal
ith * sotto dartitied 'With ..(irekitile height IS belpW tbe *s.teie Miring
tot or, nit of tt?trontint, \cud a1-ti6 thelienvr Aretic expedition
to dry ,Oif' 1' Lierbet.Cttiree' Miles pi (lenelt. itais
twat :Ittiklitoti
- y